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emilypop no SSS

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:10 pm
by blue
Just went to the bookstore and got the book. I just finished it. I eat and read very much the same. ALOT!!! Luckily I have already had breakfast and lunch with no S's . However today is Sat so I guess its an s day but I want to begin . So I'll atleast do no sweets and no seconds but will start the no snacks on Monday. By no ones account am I fat but comming from a fat mother and sister, grandma I'm getting worried as my weight has indeed increased in the last 5 years.
So my main goal is to have sructure in my food plan . Weight loss would be fine but no more then 10 pounds. Im getting older and i want some pretty fat in my face.

Welcome to No S!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:40 am
by la_loser

Welcome to our group! You will find the boards to be quite supportive and informative. Our first word of advice is to buy the book--so you're good so far! And honestly, it really would be ok to have all your S's this weekend. . . that way you won't discover on Wednesday that you wish you'd had this or the other and didn't!

It's easy sometimes to over think this simple plan--which kind of destroys the beautiful simplicity of it!

And kudos to you to heading off your genetic disposition to the plump or ample or fat or whatever you want to call it. I can tell you from my own experience that as a skinny mini for years with an obese mother that I would have never imagined I'd EVER weigh as much as I do now. And as it happened, I just buried my head in the potatoes and rolls and kept the same eating habits that worked for me through my 20's when I was super-active. Believe me, it will be a lot easier to take off 10 then it would be later to take off 50 or 100!

You're smart to start this now and I wish you well. We're all here to throw in our two cents' worth so don't hesitate to ask questions.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:58 am
by blue
thanks LA Soon to be winner. Yeah the book was great and to the point. My dinner was huge but ok and relatively healthy. I went for a walk with my dog too. I'm pooped. I was always so afraid of becoming my overweight mom. I do have her hips and no weight loss will solve that but I hate the slowness I get when i eat so much or the out of control feeling I can get. My chlorestreal , is up and lots of cellulite so I'm done some damage with being 10 pounds overweight.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:51 pm
by blue
Hey I'm on my second s day . I'm excited to start my first real day tomorrow. I'm still making a little changes to help make tomorrow easier.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:07 pm
by blue
so today is DAY 1 wow. I'm actually a little scared i tried to cut down a bit this weekend and I did but it was hard. Then right before I went to bed I had a big bowl of oatmeal. It was a s day so I'm ok but today isnow a NOSDAY I'm a very short person Barely 5 feet tall so my starting weight may seem like I'm skinny. I'm Not
STARTING WEIGHT 117 . My main goal is sanity in my eating. My second goal is to stop the upward spiral of gaing weight. I dont care about the number as much as being able to fit in my cloths again. I'm sick of wearing sweatpants.Well here it goes off to my first breakfast.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:54 am
by blue
Day 1 Success!!!!!!

Yeah 3 meals breakfast vegan apple bars
Lunch tunafish salad
Dinner Portabello sandwich/ salad

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:27 pm
by embee
Congratulations on your first day of success!

I think I am like you - not tall, not fat, but definitely not feeling in shape or healthy.

Do you try to eat breakfast as late as possible in the morning, so it's not too long until lunch? :) I feel like the longer I wait to have my first meal, the easier it is.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:21 pm
by blue
Yeah Embee Its true on the days I dont work it will be easier cause I can sleep in a bit. Well today I made Breakfast Fiber one pancake with banana a walnut and a touch of lite syrup. Not as sweeta as the mound of pancakes I usually have. No seconds was easy cause i would have had to make more so that was easy. I'm on Day 2 today and feeling hopeful!!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:12 pm
by blue
Just had my lunch. It was rather more food then I'm used to
Big piece of salmon, salad and asperugus. I'm very full But I think this will help me no snack until dinner. I'm not doing much today Its my day off so I can cook but I'm feeling really lazy. I think I'll take a nap

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:04 am
by blue
wow just woke up. Great nap. I'm still full. Perhaps my lunch was too big. I mean the salmon was enough for 2 people. Oh well I'm such a newbie mistakes will be made. I have no desire to snack though Yeah!!!! I'm going for a hike with my dog check in later

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:29 am
by blue
awsome walk. Walked slow but it was beautiful . I'm still full. Now I'm wondering if there was something wrong with the fish I'm usually starving by now. No appitite. I think I'll have soup/salad for dinner with almonds in about an hour Then I can hopefully put susses in my calender.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:45 am
by blue
Had dinner but it was salad and buffolo wings(soy) made it thru today is a success Yeah

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:39 am
by blue
Day 3 I liitle harder cause I didn't sleep well. Breakfasrt Vegan breakfast bars Lunch buttnut squash Soup and apple
Dinner will be Brown rice and salad with walnuts/ pumpkin seeds
I'm hoping for a Sussess


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:25 am
by blue
Sucess!!! Day 4
Breakfst vegan bars
lunch tuna corn tea
Lunch portabello sandwich and salad. Its 9 pm now and I want to eat but I know sat is coming soon and I can have my oatmeal then that i like so much at night.

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:43 am
by blue
breakfast vegan bars
lunch beans / soup
Dinner chips salsa gucamole casadea sangria gingerbread cookie One big failure

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:20 pm
by blue
Well woke up and fell a little better. I think what made the failure hard was it was soooo close to an S day but now it is an S day and I ready for it. I
ll check in later.
checking in again eating alot had bag of carmol popcorn , huge salad with nuts . I'm scared!!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:58 pm
by blue
Confused. Basically I have gained back any weight I may have lost on my ns days. However I fell good about last week cause I did gain some structure and sanity. Hopefully todays S day will be less crazy!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:08 pm
by blue
Sunday s day was much calmer then sat . I felt like i could listen more to my appatite then eat for the sake of eating . Today im glad to be back to NS .

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:53 am
by blue
I guess Day 1b Sucess NS
It was hard I wanted a snack but I got thru it . Going to bed now
Breakfast vegan bars
Lunch Brown rice suishi roll(salmon advacado)
dinner Miso noodle soup/ salad with soy beans corn tomatoes.
I feel bloated ugh!! Probably too much salt I dont have to watch it usually cause I dont like salt but today with the suishi. :roll:

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:10 pm
by blue
Definatly too much salt yesterday. Up 2 pounds!!!! I know I need to lay off the scale or not take the little ups/ downs seiously but I feel the weighing every day has helped me stay relatively thin . However I'm crazy and before NS I would binge starve!!!!! So Ultimately I need to trust NS is going to work to keep my weight stable so I can give up the scale or get it down to once a week or once a month.
I'm not ready to give it up yet but My goal is after a month of NS I can get it down to Twice a week. Sunday and Wednessdays.
Getting a tiny surgery later today. I'm a little scared. I wont be able to do yoga for 10-15 days or walk my big dog. But in a couple days I could walk.
In the past any health issue I would binge to numb out the fear. Today I'm going to try to feel my fear and be proud I'm doing the right thing and taking care of what could progress to a deadly condition.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:04 pm
by Thalia
I like to weigh pretty frequently because it makes me LESS obsessed -- it makes it obvious how much my weight fluctuates day to day, and how little that number actually means. I can vary four pounds from one day to the next -- I'm obviously not gaining or losing four pounds of fat a day!

I've done Weight Watchers, and the weekly weigh-ins are so hard because it's just a random snapshot, and if you weighed in on a "four-pound up" day, you'd get a little lecture about not cheating, and you'd spend the whole following week trying to stick to your points and your little diary while believing that you had gained weight. Very dispiriting.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:01 pm
by blue
Thalia , How frequently. I think your mind set is healthy its true I know I couldn't have gained 2 pounds of fat especially not eating so well :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:08 pm
by Thalia
Um, more or less every day. Maybe five times a week?

It helps that my scale is really inexact -- it only reads to half-pound increments -- so I'm not getting highly detailed measurements anyway!

I pretty much figure that the lowest figure I see in the course of a week is probably the most accurate, because lots of things can make you seem to weigh more than you actually do, but few can make you weigh less. It might be a rationalization, but it works for me!

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:29 am
by blue
I am now making Friday and Sat my S days.
Friday night is Girls night out and after last Friday failure I think it will be easier to stick to Fri/ Sat being my S days Sunday is also a church, and a special yoga class I do every Sunday night that has Dinner with it so Being No S just fits with serenity of Sunday

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:17 pm
by embee
I am trying to wait a month before weighing myself. It will be hard, but otherwise I think I will get discouraged.

I was laughing at you wondering if your salmon lunch up there was too big because it kept you full for so long. I made a HUGE omelet the other day for lunch, mostly egg whites, with spinach, broccoli, ham and a little cheese. I guess I thought if I wasn't going to be snacking then I better get pretty darn full on lunch. It was so big I couldn't finish it, but I kept eating because I KNEW I would get hungry in an hour! When I finished, I was SO full that I definitely wasn't hungry till dinner.

Keep up the good work! :)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:14 pm
by blue
Yesterday was a sucess! yeah!!! Today I think I will try not to fill every cm of my dinner plate . Just a tiny bit less cause I think I'm indulging a bit too much at dinnr. Healthy but alot of food. I m not supposd to excersise hard for 48 hours but since I have the day off work I'm going to the mall. Maybe I'll buy a candle.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:45 pm
by blue
Just got back from the mall. No snacks Yeah!!!!!! feel sad today but atleast I'm feeling. I'm having a hard time aging . coming up on the big 40.At least I'm healthy but it seems my life is not where I thought it would be. It is interesting retraining my mind to not eat when I feel old, upset, fearful, hurt, embarrassed, or even happy. Turning 30 was hard for me even turning 20 was hard. Now I'm really an adult . No one is really going to fix me but me. It sounds cliche' but I'm finally realizing that.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:02 am
by blue
FAILURE FOR wednessday many reasons but my food choices didn't help. I'm going to bed and will have a fresh start tomorrow. I will not punish because the baby binge was a punishment allready .

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:55 am
by kccc
No, don't punish. Be gentle with yourself. You are doing something new and hard.

Think of how you teach a kid to ride a bike. Lots of encouragement, lots of "you can do it." When they fall, it's expected - no one is surprised. You just pick them up and coach them to try again. No dwelling on it, no calling it a "failure." Just part of the learning process.

You are teaching yourself a new skill too. Encourage yourself, and be kind. If it was a "smaller-than-I-used-to-do binge," it was still going in the right direction.

Best wishes!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:56 pm
by blue
Woke up with a food hangover(meaning sluggish, shame ect...) BUT
I'm going" right back on the Bike"Healthy Breakfast Vegan breakfast bars
Planning my lunch to be tunafish salad with apple.I will walk on treadmill if its raining or a nice hike without my dog(stiches on my back) . After lunch I will come back to this site to help me do no seconds.
Lunch Tunafish salad with carrots tomatoes plus 1/2 cantalpe yum feel good!! will report after dinner

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:24 am
by blue
Dinner was brown rice, mushrom soup and salad
My food for the day is done. We are going to the movies tonigh. I will not have the popcorn/ candy they have there but if they have camimioile tea I will have it. When I get back i will report back Feeling today happy again :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:58 am
by embee
Great job! It's such a great feeling to say you're done with food for the day! Yeah, you may be hungry-ish later, but think... if you usually eat about 200 calories in the evening after dinner (which I did), cutting that out for seventeen days will lose you a pound of consumed calories.

Only 17 days! :) Good job.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:40 am
by blue
Thanks Embee Day 1c sucess Movie "the Lovers" was pretty good and the tea was great!!!!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:28 pm
by blue
Well today is my s day. and I'm nervous. Normal breakfast vegan bars /coffee I'm getting my hair trimed and color so lunch will be brown rice suishi and probably a gingerbread man cookie
Just got back hair is too red oh well it makes my rash on forehead look funky. Goodsuishi but they didn't have my gingerbreadman cookie so I didn't get anything else yet but I will have a dessert for dinner.I'm actually full right now oh I forgot I had a yummy soy latte too. Maybe my rash ifs from sooo much coffee. Its something . Different from acne(got that too sometimes) it seems to appear and dissapear.Something I'm eating!!
Dinner time tomato soup salad brown rice
I guess this even though was a s day is DAY C2[] sucsess :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:23 pm
by embee
Congrats on the new hairdo. :)

Are you vegan? What kind of breakfast bars do you eat?

And good job on the S-day. I guess you just get nervous that you will go crazy and binge, huh... I mean, yes I am eating less during the week, but I'm not eating THAT much less that two days of reckless eating won't have a bad effect, you know?

Like Reinhard says, "Don't be an idiot"... looks like you weren't! Good job. :) Did you have a good dessert? I put chocolate sauce and cream in my coffee this morning - had two cups and wow, they were good!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:29 am
by blue
Embee no I'm not vegan I love fish But i was raised with very little meat/chicken so I dont eat thoose. The vegan barrs are" Heart Thrives" just vegan energy cookies. . Lots of fiber/protein/calcium and come in many flavors . I like raison the best. I bought a bunch on line and they fill me up for hours. My husband says they taste like cardboard.
I was a little idiotic today on my s day glad Sunday is Ns for me . I prefer them . I ended up eating stuff i didn't want(corn pops)
Soooo sleepy.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:39 pm
by blue
Wke up with another fodd hangover. I look so forward to an s day , then get nervous then feel guilty. I know I'm breaking behaviors that I've had for years doing NS and cant expect perfection. Today is Ns and I'm so happy. I had to rush my vegan bars this morning cause we were late to church. But I ate them because I'm not punishing myself for a s day.
I'm realizing I have alot of friends that the main thing we do together is Eat, overeat, or excersise together. I need a life!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:05 am
by blue
n day sucess!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:00 am
by embee
Good job on some successful s- and n-days! Yeah, don't punish yourself for an s-day hangover... that's silly. :) It will just make you look forward to the week.

Just got done with two s-days, and I DEFINITELY had a couple of s-days there! I generally hate Mondays but it's nice to be back on schedule again, and the excess of the last two days just makes me more determined to eat three good, healthy meals for the next five days.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:54 pm
by blue
I really do prefer N days Who would have thought that. I'm upset with husband . He reached the 300 pound weight today and is supposed to be losing for his sleep apnea. I'm so mad at him but then feel guilty because thats certainly not going to help the situation. I dont want to be a widow!!!! His health issues are increasing with each pound. I know I need to center on myself but he needs to atleast try!!!! I've shared with him about No s and he thinks its great for Me but his meds make him hungry ect......... Ugh!!!!!
Anyway today Breackfastvegan bars so far so good.
Lunch veggie chili/brown rice plus salad Full plate :shock:

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:55 pm
by embee
Tell your husband he can make it four meals if he wants! :)

That would be so frustrating. I know women who have husbands like yours... and women who have husbands that eat everything and are still skinny. My husband is neither, but his self-discipline is unlike anyone's I know and he can be a harsh judge of someone who eats half a pan of brownies in one evening (i.e., me). His motto is, "I love food, and if I can say no to food, anyone should be able to!"

I just roll my eyes... and eat another brownie... lol.

But as far as you and your husband go... I hope your stellar example convicts him! :) Good job on (what I'm sure will be) another successful n-day! I like them better, too. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:49 pm
by blue
embee, I had an old boyfriend with major self-discipline. He ran every morning at 6 am Ugh!!!! But I was amazed!! He is napping now I think he is depressed. Anyway Its around 5 and i need to excersise. I'm feeling a bit lazy myself today but I know I need to for my peace of mind. So even wit my stiches in my back I'm taking my dog for a walk. I hope no kittys are around

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:08 am
by blue
sucess :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:57 am
by blue
wow I'm up in the middle of the night. But I'm not eating. I'm actually still full from a big dinner but I usually would have eaten now. I had a great walk with my dog yesterday. I'm so gratful I can walk outside . My husband drives us to a 4 mile mark on his speedometer and we walk home. It helps because if not I take much shorter walks. I hope I can clean the house up a bit today. Its easier to eat well when the house is clean.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:19 pm
by blue
Well I'm a little sleepy from not sleeping well so i'll have to watch that. I eat more when I'm tired. So so good.Breakfast Vegan bars. I got biopsy results back and I'm all clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!! It was a mole that had to be removed with surrounding tissue due to a couple spindle cells. I think some of my fears will go away. I'm sure I'll have others but I'm so proud I did so well even with a couple failures. Usually in scary times I binge so I'm changing. Feeling a bit more but thats ok.
Wear sunscreen :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:22 pm
by embee
Wow, you have a lot going on. Thank God you are okay.

I have a dog too - he gets me out there walking when I know I would otherwise stay inside! He's a rescue - pit/chow/lab/boxer mix. Such a sweet boy - don't know how we got so lucky! He'll be a year old at the end of this month.

What kind of dog is yours?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:32 pm
by blue
He sounds adorable. Mine is a rhodesian ridgeback. She is about 5 and huge(90lbs) all muscle . Some days she is truly a godsend!!! I used to have a lab/mix. He lived 15 amazing years. Lunch was late today I got sidetracked at Target. Hope your N day is going well :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:00 am
by blue
Day 6[color=green] success[/color]!!!!!
now if I could just figure out how to make it green :cry:
Anyway My dinner was amazing Chili(veggie) brown rice with salad with a apple. I'm eating alot but I dont think I'm gaining. I wouldn't mind losing a bit but the serenity I have gained this week from no snacking is amazing!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:50 am
by embee
It'll come off eventually!

The hardest thing for me the last two days has been not getting on the scale. I decided I would weigh in at 21 days and it's only been seven so far... but I keep reminding myself that it's not just about losing weight - it's about dropping these awful habits I've picked up over the past couple of years. So if I can do that, I'll be happy. I guess if I haven't lost any weight at that point, I can either move more or eat less. :)

I've seen Rhodesian ridgebacks before - that's a lot of dog! I bet she's beautiful. Good job on your n-day!

(Check if you have anything disabled at the bottom of your post before you submit it - that may be why the text isn't green.)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:49 pm
by blue
Yeah its hard not weighing . I think I'll go on the real scale on my 21 day too. One is so hard to read the other blasts your weight.
Ok lets see yesterday was a [color=green]success[/color]
Nope everything is on
ugh. Maybe its my computer. My cat likes to do stuff to it at night
Yeah my dog is beautiful and sweet but serious when it comes to badguys :wink: or protexting her cat from the local tomcats.
Today will be a challenge. My friend is taking me out to dinner at 5 but then at 9 we are seeing are mutual friend sing at a bistro. I dont know if its smart but i might make the dinner my 2 meal and then be able to have something with the girls at 9 as my dinner. I just had breakfast its almost 10 . ???????????????????????????

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:55 am
by embee
I would do that. It's already nine so I guess you've made your choice... but for me, I HATE having everyone go, "Why aren't you eating??? OMG are you on a DIET? Oh PLEASE..."

And if you're sitting in a bistro with a bunch of people eating, and you're not, then you might get that too. :) What did you end up doing?

EDITED to say - now you have page numbers on your thread! Woo hoo! Hope you know what I'm talking about and I'm not sounding like an idiot here! I hope to have lots of page numbers on mine one day!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:19 am
by blue
I love the 2 pages. :lol:
I ended up having minimeals. The funny thing is I probably ate less. I had a great time with the girls and I'm glad I got soup once and then a salad later. I prefer the 3 meals a day and will only do that on such rare occasions.
Very sleepy.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:58 pm
by blue
Helllo . Woke up tired. I danced a little last night. My stiches itch but they are ok. I had a great time until a particular woman showed up. we rub eachother the wrong way. We were cival though. She is my height 4"11 or 4"12 and very tiny maybe 90 pounds. I felt huge. So high school of me but I had a hard time not comparing. I'm glad I'm doing no s because I could figure out quickly what I was feeling and move on to have a great time anyway.
Today B--- vegan bars
L--will be tunafish salad

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:24 pm
by blue
Lunch turned out to be a large salad with pimpkin seeds and sunflower seeds with a spinich potato thingie. It was divine!!!!. Had a great class at yoga and enjoyed my food so much. Then I went grocery shopping and I wanted jelly bellies sooooo bad. I didn't buy them but tomorrow is a s day so they may be my treat.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:35 am
by blue
Dinner rather large too Tunafish salad with 2 slice wheat toast. Hott coccoa
on a scale of one to ten in diffuculty my wanting to snack was an eight. But I did it!!!
Tomorrow is a S day for me Yeah!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:53 am
by embee
I totally know what you mean about the 8-rating for a snack. It feels like the biggest victory to be able to stomp that.

There will always be skinnier people. Your goal should be to look YOUR best, and you're doing something about it. Good job. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:16 am
by blue
so true Embee :lol: Today was an s day for me and b---vegan bars , l-miso soup/ apple
S day treat a banana/ walnut muffin yum...... but the dayis young so my guess I'll have a healthy salmon/ rice veggie dinner but then my favorite oatmeal before dinner

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:18 pm
by blue
Happy s day to all!!!
I woke up and husband wanted pancakes at ur favorite healthy vegan restaurant. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
I had 2 wheat-free blueberry pancakes with a bite of tofu sausage lots of syrup. It was so good I left a bite for god .I have heard of people doing that and have never been able to . I'm in the lick your plate group. So I felt proud. For lunch I'll have a tofu grilled sandwich/salad and dinner will be soup /salad/apple with a cookie if I want it.
I'm eating more then I used to but I was a bit of a starve/binge type. I can tell my body is thanking me with more regular meals and vitamins. My weight has been basically the same at 117 ish ssometimes 116. I think my body is adjusting. Yes I'd love to be in a lower bmi but seriously I'm fine where I am. I feel really healthy here. I'm glad I'm not gaining. Before no s I was putting on 2-3 pounds a month for awhile. And my mind was getting nutty!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:26 pm
by kccc
emilypop wrote: I'm glad I'm doing no s because I could figure out quickly what I was feeling and move on to have a great time anyway.
That's really insightful. Good for you!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:21 pm
by blue
So glad today is back to no s. I had my usual
B.............. vegan bars/coffee
L.........------salad tofu slices /apple
D------------will be mung beans/ rice and salad
I woke up puffy, rings were tight. I felt itchy. I do think there is something I'm allergic to but I dont know what. Or maybe it is salt retention. I had soup and tuna a yesyterday. I love soup for a meal but it seems like thee is high sodium in them even the"low sodium". I hate feeling this way .
Anyway husband getting bigger still. He weighs on sundays. I hope I can get him into No s someday. It is really frustrating.His sister is in town and he doesn't want her to see him this large(300 plus pounds) I understand but I'm still going to see her with or without him. I hate covering for him. I feel like an alcoholic's wife.
I need to concentrate on my No s and maybe he will soon see my improvements. (not so much weight loss but happiness)
Success!!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:08 am
by blue
Wow Today is a challenge. Hard day at work!!! I'm exhausted . B----vegan bars
L tuna/ apple handful of mixed nuts
D------Portabello sandwich salas, prunes, nuts cocca
I ate alot!!!!!! Yet I am full but want to eat more. I' tired and should sleep instead but I want to stay up to watch House on tv so far success but worried.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:11 pm
by blue
kudos to me. I was indeed a success yesterday. I almost failed but did it. I feel like I worked my willpower muscle!!!
So far todayB------ vegan bars

Willpower turns into Habit!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:51 pm
by la_loser
Sounds like you're doing great--way to build that willpower muscle--what you're really doing is building habit--which is more powerful and lasting than willpower. . . Willpower you have to think about-habit is just that-habit is automatic or at least it will be after a while.

Meanwhile, I would add a bit of unsolicited advice so take it or leave it. (for those who will think I'm stepping in where I'm not invited--just throwing out a perspective that EmilyPop can chuck if she wants to--from an old timer whose been there!) So here's the part you can take or leave from me!
Says LA_Loser: From the descriptions of what you're eating, it doesn't sound like you're eating much at all. Even when you said "I ate a lot!" It just doesn't sound a full plate (even a smaller one). You have said that you have tended diet/binge in the past. Your body needs to get used to having a healthy meal at every meal.

You are still in the honeymoon phase of No S. I'm just concerned that going really gung-ho at the beginning in that you are being more restrictive than you need to be and it's liable to backfire on you down the road. Take your time and know that those (comparable few) pounds you need/want to lose will eventually begin to drop. I know with your small stature that your "serving sizes" won't be what a "serving size" for your husband might be, but just don't punish yourself. (Bright Angel has a lot to say about this topic because she speaks from the experience of being your height or close to it.)

You said that you are right at 5 feet and weigh 117 pounds. My BMI table says that's right in the middle of a normal range at 22.8 BMI. Your body needs to find where it really needs to be. That's my other comment--make sure you're being realistic about your goals.
So just ignore my comments if you want. But know we're here for you and we want to see you around here for a long time. And keep building those HABITS!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:09 pm
by blue
La loser,
I agree my food seems small but the amount of food on my normal american platesize. Fills every milimeter. My bmi is in the healthy range. I realize I wont be the tiny ballarina of my early twenties . I'm definately having some body issues I think because Im turning 40 soon and it seems like a womans curse in my family. Normal weight until 40 and then fast weight gain. My sis about 5 foot 2 weighs around 200 something . Most of the gain after she turned 40. My mother 5 foot 1 , larger then sister. My mom has diabetes, thyroid. apnea ect...... I'm scared!!!! I used to be 103 but have been gaing ech month for the last couple years. I just want to stay here 115-120 ish. I feel vain but my mom and sis issues could have been stopped earlier.
I too am worried that i'm in a bit of a pink cloud with no s but it seems to be stopping the gain. I love your concern by the way . It seems like no one in my life really cares about what I'm going thru(a little self -pity party) :cry:

Kudos-taking charge of your own life!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:35 pm
by la_loser
I'm glad I didn't offend you. And your family history info definitely is a great reason for you to start being concerned NOW! My history is that I began my teaching career at 85 pounds (5'4")--OMG--I couldn't even wear adult clothes and I hated it! My lesson was be careful what you wish for! I was so thrilled to finally weigh 110 so I could give blood!

My mother was obese for my entire life, ended up with heart issues and had several massive strokes before she died at 75. You'd think that would have been a big red flag to me but when I finally after 40ish began to pack on a pound or two or three a year, it crept so gradually that I totally denied it was becoming an issue. Now I need to lose 50 more pounds! How I wished I'd been as smart as you when I was your age. (You know how they say we turn into our mothers. . . argh. . .I would have been happy to keep her sense of humor and kindness and generosity--but not the pounds.)

I'm betting that No S will be just the ticket for you to maintain where you are now and stay healthy. I had just thought you were trying to lose. . .

So huge KUDOS to you for taking charge of your own destiny. And don't take it personally that they don't seem concerned about your situation. When they have so many issues themselves that are plaguing them, it's probably hard to look at you whom they probably see as the skinny mini and appreciate your concern about yourself--hello-they're just jealous and probably thinking deep down that if they'd been that concerned at your age, they wouldn't be in the fix they're in now.

Use these boards as your empathy source and avoid talking about what you're doing to your family. This way of eating is an easy one to do without calling attention to it as such. Just do your own thing and know you're doing it for yourself--and that you'll be the big winner now and down the line as well. As you've seen, there's always someone here to toss in a word of support. (we're can be the supportive sibs!)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:44 pm
by Nichole
It's always good to be proactive rather than reactive. It sounds like you are doing very well. :)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:48 pm
by blue
La loser,nichole

:D thank you :D

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:03 am
by blue
L- large salad with walnuts, apricot seeds , pumpkinseeds prunes
I just reread the book. It makes even more sense. Its funny how one can really skim a book when reading too fast. This is not a book to skim because you mis alot. For some reason I had not read about the aztec coccoa the first time. I have had hot coccoa a few times. I'm not going to go back and put failure but I'm aware now.A bunch of those things. I was worried because my plates are very full. I'm eating more then I used to at meals but I'm not snacking so it makes sense. Also alot of the food choices ex: salad for me needs to be large or else I would be dropping too much weight. I deinately am getting better nutrition I think.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:44 pm
by blue
dinner last night was lentils/salad/apple/prune
Woke up today B------vegan bars
Husband very annoying today :roll:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:32 am
by blue
half day at work. Lunch was brown rice/salmon avacodo suishi, 5 prunes
walked 35 min , yoga, 20 min
Dinner will be broccoli, lentils/ brown rice , corn
I'm anxious, sister issues big time. She is getting married to a crazy man(survivalist in the woods) :shock: I'm scared for her.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:29 am
by blue
Dinner was good it was indeed lentils/rice corn and salad
Another success I wanted more because I'm anxious but I am full so I'm going to bed. I cant change my sister. God love her!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:20 pm
by blue
B=====vegan bars
L=======suishi/ brown rice/advocado/salmon
Very anxious today ,sweating, heart racing, talking/walking fast
Fears(economy, job, sister, husbands health)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:11 am
by blue
failure :cry:

Take care of yourself!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:34 am
by la_loser
I was about to head to bed but I saw your posts and thought I'd write a note to you. . . I wrote a long (really long!) post to JoyceC tonight and it seems to me that some of what I said could apply to you as well. You seem to have so much on your mind and it seems like a lot of it is stuff that's way out of your control. . . which of course is frustrating but my goodness, you've got to find a way to keep it from eating you up although I know how hard it is to see a loved one heading down a path that doesn't seem like a safe one.

One thing you CAN do is take care of yourself because the stronger and healthier you are (in mind and body!), the better prepared you'll be to take care of everything else in your life. It's like that directive the flight attendants give to "put on your own mask first" in case of emergency.

Lucky for us, with No S if we have a Red Day, we get to, as VMSurbat said, just "mark it and move on." It's no cause to throw in the towel -- or the napkin as it were! :wink:

S days are right around the corner so try to make it through tomorrow, then SSS away! And with that, I'm hitting the sack because I need to take care of me! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:12 pm
by blue
Thanks la loser :lol: Yeah I have some challenges of late. Today is a s day today for me . I've enjoyed that cookie and extra portion at lunch. Not idiot s day but definately an s day. I was able even with a failure to dtop the bingelike behaior and go for walk last night. I'm proud of that. Well today /tomorrow s days . Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:10 pm
by blue
Yesterday turned out to be a wee bit idiotic. Today I think should be a bit better. I had such fear in my belly for the last week. Its a little calmer today. Scary stuff with my sister. She left a message around midnight that didn't make sense.She has paranoia. The fact she is going to marry a survivalist is not a good thing. I haven't met him . Just heard stuff. Maybe I shouldn't judge someone I haven't met.Anyway. I'm not going to numb up with food today like I did the last couple days. But it is an s day so if I want a s its fine. My weight is increasing. I hope it can steady out again.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:57 pm
by blue
I went to a movie ;last night and got a kids combo..(.popcorn/lemonade snack pack m'm's) great portion sixe. It was divine. Loving and enjoyed a non- idiotic s day. Well today is back to NS. I have been doing this about a month. No weight loss but. I truly enjoyed some beautiful n-days, had some challenges, sadness, fear, failures but came right back. Thats my biggest success . After a failure I didn't to the "well screw it!!. And no weight gain. This month I hope to continue with lots of green days, And if my body wants to get smaller great. If not then maintence. The funny thing is I came here for weight los and for some reason am more accepting of my current size. My husband thinks its because I haven't been starving myself between binges. (that cant be good for the brain)
Breakfast (vegan bars)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:50 am
by blue
Great n day today. I'm feeling better. Lunch was a amazing walnut tuna salad with wheat bread. Dinner was mung beans/rice salad and oatmeal

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:32 pm
by blue
Breakfast vegan bars
lunch... tuna/carrots/ apple(not enough but I was at work and people offered me foosd after Id finished
Dinner will be salmon rice corn on cob

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:09 pm
by blue
monday was fine. Yesteday was a failure. I'm out of the pink cloud. and in the trenches. Ah well. Starting again for a 21 day success
Breakfast vegan bars
lunch brown rice suishi, prunes :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:01 am
by blue
great 5 mile hike with my pooch
Dinner large tofu salad with apple oatmeal, corn /asperigus

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:03 pm
by embee
You're doing so well! Enjoy your n-day... last one for the week, right?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:01 pm
by blue
Yeah! time for s day!!!. I went dancing last night and my appitite is crazy today!!! good thing its a s day so far a muffin, sushi, frozen yogurt and its only noon :shock: I will now take a long needed nap. Didn't sleep last night

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:24 pm
by blue
Thank gogd its a n day for me. This week I really overate. I gained about 5 pounds. My n days were large meals, my failures were huge binges and my s days were crazy. Why??? well I think it takes a lot of guts to not use food to numb out feelings. I have alot going on but eating and gaining weight did not solve anything. Everyone has stuff going on. I need to get out of "poor me " and put the food down. I think recording everything I eat will help too. No cal countig but filling my plate to where it could be 3 plates is probably not using this program well.
So honesty, integrity i my food will be my main goal
Breakfast... Oatmeal with raisons, walnuts with coffee/half/half
Lunch.... Tunafish/tomatoes/apple/carrots/ salad with 2 piece of wheatless bread.
Yoga class tonight with the mungbeans and salad they provide will be my dinner .
oops failure again

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:33 am
by blue
still really struggling. Ordinarily when i sart struggling I just quit. i
m going to keep on logging even if I fail
Today Breakfasr bananana/ cereal
lunch tunafish salad, cereal
dinner oatmeal, salmon, salad
Failure oatmeal was later

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:52 pm
by blue
It is hard to write when one is struggling so hard. The funny thing isI'm still excersising alot so even though my food is not great I'm excersising well so I am a success in that area
Breakfasr cereal, banana, 2 piece of toast/ honey
Yoga 30 min.
Lunch will be lentils/ brown rice/ salad/ corn

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:32 pm
by blue
I'm back!!!! went back to crazy eating. It sucks out there. Well trying this again
Breakfast Vegan bars/ cantolope coffee