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Freckles' Check-In

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:49 pm
by Freckles
So I've been on the No-S diet since Wednesday. It's been less difficult to acclimatize than I thought it would be. My biggest bear is No Snacks. I do pretty good until I get home from work, or at, say 1:00am when I let the dog out and wait 20 minutes or so for him to do whatever it is he's doing. But the no Sweets and No Seconds has been very easy.

Except last night--Friday night--we went out to eat with a longtime friend whose grandmother had just died this week--and we went to a Chinese buffet. Oh, yes.

Now, I know I shouldn't substitute another day as a No-S day--so what do y'all do when you find yourself in this predicament?

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:23 pm
by NoelFigart
It depends on how strict you wanna be.

I choose to list it as a failure to comply with habit that day and move on from there. ... &t=Workout There's a link to my own habitcal.

(Green means I complied with the habit, yellow means the day was exempt, and red means I failed).

Other people choose to do things differently, so you need to pick what works for you. My GOAL right now is to ingrain my eating habits as deeply as I ingrained the Glass Ceiling ones. Yeah, I'll lose weight doing it, but that's secondary to what I'm doing. I'm going for days on habit here.

Some people do choose to switch it around. It really depends. Have you checked out Reinhard's book, by the way. He explains the system well.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:57 pm
by howfunisthat

Ditto what Noel said...

The book is really helpful....if you haven't read it, we'd recommend getting's like the texbook that goes with the plan.

Welcome to the forum Freckles...we're all here to support each other so come back'll find a lot of encouragement here....
