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BelfastBloke check-in: Not quite vanilla

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:30 pm
by BelfastBloke
Wed 11th Nov 09 -- 156.4

Success: No-S (day 34)
Success: Shovelglove (day 1)

Today is my first day of Shovelglove and my 34th day of No-S. I therefore started on 7th October 09?

Of those 34 days on the diet, there were 4 Failures. However, examining my HabitCal (is it visible to the rest of the world, or just to me?), I see that 2 of those failures are due to Friday nights.

Now, Friday nights have always been quite special to me and my ship-that-passes-in-the night wife. So I have taken the suggestion from elsewhere on the boards of "Double-Sabbath".

"Double-Sabbath" would be the jewish Sabbath + the trad christian Sabbath: sunset Friday till sunset Sunday. You could also call it "Old Testament and New Testament sabbaths".

Either way, two days of Sabbath = two S-days. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, but haven't seen a discussion of it, just a brief mention in another thread.

I look forward to any comments, and to aching muscles from the first day of Shovelglove with a 10lb hammer.

Re: BelfastBloke check-in: Not quite vanilla

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:35 am
by Kevin
Glad to see you posting.

I've done the Double-Sabbath mod, as many others have (it goes back for years). Be sure to treat that Sunday night dinner as sacred. Also, I think this mod gives you more opportunity to eat when you are likely to eat, so be careful if your goal is to lose weight.

On S-days, I still try to be thoughtful. I eat one serving. If I want seconds, I'll have them, but I won't start out with two platefuls. If I'm feeling like a snack, I wait five minutes and see if I still want it. Same thing with sweets. I find it's a good way to enact Rienhart's "don't be an idiot." rule.

BelfastBloke wrote:Success: No-S
Success: Shovelglove

Today is my first day of Shovelglove and my 34th day of No-S.

Of those 34 days on the diet, there were 4 Failures. However, examining my HabitCal (is it visible to the rest of the world, or just to me?), I see that 2 of those failures are due to Friday nights.

Now, Friday nights have always been quite special to me and my ship-that-passes-in-the night wife. So I have taken the suggestion from elsewhere on the boards of "Double-Sabbath".

"Double-Sabbath" would be the jewish Sabbath + the trad christian Sabbath: sunset Friday till sunset Sunday. You could also call it "Old Testament and New Testament sabbaths".

Either way, two days of Sabbath = two S-days. I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, but haven't seen a discussion of it, just a brief mention in another thread.

I look forward to any comments, and to aching muscles from the first day of Shovelglove with a 10lb hammer.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:20 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 11 Nov -- 156.4 -- Shovelglove (day 1) -- No-S (day 34)

Thu 12 Nov -- 154.6 -- Shovelglove (day 2) -- Mouthguard last night -- NoS diet (day 35)

But not Glass Ceiling, unless the ceiling is considerably higher than Reinhard's.

Fri 13 Nov -- 156 -- Shovelglove (day 3) --Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet until sunset@1614.

Sat 14 Nov -- 156 -- Shovelglove (day 4) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet till sunset@1612

Friday night (beginning of S-Day) had a plate of Mexican takeaway, then icecream and the world's most expensive brownie to follow.

Sun 15 Nov -- 156 -- Shovelglove -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet till sunset@16.11

Thanks for responding, Kevin. Yeah, browsing the boards I've now seen more references to a Friday night mod. Only once so far have I seen it called double-sabbath, though, which I think is a great name for it. I wonder who came up with that? Thanks, whoever you are!

You are right that Friday nights may open the door to eating more than I should. But I suppose habit is more important to me than losing weight. Thanks to the Atkins diet previously, I'm within 6lbs of my ideal weight (although No-S has resolutely kept me there. It's amazing how little my weight has varied since I've been on it).

Thurs 12th Nov 09

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:05 am
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:03 pm
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:23 am
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:42 am
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:33 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 16 Nov -- 156.4 --Shovelglove (day 6) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 39)
Shovelglove really difficult after the S-Day

Tues 17 Nov -- 156.4 -- Shovelglove (day 7) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 40)

Wed 18 Nov -- 155.8 -- Shovelglove (day 8) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 41)
(Day numbering includes S-Days) Quite a few of my meals aren't particularly healthy. Need to work on this.

Thurs 19 Nov -- 154.4 -- Shovelglove (day 9) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 42)
Basically do 2 cycles of 'Canonical Moves' in the time. Will be seeking out other moves soon.

Fri 20 Nov -- 153.6 -- Shovelglove (day 10 -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 43) till sunset@405
S-days begin sunset, which is 4.05 (Mouthguard despite only 3 hrs sleep)

Sat 21 Nov -- 156.2 -- Shovelglove (day 11) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 44) till sunset@405

Sun 22 Nov -- 156.2 -- Shovelglove (day 12) -- Mouthguard last night -- No-S diet (day 45) till sunset@405
It was really difficult to stay off the snacks late Sunday night, after a meagre meal after sunset.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:06 am
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:07 am
by Kevin
It sounds like you've settled right in, BB.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:14 pm
by BelfastBloke
Yeah, Kevin, I read the site for a while and thought about it a lot before starting.

Come on Ireland against France tonight!

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:05 am
by BelfastBloke
France cheated their way into the World Cup at the expense of Ireland. I suppose it's more the referee's fault?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:07 am
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:31 pm
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:11 am
by Kevin
I'm embarrassed if I should know, but what is Mouthguard?
BelfastBloke wrote:Thurs 19th Nov 09

Success: Shovelglove (day 9)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Basically do 2 cycles of 'Canonical Moves' in the time. Will be seeking out other moves soon.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:01 am
by BelfastBloke
Oh, it's not one of the Everyday systems. It's just something I need for my teeth at night, that I kept forgetting to put in until I started tracking my habit.

It was the fact that the HabitCal allows users to come up with their own tags for improvement that reminded me.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:48 am
by BelfastBloke
Is my HabitCal viewable by other users? Is it public?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:55 pm
by Kevin
That's funny, because I use one too, I just couldn't figure it out in this context.
BelfastBloke wrote:Oh, it's not one of the Everyday systems. It's just something I need for my teeth at night, that I kept forgetting to put in until I started tracking my habit.

It was the fact that the HabitCal allows users to come up with their own tags for improvement that reminded me.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:22 am
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:39 pm
by BelfastBloke

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:35 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 23rd Nov 09 -- 156.2

Success: No-S diet (day 46)
Success: Shovelglove (day 13)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:42 pm
by Kevin
When the meal is too small, it is very difficult. But evening time is a particularly tough time. I almost never snack after evening meals, S day or not.
BelfastBloke wrote:Sun 22 Nov 09

Success: Mouthguard
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 12)
S-Day: No-S diet (day 45) (S-Day till sunset, then N)

It was really difficult to stay off the snacks late Sunday night, after a meagre meal after sunset.


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:35 pm
by BelfastBloke
Tue 24th Nov 09

Success: No-S diet (day 47)
Success: Shovelglove (day 14)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Three quite large one-plate meals today.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:57 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 25 Nov 09 -- 154

Success: No-S diet (day 48)
Success: Shovelglove (day 15)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Tried out most of the non-canonical moves in Shovelglove today. Can't get the left-hand sided Moulinet.

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:52 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 26 Nov 09 -- 154 (in the morning, after Shovelglove)

Success: No-S diet (day 49)
Success: Shovelglove (day 16)
Success: Mouthguard last night

We celebrate Thanksgiving in this house, but because of my schedule, I may take Friday instead of Thursday as an NWS day.

UPDATE: That is indeed the plan. Thursday I managed to have only 2 (very large) one-plate meals. Burger and fries while travelling, then mushroom truffle ravioli in the evening.

However, there were quite a few cappucinos during the day, and lots of wine in the evening. I am a bit unsure of the No-S diet's approach to beverages, as I've never really gone wild on drinks before now. I must go investigate further.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:31 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 27 Nov 09

NWS-day: No-S diet (day 50)
NWS-day: Shovelglove (day 17)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:56 am
by BelfastBloke
Sat 28 Nov 09

S-Day: No-S diet (day 51)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 18)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:11 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sunday 29 Nov 09

S-Day: No-S diet (day 52) (S-Day until sunset, after OK)
Success: Shovelglove (day 19)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:33 am
by BelfastBloke
Monday 30 Nov 09 -- 155.4

Success: No-S Diet (day 53)
Success: Shovelglove (day 20)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Introduced a new exercise today - stair-running in my block of flats. Did 6 flights of 6 stories each (1 flight down, 1 flight up) in just over 6 min. Not sure if it'll become a habit or not, as I thought I would be able to range across the building using different stairwells, but the distribution of firedoors prevents this.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:09 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 1st Dec -- 153.6

Success: No-S diet (day 54)
Success: Shovelglove (day 21)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:41 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 2nd Dec 09 -- 155.2

Success: No-S diet (day 55)
Success: Shovelglove (day 22)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:14 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 3rd Dec 09 -- 154.2

Success: No-S diet (day 56)
Success: Shovelglove (day 23)
Success: Mouthguard last night


Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:09 pm
by Kevin
Stairs are great exercise, but one can feel kind of foolish if the same folks see you over and over again during the same session, huffing and sweating up and down the stairs. I do this at work sometimes.
BelfastBloke wrote:Monday 30 Nov 09

Success: No-S Diet (day 53)
Success: Shovelglove (day 20)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Introduced a new exercise today - stair-running in my block of flats. Did 6 flights of 6 stories each (1 flight down, 1 flight up) in just over 6 min. Not sure if it'll become a habit or not, as I thought I would be able to range across the building using different stairwells, but the distribution of firedoors prevents this.


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:07 am
by BelfastBloke
Not sure I should call No-S a diet, seeing as I'm kicking around the weight I want to be, and am more or less maintaining at this stage. "Eating regime" is probably more helpful. Or, given this website, "Eating System".

Fri 4th Dec 09 -- 153.6

Success: No-S system (day 57) until sunset
Success: Shovelglove (day 24)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Sat 5th Dec 09 -- 152.8

S Day: No-S system (day 58 ) until sunset
S Day: Shovelglove (day 25)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Sun 6th Dec 09 -- 155.6

S Day: No-S system (day 59) until sunset
S Day: Shovelglove (day 26)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Mon 7th Dec 09 -- 155.6

Breakfast - Cornflakes and extra-fruit Alpen muesli;
Lunch - Turkey, Houmous and cranberry bagel + crisps;
Dinner - Mashed potato, sprouts, carrots and vege-meat.

Success: No-S system (day 60)
Success: Shovelglove (day 27)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Tue 8th Dec 09

Breakfast - Cornflakes and extra-fruit Alpen muesli for breakfast;
Lunch - Haddock, frites and mushy pea puree for lunch;
Dinner - cheese and crackers for dinner.
Beverages - German aperitif chilled wine.

Success: No-S system (day 61)
Success: Shovelglove (day 28 )
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:43 am
by BelfastBloke
I'm finding the HabitCal very useful in planning for this treacherous month. I have quite a few legitimate S-Days due this month which are unconnected to Christmas.

By inputting all the S-Days in advance, and staring at the distribution of Yellow on the HabitCal, I can easily see there are too many. So I reduce the number of weekend S-Days to compensate.

I've always gorged from Thanksgiving to Christmas, but this year I'm able to plot a course. And just the simple fact of having a plan to my eating means that it's been quite easy to avoid breaking the diet at the Christmas parties I've already had.

Wed 9th Dec 09 -- 153.8

Breakfast - Cornflakes and extra-fruit Alpen muesli for breakfast;
Lunch - Half a baked potato, baked beans and vegge bake for lunch; Dinner - cheese and ravioli with tomato sauce and Ryvita for dinner.
Beverages - 3 glasses of Crozes Hermitage (Rhone Syrah) 2006 - smooth but a little bland.

Success: No-S system (day 62)
Success: Shovelglove (day 29) Canonical 10 moves + AbKiller
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Thurs 10th Dec 09 -- 153.8

Breakfast - Cornflakes, Rice Krispies and Weetabix
Lunch - New Potatoes, petit pois, carrots, Cauliflower Cheese Bake
Dinner - McDonalds small hamburger, medium fries, water.
Beverages - Glass and a half of Crozes Hermitage (Rhone Syrah) 2006

Success: No-S system (day 63)
Success: Shovelglove (day 30)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Fri 11th Dec 09 -- 153.8

Breakfast - Weetabix, Rice Krispies and Cornflakes, Toast with honey
Lunch - New Potatoes, petit pois, carrots, Cauliflower Cheese Bake
Beverages - 2 glasses of Chianti?

Success: No-S system (day 64) - till sunset at 15:51
Success: Shovelglove (day 31) - new order to Canonical moves, plus Ab Killer and Start Mower.
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:46 am
by BelfastBloke
Sat 12th Dec 09 -- 153.8

S-Day: No-S system (day 65)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 32)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:54 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sun 13th Dec 09 -- 157.6

Weekend N-Day because of high number of S-Days this month. And gorging last night at Xmas meal.
Breakfast - Cornflakes and Alpen muesli extra fruit
Lunch - Thai duck curry with white rice
Dinner - Bruschetta with tomatoes and pesto
Beverages - 3 pints of Guinness

Success: No-S system (day 66)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 33)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Mon 14th Dec 09 -- 155.8

Breakfast - 2 Toast w Peanut butter, and Marmite
Lunch - Soup, Bagel, Crisps
Dinner - Pizza slice, Potato wedges, vegetables
Beverages - Filter Coffee

Success: No-S system (day 67)
Success: Shovelglove (day 34)
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:50 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 19th Dec 09 -- ???.?

Breakfast - Weetabix & Cornflakes
Lunch - Chips and beans
Dinner - Vegetable soup
Beverages - Filter Coffee

Success: No-S system (day 68 )
Success: Shovelglove (day 35)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Wed 16th Dec 09 -- 153.6

Breakfast - Cornflakes and Extra-fruit muesli
Lunch - Big Mac meal no cheese, water
Dinner - Baked potato,baked beans
Beverages - Filter coffee, Hazlenut latte, 1 glass Chianti at home, 1 glass Rioja at the Sports bar (get the Malbec blend next time - it's cheaper and nicer)

Success: No-S system (day 69)
Success: Shovelglove (day 36)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:43 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 17th Dec 09 -- 153.6

Breakfast - Toast, 1 Peanut butter, 1 Marmite
Lunch - Tirimisu dessert, latte
Dinner - Crisps, Roquefort cheese, Vanilla Ice Cream with Green&Blacks dark chocolate.
Beverages - Tea, filter coffee, latte

NWS-Day: No-S system (day 70) S-Day today, for the Xmas event at work.
Success: Shovelglove (day 37)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Fri 18th Dec 09 -- 153.0
How did it happen that I ate pretty much only sweets and desserts yesterday, and I had LOST weight at my weigh-in this morning?

Breakfast - 2 toast w Marmite
Lunch - Weetabix, Cornflakes, Extra Fruit muesli
Dinner - Brown rice, tomatoes, vege-bake, broccoli
Beverages - Cafetiere Coffee, 2 glasses Chianti

Success: No-S system (day 71)
Success: Shovelglove (day 38 )
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:56 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sat 19th Dec 09 -- 153.6

Breakfast - Weetabix, Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, Extra Fruit muesli
Lunch - None
Dinner - Chicken Pad Thai
Beverages - Guinness, 5 pints

Success: No-S system (day 72)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 39)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Sun 20th Dec 09 -- 154.2

Breakfast - Pancakes + fruit
Lunch - Baked Potatoes w sour cream, baked beans, cheese
Dinner - None
Beverages - Hazlenut Latte, 2 glasses Chianti

Success: No-S system (day 73)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 40)
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Mon 21st Dec 09 -- 151.8

Breakfast - Rice Krispies
Lunch - Party food of Crisps, Cookies, Spring Rolls, Houmous
Dinner - Rice, Potato, Broccoli, Butternut squash and leeks, FriChick
Beverages - 2 glasses Champagne, Hazlenut latte

NWS-Day: No-S system (day 74)
Success: Shovelglove (day 41) It was ONLY the thought of a red on my perfect Shovelglove Habitcal that made me do the routine, just before the day expired.
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:33 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 22nd Dec 09 -- 154.8

Jump of 3 pounds from the party yesterday.
Breakfast - Cornflakes and Extra-fruit muesli
Lunch - Tomato soup, 2 slices of seeded batch bread
Dinner - Potato and leek soup, twisted bread, vinegar and oil
Beverages - Latte, 3 glasses of Merlot

Success: No-S system (day 75)
Failure: Shovelglove (day 42). First fail after 42 days!
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:52 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 23 Dec 09 -- 153.8

Breakfast - Breakfast burritos, fruit
Lunch - none
Dinner - Vegetable Biriyani, Ice-cream
Beverages - 2 Ciders, Almond Latte

S-Day: No-S system (day 76)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 43).
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:49 pm
by BelfastBloke
Thur 24 Dec 09 -- 154.8

Breakfast - 2 crumpets, one with peanut butter
Lunch - Breakfast burritos,
Dinner - Potato wedges, chips and dip, bread, vinegar and oil
Beverages - 1 Coke zero

Success: No-S system (day 77)
Failure: Shovelglove (day 44).
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:39 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 25 Dec 09 --

S-Day: No-S system (day 78)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 45).
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Sat 26 Dec 09 --

S-Day: No-S system (day 79)
S-Day: Shovelglove (day 46).
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:57 am
by BelfastBloke
Sun 27 Dec 09 -- 156

Breakfast - none
Lunch - Full English Veggie Breakfast
Dinner - Gourmet Satay Burger with fries
Beverages - Coke, Hazelnut latte, white coffee, small organic cider, small Argentinian red wine

Success: No-S system (day 80)
Success: Shovelglove (day 47).
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:08 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 28 Dec 09 -- 155.6

Breakfast - Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, 1 muffin w butter
Lunch -
Dinner -
Beverages -

S-Day: No-S system (day 81)
Failure: Shovelglove (day 48).
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:00 pm
by BelfastBloke
Tue 29 Dec 09 --

Breakfast - Madagascan vanilla yoghurt, 3 muffins w butter (1 also with Marmite)
Lunch - Spaghetti w Salad and Ciabatta, vinegar and oil
Dinner - Cranberry and thyme wild rice, Brussells sprouts, ciabatta bread w vinegar and oil
Beverages - 1 can of Coke, Louis Jadot 2007 Cote de Beaune-Village (Pinot Noir Burgundy)

Success: No-S system (day 82)
Failure: Shovelglove (day 49).
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:55 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 30 Dec 09 -- 155.6

Breakfast - Cornflakes, extra fruit Alpen muesli
Lunch - Omlette avec champignons et fromage, pomme frites, salad
Dinner - Deux fromages et pain, omlette avec pomme du terre et fromage,
Beverages - Water, latte, caramel latte, wine tasting, 1 small glass of bordeaux

Success: No-S system (day 83)
Failure: Shovelglove (day 50).
Success: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:30 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 31 Dec 09 -- 157.6

Breakfast - 2 Toast w PB or Marmite
Lunch - Cheese and crackers, grapes
Dinner - Chicken tandoori starter, Vegetable biriani, crisps and dips, chocolate
Beverages - black filter coffee, Perry, Cider, beer sips

Failure: No-S system (day 84)
Failure: Shovelglove (day 51).
Failure: Mouthguard last night

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:40 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 1 Jan 10 -- 157.6
Mouthguard last night--- Shovelglove (day 52): --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 85) till sunset 1602

Breakfast - None
Lunch - Ciabatta bread and oil, Spaghetti and cranberry cheese salad
Dinner - [After S-Day begins @ sunset] Cheese and crackers, mandarins, cranberry sauce, Toblerone, chocolate cake
Beverages - Demi-bottle of Crozes, can sparkling water

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:54 am
by BelfastBloke
Sat 2 Jan 10 -- 156.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 53)---DailyRead ---No-S system (day 86)

Breakfast - [S-Day]
Lunch - [S-Day]
Dinner - Haystacks
Beverages - Rioja, Sparkling Wine, Filter Coffee

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:23 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sun 3 Jan 10 -- 156.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 54). ---Daily Read --- No-S system (day 87) Weekend N-Day

Breakfast - Weetabix and Rice Krispies
Lunch - Haystacks
Dinner - Ryvita w Jam, PB, butter and honey, Hazelnut Yoghurt
Beverages - Filter Coffee, Hazelnut steamer, one Cider

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:51 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 4 Jan 10 -- 156.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 55). --- Daily Read --- No-S system (day 88)

Breakfast - Rice Krispies, extra-fruit Alpen muesli
Lunch - Tomato & black bean soup, 2 slices batch bread
Dinner - Tomato & basil soup, ciabatta bread w hazelnut vinegar and oil, roquefort cheese w crackers
Beverages - Filter Coffee, 2 glasses bordeaux

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:16 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 5 Jan 10 -- 156.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 56) --- Daily Read --- No-S system (day 89)

Breakfast - Rice Krispies, extra-fruit Alpen muesli
Lunch - Real potato waffles, baked beans, nut-meat
Dinner - Baked potato, grated french cheese, broccoli
Beverages - just water

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:09 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 7 Jan 10 -- 155.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 57) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 90)

Breakfast - Weetabix, Rice Krispies, cornflakes, Alpen extra-fruit
Lunch - half a baked potato, grated french cheese, broccoli, tomato soup
Dinner - Chicken mulligatawny soup, toast
Beverages - water, Coke

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:41 pm
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 7 Jan 10 -- 155.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 58) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 91)

Breakfast - none
Lunch - potato waffles, baked beans, nut-meat
Dinner - Ciabatta bread, vinegar and oil, Roquefort cheese, Red Leicester cheese, a mandarin
Beverages - water, filter coffee, 2 Bordeaux Superieur

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:51 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 8 Jan 10 -- 154.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 59) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 92) N-Day till sunset@415pm

Breakfast - Rice Krispies, extra-fruit Alpen muesli
Lunch - none
Dinner - [after sunset] toblerone, toast & marmite, crisps, buttons, polos
Beverages - filter coffee. cuppa tea

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:03 am
by BelfastBloke
Sat 9 Jan 10 -- 154.2

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 60) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 93)

Breakfast - Rice Krispies, Weetabix
Lunch - Fish & chips, toblerone
Dinner - Pizza
Beverages - filter coffee, venti Hazelnut hot chocolate, Guinness, Cider

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:47 am
by BelfastBloke
Sun 10 Jan

Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 61) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 94) (S-Day till sunset@4.15)

Brunch - Fried potato, white corn, baked beans, toast
Dinner - Baked potato, nut-roast, veg,
Supper - Potatoes, Double Stilton, nut-meat, cups of tea

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:49 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 11 Jan 10 --

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 62) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 95)

Breakfast - weetabix and cornflakes, banana
Lunch - macaroni cheese, new potatoes, nut-meat (not balanced or healthful!)
Dinner - Fried potatoes, sage cheese, red leicester, crackers
Beverages - tea, sparkling water, cups of tea

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:15 pm
by BelfastBloke
Tues 12 Jan 2010 --

Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 63) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 96)

Breakfast - 2 toast and marmite
Lunch - smoked tomato and bean soup, 2 bread and butter
Dinner - baked potato, cheese
Beverages - filter coffee, instant coffee, cups of tea, pint of Guinness

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:16 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 13 Jan 2010 --
Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 64) --- DailyRead --- Success: No-S system (day 97)

Breakfast - cornflakes, high-fruit Alpen
Lunch - baked potato, cheese
Dinner - Veg korma, rice, mango and ginger chutney
Beverages - coke, water, hazelnut latte, cups of tea

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:26 am
by BelfastBloke
Thus 14 Jan 2010 --
Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 65) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 98)

Breakfast - cornflakes, high-fruit Alpen
Lunch - Soup, hot cross buns
Dinner - Mash, veg, lentil roast, mushroom loaf
Beverages - lucozade, water, cups of tea

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:32 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 15 Jan 2010 --
Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 66) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 99) (until sunset @ 1617)

Breakfast - Cornflakes, high-fruit alpen
Lunch - Mashed potaotes, veg, rissoles
Dinner - Stir fry, spring rolls, icecream
Beverages - cups of tea

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:53 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sat 16 Jan 2010 --
Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 67) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 100) until sunset @ 1617)

Sun 17 Jan 2010 --
Mouthguard last night --- Shovelglove (day 68) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 101) (until sunset @ 1617)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:54 pm
by BelfastBloke
Mon 18 Jan 2010 -- 154.4
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 69) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 102)

Breakfast - cornflakes, shreddies, high-fruit alpen
Lunch - beef stew, fries
Dinner - none
Beverages - Guinness, lots of white coffee, lemon Fanta zero

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:34 pm
by BelfastBloke
Tues 19 Jan 2010 --
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 70) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 103)

Breakfast - fried potato, fried eggs
Lunch - none
Dinner - potatoes, cabbage, carrots, lentil dahl
Beverages - tea, lucozade, black coffee

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:18 pm
by BelfastBloke
Wed 20 Jan 2010 -- 153.6
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 71) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 104)

Breakfast - cornflakes, alpen high fruit, 1 toast and marmite
Lunch - small plate of rice and korma
Dinner - fried mash potatoes, sprouts, carrots, lasagne, mushroom loaf
Beverages - tea

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:48 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 21 Jan 2010 -- 152.6
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 72) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 105)

Breakfast - 2 toast, marmite, PB
Lunch - none
Dinner - Veg stew, bread, leftover lasagne
Beverages - tea, coffee

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:09 am
by Ragdoll
BelfastBloke wrote:Thurs 26 Nov 09 -- 154 (in the morning, after Shovelglove)

Success: No-S diet (day 49)
Success: Shovelglove (day 16)
Success: Mouthguard last night

We celebrate Thanksgiving in this house, but because of my schedule, I may take Friday instead of Thursday as an NWS day.

UPDATE: That is indeed the plan. Thursday I managed to have only 2 (very large) one-plate meals. Burger and fries while travelling, then mushroom truffle ravioli in the evening.

However, there were quite a few cappucinos during the day, and lots of wine in the evening. I am a bit unsure of the No-S diet's approach to beverages, as I've never really gone wild on drinks before now. I must go investigate further.
Out of curiosity, why do you celebrate Thanksgiving if you're from Belfast and living in London?

I'm in Birmingham, and used to ask my British husband to celebrate Thanksgiving, but after awhile, it sort of felt like forcing Bonfire Night or st George's Day on Americans!

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:02 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 22 Jan 2010 -- 152.2
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 73) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 106) (until sunset@1630)

Breakfast - Weetabix, banana, alpen
Lunch - Vegetable biriyani
Dinner -
Beverages - tea

Ragdoll, I've got an american wife, half-american children, and we hang out with a group of US ex-pats. Does Bonfire night need to be forced on anyone?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:06 am
by Ragdoll
Well, my little one quite likes Bonfire Night. =) Doesn't mean anything to him, of course, except "ooh" and "ahhh".

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:57 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sat 23 Jan 2010 -- 153.4
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 74) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 107) (until sunset@1630)

Breakfast - Vegetable biriyani
Lunch - turkey roast dinner
Dinner - cheese and crackers
Beverages - casillero del diablo shiraz, starbucks hot chocolate

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:22 am
by BelfastBloke
Sun 24 Jan 2010 -- 154.8
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 75) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 108) (until sunset@1630)

Breakfast - Toast, fried potatoes, scrambled egg
Lunch - none, Dairy Milk chocolate, nuts
Dinner - Veg pasta bake
Beverages - tea, Starbucks Hazelnut hot chocolate, casillero del diablo shiraz

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:51 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 25 Jan 2010 -- 154.6
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 76) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 109)

Breakfast - Cornflakes, alpen extra fruit
Lunch - Chips
Dinner - Popcorn
Beverages - Hazelnut latte, filter coffee, Lucozade

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:21 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 26 Jan 2010 -- 15???
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 77) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 110)

Breakfast - Cornflakes, alpen extra fruit
Lunch - Thai chicken soup with baguette
Dinner - Veg biryani, mashed potatoes, carrots, nut-meat
Beverages - tea, coffee, roasted almond latte

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:20 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 27 Jan 2010 -- 154
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 78) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 111)

Breakfast - 2 Toast and Marmite
Lunch - Rice, nut-meat, carrots, parsnips, turkey, ratatouille
Dinner - Chicken, moussaka, mushroom loaf, mashed potatoes
Beverages - tea, coffee

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:06 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 28 Jan 2010 -- 152
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 79) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 112)

Breakfast - Weetabix and cornflakes
Lunch - Rice, potato, lettuce, coleslaw, quorn with cream, cocolate cake, hazelnut mer'g.
Dinner - Chicken, fried potatoes
Beverages - tea, 2 guinness

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:44 pm
by BelfastBloke
Fri 29 Jan 2010 -- ???
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 80) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 113) till sunset@1644

Breakfast - Weetabix , extra-fruit alpen, and cornflakes
Lunch - None
Dinner - Roast Potatoes, mange tout, broccoli, mushroom loaf, mousakka, chocolate cake, apple strudel, vanilla ice cream
Beverages - tea,

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:02 am
by BelfastBloke
Sat 30 Jan 2010 -- ???
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 81) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 114) till sunset@1644

Breakfast - Weetabix and cornflakes, toast (1 PB, 1 Marmite)
Lunch - Pesto and pea soup, bread and butter
Dinner - Tandoori chicken, veg biriyani, peshwari naan
Beverages - tea, 2 cider

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:05 am
by BelfastBloke
Sun 31 Jan 2010 -- ???
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 82) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 115) till sunset@1644

Breakfast - Shreddies and cornflakes
Lunch - Pain au chocolat, french bread and jam, chips
Dinner - Vegetable biriyani
Beverages - 2 Guinness, hot chocolate

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:51 pm
by oolala53
How are you doing? Been busy, or not wanting to post? I don't check habitcals, so maybe the info is there. If you need bucking up, let me know.

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:09 am
by BelfastBloke
Perhaps you've posted on the wrong thread?: I've been posting every day.

Mon 1 Feb 2010 -- 157.8
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 83) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 116)

Breakfast - Cornflakes, alpen, banana
Lunch - Parsnip soup, ciabatta
Dinner - mashed potato, carrots, vege rissoles, brussells sprouts
Beverages - Filter Coffee, Small glass of ducasse

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:20 pm
by oolala53
You're right! Sorry about the mistake. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:17 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 2 Feb 2010 -- 156.6
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 84) --- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 117)

Breakfast - Cornflakes, weetabix, alpen, banana
Lunch - potatoes, peas, sweetcorn, chickpea mess
Dinner - potatoes, carrots, broccoli, quiche
Beverages - Filter coffee, instant coffee, ribena

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:46 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 3 Feb 2010 -- 154.2
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 85)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 118)

Breakfast - Weetabix, cornflakes, alpen, banana
Lunch - Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, beans, nut-meat
Dinner - Cheddar, Stilton w apricots, crackers
Beverages - tea

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:29 am
by BelfastBloke
Thur 4 Feb 2010 -- 156
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 86)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 119)

Breakfast - cornflakes, alpen, banana
Lunch - fried potatoes, carrots
Dinner - chicken teryaki wrap, doritos, dr pepper
Beverages - instant coffee, hazelnut latte

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:52 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 5 Feb 2010 -- 154
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 87)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 120) (until sunset@4.52pm)

Breakfast - irsh soda-bread toast
Lunch - Lentil and aubergine dahl, rice, nut-meat,
Dinner - Potato soup, haystacks, chocolate cake
Beverages - whiskey

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:04 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sat 6 Feb 2010 -- ???
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 88)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 121) (until sunset@4.52pm)

Breakfast - Irish soda-bread toast
Lunch - veg tempura, fish and chips, chocolate cake
Dinner - Shreddies and cornflakes
Beverages - 2 guinness, hazelnut hot chocolate, cappucino

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:58 am
by BelfastBloke
Sun 7 Feb 2010 -- ???
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 89)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 122) (until sunset@4.52pm)

Brunch - English breakfast
Dinner - Potato wedges
Beverages - 3 Guinness, hot chocolate w hazelnut

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:58 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 8 Feb 2010 -- 155.6
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 90)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 123)

Breakfast - Cornflakes, Alpen extra fruit, banana
Lunch - Mushroom soup, bagel, crisps
Dinner - Lasagne, roast potatoes, corn, carrots, broccoli
Beverages - Filter coffee,

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:55 am
by BelfastBloke
Tues 9 Feb 2010 -- 155
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 91)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 124)


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:57 am
by BelfastBloke
Wed 10 Feb 2010 -- 156
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 92)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 125)

Recovering from illness

Weetabix, Cornflakes
New potatoes, Mange tout, Nut-meat, broccoli, beanfeast broth
Lemsip, 1 Guinness

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:12 am
by BelfastBloke
Thurs 11 Feb 2010 -- 154.8
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 93)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 126)

Cornflakes and weetabix, warm milk
Soup and toast
Half rack of lamb, dauphinoise potatoes, green beans
Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, latte

I notice from the boards that vanilla No-S does not allow syrups in the coffee. I hadn't realised that, though of course it makes sense. Not going to go back to the HabitCal and change all my recent hazelnut latte days to failures, but I will stop having them on N-days.

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:04 am
by BelfastBloke
Fri 12 Feb 2010 -- 154.2
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 94)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 127) until sunset@5.05pm

Cornflakes and weetabix, banana
Quorn escalopes, broccoli, green beans
Potato soup, bread, vinegar and oil, chocolate biscuit cake

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:24 pm
by sevenoclk
I don't think syrups in coffee count as a failure. Even soda is allowed between meals. However, I think soda is a bad idea. Have you tried sugar-free coffee syrups? That is what I use. Vanilla and Cinnamon Dulce are great and have zero calories.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:53 pm
by BelfastBloke
Well, Reinhard said they weren't part of vanilla No-S, and having thought about it I'm inclined to agree. They sweeten the coffee, a lot. And I'm not losing weight, just maintaining, and I would prefer to be lighter than I am.

From memory, I found no-sugar vanilla syrup quite nasty, though I think I was having it with skimmed milk, which i'm sure didn't help.

Sat 13 Feb 2010 -- 15??
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 95)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 128) until sunset@5.05pm

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:42 pm
by BelfastBloke
Sun 14 Feb 2010 -- 15??
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 96)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 129) until sunset@5.05pm

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:11 am
by BelfastBloke
Mon 15 Feb 2010 -- 15??
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 97)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 130)

Breakfast - Weetabix, Alpen extra fruit, cornflakes
Lunch - parsnip soup, crisps, toasted bagel
Dinner - beans on 3 toast
Beverages - filter coffee, latte

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:32 am
by BelfastBloke
Tue 16 Feb 2010 -- 15??
Mouthguard --- Shovelglove (day 98)--- DailyRead --- No-S system (day 131)

cornflakes, alpen
lamb shank, mash, peas, gravy
mash, carrots, shepherd's pie, green beans