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Sophiasapientia's Check-In

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:47 am
by sophiasapientia
Here's a place for me to keep track of my progress.

My name is Shannon. I'm 33 years old and my weight has been a challenge for years. At my highest, I weighed 193 lbs, far too many for my 5'3". I lost the excess weight over a period of a couple years through diet (low carb) and exercise (mostly walking) and have kept most of it off. At the moment, I would love to shed an extra 5-10 vanity pounds and I would like to do it in a way that is healthy and in a way that I can maintain for life. I look forward to beginning my NoS journey ... :D

Updated April 1, 2010:
Just wanted to give an update. Since discovering No S in November 2008, I've fallen off the wagon twice. The first time I tried it for about a month, liked it, fell off the wagon over the holidays, gained weight and didn't hop back on track for few months. The second time I lost about 5 lbs relatively quickly and then the weight loss slowed and I got frustrated and after a few months decided to do my own thing. My "own thing" led my to gain 10 pounds between September and December 2009 :roll: at which point, when I began looking at the prospect of counting calories or carbs and couldn't stomach it. I decided to give No S another go.

This third time, things just clicked. Partly I think my attitude was different in that my primary objective is to focus on habit and my goal was to eat in a moderate way that I could see myself doing for life even if the weight loss took awhile. Also, I've incorporated some tweaks which seem to work for me. So far I've lost 15 pounds and am well within the healthy range for my height. My current goal is to continue on course with No S and consistent, moderate exercise and see where my weight settles.

Here's what I'm doing:

Vanilla No S -- I do plain, good 'ol vanilla No S with unrestricted S Days. I also rarely drink anything with calories between meals on N Days.

S Days -- As I mentioned, I have unrestricted S Days. However, I generally follow the basic 3 meal structure with some added treats. I don't generally permasnack. I like to plan out at least one special treat for each S Day ... something I've really been wanting. We often eat out once or twice on the weekend. I look forward to S Days. :)

Exercise -- I've exercised consistently for years and it was a well-engrained habit long before I discovered No S. Mostly I walk or do nordic skiwalking. More recently, I wear a pedometer and try to get in over 12,000 steps on N Days and stay active on S Days as well. I think, for myself, if I'm following a moderate diet, exercise is especially essential.

Some of my Dietary Defaults:

9-inch plates: In 2009, I picked up a set of 9-inch plates. I use these for dinner and sometimes lunch at home. (Usually my breakfast plate is smaller and I often eat soup for lunch.) I don't worry about plate size when I'm out. I figure if the standard plate size was about 9" inches in the 1970s, prior to when our nation had an obesity epidemic, it is good enough for me.

Meal size: On N Days, I usually have a smallish breakfast with coffee in the morning. For lunch, I often have a big bowl of homemade veggie-based soup and hunk of good bread or a piece of fruit with some cheese. Something filling but not huge. For dinner, I have standard fare ... a plate of whatever I'm feeding my family. I refuse to count calories but I recognize that I'm short/don't have huge calorie needs and this is a painless way to keep things in check.

Friday night pizza: I usually make homemade pizza, served with salad or some cut-up veggies, for dinner on Friday night. This works great because my family loves pizza and I feel like I'm getting an end-of-the-week treat without violating the No S rules.

Tracking: I weigh in daily and graph my weight. I also keep a food journal here on the Boards. I know that Reinhard advises against weighing too much but I actually find it very helpful to see trends over time. If either the journaling or the weight graphing ever become burdensome, I'll stop but for now I find them useful/enjoyable.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:28 am
by blueskighs



Day 1

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:16 am
by sophiasapientia
Thank you Blueskighs! Congratulations on your success! :D

Day 1

B -- Bowl of Grape Nuts w/ milk, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey sandwich w/ cheese on sesame Ezekial bread, raw broccoli, small bag Doritos, Hazelnut coffee w/splenda
D (at favorite Middle Eastern restaurant) -- Cup of lentil soup, 2 small rounds of fresh-baked pita bread and hummus
Later -- Herbal tea

Exercise: 2 miles of walking

Had a good first day with this WOE. I went to see an early showing of Twilight with my mom while the kiddo was in school and snuck my lunch in my purse in lieu of snacking. Worked great! 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:57 am
by blueskighs
snuck my lunch in my purse in lieu of snacking
Cool idea,


Day 2

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:50 pm
by sophiasapientia
Day 2

B -- Bowl of Grape Nuts w/ milk, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Bowl of peasant soup, piece of Olga bread, coffee w/ splenda & creamer
D -- Turkey w/ cheddar sandwich on sesame Ezekial bread, small bag Doritos, steamed asparagus

Exercise: Did a lot of walking while running errands. Will also do WATP DVD after kiddo goes to bed.

So far, so good. DH and DD5 were both on vacation and we had a nice family day.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I plan to workout a little and pretty much eat what I want. I'm still figuring out how I want to handle the coming weekend. I think 2 more S days seem like a lot, given that I'm just starting this WOE and will likely be pigging out a bit on T-Day. I'm considering taking one mild S day (basically 3 balanced meals plus a dessert at some point), mostly likely on Sunday, and then making Saturday a No S. We'll see.

Bought "The No S Diet" book today while I was out and I look forward to reading that while sipping on a nice cup of tea this evening. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 6:31 pm
by 3aday
I love, love, love Leslie Sansone!
Welcome to No S!
I hope you come to love No S as much as I do!

Day 3

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:32 am
by sophiasapientia
Hi Becky! Yeah, Leslie is the best! :D WATP workouts are a great option, especially when it is too cold (or late, lol) to go outside. Congratulations on your success with No S! ... I love reading about how much others love it. I'm really enjoying it so far as well. :wink:

Day 3
Early L -- On one plate: A little bit of turkey and ham, cornbread stuffing, cranberry relish, sweet potato casserole, hashbrown casserole plus a biscuit w/ butter and part of a piece of pumpkin pecan pie, unsweetened iced tea w/splenda
Later in the evening -- Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider, 1/3 piece iced lemon loaf
Later -- Hamburger & medium fries from McD's
And then -- Rest of piece of pumpkin pecan pie

Exercise: 45 minutes of walking

OK, I totally pigged out today while having a nice day with my family. And I feel fine about it. I'm normally pretty good about not overdoing it, and this certainly won't be a typical S-Day for me ... but I'm of the opinion that my birthday and major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas are acceptable times to go overboard. :wink: Tomorrow is a new (N) Day.

Day 4

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:33 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 4

B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Plate of pasta w/ feta, roma tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, red onions & spinach
Coffee w/ splenda and creamer
D --Turkey sandwich w/cheddar on sesame Ezekiel bread, 1/2 banana, small bag Cheetos

Exercise: 45 minutes of walking/jogging/ab work

Day 5

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:26 pm
by sophiasapientia
Day 5

B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey sandwich w/cheddar on sesame Ez bread, clementine, cucumber slices, small bag Doritos
At Movie (We took DD to see Bolt): Coffee w/splenda
D -- Bowl of chili w/ shredded cheddar and a little sour cream and piece of fresh baked bread w/ butter

Exercise: 2 mile walk with family

I made the mistake of stepping on the scale this morning and it was up 1.5 lbs from when I started. Granted this wasn't the smartest move given that T-Day was not so long ago and TOM is due soon. I'm going to wait until I have a total of 10 green days before I weigh again. I opted not to do S today as I am still recovering from the holidays and didn't feel the need but I will treat myself to a dessert or something tomorrow.

Day 6

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:34 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 6

B -- Grapenuts, small glass OJ
L (lunch @ local Mexican restaurant) -- Chips & salsa then 1 beef taco, rice & beans & a diet coke
D -- small bowl of chili, piece of fresh baked bread w/ butter, small clementine
Later (while driving around looking at Christmas lights) -- 1/2 Starbucks Salted caramel hot chocolate

Exercise: 30 minutes of walking/jogging

Day 7

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:57 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 7

B -- Grapenuts, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey & cheddar sandwich on rosemary bread, clementine, small bag potato chips, Coke Zero
D -- Homemade meat sauce over roasted veggies w/ a little parm cheese, slice of rosemary bread w/ butter

Exercise: 3 miles of walking

Day 8

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:40 pm
by sophiasapientia
Day 8
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey & cheddar sandwich on sesame EZ bread, clementine, small bag potato chips, Coke Zero
D -- Sloppy Joe casserole, spinach salad, small serving of Munchos

Exercise: 3 miles of walking

Day 9

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:40 pm
by sophiasapientia
Day 9

B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey & cheddar sandwich on sesame EZ bread, clementine, small bag chips, Coke Zero
D -- Sloppy Joe casserole, spinach salad, small serving of Munchos

Exercise: 2 miles of walking

No S has seemed pretty effortless so far. Tonight at dinner was the first time I thought about seconds but I decided against it. I'm not weighing in until next week so am uncertain of my progress in terms of the scale. I know I have some things I can tweak (like cutting back on OJ, chips, etc) if need be.

I'd like to try shovelglove and have given the idea of a sledgehammer to a couple of people who wanted Christmas ideas. No takers so far, though, LOL. :lol: I may have to buy one for myself. Maybe after Christmas.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:17 pm
by starflower
You are doing so well! Keep up the great work and self care. I know what its like to be so close to your goal. Personally, I definitely know what it's like when clothes just don't fit. I hope to know what it's like to MAINTAIN my goal weight year in year out....this dream is what attracts me to the whole No S concept.


Day 10

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:26 pm
by sophiasapientia
Thanks so much Starflower! :D It seems that one of the beautiful things about No S is that maintaining should be a breeze since we basically keeping on doing the exact same thing. We can do it! One day at a time and we'll get there!

Day 10
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey & cheddar sandwich on sesame EZ bread, clementine, red pepper slices, small portion of Munchos, Coke Zero
D -- Chicken & dressing casserole, Amaretto cranberry sauce (made w/ splenda), 1/2 small baked sweet potato

Exercise: 3 miles of walking

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:09 am
by howfunisthat
Hi Shannon,

Just wanted to pop in and cheer you on! You're doing great....definitely don't worry about the scale. There are so many fluctuation factors & it's just not important enough to be concerned right now. I've been here since August & still haven't weighed myself...I've lost...I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in a long time...but even more importantly, I've changed from the inside out. I'm learning to control my eating instead of my eating controlling me. I don't know of another program out there that accomplishes that for anyone. glad you're here & doing well. If you haven't read Richard's book, it's full of great info...well worth getting it.


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:04 am
by sophiasapientia
Hi Janie! Thanks so much for the encouragement and congratulations on your success! I totally agree with you about changing from the inside out being the most important thing. No S just feels so sane. It doesn't feel like a diet at all. This is definitely something I could stick with on a lifetime basis. :D

I'm not overly concerned with the scale. I feel like I'm making good strides and looking leaner. I'm pretty confident that I'm heading in the right direction. :wink: :arrow: :wink: Yay!

Day 11

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:14 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 11
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage patty, small glass OJ
L -- Turkey & cheddar sandwich on sesame EZ bread, clementine, baby spinach, small portion of Munchos, Coke Zero
D (at Middle Eastern restaurant) -- Lentil soup, hummus & pita bread

Exercise: 2.5 miles of walking

Day 12

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:13 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 12
B -- Grapenuts, small glass OJ
L (@ Chipotle's) -- Steak burrito, a few chips and salsa, diet coke
D -- Baked sweet potato, clementine, a little amaretto cranberry sauce, a few munchos

Exercise: Day Off

Today was a decent S day. Went out for lunch with DH while DD was at a playdate and the burrito I ordered was huge. I ate the whole thing and wasn't all that hungry at dinnertime. I'm craving a dessert at the moment but there isn't anything in the house that seems "worth it," just some leftover Halloween candy, and it is too cold and snowy to go out right now. I think I'll have a dessert as my special S day treat tomorrow instead. :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:24 am
by 3aday
Great S day!
I love clementines myself!
I just picked up some at the grocery store!
Keep up the good work :D

Day 13

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:36 am
by sophiasapientia
Thanks 3aDay! :D Yum ... Clementines!

Day 13
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L (out) -- Some saganaki & pita bread, french fries w/ketchup, coffee w/ splenda and creamer. Ordered a bowl of chicken/lemon/rice soup but it was pretty tasteless so only had a couple bites.
Later (also out, at a local pie shop) -- A slice of chocolate cream pie (yum!) and some coffee w/splenda and creamer

Exercise: A little shoveling, 30 minutes of walking

I'm loving this WOE! It is so nice to be able to eat normal food and treat myself once in awhile without obsessing. =)

I'm planning on switching up my S days a bit this week. I'm hosting a family holiday gathering on Friday night and we have plans to meet friends for lunch on Saturday so I want to designate those days as S. I also have my monthly Bookclub meeting on Thursday night and I need to figure out what to do about that. I think we're meeting at a restaurant this time so I'll either have a late dinner or just order coffee or a glass of wine. Next Sunday will be a No S. I don't really feel comfortable with having more than 2 S days in a week at this point in time.

Day 14

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:18 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 14
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L -- Mexican-style lentils, clementine, Coke Zero
D -- Meatloaf, company mashed potatoes, steamed sugar snap peas

Exercise: 3 miles of walking

Day 15

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:45 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 15
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L -- Mexican-style lentils, clementine, Coke Zero
D -- Meatloaf, company mashed potatoes, salad

Exercise: 30 minutes of walking

Day 16

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:26 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 16
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L --1/2 bagel with cream cheese, baby carrots, small bag Doritos, clementine, Coke Zero
D (McD's) -- Hamburger, part of an order of medium fries, coffee w/splenda & creamer

Exercise: 3 miles of walking and a little shoveling

Finally stepped on the scale this morning and it said 126.8 ... I'll take it, especially at this time of the year! :)

Day 17

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:51 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 17
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L -- 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, baby carrots, small bag Cheetos, clementine, Coke Zero
D -- Oven fried chicken, company mashed potatoes, salad

Exercise: 3 miles of walking

Day 18

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:34 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 18
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L --1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, baby carrots, small bag Doritos, clementine, Coke Zero
Snack -- Spinach dip w/ Wheat Thins & carrots, M&Ms and peanuts
D -- Alfredo lasagna, winter greens & fruit salad w/ poppyseed dressing, garlic bread, wine
Dessert -- lemon pudding dessert

Exercise: Day Off

Day 19

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:51 pm
by sophiasapientia
Day 19
L (out for lunch w/ friends) --2 beef tacos, some rice & beans, orange juice
Treat (Starbucks) -- Spiced caramel apple cider and 1/3 piece gingerbread
D -- Ramen, a few M&Ms & peanuts, a couple apple slices

Exercise: Not feeling 100% so took the day off

Day 20

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:36 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 20
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L -- 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, 1/2 banana, baby carrots, small bag Doritos
D -- Hamburger, baked potato

Exercise -- 30 minutes walking

Day 21

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:14 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 21
B -- Grapenuts, soy sausage, small glass OJ
L -- 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, baby carrots, clementine, small bag Doritos
D -- Caesar salad, fresh baked bread, pineapple

Exercise -- 3 miles of walking

21 Days!!! Woohoo!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:06 pm
by howfunisthat
21 days!!!! Congratulations! You're doing really well.....and what a great mile-stone!



Day 22

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:58 am
by sophiasapientia
Thanks so much Janie! :D

Day 22
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small glass OJ
L -- 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, baby carrots, clementine, small bag Doritos
D -- Egg salad sandwich, carrots, munchos

Exercise -- 3 miles of walking

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:42 am
by blueskighs



Day 23

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:06 am
by sophiasapientia
Thanks so much Blueskighs! :D

Day 23
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small glass OJ
L -- 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, baby carrots, clementine, small bag Doritos
D -- Egg salad sandwich, carrots, munchos

Exercise -- Shoveling

Day 24

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:37 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 24
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small glass OJ
L -- 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, baby carrots, clementine, small bag Cheetos
D (Noodles) -- Mac & cheese w/ broccoli
Bookclub -- A few fried appetizers & decaf

Not a low calorie day, that's for sure.

Exercise -- 4 miles of walking

Day 25

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:31 pm
by sophiasapientia
Day 25
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small glass OJ
L -- Ramen, clementine
D -- Pizza, salad

Exercise -- Tons of shoveling

Day 26

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:00 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 26
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small glass OJ
L (Middle Eastern restaurant) -- 2 small meat pies, hummus w/ fresh-baked pita bread, unsweetened iced tea
Treat (Starbucks) -- Small salted caramel hot chocolate
D -- Ginger beef, rice, steamed broccoli, pineapple

Exercise -- Day Off

DH has been giving unsolicited compliments on my weight loss. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:29 am
by sophiasapientia
Checking in with a SUCCESS for Day 27.

We are heading out of town for the holidays early on Tuesday and, since my MIL does not have internet access, I probably won't be checking again until the new year.

My plan is to take S days on the 25th for Christmas, the 27th for a daytrip into NYC and the 30th for my DD's birthday. My MIL always has a house full of yummy goodies but I think if I stick to No S, I'll be OK. Exercise will be a bit of a challenge but I'm packing a couple of WATP DVDs and plan to do a workout most days.

Happy Holidays to All!!! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:46 pm
by sophiasapientia
I was doing very well on No S but tried to do my own thing after the holidays and gained over 10 pounds during the winter/spring months.

I restarted No S just over two weeks ago and everything is going very well. The good news is the scale read 136.4 this morning so I'm down over 4 pounds. Yay! :D Frustratingly, many of my summer clothes don't fit at this point but I'm hopeful that they will in another 8-10 lbs.

In addition to doing Vanilla S, I'm continuing with regular exercise 6-7 days a week (mostly walking/Nordic skiwalking.) This past week, I also added Shovelglove on No S days, which I'm really enjoying. :D Just prior to restarting No S, I bought some 9 inch plates (our everyday plates were 12 inches) to use for meals at home.

Today is an S Day for diet and Shovelglove and an S for exercise (I spent 1.5 hours mowing the lawn.)
Looking forward to another S day tomorrow. DH wants to go to Famous Dave's for Father's Day. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:25 am
by sophiasapientia
Day 19 of Restart -- SUCCESS
B -- Cheerios w/banana slices
L -- PBJ, banana, a few Doritos
D (Noodles & Co) -- Pasta fresca w/ feta and parm-crusted chicken

Exercise -- 30 minutes on XL Glider, 14 minutes of shovelglove

Today was a weird day. We had some contracters here to take care of some flood damage issues and it took them longer than expected, pretty much the whole day. As a result, I never made it to the grocery store and our fruit/veggie supply is rather depleted. I will have to do the shopping tomorrow instead. Thankfully, I did get up early and squeeze in a quick workout before things got too crazy. I fit shovelglove into a few spare minutes as well. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:46 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 20 -- SUCCESS
B -- Cream of wheat
L-- PBJ , 1/2 banana, carrots
D-- Baked raspberry chicken, steamed green beans, corn on the cob, strawberries

Exercise -- 2 miles skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:58 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 21 -- SUCCESS
B-- Grapenuts, small serving OJ
L -- Cottage cheese, steamed broccoli, a few ritz crackers, strawberries
D -- Homemade baked potato soup, red pepper slices (What inspired me to crockpot a huge pot of soup on a day when the temp was above 90, I don't know, but it was tasty nonetheless.)

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking, 30 minutes of lawn mowing, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:32 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 22 -- SUCCESS
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (Wendy's; took DD out to celebrate completing this round of swim lessons) -- Hamburger, side salad, a little diet soda
D-- Leftover baked potato soup, red pepper slices, homemade unsweetened applesauce

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:34 pm
by sophiasapientia
I'm down 5 lbs from when I restarted No S, just over 3 weeks ago ... That's a sack of potatoes! Yay! :D In addition, thanks to the nordic walking & shovelglove, I've definitely gained tone and lost inches, especially in the midsection and upperbody.

My mini-goal is to make it solidly back into the 120s and fit into my size 4 clothes again. I've been getting by on a very limited wardrobe for the past few months since I got rid of most bigger sized clothes a few years ago and I've been too stubborn to buy anything in larger sizes. Beyond that, I'm happy to continue the course and see where my body settles with No S and my regular exercise routine.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:24 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 23 -- SUCCESS
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Baked potato soup, broccoli
D (Potbelly) -- Italian sub, chips, diet soda

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking, 2 mile nature hike with DD, 14 minutes shovelglove

My DH will be on vacation for the next week. :D We are planning a "staycation" this year, with some day trips, so there will be some meals out.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:45 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 24-- S Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (favorite Indian restaurant) -- Veggie samosa, veggie pakora, paneer makhni w/rice, naan, raita, diet soda
D (BBQ at friend's) -- One 9-inch paperplate of assorted potluck foods (salad, pasta salad, jello salad, etc.)

Exercise -- Mowed the lawn

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:51 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 25 -- S Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (out at fabulous local pie place) -- Split smokehouse sandwich and a few chips with DH, one slice of very yummy chocolate cream pie, coffee
D -- Cheese tortellini w/marinara sauce, yellow pepper slices

Exercise -- 2 miles skiwalking w/family

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:22 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 26 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (out) -- 2 tacos, rice, beans
D -- One nine inch plate of cheese, crackers, radishes, pepper slices, carrots, strawberries

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking, nature walk w/ family, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:45 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 27 -- N Day
B (Cracker Barrel) -- On 9-inch plate: Potato casserole, 2 slices of bacon, biscuit plus coffee
L -- PBJ, carrots,radishes, grapes, a few cheese puffs
D -- Oriental chicken salad, mandarin oranges

Exercise -- Spent morning walking around Greenfield Village w/family, 30 minutes on XL Glider, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:23 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 28 -- N Day
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, 3 yummy strawberries, small serving OJ
L (out. again.) -- Bowl of veggie & lamb soup, slice of bread, coffee
D -- Leftover oriental chicken salad, grapes

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

We went to a movie this afternoon and I skipped the snacks.

I stepped on the scale this morning and, not surprisingly given the eating out, it is up a tad. It will likely be up a bit within the next week too due to that inevitable monthly gain. I'm not worried about it, though. I've been staying on track with No S and exercise and it will go down.

On a happy note, I just tried on a couple of size 4 skirts that I couldn't fit into a couple of weeks ago and they fit! Woohoo!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:01 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 29 -- N Day
B -- Grapenuts, small serving OJ
L (Panera) -- Broccoli cheddar soup, bread, coffee
D -- Cheese, crackers, grapes, carrots

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwaking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:56 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 30 -- N Day
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small serving OJ
L -- PBJ, carrots, no sugar added applesauce, a few cheese puffs
D (Red Robin) -- Hamburger, french fries

Exercise -- Lots of walking at the zoo, mowed the lawn, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:48 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 31 -- S Day/4th of July

B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
Snack -- One chicken McNugget
L (family gathering) -- Salad, Hamburger, small piece of birthday cake
D (On the road. Taco Bell.) -- Part of a Crunchwrap Supreme and a few chips with nacho sauce. Pretty gross and unsatisfying. =p

Exercise --Day off

Had a lovely 4th of July. We spent the day with some extended family who live a few hours away.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:18 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 32 -- S Day
B -- 1/2 bagel w/cream cheese small serving OJ
L (Noodles) -- Pasta Fresca w/ parm chicken
Free sample at bookstore -- Taste of S'mores mocha iced coffee
Treat -- small size serving Coldstone ice cream w/ 1 mix-in
D -- Salad w/ raspberry vinaigrette, almonds & goat cheese and some Munchos
Exercise -- 2.5 miles skiwalking w/ family

Today was the last day of our "Staycation." It was fun and I'll miss having DH home but I'm ready to get back to regular cooking and eating. The scale has been up a couple of pounds, not shocking given that we've eaten out at least once everyday for the last 11 days (yikes!) ... The good news is that I stayed on track with No S -- no red days -- and continued with my exercise routine during the whole time. It could have been much worse. Onwards ...

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:03 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Sounds like you had a wonderful Staycation, enjoyed yourself with family and friends and still kept true to No S. Not an easy task.

I know what you mean about looking forward to a "normal" schedule, tho.

You do show amazing restraint, I read your entire thread -

ONE chicken McNugget? :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:27 pm
by sophiasapientia
Thanks SR! :D Oh, and the one Chicken McNugget wasn't all that virtuous ... I swiped it from my DH. LOL! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:44 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 33 -- N Day
B -- 1/2 bagel w/ cream cheese, small serving OJ
L -- Cheese, crackers, applesauce, carrots
D -- Chicken makhani, basmati rice, cucumber slices, mango

Exercise -- 30 minutes XL Glider, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:30 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 34 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Pizza pretzel, carrots, plum
D -- Leftover chicken mahakni, basmati rice, cucumber slices, mango

Exercise -- 2 miles skiwalking w/ family, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:32 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 35 -- N Day
B -- Leftover curry over rice, small serving OJ
L -- Egg salad sandwich, plum, carrots, small serving Munchos
D -- Chili, cornbread

Exercise -- Mowed lawn, 2 miles skiwalking w/ family, 14 minutes shovelglove

My weight this morning was lower than my pre-staycation weight. Yay! 8) I'll weight-in again in another week to 10 days, after TOM. I'd love to see those 120s again by sometime in August.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:30 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 36 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, blueberry coffee w/ splenda & creamer
L -- Egg salad sandwich, carrots, small serving cheese puffs
D -- Chili, cornbread

Exercise -- 2.5 miles skiwalking w/ DD, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:41 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 37 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat
L -- Crackers, cheese, radishes, strawberries
D -- Homemade pizza, caesar salad

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:18 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 38 -- S Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (Out) -- Olga sandwich, fries, coleslaw
Treat -- Bite of chocolate chip cookie bar
Dinner -- Chicken nuggets, radishes, small serving chips
Dessert -- Chocolate chip cookie bar

Exercise -- 2 miles of skiwalking w/ family

This S Day was more junky than I had intended it to be but not completely idiotic, I guess. :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:43 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 39 -- S Day
B -- (on 7-inch plate) Scrambled cheddar eggs, turkey sausage, blueberry muffin ... and small serving OJ
L (Salsitas) -- 2 tacos, chips & queso
D (on 9-inch plate, usual) -- Small piece of steak, corn on the cob, 1/2 baked potato
Dessert -- Chocolate chip cookie bar

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking plus a fair amount of walking around art museum

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:54 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 40 -- N Day
B -- Cheerios w/ banana slices
L (Panera) -- 3/4 bowl of Baked Potato Soup, chunk of bread (Didn't care for soup so didn't finish it.)
D (Noodles) -- Pasta Fresca w/ parm crusted chicken & feta

Exercise -- 4 miles skiwalking, 14 shovelglove

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:30 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 41 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat
L -- Pizza pretzel, carrots, peach
D (on 9-in plate, as usual) -- Homemade split pea soup, 1.5 biscuits, couple slices of extra sharp cheddar

Exercise -- Mowed lawn, 14 minutes shovelglove

Plugging along. Weight is up a couple of pounds, probably due to eating out, S day recovery and late TOM. Feeling a little frustrated today.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:47 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 42 -- N Day
B -- Biscuit w/ a few small slices extra sharp cheddar, small serving OJ
L -- Cottage cheese w/ chopped fresh tomato, water crackers, nectarine
D-- Hamburger, green salad, baked french fries

Exercise -- 2 miles skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:39 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 43 -- N Day
B --Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Cottage cheese w/ tomatoes, green salad, water crackers
D-- Scrambled eggs w/ cheddar, turkey sausage, homemade challah bread, blueberries

Exercise --2 miles skiwalking w/ DD, 2 mile walk w/ family, 14 minutes shovelglove

I'm trying to decide whether I should take tomorrow night as an S Event in exchange for Saturday or Sunday. DH and I are going out for dinner and to see the new Harry Potter movie. Date nights out minus the kiddo are pretty rare for us but I don't really want to take NWS since I'm planning on taking one in a couple of weeks. Hmmm ...

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:28 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 44 -- S Day
B -- Piece of leftover challah bread
L -- Cottage cheese w/ tomatos, green salad, water crackers, blueberries
D (Potbelly) -- Italian sub, chips, Coke Zero
At movie -- Popcorn, M&Ms, diet soda

Exercise -- 30 minutes XL Glider, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:25 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 45 -- N Day
B -- Small slice leftover homemade pizza
L (Burger King) -- Whopper Jr, small fries, iced tea
D-- Pasta w/ creamy tomato & goat cheese sauce, pepper slices

Exercise -- 2 miles skiwalking w/ family

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:55 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 46 -- S Day
B (at favorite local pie place) -- Small bite of apple turnover (free sample), slice of strawberry-rhubarb pie, coffee
L -- Leftover pasta w/ creamy goat cheese tomato sauce, cucumber slices
D-- Chicken fajitas w/ fixins', mandarin oranges, small portion Doritos

Exercise -- 2.5 mile skiwalking with family

Today was a really enjoyable, non-idiotic S day. I feel satisfied but not overly stuffed.

In other good news, I'm wearing a tank top today (size XS) that I bought on clearance over the 4th of July break. It didn't fit then but it fits now. Woohoo! Plus, my DH remarked that I'm looking great, "very fit and toned." I think the shovelglove is helping in that department. 8)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:33 am
by mimi
In other good news, I'm wearing a tank top today (size XS) that I bought on clearance over the 4th of July break. It didn't fit then but it fits now. Woohoo! Plus, my DH remarked that I'm looking great, "very fit and toned." I think the shovelglove is helping in that department. Cool
That's great Shannon! I'm always tickled to hear when others have good news to share! Keep up your great work!

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:37 am
by sophiasapientia
Thanks so much Mimi ... I hope that you're having a lovely vacation! :)

Restart Day 47 -- N Day
B -- Small serving leftover pasta
L -- Cheese, water crackers, green apple
D-- Leftover chicken fajitas w/ fixins', mandarin oranges, small serving tortilla chips

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:21 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 48 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Cottage cheese w/ chopped tomato, carrots, small serving tortilla chips
D-- French toast w/ homemade apple butter, bacon, grapes

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking, nature walk w/ DD, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:42 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 49 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (McDonald's. DD's choice/treat for finishing another round of swim lessons.) -- Cheeseburger, small fries, coffee
D-- Marinated chicken, 1/2 baked sweet potato, zucchini/summer squash

Exercise -- 30 minutes XL Glider, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:13 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 50 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L --Turkey & cheddar sandwich, carrots, small serving Sunchips
D-- Hamburger, oven baked french fries, green salad

Exercise -- 14 minutes shovelglove (Took day off of cardio)

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:25 pm
by sophiasapientia
My weight has been hanging out at around 134 for the past few days. This morning it was 134.2 ... so down 6.4 lbs from my starting weight of 140.6. I'm trying to focus on habits rather than on scale result and this is easier some days than others. My compliance has been good. No red days since restarting on June 4.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:45 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 51 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
Tea w/ a little sugar
L (at friend's) -- Turkey & cheese sandwich, cherries, pretzels
D -- Homemade pizza, green salad

Exercise -- Mowed lawn, 14 minutes shovelglove, 2 mile walk with family

We went over to some friends this morning for a get-together and lunch. It went fine. I politely declined the cookies and zucchini bread. It was nice not have to worry about what was being served and turning down the baked goods wasn't a big deal.

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:45 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 52 -- S Day
B -- Slice of homemade pumpkin chocolate chip bread
L (out) -- A few chips & salsa ... Cheese enchilada, rice & beans
Treat -- Small slurpee
D -- Oriental chicken salad

Exercise -- 2.5 miles skiwalking

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:27 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 53 -- S Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Oriental chicken salad
Treat (Coldstone) -- Small cup of ice cream
D (Burger King) -- Whopper Jr, small onion rings plus some of DD's fries

Exercise -- A good amount of walking at The Henry Ford

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:43 pm
by sophiasapientia
Weight this morning is up 1.4 lbs from Friday, after two S days and a fair amount of eating out. I'm going to keep track of my weight for the next few days/weeks and see how long it takes for my body to recover. I have a special daytrip/NWS coming up on Thursday and family coming in from out of town over the weekend (plus a possible lunch out today since DH is home) so this isn't a week to expect major loss or make significant changes. But, after 2 months of perfect, no red days No S compliance, I think I may need to make a mod (like 1 S a week while in weight loss mode) coming up. I lost about 5 lbs in the first 3 weeks and things have been moving very slowly since then. We'll see. I'm sure cutting back on eating out wouldn't hurt either. :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:01 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 54 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L (Noodles) -- Pasta fresca w/ feta & parm chicken
D -- Taco salad, cherries

Exercise -- 2 mile walk w/ family, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:04 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 55 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Turkey & cheese sandwich, cherries, pretzels
D -- Hamburger, oven baked fries, green salad

Exercise -- 3 miles Walk Away the Pounds, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:03 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 56 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Turkey & cheese sandwich, carrots, cherries, small bag cheetos
D -- Homemade pizza, green salad

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:18 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 57 -- NWS Day
B -- Slice of homemade pumpkin chocolate chip bread
Coffee on the road
L (McDonald's. On the road) -- Hamburger, fries
Snack -- 1/3 baked pretzel with cheese sauce, a few sips of fruit punch
Tea (at American Girl Place) -- Assorted mini sandwiches and baked goods, small mug hot chocolate
D (Late. On the Road. Cracker Barrel) -- Some beef stew, biscuit, some coleslaw

Exercise -- Exempt.

Yesterday was my first NWS. We had a whirlwind, long-awaited daytrip to Chicago to take DD to the American Girl store. We spent much of the day in the car but it was fun & DD was overjoyed. Back on track with a N Day today ...

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:06 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 58 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Turkey & cheese sandwich, carrots, pretzels
D -- Beans & cornbread

Exercise -- 2 mile walk with family, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:13 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Days 59 & 60 -- S Days

It was a decent weekend.

Saturday felt a bit over the top. DH and I celebrated the 10th anniversary of our first date by going out to lunch at our favorite Indian restaurant and then going to this yummy cupcake place for dessert. Breakfast was normal. I skipped dinner because I was still full from lunch but then ate some popcorn/pretzels/cornchips/chocolate later in the evening. I took the day off from exercise, although we did some walking while out and about.

Yesterday, we visited with my sister and her husband who were in briefly from out of town. Normal breakfast. Italian sub and chips for lunch (Potbelly) ... Shared brownie and lemonade with family while out doing touristy stuff. Half of a BBQ chicken breast and fresh sweet corn, green beans and tomato slices for dinner. Did a decent amount of walking while doing touristy stuff with family.

Life seems a little crazy right now. We have contractors coming this week to work on our basement and are worried about my MIL (she had an MRI last week and they found a huge mass wrapped around her lower intestine.) Game plan is to just keep on keeping on with No S and consistent exercise.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:14 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 61 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- PBJ, carrots, pretzels
D -- Tacos, homemade refried beans, rice, tomato slices, blueberries

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:13 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 62 -- N Day
B -- Leftover rice, OJ
L -- Tomato & cheese sandwich, carrots, Doritos
D-- Homemade mac & cheese, broccoli

Exercise -- Mowed lawn, 2 mile walk with family, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:44 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 63 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- PBJ, carrots, Doritos
D -- Scrambled cheese eggs, bacon, homemade banana bread

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:54 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 64 -- N Day
B -- Cream of wheat, small serving OJ
L -- Turkey & cheese sandwich, carrots, Doritos
D -- Hamburgers, oven fries, green salad, freshly picked raspberries
Exercise -- 2 miles skiwalking, 2 mile walk w/ family, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:30 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 65 -- N Day
B -- Grape Nuts, small serving OJ
L -- Tomato & cheese sandwich, carrots, Doritos
D -- Homemade pizza, green salad

Exercise -- 30 minutes XL Glider, 14 minutes shovelglove

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:27 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Days 66 -- S Day
B -- Slice of homemade banana bread, tea
L (Salsalitas) -- 2 tacos, some chips w/ queso, a few bites of DD's Mexican pizza
D -- Baked potato soup, pepper slices
Treat (McDonald's) -- Cherry pie

Exercise -- 45 minutes skiwalking

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:07 pm
by sophiasapientia
Restart Days 67 -- S Day
B (favorite local pie place) -- Cherry turnover, coffee
L -- Cheese quesadillas, cornchips
D -- Leftover baked potato soup, pepper slices, slice leftover homemade banana bread

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:43 am
by sophiasapientia
Restart Day 68 -- N Day
B -- Small bowl leftover baked potato soup
L --PBJ, part of an apple, pretzels
D -- Johnnycakes w/applebutter, turkey sausages, strawberries, a few small slices of extra sharp cheddar

Exercise -- 40 minutes skiwalking, 14 minutes shovelglove

Marking today as a red for No S. Nothing major. I was still hungry after finishing my plate at dinner and had a couple extra slices of cheese(seconds.)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:40 pm
by sophiasapientia
Yesterday was an S Day for No S. I went to see "Julie & Julia" last night and had some snacks. Weight this morning was 134.6. TOM is due within the next couple of days. My tummy :D and chest :( are shrinking and there is definite inch loss in both areas. I did my 14 minutes of shovelglove and 40 minutes of skiwalking yesterday and have already completed my cardio for today.

So, today is Day 70 since restarting No S. I feel like my habits are pretty well engrained so I'm going to use this log to periodically check-in rather than keep track of what I'm consuming on a daily basis. If it doesn't work well, I may go back to the food journal method. We'll see. I will continue to mark my Habitcal everyday.


Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:26 pm
by sophiasapientia
A few weeks ago, I mentioned how I had politely turned down a baked good at a friend's. At the time, I briefly mentioned No S and what I've been doing. We had an outing/picnic with the same friends today and my friend told me that she has been following No S since our last visit. Said friend isn't overweight, but she said that she had gained some extra pounds and had been eating too much, especially sweets, and limiting those to S Days has been helpful. She really likes the simplicity of this plan. 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:35 pm
by sophiasapientia
I'm feeling very hopeful that the scale will register a loss soon. My weights has been under 135 with TOM and I always gain a couple of pounds at this point. Yay! :)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:30 pm
by sophiasapientia
Scale this morning is up about 1.4 pounds this morning, post-S Days, compared to Friday morning. I'm not really all that surprised given that we ate out 4 times.

We've been really good about eating at home recently, trying to keep it to one meal/one dessert out per week, but we gave ourselves permission to cut loose on this a little. Partly because we spent the majority of our weekend sorting through and purging the belongings in our basement which was/is a major undertaking. And also because my mother-in-law had a biopsy on Friday, they found lymphoma cells and we are all concerned about her.

Back to No S today. I'm going to shoot for keeping M, T, Th and F green this week. On Wednesday I'm taking a NWS (trip to amusement park planned.) Not sure yet if I'll try to keep either next Saturday or Sunday green to make up for Wednesday.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:01 pm
by sophiasapientia
I'm back. I fell off the No S wagon big time this Fall. During the holidays I saw the scale edge toward 145. So not cool. This morning, after a few days of No Sing, it was 140.6 ...

At any rate, my current plan is to eat a regular breakfast, make a big pot of homemade veggie-based soup and have that with homemade bread most days for lunch (I'm working through a pot of "Green Soup" from Anna Thomas' new soup cookbook at the moment ... Yum! ) and eat a regular one plate dinner with my family. I'm giving myself approx. 2 S-Events a week, mostly on Saturdays and Sundays, and allowing myself full-fledged S Days on special days like major holidays, family birthdays, my wedding anniversary and the like. My exercise has been consistent (walking for about 45 minutes most days) and I'm keeping that up, of course.

I'll check-in here from time to time with my progress. :)


Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:08 am
by sophiasapientia
1/12/2010 -- N Day -- SUCCESS
B -- Oven baked ham & cheese french toast, coffee
L -- Butternut Squash soup, 2 very small slices of jalapeno cheddar bread
Coke Zero
D -- Fusilli Margherita, spinach salad

Exercise -- 3 miles of walking plus some shoveling

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:06 am
by sophiasapientia
1/13/2010 -- N Day -- SUCCESS
B -- Bowl of cereal (Oatmeal squares), coffee
L -- Butternut squash soup, 2 very small slices jalapeno cheddar bread
Coke Zero
D -- Chicken Makhani w/rice, cucumber slices & carrot sticks

Exercise --4+ miles of walking

Wednesday morning weigh-in: 139.2