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Sue's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:49 pm
by ennasus
This is Day 1- again and for the last time.
Strictly no-s.
For me, this means:
No snacks- 3 meals a day only
No sweets- no chocolate, no lollies, no icecream no cake etc
No seconds- 1 plate of dinner only
S-days are Saturdays, Sundays and special days eg family birthdays, going out for dinner
I will also do at least 30 mins cardio 5 days a week- I already do lots of weights and stretching/Pilates- so this is a 'new' habit to work on.
I will post every day for the next 21 days (my birthday!)
If anybody else is starting today I'd love to hear from you! :D

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:59 am
by Tonsha
I'm not starting from scratch today, but I'm starting another week today! And - considering the flexible way I use my S Days (Swapping saturday with Friday for instance) - maybe I should steel my determination and make sure that S-days really are S days.

I'm with you for this week. Make it a good one!


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:29 am
by carolejo
Hi Sue,

only one thing worried me 'this is day one again and FOR THE LAST TIME'.

I don't think there's ever going to be a last 'day one'. Every day is day one over again, it's just it gets a little easier each day. Plus, what happens if tomorrow on day 2 you do that very human thing and stuff it all up...? Does that mean you never try again?

Perhaps I have totally misunderstood (I hope I have!) but please don't give up if it all doesn't go to plan!! Don't forget, it takes an AVERAGE of 12 attempts to get any new habit down pat, and that means an average of 11 failures. Some of us need many more failures than that even, to make it stick.

Best of luck with NoS. Hope you come to find this as liberating and helpful as I have.


Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 5:20 pm
by Vicky
Hi Sue: I am just starting out too, very addicted to chocolate and snacks, have been trying it on my own and have kept 10 lbs off in 4 months - but I need the motivation and I found this diet on the web - I will be out this week, but will be reporting in next Monday - I will see how you are doing and I hope we can encourage each other - that is important - it will help me to keep accountable - good luck and God bless you for all your efforts - Vicky

day 2

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:24 am
by ennasus
So far so good, even went fora 30 min run yesterday.
Carolejo, thanks for your comment, it made me think about exactly what i meant by that. Yes, i have started lots and lots of diets before, but i think you only fail when you give up. i meant day 1 out of the 21 day habit forming thing, and also that after trying lots of things, and mucking around with noS as well, I am convinced this is the way to go- it's something i feel comfortable with and feel i can carry on for life. I like 3 meals a day, i've known this is good for me for a while, no seconds is good too, i know i feel better with no sugars but cannot give them up forever because that's just plain antisocial and no fun.this 'diet' has the best of both worlds- no sugar on normal days and a bit of sugar sometimes when the occasion warrants it, which cuts out the guilt! I think this is how eating is meant to be- normal healthy food for normal days, and special foods for special days! This is how people used to eat ...and that's when a treat was a treat.Nowadays even children eat sweets every day- when i was a kid you only had them at birthday parties!
Anyway, enough from me...

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:04 am
by carolejo
Hi Sue,

I'm glad I misunderstood you. I've just seen too many people who gave up on something (not usually NoS, but I'm sure there are some!) just because they messed up, and it's always such a shame.

So, How's day 3 going then? :)

All the best,

day 3

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:37 am
by ennasus
going fine, had a bit of brownie last night as we made them for a church activity ( and i didn't have time to have dinner before!) i'ts all good- not feeling guilty (maybe it was a Special occasion? :wink: )
30 minutes on the bike at the gym