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S day accountability

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:55 pm
by BeingGreen
SEVEN good S weekends in a row. Yay! This tracking helps me remember how much better I feel when I keep S days from running wild! Managed to survive a weekend away from home and house guests to boot. I still have lots of cravings . . . This isn't always easy, but I'm really looking forward to three S days in a row this weekend. I'm baking a chocolate cake for my DD's birthday!

Feb. 14: SUCCESS
Feb. 15: SUCCESS
Feb. 16: SUCCESS

Feb. 21: SUCCESS
Feb. 22: SUCCESS

Feb. 28: SUCCESS


Mar. 14: SUCCESS
Mar. 15: SUCCESS
Mar. 17: A little over the top. I need practice with S days in the middle of the week!

Mar. 21: SUCCESS
Mar. 22: SUCCESS

Mar. 28: SUCCESS
Mar. 29: SUCCESS

Apr. 4:
Apr. 5:
Apr. 6 (DD's b-day ):

Apr. 11:
Apr. 12:

Apr. 18:
Apr. 19:

Apr. 25:
Apr. 26:

Apr. 28 (my b-day)

When I write it out like this, it sure seems like there will be plenty of time for treats, so frankly I don't know what I'm so worried about when I'm engaging in "last supper-like" behavior!

The plan is to record yellow successes. How will I define success in this case? It's vague, but I guess "I'll know it when I see it" :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:07 am
by CrazyCatLady
Good work on maintaining moderate S days. And yes, there will be plenty of other S days, so no need to squeeze all the treats into this one! (I need to remember that myself!)

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:38 pm
by BeingGreen
Thanks for your support, CCL! So far, so good this weekend too. At the end of the day I think I'll be recording two more moderate yellows. I've had enough treats, etc. to enjoy the break from the N day routine, but haven't overdone it at all :D I suspect I'll be nicely hungry for breakfast tomorrow morning too!