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Check in

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:04 am
by leanbean67
Hi all-

I've been lurking here for a while. Found this site through a reference to shovelglove on a raw food website of all things.

I'm at a lean weight for my height (lost 20 pounds over the past year just by not eating past 7:30 at the latest, usually stop eating around 6), long time runner and exerciser. Have been through some pretty strict diet and exercise regimens in my past. Perhaps as a result of those, I have a rebellious nature. :oops: I'm hoping that this will be a sane way to maintain my hard work, and also perhaps to build some much needed upper body strength.

So here's what I've done so far:

Sunday was a trial run and was a success.

Monday was a failure (dessert with friends).

Tuesday was a great success.

Today was a failure. Allowed myself to get too hungry and near some Halloween candy. It was ugly.

Exercised every day but today. I've found it amazingly easy not to snack, but then I wonder if that's the reason why I'm starving by later in the day. Also, my weakness during PMS has always tended to be the sweet stuff. I keep telling myself that tmw is another day, Scarlett. But I'm wondering if the reason I've failed in those two days was too light on the eating for breakfast and lunch. Can anyone give me an idea of plate sizes they use for those two meals? I'm a 5'6 female, so I won't need as much food as the guys.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:30 am
by Inge
Hi and welcome! PMS is a killer, but I think long-time good habits can overcome even that. (Just a theory -- I'm still not there yet.)

Keep the plates large enough to get you to your next meal! is my advice, even if they seem to be more food than you'd want to be seen eating. The no-snacking habit is really important. You can refine the plate and portion sizes once the habit is strong.

Hang in there; you'll be happy you did.


Great Nosday!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:17 am
by leanbean67
Breakfast none. Well, coffee with soymilk.
Lunch-embarassingly large salad (yes, all heaped on one plate, with grilled chicken) I was definitely full til dinner after this salad.
Dinner-cream of mushroom soup with broccoli and grilled chicken, all stirred up together.

I did a Cathe Friedrich DVD, and eight minutes of shoveling. Eight pound sledge (nine according to my scale). I can't do fourteen minutes of the glove yet. Unfortunately my party was attacked by orcs in the middle of churning butter and I had to defend us. :wink: Good thing the attack didn't last any longer than eight minutes.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:21 pm
by carolejo
HEY! I don't get this!! :P

Just re-read what you wrote.
Lunch-embarassingly large salad
How can a salad EVER be embarassingly large!!? This doesn't make any sense :lol: :lol:

Salad with grilled chicken is super healthy. AND it was all on one plate so there's no issue here.

Just wanted to say though, welcome to the BB and this lot. This eating plan is so sane, that it will work for just about everyone. Best of luck with your own goals to keep the weight off, and well done for getting there.



Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:14 pm
by leanbean67
perhaps eating the salad out of a sombrero was overkill. I mean, I don't want to get hungry before dinner, right? :lol:

I am a salad freak. Go through bags of the stuff weekly. My husband is more of a frozen pizza kind of guy, and just kind of looks at me bewildered.

Thanks for the welcome. You all seem to be a very fun group. And I just love a rational approach to eating and exercise. Very refreshing.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:54 pm
by gratefuldeb67
perhaps eating the salad out of a sombrero was overkill.
LOL!!!!!!! :lol:

Hey Leanbean! LOL.. That's really funny!
But technically, a sombrero could count as one plate!
That would really be, as Reinhard puts it, "overloaded"!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Who also loves a gigantic humongus salad with everything on it!!!
Yummy! :wink:

Great day

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:52 am
by leanbean67
'cept no exercise. Will hit it for sure tmw. Today was just living.

Out of bed at unGodly hour (6 AM). Some (like my husband) may say that this is positively sleeping in, but I'm convinced that during fall and winter that we are actually supposed to be hibernating, only occasionally leaving the cave to forage for buffalo wings and pinot noir.

Breakfast was a bagel, and of course coffee with soymilk. For some reason when I get up early I'm hungry for breakfast.

Lunch-Banana and glass of orange juice (grabbed on the run)

Dinner-Way early, but knew that I'd miss my cutoff time if I didn't grab it when I could. Cream of chicken soup with green beans, canned chicken tossed in, and a persimmon.

I stopped at my favorite coffee shop this evening, and there was the last biscotti, looking all lonesome behind the glass. These are awesome, one end dipped in chocolate, and big chocolate chips running all through them. I got it and...

brought it home for my husband!!! I can't believe it. Walked around for hours with it tucked carefully in my bag! Major triumph! Especially with an early dinner!


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:13 am
by leanbean67
Walked for 3.5 miles.
SG for 14 minutes (8 pound sledge)
Breakfast was coffee.
Lunch was salad with tuna, avocado, etc.
Dinner was salad with chicken and some mozzarella sticks.
Had several glasses of wine at a party.

Thinking about making french toast or pancakes for an S Day tmw.

Still doing good

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:19 am
by leanbean67
Finally got over PMS. Past two days have been good. Yesterday was an S day, but only in that I had a snack, cheese and crackers. No exercise yesterday. Hubby made a delish Hungarian Hunter's Stew. Of course, I'm a midwest/southern girl, so had to make cornbread. I figured East (-ern Europe) met West on that one.

Today was a good N day with my usual no b-fast, lunch of soup and crackers, and monster salad for dinner. Also had a persimmon at dinner. Figured that could balance on top of the bowl. Did SG for 12 minutes, and step for 45.

Tmw evening should be interesting. Driving to Lexington for a concert, and considering my normal level of hyperactivity, should be good and starving at well past my evening meal cut-off time.

Still here

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:44 pm
by leanbean67
And still clicking along. Did not have any S's this weekend because I was v. busy. I wanted to have a good dessert but I really didn't have time to sit down and enjoy it, so figured I'd save it for another day.

Snacks are harder to avoid, but has gotten a bit easier with time.

Weight holding steady, which is what I wanted. (Well as steady as weight ever does. There's a 5-8 pound fluctuation during the month, which is normal).

Hope everyone has a great NoS day!