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Anne's check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:43 am
by Anne
I have been trying the No-S Diet for about 2 weeks (since mid-November) and have failed several times already. However, I find all the postings on this website very encouraging and I really want to thank all of you for sharing your experience and comments.
I am starting my 21-day challenge today, and I must admit I am very worried that it is never going to work. But I will try anyway. This way of eating seems like the best one I've ever encountered.

A few things about me: I'm a 35 year-old woman, small and thin, but with very chaotic eating habits, and feeling terrible about it. I am French and I have been living in the US for a few years now. The No-S Diet is very similar to the way I used to eat in France. In that respect, Reinhard Engels is absolutely right in what he writes in his book. I desperately want to go back to these old habits.

Enough about me, I'm afraid I am being quite boring! I welcome comments and encouragements. As I said earlier, I am SO AFRAID to fail at this!


Welcome to No S!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:29 am
by la_loser

Welcome to No S!

If you've been reading the boards, you've probably seen that lots of us fail and have to begin again; just this week I've seen several references to that fact. The important thing is to pick yourself up and start all over again. On the No S Glossary (sticky) topic on the general discussion for No S, there is a quote that Iggy used for a "signature" line:

Fall down seven times; get up eight.

Reinhard always reminds us that it's quite common to have a number of tries before we get it down to a real habit. . . so don't be "afraid" to fail. It would be very unusual not to.

Just tonight I was clearing out my enormous stack of diet books, magazines, plans, etc. to file them all away, except for the No S info. Among the mess, I found my "French Women Don't Get Fat" book--then I saw your post. Although the principles in the book aren't precisely No S, there are many similarities.

So welcome to No S. Keep checking out the boards and get the book if you can. And please know what a easy-going bunch we are; lots of support is as near as your keyboard!

Hang in there mon cherie! (That's probably all wrong-I haven't used my French since college in 1970!)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:30 am
by blueskighs
A few things about me: I'm a 35 year-old woman, small and thin, but with very chaotic eating habits, and feeling terrible about it. I am French and I have been living in the US for a few years now. The No-S Diet is very similar to the way I used to eat in France. In that respect, Reinhard Engels is absolutely right in what he writes in his book. I desperately want to go back to these old habits.

Welcome! Personally, IMHO NO S is GREAT for chaotic eating habits, and if it is similar to the way you used to eat, you might just end up finding it to be a huge blessing!


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:38 am
by Anne
Thank you for your warm welcome and your encouragements.

I have to admit today was really really difficult, but I made it!

Last night I had soup and toasts at 7:00pm, and by 11:30pm, I was lying in bed, starving and unable to sleep! The hunger was so strong that I thought I'd never fall asleep, but well, I did finally.

Today, I feel like I ate so much for my three meals! And I was ravenous when it was finally time to eat.

Yes, I made it today, but this is going to be so hard. How long will I be able to resist my hunger? And yet I feel like I'm eating more overall than I usually did!

Well, I am tired and confused right now. I hope tomorrow will be a little bit easier.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:46 pm
by blueskighs

for me, first month had some difficult days, but it has all settled down and my appetite is now much more manageable, as Reinhard suggests, it appears our appetites can be "trained" sounds like you are doing really well,


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:38 pm
by BeingGreen
Hi Anne and welcome!

I too am small and thin but had developed some chaotic eating habits over the past eighteen months. They were developing a disturbing life of their own! Worst of all, I couldn't seem to find a solution and was beginning to feel very desperate. Then I stumbled on NoS and it revolutionized my life. I am into my third my month and my eating habits have stabilized and weight is down slightly but is stable. I feel healthy and energetic and in control of the chaos.

Stick with NoS. It really works.


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:16 pm
by Anne
Thank you blueskighs and habitualrunner, this is very encouraging, which is what I need! :)

Habitualrunner, you seem to have been successful on your very first try with the No-S diet, is that right? If so, I think that, on the one hand you are really lucky, and on the other hand, I greatly admire your strength and courage! I hope you understand what I mean.

This is my first time using a discussion board and I feel so grateful that people take the time to read what I have to say and even give me their comments and opinion! I hope that my experience will be just as helpful to others.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:38 am
by Anne
Today was a good no-S day. My plates are still quite big, but I didn’t feel the urge to snack all day! I even baked this afternoon (as I often do, but not for myself anymore except on S-days!) and I thought I would be tempted to eat something sweet, but I resisted quite easily. :)

Something prevents me from enjoying this success, though. I think the problem is the feeling that I overeat during meals. I only eat the food on my plate, but it seems like a lot to me.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:33 pm
by Anne
I know I’m not supposed to do this, but the only rule of the No-S Diet I decided to bend is to switch Saturdays for another day in the week.

My boyfriend and I go out for breakfast once a week and it is a real pleasure for me to have something sweet then, like a muffin or a scone. On the other hand, there is nothing special for me about Saturdays, nothing to look forward to, nothing to miss (food wise, I mean).

So here it is. Yesterday (Wednesday) was an S-day, and a pretty good one actually. My next S-day will be on Sunday.

Is it apparent at all that I’m feeling guilty about this switch? It’s not a trick though. I am not trying to justify the scoop of chocolate ice-cream I ate. I had made the decision to switch days beforehand, so why the guilt?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:54 pm
by howfunisthat
Hello Anne,

Welcome to the boards!

I often switch one of my "S" days to Fridays since we have friends over on a regular basis. Some people don't like changing their days, but it works well for me. I feel so much less stressed, knowing that I'll enjoy dinner & dessert with them and not feel bad if I want to eat more than usual on those occasions. I am very careful, however, to make sure one of my weekend days are "No S" in exchange.

This way of eating...just three meals...seems so odd. And I absolutely understand feeling as if your meals may seem large to you. But try to put the false guilt away and concentrate on just the habit of eating three times a day. We are so conditioned these days to watch every calorie & fat gram that goes in our mouth, but to truly be free of this focus on dieting, we have to get to the point of requiring just three meals...and once your body gets used to this again, what you put on your plate will adjust to what your body needs.

If you haven't read Richard's book, I highly recommend it. His writing is far more clear than anything I can put on paper....or on the screen! :lol: The book is well-worth reading and will not only give you hints to succeed, but will clearly explain why this plan works in the long-run.

And come back here to the boards often....there are so many encouraging people's a great place to find support.


Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:10 am
by Anne
Howfunisthat, your post is very helpful! You are absolutely right about sticking to our three meals and forgetting about calories, fat and the like.

I have read Richard's book and found it really inspiring and to the point. It does answer many questions.

Today’s success was easy for the simple reason that I slept all afternoon. At least I don’t get hungry or think about snacking when I’m asleep! :wink:

I have been feeling very tired lately, and tiredness doesn’t help when it comes to eating right. Sometimes I turn to food when I should really be getting some rest. Well, NOT TODAY!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:35 am
by Anne
I cannot believe that I've made it to Day 6! Yesterday was VERY hard though! That chocolate box was staring at me and calling me all afternoon. I had to struggle with myself not to give in, but I eventually had hot tea and the urge strangely disappeared... but the afternoon was painful!

Then at night, I kept thinking about that last blueberry muffin sitting on the kitchen table. I got so obsessed with it that I was unable to concentrate on the movie I was watching. The muffin seemed to be exactly what I needed. "Just give me that muffin and then I can die happy!". Well, again I didn't give in but I went to bed feeling VERY FRUSTRATED. Believe it or not, I was actually crying. I felt so stupid and frustrated at the same time!

This morning, I woke up feeling pretty happy with myself for being able to call that previous day a success. But what a struggle all day!!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:20 am
by Anne
Day 7 and still a SUCCESS! I honestly didn't think I'd make it that far! :shock:

Tomorrow is an S day. Boy, do I deserve it! :D

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:11 am
by gratefuldeb67
Anne wrote:
Then at night, I kept thinking about that last blueberry muffin sitting on the kitchen table. I got so obsessed with it that I was unable to concentrate on the movie I was watching. The muffin seemed to be exactly what I needed. "Just give me that muffin and then I can die happy!". Well, again I didn't give in but I went to bed feeling VERY FRUSTRATED. Believe it or not, I was actually crying. I felt so stupid and frustrated at the same time!

This morning, I woke up feeling pretty happy with myself for being able to call that previous day a success. But what a struggle all day!!

You deserve ten gold stars Anne!!!
Enjoy your S day!!!!
Definitely well earned!!! :wink:
8) Debs

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:05 am
by Anne
I enjoyed half a chocolate muffin and half a maple muffin for brunch today. :D

Thank you for your post, gratefuldeb67. You are so nice to everyone! I wish you the best for your 21 days (and more)!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:28 pm
by Anne
Can an S day be a failure? I don’t think so, and therefore I won’t count it as such on my Habitcal. But to ME, yesterday (Sunday) was a BIG FAILURE with a capital F! :x

I ate snack after snack last night while watching TV. I kept eating, thinking that I had every right to since this was an S day, and then I wouldn’t be allowed snacks and sweets for days! :roll:

I think my body had started getting used to 3 regular, sensible meals, and last night’s excess kept me up with a bad stomachache almost all night.

I’d like to think that I have learned my lesson and won’t do it again, but I’m really not sure... I’ll just have to wait and see.

So today is day 9 (I feel like I’ve been cheating, really! :oops: ). I will follow the advice I’ve read on several posts and put that incident behind me.

I cannot deny that these past 8 days have taught me a lot. I want to continue and get better at this.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:12 am
by Anne
I had home-made crepes for lunch and dinner! With non-sweet toppings, of course. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:35 pm
by Anne
Well, my 21-day challenge is over. I had a few cookies this afternoon, and even though this is a minor failure, it is one nevertheless :( . Here is a recap of the past 10 days:




I've decided I will still keep track of my successes and failures here, as well as on the Habitcal. My eating habits are changing for the best, and I am convinced that the No S diet is the right thing for me to do. I just need to keep working at it!

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:05 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Anne :)
You are doing great!!!
I hope you might consider posting your home made crepe recipe here sometime :wink:
8) Debs

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:13 pm
by Anne
Another successful day. :)

I made it through the party at work. I didn't touch the piles of cookies, donuts and cakes, and I felt like a very wise and responsible person!
I had dinner half an hour earlier than usual because I couldn't wait any longer. It was that or having a snack, so that was definitely a wise move!

gratefuldeb67, my crepe recipe is in French. I will post it when I find the time to translate it into English. :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:36 pm
by blueskighs
I felt like a very wise and responsible person!
Cool! 8)

... just curious ... did you also feel very French? :lol: you know, cause the French "don't snack" ...


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:43 pm
by Anne
:lol: Well, I think your typical French person doesn't follow a strict No S Diet, and they probably would have eaten just a little something for the occasion.
But for me (as for many people I'm sure), having "just a little something" has become IMPOSSIBLE. Now it's all or nothing!

In that respect, I sincerely hope to feel very French again in the future! :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:34 am
by Anne
This afternoon, I had tea with milk instead of a snack.
My meals are not as big anymore, which is good.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:03 am
by gratefuldeb67
Congratulations Anne on not having the sweets the other day when they were in a "pile" in front of you.
That is really hard to resist!!
Enjoy your weekend :D
8) Debs

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:02 am
by Anne
gratefuldeb67, you don't know how much I appreciate your encouragment!

Something very unusual happened this morning: my boyfriend and I went out for breakfast and I was not hungry at all! :shock: This NEVER happens! And I had a light dinner last night, so I really don't understand why I wasn't hungry today.

Anyway, I waited and waited, and I still didn't feel like eating at 10:30am. I felt pretty excited about it! I decided to just skip breakfast, and by lunchtime, I was very hungry again, but not more than usual.

I still made it an S day (as I had planned) and had some banana bread in the afternoon.

What a great day!!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:38 pm
by Anne
Yesterday's bliss is gone. I weighed myself this morning and I've gained 2 pounds! This is NOT GOOD. What is the point of eating better? I weighed less when I was eating snacks, sweets and seconds!

I know this can happen, I've read all the posts, but it still makes me mad. Oh well, I'm going to stick with the diet and give it a little more time.

I am just not happy this morning.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:04 am
by gratefuldeb67
Don't weigh yourself every day Anne..
Two pounds can be caused by a lot of things.
I'd suggest only weighing once a week.
Sorry, but I'm sure that two pounds is just temporary.
Really, don't worry.
8) Debs
ps.. you don't have to call me by my profile name.. Debs is fine :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:19 am
by starflower
Hi Anne,

Hang it there! I'm new too, with 15 pounds to lose; I gained two pounds in less than 2 weeks of No S. I'm doing better now by using slightly smaller plates than the dinner plates I started with and logging my food in a computer program. I do think "vanilla" No S is the way to go for most folks, but there are some "mods" that other posters have used quite successfully to reach and maintain their weight goals in a healthy manner.

Here are three different opinions I hope you find useful to your own journey.

Brightangel wrote:
However, I frequently caution people who are doing "vanilla" No S,
of this simple Truth.
We are NOT all the same.
We cannot all eat the exact same amounts of food
and expect to maintain our weight or to lose weight.
It simply is not physically possible.
I wrote:
My expectations now are to adopt a No S life long plan of 3 meals an "N day"/2 "S days" a week, exercise, and treat computer calorie monitoring as a hobby, (or at least think of it as a necessary self-care routine like brushing my teeth.) The toughest part is being sensible on "S days"...for me it's a fine line(s) between ingesting a workable amount of calories, having treats/snacks/or seconds, and not feeling deprived to the point where my calorie modification backfires.
Happy Cooker wrote:
Three times a day should do it, unless you're diabetic or have another health problem. Enjoy the indulgence of eating the formerly forbidden foods and savor every bite; your taste for them may well diminish in future. I often naturally balanced an unhealthy lunch with a dinner heavy on vegetables because I was craving them.

One helpful visual aid is to hold your hands in front of you, palms up and sides together, cupping them slightly. This is approximately the size of your stomach. That's how I self-define a plateful or bowlful.
You deserve to enjoy your food and be healthy. Good luck this week!

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:47 pm
by Anne
Thanks for your responses, Debs and starflower. I think that by “vanilla†No S, you mean using smaller plates for my meals, is that right?

I have thought about it, but I am still getting used to the 3-meals-a-day habit, and trying to figure out how much food will be enough to last me until the next meal. I think I’m doing better at it now.

As far as monitoring calorie intake, I have done it in the past and it only made me more obsessed with food. I find the simplicity of the No S diet liberating because it involves minimal monitoring of what, how much and how often I eat.
I think using my common sense would work better for me for knowing whether I am eating enough or too much (or not enough).

Debs, I only weigh myself every few months. Actually, I wouldn’t be able to tell you when’s the last time I stepped on the scale before yesterday!

What I know is that my weight has been the same for several years, in spite of very bad and irregular eating habits. My goal is not to lose weight, but I’d HATE to gain! That’s why I panicked yesterday.

Yesterday was great again. 3 very nice meals (dinner at a restaurant), nothing sweet and no snacking... Some days, the No S diet seems so easy! :)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:35 pm
by starflower
Anne wrote:
What I know is that my weight has been the same for several years, in spite of very bad and irregular eating habits. My goal is not to lose weight, but I’d HATE to gain! That’s why I panicked yesterday.
Ohhh, I get it now. By "vanilla", I mean no tweaks or mods like calorie counting, using regular sized plates, no daily weigh ins - just the straight or "vanilla" No S rules. By far, most all posters agree that this simplicity is what works, (though some straight No essers use smaller plates or portions).

I misunderstood, and I wish you well on your eating habits and goals. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:34 am
by Anne
Thanks for explaining the "vanilla" thing. Where does the term come from? :?:

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:14 am
by Anne
I thought I was being very good by having a light lunch, but of course I ended up eating a few pieces of chocolate and a couple of cookies in the afternoon. Nothing major, but a failure nonetheless. :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:33 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Anne :)
"Vanilla" in this context means, basically "Plain"...
A lot of people tend to want to make NoS more complicated with more added rules and personal restrictions.
But when people here refer to "Vanilla NoS" they mean doing the basic plan, with nothing extra, no added restrictions, and nothing fancy added to it, unlike, for example a fancy Chocolate sundae with brownie bits and whipped cream made with organic cream, that has no trans fats, only eaten on a full moon, etc etc....
You see I'm joking.. but I'm trying to create a very complex version of this dessert instead of simply having a scoop of Vanilla ice cream and being happy with the simplicity..

I hope that didn't make it even more confusing! LOL

Have a good week!
8) Debs

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:23 pm
by Anne
Yesterday was terrible. I feel miserable, ugly and ashamed. :cry:
I guess I just have to get back on track now.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:31 pm
by howfunisthat

Yesterday might have been a failure, but look at the number of successful days you've had in relation to the failures. We are usually so hard on ourselves for "failing", but we forget to count the days we succeed! I've been here since early August and I'm absolutely convinced this is the way I want to eat for the rest of my life, but I had a REALLY difficult November. I couldn't understand why it seemed so hard. I ended up with a few red days, but for the most part kept to the plan....but when I looked at the month I felt as if I was failing. I wasn't failing...I was LEARNING. I had just a few reds and the rest of the days were green & yellow. Why is it that I felt like such a failure? Because I, like so many of us, am conditioned to give up when I have a bad if I just will never be able to do it. But that's not true anymore. Every time we have a bad day one day and get back up and start over the next we make ourselves stronger. You are absolutely NOT ugly nor are you a failure. You had a bad day....we all have them...and you can put it behind you and start again. Go back to the basics of why you're doing this....and think about just today. You can do're a really are....


Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:19 pm
by Anne
I'm back after a few days vacation in NYC. I was very worried about keeping up with the No S Diet during my trip, but I actually did VERY WELL! :D




I have been thinking about how I managed so well there, and not at home. I came to the conclusion that most of my bad eating habits are due to boredom. In NYC, there was so much to do and to see that I didn't have much time to think about food. And time really flew between meals! Before I realized it, suddenly it was lunchtime or dinnertime. :o

This is something I need to think about, now that I'm home again.

Another important thing is stress. Visiting a city brings a lot of excitment and very little stress. It gives little reason to turn to food...

Anyway, not only did I have a wonderful time in NYC, but I'm very happy for doing so well and my body feels great. :D :D

I know I still have a long way to go, but I want to enjoy this moment.

I never liked it when people write or say that something "changed their life" :roll: , but I have to admit that the No S Diet is changing my life for the best.


Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:17 pm
by Anne
I had a second helping of salad for dinner, and I don't feel guilty at all about it. I have done great all day and.. well, it was salad!

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:20 pm
by Anne
Dinner was very late, but great.

"In control" vs. "being controlled"

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 5:24 pm
by la_loser
Sounds like NYC was great fun! And you've done really well with the No S too, even during this difficult season, eating wise. It seems to me that if your worst "slip-up" was eating some extra salad, that you have done extraordinarily!

Regarding what you said about No S being life-changing--it occurs to me that No S allows us to be "in control" but it doesn't "control" us. Yeah, I like that. It puts it right back to ourselves and our habits. Maybe I'll add that to the "No S Catch Phrase Glossary" in the sticky section of the general No S Discussion.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:30 am
by Anne
I couldn't agree more! With the No S-Diet, I like the balance between clear and simple guidelines, and a lot of freedom.

Not having someone to tell me exactly what and how much to eat was a little disappointed at first, but having to make these choices forces me to use my common sense and makes me feel more responsible.

I had forgotten that today was an S-day, and while I was nibbling on cereals right before dinnier, I thought: "This is going to be today's failure..." :( . But later I realized it's Sunday! No failure after all! :)

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:27 am
by Anne
Well, I'm messing up again. I'm afraid I'm subconsciously waiting for New Year's Day to start afresh, and until then I'm eating everything in sight!

I declined an invitation tonight. I don't feel like socializing after eating so much.
I will do better tomorrow, even though it's still 2008. Let's finish the year with dignity. :wink:

Le Puy Lentils

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:42 am
by TexArk
I am on Day 3 and have enjoyed reading your honest posts. I just wanted to let you know (since you are the only one who can probably appreciate this) that I had a nice bowl of lentil soup made with Le Puy lentils my daughter brought back from France last summer. I had been saving them for a real meal with enough olive oil and seasoning--in other words not a "diet low fat meal"

I am using New Year's Eve and Day as my 2 S days this week. I am not sure that is how we are supposed to do it, but I just felt I needed to have a few N days in a row before the New Year's Eve snackathon.

I haven't weighed for several months, but I can tell by my clothes that I better get it under control. I have been the typical American woman on a diet for over 4 decades and this plan seems to be just what I need (not too restrictive, but with boundaries and accountability) I just could not go on another food focused, food counting, blah food regimen.

Anyway, when I saw that you were French I knew you would appreciate my special lentils!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:01 am
by Anne
Hello TexArk, Le Puy lentils :shock: ! I’m sure it was delicious! Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to be allowed to enjoy rich food?

Thank you for reading my posts. I sincerely wish you the best on you No-S journey. As you know, I keep having failure days, but since I’ve discovered the No-S diet, about a month ago, I haven’t had any doubt that this is how I want to eat. Like you, I don’t want to go back.

Planning “Special†days as you are doing for New Year’s Eve and Day is perfectly all right, as long as these special days don't become a habit.
Really, I hope you are going to have a great week, food-wise and otherwise. I’ll be watching your progress.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:15 pm
by howfunisthat
Hello Anne...I just wanted to stop in to say, "You're doing great!" This journey isn't easy, but it's so important. Like you, I'm never going back to the way I ate before. It might take me a long time to complete this, but I'm in it for life.

Well done Anne!


Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:43 pm
by Anne

I've decided that one of my goals next month is to lower my failure rate, which is 22.6% in December (assuming today, Dec 31, will be a success, :wink: ).

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:10 pm
by Anne
Yesterday was not that easy, but I did great! I can't believe I did so well! :D

Here comes the new year. I wish myself the best, and I wish all No-S Dieters the same.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:43 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Best to you Anne!!
Congratulations on your successes this week!
Hope you enjoyed NY :)
Where were some of the places you ended up dining at?
8) Debs x

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:54 pm
by Anne
Hi debs, on Chriistmas Eve, I had dinner at Metisse French Bisto, I had mussels & French fries and it was delicious!


I had afternoon snacks on Thursday and Friday, so I'm calling these S days. This week-end is No-S.

I've started exercising as part of my new year resolutions. I'm not sure how that will go. I usually give up any exercise program after a couple of weeks or months.
I did 40 minutes of weight training on Thursday, and some yoga on Friday. My body is sore all over! :?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:26 am
by Anne
I ate my three meals today, that's it! After dinner, I even baked what smells like unbelievably rich and yummy chocolate muffins.
I really love it when three-meals-a-day is that easy! :D

Oh! And I did 40 minutes of weight training again. Didn't help the sore muscles, though.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:20 am
by Anne
Success again! It was hard not to even taste any of the wonderful chocolate muffins I baked yesterday, especially when everyone else was eating them and raving about them! :?


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:31 pm
by TexArk
I have to ask...Can you freeze any muffins so you can enjoy on the next S day which is far, far away or will you make another batch on Friday? For now any special baking I do has to be close enough for an S day for me to enjoy. I am just not that strong.

I am impressed with how you are doing. I was surprised at myself for getting angry when I read on another website (3 Fat Chicks)that the No S is a fad diet that WAS popular for awhile, but that we should have snacks in a good diet plan. LOL

Have a good week.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:42 pm
by Anne
Here is how I have been doing this week:



It’s not that bad, yet my failure on Wednesday was a big one, and I feel that as long as I cannot get rid of those bad days, I will still be a failure myself. :(
Another thing is that I still have to eat a LOT for lunch. Then I feel sluggish in the afternoons. :(

I have been working out consistently, which at least gives me a sense of accomplishment. As I said before, I will try to keep my failure rate as low as possible this month. As of now, it is only 3.2%.

In response to TexArt: No, I don’t freeze my muffins because I like baking for my friends, and anything I make never last long! I did have one of my outrageous chocolate muffins on Monday, which is why I called it an N day (totally worth it, I must say!).

As for having snacks as part of a good diet plan, I think it’s a personal choice. If it works for some people, then why not? But calling the No S a fad diet is simply a mistake, since it is based on a traditional way of eating. It is like saying that thousands and thousands of people around the world have been following a fad diet for centuries!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:10 am
by TexArk
I am hoping that you are doing well on NoS. Do you just post your results once a week? You make your posts so graphically appealing; I haven't even learned how to add color!

I still feel the need to check in daily, but I have been on so many restrictive diets that this seems so much easier. It's a relief. My old pattern was to control, monitor, restrict, then binge, then start over.

I'll be looking for your weekly update.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:04 pm
by Anne
The reason why I’m not posting daily anymore is because I’m not doing so well and a sense of shame keeps me away from this discussion board.
This past week has been quite stressful and it is VERY COLD here. I have to ride my bicycle to work everyday and the temperature is often below 0!!
I know these are just excuses and I should turn to something other than food for warmth and comfort.

I did better yesterday though, and I feel like I’m back on track. I’ll do my best to make today a No S day, and I’ll post my (not so great) weekly results later.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:35 am
by Anne


Today was a success. What a good weekend after a pretty bad week! I really enjoyed my three meals today, and I did my weight-lifting routine.
I just hope I can keep it up this week.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:20 am
by TexArk
I am impressed that you bike to work in this frigid weather. It has been cold here, too, but only in the 20's with the wind blowing making it seem much colder. I thought that was enough to curtail my outside walking. What a wimp I am!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:39 pm
by Anne
Yesterday (Monday) was a success! I feel so much calmer. The real challenge starts again today with going back to work (stress and cold). I REALLY want today to be a success!

I usually enjoy riding by bicycle, but in this extreme weather, I wish I could do otherwise. I am not brave, I just don't have a choice.
On the other hand, this gives me a good workout!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:06 am
by Anne
Success on Tuesday!! I love being entitled to a real meal for dinner, and not worrying about making up for anything I ate earlier in the day.
I exercised this afternoon, and I got VERY HUNGRY afterwards, but I was able to wait until dinner time :)

Tomorrow the challenge begins again. After doing well for a few days, I usually end up spoiling it by having a binge. It's like my body (or brain) can only take so much of being good...

Hang On

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:21 am
by TexArk
Good for you. You can do it.

And you are correct....our bodies do not want to overeat or binge. Here is a quote I copied in my journal a few years back. It might have come from the Rules of Normal Eating, but I cannot give credit to the author for sure:

"Your body has no interest in overeating ever. Only your mind overeats when it is afraid of future deprivation or when it wants to escape uneasy feelings."
"When our emotional brain is in charge, we ignore the consequences and end up suffering later."

I think self sabotage fits in here somewhere. It is a "brain" thing for sure.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:28 pm
by apomerantz
"Your body has no interest in overeating ever. Only your mind overeats when it is afraid of future deprivation or when it wants to escape uneasy feelings."
Thanks for sharing this quote! Wow - - is that me. If I'm afraid of future deprivation, it is not a pretty sight . . .

Great job on Tuesday, Anne!!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:32 pm
by Anne
This quote is so right! Overeating NEVER feels good, especially afterwards. And yet we keep doing it over and over, as if we refused to listen to our body and learn.

This is Tuesday afternoon. I am eating out with friends tonight, so I'm pretty sure I won't be eating anything until then... or so I hope.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:39 pm
by Anne
Success again on Wednesday!
Last night was tricky, After dinner, we went to my friend's to watch the season premiere of Lost. Everyone was munching on lemon cake and chocolate cake. the delicious smell was haunting me, but I was able to resist! :D

I took a piece of cake with me to eat later on an S day. I know it helps some no S dieters to postpone treats, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I feel like I'm saving for a future binge! :?

So far this week is all green. It feels good to be a "normal eater"!

Future Binge

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:26 pm
by TexArk
Congratulations on all green.
I save the goodies for later, too. Every Wednesday evening we have a group that meets at our house and someone brings treats each time. Last week I took 2 strawberry cupcakes and put them in the refrigerator to have on Saturday. Then on Thursday evening my daughter made her wonderful, chocolate brownies. She left 2 for me in the refrigerator. Guess what I had for breakfast Saturday morning??? 2 very sugary iced cupcakes and 2 large gooey brownies with a glass of cold milk!!! But that was it and I had a no binge, no stupid S day after that. It really helps my psyche to know that I don't have to say, "No." I can just say, "Later."

Last night (Wednesday) no treat really got my attention. So I didn't take one. No one even notices. I just drink my coffee and visit.

Hang in there until S day arrives!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:09 am
by Anne
Today was an S day, and I did enjoy the cake I had saved! I also had a nice vanilla latte this afternoon, and I'm not hungry at all now. It's 7:00 P.M. and I'm not sure if I'll want anything for dinner today.

Physically, I've been feeling really great these past few days. I know this is the effect of my eating right. Besides having several successful N days, I have been eating more fruit and veggies with my meals.

At last, this is working!!

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:15 am
by gratefuldeb67
Fantastique!!! :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:43 am
by Anne
Thank you, Debs!
Well, a small failure today: I had some snacks in the afternoon, but I don't want to worry about it. I have been doing so much better this month than last month! Only 4 red days so far, I realize that this is a GREAT improvement for me. I don't want to expect perfection anymore, because if I do, I will beat myself up and give up.

I was in a bookstore today, and glanced for a few seconds at the diet book section. For the first time in a VERY LONG time, I had absolutely no desire to open any of the books and look for the miracle diet that would finally give me all the answers and make me happy! I already know what I have to do, and I don't want to hear about new tricks, strategies and formulas.
I didn't think I would ever be able to get away from all this.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:49 am
by Anne


Today was a success. I just realized I could have called yesterday an S day, but it was not planned. Anyway it doesn't matter. I am pretty happy with how I did this week.

It is going to be VERY COLD again, but I don't want it to be a reason for bad eating . I will just have to drink a lot of hot tea and/or to exercise in order to keep myself warm and cosy!

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:59 am
by Anne
I did great today, and it wasn't even hard! I haven't had dinner yet, but I think I'm going to do just fine.
It is terribly cold and an ice storm is coming up. Riding my bicycle is not an option anymore: I'll have to walk to work tomorrow. Keeping warm is my priority so I'll be less tempted to overeat.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:31 pm
by Anne
Success on Tuesday and Wednesday! Yesterday I went out for lunch and had a VERY RICH quiche. It was definitely smaller than the plate, but so fatty (and delicious!). It filled me up so much that I wasn't even hungry for dinner. I made myself eat a little something though.
Eating that quiche made me quite guilty, even though it was technically no S.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:25 am
by Anne
I weighed myself today and it seems that I'm still 3 pounds heavier than my normal weight.
I know I've been doing really well with the No S diet, and I've been exercising dutifully, so I can't really explain those extra pounds.
I've decided to try and eat a little less with each meal. In order to do that, I'm going to write what I'm eating. I hope this will make me feel more accountable. I didn't want to do this (write everything I eat) but I don't know what else to do. I'll just try for a few days and see how it goes.

Now, here's what I must say (very reluctently): today was a failure. Lunch didn't seem to be enough and I had some (okay, a lot of) cake afterwards. I am disappointed, as I had planned to end this month with only succesful days. Still, I'm doing better than last month, so there is progress... right?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:09 am
by apomerantz
Hi Anne!

I'm so sorry to hear about your weigh in and then the whole cake incident. I do think this just points to how hard it is to change our habits. I know where you are coming from with your desire to start restricting food so you'll start to see results, but I just wonder if that's the best idea.

Looking back over the history that you have in your tracker, I can see 20 days (Jan 5-20) dieting. 4 out of the 20 are marked as failures. That's 20% and arguably, you probably should calculate the percentage of N days that are failures - - more like 30%.

This suggests to me that the N days are not a habit for you yet . . .and I'm thinking that further restricting food is going to just make it EVEN harder . . .not to mention the whole writing thing is going to really make this feel like a diet and not like a lifestyle.

It seems like in the No S Diet book that it clearly isn't going to be a quick fix and that the key is really cementing the good habits in the long term. I just think this makes a lot of sense. I don't think weight is pouring off of me either by any means, but I'm just thinking that the logical progression FOR ME is:is:

1. Get very used to just the three meals per day
2. Wait until the S Days calm down and seem closer to N days naturally
3. If not losing weight, keep filling plate, but maybe place more fruit and vegetables on it than previously.
4. If still not losing weight, use a slightly smaller plate

But I'm not planning to go to 3 or 4 unless I absolutely have to. If I lose one pound per month, I'm just going to go with that. That's 12 lbs in a year which would be fabulous. I'm not going to even try anything different until #2 is a certainty.

Of course you have to decide for yourself what to do, but I think a lot of us are here because we know that diets don't really work . . .so I'm really hopeful that this will!!

Can we talk you off the ledge?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:26 am
by TexArk
I agree with the previous post. (I can't remember whose it is??)
Your original goal was to stop the chaotic eating behavior. If you are within three pounds of where you normally are and your eating behavior has improved, I call this success. I told you that the scale holds too much power over me. If I show a loss, I tend to overeat because, "Hey, I'm doing so well!" and if I show a gain, I am in the depths of despair and as you did, go for the cake. By the way, I am going to guess that your clothes fit just fine.

Again, I plan to use the suggestions mentioned above after I find out the news when I weigh in on Saturday. What other choice do we have? Go on a restricted diet??? I am here to tell you that is the best way to put on the pounds. It may not happen at first, but sooner or later you will rebound from the restriction. So aim for green days, one at a time and quit worrying about the number on the scale. Now we'll see if I can listen to my own advice.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:55 am
by Anne
Well, first of all, I really want to thank you both for your honest opinion. I think this is just what I needed to get things straight. I know you are right and I knew it when I took that stupid decision of restricting my food intake and starting a food log. But my frustration was too strong and I felt I had to do something.
For years I’ve been struggling with my eating, while maintaining the same weight (I am petite and thin, and just a couple of pounds up or down do make a difference). And now that I am getting used to a more regular diet, I start gaining!

Anyway, you are absolutely right: I am sticking to 3 regular meals, and no food log. I actually feel relieved! Getting as few red days as possible is enough of a challenge.

TexArk, I admit I’m anxiously waiting for you weigh in and to see how you’ll handle it. I hope you don’t mind my saying this.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:25 am
by Anne
Failure today. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:35 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Anne! Don't feel bad!
8) Debs x

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:58 pm
by apomerantz

Hang tough, friend! You've had a hard week, and I can feel the mental agonizing through the computer.

We sound like two peas in a pod. I don't have much weight to lose (just over normal BMI) either so of course the temptation is just to be HARD on ourselves and really restrict calories just to get the darned few pounds OFF. I won't lie - - I pretty much want to look great, and I know I'm already healthy.

But I do know that all this dieting has not been helping the cause and has made me miserable. So let's NOT go there together. Let's focus on one N day at a time.

Today is an S day so relax. Let the "failures" roll off your back. Monday kicks off a new week, and a new chance to cement our new habits. It is not easy to create new habits. Not easy at all. We should be kind to ourselves (easier said than done) while we are trying and attempt to enjoy the ride :).


Enjoy your S Day.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:03 pm
by apomerantz
p.s. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or a bad one, but I still weigh daily. I am afraid that if I waited three weeks, got on the scale, and found out I'd gained weight that I would just stop trying to form these new habits.

However, what I do is record the weight in Excel where you can make a graph of it. Excel lets you fit a trendline to the data points. And as long as that trendline is pointing in a down direction, then I feel fine - - even though the individual data points are all over the place!! That's the problem with weighing - - the daily changes are tremendous - - as much as three pounds for me in either direction, and I'm petite. So I don't give those much credence - - just pay attention to what that trendline says.

I don't need to rush this weight loss - - I just would like it to happen over the course of the next year.

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:18 pm
by Anne
I have been feeling very disillusioned since Friday. I am more interested in reading other people's posts that in my own "case".

Saturday was a success, and it looks like today is going to be as well. But I don't really care. this feels like the calm after the storm (I'm not sure the expression is right in English...). I have no doubt another binge is waiting around the corner. It is like an outside force that I'm unable to control. It's independant from me, and it can come anytime.

So far, the only twist I've made to the No S diet was to have my two S days any day of the week (as long as I only have two of them), and not necessarily on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't know if I should keep it that way or if I'd better do things to the letter. Does it even matter?

Thank you for your kind words, Anita and Debs. It is very nice to know that someone understands.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:08 am
by TexArk
I am so sorry that you have had a rough weekend. I know what you mean about the "binge around the corner." And, I agree, they seem like out of body experiences. I have felt like I was watching myself do stupid eating, but could not stop the person I was watching. I have watched myself eat one sweet after another. I have hidden empty packages of foods down in the garbage so the rest of my family would not see what I had eaten, and I have thrown food in the garbage trying to stop a binge and then gotten it out of the garbage and eaten it!

That is why I think that working on the N days and not worrying too much about the weight loss for awhile is best for me. Being able to take it one day at a time and not binge is a real victory and each one of those victories helps the nonbingeing habit form. I really do think that every N day we can have we get stronger. And we really need the S days to keep from overrestricting.

Yes, I know there are going to be setbacks for me because of years of my diet/binge cycling. For me, I don't plan to fail, but I have to have a plan if and when I do. That is why I like the idea of mark it and move on. But as I have said in other posts, I don't think I have any other choice than to work on this habit. I can tell that there are those that have come and gone on this board. I wonder if some have left because they are successful and don't need to report in anymore. I hope so. But I think there are many more that think they have a better plan. I wonder where they are after a few years of trying their plan. I just don't think there are many people who have succeeded with longterm "dieting."

I hope you have a happier week and can feel good about yourself. I don't know the answer about when to have the S days. I just haven't had that much experience. For me, the Saturday and Sunday has worked out to be when I needed S days. I think that having 5 days in a row of N days is also strengthening. I can tell when Friday comes that I am about ready to "lose it" but since the next two days are S days I realize that I am just one day away and I can do it. I think you have mentioned liking to bake for friends. You sound like a great cook and should be enjoying food and sharing good meals. You might want to make those S days. I know you can find your own wisdom about how to do this.

I also understand the need to read posts for awhile instead of telling your story. Just don't disappear on us.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:04 am
by Anne
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, TexArk, for what you wrote.

Here is the ugly color of this week (quite Christmassy!), which I will try to forget as fast as I can:




Starting this coming week, I will make Saturdays and Sundays my S days. We'll see what happens.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 12:13 pm
by apomerantz

Oh sweetie, you had a really rough week last week. But it's over. TexArk and I are coming from the same place as you are on the binging. It's just NOT a good feeling at all, and I think it is so hard for people to understand the out of controlness of it.

I think making your S days on Saturday and Sunday is a really good idea. Otherwise, I think it is too easy to fail and then say "well, I'll make that my first S day of the week so I might as well just eat what I want", and then when you get to the weekend, you are really faced with so many more temptations, so those probably can get out of hand easily. So unless you work and have different days off than normal, I think it makes more sense to just stick with the program as written.

The hardest N days are the ones right after an S day so if you break up your S days - you have TWO of those instead of one. Also, I think the back to back S days actually minimizes the out of control eating because one of the days follows a non-restrictive day, and you just don't feel as hungry . . .or interested . . .by the second day. I actually sort of yearn for the N day after the two back to back S days.

Anne, I hope you'll be gentle to yourself and just take one N day at a time. I admire that you are recording your "failures" - - that means you are facing up to the challenges of making permanent habit changes. It's definitely NOT easy. But you seem very self insightful, and I think ultimately, you are going to do this. The weight is less important right now than the habit formation. Just take one baby step at a time. And all those baby steps are going to lead up to one big SUCCESS.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:46 am
by Anne
Anita, the way you explain how S days work makes perfect sense. Thank you for your insight.

I haven't had dinner yet, but it looks like today is going to be a success. I don't want to get too excited, I don't even want to care. I think I was well advised to take it one day at a time, and that's what I'm trying to do.

I am still doing 40 minutes of weight-lifting every other day. At least this is something I haven't failed at for over a month.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:23 pm
by Anne
It is 3:14 p.m. and hunger is trying to catch me by the throat.

Things got crazy at work today and I didn't have one second to stop and eat lunch. I just arrived home (STARVING) a few minutes ago and I ate my tuna fish sandwich. Now I'm dying for more, for something very warm and sweet.

I don't want to give in. Here's the plan: making a nice pot of hot tea, sitting comfortably in the couch with a blanket wrapped around me (it's freezing cold!) and watching one of my favorite TV shows.

It sounds very cosy and should make up for all the food I'm NOT going to eat.

Let's go.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:38 am
by Anne
The plan worked fine. I was very hungry again at dinner.
I drink a lot of tea after each meal, it fills me up.
Today is a success.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:14 pm
by apomerantz
That's the way, Anne!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:28 pm
by TexArk
Way to go Anne. I had to eat supper at 4:30 last night because I had a mixed up day, too. I put on a pot of decaf coffee and made it through the evening. It seems like you, Anita, and I were all drinking tea or coffee to hold on yesterday. It is cold here, too, but nothing like the Northwest I am sure.

Today we are in the teens so I will have to do my walking indoors. You should be proud that you have the exercise and weight lifting habit in place. I am working on those. It used to be all or nothing for me with my exercise (60-90 minutes a day). Now I just want to establish first a consistent 30 minute minimum daily habit. Baby steps are so hard sometimes!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:08 pm
by apomerantz
I will admit that I rely on coffee to get me to dinner, and I really don't even enjoy it at all. But the caffeine really dulls my appetite a LOT so it has been a bit of a godsend.

Today I tried to lighten up my meals just a teensy tad -- more veggies, but still a full plate. And I don't know if it is psychological or just the less fat, but I'm really hungry today :<. But I'm hanging tough and trying to equate the hunger pangs with calorie burning!!

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:19 pm
by TexArk
Here we are talking on Anne's spot...Actually my coffee drinking last night was 1/2 caffeine and 1/2 decaf. I have been trying the last couple of days not to worry about being hungry in the midmorning or afternoon and have had less on my plate at lunch; however it is 3:00 in the afternoon and my stomach is burning! I will probably have to have a small glass of milk after work. I haven't had my pot of coffee for the afternoon. I think you are right about the caffeine dulling hunger. I have heard that it is a stimulus to the appetite, but it doesn't affect me that way. I, like you, am going to think that the hunger means that my body has to use calories from my reserves (derriere) to get by until supper. Wednesdays are difficult for me sometimes because friends come over with goodies each Wednesday evening. I will resist, however, because I am accountable.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:42 am
by Anne
Coffee (as well as diet drinks) does dull my appetite at first, but after about an hour it makes my stomach growl with hunger!

It's funny, I also get together with friends on Wednesday evenings, and there are always treats too! Tonight I resisited the chocolate chip cookies that everyone was mindlessly eating. I don't think I missed much though: they were the very cheap kind that I don't care for.

Today was a success. Still, I don't want to get too excited.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:18 pm
by howfunisthat

I'm convinced that you are doing far better than you think you are. Why? Because we are so much harder on ourselves than we are on others. Just look at all the green days you've had. Count them. Then count the reds....I'm sure you'll have far more greens than reds....and the more greens you have, the more times you've chosen to be healthy than not. What we are all doing is not just trying to eat less, but to reverse the patterns of poor eating and emotional dependency so that our changes are permanent. NOT an easy thing to do! We are absolutely, positively NOT failures when we have a red day, we are champions when we follow that red day with green ones.

You are doing really've already accomplished so very much. When you get the time, re-read your old posts & you'll get a picture of a woman changing from the inside out. And what could be better than that?!?

We're going to win this, Anne....absolutely.


Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:41 pm
by apomerantz
Anne - - You are doing GREAT!! It's just one day at a time, and I can see that's exactly what you are doing . . . you should be so proud of yourself.

It's so interesting about the coffee. I know that diet pills essentially use caffeine or caffeine like substances to dull appetite. I think the sort of "speedy" affect of stimulants generally does reduce appetite. But perhaps it comes rip roaring back later for some. Not for me. I could skip dinner after my 4 pm cup of coffee. I don't, but I think I really could. And that's saying something because I'm a really big eater as a general rule.

Unfortunately, I suspect the impact could be temporary because I think your body gets used to the caffeine . . . just like any drug, then it takes more to get the same effect.

But for now, I'll take it!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:51 pm
by Anne
Thank you for the encouragement. I really am grateful to the people who drop by.
Thursday was a success. I am surprised because it's been quite a stressful week at work, and yet I haven't used food to comfort myself. My new after-work drug now is one episode of "Law & Order" with lots of hot tea :lol:.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:52 pm
by apomerantz
I think you make an important point, Anne, in that it sometimes is easier to replace a bad habit with a good one as opposed to simply quitting the habit. It's good that you treat yourself to something!

And congrats on another great successful day on No S!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:18 pm
by Anne
This new habit of mine does feel like a special treat. I feel like I really deserve it to get some comfort.

Success again on Friday. I must say that long line of green days looks quite impressive on my Habitcal! Here come two S-days now. I don't have any craving for anything special. We'll see what comes up.
Even though I've had a good No-S week, I still don't feel confident, and need to remain vigilent.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:11 pm
by Anne


I am quite happy with the colors of this past week! I sometimes feel a little lost on S days: the freedom is unsettling. I am ready for five N days now.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:45 am
by Anne
Success on Monday and Tuesday. I think this is the longest I've been without any red day. I feel that my meals are quite big sometimes, but at least it keeps me going until the next meal.

I've noticed that I don't think (nor worry) about food as often. I just think about it when I'm fixing something for lunch or dinner, and of course while I'm eating, but then I forget about it during the day.
Well, and to be honest, I'm really busy these days, so that may also explain why I don't have time to obsess about food!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:07 pm
by apomerantz
What an awesome week you had, Anne!!! Congratulations :). I hope you are feeling good (and proud of yourself too).

I definitely agree that with No S, you just don't need to think about food so much - - which I think is a huge plus. Thinking about it (for me) = wanting it.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:44 pm
by howfunisthat
Anne...well done! Isn't it wonderful to not obsess about food? It's such freedom!

You're doing great...


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:33 pm
by Anne
Today was a failure. I knew this would eventually happen, I just didn't know when.

Here are the two ways I could deal with this :
1) I've been doing really well for the past 11 days, I'm getting better and I'm not going to worry about today's setback.
2) I messed up again, I'll never be able to break away from emotional eating and bingeing!

What I really feel is a little bit of both. I am going to let today go and start afresh tomorrow. I don't think I have any other option.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:09 am
by TexArk
You really are thinking very rationally and not emotionally. Good for you! You know that you have had many more SUCCESS days than FAILURE days. Why are we so hard on ourselves when we can't live up to our hopes and expectations. But you are so right to realize there is not another choice: just move on. As Scarlett O'Hara says, "Tomorrow is another day." (Sorry, that is a Gone With the Wind quote)

It is really difficult to find ways to comfort ourselves when we have been using food to do that--in America we even call some foods "comfort foods." Do you have a similar term in French? For so long I have turned to food when I was nervous, bored, lonely, procratinating, sad, angry, staying up late studying. I think Pamela Peeke uses the phrase, "chew and stew" to describe the anxious eating we engage in.

You are honest with yourself, but don't be harder on yourself than you would be to a friend. Here's to a better day tomorrow.