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Jess' Check-In

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:15 pm
by jessdr
So, I just discovered that today is 41 weeks to my 30th birthday, and I am exactly 41 lbs. over my preliminary goal weight.

Now, I am NOT going to make a scale- or deadline-based goal. Not not not not NOT.

I've had bad luck with that. About a year before I started NoSing, I lost 30lbs on a diet that seemed very sane on paper, but which, in practice, went in a really disordered direction. By the time I got my head back on straight, I had regained most of the weight. (And then I hurt my hip and couldn't exercise much, and gained even more.) I am NOT going to do that to myself again.

When I turn 30 I want to be happy with how I look AND with the state of my psyche.

So my goal is to get to 30 with strong habits.

If I'm still overweight, it won't be a failure, because I'll know that I'm making real, permanent progress.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:45 pm
by guadopt1997
That's a great way to look at it, Jess!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:54 pm
by jessdr
guadopt1997 wrote:That's a great way to look at it, Jess!
Thanks. Just have to stick with it now. :)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 7:25 pm
by jessdr
Had a nice all-green day yesterday. It was not easy: I had a shoot for my belly dance instructional video last night, and didn't have dinner until 10. This isn't that unusual for me; I have several evening commitments in any given week (usually dance classes, but occasionally shows or a shoot). But I usually have some milk or V8 if I know I won't be home until after 9, and this time, I was running late, and didn't have time to stop to get anything. But I still didn't snack!

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:31 pm
by jessdr
Had a slip-up on Friday: went out for dinner & a movie with friends, and got tripped up by the communal pizza. They served us two pies for the table, and only gave us little 5" appetizer plates, so I ended up having seconds. Not a huge overindulgence, but still a red day. I did, however, get a nice iced coffee at the ice cream shop, and didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.

Next time I'm in that situation I will:
- ask for a real plate
- if that's not an option, eyeball a virtual plate's worth before taking any. (i.e., decide that two pieces is the max, etc.)

Had some nice treats for my s-days: pineapple in a buttery brown sugar syrup on Sat (plus some panda herbed licorice in the afternoon), and a slice of vanilla cake with buttercream frosting and fresh strawberries on top on Sunday.

I've been getting my desserts at real bakeries lately (nicer local ones or the bakery at Whole Foods), and it's a little pricey, but it really makes a difference. Getting the best quality I can and making a ritual out of picking out my selection makes it feel like more of a treat.

All green Monday.

Looking forward to fiddleheads tonight!