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Eva's check in

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:41 pm
by WouldYouEva
Started on December 1st. Succeded most days (figuring the day of the office potluck, my son's birthday, christmas, christmas eve, new year's, and new year's eve to be S days). Have lost 4 lbs. so far (from 298 to 293.5, and I'm not being obsessive, there's a digital scale at work).

I'm OK with being on this diet the rest of my life. And my experience with diets is when I go off, and I almost always go off them, is I gain back everything I lost, and they bring their friends. So this is my final diet.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:30 am
by WouldYouEva
This is an S day, so I indulged in one of my weekend favs: tea made at 7-11 using the steamed milk from the cappuccino machine. Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping. I'm trying to develop a new habit of making sandwiches with the lunch meat as soon as I get home, then putting them in the freezer, so I can just pull one out while assembling my lunch. I try to brown bag breakfast and lunch so I'll be picking up light yogurt and bagels for my breakfast, lunch meat for sandwiches, some cans of soup, and fruit (one each at both breakfast and lunch). It's been hard not hitting the snack machines at work, so I want nutritional "bang for the buck" at my meals.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:15 pm
by WouldYouEva
Whoops, missed a few days. But I stayed on No S for Monday and Tuesday. I've lost 3 more lbs.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:38 pm
by WouldYouEva
Let's see if this counter works:


I've been doing pretty good. I decided the day of our company's awards dinner would be an S, day, so I had a slice of prime rib after I ate my single serving of dinner. And I ate a small (size of 50 cent piece) chocolate tart and 1/3 of the hot chocolate chip cookie the servers pressed me to try.

And I did a buttload of dancing. Now they call me "Disco Queen" at work.

Checking in today as we're in day 3 of a 4 day weekend, and I want to go no S for today and tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:22 am
by WouldYouEva
Got weighed yesterday. I lost a few ounces in the past two weeks. If you consider No S to be just a diet then I guess I'm not suceeding because I've lost so little weight. But I consider it a way to reform my eating habits, and by that metric, I'm doing well. I have managed to avoid sweets, snacks, and seconds for the most part. Once I feel like No S is a firmly ingrained habit I'll work on portion control. And I'm not sure if tea made with steamed milk, artifically sweetened syrup, and 2-3 flavored creamers should be considered a sweet or not. I can't believe how many times I've stopped myself from walking into the kitchen for a snack when I'm home, though.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:56 pm
by WouldYouEva
Home again after a weekend away. Sort of violated no S on Friday night by waiting until midnight, and then grabbing some peppermint patties and M&Ms. Chocolate tastes so good! Ate huge breakfasts and dinners Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday and Sunday mornings, but no lunch. I think a did have a few snacks then. Got to see my long-distance sweetie, and got to burn off a lot of energy with him.

It's snowing today, so I'm working at home. I guess I should go into the health unit and weigh myself tomorrow. I'd like the scale to start reflecting my new habit, but if it's meant to be, it will be.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:41 pm
by WouldYouEva
Home for the second day in a row. I'm not comfortable driving in ice. The bus is 2 blocks away, and my knees and lungs are in bad enough shape that 2 blocks is a hard walk for me even when it isn't icy.

I swear I can hear the snacks in the kitchen calling to me. Fortunately, I had a big brunch.

Hoping to go to work tomorrow and weigh myself.

As for Tuesday: SUCCESS!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:56 am
by WouldYouEva
Finally got into work, and weighed myself. I'm down 7.8 lbs., so I'm doing better than my target, 1 ounce/day. I know, not a lot, but it's something I can achieve.


Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:06 am
by WouldYouEva
Just checking in before I go upstairs (partly to relax, partly to get away from snacks). Ate bagel & apple for breakfast, with milk to drink, split an order of chicken and snow peas for lunch--bland, how do people eat that?-- and a big bowl of homemade turkey noodle soup for dinner.

I guesstimated how much I ate today, and what I ate on My rough estimate is that I ate 1400 calories today. If I had set myself a goal of eating only 1400 calories, I would have been frustrated and stressed today. I probably wouldn't have eaten what I wanted. I'd probably want a snack about now. (Actually, I do want a snack now, but out of boredom, not hunger.)

See ya on Monday! I'm going to enjoy my S days! :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:12 pm
by WouldYouEva
Back again.

I was hospitalized yesterday and Monday. I assume being on a hospital liquid diet counts as No S, and I managed No S yesterday, not that passing up the diet chocolate pudding in the hospital was hard.

It was weird that the hospital took my word for what my weight was. Guess they figured who'd lie about a number that high?


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:05 pm
by WouldYouEva
I was in the hospital for 3 days, IV, tests, etc. I figured between the liquid diet, the NPO day, and the hospital food on the last day, I'd lose weight.

I gained it. As confirmed by the weigh-in at the doctor's office today.

The nurse consoled me by telling me it was common to retain fluid after having an IV. Still doesn't change that number.

No matter (she said, sticking her chin up bravely). I'll stick to no snacks, no sweets, no seconds until Saturday. What other choice do I have?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:47 pm
by gratefuldeb67
You're doing great!!
Don't worry about that temporary gain.. Chances are stress alone could have even caused that.
Take care and you are really off to an excellent start!!!
keep it up :)
8) Debs x

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:42 am
by WouldYouEva

Didn't go to the Health Unit to weigh myself because I'm still honked off at the scale. Ate 3 meals, no sweets, no snacks, I'm still figuring out what constitutes "seconds."

Joined an indoor pool. It closes early tonight, and they're closed to members this weekend because they're hosting swim meets, but I looked up their hours for Monday, and I think I'll go then.

Also spent $25 on eBay for prescription swim goggles, waterproof earphones, and a waterproof neck wallet for our spare little MP3 player. When they come in I'll find water-walking a lot more fun with tunes to listen to, and being able to see the world around me.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:55 am
by WouldYouEva
Well, lost a little, so I'm happy about that. I know it's not about the scale, but it'd be nice to 'go to a new number' like they used to say on Weight Watchers.

What is important is I enjoyed my S days, and now I have gotten through another day of no sweets, no snacks, and no seconds.


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:15 am
by WouldYouEva

Taking today and tomorrow off for colonscopy.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:52 am
by WouldYouEva
OK, so this is more like it. Sucks that it may have come as a result of colonscopy prep, not No S, but I'll take it, particularly after the hospital weight gain. :D

I stayed on No S today. I decided to fudge the rules by staying up until midnight, so it would officially be Saturday when I ate some chocolate.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:50 pm
by LoriLifts
You're doing great!
I look forward to reading your posts.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 am
by WouldYouEva

Helped a friend move. I didn't actually carry boxes but I took the doggie for a long walk so he wouldn't be underfoot. Snacked on popcorn at the movies, ate a sub for dinner, decided I wanted some chocolate cake, so I just made some.

Tomorrow: if I don't help a friend clean her house, I'll be going water walking. Actually, I may do both.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:10 am
by WouldYouEva

I'll weigh myself tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:15 am
by WouldYouEva
Bleah, I know weight goes up and down, and I know I'm doing the right thing, it's just annoying to be in an "up" cycle.

No sweets, no snacks (I even made snacks for my kids without snitching some for me), no seconds. SUCCESS even if the scale isn't cooperating.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:13 pm
by SavvyV
Hi Eva!
Hang in there, you are doing the right thing. I like your ticker idea. . .I'll be using one for myself.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:57 am
by WouldYouEva
SUCCESS (so far): I think I have a stomach virus. Dinner is in the frig--if I get hungry, I'll eat it, but not much of an appetite right now.

I'll weigh myself tomorrow. I'm trying to reserve Tuesdays and Fridays for weigh-ins.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:49 pm
by blue
Hey Eva . Thoose Iv bags can kind of screw up weight. I had one once plus some steroids and had a almost 10 pound gain. You do lose it though . Good luck on No SSS . Your Ticker is looking Good.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:35 am
by WouldYouEva

284. But more importantly, didn't snack, eat sweets or seconds today and yesterday. AND I went water walking at the indoor pool, even though I didn't like the music on my borrowed MP3 player. (Having a waterproof pouch, water-safe earbuds, and prescription goggles made the experience a bit nicer.)

I walked for a while then went into the pool that's kept at body temp and did about 10 lengths with just my arms. (All I could manage at that point, my knees were close to non-functional.)

Yay me!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:43 am
by WouldYouEva
emilypop wrote:Hey Eva . Thoose Iv bags can kind of screw up weight. I had one once plus some steroids and had a almost 10 pound gain. You do lose it though . Good luck on No SSS . Your Ticker is looking Good.
I had PUPPP when I was pregnant with my 2nd second (go google it), and they had to give me steroids to keep me from clawing my skin off. AND I went on a cruise that week.

That was the only time during that pregnancy I gained weight--and it was 10 lbs. in 2 weeks.

And 6 weeks later I gave birth to a 9 lb. 12 oz. baby. So, yeah, I guess I lost that weight, too.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:22 am
by WouldYouEva
sucess. Couldn't go swimming tonight since my kid had my car but probably will go tomorrow night.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:52 am
by WouldYouEva
I've reached 90 days on habit. I decided months ago that I would be satisfied with losing 1 ounce per day. That doesn't sound like much, but if I had that as a goal when I got very ill in 2000, I would have been at my goal weight around my 51st birthday. Now I'm trying to hit my goal weight for my 60th birthday.

I'm more than "qualified" to have bariatric surgery, and my insurance will pay for it, but my state requires 6 months of "supervised" dieting, and I remember reading somewhere that I would need to lose 10% of what I need to lose by dieting. I'm debating with myself whether it would pay to sign up with Weight Watchers at Work, and letting them monitor me but continue to do No S. I've been trying to find a day when I can attend one of the surgeon's mandatory presentations but between my son's doctor appointments and the holidays, I haven't been able to do it. I'm on track to do it for next Tuesday. Hope it doesn't snow again!

I'm also signed up for physical therapy for my knees, starting on Tuesday and going for 5.5 weeks. I don't know whether the doctor would have suggested it anyway since knee injections didn't work for me, or whether my 10 lb. loss proved to him I'm serious about improving my quality of life.

Monday was kind of rough--we got 8 inches of snow here, and I couldn't get to work, so I stayed home. When my sons were younger, we used to bake on snow days, and I did that. I really, really, really, really, really wanted some brownies. But I didn't eat any, reminding myself that if I still wanted them on Saturday, I could have them. Of course, they're gone now, but I still can make a new batch.

My older son got Wii Fit, and I did a few minutes on it. We're hoping to encourage each other to stick with it.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:12 am
by WouldYouEva
Eh, maybe I should start swimming more. It's been a rough week with the cold making my knees ache.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:23 am
by WouldYouEva
Another week on No S. I can't say it's getting easier but it was easy to begin with. Still, I'm looking forward to enjoying Pi(e) Day tomorrow.

I joined a pool a month ago, finally went to it this week, both Wednesday and Thursday night. Moved in the water (some water walking and then when my knees give out, into the very warm pool to swim/propel myself across the pool with just my arms) 30 minutes on Wednesday, 25 minutes last night.

Had my first session of physical therapy with the new rheumetology practice I'm going to. They're doing things the other places didn't and my, but I feel better, even with this being the first session. I think dropping 10 lbs. "earned" me the chance at PT, and I'm kind of resentful of that attitude but I'm enjoying the little lessening of pain so much, it's worth putting up with it.

Also went to a presentation of bariatric surgery. It seems like if I went that route, doing No S would not be an option. Well, I could do No S, but I'd have to do it every day, which defeats the purpose.

Off tomorrow to help a friend paint her basement!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:29 am
by Kathleen
I know a truly wonderful woman (parent of a child at our children's school, currently leads the Youth Group) who had bariatric surgery a few years ago, lost weight, and has since regained. She told me that for months she was unable to eat bread. My heart goes out to her. I went down the path of thinking overeating was due to some sort of emotional problems, but I realized it could not be true -- this woman is one of the women I most admire. She is a gem.

The reason why I say this is -- bariatric surgery doesn't always work. The No S Diet will work, but it does take time. I have 70 pounds to lose and am losing at a rate of 1.5 pounds per month.

What helps me to stick with this diet is the recognition that I don't have to wait 45 months to experience some benefit from this diet. I put on some pants that I bought about 2 years ago and have never worn because they were too tight. Guess what? They fit! I'm wearing them on Sunday to a swim team party.


Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:18 am
by WouldYouEva
Hmm, it's been awhile. Still hanging in there, trying not to be jealous of my neighbor's 60 lbs. loss over the past year. But my secondary goal is to lose 10% of what I weigh every year for the next 6 years. (My primary goal is to eat healthy meals with no snacks, sweets or seconds unless the day begins with S.) I'm kind of stuck on a plateau and I suspect I need to figure out a way to get to the pool more often to get off that plateau. Still, this is easier than Weight Watchers--when I want to pack a lunch, I don't have to go crazy juggling "points" or figuring out if the food I'm eating is approved or not.

I'm going to see my sweetie tomorrow. I hate long distance relationships with the fury of a thousand suns, but he's stuck where he is, I'm stuck where I am, and that's the way it is. At least I expect to get some exercise this weekend!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:16 pm
by WouldYouEva

The last time I went in (post-hospital) it was 14 lbs. higher so they're VERY impressed. I looked the doctor in the eye, recited 14 words, and left it at that.

I just got back from visiting sweetie, who doesn't eat lunch, lives in a third story walk-up, and has diet everything because he's diabetic. I joked that if I moved in with him, I'd REALLY lose weight.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:54 am
by WouldYouEva
Hanging in there, still jazzed from Monday's weigh-in. Went swimming/water walking for 30 minutes last night. Still having a hard time with lack of snack in late afternoon but making do with lots of tea and Altoids.

I'll probably weigh myself tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:11 am
by WouldYouEva
Undecided whether today was a success or failure. Ate two pieces of chicken along with vegetables, so I don't know whether that counts as seconds or not. (Still: no sweets and no snacks.)

Did some shopping, even though it hurt my knees.

Weighed myself, if I were obsessive, I'd be in a funk that (apparently) I gained three pounds from Monday to today. But I've decided if I've stayed on No-S then the lowest weights are the ones that count.--Eva

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:20 am
by WouldYouEva
My 100th No-S day! Go me!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:17 pm
by Marianna
Go YOU!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:44 am
by WouldYouEva
Used my bread machine to make 9-grain banana bread with raisins and dried fruit in it AND remembered to slice it up, put it in bags, so I can pull out one/day, and eat it with my breakfast yogurt and fruit.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:26 am
by WouldYouEva
Week 22: a little loss, I'm still over my lowest weight, but under my highest weight. I brown-bagged breakfast and lunch today and yesterday, but didn't save any money because I ate out last night.

Taking a little downtime before I pull on my suit & some sweats and drive over to the community pool. I'll wear my damp swimsuit home because last Friday night some nitwit woman had her older sons in the dressing room. I don't like being naked in front of little girls and I sure didn't want to be naked in front of a boy almost as tall as I am!

I'd like to slap these helicopter mothers until they ease up on the apron strings. Real life is not the movie WITNESS. Your son will learn a valuable lesson taking responsibility for his own dressing.

The way is clear for me to make an appointment with a bariatric surgeon to see about getting a lap-band. I'm still undecided about whether I'm going to do it or not. I suspect if I did, S-days would be a thing of the past, and I'd have to have all No-S days, or risk being sick.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:27 pm
by guadopt1997
You're doing so well, Eva! I hope you'll reconsider the band. A friend of mine who has it talks in terms of "keeping things down". Yes, she's lost a lot of weight but is that a way to live?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:40 pm
by WouldYouEva
I hope you'll reconsider the band. A friend of mine who has it talks in terms of "keeping things down". Yes, she's lost a lot of weight but is that a way to live?

That had occurred to me. But if No-S stalls for a long time, I'd go for it. I'd still be eligible to get it, even if I lost 80 more lbs.

OTOH, walking with a cane, and wincing when I have to move my knee at all is no way to live, either.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:49 am
by WouldYouEva
Well, back down to 280 again. Tried to go to my GP's office to have my first weight check, so if I decide to get a lap band, I can move quickly on it. I took the first appointment of the day, woke up 45 minutes earlier than usual, got there on time, only to find he double-booked that appointment. I waited 30 minutes to see him, then remembered that several times before I waited anywhere from 20 minutes to well over an hour to have him show up. So I walked out.

I'll be disputing the co-pay charge on my credit card, and disputing any charge with my health insurance.

I was REALLY hungry by the time I got to work (I usually don't eat breakfast until I get to work because one of my morning meds has to be taken on an empty stomach) but just got a muffin and a juice, and didn't snack. But boy, I wanted to.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:24 am
by Kathleen
S Days are eventually a thing of the past -- at least out of control S Days. There's no point in overeating if you feel better with moderate eating. How about giving this diet three more months?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:32 am
by WouldYouEva
Kathleen wrote:S Days are eventually a thing of the past -- at least out of control S Days. There's no point in overeating if you feel better with moderate eating. How about giving this diet three more months?
I don't want to think about S days being a thing of the past. The only way I've been able to be NoS for over 100 days is knowing S-days come up every week. If I think I can be done with this in 3 months, that will sink me. I have to keep focusing on this is the way I'm going to be living the rest of my life.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:50 am
by Kathleen
What I mean is this: How about putting off the decision for the surgery for at least three more months to see how things change with this diet? If you can lose weight without surgery, wouldn't that be preferable?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:33 am
by arlene55372
I think you are doing great!! With the Lap Band, you are looking for instant gratification and it doesn't always happen and you may be depressed over the negative results. I would suggest waiting another 2-3 months before you make a firm decision. You are losing, and that's what counts.


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:11 am
by WouldYouEva
You do not want to know what I ate yesterday. However, in the old days, having eaten what I ate, I'd be sitting around today in a well of self-pity, berating myself or making it worse by eating junk.

However, I had a breakfast that consisted of under half a cup of three things, a diet dinner lunch, and now I'm going off for a modest little dinner. And I hope to do that tomorrow.

And that is why NoS works.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:06 pm
by arlene55372
I hope you are eating enough food so your body isn't starving for nutrtion. A half cup of 3 things doesn't sound like much. If you are exercising, you will need more calories as well as proteins.

No point in beating ourselves up for our eating habits, they are something we have to live with and make changes as we go along to improve. You are doing good, just keep reminding yourself why you are on this journey.


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:17 pm
by WouldYouEva
arlene55372 wrote:I hope you are eating enough food so your body isn't starving for nutrtion. A half cup of 3 things doesn't sound like much. If you are exercising, you will need more calories as well as proteins.

I'm good. I ate lightly for breakfast because I eat lunch only a few hours after breakfast. Dinner was a bit more substantial: bean noodles with spicy peanut sauce and some brocolli slaw.

I'm convinced I was still digesting the deep-fried double-stuffed Oreos from the night before at breakfast. They were tasty, but I think next time I'll have them hold the ice cream, and get someone to share the dish with me.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:29 pm
by arlene55372
Deep-fried Oreos!!!! I can't imagine the heartburn I would have after eating those! You could be right, your body is trying to figure out how to digest them!


Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:20 am
by WouldYouEva
arlene55372 wrote:I think you are doing great!! With the Lap Band, you are looking for instant gratification and it doesn't always happen and you may be depressed over the negative results. I would suggest waiting another 2-3 months before you make a firm decision. You are losing, and that's what counts.

Well, except I am in chronic overwhelming pain, and it's tempting to go that route just to get relief from pain sooner. My state requires 6 months of medically supervised weight loss to qualify, so I can also stay on NoS, get my weight loss monitored, and decide after 6 months.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 2:01 pm
by arlene55372
Eva, I think that's a good plan. Go for the 6 months of supervised weight loss and then decide. I have many friends that have gone the gastric bypass and lap band route and were sorry they didn't try it on their own first. By the way, they all have regained all the weight they lost after their surgery.

I believe the No S Diet is a good way to lose weight, slowly. If you want more results, you will have to get in some walking and doing interval training while walking - you can do a 20 minute walk and get 40 minutes of results by doing intervals.

LapBand and 6 months

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:58 pm
by arlene55372
Eva, I think it's a good idea to give yourself 6 momths before you decide on the lap band.

What is the chronic pain from?

I am struggling also with 3 meals a day, my body is soooo used to that snack every morning and every afternoon!!!

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 6:42 pm
by WouldYouEva
278, 20 fewer lbs. than December 1st.

On weeks when I have to walk a lot, I'm in horrible pain but I show big losses on the scale.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 7:24 pm
by la_loser
20 pounds in less than six months! I'd say that's pretty impressive!

And I hear you about the pain. . . after several years of various broken bones/knee surgery, etc. I can finally move without wanting to scream! Now I'm being very cautious about whatever I do so I won't undo all the progess I've made!

Hang in. . . slow and steady wins the race!

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:59 am
by WouldYouEva
I haven't weighed myself lately so I don't know whether I'm steady, losing or gaining but except for last night, I've stayed on NoS.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:48 pm
by WouldYouEva
Well, as of Monday, it's been 6 months. I declared Monday and Tuesday to be S days as it was my son's (Monday) and nephew's (Tuesday) graduations.

Musing about weight has me thinking about what those numbers mean. My nephew, who just graduated, was 1 lb. 1 oz. at birth. Those increasing numbers, when he was in the neonatal unit, were a sign he was going to make it, sometimes the only sign.

I didn't think he'd live longer than a week and here he is, graduating from high school. Shows what I know.

Back to packing for my upcoming move. I hate moving, but I hate being bankrupt even more, which is what I will be if I continue to live in this tiny house with its $1850 a month for rent.

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:56 am
by WouldYouEva
Weighed myself for the first time in a week, and discovered I'm a little over 3 lbs. down, for a total of 23 1/2 lbs. My knees feel a little better, in that that they don't hurt when I'm sitting down, but remind me when I walk that they're still pretty trashed. Oh, well, little improvements add up.

I've been going nuts trying to find a livable place for my son and I to rent on what I can afford (doesn't help that there's not a lot of affordable housing around here and lots of competition for the affordable housing that does exist). Finally a friend (with money) offered to buy a house, and do a rent to own for me. So my son and I will have a nice place to live, and in a few years, I'll be owning my own home!

I almost always lose weight during a move because it stresses me out so much I can't keep food down, and I get too busy to eat. I'd rather have non-weight loss than that.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:41 pm
by WouldYouEva
Went to my arthritis doctor on Wednesday. I'm down 26 lbs. from 7 months ago. For all his advice that for every lb. I lost, it would seem like 4x in terms of my knees, it does NOT feel like I'm 104 lbs. lighter.

My paratransit got me there 30 minutes late (and they picked me up 90 minutes in advance, their driver is an idiot), and then didn't pick me up for the ride into work. So after waiting an hour, I walked to the subway stop. Only 4 blocks. Anyone can handle that, right?

Wrong. I made it, but was in pain the next 3 days. It's better now but where earlier this week I was able to sit and feel no pain, now it's back to constant pain, even while resting.

So far I'm doing No-S today, although it's weird having a day off, many things closed, but it's a weekday. Oh, well, I'm sure to make up for it tomorrow--I think there's a piece of ginger-lime grilled chicken with my name on it.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:06 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey, down 26 pounds is great. Sorry about the pain - hoping you enjoy your weekend and feel better.

SR :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:36 pm
by WouldYouEva
Well, it's been a while. Moved from one house to the next but it didn't result in any major weight loss. But other than a few "unscheduled" S days, I've been fine. I declared my vacation days to be S days. And I had a birthday. I'm down 29 lbs. since I started 8 months ago, and I'm losing at the rate of about 1.5 ounces per day.

Still in a lot of pain when I walk.

My new community has an outdoor pool. I really need to push myself to go into it more often.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:26 pm
by WouldYouEva
FINALLY went in to use the pool on Sunday. It made me nervous that the lifeguard was on his cell phone almost the whole time I was in the water. If an emergency happened, would he take a few extra seconds to wind up the call and make sure the phone was safe? Would those few extra seconds matter? :roll:

I tried walking from my house to the bus stop on Monday (it's about a 1/2 mile) and paid for it on Monday night. I'd like to get to the point where I can make a walk of 1/2 mile without it causing me pain. I'm not sure, even if I were to lose half of what I weighed, that I wouldn't hurt. I've resigned myself to having surgery, eventually, but now I'm leaning more on the side of knee replacement rather than gastric banding.

The pool is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, and only open until 8--and I don't expect to get home until after 8 this evening--but I'm looking forward to going tomorrow, if the weather cooperates.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:17 pm
by howfunisthat
Hi...just popped in to say, "CONGRATS" on the 29 pounds! That's just shy of six bags of flour. If you ever get a day when you're discouraged, imagine carrying those six bags around all day. You've done great!!!


Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:55 am
by WouldYouEva
Still hanging in. I've lost around 30 lbs. since I started last Dec. 1st but have stalled at one weight since July. I suspect I could jump start things by working out but when it hurts just to walk to the bathroom, there's not a lot of incentive for walking 2 blocks to the fitness center.

Still, part of my rent goes toward it, and I know, intellectually, that if I got on those machines and started working my thigh muscles, my knees would eventually hurt less.

Losing 30 lbs. has been a mixed bag. My lover lives 500 miles away and we only see each other a few times a year. He says he sees a loss. I guess I believe him, as he's the only one who gets to see me naked. But he thought I was beautiful 30 lbs. ago.

Have to say it was nice going on to eBay and buying a pair of jeans two sizes smaller. And they feel a size too big, so I have to remember for this brand to go down yet another size.

My S days are kind of weird. On N days I eat three meals. On S days I skip breakfast, have something sweet with lunch, but generally don't eat a full meal until dinner. Today I had the lunch I used to eat all the time, which included a large sandwich, and I am bloated from it. I finished it 5 hours ago, and it feels like it's still sitting in my stomach.

I'm also tempted, given how slowly my weight is coming off, and given how stupidly I can eat on S days, to cut back to one S day a week but I'm reluctant to make changes in the plan for fear all of it will stop working for me. Maybe I need to work harder on "don't be stupid."

Anyway, started at 298, down to 272, but it's been bouncing from 268 to 272 all summer long. I hit a plateau like this back in March (which is why charting has been handy for me) but between physical therapy and having to move house, I was able to unstick.

Resisting the temptation to call a snow day an S day

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:40 am
by WouldYouEva
I've been off work since lunchtime Friday because of the big snowstorm, and I suspect, since it's snowing again, I'll be off tomorrow, too.

I've long had the habit of associating being snowed in with baking comfort food, and it's been hard to get out of the mindset that snow=cookies. But I've been able to resist the temptation, although it's hard. Being home on a workday is both good and bad: it's easier to snack here since it doesn't involve feeding a snack machine or walking down to the lobby but I've been able to hang out in my room and not being around food keeps the urges down.

At least removing 30" of snow off my car is a workout, right?

The biggest challenge, ironically, is eating 3 meals a day. I'm taking lots of naps, and sleeping late, and that means skipping breakfast. I know I shouldn't do this because it makes it that much harder to go back to my routine on Thursday? Friday? March? whenever I go back but it's so nice, when I'm zoning out in mid-afternoon, to take a nap instead of sucking down a mug of tea and hoping it works.

An update on numbers: I've been on No S for around 430 days, and I've lost 31 lbs. I like to think I've lost an ounce per day. My knees feel better but not from weight loss, it's from having both of them shot up with cortisone. I'm now resigned to knee replacement surgery, but unless my insurance decides to cover it, the lap band is off the table. I still think it would be a good option for me--the last 10 days with less knee pain have been great, and it'd be great to be able to roll over in bed without pain, let alone being able to walk more than half a block. In the long run, I guess I'll lose enough on No S to make difference but I'm not there yet.


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:42 am
by WouldYouEva
Day 475. After having my weight stuck for what seems like months, I'm finally losing again. I weigh myself infrequently, but I weighed myself 10 days ago, and then got weighed last night at the doctor's office, and I dropped 2 lbs. for a total of almost 33 lbs. I'm been making an effort to pay attention to "Don't Be Stupid" and not being in pain every time I move is probably helping me be more active. I'm still dealing with my financial issues, and I suspect that unless my son can find a job, it's going to take changing jobs for me to be able to get out from under.

Our plan tomorrow is to start coming up with a week's worth of menus before we go grocery shopping, and to clip some of the coupons sitting around. And then use them.

My original goal was to lose an ounce a day, and I'm doing better than that. Like everyone else, I'd be happier losing weight faster, but not at the cost of going back to the gain/lose cycle, having to be a food accountant, and either longing for a treat or succumbing to that urge, and binging.

Oh, for a pint of Ben & Jerry's

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:23 am
by WouldYouEva
I know it's a cliche out of CATHY but I'd kill to be able to drown my feelings in a pint of ice cream right now. I remind myself that ice cream is not going to disappear off the face of the Earth before Saturday, so if I want it then, I can have it.

Still, it's a stressful time for me. I was in the hospital again (acute colitis), on an IV for 3 days, then horribly bloated from going back on solid food. Things seem to have settled down. However, it blew the hell out of my leave time, so payday is tomorrow but it looks like it will be smaller than the rent I owe. So I need to figure out how to get a couple of hundred so I don't end up in court.

My love, my soul mate, came to visit last weekend, and announced, oh so casually, that he decided, after sleeping with not one but TWO ex-girlfriends, he was "polyamorous." Great, I'm not. Once again, it's hard being 500 miles apart and seeing each other only every 3-5 months. Oh, well, settles the question about what I want to do with this relationship. (Need I mention that I know one of them, and she had WLS several months ago, and lost more in the first few weeks than I have in the last 500 days. And I saw a picture of the other one on FB, and she looks thinner than me, also.)

Liquid diet for 3 days worked out to be a 2 lbs. weight loss, for a total of 34 lbs. more or less. I've been No-S for over 500 days. This weekend I guess I'll go talk to apartment mgmt. about the rent (I'm not expecting a lot of sympathy) and prod them to do something about my non-functioning fitness center key. What the hell, I only brought it up to them a month ago...

I'm gainfully employed, and find out tomorrow if I got a raise, and, if so, how much it will be. Dare I hope that maybe I can pay the rent in full? Which means I'll only have to get charity or a payday loan for groceries.

I also got a feeler about a taking a job that's 700 miles away. They're willing to pay relocation costs but bargained me into a 15% pay cut. I went along with it because this is a hideously expensive part of the country, and even 15% less works out to more $$ because the cost of housing is about half of what it is here, and I'm hoping ditto for insurance, etc.

I've lived my entire life either in this state or the one just north of here, so moving that far is a big deal. But I feel like Alice in Wonderland here--I run as hard and fast as I can, just to stay in place. I lined up some freelance work earlier this month, and hoped to use the $$ to get ahead, and then I landed in the ER, and bye-bye time-critical freelance work.

I try to keep in mind, that no matter what, they aren't allowed to kill and eat me.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:56 pm
by WouldYouEva
Good news: I've lost more weight (for a total of 37.8 lbs. since I started), and I got a 3% raise.

Bad news: 3% still isn't enough to pay my bills, I'm not likely to be getting more, my kid is still unemployed, and I am still going through major relationship angst.

Still trying to figure out what to do today. It's like those cartoons of angels and devils on your shoulder. The angel is saying, "Don't be stupid" and the devil is murmuring seductively about the cake mix in the kitchen so I could be an hour away from cake.

I think I should go eat some breakfast now. And resist both the cake and having anything to do with my (now) ex-lover.

What are the odds?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:29 pm
by WouldYouEva
:?: We have three possible explanations for the displayed weigh at my doctor's office this AM:

Possibility 1: The scale downstairs in the Health Center is weighing too high.
Possibility 2: The scale at my doctor's office is weighing too low.
Possibility 3: Going down to the apartment complex fitness center and doing arm rows has paid off and I've lost close to 10 lbs. this past week.

I'd be nice if it were #3, but I suspect #2.

516 days on habit, 46 lbs. down. :lol:

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:08 pm
by WouldYouEva
Saw a friend last weekend. She got gastric bypass surgery last August, and has lost 95 lbs. since then (it's a cliche, but I hardly recognized her). I've been doing No S for more than double that time, and have lost half as much. She hasn't had the really horrible side effects I've heard about, and she'll even have a few bites of sugary stuff from time to time, and small amounts fill her up. I had previously ruled out surgery since I didn't think my HMO would cover it, but I'm contacting the doctor I was seeing before to find out if they can get the insurance company to cover it. Or I could change jobs and get health insurance that will cover it. But I've pretty much decided to do it, I am in constant severe pain from osteoarthritis, I have high blood pressure, I have other medical conditions not helped by my weight, and I just can't live with all this for another 5 years while I do No S.

I do believe No S is a great program if you have under 50 lbs. to lose, and I think if you've lost a lot of weight, it's a great maintenance program, and larger amounts of weight loss are possible if you have the ability to throw greater physical activity into the mix. I like how it's not about food, but habits, which is why I find all the food journaling here baffling. But I can't live with being in pain for years on end just to make other people here happy. I don't think a lot of people here really grasp that trying to lose 150 lbs. is NOT like trying to lose 15 lbs. It's not 10 times harder, it's a 1000 times harder. And when I see women here freaking out because they weigh 120 lbs. (I've never weighed that as an adult, or even a teen), it seems more akin to a pro-ana group than a weight loss group. Or women who think they're horribly obese at the same weight as my goal weight.

So I'll still be updating, and still doing No S, but I'm also going to work on losing surgically. My take is, if I'm considering having my knees replaced to solve one problem, and that's a major operation, why not have WLS and solve that problem, and several others?

Back in the saddle, again

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:48 pm
by WouldYouEva
Going back to NoS. Thursday was a Green day, Friday wasn't, but it was until about 10 PM. If only I could have held out for 2 more hours! :-D

After a long stall, starting about 6 months after surgery, I'm losing again. It's nice being at my High School weight.

Doing the SparkPeople 10 minute/day exercise challenge. I'm working on my arms M/W/F, and my thigh/leg muscles on Tu/Th. I'm having knee replacement surgery in the fall, and I'd like my leg muscles to be in peak shape. And I want strong arms so post-surgery walking is easier.

So happy I had my surgery. NOT a band but Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. Sort of solves the "no seconds" part, but "no sweets, no snacks" is still problematic. I may add in a late afternoon planned "fruit meal" to keep me from temptation, and give me a nutritional boost.

Highest weight: 315
Starting NOS: 298
Pre-surgery (30 months NoS): 256
Current weight: 169.6
Goal weight: 157.5

Back in the saddle again...

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:17 am
by WouldYouEva
Well, I did hit my goal, and on my 57th birthday, to boot! I've gained a little back. I'm trying to jump back into No S--it isn't so much my modest re-gain, it's that my eating habits got to be terrible and I don't want to live like that again.

Still doing OK on No Seconds, although I think I have stretched out my stomach (now I can finish an 8 oz. container of soup, whereas it used to be two meals) but I'm trying to use that to take in more protein.

Just broke up with a guy who works out 3-4 hours a day. I think I wanted arm candy, but got tired of all the "red flags." We met via OK Cupid. I think I'm done with online dating, and trying to be OK with being alone for a long time, maybe until death. I think my past lover with his lying and stealing has made me too wary to let my guard down enough to trust in love. Or as someone said: like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped.

I had both knees replaced almost 5 months ago and while I'm still in pain from my knees, it's dramatically less, and I can walk longer distances now. That has been a great gift to me. Still, it was a hard recovery, not helped by getting an infection days after being discharged from rehab, so I got admitted to another hospital. Having been in the hospital in 2009, 2010, 2011, and twice in 2012, I hope to stay out of the hospital for the next few years. Or longer.

I want stop snacking during the week, make an effort to go to the onsite fitness center 100 times this year, and start journaling my food so I can see what I need to change. Small, manageable goals.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:29 am
by WouldYouEva
Oh, and in terms of numbers: highest weight 315 lbs., summer of 2004, right before my husband died.

Started No S on Dec. 1, 2008 at 298 lbs. Lost 17 lbs. by giving up soft drinks and having everything taste like cardboard after Jack's death.

Was at 256 lbs. right before my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on June 22, 2011. A year ago I was around 180 lbs. I was 157.4 lbs. on August 6th of 2012, had a bi-lateral knee replacement 8 days later. Now I weigh 162 lbs.

I was 5'3" before my knee replacement but my osteoarthritis was so bad I was bow-legged, so I may be a little taller now. My BMI is in the overweight range but I don't feel overweight. :P

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:03 am
by WouldYouEva
Mostly green this week, although some red--I need to get a handle on snacking, especially sweets. But I worked out twice, and didn't eat to a level of over full, so I'm happy with the results. And I've lost a few of the lbs. I put on since August. Looking forward to my S days!