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15n@50s Daily Check In

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:28 pm
by 15n@50
This introduction is about 10 months over due. Back at the beginning of last year I was fat, 50 and fed up. My username, 15n@50, stands for '15n lbs at 50 years old'. Very inspirational except that I chose that back in February when I turned 50 but fell out the back door of the everyday system's bus back in March.( ... hovelglove )
I'm now 20 lbs heavier than I was at my low point back then. The good news is the system totally worked while I was on it. I had dropped about 17 pounds. (Yes, that's right - I'm starting this year fatter, fiftier and more fed up than last.)

So what will be different this year?

One thing I'm doing differently is being more public about it. Last year I did it in stealth mode. Except anyone who might have stumbled on my habitcal, nobody knew about it. And as you can see this time I'm doing the daily checkin. And I've told my family. They did a very good job of suppressing the eye rolling. My wife is actually going to try the No S diet with me. I may post a physical habitcal at home to keep the family in the loop.

Another difference is that I've come around to Reinhard's way of thinking. Focus on the habit and not the progress. Staying on the bus is more important than where the bus is going. You've actually got to take your eyes OFF the prize.

As for the username, I'll keep it as a cautionary reminder...

ps. Another interesting tidbit vis a vis the whole 'it takes 21 days to build a habit' is that I actually did manage 21 days on No S last year. I think 21 days is a good place to start but think it will take more than that for me to build a habit and then build a fence around the habit so that I can have some confidence it will stick. A year would be a good start, that way it will have weathered all the seasons. Or I guess we can chalk this up to the 'it takes 12 failures to succeed' rule. Only 11 more to go :-).

pps. I'm doing/tracking three things: No S, Shovelglove and Walking (only some of it could be called Urban Rangering). Last year I didn't track the walking and did track a glass ceiling of no more than 2 cups of coffee a day.

ppps. You gotta love a system in which you start out NOT doing it for 3 of the first 4 days. Today, New Years Day is an S day but I shovelgloved anyways since I'm trying to build up to a full 14 minute session.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:00 am
by TexArk
Well I am ten years your senior, and I really feel like a slow learner. I have been at this process all my life, but this system seems like a perfect fit. Have you tried other weight loss programs? I, along with the other females on this board whose posts I have read, seem to have a long history of dieting which has messed up our whole approach to food and eating. I wonder if this is true for men. Is this plan your first attempt at weight control?
I am using the check in and plan to do that for more than the first month because, I like you, think I need longer to develop good habits. I am also using the habitcal. I love it. I have tried my own homemade versions, but this is much better. The simplicity of this plan with its sustainable rules and boundaries is very appealing.
I am glad I have the board to go to because my family has also heard way too many "new schemes" to be very interested.
Best wishes for a good beginning.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:54 am
by 15n@50
Oh, yes, I've been working on this forever. I started gaining weight right out of college. I think Fit or Fat may have been the first weight loss scheme I tried. They generally seemed to work but then I'd fall off and never get back on again. But I think this approach, developing lasting habits, is the right approach. I think of it as the Mother of All Diets :-) If you can really get it firmly set then you can use it forever for weight loss and then weight control. Then you could layer any other health related diet on top. Basically use other diets to tell you what to eat (I'm reading South Beach right now) but use No S to tell you when and how much to eat. But first things first. I suppose we vintage dieters have more years of bad habits to work against so it may take more time and focus to securely replace them with the new. HabitCal rocks in this regard.
New year, New habits!

Day 1 Check-in 1/1/2009

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:00 pm
by 15n@50
Day 1 Check-in 1/1/2009

No-S - Success!
Shovelglove - Success! (still working up to the full set).
30MinuteWalk - Success!

20 more N days to go (as a start).

Day 2 Check In 1/2/2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:02 pm
by 15n@50
Day 2 Check In 1/2/2009

NoS - Success!
ShovelGlove - Success! First full set.
30MinWalk - Success!

only 29 more N days to go (for a start)

thoughts... I should add 'daily check in' to habitCal.

Day 3 Check in

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:55 pm
by 15n@50
Day 3 Check in

NoS - exempt
ShovelGlove - exempt
30MinWalk - success! went for about an hour.
dailyCheck in - success!

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:47 pm
by NoMoreDiet
We're the same age and I, too, am going back around to this after gaining 10 lbs. You would think by this age, we would have figured out that doing the same old thing over and over isn't bringing any different results. It's truly got to be a change of habit--nice thing about this change is it's easier than some of the silly diet changes we've tried before--very doable. I am finding concentrating on just making this a habit and not paying as much attention to "what" I am eating is finding success. Good luck this time around. We'll get it eventually. Maybe training these 50 year old brains to do something sane and sensible is just what we needed--haha

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:09 pm
by 15n@50
Thanks for your thoughts! Its interesting. I've done lots of things ( although I've never really followed any diet or exercise system to the letter ) but I've hardly ever gone back to them after I've fallen off. But I'm back for more of this. Just got to do whatever it takes to keep the focus on maintaining the habit. It may take longer than it once would have but not doubt our 50 year old brains can learn some new tricks.

Day 4 Check In

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:23 pm
by 15n@50
NoS - exempt
ShovelGlove - exempt
30MinWalk - success! went for about an hour.
dailyCheck in - success!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:22 am
by 15n@50
Day 5 Check-in 1/5/2009 - Monday

NoS - success! - only 18 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 18 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min - success! - only 16 more N days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 16 more N days to go (for a start)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:55 am
by 15n@50
Day 6 Check-in 1/6/2009 - Tuesday

NoS - success! - only 17 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 17 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min (*2)- success! - only 15 more N days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 15 more N days to go (for a start)

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:41 am
by 15n@50
Day 7 Check-in 1/7/2009 - Wednesday

NoS - success! - only 16 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 16 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min (*2)- success! - only 14 more days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 14 more days to go (for a start)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:30 am
by 15n@50
Day 8 Check-in 1/8/2009 - Thursday

NoS - success! - only 15 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 15 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min (*2)- success! - only 13 more days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 13 more days to go (for a start)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:39 am
by 15n@50
Day 9 Check-in 1/9/2009 - Friday

NoS - success! - only 14 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 14 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min (*2)- success! - only 12 more days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 12 more days to go (for a start)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:41 am
by 15n@50
Day 10 Check-in 1/10/2009 - Saturday

NoS - exempt! - only 14 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - only 14 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min (*2)- success! - only 11 more days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 11 more days to go (for a start)

Because I'm giving blood (platelets actually) on Monday - I'm making Monday an S day for NoS and Tuesday to be an S day for shovelGlove To compensate I'm going to make tomorrow, Sunday, an N day for NoS and shovelGlove.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:24 am
by 15n@50
Day 11 Check-in 1/11/2009 - Sunday

NoS - success! - only 13 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 13 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min - success! - only 10 more days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 10 more days to go (for a start)

Taking to day as an N day because I'll take tomorrow as an S day for NoS and Tuesday as a S day for shovelGlove.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:22 am
by 15n@50
Day 12 Check-in 1/12/2009 - Monday

NoS - exempt! - only 13 more N days to go (for a start)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 12 more N days to go (for a start)

walk30Min - success! - only 9 more days to go (for a start)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 9 more days to go (for a start)

Today was an S day for NoS because I was going to give blood(platelets). Turned out my iron was just a little bit low (first time since I started in July and I've been doing it every 2 weeks) and I couldn't donate. I'll have to do some research on that.

Tomorrow is an S day for shovelglove. I had planned this because I didn't want to work out the morning after giving blood.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:15 am
by 15n@50
Day 13 Check-in 1/13/2009 - Tuesday

NoS - success! - only 12 more N days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - only 12 more N days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 8 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 8 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Today was an S day for shovelGlove because I had planned to give blood(platelets) yesterday and took Sunday as an N day in preparation for not swinging a sledgehammer around with a perforated arm today. Turned out my iron was just a little bit low and I couldn't donate. Today I ironed up my food choices a bit (but stayed on habit).

Tomorrow is an all around N day.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:31 am
by 15n@50
Day 14 Check-in 1/14/2009 - Wednesday

NoS - success! - only 11 more N days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 11 more N days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 7 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 7 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Ironed up - breakfast was Purely Os (45% DV iron fortified) and orange juice. The vitamin C in the OJ will improve the absorption of the iron in the Os.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:05 am
by gratefuldeb67
Wow you are doing awesome!!!
Good for you :D
Keep it up!
8) Debs

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:35 am
by 15n@50
Thanks Debs, I'm hanging in there. :-)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:38 am
by 15n@50
Day 15 Check-in 1/15/2009 - Thursday

NoS - success! - only 10 more N days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 10 more N days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 6 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 6 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

I have a hammer and I swing it in the morning.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:21 am
by 15n@50
Day 16 Check-in 1/16/2009 - Friday

NoS - success! - only 5 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 5 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 5 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 5 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

I reviewed the 'rules' for the 21 day club and realized I was counting wrong. I thought you only counted N days but it looks like S days get counted to. So I've adjusted the days-to-go numbers here for NoS and SG to reflect that.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:06 am
by 15n@50
Day 17 Check-in 1/17/2009 - Saturday (S day)

NoS - exempt! - only 4 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - only 4 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 4 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 4 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Dropped a notch on my belt this morning - in the desirable direction. Good thing because there was nowhere to go in the other direction. :-) If experience is any guide I'll be going back and forth between the 2 notches before it settles down.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:43 pm
by 15n@50
Day 18 Check-in 1/18/2009 - Sunday (S day)

NoS - exempt! - only 3 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - only 3 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 3 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 3 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Did all my walking behind my snow blower today.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:25 am
by 15n@50
Day 19 Check-in 1/19/2009 - Monday (N day) MLK Day

NoS - success! - only 2 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 2 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 2 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 2 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Did all my walking behind my snow blower again today.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:48 am
by 15n@50
Day 20 Check-in 1/20/2009 - Tuesday (N day) Inauguration Day

NoS - success! - only 1 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 1 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 1 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 1 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

New president, new habits.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:33 am
by 15n@50
Day 21 Check-in 1/21/2009 - Wednesday (N day)

NoS - success! - no more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - no more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - no more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - no more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:32 am
by 15n@50
Day 22 Check-in 1/22/2009 - Thursday (N day)

NoS - success! - 29 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 29 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 29 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 29 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

I'm adding an experimental habit, ready2GoAt6. This is to be up and ready to go by 6 am on work days. The idea is to be ready early enough so that I have no excuses for not taking the bus.

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:00 am
by 15n@50
Day 23 Check-in 1/23/2009 - Friday (N day)

NoS - success! - 28 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 28 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 28 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 28 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:21 am
by 15n@50
Day 24 Check-in 1/24/2009 - Saturday (S day)

NoS - exempt! - 27 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 27 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 27 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 27 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Monday is a blood donation day so I'm going to be doing some switching again. Tomorrow, Sunday, will be an N day for NoS and SG. Monday will be an S day for NoS and Tuesday will be an S day for SG.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:22 am
by 15n@50
Day 25 Check-in 1/25/2009 - Sunday

NoS - success! - 26 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 26 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 26 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 26 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Tomorrow, Monday, is a blood donation day so I'm doing some switching again. Sunday, is an N day for NoS and SG. Monday will be an S day for NoS and Tuesday will be an S day for SG.

Changed my SG routine - I was getting pain in left elbow. I dropped chop wood and my odd version of lift lever. I'll add them back in after a while. Just doing shovel and churn. I also fixed my form on shovel after going back and rewatching Reinhard's video.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:47 am
by 15n@50
Day 26 Check-in 1/26/2009 - Monday

NoS - exempt! - 25 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 25 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 25 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 25 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 16 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

blood donation day - iron was to low on first test but just made it on the second. couldn't give a full unit though - machine was unable to draw after 10-20 minutes. That kinda sucked. ;-)

tomorrow is an S-day for SG.

It was a sloppy NoS S day.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:34 pm
by 15n@50
Day 27 Check-in 1/27/2009 - 2sday

NoS - success! - 24 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 24 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 24 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 24 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 15 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

today is an S-day for SG. Tomorrow is an all around N day.

I'm toying with the idea for another track-able habit. I have 3 variations to my work days. I sometimes work from home; I sometimes drive to work; I sometimes take the bus. I should drive less and take the bus more for lots of reasons. But I can't just say I'll never drive. Sometimes I need to.

ready2GoAt6 enables taking the bus because if I can then catch a reasonably timed bus. After that I'm running too late and will always drive.

So one idea is to negative track driving to work. Lets say I give myself a glass ceiling of 1 driving day per work week. So...
  • * a non work day is blank on the habitcal
    * a non driving work day is green
    * up to 1 driving work day is yellow
    * the 2nd driving work day in any week is red
I thought of making non work days yellow to but I feel the need to see which day I drove.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:36 pm
by howfunisthat
Just look at you go!!!! You're doing great! Well done...


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:25 am
by 15n@50
Thanks Janie. I almost forgot my daily check in today - actually went to bed then remembered.

Day 28 Check-in 1/28/2009 - Wednesday

NoS - success! - 23 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 23 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 23 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 23 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 14 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 was a bit sloppy today. If it hadn't been a work-from-home day I wouldn't have made it.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:04 am
by 15n@50
Day 29 Check-in 1/29/2009 - Thusday

NoS - success! - 22 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 22 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 22 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 22 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

So I had planned to work from home and then, at 6, decided to go in to work instead. Since I wasn't ready (because I hadn't planned) I couldn't be ready in time. I guess I could have finagled this into a success but I I'll leave it as a fail. Got to smooth out the rough corners on these. Besides it gives me practice with the habit that never shows up on the habitCal - persisting in spite of failure.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:55 am
by 15n@50
Day 30 Check-in 1/30/2009 - Friday

NoS - success! - 21 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 21 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 21 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 21 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:11 am
by 15n@50
Day 31 Check-in 1/31/2009 - Saturday

NoS - exempt! - 20 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 20 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 20 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 20 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Sloppy NoS S day.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:44 am
by 15n@50
Day 32 Check-in 2/1/2009 - Sunday

NoS - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 19 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 19 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

VERY sloppy NoS S day. When you eat badly, you feel badly.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:40 am
by 15n@50
Day 33 Check-in 2/2/2009 - Monday

NoS - success! - 18 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 18 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 18 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 18 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:17 am
by 15n@50
Day 34 Check-in 2/3/2009 - 2sday

NoS - success! - 17 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 17 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 17 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 17 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - success! - 16 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

1driveGlassCeiling - today was a work-at-home day.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:59 am
by 15n@50
Day 35 Check-in 2/4/2009 - Wednesday

NoS - success! - 16 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 16 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 16 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 16 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - failure! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - failure! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

hmm. Not doing so well with the 2 new habits. Maybe the dead of cold, dark, snowy winter was not the best time to try and start these habits. A little like starting NoS during the holiday season. But I'll let them run for a bit. I'll think about some way to mod the rules so that I can nudge the habit (or lack of habit) in the right direction. Maybe use personal olympics. Gold = no days driven; Silver = 1 day driven, Bronze = 2 days driven.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:56 am
by 15n@50
Day 36 Check-in 2/5/2009 - Thursday

NoS - success! - 15 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 15 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 15 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 15 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:45 am
by 15n@50
Day 37 Check-in 2/6/2009 - Friday

NoS - success! - 14 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - 14 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 14 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 14 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:17 am
by 15n@50
Day 38 Check-in 2/7/2009 - Friday

NoS - exempt! - 13 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 13 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 13 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 13 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

S day gone wild.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:47 am
by 15n@50
Day 39 Check-in 2/8/2009 - Sunday

NoS - exempt! - 12 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 12 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - 12 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - 12 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:03 pm
by winnie96
15n@50 wrote:Day 22 Check-in ... I'm adding an experimental habit, ready2GoAt6. This is to be up and ready to go by 6 am on work days.
I just ran across your "ready2go" idea, and I think it's really going to prove helpful to me. I tend to have "slow launch" mornings and waste a lot of time just futzing around, rather than focusing on the things I have to do to be "ready2go". I end up having to rush around like crazy, am always a little late, and my day is thrown off -- just a little bit, but enough to make me on edge.

I don't have a bus to catch like you do, but I think this concept will be useful for getting me more on track in the mornings.

Thanks a bunch for a great idea, and congratulations on all the Success! entries I see in your check-in log!


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:27 am
by 15n@50
Winnie, Thanks for drive-by and good luck with your own readyBy.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:28 am
by 15n@50
Day 40 Check-in 2/9/2009 - Monday

NoS - Success! - 11 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 11 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 11 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 11 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Success! - 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:23 am
by 15n@50
Day 41 Check-in 2/10/2009 - 2sday

NoS - Success! - 10 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 10 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 10 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 10 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:26 am
by 15n@50
I was totally confused when my thread went to 2 pages. Thought I had lost an entry. I guess that is a landmark of sorts.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:42 am
by 15n@50
Day 42 Check-in 2/11/2009 - Wsday

NoS - Success! - 9 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 9 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 9 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 9 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:42 am
by 15n@50
Day 43 Check-in 2/12/2009 - Thursday

NoS - Success! - 8 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 8 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 8 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 8 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Success! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:14 pm
by howfunisthat
Just look at all that green!!!!!


Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:11 am
by 15n@50
Thanks Janie! I wish it could be that green everyday.

Day 44 Check-in 2/13/2009 - Friday

NoS - Success! - 7 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 7 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 7 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 7 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Missed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Missed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:18 am
by 15n@50
Day 45 Check-in 2/14/2009 - Valentines Day

NoS - exempt! - 6 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 6 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 6 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 6 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:45 am
by 15n@50
Day 46 Check-in 2/15/2009 - Birth Day

NoS - exempt! - 5 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 5 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 5 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 5 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:42 am
by 15n@50
Day 47 Check-in 2/16/2009 - Presidents Day

NoS - exempt! - 4 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 4 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 4 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 4 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:59 am
by 15n@50
Day 48 Check-in 2/17/2009 - 2s Day

NoS - Success! - 3 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 3 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 3 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 3 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Success! - 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:38 am
by 15n@50
Day 49 Check-in 2/18/2009 - Wednes Day

NoS - Success! - 2 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 2 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 2 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 2 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:49 am
by 15n@50
Day 50 Check-in 2/19/2009 - Thurs Day

NoS - Success! - 1 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 1 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 1 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 1 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:59 am
by 15n@50
Day 51 Check-in 2/20/2009 - Fri Day

NoS - Success! - 0 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
ShovelGlove - Success! - 0 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

walk30Min - Success! - 0 more days to go (for 51 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 0 more days to go (for 51 club entry)

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:55 am
by 15n@50
Day 52 Check-in 2/21/2009 - Satur Day

NoS - Exempt! - 7 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Exempt! - 7 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 7 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 7 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Exempt! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
1driveGlassCeiling - Exempt! - 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:27 am
by 15n@50
Day 53 Check-in 2/22/2009 - Sun Day

NoS - Exempt! - 6 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Exempt! - 6 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 6 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 6 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Exempt!
1driveGlassCeiling - Exempt!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:55 pm
by 15n@50
Day 54 Check-in 2/23/2009 - Mon Day

NoS - Success! - 5 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Success! - 5 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 5 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 5 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! :-(
1driveGlassCeiling - Success! - 4 more days to go for a successful week!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:40 am
by 15n@50
Day 55 Check-in 2/24/2009 - 2s Day

NoS - Success! - 4 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Success! - 4 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 4 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 4 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! :-(
1driveGlassCeiling - Exempt! - 3 more days to go for a successful week but no more driving days.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:43 am
by 15n@50
Day 56 Check-in 2/25/2009 - Wednes Day

NoS - Success! - 3 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Success! - 3 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 3 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 3 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! :-(
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! :-(

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:56 am
by 15n@50
Day 57 Check-in 2/26/2009 - Thurs Day

NoS - Success! - 2 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Success! - 2 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 2 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 2 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! :-(
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! :-(

Maybe I'll retire these last 2 at the end of the month.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:58 am
by 15n@50
Day 58 Check-in 2/27/2009 - Fri Day

NoS - Success! - 1 more days to go to earn Gold for February
ShovelGlove - Success! - 1 more days to go to earn Gold for February

walk30Min - Success! - 1 more days to go to earn Gold for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 1 more days to go to earn Gold for February

ready2GoAt6 - Success!
1driveGlassCeiling - Failed! :-(

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:34 am
by 15n@50
Day 59 Check-in 2/28/2009 - Satur Day

NoS - Exempt! - Image(gold) for February
ShovelGlove - Exempt! - Image(gold) for February

walk30Min - Failure! - Image Silver for February
dailyCheckIn - Success! - Image(gold) for February

ready2GoAt6 - Exempt!
1driveGlassCeiling - Exempt!

I can't believe I spaced out on my 30 min walk to day. First time ion 58 days I missed it and it is on the last day of the month. So based on Reinhard's rules it is a Silver.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:29 am
by 15n@50
Day 60 Check-in 3/01/2009 - Sun Day

NoS - Exempt! - 30 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - Exempt! - 30 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 30 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 30 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - Exempt!
1driveGlassCeiling - Exempt!

Didn't do a deliberate 30 minute walk but I'm quite sure I got in 30 minutes of incidental walking.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:45 am
by 15n@50
Day 61 Check-in 3/02/2009 - Mon Day

NoS - success! - 29 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 29 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 29 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 29 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - failed!
1driveGlassCeiling - success!

Got my walking in behind a snowblower.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:00 am
by 15n@50
Day 63 Check-in 3/04/2009 - Wednes Day

NoS - success! - 27 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 27 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 27 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 27 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - failed!
1driveGlassCeiling - success!

Somehow I skipped my check in for 2sday. Go figure.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:39 am
by 15n@50
Day 64 Check-in 3/05/2009 - Thurs Day

NoS - success! - 26 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 26 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 26 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 26 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - failed!
1driveGlassCeiling - failed!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:31 am
by 15n@50
Day 67 Check-in 3/08/2009 - Sun Day

NoS - exempt! - 24 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 24 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 24 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 24 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - exempt! - 5 days to go for a gold week
1driveGlassCeiling - exempt! - 5 days to go for a gold week

Headed down to NY on Friday & from there to NJ on Saturday so check in was exempt on both days. Gave my self an exemption for walking on Saturday. I was either traveling or attending a family function all day.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:53 pm
by 15n@50
Day 68 Check-in 3/09/2009 - Mon Day

NoS - success! - 24 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 24 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 24 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 24 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - Failed! - 4 days to go for a silver week
1driveGlassCeiling - success! - 5 days to go for a gold week

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:12 am
by 15n@50
Day 70 Check-in 3/11/2009 - Wednes Day

NoS - success! - 22 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 22 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 22 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 22 days left to earn gold for March

ready2GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:42 am
by 15n@50
Day 71 Check-in 3/12/2009 - Thurs Day

NoS - success! - 21 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 21 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 21 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 21 days left to earn bronse? for March

ready2GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:10 am
by 15n@50
Day 72 Check-in 3/13/2009 - Fri Day

NoS - success! - 20 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success! - 20 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 20 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 20 days left to earn bronse? for March

ready2GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:07 am
by 15n@50
Day 73 Check-in 3/14/2009 - Satur Day

NoS - exempt! - 19 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 19 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 19 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 19 days left to earn bronse? for March

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:07 am
by 15n@50
Day 74 Check-in 3/15/2009 - Sun Day

NoS - exempt! - 18 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt! - 18 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 18 days left to earn gold for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 18 days left to earn bronse? for March

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired++

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:41 pm
by 15n@50
Day 73 Check-in 3/17/2009 - 2s Day

NoS - success! - 16 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success - 16 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 16 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 16 days left to earn bronze? for March

mit (experimental) - success (pick Most Important Task)

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired++

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:21 am
by 15n@50
Day 74 Check-in 3/18/2009 - Wednes Day

NoS - success! - 15 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success - 15 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 15 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success! - 15 days left to earn bronze? for March

mit (experimental) - success (pick Most Important Task)

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:14 am
by 15n@50
Day 77 Check-in 3/21/2009 - satur Day

NoS - exempt! - 12 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt - 12 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 12 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success!

mit (experimental) exempt?

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retiredj

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:03 am
by 15n@50
Day 78 Check-in 3/22/2009 - sun Day

NoS - exempt! - 11 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt - 11 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 11 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success!

mit (experimental) exempt?

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retired

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:59 am
by 15n@50
Day 80 Check-in 3/24/2009 - 2s Day

NoS - successf! - 13 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt - 13 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 13 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success!

mit (experimental) exempt?

Yesterday was an S day for NoS for giving blood.
Today was an S day for SG for the same reason.

Was very good day blood-donation wise. This year had been plagued
by low iron and truncated donations. but iron was well above what
was necessary and I gave a double platelet donation.

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retireds

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:47 am
by 15n@50
Day 82 Check-in 3/26/2009 - Thurs Day

NoS - success! - 15 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success - 15 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 15 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success!

mit (experimental) ack!

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retireds

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:03 am
by 15n@50
Day 83 Check-in 3/27/2009 - fri Day

NoS - success! - 14 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - success - 14 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 14 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success!

mit (experimental) ack!

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retireds

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:54 am
by 15n@50
Day 84 Check-in 3/28/2009 - Satur Day

NoS - exempt! - 13 days left to earn gold for March
ShovelGlove - exempt - 13 days left to earn gold for March

walk30Min - success - 13 days left to earn bronze? for March
dailyCheckIn - Success!

mit (experimental) ack!

ready23GoAt6 - retired
1driveGlassCeiling - retireds

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:35 am
by 15n@50
Day 98? Check-in 4/07/2009 - 2s Day

NoS - success!
ShovelGlove - success!

walk30Min - success
dailyCheckIn - Success!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:00 am
by 15n@50
Day ?? Check-in 4/17/2009 - Fri Day

PushAndPop - Success! - 19 days left for 21 club

NoS - success!
ShovelGlove - success!

walk30Min - success
dailyCheckIn - Success!

pushAndPop is a new habit. It follows the usual N day S day pattern. Minimal compliance is to make a list (push items onto a list) that relates to the current most important goal or project and then work from the list. It is not necessary or expected to complete all the items on the list. It is preferable but not necessary to work the list in order.

I'm considering the NoS, walk30Min and SG to be in maintenance so I'm tracking but not counting days for them.

A new experimental habit is SdayDoubleOrNothing. I've resisted making S day rules but I think weight loss has flat lined for about a month and I'm no where near a healthy weight. Currently I'm maintaining even though S days are very sloppy. So I expect I lose a little on N days and then gain a little back on S days. So the SdayDoubleOrNothing rule is still rather moderate. The rule is that on weekend S days you can have 1 snack or desert for each meal, that is, 3. They have to be spaced like this - one between bfast and lunch, one between lunch and dinner, one after dinner. This rule does not apply to non weekend S days.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 12:45 am
by 15n@50
Yikes! Must get back on target...

Nos - Success!
SG - failed
Walking - failed
Daily Checkin - Success!
Push and Pop - failed

So I gradually lost my grip on the whole thing. But the most important habit is to come back after failure. So this is a good restart. I might need to reconfigure my goals for SG. I can't seem to manage it and taking the bus at the same time. The extra 14 minutes is a killer since I get up so early as it is.
I don't feel bad about the walking. I did get out for a short one despite the rain and the wind - it killed my umbrella. But wasn't long enough to call it 30 minutes.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:15 pm
by mimi
Don't feel bad about losing your grip and having to restart 15n@50! I too am doing the same thing..and wondering why I ever stopped living the No S life! I've been back a week and it feels SO GOOD. I hope this time is the charm!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:03 am
by 15n@50
Thanks for the encouragement Mimi!

NoS - Fail!
SG - fail!
Walk - success!
push&pop - success!
daily check in success!

I don't feel too bad about the Nos fail. I made it until dinner and the snacking was pretty minor.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 2:41 am
by 15n@50
Nos - fail!
sg - fail!
walk -success!
daily check in - success!
push and pop -success!j

made it to pretty late in the day with nos.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:31 am
by 15n@50
The first time I tried NoS was in Feb 2008. I lasted 49 days.
Then I tried again in Jan 2009 and lasted 107 days.
Here I go again...

Day 1 Check-in 1/11/2010 - Monday

NoS - success! - only 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

meditate - success! - only 20 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:55 am
by 15n@50
Day 2 Check-in Nov 2, 2010 - 2sday

NoS - success! - only 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

meditate - success! - only 19 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:59 am
by 15n@50
Day 3 Check-in Nov 3, 2010 - Wednesday

NoS - success! - only 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

meditate - success! - only 18 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:33 pm
by 15n@50
Day 4 Check-in Nov 4, 2010 - Thursday

NoS - fail! - only 21 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
ShovelGlove - success! - only 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

walk30Min - success! - only 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)
dailyCheckIn - success! - only 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

meditate - success! - only 17 more days to go (for 21 club entry)

noS - Goodbye cake and Diwali snacks. I could spin this but I'll take the hit. An early failure
and rebound is good for the soul.

woke up with a neck ache which stuck around for the day- did a 1 set minimal sg and short
meditation. 30minWalk in rain and wind and around the inside of South Station and bus