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Stylish Mama's Daily Check In

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:52 pm
by Stylish Mama
After having thought about it for a couple of days, I've decided to join the other posters to keep an account of what I do.

So first thing I noticed over the weekend was that really, if I want to lose weight, I can only have one S day a week. Two S days knocks me about too much. I'm only 161cms tall and don't need a lot of food and if I want to lose 1 1/2 kilos a month, my S day had better only be Sunday (which works in well with my religious belief of Sunday being a holy day :D)

I took my dog for a walk (still a bit stiff from doing Callanetics yesterday)

Today have eaten/drunk:

Coffee (white with one sugar)
Oats, cranberries, Greek yoghurt with watermelon (forgot to put the honey on and it was a bit tart) - Yum, one of my favourite breakfasts
Coffee (white with one)

Home made veggie soup left over from last night and a slice of white, buttered bread

Coffee (white with one sugar)

Home made shepherd's pie - Yum
3 glasses red wine - will either have to put the wine in the garage and then only get it out on the weekends.

Water: 1 glass. I hate water and only like it with lemon juice, but have run out of lemons. Drats.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:07 am
by Stylish Mama
Had oats with cranberries, greek yoghurt and honey for breakie.

2 cups of coffee with milk and 1 sugar each.

Hot potato chips with sweet chilli sauce and greek yoghurt. :P

Dinner should be sausages and veggies. Have to go and defrost the meat now.

- Hmmm. Sausages weren't what they should have been, so binned them. Had frozen fish, potatoes, carrots and silverbeet instead.

Had another cup of coffee with a small white chocolate. So I expect today was a failure. :?

Oh had 2 glasses of red wine.

Non-food treat: bought a square white platter, a white damask tablecloth and some lining for a dress I'm making from Christmas gift money from my MIL. I've been wanting the first two for a while now. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:44 pm
by Stylish Mama
Yay!! Still two days to go until the official weekly weigh in but when I weighed myself this morning, am down 300g. So that's pretty much on target to reaching my monthly weight goal :)

3 cups of coffee
1 glass water with lemon juice
3 glasses wine

Breakfast (at 11:45am) Oats, yoghurt, honey, cranberries
Dinner (at 6:00pm) Steak, mashed potatoes with parmesan cheese, carrots and broccoli
Supper (at 8:00pm) Plate of potato chips

Wouldn't have had the chips but DH went to the shops to buy some sorbet and very kindly brought me home some chips. So I had some and then gave the rest to my very skinny teenage son.

Non-food treat - brought myself some nail polish :D

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:54 pm
by Stylish Mama
Yay!!! Down 400grams from my original starting weight this morning. :D

Coffee: 2
Water: 1
Wine: 2

Breakfast: Oats, cranberries, tinned fruit salad and yoghurt
Lunch: Homemade veggie soup and slice of white bread and about 8 salt and vinegar potato chips
Dinner Homemade spaghetti bolognese (well it was really macaroni bolognese)

Non-food treat: painted my fingernails RED :lol: Now they look like Snow White's step mother's nails- but for the moment, I love them

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:24 pm
by Stylish Mama
Starting Weight: 60.5 kgs
Week 1 weigh in: 60.3

My weight is up from yesterday but still down overall. I think I'll have to keep pasta for my S day. That's a great thing about keeping track of what you're eating, you can see how your body reacts to food. So in future, I'll have the bolognese but with a slice of bread or potatoes and veggies instead of the pasta. And that's really okay, because I don't mind pasta but I don't love it either. It's more of a convenience to make rather than anything else.

Off to have my morning coffee :)

ARGH!!!! Started off well. Had 2 coffees, 2 glasses wine, 2 glasses cordial and water
L: Bolgenese with a slice of buttered bread
D: Deli platter: 2 artichoke hearts (yum!), ham, salami, 2 stuffed vine leaves, chilli prawn dip, crackers, slice of brie cheese

Snack: 3 handfuls of potato chips :cry:

I see a problem here with potato chips. Must not have them in the house.
Non-food treat: Bought a magazine

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:38 am
by Stylish Mama
Hmmm. Back up to my original weight. In the words of Fagan, from the musical Oliver, "I think I'd better think it out again!"

I still believe that the no s diet is definitely the way to go but I will need to tweak it for me. So this week I shall endeavour to only have wine on S days (today and tomorrow) and not have potato chips in the house. Will see how that will go for a week.

Today: Went out with DH for a vanilla latte
Oh my goodness. Thank heavens today was an S day. It was just a nibble here and there and then a more substantial snack of Christmas cake and then more nibbling with some wine and then dinner consisting of steak and eggs.

So will "think it out again" on Monday, my next non-S day.

Non-food treat: Bought a magazine and some lovely coconut smelling shampoo and conditioner. :D

Proud-of-myself-moment (or Satisfaction Moment) - with hat tip to Ranthan: Walked past a magazine with a heading of "Lose a Dress Size in a Weekend" and didn't even stop to pick it up and look (just had a quiet little giggle).

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:10 am
by RJ
Hi, Stylish Mama! I started this week, as well. I had good intentions of starting on Monday the 4th, but well, that mindless snacking habit kinda snuck up on me. So, Tuesday the 5th it was.

I just wanted to say that I love how you have been giving yourself non-food treats - so fun!

Are you just sprinkling plain oats over your yogurt? Or are they toasted, or is it more like cooked oatmeal? (Good golly, *everyone* here eats oatmeal!!)

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:02 pm
by Stylish Mama
Hi RJ,

Yep. The snacking is a killer! You're quite right, one does it without even thinking. Congrats on starting on Tuesday (I think you could rightly say that Tuesday was your starting day, don't you?).

As for the oats: my package just says that they are Rolled Oats. That's it. I don't know how other people have them, but I have about 4 desert spoons, then 3 to 4 desert spoons of yoghurt, then 1 tsp of honey and a handful of cranberries. Yum. Oh, they aren't cooked, and I'm not quite sure what toasted are, but they don't look crunchy like toast would :)