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Moxie's Check-in #3

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:46 pm
by Writer110
I have been doing NoS since May 12th. I have definitely noticed some big changes such as - feeling more comfortable with smaller meals and a HUGE decrease in the craving for sweets. This is the most unbelievable thing for me because I've always thought of myself as someone with an insatiable sweet tooth. However, I've found now that since I'm not restricting what I eat or depriving myself of foods I love, I rarely want sugar. And if I do, it's usually for emotional reasons or fatigue.

I am starting a new check-in because although I'm feeling relatively secure with NoS I have been seeing that it's getting a little sloppy. Also, I've been getting a little sloppy with some other habits that I'd like to start working on. I keep going back and forth on where to chart them and I'm just going to do it here. So I'll be tracking:

Glass Ceiling
HT (personal goal)

Hopefully this won't get too overwhelming, if it feels like too many habits to work on I'll adjust it. :D

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:04 pm
by OrganicGal
It's good that you're re-focusing Moxie. I had to do the same thing, which I started 40 days ago and it's going great. Have you noticed how many of us on here have done similar things in re-focusing but NONE of us have left or quit? Now that really truly shows that the No S plan is a plan for life! Not a short term 'diet' that we can't sustain, and quit at the first set back or when it gets to be to confining and restricting. I LOVE THIS PLAN!! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:15 pm
by OrganicGal
BTW Moxie, what does KUTWG stand for?