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Robins Daily Check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:44 am
by ifya_1999
Im 35 and a mother of 3 teenagers. I am a long time weight watchers member. I had good results with ww 140 lbs. But honestly how many times do you really need to hear the same topic discussed in these meetings? After a couple of years (give or take) I figured i knew exactly how this system worked and tried to follow it on my own. Im now 40 lbs up. I happened on a site a few months back just by luck and that is where i found out about the no s. i read what i could and just knew i had to have this book. I have read this book several times and have even half heartedly attempted to follow it. I began to read it again monday and fully decided that i was going to give this my full attempt or at least make it to day 21. so here i am on day 5 and OMG! why have i waited so long???
I must say the first couple of days was a little bit rough but i made it through with no cheating :D by day three i never had the first craving for anything sweet (unbelievable) day 5 and it was the end of my day before i had the first thought of wow i can have a treat if i want. but i really didnt want one. I love this site and have become addicted to you guys. I guess I should say I have been reading over the posts for a few now and its like reading a good book that you dont want to put down. Im so glad I found this way of eating and i really think its something to be done for a lifetime and never feel like the fat one at the table who is yet on another diet.

what I ate today:
B/ 2 slices jelly and toast
strawberry yogurt

L/ house salad
ranch dressing
wheat roll

D/ rice
green beans
grilled chicken
2 rolls

Welcome to No S!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:29 am
by la_loser
Ah, you little lurker you! Glad you decided to make yourself known. You'll get all kinds of support here--and you don't even have to go to a meeting. . . or pay a monthly fee. . . or count anything. . . or feel like you have to step on any scales in front of anyone! Yea-No S!

Congratulations all the weight you've already lost. I'm betting you can drop those forty pounds again and not have all the pressure. And with three teenagers in the house, you need all the peace you can get!

Look forward to seeing you here often!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:12 pm
by ifya_1999
Day 7, a whole week with no s and it was a really good lesson learned. What i have learned from this week is something i have been fighting for years. Food is not the problem. Snacks are the problem. I weighed this morning and the only reason i did was I just felt better. I stood on scale and lo and behold im down 5 lbs. im sure it was mostly water weight from not having all the extra sugar and salt but hey 5lbs is 5 lbs. ill take it either way. Im not expecting fast weight loss and i dont plan to weigh again until my 21 day stretch so the 5lb loss this morning really gave me motivation to keep the ball rolling. Oh and I had my monthly visit from mother nature yesterday so another reason to be shocked by the weight loss. i was truly look for a 5 lb gain. so maybe its not water loss :D
either way im loving this!!! and LA loser thank you for the warm welcome:)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:54 pm
by ifya_1999

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:58 pm
by ifya_1999
didnt get to post yesterday so i will post it now. FAILURE

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:10 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Robin! Great start!!
Congrats and welcome!
8) Debs

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:10 am
by ifya_1999
today was a success
thank you deb :)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:19 am
by ifya_1999

Hi Robin!

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:46 am
by SavvyV
Welcome! :) I just wanted to say Hang In There! It is so worth it to form new and better habits when it comes to our diet. I'm like you, I kinda stumbled upon this website by googling something like " diet moderation". To be honest, I'm not very good at counting calories- -that just does not come natural to me. On the other hand, I know that somehow I needed to get a handle on my sweet tooth, and endless snacking behavior. I was feeling a bit out of control.
I wanted to learn how to "eat in moderation" and the NO S approach, as corny as it sounds, was simple to implement and understand. My goal is to get and keep my weight in a healthy range . .Im about 15 pounds away from that range. And like you, I dropped about 4 pounds the first week in!
Be patient with yourself. . .it is going to be a learning experience! As you progress toward your goal, think of the 21 days on habit as a challenge! And this is a reasonable challenge that is worth it! Come here often and let us know how you're doing!

SavvyV- - -the V is for Victorious!

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:59 pm
by ifya_1999
thank you savvyv . and i do plan on checking in everyday just like i plan to work hard at no s and do this the right way. and im feeling really good about this. like i think i said in one of my other posts i wake up in the mornings and feel really good. ive not woke up the first time on no s feeling like "well im going to try not to eat at all today. if i cant enjoy what i am eating why bother" this has been so easy its almost scary. i wonder if this is one of those .... if its too good to be true, it most likely is kind of things. but ive been lucky so far and have had weight loss and from what i understand alot of these guys havnt. i love this diet and this board :)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:51 pm
by woods38
Hi Robin!

You are doing great!

I have 2 teens and am also a former WW member. I would lose 20 lbs. with WW, get tired of counting pts. and gain it back. Join again a year later. The same story kept repeating itself. I am so happy that this is working for me and I hope to be able to get all the way to goal and stay there this time.

I feel like I am being a better example to my daughter this way. I can eat meals with my family and I don't have my own "special" foods anymore. It doesn't feel or look too much like another diet.

Keep up the good work!

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:13 pm
by ifya_1999
your exactly right woods38. my youngest daughter is 11 and is considered obese at 195lbs. she breaks my heart and knowing that im more then likely the blame for this hurts me even worse. i cant say how many times she has heard me say gosh im so fat and im starting a diet first thing monday morning. or i am so ugly just look at me why would anyone want to be with me as fat as i am. so every once in a while i hear her make a comment about herself and i would always say honey dont put yourself down like that because you are beautiful. but how can i not expect her to say things like that when she not only hears me talk about myself that way but the world we live in is screaming daily how fat we are as a whole. everything you see in magazines and tv are about losing weight and diet pills. and oh yes lord knows ive taken my fair share of the wonder pills. but im on my third week of no s and i have seen some mild changes and for the first time im really ok with mild changes. and i know this can be a plan that i can live with. and not only me but my daughter too. this IS a success from here on out.

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:18 pm
by ifya_1999
yesterday and today was just awful! I have taken my weekend to the max. I feel like such a failure. i try to remind myself that this is part of the retraining process but i really do feel so bad for everything i have ate this weekend. not really that i foundered myself on anything but i think i had a taste of everything. if it had sugar in it i had some of it. im really looking forward to monday.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:57 pm
by ifya_1999
glad to see monday :D
it was a little difficult today but i can say it was a success. i dont know if the sugar overload from the weekend had any effect on me or not but the first thing that i wanted this morning was something sweet and chocolate. a warm pop tart would have been soooo goood. but i resisted the temptation and opted for a egg white and cheese on a warm english muffin instead. and i really was satisfied. and when i finished my muffin the craving was gone. i noticed today that im still wanting to guestimate the points in my food. and im sure thats from so many years with ww. i feel sota guilty about not doing points but i love the free feeling of the no s and couldnt see myself back in the rutt of tracking points and all. i weighed again this morning and im up a lb. but im certain thats from the sugar party over the weekend. im taking this as a lesson learned that just because its a weekend and considered to be able to eat anything thats a lot different then eating everything. and my portions during the week are getting smaller as well. im finding that the longer i do this the less and less it takes to satisfy me. hope you guys have a great week.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:13 pm
by ifya_1999
Day 15 with a success. i thought i would have a slimfast shake this morning and by lunch time i was STARVING. for lunch i had a baked potato and a jr bacon cheeseburger from wendys. (I ate every bite) and bbq chicken breast and baked fries for supper. i think i will have something a little more hearty in the morning. i was so hungry all day. a good breakfast really makes a big difference in the way your hunger holds out through the day.

Re: Robins Daily Check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:56 am
by winnie96
ifya_1999 wrote:I am a long time weight watchers member. I had good results with ww 140 lbs. But honestly how many times do you really need to hear the same topic discussed in these meetings? After a couple of years (give or take) I figured i knew exactly how this system worked and tried to follow it on my own. Im now 40 lbs up.
Been there, done that with WW. Finally lost 60 lbs, made Lifetime, got sick of counting points, found No-S, and have successfully kept it off for almost 6 years, 5 with WW, almost 8 months with No-S. No-S has certainly given me a new perspective on how to manage eating, but I'm going to confess: I still go to a WW meeting every week (free for Lifetimers who maintain their loss).

What makes me go back to the meetings is that my previous 4 failures on WW resulted from thinking I had "it" figured out and could do it on my own. ("It" means how to keep my weight at a realistic and healthy level). No-S is working really well for me in terms of getting out of the diet mentality, but going to a (free) meeting each week, even if I've heard the same thing 20 times, reaffirms for me what I think is the "good" part of WW -- following the healthy eating guidelines, paying attention to portions, getting some moderate exercise. I don't agree with their use of phony food, the relentless points-counting for long term maintenance, and the idea that you have to eat many times per day, but some of their message is right on target for healthful living. I used to eat like an absolute idiot, and they really did lead me to a better, healthier way to eat. And I am so delighted that No-S gives me the "scaffolding" to continue eating that way in the Real World.

At first, with No-S, I thought "zowie! now I can eat all that stuff that got me up to 200 lbs on a 5'6" frame, as long as it's confined to one plate with no seconds, it's ok! Well, of course, it's not. A breakfast of 2 eggs over easy in 4 T of butter, with hash browns, 2 sausages, and 2 slices of toast with butter and jelly -- even though it fits on one plate, is not the same as, say, 1 cup of blueberries on 1/2 cup of oatmeal, with skim milk, 3 walnuts, and 1/4 cup of Fiber One.

I guess what I trying to say is (a) for some of us, a combination approach can work pretty well, and (b) for former WW-ers, don't "throw the baby out with the bath water". I think about what worked for me with WW, think about what didn't, and try to remember the healthy, sustainable lessons WW taught me. Then I try to integrate that with No-S for a long term approach.

I do not intend this to be a plug for WW -- I just think that if you have had a WW experience, it may have some worthwhile concepts that you may want to carry over into No-S.

I don't know if there's ever a final answer, but I think No-S layered over any healthy eating experience is dynamite!

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:43 am
by ifya_1999
definately a success

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:46 pm
by ifya_1999

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:48 am
by ifya_1999
Failure today was a big disapointment for me. we had our easter lunch at work. i went into work this morning with good intentions. but when it came time to eat i was like a puppy after its first meal of the day. i ate so fast that by the time i was done i couldnt even remember what it tasted like. i was so full and very uncomfortable. even now after 6 hours, i am just sick. i dont feel good, my body dont feel good. and my belly hurts. i have done so well the past 3 weeks and then boom out of no where the hungry monster arrives and jerks my feet right out from under me. i stuck to only one plate but i had to eat it all or i just wasnt going to be happy. and now here i am really not happy and sick the boot. i wish i knew how to control this urge BEFORE it takes control of me. it was almost the feeling of eat it Robin, quick eat it, eat it faster, dont stop, dont you dare stop. gosh i wish i had just quit when enough was enough. im so mad at myself. but the good part of this story is i know im still way over full and supper is not on my agenda tonight.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:40 am
by ifya_1999
success I had a couple of times today that i really wanted something to eat. not because i was hungry more because i wanted that feeling in my mouth. i was so upset with myself yesterday for eating the way i did that i honestly went to bed last night thinking that i was not going to do this no s anymore. i woke up this morning with an empty belly and a new day and i done it again. it was a success so im glad im still here. man my belly hurt. you would think feeling that way would prevent you from doing it again but im sure it will happen again only this time i hope i will think twice about how miserable i was the last time i done it. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:30 pm
by ifya_1999
success :)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:16 pm
by ifya_1999
im back...its been a very stressfull three weeks. on the 14 th of
April my 11 year old daughter was in a atv accident. she was placed on life support for two weeks due to a severe head injury. she was bleeding on the brain and later on they found she had a couple more bleeding spots way down in the core of the brain. she has made great progress and working really hard on getting back as close to normal as she can. its going to be a long slow process but we have had God on our side from day one of this and will continue to carry us across the bump in the road. ive not been following the three meals a day. its almost impossible to stick to this when you spend every hour for weeks in a hospital piccu lounge. but im back and ready to get back on my eating plan. :)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:29 am
by mimi
I will certainly remember you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, Robin. May your daughter make a full recovery and may you remain strong and hang in there for her as she does it.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:51 pm
by ifya_1999
Thank you mimi for your thoughts and prayers. things for me have been off tilt. i thought for sure when i got home from the hospital that i could get back onto my daily eating plan and its been far from that. people have been so kind to us during this time and we have had food galore. family and friends have been taking really good care of us and its sooo hard to to say no thank you when we needed them so bad. so im praying that things will start to die down soon and our life will get back into order pretty quickly. im going to try again tomorrow. oh as if you couldnt guess today was definately a Failure

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:06 pm
by arlene55372
Robin, I hope your daughter's recovery is 100%. Nothing worse than sitting in ICU watching somebody fully sedated trying to recover. I just spend 8 weeks in Arizona watching my GD trying to recover from pneumonia and collapsed lungs.

Good luck, my prayers are with you.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:46 am
by ifya_1999
thank you arlene55372 my prayers are with you and wishing your gd all the best. prayer means alot in tough times. and today i was a success

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:08 am
by mimi
Stay strong and be good to yourself.


Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:15 pm
by ifya_1999
its been really difficult for me. ive not been sticking to the program. it seems like i start out doing good and then with all the dr. appt. for my daughter it gets pushed to the back burner. im still trying and trying and im hoping my day will come when im back on program and can stay there. thank you all for your kind words and prayers.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:26 pm
by mimi
And that is quite understandable given your circumstances. Just don't be too hard on yourself. Concentrate on attending to the things that you must on a day-to-day basis. Maybe you could pick one part of NoS and work with that until things calm down for maybe no sweets, or maybe limit yourself to healthy snacks. Come back for encouragement if you need it, Robin.
