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Embee's Just-Starting Daily Check-In

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:36 pm
by embee
Hey everyone! I'm Melissa. Here's why I'm here:

I read about the No-S Diet about a year ago and thought it was brilliant. I know that, for me, it would (WILL) work. Snacking and sugar are the two things that have gotten me out of shape over the past two and a half years.

When I got married, I was in the best shape of my life - toned and healthy! On our honeymoon, my husband told me I "looked like a swimsuit model". I might not have agreed with him (women are critical), but hearing that felt like getting a million bucks.

Since then, now working from home, I've had the opportunity to eat all day and be lazy. I've gained about fifteen pounds AND have lost all the muscle tone I once had. (I've also been eating JUNK, which makes me feel lethargic and moody and gives me skin issues. Why do we do this to ourselves? :) Anyway, if I keep going down this road, I'll gain about seven pounds a year. Ten years from now, I don't want to be 70 pounds heavier than I am now. YIKES.

I've started almost every week since January telling myself that I am going to begin the No-S Diet... but I keep failing. I know it's not about perfection, but I've got to see success to SOME degree. Summer is approaching quickly and I want more than ANYTHING to have my husband tell me that again! I'm hoping that this board gives me some kind of accountability. I'm so sick of feeling every day like I'm farther from my goal of being healthy.


Anyway, TODAY was a major FAILURE. But that's alright. Tomorrow is almost here and I am really optimistic! Even if no one reads this, I know it's here. :)

Re: Embee's Just-Starting Daily Check-In

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:46 am
by RedChina
embee wrote:Anyway, TODAY was a major FAILURE. But that's alright. Tomorrow is almost here and I am really optimistic! Even if no one reads this, I know it's here. :)
I'm here Embee. Good luck; I'm just starting as well!

I am posting mine here for the same reason, to be accountable to myself and hopefully other people can call me on "missing" days, at least until I get this well established (in terms of months on the plan successfully).

That's one thing I like about the diet. If you screw up, you can just not screw up the next day. No real guilt or pressure; just do your best, and don't beat yourself up if you're not perfect.

Good luck and hopefully our cohort can stay together.

Smart Gal!

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:40 am
by la_loser

Welcome to No S! You're a smart gal to be ready to take control of your habits now when you're still young. . . How I wish I'd had your insight when I was your age!

Good luck.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:02 am
by blue
Hey I'm new too with just a little to lose but most importantly I dont want to continue gaining. I'm a ex- babe type too not quite Swimsuit model but I was cute. No I feel like I lost it and want it back. Hang in there . Tomorrow is another day!!!


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:17 pm
by Hopeful
Thanks for the encouragement!

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:28 pm
by blue
Hey Embee. Today is the new day!!!! If I could do it yesterday it is possible cause I got tons of bad habits. I know about the wanting to see sucess. Mabey your skin will show it first or mabey a twinkle in your eye for getting thru a no s day. Go for it One day at a time. We will be Hotties again!!!!!!!

Back from vacation...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:52 pm
by embee
Well now, after over a week of not checking in, here I am!

The past week was a vacation week, a mixture of failures and successes (but I figure I'll count the week as a bunch of S-days). I didn't have internet access for most of it, so I wasn't able to update.

I DID manage to squash the snacking on my trip, which I usually do a LOT of when I'm with friends. So even though I ate dessert occasionally, I stuck to the plan for the most part.

Even still, I'm SO glad to be home, and I can't WAIT to post my first green SUCCESS... tomorrow morning!

(Has anybody felt that the longer they push breakfast back, the easier the day is? I'm still waiting to eat my first meal... trying to fill up on coffee!)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:10 pm
by blue
Hey embee. welcome home. No snacking on a trip is AMAZING!!!! Most of my vacations are one long Moo Graze. If I ate dinner late then I can push breakfast but lately I'm eating at 6 or 7pm so all I wnt to do is eat my breakfast first thing in the morning. I'm cooking for my husband more theese days . He could use No s but thats another story :shock: He seems to want breakfast early too. One thing thats cool about No s is that there really are few rules just the big 3.So eating at the time your body wants to start the day is up to you. :o . Enjoy your No s day I'm startin to love the feelings of sucess!!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:15 am
by embee
Day 1
March 4, 2009

Coming home to an empty fridge makes it tough to eat well. So both breakfast and lunch were a cup of homemade turkey tomato spinach soup from the freezer. Dinner was a cup of homemade sausage potato soup from the freezer with a couple of slices of whole grain bread I made this morning. Thank God I had to work out of the house this afternoon while that bread was cooling... it is REALLY hard to resist hot, fresh bread.

Tomorrow after grocery shopping, I will make more of an effort to eat fruits and veggies. My freezer soup stash is running low!

I'm shooting to do the 21-day club, starting today. Seems pretty reachable!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:58 pm
by blue
Embee:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Good Job!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:49 am
by embee
Day 2
March 5, 2009

Breakfast: Two slices toast & two eggs w/ an orange
Lunch: Can chickpeas w/ a little olive oil, lemon juice, and parmesan cheese'
Dinner: Bowl ham & bean soup with three little cheese puff things I made after work and an orange. I didn't plate that PHYSICALLY but I plated it visually. :) I knew what I was going to eat and I didn't eat any more.

I was really hungry today between lunch and dinner. The kids I babysit had pizza sitting on the counter after I got there. Yes, it was cold pizza and it didn't look THAT appetizing, but I would have eaten it had I not known I was going to post SUCCESS on this board tonight. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:41 am
by blue
Day 2 thats awsome . Your 1 day ahead of me I had a failure but i have 1 day now yeah!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:18 pm
by embee
Tomorrow is Saturday, which is technically an S-day. I've noticed that lot of people look forward to the S-days, but I am a little bit nervous about this weekend.

What has made the most impact on me is that on N-days, I feel clean. I think about food less, I eat better things, and I feel like I am in control. Furthermore, I eat things that I like. I don't scarf down french fried onions out of the freezer anymore, just because they're accessible. I don't keep sneaking downstairs to eat freezer-burned Christmas cookies that REALLY should be thrown away by now.

I am nervous that tomorrow I will find myself eating half a bag of stale crackers or sneaking handfuls of mixed nuts out of the fridge. I feel so gross when I do this. My mom and I talk about dieting and weight, and she has managed to maintain her weight through the years (more or less) by telling herself that nothing is off limits. But I feel that for me, that approach is detrimental. I find myself feeling like a human trash can because I eat anything in sight. Structure is what keeps me feeling in control. Anyone else agree with that?

I think what I will try to do on S-days is keep the same three-meal structure with tolerance for sweets. Sugar is not as big a downfall for me as are snacks. If I can cut out the mindless snacking, I will feel better throughout this weekend and on Monday morning.

It's so nice to not obsess about food on N-days. I want that same relaxation on S-days, too.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:25 pm
by blue
My s days are fri, sat and I am nervous. I love the structure of ns days too. Last weekend my sat was nuts but my sunday was very clean. I picked fri as s day cause I go out but I have no plans today cause I work tomorrow. I'm just going to keep busy and if I want a sweet I'll do it. Snacks are my worst so I will abstain I'm too scared it will become like my wednesday. I'm blabing but all I really was going to say is I know what you mean :shock:

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:26 am
by embee
Day 3
March 6, 2009

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces toast and 1 orange
Lunch: Cup vegetable soup, 2 slices toast, 2 pieces cheese
Dinner: 3 eggs, 2 slices toast, 1 orange

I guess you can see that when I find something I like, I eat it alot... ie, toast, soup, and eggs. I'll get more variety and balance over time. :)

Ha! Snacking victory today... was babysitting, feeding the kids snacks, and holding a bag of pretzels and a box of goldfish in each hand. I wanted so badly to eat them, but knew I was going for the 21-day club. Yes! One day closer. Will weigh then...

Thanks Emilypop.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:37 am
by blue
:lol: Your doing so well. I have theese Vegan bars every breakfast. Whatever works right ? Our appitite will tell us when to change or not . I dont know much healthier then eggs/toast/orange :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:31 am
by blue
Embee. How was your s day ? :?:

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:05 am
by embee
Both s-days were good. We celebrated my husband's birthday so of course had lots of sweets and fatty food. Also, I must have eaten twenty cookies over the weekend, straight out of the freezer. They're chocolate Reese's pieces cookies and OH they were so good. So yes, I ate a lot and I feel a little junky this morning, but it's alright. Looking forward to posting another successful n-day tonight. I want to have those numbers under my thread title that say "Go to page 1, 2, 3... 18". :)

Also, baking bread again today so will probably post here later for moral support. Argh!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:46 pm
by blue
Cookies sounded Yummy. I love the way bread smells when its baking. Enjoy your NS day :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:48 pm
by embee
Day 6
March 9, 2009

Breakfast: Yogurt, one piece whole grain toast, one egg, one orange
Lunch: Awful vegetable soup (yuck, but ate anyway because was hungry!), one piece w.g. toast, one slice cheddar cheese, one orange
Dinner: 2 eggs, 2 BIG pieces w.g. toast, yogurt

All done for the day... off to brush my teeth at 6:45! :)

Did not eat enough veggies today... the soup was mainly cabbage, broccoli and tomatoes but I didn't eat a ton of it. Bad. Will eat more vegetables tomorrow...

Also, baked four loaves of bread but waited until dinner to have some! This is huge as I would have normally eaten half a loaf by dinner. YES!

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:50 pm
by blue
That's amzing you waited . You are changing a habit. Good idea on the tooth brushing.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:33 pm
by blue
Hows your N day going????

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:21 pm
by embee
Day 7
March 10, 2009

Breakfast: One egg (scrambled w/ cheese), two small pieces toast, raspberry yogurt w/ a little chopped frozen fruit
Lunch: Bowl of soup, two small pieces toast, one orange, and a bowl of raw broccoli with some italian dressing... was FULL
Dinner: Chicken breast w/ roasted tomatoes & balsamic vinegar, roasted broccoli (lots of broccoli today!), one piece garlic toast (made from same bread I've been eating all day :)), and some frozen berries for "dessert"

Posting on this board has been the key for me!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:55 am
by blue
Your dinner sounds so yummy .Good Job :wink:
Seven Days wow. I finished my sixth successful day.We are doing so well.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:03 am
by embee
Day 8
March 11, 2009

Yes, we are doing well, aren't we? :)

Today was a weird day, but I am calling it a success. I had to babysit from 8:15 to 1:00. I ate breakfast at 7:25, much earlier than usual. Lunch was HUGE. I fully intended to eat dinner when my husband did, but I was still FULL. Figured I'd eat later this evening. Then my husband and I got into an argument when I was about to eat and I lost my appetite. I hate fighting with him, because I am always innocent. :)

But I ate two big meals and even though I was STARVING between 8 and 1, I didn't snack. So success in my book!

Breakfast: 1 yogurt w/ chopped frozen fruit, two small pieces of toast with butter, and one egg. Was going to eat an orange but ran out of time! Missed my morning orange. :(
Lunch/Dinner: 3 pieces toast, 3 eggs scrambled with ham and cheese, and one yogurt with chopped frozen fruit. No vegetables today. That's pretty bad. Crazy seeing how little balance I have in my diet.

Note to self - no toast tomorrow until I've had some veggies!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:25 am
by LoriLifts
You're doing great!
Good for you!
:) Lori

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:15 am
by blue
wow I would say it was a success! Today or wed(its late) was a weird day. Maybe a full moon. I had 4 minimeals because of a long time in between food. But I'm considering it a success. Happy for thurs to be back to normal though

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:32 am
by embee
Day 9
March 12, 2009

Yesterday was hard. I had to rush through breakfast, wait a really long time before lunch, and then rush lunch - so couldn't eat much. By dinner I was starving and really piled up my plate. So unfortunately, no toast, and no vegetables! Ha! I'm finding it really surprising how few fresh vegetables I get in my diet. I always thought I ate more than I do - but now that I am sticking to three meals and seeing exactly what I'm eating, it's clear that I need to eat more of those.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with soymilk (surprisingly good, may stick to that now instead of eggs and toast :)
Lunch: Yogurt w/ chopped frozen fruit, a little bit of soup (had to throw the rest out, was in a hurry), and some Chex Mix
Dinner: Pan fried venison and about half a plate of potatoes! All the lettuce was wilted in the fridge - or else I would have thrown together a salad. Guess I need to do some grocery shopping this weekend.

Today will be a more normal day. Looking forward to my leisurely cup of morning coffee and a walk with Bo. :) And, of course, it's FRIDAY! I have really been craving key lime pie for some reason and I think I might make one this weekend.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:50 pm
by embee
I'm having a dilemma. Tonight my husband and I are going over to a neighbor's house for a barbecue. This neighbor - an older gentleman - is so excited and has called me several times to tell me the guest list, the menu, and the time of the party (has given me all this info numerous times). He added yesterday that he is having two kinds of cobbler and some special ice cream. Great. Today is not supposed to be an s-day.

I feel like I'd have no problem passing it up - I just don't want to offend him or be "the dieter" at the party. I really like keeping my s-days as Sat.'s and Sun.'s and would hate to give up those days just because I'm being polite and eating a dessert at this party that I don't REALLY want to eat. PLUS, if I have to go ahead and consider today an s-day because of it, by golly I wish I would have known this morning and taken advantage of it!

I guess I will see how it plays out... if I can decline without it being a big deal, then I will. If I have to eat it, then maybe I'll just make Sunday an n-day. I'm just trying not to be a baby about possibly losing one of my s-days to a darn piece of cobbler. :(

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:12 am
by blue
Thats why I changed my s days to fri/sat because they were the days I do social stuff mostly. And sunday is a calm/ spiritual day for me so If I could I would actually fast(but I cant). I asked about my 3 meal day on the general disscussion and got some great advice from Reinhard. Good luck on whatever happens.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:47 am
by embee
I shared some cobbler with my husband. I was thinking to myself, so what if today (Friday) is my s-day? Am I going to cry over unconsumed calories?!? So I didn't get to binge all day because it was an s-day - so what? That's what got me here in the first place! So today was an s-day and I had an s-day peach cobbler treat. All good.

So today was a success.

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ soymilk
Lunch: Oatmeal w/ soymilk (what can I say - I wanted something warm and delicious but didn't want to cook anything for myself) and raw broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower dipped in italian dressing
Dinner: Barbecue, potato salad, hush puppies, and several bites of peach cobbler with ice cream.

I'm still getting used to this no-seconds rule. Whenever I'm eating dinner at someone else's house, I tend to take small portions (so I don't look like a pig and so, in case I don't like it, I don't have to eat a lot of it). Everything I ate tonight was delicious, but it was gone so soon... Should have taken more. Oh, well!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:06 am
by blue
sounds Like a yummy friday!!!! Tomorrow is sat so if there is anything you want you can Yeah!!!!!! My guess the longer we do this the less big deal s days really become. Isn't no snacking great?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:24 pm
by blue
Where is Embeee? :?:

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:55 am
by blue
Embee come back :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:48 am
by blue
miss you :cry:

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:33 am
by embee
Well, I fell off the wagon for a week! My family came to visit Brian and me in NC and all seven of us had a GREAT time. Being so busy, I didn't make time to update... or eat right. BUT I am starting again. Will post a success day tomorrow! Thanks for missing me, emilypop.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:48 am
by blue
yeah! your back. I had a failure so I'm on day 1 again. Its a new way to live so it will take time. Wellcome back. Happy n day tomorrow. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:02 pm
by embee
Wow, this is really difficult to start up again. For the past three days all I've been thinking is that I'm back at day 1, so why not put it off one more day? I know, it's dumb... Anyway, today is the new day 1! Yay!

It was hard to come back on here because I'm kind of embarrassed. When I have a failure, it's like an eating-all-day failure, not like one-mini-twix failure. But I guess that's behind me now. The thing is, when I'm on no-s, I feel like every area of my life improves somehow. When I'm off it, I feel lazy and undisciplined. Glad to be starting up again. Off to eat breakfast!

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:03 pm
by blue
i have had a few failure lately too. No need for embarrassment. we all do it thats why we are trying a new way of life. One day at a time. Good to have you back :lol: