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Susie's First Day

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:19 pm
by susieb
Hello All, just checking in. I would rate today as a success as I am such a terrible nibbler and snacker and actually managed three plates...with a few veggies that slipped in while preparing dinner but as soon as I realised I stopped :D So that's me done for today. Can't wait to receive the book so I can understand it all a bit more!
Bye for now

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:32 am
by la_loser
Welcome Susie!

I know that you're in the UK so . . . was it Monday that you're talking about here? Cause if not, and it was Sunday that you were talking about--you didn't need to restrict yourself on a Sunday--even if it was your first day.

And until your book arrives, honestly, you can read virtually everything you know, especially to get started, on the NO S main page.

You'll find lots of support here. Glad you've joined us!

N day on a Sunday

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:49 am
by susieb
Hi there, thanks for the welcome! Yep, it was Sunday and I know that it would be an S day- but it was my Day One and frankly I had inhaled the entire carbohydrate contents of my house over the last few days so I thought I would start on a Sunday rather than wait! But I will be doing the programme as per the book this week.
Looking forward to getting to know you all!