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Starflower's Daily checkin...working to 21 days

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:51 pm
by starflower

I ordered the No S Diet book last Friday and started the eating/exercise plan on Sunday. Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has ever posted because I am reading ALL the posts and getting so many questions answered.

I count Sunday as a SUCCESS because I stuck with only 3 meals and had 1 helping of seconds on some homemade mac' 'n cheese, plus one drink over the glass ceiling. (My favorite cocktail of choice is 2 shots of vodka with ruby red grapefruit juice; I realize that one of my "talls" counts as actually 2 drinks).

I also started weight training Monday to get some muscle. I already exercise at home everyday: yoga, walking, elliptical, but couldn't understand why the weight wouldn't come off. I'm starting to "get it" over the course of just 3 days how much I snack all feels weird/good to be HUNGRY when meal time rolls around:D.

Thanks again so much for all your posts and Reinhardt for this website.

Monday: SUCCESS 1 vodka/juice
Today: SUCCESS!! 1 vodka/juice

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW:144 today!!
Body Fat: over 34% GBF: 20% H: 5'9 47y.o.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:29 am
by rpm
Hi Starflower,

Last Friday I became a member of the 21 day club. You will be a member before you know it. Eating the No S way is great!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:46 am
by starflower
Thanks RPM for the warm welcome and encouragement!! Congrats too to your 21 Days!! I think I'm gonna like this.

Day 4

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:08 am
by starflower
FAILURE...What a drag.

B: oatmeal, medium banana, handful walnuts, 1 glass skim milk

L: grilled chicken, spinach and onions sauteed in white wine, wheat roll, 1
cup full fat plain yogurt with maple syrup, clementine

D: 7oz grilled trout, asparagus, wheat roll, 1 cup full fat plain yogurt with
maple syrup, 1 shot vodka/grapefruit juice

I am counting today as a failure of No S plan because of the maple syrup; I think that breaks the "no sweets", unfortuntely. I feel disappointed in myself. I did, however, lower my "glass ceiling" to one drink tonight. Todays' SUCCESS was working out my arms and back, 30 minute interval training on my elliptical machine, taking the dog on 2 fifteen minute walks, and yoga tonight- so according to Fitday I may have burned more calories than I took in. My body sure doesn't feel that way. I feel bloated.

I'm feeling a little sorry for myself because 3 meals a day is not a magic potion; I need to cut back the amount of unwise food choices and eat "clean". I'm wondering must I have chicken and vegetables, cut out so much bread, and not sneak in the sweet I crave? At 47, do I need to be at 1500 calories a day for most of the days of my life?

Ok, tomorrow IS another day.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:50 am
by rpm

I am not sure today was a failure. If it is okay to put a teaspoon of sugar in coffee and still be No S I don't see that a bit of maple syrup in your yogurt would be a reason to call the day a failure.

I am 52 and I like No S because I don't have to eat just chicken and broccoli. Actually I find that a bit depressing. I am eating many foods that used to be forbidden. I do aspire to eat clean as I see processed food as being not that great a choice but then we farm, raise our own meat, and put up a lot of vegetables.

Three meals a day is not the magic potion, we still need to make good choices as far as what we eat. But I see those choices as getting easier the longer we are allowing the habit to work for us.

Tomorrow is another day and you are going to do great!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:34 am
by starflower
Thank you, Rene'.

I haven't received my copy of "No S" yet, so I really appreciate you taking the time to fill me in. Tomorrow, I'll add stevia to yogurt and save the maple syrup for an "S" day and be liberal with it too! I am officially changing my habical to a SUCCESS for today.

I'm from Indiana too; it's great to get support from someone who lives close to the earth. Fresh potted herbs are a mainstay every year for me, and I eat organic produce. To save money, my husband and I dug our first garden that we are planting this spring. I'm allergic to garlic and eggs, so by rights I should only eat bread that I bake myself. Processed foods are pretty much out for me if I want to avoid twisting up my guts, but baking a fresh loaf of bread is too much of a temptation at this stage!

I'm a "life long dieter", probably like most women - getting used to the slower pace of this eating style will take the time it takes. I'm heartened that you see food choices getting easier the longer you allow the habits to work for you. Good luck tomorrow!

Ready for Thursday

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:50 pm
by starflower
Ok, I'm ready for today. Yesterday WAS a success - the scale moved, yeah!!! I would love to do a full "asana" again without my stomach literally blocking my full forward bends, not to mention being able to get out of my sweatpants and comfortably back into my largest jeans.

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 143.5

Day 5

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:46 pm
by starflower

B: Oatmeal, banana, walnuts, skim milk

L: Sushi, green beans/shallots/olive oil/white wine vinegar, full fat plain
yogurt, 1 T maple syrup

D: Grilled chicken breast, potatoes, green beans leftovers, full fat plain
yogurt, 1/2 teaspoon maple syrup and stevia, 1jigger vodka/
grapefruit juice

E: Elliptical, leg/bun routine, yoga, walked dog 15 minutes

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:32 pm
by howfunisthat
Welcome Starflower!

It's nice to have you've started on a great adventure. I've been here since a life-long dieter...and will never go back to diets again. This is an internal change & it's so's brilliant. Not easy...but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

I'm glad you ordered Richard's book. I recommend it to everyone as it's full of great thoughts & encouragement. I've lost track of how many times I've picked it up.

Welcome again,

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:29 pm
by starflower
Thank you so much Janie! I'm sure looking forward to "S"aturday.

Friday and pain

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:46 pm
by starflower
With my 30 year plus history of severe IBS, my guts almost always hurt to one degree or another after I eat anything. "No S" 3 meals a day didn't stop that. I still have pain after eating, but of course less often because I don't eat 6 plus times a day anymore. Last night, I got the idea to make my goal for today "no gut pain" after each of my 3 meals.

Breakfast went fine; I cut back very slightly on the volume of food I ate and SUCCESS - I felt fine. Then, at noon, I had a BIG salad and more chicken than I normally eat in a sitting. I was feeling very full towards the bottom of my salad bowl, but I really wanted my yogurt. Since I had room on the plate, I went ahead and had a cup of full fat yogurt and maple syrup. Almost immediately after tucking into my yogurt, my guts started cramping. A yogurt lesson has been learned....note to self, only have a half cup of yogurt per meal!!! Before "No S", my guts would hurt all the time because I routinely ate too much - definitely more than my body can handle without hurting.

So, I'm starting a "gut check" category on Habitcal. On the days where I go all day pain free, I'm checking it GREEN. I got the idea from other posters who count not binging as a success day. While I don't fit the dictionary definition of binging, I have "call the doctor and grab the percodan" pain for eating a food with my allergies of egg or garlic in it, or just for eating too much fat at one time, and occasionally for stress. Now, along with logging what I'm eating during my daily check ins, I'll be able to see in black and white (or should I say "green" and "red") what foods and how much food works for me.

Thank you Reinhardt - my head is already opening so much now that food issues are coming off my "plate"! I also have a friend recently diagnosed with breast cancer, who I'm turning on to everyday systems to get some good habits to help her through. What I love about "No S" and the concepts involved is the FREEDOM that can come. You, Rein, have given us tools to pick up and use, or not, to make our own individual decisions. I'm counting today as a huge spiritual SUCCESS.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:53 am
by starflower

I am determined to eat lightly enough to avoid pain on my "S" day tomorrow, while still enjoying treats.

D: Soup, bread/butter, vodka/grapefruit juice

SUCCESS: E: elliptical, ab/back routine, walked dog, mild stretching for 30 minutes.

FAILURE: Gut pain after lunch and had an IBS attack that's still going strong. Maybe the coffee I had this morning set it off? I don't normally drink coffee, yet I do believe the culprit was just too much fat at once with the yogurt. The irony is that an IBS attack often sends me to eat MORE, especially chocolate, ice cream, and chips because I feel like what's the use. So today, I did alright and stayed on track with N S. I'm crossing my fingers for tomorrow.

Day 7

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:52 pm
by starflower


Apparently sugar (as I know from past experience) is not an issue for my IBS as I had a chocolate wafer cookie this morning, 2 very large slices of red velvet cake, and vanilla ice cream without any cramping or pain. Yeah!! Dinner is being skipped tonight - I have a sugar hangover!

B: Oatmeal, banana, walnuts, skim milk

L: Vegetable stew, bread slice/olive oil, broccoli, 1/2 cup yogurt/maple syrup

D/Afternoon snack: see above, bread slice/olive oil

E: Elliptical, weight trained arms, yoga, walked dog

Tomorrow, I'm starting to use smaller than my regular dinner plates and see how that does for me. Does plate size matter with "No S"? I'm still waiting on my darn "No S" book via pony express.

Day 8

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:19 pm
by starflower
SUCCESS: Sunday "S" Day


EXERCISE: Legs/buns routine

My 1st real "S" weekend after my first 5 "N" Days....can you say "oink"? I had a bit over 3000 calories on Sunday - and I actually feel pretty good. That's what S days are for, and today I've already had a small bowl breakfast to begin my week on nosing using smaller plates and lower cals. I am actually not concerned that Monday's weight went up by 2 pounds..Right now, my tummy is thanking me for having the right size morning meal. Hubby says I'll be hungry by 10 am - I don't care....I'm feeling good.

Anyhoo, yesterday I ate a large bowl of oatmeal, banana, walnuts, skim milk, 3 cups of mac 'n cheese, broccoli/butter, large slice of cake, ice cream, bread/olive oil, 2 cups full fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, grapefruit juice/vodka.

SW: 145 GW:130 CW: 147

Day 9

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:13 pm
by starflower



Small plates and all, I did well today. Also, I added a calorie cap to my N days and (future) S days, and I didn't starve either. Yeah!!!

B: 1/2 c raw oats soaked in 1/2 c almond milk, 1/2 med banana, 1/2 oz walnuts

L: 2 cups vegetable soup, large Kaiser roll, 1 c raspberries/blueberries with 1/2 cup whipped topping

D: 5 -6 oz grilled trout, 1 c broccoli, 1 c raspberries/blueberries w 1/2 cup whipped topping, vodka/grapefruit juice

E: abs/back routine, yoga, elliptical, walked dog 30 minutes

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 147.5

Day 10

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:26 pm
by starflower



B: 1/2 c oats soaked in almond milk, walnuts, banana

L: Arugula salad w olive oil, parmesan, apple, cucumber, carrots, mushrooms, raspberries & blueberries w whipped cream topping, 1/2 c plain full fat yogurt, and maple syrup

D: 7.5 oz grilled salmon, sweet potato w butter, 1/c raspberries w whipped cream topping, vodka/grapefruit juice

E: arms weight routine, yoga, elliptical

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 146

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:48 pm
by fishious
Woow...What great lunches do you make.
Where do you find the time!
They sound very tasty, but isn't there quiet a lot of fat in whipped cream and nuts. I know they are not sweets or snacks, but I would consider them treats. On the other hand does it really mather the whole thing sounds really healthy and that is what mathers.

Keep up the good work!!

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:37 pm
by starflower
Thanks fishious. Glad you asked because I don't like spending a loonngg time cooking.

I get up on weekdays at 5:50 am to make hubby his breakfast and pack a lunch for him to take to work. He likes mixed greens with chopped veggies, grilled chicken, a half tablespoon of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce to taste, salt and pepper. Twice a week or so, I grill his chicken on an indoor "T Fal" grill using a zero calorie butter or olive oil spray and store it in the fridge. Grilling with my beloved "T Fal" takes 3 - 4 minutes, and it cleans up in 2. So I know I always have these food on hand to make a lunch which takes less than 5 min to make. I also grocery shop frequently - 2 to 5 x a week. (But I get to use a basket or a small cart!) I steam my side veggies in a microwave - takes around 3 minutes - washing and chopping an extra couple of minutes.

I'm tracking my food log on "", (it's free or $20 for the version I use), for a while; but, I'm pretty confident that with the right size plates and just the "vanilla" No S rules you will rock!

Yesterday was 1830 calories for the whole day and 34% was fat. It keeps me full, I like it, and other days I average 1500 calories and around 25% fat. I gotta have my treats to stick with 3 meals, and I'm still complying with No S. (I finally got my No S book in the mail yesterday). Tonight I'm making a vegetable minestrone that's fat free, serves 8, takes about an hour and 10 minutes to prepare, and will be yummy with some fresh bread from the bakery. (I only buy 2 rolls at a time so we eat 'em fresh). Hubby and I will be having some leftovers!

Anyhoo, hope this answers your question. Enjoy your week.

day 11

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:30 pm
by starflower



B: 1/2 c oats cooked, 1/2 med banana, walnuts, 1 c skim milk

L: 2 c arugula, 1/4 c cheddar, 1/2 apple, cucumber, mushrooms, carrots, olive oil, 1/2 c plain full fat yogurt, 1/2 raspberries & blueberries, 1/2 cup whipped topping, 1 T maple syrup

D: 2 c homemade minestrone, 1/2 c blueberries & blackberries, 1/2 c plain full fat yogurt, whipped topping, maple syrup, vodka/grapefruit juice

E: elliptical, buns/legs routine, walked dog 15 minutes

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 144.5

Day 12 and starting over on my 21 days of habit tomorrow

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:46 am
by starflower



B: coffee w full fat cream, oatmeal, banana, walnuts, skim milk

L: minestrone, blackberries, yogurt, whipped topping, maple syrup

D: pizza, cheese and crackers, blueberries, yogurt, whipped topping, maple syrup, vodka/grapefruit juice

E: elliptical, yoga, walked dog 15 minutes

Ate way too much and snacked after dinner on cheese and crackers, plus more yogurt! Yogurt is a trigger....I'll need to watch out for that. But you know, I feel like getting back on Friday's horse.

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 144.5

Day 13

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:17 pm
by starflower
I ran my numbers again this morning. To lose one pound a week, I will need to eat 1600 calories max on N days and 2000 calories max on S days, along with keeping my exercise habit.

Maybe it's the structure of 3 meals a day, but I don't feel worried about not really moving the scale right now. This is a getting to know myself phase, and I'm OK with that.

I am happy to report that I got back into my largest jeans yesterday. My body is tightening up - it likes the fuel and exercise! My husband is happy to get his sweatpants back :D .

Day 13

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:24 am
by starflower



B: oatmeal soaked in almond milk, walnuts, banana

L: oatmeal soaked in almond milk, banana, raspberries whipped topping

D: tortellini/chicken soup, blueberries, whipped topping, merlot

Peppermint tea, honey

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 145.5

Saturday Day 14 on the No S journey

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:35 pm
by starflower



B: oats soaked in almond milk, banana, walnuts, coffee/heavy whipping cream

L: mixed greens w/carrots, yellow peppers, cucumber, celery, dried cranberries, walnuts, parmesan cheese, apple, minced shallot, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce

D/snack: 2 large sugar cookies, vodka/grapefruit juice, and corn nuts

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 145

Day 14 Sunday

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:16 pm
by starflower



B: oats in almond milk, walnuts, banana, coffee w cream

snack - 1/2 maple danish pastry

L: grilled panini w chicken, swiss cheese, steamed carrots & broccoli, raspberries w cream, maple syrup

D/snack: popcorn w butter, beer, raspberries & blueberries w cream, maple syrup

My S weekend was a SUCCESS! I had treats, snacks, and kept my food consumption to around 2000 cals per day, (way better than last weekend of around 3500 cals daily)!

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 144.5

Day 15 Monday

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:19 pm
by starflower



B: oats,almond milk, banana, walnuts

L: mixed greens, mushrooms, walnuts, dried cranberries, parmesan, carrots, chives, yellow peppers, olive oil, vinegar, soy sauce, chicken, raspberries, blueberries, maple syrup, whipped topping, large roll

D: salmon, cornnuts, vodka/grapefruit juice

E: arms/weight routine

Oops. I had seconds and snacked on cornnuts (the highest caloric treat known to mankind).

SW: 145 GW: 130 CW: 144

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:11 pm
by howfunisthat
You're wearing your jeans again! Congratulations!!! What a great feeling that is.


Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:00 pm
by starflower