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Sheilers check-in

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:14 pm
by Sheiler
I've been doing really well since I started No-S April 10th. Today I could technically say that I'm on habit. No Snacking, 2 "meals" so far, but one meal was two pieces of toasted cinnamon bread, and the second meal was one and a half peanut butter and jelly sandwiches -three more pieces of bread, plus jam! While it technically fit nicely on one plate, all of that bread is not a good thing for me, and not what I have normally been doing at all. I'm thinking there is an emotional component here. The guys have started dismantling my kitchen, tearing out and rearranging. There's always the feeling that the whole thing could come crashing down, as they move walls and change structure. Of course, I realized that I was self soothing with carbs AFTER I ate them, but at least I realized it. I have one more meal today, and it is going to be a healthy one - and No More Bread for today!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 2:00 am
by blueskighs
The guys have started dismantling my kitchen, tearing out and rearranging.
oh my gosh! just the THOUGHT of that sounds stressful to me :D
be extra nice to yourself during this process!


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:27 pm
by Sheiler
Thanks, BlueSkighs, it's going to be going on for at least a month, so I need to find a way to zen out without going for the goodies. So far today, so good.
I did have a much more healthy dinner last night - stir fried asparagus and beef over brown rice, and a few cherries. I forgot to eat breakfast this morning until it was almost noon. Had a soy latte with splenda - I know I could do it with sugar, but I'm used to it this way - so I really wasn't hungry.
I'm finding that eating breakfast is a challenge. I like breakfast, but I don't like being in the kitchen while they're working, and they get here really early. I had been doing well at getting breakfast in before they started working inside the house again, so I expect this will be a fairly short-lived challenge.

I was cleared to go back to work next week. I had abdominal surgery 6 weeks ago, so I've been mostly at home since then. It will be interesting to see if it gets harder once I'm out and about more. I've been historically bad at fixing myself a lunch to take with me, and I didn't used to have breakfast before I left in the morning. This will be the ultimate challenge to see if I can take No-S into the real world. It's been fairly easy while I've been mostly at home.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:53 am
by Sheiler
It's amazing to me that the snacking behavior has disappeared so completely. I was such a late night snacker!! Now I might think about it, but I don't act on it. It's also weird that I don't want to go nuts with sweets when I have the opportunity. Tonight we had strawberries with vanilla ice cream - a lot more strawberries than ice cream. I wasn't going to take today as an S day because I figured Sunday and Monday would be plenty, but it just seemed like an S day today. I don't think I'm losing much at the moment, but I'm developing better habits in eating. That's good anyway.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:33 am
by Sheiler
Okay, so I'm not really getting the DAILY aspect of this checkin situation. Life is very busy these days, and I've had few real challenges with this new lifestyle "thingy". I did have my first RED day last week. An old friend of my DH dropped by. We had dinner, then he stayed the night. I made snacks - something I've been able to completely ignore on N days (to my immense surprise!). It was not only a snack, but a sweet! Chocolate dipped strawberries. I absentmindedly took one and ate it. Then I not so absentmindedly ate a second one! Now, the fact that I stopped with two is the next thing to a miracle, but it was a real slip-up. T

I always knew that the real challenge for me would be social eating. I haven't done much of it so far since I started No-S-ing, but summer is almost upon us and that will be a real test of my ability to stay on track.

On the positive side, I didn't take this slip as an excuse to continue snacking. I didn't wait until the next day to start again, I just acknowledged the slip and got back to doing what I know I need to do for my mental and physical health. What a concept :!: