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3 S + 1

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:44 pm
by LoriLifts
My plus 1 S is Steps. My goal is 10,000 a day.

I received my fancy pedometer this week. I'm going to record my success or failures with No S as well as logging my daily steps.

I'll begin tomorrow, June 28.

Back soon!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:27 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Walk on!

I love to walk, need a good pedometer myself.


Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:21 pm
by LoriLifts
Today was an S day.

I logged in 27,067 steps!

My husband and I are training for a marathon in August. Today we completed our 14 mile walk/run. I feel good except for some creaky knees.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to completing the first N day that I've had in quite sometime. I have to get the award for the most starts/stops with No S. I'm confident that I'm back for good. The 152nd try is the charm!

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:12 am
by LoriLifts
12,923 Steps.

Although I jumped in 100% with my steps, I'm going to ease into the 3 No S's. I'm better with baby steps, at least for the first week or so. When I get a string of successful half days, I'll commit to the full ones.

Today, my half day was a SUCCESS.

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:23 pm
by LoriLifts
11097 Steps.

My half day was a SUCCESS.

I stepped on the scale today..137 lbs. I'm not going to declare a "goal" weight, I don't want to get into diet mode. As long as the numbers go downward, I'll be a happy camper.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:21 pm
by LoriLifts
10922 Steps
Another half day of SUCCESS.
Time to extend my S time...I'm going to be compliant to the 3 rules until 6pm.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:45 am
by LoriLifts
Happy 4th!

I need to catch up on my steps...
Thursday 10913
Friday 10690
Saturday 17750

My steps are right on track (or exceeding my goal).

I'm still doing successful days until 6pm. I think I'll do another week of this until jumping in with both feet.

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:39 am
by LoriLifts
11086 steps on Sunday.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:09 am
by LoriLifts
10671 steps today.
I've got the no seconds and no snacks rules down. It's that pesky no sweets. I was thinking of establishing a N Day mod, maybe 1 sweet a day. I need to think about it, I feel as if I need to stick to Vanilla S.

On the other hand, the scale is moving downward. Maybe 2 of the S's and 10,000 steps is enough for awhile. And when I hit a plateau, I can add the third S.

hmmm.....need to think about it for awhile.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:41 pm
by LoriLifts
11977 steps.

No Snacks...No Seconds....

These $%*& Sweets!

I'm going to step on the scale and do "the pants barometer" tomorrow. If I'm not having success, I'm going back to Vanilla S.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:31 am
by LoriLifts
10047 steps.

I squeaked by with my steps, I had to walk around the house a couple times to get to 10,000!

Did a weigh in today...133 lbs. And my pants fit again. That's good news all around.

I'm going to stick with No Snacks and No Seconds and 10,000 Steps until my weight loss stalls. Then I'll add the No Sweets rule.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:30 am
by nubiennelady
Nice job on the walking Lori. Snacks are my downfall with sweets a close second. Just do the best you can and you'll have success.


Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:19 pm
by LoriLifts
10431 steps today.
And no snacks or seconds.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:44 pm
by LoriLifts
10448 steps.
No Snacks. No Seconds.
Friday is always tough for me. I was reading about some people making Friday 5pm to Sunday 5 pm the S days. I like that idea, Sunday evening is easy for me to stick to the rules.
One more thing that I need to ponder....

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:14 am
by LoriLifts
Saturday...13463 steps
Sunday.....16221 steps
Monday.....34717 steps! (not a typo, this was a 16 mile training run/walk)
Tuesday....10205 steps

I've also been successful with No Seconds and No Snacks.

It's funny, I always thought that the No Sweets rule is the one that would make a difference in my weight loss. I've got such a sweet tooth, I would have bet a dollar that this is the cause of the extra poundage.

In reality, I think it's the No Snacks rule that's making such a big difference. I'm no longer eating after dinner and now that sweets are only consumed at mealtimes, I eat smaller portions.

Who would have thunk it!

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:30 am
by Jammin' Jan
What kind of step counter are you using? Mine is an Accusplit Eagle. I have worn one of these for several years now and just love it.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:53 am
by LoriLifts
Hi Jan,
Thanks for stopping into my blog.
I'm using the Omron pedometer that downloads data on my computer. I really like it, I clip it on my pants and forget about it. And I really like the nifty graphs I get on my computer!

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:03 pm
by LoriLifts
Catch up for the week..

Wednesday 10376 steps
Thursday 13683 steps
Friday 11097 steps
Saturday 10292 steps
Sunday 16481 steps (8 mile training run/walk)

My steps were a success but my food plans were not. Two days last week, I broke the No Snacks rule.

It's time for me to go Vanilla S. I can see that I'm beginning to slide, I need to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.

Starting now, all the rules apply. I'm glad it's Sunday!

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:37 pm
by LoriLifts
Day 1 of Vanilla S was a success.
I also completed 12155 steps.

I'm commiting to 21 days of vanilla S. I've had many (many) false starts. I really think that this time it's going to stick.

I'm ready for day 2.....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:33 pm
by LoriLifts
Day 2 was a success.
I walked 10532 steps today.

A good day all around!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:04 am
by LoriLifts
Summer Fruits Rock!
Adding some blueberries and strawberries or a peach to my plate has helped curb my urge for dessert. Today I added a spoonful of creme fraiche and it was delish!

I love my pedometer!
Adding my 10,000 steps to my habitcal has helped me stick to this goal. My July calender is filled with green, I don't want to break my streak.

Tonight I'm working out of town. When I arrived at my hotel, I was 3500 steps short of my goal. Before I could begin whining, I put on my running shoes and hit the treadmill.

Steps are complete and my teeth are brushed. Now I can spend the rest of the evening surfing the internet and watching mindless sitcoms!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:39 pm
by LoriLifts

dang it

i'll mark it and move on....

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:46 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Just keep going. You've been doing really well. I added 10000 steps to my habitcal, too, and just love seeing all that green. Diet is harder, but we'll get there!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:01 am
by LoriLifts
Thanks for the supportive words Jan.

The exercise part is so easy for me. I checked my data, I've logged more than 450,000 steps since last month! I haven't missed one day of 10,000 steps.

I fall into the mental trap of thinking that diet will be as easy as exercise. It never is for me, I seem to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back.

As much as I want that 21 day streak, I think my plan will be to gradually decrease the red days each month. I plan on being a No Ser for life, if it takes the rest of the year to get 21 days in a row, so be it.

I'm so happy to have found No S. In the past, I would have been on some crazy diet, fallen off the plan and been derailed for weeks. I'm already back on track and looking forward to a successful Thursday. That's a ton of progress for me.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:27 pm
by LoriLifts
Steps in review..

Wednesday 10417
Thursday 14457
Friday 10211

I'm confident that I'll meet my goal of 10,000 steps a day in July.

Sticking to the other S's?

Not so much.

I did have 2 successful days this week. I'm going to try for 2 more next week, then build from there.

I may try for 3 successful days a week in August! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:48 pm
by LoriLifts
Saturday I completed 10072 steps.

Today I completed.....hold on to your hats...38056 steps!

Today was my 18 mile long walk/run in preparation for the Park City marathon in August. Although the temperature was in the high 80's, both my husband and I felt pretty good. I've completed over 20 marathons, the last couple were at my highest weight, between 145-150 lbs.

As of this week, I'm at 133 lbs. I would love to get into the 120's, that's where I feel the best. I have about 4 weeks, losing 1 lb a week might be doable.

I was reading on the discussion page about how people with sweet tooths handle the no sweets rule. That's the one that really trips me up. Some people have had success gradually cutting back. I think I'll try that this week. I'll allow myself 1 small dessert at dinnertime. It will have to be included on my plate. I'll aim for at least a 2 day per week compliance.

When I train for marathons, I slowly add 1 mile at a time. Mile by mile until I can complete 26.2 miles. I've always crossed the finish line, why not apply the same rules to being successful with No S.

I feel confident that I have the No Snacks and No Seconds rules down. I'll work on slowly decreasing the amount of sweets.

I gotta go now and soak my feet....

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:02 am
by LoriLifts
Today I completed 10919 steps. And I feel pretty good after yesterday's 18 miler.

I also kept to my 1 sweet a day rule. Next week I'm going to begin incorporating 1 vanilla S day per week. And gradually add more until lo and behold, I'll be doing 5 N days in a row!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:38 am
by LoriLifts
Today I completed 10469 steps and had 1 sweet at dinnertime.

I think I'll step on the scale in the morning. Usually the day after a long run or walk, I'm up a couple of pounds. I think it's water retention, usually after 48 hours it's gone.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:40 am
by LoriLifts
I need to remember these wise words from Reinhard..

Watch out especially for the over committing part. It's safer to under commit -- but then really consistently comply. You can always up the ante later if you want. People so frequently respond to failure by making ever greater commitments when what they should do is the opposite -- scale back to what they can actually, consistently do. It can be hard for one's pride to accept this ("just 7 minutes???" etc) but don't indulge that pride -- it's hubris. Once you have a good solid month of humble but 100% consistent compliance, then maybe consider rewarding your pride by upping the ante a bit (maybe, one should always be cautious).

What can I do in August on a 100% consistence basis? Even if it's a humble goal?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:47 am
by Bushranger
You're a walking machine! :) Keep up the great work. You are an excellent example for us all to learn from regarding the regular daily Urban Rangering. I'd say a whole month of 10,000 steps every day is a humble yet compelling achievement to aim for.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:46 am
by masher
Your exercise routine is impressive! What a role model! I am inspired by your consistency too. You will get there, without a doubt.

Have you figured out your "humble" goal re sweets? Sometimes just posing the question elicits an answer from within. At least it does with me. I ask the question then make a list of possibilities and winnow them down to something really do-able.

Good luck,

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:11 pm
by LoriLifts
Thanks for the supportive words Masher and Bushranger :D

It's funny how our (my) minds work sometimes. It's so easy to focus on failures instead of successes. Instead of being happy that I've walked 392,000 steps in July, I obsess about not being able to complete a 21 day vanilla S challenge.

That's crazy thinking!

Today I completed 13514 steps and am patting myself on the back!

More good stuff... I have to go to a meeting next week so I pulled out my "meeting" clothes. The ones I only wear when I have to go to these types of things.

I discovered that the shirt I want to wear is way too big! I took it to the tailor to get it resized! I can also fit into all my pants, it's like I have a whole new wardrobe!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:16 am
by LoriLifts
I'm an Urban Ranger! It sounds so much cooler than just being a walker.

I can't believe I've been on this board for 18 months and never listened to Reinhard's podcast on walking. I just listened to it tonight and read some of the topics on the Urban Ranger board. It's terrific to find a group of people who appreciate the benefits of walking.

When I turned 40 I ran my first marathon. Then I ran 20 more ( I'm kind of an extreme person).

After my 20th marathon, I was getting burned out. Even though I took regular walk breaks, I ran most of the 26.2 miles. I began to dread the long training runs. But I really enjoyed finishing marathons. It was quite a mental struggle.

Then it occured to me. What if I flipped my run/walks into walk/runs? Mostly walk with some running mixed in?

Bingo! This was the change I needed to get excited about training again. I've done 3 (or maybe 4?) marathons this way and have lots more fun. Sure it takes alot longer to cross the finish line but I don't care. I take my time and enjoy the experience. And I still get a metal around my neck if my finish time is 5 hrs (when I mostly ran) or 6.5 hours (when I mostly walk).

I'm doing my 24th (or maybe the 25th?) marathon in Utah at the end of August. It will be slow going but I know I'll cross the finish line (eventually).

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:40 am
by LoriLifts
10026 steps today

I almost didn't make it, I had to walk around my house for 500 steps!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:42 pm
by LoriLifts
Today is the last day of July, I walked 10537 and completed my goal of 10,000 steps everyday this month.

My total steps for July is 412,858!

Dang, that's alot of walking!

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:03 pm
by LoriLifts
OK, here are my August goals....

10,000 steps a day. Today I completed 13431 steps, I'm off to a good start.

I'm also commiting to 1 Vanilla S day a week. As per Reinhard, I'm going for "humble but 100% consistent compliance".

I'm also going to complete the Park City marathon on August 22.

It's going to be a busy month!

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:56 pm
by LoriLifts
This morning my husband and I completed our 8 mile training walk/run. That equals 14410 steps. I exceeded my step goal.

I also checked my weight this morning...133.4 lbs.

I'm not going to weigh in again until a couple days before the marathon. I know my history, as I get into the low 130s or 120s, I sometimes get derailed. I get "this is good enough" itis. And revert back to my old habits. And gain the weight back.

This time I'm going to trust the process and know that if I stay the course, I'll lose weight.

It's going to be tough staying off the scale though...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:19 am
by Bushranger
Go walkerlori. I told you that you're a machine!

Perhaps you are related? :P


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:58 pm
by LoriLifts
Thanks Bushranger! Actually I do tend to carry weight around my waist, I may be related to that cyborg....

On Monday I completed 11540 steps. Today was 11291.

I'm also doing my designated vanilla S day today. I may try for 2 next week. I'm not going to commit to more than 1 day a week in August. I have better success when I sneak up on myself. Sometimes when I don't feel like doing a training run, I say to myself "Just go out and do 5 minutes, if you don't want to do more, you can go home". These mental games always work for me. I've never gone back home after 5 minutes.

For No S, I'm adding a day a month until I get to 5 No S days. I figure that this will take the remainder of 2009 but that's ok with me. At least I'm moving in the right direction.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:05 pm
by LoriLifts
It's been a crazy week. I've been out of town for a meeting but managed to get my steps in.
Wednesday 11240
Thursday 11617
Friday 10219

A couple of times I had to do laps around the hotel to get in my 10,000 steps a day!

On Saturday, my husband and I went for a long hike, the day's totoal was 10383.

Today was the big mama of training walk/runs. It was our 20 miler before the Park City marathon.

My pedometer reads 41,056 steps! :D

I feel good, alittle stiff when I get up from a chair, but other than that, no complaints.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:42 am
by LoriLifts
Today was my weekly successful day of Vanilla S.

In September I'm going to commit to 2 Vanilla S days a week. I'm actually looking forward to them, in October, it will be 3.

I completed my steps...squeaking by with 10050. I'm working out of town and had to pace back and forth in my hotel room to get the magic number!

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:34 pm
by Bushranger
walkerlori wrote:I completed my steps...squeaking by with 10050. I'm working out of town and had to pace back and forth in my hotel room to get the magic number!
You're still a machine. Now THAT is determination to succeed. Congratulations. :)


Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:26 pm
by TexArk
WOW You really are a walker. I will never match your steps, but I do remember a few years ago wearing a pedometer and trying for 10,000 steps. It seems that it calculated out to be about 4 miles. My pedometer was unreliable, though, and I gradually went back to measuring time and/or distance. You have inspired me to order a new pedometer because the Urban Ranger approach is so much more motivating to me. Of course that can be done by time, but actually setting a goal for number of steps in a day is appealing to me.

Thanks for the inspiration. It is interesting that some good habits seem to come naturally to us and others have to be worked at and developed over time. Exercise is the one that goes by the wayside first when I am busy or stressed. I have found the NoS part to be fairly easy and a relief after years and years of obsessive counting. I guess I need to be obsessively counting steps and not points or calories. I like your idea of working on one N day as a goal and then adding the second day. If that is what you need to develop a habit then I think it will work. I tend to set too high an exercise goal for myself so I am just aiming for 30 minutes a day for now. I used to do 90 and I know that is what I really need to be doing, but my all or nothing mindset needs to set smaller goals.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:11 am
by LoriLifts
Thanks so much for the nice words. The No S community rocks!

Everyone has been so supportive, it's time for me to reciprocate. I'm going to spend some extra time on the boards and become more involved.

Today I did 10425 steps. I think I'll step on the scale tomorrow, I'm feeling like I may have lost a pound or two.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:17 pm
by LoriLifts
Stepped on the scale on Thursday, no loss, dang it.

I've been seeing alot of discussions about exercise. Does it really help in weight loss? I used to think that exercise was the magic bullet. Until I began doing marathons. I began to change my mind...

Take last Sunday as an example. I completed a 20 mile training plan. I walked 3 minutes/ ran 1 minute for 5.5 hours. That same weekend, on Saturday, I hiked on a hilly course for over an hour.

And when I weighed in, I haven't lost 1 #@*& pound!

I do think that exercise can be a piece of the weight loss puzzle. It teaches you discipline and commitment. I always feel good after working out, I don't want to ruin those feelings by stuffing myself with food. And exercise does good things for your heart and muscles. But eliminating fat rolls? Maybe not so much.

Here's my step recap...

Thursday... 14276

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:43 pm
by LoriLifts
I'm back and still walking!

Last weekend I completed the Park City, Utah marathon. I walked 3 minutes and ran 2 minutes, for the 26.2 miles. I had a great time, the weather was good and the town is beautiful. If I find a big bag of money, I'm moving to Park City!

Since my last post I've gotten in my 10,000 steps per day. I love seeing the month of August filled with all green squares on my habitcal.

I feel so confident with my walking, I'm thinking of diving in to the eating part in September. And I also need to add back shovelglove.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:08 pm
by LoriLifts
Here's an interesting blog from the Mindless Eating guy...

Breaking a Brand Bond
Posted by Brian Wansink at 8/25/2009 4:25 PM EDT

This morning I was asked how a person can break a “brand bond†(say drinking 9 Cokes every day, or eating Ben & Jerry’s every afternoon).

Cold turkey is one option, but what is more empowering is to set up trade-offs that still give a person a feeling that they can consume it IF they want, but which just makes it more of a hassle to do so. For example only allowing yourself to bring single Cokes into the house. This way you’re forced to ration it to when you really, really need it, or to make a trip for another. This can also be done in the form of, “I can have my Coke-fix, but only if I ______ (work out, clean the kitchen, clear out my email inbox, etc.).

A second way is through brand substitution. Enable yourself to have all you want (or better yet, half of what you want) but of another brand that you don’t enjoy as much. That has been successful in breaking the cycle for some

This is particularly interesting for me, I've been trying to break my daily sugar fix for as long as I've been on this board. If I can stop eating sugar during the week, I would be in compliance with No S.

I think what I'll do for September is allow 1 small dessert with dinner during the week. And only if I get my 10,000 steps in.

And in keeping with what the author suggests, the dessert won't be my favorite cookie, just something sweet to tide me over. I'll save the good stuff for S days.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:47 am
by LoriLifts
424,228 steps for August!

Holy cow! It's amazing how 10,000 steps a day ( plus a marathon) can add up.

I'm doing another marathon on Sunday, then another in October. They'll keep me focused on doing my steps everyday.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:14 pm
by TexArk
You inspired me to buy an Omron pedometer, except I didn't get the fancy one. I love, love, love it though. I am getting my 10,000 steps in and it is fun to watch. Right now I am at 7435 at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:26 am
by LoriLifts
Hi TexArk,
Those dang pedometers are very addicting. Tonight I'm working out of town. When I arrived in my hotel room, I was 1203 steps short. I paced around the room until I hit the magical 10,000 steps!
Good luck! :)

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:07 pm
by MereyGnome
I think your 10,000 steps a day goal is awesome. I just bought an inexpensive pedometer and it only measures in miles and kms, but with a little research and math I've figured out that at my stride length 10,000 steps equals 4.73 miles. I've only worn my pedometer during my intended urban ranger walks, so I'm wondering if you've found that the steps really added up during the course of a normal day?

I work in an office, so I do a lot of sitting at my desk, but I'm also in a city, so there is a lot of potential for walking there. Anyway, I'll really have to stick to my urban ranger exercise (along with other cardio/weight training stuff) to make an impact.

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:44 am
by LoriLifts
Good luck MereyGnome! You can do it :D

I attach my pedometer to my pants first thing in the morning, when I'm brushing my teeth. I'm a sales rep so I'm in and out of my car, walking through stores and parking lots. My regular steps are usually about 4000, then I have to add the rest either taking a hike or run/walking.

I also drive about 1000 miles a week. When I have long drives I either have to get up at 0' Dark Thirty to get my steps in or use a hotel treadmill in the evening.

Despite having a super busy week, I managed to get all my steps in...

Sunday 13508
Monday 10280
Tuesday 10031
Wednesday 10071
Thursday 10094
Friday 10207

I also joined the September challenge. My goal is 1 dessert with dinner during non S days. So far so good....

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:16 pm
by LoriLifts
I stepped on the scale yesterday...134.7. That's pretty good news. If I could be in the 120s by Jan 1, I'd be a happy camper.

Yesterday was an exempt day for me, I'm doing the New Mexico marathon on Sunday, I allow myself to eat whatever I want for the 48 hours leading up to a race.

I tend to eat more before a marathon than after it. Usually I crave beverages more than solid food. My husband is meeting me after the marathon, we'll go out to brunch. I'll probably have a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit, that will fill me up for most of the day.

In October I'm going to do the Portland marathon. I'm looking forward to that one, I've never been to Portland and hear it's a terrific city. There's no better way to see a city than doing a marathon. Especially when you're slow like me!

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:01 pm
by LoriLifts
New Mexico marathon....DONE! I logged in 53,422 steps to finish it.

Yesterday I completed 10408 steps.

I'm spending the rest of the day on the couch.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:28 pm
by LoriLifts
Same day..second post.

The funny thing about doing a marathon, at least for me, is that I can't relax afterwards. My brain wants to lay on the couch and watch mindless sitcoms. My body wants to keep moving around.

My theory is that my heartrate was elevated for so long during the race, it's still accelerated which makes me restless.

Some yogis say that you only have a certain number of heartbeats for your lifetime. When you've used them up, that's it, in the ground you go.

I hope that's not the case, I've completed 23 marathons with lots of extra heartbeats. The end may be near!

Besides the cool medal and finishers shirt, one the main reasons I like doing marathons is the appreciation I have for my body, after I cross the finish line. I'm not focusing on the extra fifteen pounds I'm carrying around. I'm thinking about how strong my legs are, to complete 26.2 miles without collapsing. And how my heart and lungs work like champs.

Who cares if I'm slow, the point is that I always finish. And usually with a smile on my face.

Losing some weight will be nifty, and be easier on my knees and joints as I do more marathons. I'm just not going to obsess about the timeline and what my "ideal" weight should be. I'll continue down the No S path and enjoy the process.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:55 am
by LoriLifts
The day after my marathon, I feel pretty much back to normal. The only aches I have are in the front of my quads. It actually felt good to walk 10332 steps today, it got some of the soreness out.

Food was a SUCCESS. I think I'm going to try for a 21 day streak.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:11 pm
by LoriLifts
I'm working out of town but completed my steps on the hotel treadmill.
Yesterday was 10095, today I did 10954 steps.

I've also been successful with my 1 dessert a day rule.

Good for me :)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:37 am
by LoriLifts
Man o man, I am so happy I found No S.

When I'm staying overnight on a hotel, like I am this evening, I spend more time surfing the web. There are so many blogs and websites devoted to "diets". So many people attempting to lose weight fast. Then getting discouraged and gaining back whatever they lost.

I saw a commercial for Oprah's new season, looks like she's gained weight too. She needs to dump Bob Greene and hire Reinhard. For mega bucks!

OK, time to turn off the computer and turn out the lights. I'm getting up early to hit the treadmill before I check out....

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:30 am
by LoriLifts
Has it been 11 days since I've posted?
Time flies when you have RED days :(

First the good stuff...I've stuck to my 10,000 steps a day goal. This habit is so automatic now, I never think about not achieving it everyday. I'm out of town for 3 nights this week, I have a wake up call for 5am, so I can do 45 min on the treadmill before checking out.

The N days haven't been so N. I have been able to identify an odd behaviour. When I weigh myself, like I did a week or so ago, the scale is going downward, I throw the rules out the window.

I'm sure that there is some deep seated or repressed reason for this. Maybe someday I'll try to figure it out. In the meantime, I'm sticking to a once a month weigh in.

Since I made this decision, I'm back on track, with N day compliance. When N days become as automatic as 10,000 steps a day, maybe I'll weigh in more often.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:47 am
by LoriLifts
Another big chunk of time has passed. In a nutshell, here's what's been happening...

I completed another marathon, this one was in Portland, Oregon. It was lots of fun, I think my 10,000 steps a day helped with minimizing any post race soreness. I did the marathon on Sunday and was good as new on Tuesday.

I've stuck with 10,000 steps everyday but one. Next week I'm adding shovelglove again, maybe 3 days a week.

After many (many, many) false starts, I think I've settled on a way of No Sing that works for me. No Snacks, No Seconds and 1 small dessert on my dinner plate.

What the heck, let's try one more time for a 21 day compliance with my food plan.

I'll make today, Day 1, which was a SUCCESS.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:18 pm
by ksbrowne
Hi Lori,
I've been doing the 10,000 steps per day thing since last January! My favorite cereal started including step counters with each box. I had a pile of 8 of them collecting dust. Then, one day, I decided to try one out and clipped it to my waistband.

It was quite a wake-up call. I only logged about 4,000 steps. On days I took a 30 minute walk, I only logged 8-or 9,000 steps.

So now I walk an hour each day, which gives me over 6,000 steps and I get the other 4,000 just going about my daily life. It has really helped my weight loss.

I've enjoyed reading your daily check-in. You're very inspiring! Over 53,000 steps the day of the marathon!!!!! Incredible!
