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Katie's Daily Check-In (new!)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:27 pm
by Anoulie
So this is what I'm going to do. Just plain ol' vanilla No S, it's most important to form the habit right now, I think. Also, I'm going to become an Urban Ranger: I usually take the bus from my school to the train station, where I get on another bus to go home. I sometimes walk to the station, that's about a mile, maybe 1.5 miles. From now on, I plan on walking every day. That only takes 10, maybe 15 minutes, and I get to walk by all the stores etc. (in Germany, we don't have malls with everything in a small area under one roof, it's more like a street where only pedestrians are allowed). I'm not going to do this Shovelglove thing, though.
I'm going to weigh once a week, on Saturday mornings.

Goal: 110 lb

Saturday, September 26:
Weight: 121 lb
S day

Sunday, September 27:
S day

Monday, September 28:
N day
Well, not exactly a success... For breakfast, I had a sandwich (I didn't eat it all in one sitting, though, I hope that still counts? It definitely fit one plate), then fish & mashed potatoes with kohlrabi (I guess you don't know what this is... it looks like this:
Image and is a kind of cabbage) for lunch, and a bagel with lunch meat and milk for dinner. I drank water and grape juice mixed with water.
And then... welll... In between lunch and dinner, I completely forgot about No S, and ate two pieces and candy and two little pretzels. I felt sooo bad when I remembered No S, but I had totally forgotten about it. Seriously. :( :( :(
Urban Ranger: Walked 1 mile.

Tuesday, September 29 (today):
N day
Breakfast: a sandwich, again (but I just ate half of it)
Lunch: Spaghetti & two scrambled eggs
Dinner: I don't know yet...
Like yesterday, I drank water and grape juice mixed with water. Also, I didn't have anything in between meals, but the day's not over yet :D No, seriously, I'm going to remember it today. Really.

Re: Katie's Daily Check-In (new!)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:31 pm
by Kevin
Unconscious opportunistic snacking, as long as you catch yourself and stop, is not a catastrophe when you are just starting. For instance, my son had a bowl of cheese crackers on the counter last night and when I walked by, I took one and popped it in my mouth without even thinking. I laughed about how hard it is to break a habit. No big deal. It's part of making a new habit.

Now, if I had thought "that was good" and gotten myself a bowl, that would be a different story. :)

The deferred consumption (plate it now, eat it later) you mentioned is not a catastrophe either. Be a little careful that you don't sabotage yourself, but we all do it from time to time due to interruptions at meal time. It's been called "virtual plating" here.
Anoulie wrote:So this is what I'm going to do. Just plain ol' vanilla No S, it's most important to form the habit right now, I think. Also, I'm going to become an Urban Ranger: I usually take the bus from my school to the train station, where I get on another bus to go home. I sometimes walk to the station, that's about a mile, maybe 1.5 miles. From now on, I plan on walking every day. That only takes 10, maybe 15 minutes, and I get to walk by all the stores etc. (in Germany, we don't have malls with everything in a small area under one roof, it's more like a street where only pedestrians are allowed). I'm not going to do this Shovelglove thing, though.
I'm going to weigh once a week, on Saturday mornings.

Goal: 110 lb

Saturday, September 26:
Weight: 121 lb
S day

Sunday, September 27:
S day

Monday, September 28:
N day
Well, not exactly a success... For breakfast, I had a sandwich (I didn't eat it all in one sitting, though, I hope that still counts? It definitely fit one plate), then fish & mashed potatoes with kohlrabi (I guess you don't know what this is... it looks like this:
Image and is a kind of cabbage) for lunch, and a bagel with lunch meat and milk for dinner. I drank water and grape juice mixed with water.
And then... welll... In between lunch and dinner, I completely forgot about No S, and ate two pieces and candy and two little pretzels. I felt sooo bad when I remembered No S, but I had totally forgotten about it. Seriously. :( :( :(

Tuesday, September 29 (today):
N day
Breakfast: a sandwich, again (but I just ate half of it)
Lunch: Spaghetti & two scrambled eggs
Dinner: I don't know yet...
Like yesterday, I drank water and grape juice mixed with water. Also, I didn't have anything in between meals, but the day's not over yet :D No, seriously, I'm going to remember it today. Really.

Re: Katie's Daily Check-In (new!)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:31 pm
by Anoulie
Dinner: This:
Image with lunch meat, four radishes with salt, 1.5 glasses of milk.
Kevin wrote:The deferred consumption (plate it now, eat it later) you mentioned is not a catastrophe either. Be a little careful that you don't sabotage yourself, but we all do it from time to time due to interruptions at meal time. It's been called "virtual plating" here.
Well, I kinda have to do it every N day, simply because I have school - I make a sandwich, like this:

- just saying, it's not one of those:
- and maybe put some fruit or veggies in my lunch box with it.

I have two to three breaks every day, each 15 minutes long. I just can't eat everything in one sitting, especially because I'm usually not very hungry at this time of day, and sometimes can't even sit down during these breaks because the classrooms are locked.

You say it's "not a catastrophe", but... technically, is it a failure? I can't cram two slices of bread into my belly in 15 minutes, but I can't go without any food for 18 hours :shock:

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:47 pm
by bluebunny27
Hum, those pictures of sandwiches are making me hungry !! :-)

Good luck to you.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Re: Katie's Daily Check-In (new!)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:14 pm
by Kevin
No, it's not technically a failure. If that's your life, then that's your life. You are eating a planned, reasonably sized lunch, as your lifestyle allows it.
Anoulie wrote: You say it's "not a catastrophe", but... technically, is it a failure? I can't cram two slices of bread into my belly in 15 minutes, but I can't go without any food for 18 hours :shock:

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:30 pm
by Anoulie
That's good to know.

So... today... This morning, I got up, made the usual sandwich and put it in a box to take to school. Then I put it on the kitchen table along with my bottled water and forgot about it.
I was hungry all day, and in the last two classes, I wasn't even able to concentrate properly... at 1 pm, I always have a long break (90 minutes), during which I went to Subway to buy a Sub (a footlong, roasted chicken breast on sesame bread, without cheese and sauce, with lettuce, tomatoes, salt & pepper). I recently read about how everything tastes way better when you've been hungry, and I was so hungry I was almost dizzy by the time I sat down and opened the bag... it still tasted terrible. I guess I would have thrown it away if I hadn't been that hungry, but I was, so...
In America, I used to looove Subway, but this... I don't know... it was cold, not toasted (she hadn't even asked me) and really soft, it almost fell apart in my hands... Ew. And they still took € 6.49 for it (that's $ 9.47! for a footlong!).

Anyways, I did have lots of exercise today (at least compared to what I usually do). I walked about two miles (a mile to school, and a mile to the lake after school) and then went canooing (is that how you spell it?), that was pretty short, though.

For dinner, I had two of those:
with milk and four radishes with salt.


Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:25 pm
by Kevin
That's not how I've spelled it in the past, but it's charming. I think I'll spell it that way from now on. :)
Anoulie wrote: ... and then went canooing (is that how you spell it?)...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:24 pm
by Anoulie
Kevin wrote:That's not how I've spelled it in the past, but it's charming. I think I'll spell it that way from now on. :)
Oh... I see.

Why did I think - oh well. Whatever. Actually, we use kayaks, but the class is called "canoeing", don't ask me why. It's usually really exhausting, too, last week I had sore muscles for two or three days :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:56 am
by buttercreampillow
OMG, that kohlrabi (?) is the weirdest thing, like some kind of outerspace vegetable! :) On the other hand, I love figs and they're sort of weird inside, too.


Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:20 pm
by Anoulie
buttercreampillow wrote:OMG, that kohlrabi (?) is the weirdest thing, like some kind of outerspace vegetable! :)
Haha, I know, right? But you don't eat the antennas, they're just leaves.

Thursday, October 1:

no exercise

Breakfast: two sandwiches (the usual), a carrot
Lunch: Pasta, fish fingers, a kiwi
Dinner (I didn't have dinner till about 10:30 tonight, and even then I wasn't too hungry, but I didn't want to skip a meal again, so I just had some...) : cornflakes


Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:50 pm
by Anoulie
Today was the last school day before fall break (yes, that exists) and our teacher was passing around a bowl full of candy. And you know what? I took it, and then I just passed it on. I'm so proud :D

Breakfast: sandwich (as usual)
Lunch: pasta, eggs, bacon (all thrown into a frying pan together :shock: but it all fit on one plate), four radishes (we have a lot of those at the moment)
Dinner: bread roll with deli meat, four pickles

exercise: walked 1 mile

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:34 am
by Anoulie
Yesterday was my first S day. It wasn't as bad as I expected - I thought I'd be eating everything in sight, and nothing ar meals :D
Instead, I had a regular breakfast - a sandwich, with white bread, this time - then I had some sweets, chocolate, mostly, and dinner at 5 pm. And more sweets. But actually, this wasn't worse than a normal weekday pre-No S.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:47 pm
by Anoulie
Yesterday: S day

Today: Success

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:15 pm
by Anoulie
Today: Success

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:32 pm
by Anoulie
Today: Success