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Katie's Check-In

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:08 pm
by Katie
So, I'm one of "those"... I successfully lost 12 pounds (126 to 114) between Oct 08 until around Aug 09. Then... life happened. I *chose* to ignore signs and symptoms and now here I am, at around 136!!!!! Back pain and sleepless nights have prompted me to get back on here. This should give me some much needed accountability. I also like to look back on what worked for me and what didn't. So, here goes..

01/28/10 (day 1)
b: 1/2 C oats with 1/2 banana, cinnamon, tbsp raisins and tbsp natural PB; coffee with FF 1/2&1/2
l: leftover poppyseed chicken
d: mesquite turkey and cheddar slice on honey wheat bread w/ olive oil mayo and brown mustard. garden salsa sun chips. small apple.

Look forward to reading everyone's posts! TGIF!!!!!!! :P

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:04 am
by Katie
Fridays and Sundays are my S-days.

B:1/2 c oats, 1/2 banana, cinnamon, 1 tbsp raw coconut sugar, 1 tbsp raisins, 1 tbsp PB; coffee with FF half and half
Snack: coffee with ff hazelnut creamer
L: 1/2 sandwich w slice bologna and slice swiss; 1/3 banana; 1/3 strawberry cereal bar
D: 2 bbq biscuit cups
Snack: med apple w large tbsp pb

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:15 am
by Katie
Day 3
B: 1/2 c oats, 1/2 c skim milk, cinnamon, 1/2 banana, tbsp raisins, tbsp pb; coffee w ff 1/2&1/2
L: 3 bbq biscuit cups and an orange
D: 5 chcicken&cheese flour tortilla taquitos, veg-all and salsa nuked with shredded cheddar, 1/2 orange; glass of skim milk

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:23 pm
by Katie
Sunday (day 4)

B:usual oats w 1 tbsp raw coconut sugar; usual coffee
L: 3 bbq cups; 1/2 orange and 1/2 banana
Snack: coffee w ff 1/2&1/2
D: mixed greens w tomato and lite ranch; texas toast; chicken alfredo, semi-sweet tea
Snack: coffee w vanilla latte creamer

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:54 pm
by Katie

B: usual oats except swapped 1 tbsp raisins for 3 tsp granola; usual coffee
L: leftover pasta from last night and 2 pieces texas toast
D: 2 bbq biscuit cups, leftover salsa veggies w shredded cheddar, 1/2 banana and small apple. Fit nicely on my plate actually.

Today was a leftover's kind of day. I like those.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:05 am
by Katie
B: same old oats and coffee
L: mesquite turkey, cheddar slice, olive oil mayo, and brown mustard sandwich; garden salsa sunchips, med-small apple
D: Chick-fil-a original sandwich w lettuce, tomato, and mayo; waffle fries; unsweet tea

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:29 pm
by Katie
B: 1/2 c oats, 1/2 c skim milk, cinnamon, med-lg banana, tbsp raisins, tbsp pb; coffee w ff 1/2&1/2
L: 2 slices everything PapaJohns pizza; 1/2 grapefruit
D: pecan chicken breast; tomatoes w corn & okra; quinoa cooked with shredded carrot, raisins and orange juice (some pumpkin pie spice too)

Was very hungry today.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:28 pm
by Katie
B: cinn raisin granola, 1/2 banana, skim milk nuked with 1 tbsp raisins and 1 tbsp pb; black chai tea latte made with ff 1/2&1/2
L: turkey and cheddar toasted sandwich w mustard and mayo; carrot raisin quinoa; tomatoes w okra and corn
D: 2 slices everything pizza from papa johns with ranch dressing; 1/2 grapefruit (peeled like an orange)

AMAZING breakfast. Will definitely be doing that again.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:10 am
by Katie
B: oats, granola, skim milk, cinnamon, 1/2 banana nuked with tbsp raisins and a heaping tbsp pb; coffee w ff 1/2&1/2
L: chicken, cheddar, apple slices, mayo & mustard on burger bun, baked cheetos and dillpickle pringles; raw carrot
D: turkey burger w cheddar, mayo & ketchup; kale chips w ketchup and leftover carrot raisin quinoa

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:31 am
by sophiasapientia
Looking good! :) The quinoa with pumpkin pie spice sounds yummy ...

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:46 am
by Katie
B: oats, granola, whole banana, cinn., raisins, pb; coffee w ff 1/2&1/2
S: white choc kisses tea w ff 1/2&1/2 and agave
L: baked potato w baked beans & shredded cheddar; kale chips w ketchup
S: tea w van. caramel creamer; carrot cupcake
D: lentil soup w added veggies and sprinkle of mozz; diet coke

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:54 am
by Katie
B: 3 rather large pancakes w sliced banana, pb and syrup; vanilla oikos cup; van apricot tea w van caramel creamer
L: zaxby's chix finger sandwich, fries w ketchup and diet lemonade
S: black chai tea w van caramel creamer
D: baked potato w baked beans and cheddar; quinoa
S: ben & jerry's pb sundae "inside out" cup

Started a Beth Moore study tonight. All fired up!!! :)

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:25 am
by Katie
B: 1/2 c oats made w water, cinnamon, whole banana. Added tbsp raisins & pb; chai spice black tea made w tbsp ff 1/2&1/2
L: turkey, cheddar, mayo and mustard sandwich; pineapple chobani cup
D: 5 chicken flour taquitos; vegall/salsa w shredded cheddar; small orange; skim milk

Weight up .3 lbs since last Monday. Ugghhh. So frustrating. I have been walking an avg of 30 min/day on top of my normal activities. Going to try running this week instead.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:15 am
by Katie
B: cinn raisin granola w med-small banana and skim milk nuked, with 1 tbsp raisins and tbsp pb; chai spice black tea w ff 1/2&1/2
L: turkey, swiss, mayo, mustard sandwich, baked cheetos, med apple
D: turkey burger w 2 patties, cheddar slice, ketcup, mayo on toasted bun; baked beans; garden salsa sunchips

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:29 pm
by Katie
B: 1/2 c oats, 1/2 c skim milk, cinn, med banana w tbsp raisins, tbsp pb and 1/3 c cinn raisin granola; black chai spice tea w ff 1/2&1/2
L: toasted turkey, cheddar, mayo, mustard sandwich, garden salsa sunchips, blueberry greek yogurt
D: 5 taquitos; veg-all w salsa and small orange

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:12 am
by Katie
B: 1/2 c oats, cinn, med banana, with tbsp raisins, tbsp pb and 1/3 c cinn raisin granola; black chai spice tea w ff 1/2&1/2
L: turkey, swiss, mayo, mustard sandwich, small apple, vanilla oikos w cinn raisin granola
D: 4 chix fingers w honey mustard, fried okra w ketchup, pinto beans, dinner roll

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:35 am
by Katie
B: granola, med banana, skim milk nuked w tbsp raisins and tbsp pb; chai spice black tea w ff h&h
L: bologna, swiss and dijonaisse on ww bread, 1/3 lg apple, 1/2 banana
The following I will call my "accountability post". None of this was from true hunger
Small homemade redvelvet and carrot cupcakes w creamcheese icing
7 crispy choc hearts
Pb cup ice cream sundae cup
Baked cheetos
Turkey and cheddar sandwich w mustard & mayo
Choc and a sugar cookie
Redvelvet cupcake
Pb cookie
Carrot cupcake
2 choc cookies
9 ritz crackers
Grilled cheese
Handful of garden salsa sunchips

That was between 2 and 7....

1 year ago tomorrow, I was proposed to. Accepted it. However. We are no longer together. I know food is not the answer. It does numb me though.

Hopefully recording the above will help to prevent something like this from happening again.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:00 am
by sophiasapientia

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:18 pm
by sevenoclk
I want to chime in and say that many women (and men) binge like this because of emotions -- myself included -- you are not alone. I am sorry to hear about your broken engagement. I think that posting what you have eaten in your "accountability" post will be helpful to you. Knowing that I have to TELL PEOPLE my awful secrets really helps keep me on track.

Good luck!

New Day 17

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:43 pm
by Katie
I'm back!


B: McD's egg mc muffin
Half-caff coffee with splash of whole milk

L: 2 large ribs, green beans, yoplait yogurt

D: BBQ nachos w chicken, baked beans, and cheese

13,463 steps
I don't count my morning or night steps when I'm just getting ready for the day or bed.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:32 am
by Katie

B: coffee w splash of whole milk
Cranberry orange oatmeal packet
HB egg

L: 2 egg salad, crackers, medium carrot

D: nachos w black beans and rice on top

12,009 steps (walked 15 min at lunch and the rest was from work! So tired!!)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:25 am
by Katie

B: coffee with splash of whole milk
Packet of cranberry orange oatmeal
Hardboiled egg

L: sausage biscuit (small) w mustard
1/2 biscuit w grape jelly

D: black beans & rice w leftover chips and some shredded cheddar and salsa

10,103 steps

After 11+ hours at work, I was exhausted. Will try to get to 14,000 tomorrow to keep my 12K average

Also noticing that some portions (mainly dinner) are large. I am going to try to make breakfast larger and dinner relatively smaller.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:14 pm
by Katie

B: plain bagel w a tiny bit of butter
2 bites of eggs (didn't taste good)
Coffee w whole milk

L: black beans, rice, salsa

D: chicken salad and crackers, diced rutabaga

14,067 steps

Going on vacation for 10 days starting tomorrow. I won't weigh until Mon 9/20 but I am going to try to keep up with my steps (I'll be on the beach, so I'll see how that goes). I will be taking S-days on weekends and have given myself permission to use 2 nws days if I would like. I imagine "moving more" will not be a problem because it is an active place and I will be taking care of 2 toddlers :)

Hope everyone is having a good week so far!

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:16 pm
by Katie

B: plain bagel w a tiny bit of butter
2 bites of eggs (didn't taste good)
Coffee w whole milk

L: black beans, rice, salsa

D: chicken salad and crackers, diced rutabaga

14,067 steps

Going on vacation for 10 days starting tomorrow. I won't weigh until Mon 9/20 but I am going to try to keep up with my steps (I'll be on the beach, so I'll see how that goes). I will be taking S-days on weekends and have given myself permission to use 2 nws days if I would like. I imagine "moving more" will not be a problem because it is an active place and I will be taking care of 2 toddlers :)

Hope everyone is having a good week so far!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:04 am
by sophiasapientia
Hi Katie! It's great to "see" you! :D Have a wonderful vacation ... It certainly sounds like an active trip with looking after 2 toddlers. :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:56 am
by Katie

B: bagel w small amount of butter + hb egg smashed on top
Coffee w milk
2 bites of leftover veggies

L: asiago bagel + butter

D: bologna + cheese sandwich, sunchips

1549 steps

traveled all day. Not many steps, but carried kids, carseats, and carry-ons through airports.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:50 am
by Katie
On vacation.. Not weighing.

B: 2 cups coffee w sugar-free hazelnut creamer (it's what we had)
Maple & brown sugar oatmeal packet

L: chili cheese hotdog, cheddar sunchips

LOTS of water with fresh key limes

2/3 fuji apple

Sliver of creamy havarti

D: blackened fish over rice w butter
2 bacon wrapped sea scallops
Grilled extra-skinny asparagus

Went swimming, for a walk, cleaned up after babies. A fairly active day.

Didn't really feel like sweets. Almost had a beer but thought it might make me too full for dinner. I feel really good about today. Sticking to 3 meal structure worked out beautifully. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:22 am
by Katie
B: frosted strawberry poptart (toasted 2 but only wanted 1 :) )
2 cups coffee w hazelnut creamer

L: turkey and cheese sandwich

Sprite zero

Coffee with hazelnut creamer

Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice w vodka

D: crusty bread with evoo & parmesan
Lobster tail w butter
Shrimp w cocktail sauce
Salad dressed in balsamic
Rice w butter

Small portions at dinner, but everything was perfect. Home-cooked so healthier than restaurant I think, when it comes to butter and dressing amounts

Special dessert: homemade chocolate chess pie :)
Decaf coffee w splash of whole milk

Not very active today, but played on the beach for about 2 hours this morning.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:54 pm
by Katie
B: coffee w splash of whole milk
Everything bagel. 1/2 with veggie cream cheese, 1/2 with smart balance

L: pimiento cheese sandwich, little bit of grapes and a grapefruit

D: cheeseburger w ketchup & mayo
Little bit of cantaloupe

Went for a decent walk this morning. Still not walking as much as I would like to be, but am hardly sitting down either.

Was definitely tempted today. Considered making it one of my nws days, but it wasn't worth it. Maybe tomorrow :)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:30 pm
by Katie
B: honey-nut cheerios w 2% milk
Coffee with splash of whole milk

L: banana breeze frozen alcoholic drink
Blackened shrimp wrap and french fries w ketchup
Bite of mango salsa

D: lobster (caught outside our door.. Can't get much fresher than that!) dipped in butter
Salad dressed in evoo, lemon, s&p
Homemade baked mac & cheese :)

Special dessert: homemade key lime pie!! Key limes from the yard!
coffee w hazelnut creamer

This was an nws day. Decided before I ate breakfast this morning, and am still sticking to 3 meals as this worked well this past weekend.

Okay, so I decided I like 2% milk the best. Random, yes :)

Walked around the beachy streets a lot today and spent a lot of time in the sun. I feel cooked until next summer. Not much of a beachy sun person. I enjoy it, but 3 days is plenty for me. Already dreaming of Fall and Winter days :) love love LOVE the cold weather.

Also decided today that I am such a homebody, and that I like interacting with others, but I NEED my alone time. Good to know.

Very satisfying day. I think I went a bit overboard at lunch and dinner, but I'm on vacation, and in good company. Beats stuffing myself with doughnuts (all alone) any day! Baby steps.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:28 pm
by Katie
B: everything bagel. 1/2 w veggie creamcheese and 1/2 w smart balance and some creamy swiss cheese slices
Coffee with splash of whole milk

L: chili over rice w shredded cheese

D: lemon pepper chicken, steamed broccoli and roasted red potatoes
Skim milk

I miss my steps. I am staying fairly busy but doing different activities. Can't wait to get back to my daily walks. Who says that on vacation?!! Haha!

Today was difficult coming off an nws day. I feel habit taking over but I have to tell my inner toddler to behave at times. Not so much to any of the s's per se, but to coffee drinks. Especially mid-afternoon. Just a little coffee with cream. Nothing crazy, but you know the whole "fence around the law.". There is some truth to that.

Tomorrow will be my 2nd nws day this month. I planned to use both during this vacation. It just feels special. I am feeling peckish right now but will hold out. I can wait until breakfast :)

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:36 am
by Katie
B: golden grahams w skim milk
Coffee with sugar free hazelnut creamer

Snack: 2 toasted frosted strawberry poptarts
Large cup of coffee w hazelnut creamer

L: hotdog w ketchup & relish
Fruit snacks pouch

Coffee w hazelnut creamer

D: seared tuna in sesame soy sauce
Rice w steamed broccoli & carrots
Salad w avocado, fresh parm and croutons dressed in red wine vinegar

Small slices of key lime and chocolate pie w cool whip
Coffee w hazelnut creamer

Too much. Didn't need the poptarts snack and coffee after breakfast but we were stuck in the house because of rain and it sounded nice and relaxing. Felt full eating and drinking it. At lunch, I could have done without the fruit snacks, but again, sounded good. Felt OVERLY FULL afterwards. Not much food when I write it down, but still too much for my belly.

I am much more in tune with my hunger and fullness now, but sometimes my head still wants to eat. Like, "Hey! That wasn't enough food!"

Baby steps, right?

Speaking of steps, I MISS MY WALKS!!!

Also.. I love coffee!! It is one of my favorite s's. I drink it black between some meals on n-days if I am extremely hungry (decaf) or need to warm up. I had a lot today though. I need to watch this because this could potentially make my n-days very difficult, by having to give up s's and a major source of caffeine. Just something I need to keep my eye on.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:23 am
by Katie
B: 2/3 toasted everything bagel w butter
Coffee with splash of whole milk

L: turkey & cheese sandwich, sunchips, watermelon

FAIL: almost an entire box of dots followed by a little debbie oatmeal cream pie. Felt this one coming for sure. I'm on vacation, but I let the floodgates open :/

Rest of dots

Some orange wedges and watermelon bites

Cheese and cracker
Sip of coconut water

D: mac & cheese w ketchup
1 chicken nugget
1/2 sweet potato
Rice w broccoli, carrot & soy sauce

Small slices of key lime & choc pie w cool whip
2 Coffees w hazelnut creamer

2 toddlers hijacked my breakfast. I became very selfish like a toddler myself. Then.. I gave in and shared. It's true that I only get one plate, but it is also true that I will not starve if I share a bit.

I was a bit ravenous waiting until lunch though and was thankful for a well stocked picnic cooler. :)

Felt peckish after lunch. Woke up VERY early this morning and it was setting in. Tried lime water. Then finally gave in. Didn't enjoy ANY of it. Seriously. Couldn't even enjoy my dinner because I wasn't truly hungry.

I am considering making tomorrow an N-day. Will determine this before my feet hit the floor in the morning.

Not hungry in the slightest, but not satisfied either... Grrrr.

EDIT: this was clearly a RED and I do not want to get in the habit of moving S-days. I'll mark it and move on and my weekend will be s-days as planned.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:06 am
by Katie
B: small bowl of golden grahams w skim milk
Pb on toast
Coffee with hazelnut creamer

L: quesadilla w avocado, cheese, salsa, and some fresh tuna
Yogurt w brown sugar oats mixed in
Sprite zero

6 tiny squares of espresso dark chocolate
Graham cracker

Small slice of choc pie w cool whip

Oatmeal cream pie

Bowl of cinn toast crunch w whole milk

3 graham crackers w pb

Sprite zero

D:2 slices veggie pizza
1 slice pepperoni

Mango mojito

Fruit bowl jelly belly pouch

Binge much? Honestly thought I was going to throw up. Nice, huh?

Ahhhh!!! I am so ready to get back to my routine. Well, any routine really. I am a creature of habit.

I binge snack when I am around the kids. Can't really enjoy my treats when I am eating them alone. So then they don't satisfy and something else comes to mind.

Definitely an idiot day. Last weekend wasn't though, so I hold hope that I can do it again :)

Back to reality tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:32 am
by Katie
Coffee with hazelnut creamer

Large chocolate xtreme blizzard

Quaker oatmeal squares cereal w milk

Another bowl of the same

4:30 wake up call. 3 airports, 2 flights, 2 toddlers. Followed by a trip to Walmart!!! Am I a glutton for punishment or what?!

Ready to put the training wheels back on!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:27 am
by Katie

B: 1/2 bagel w cream cheese
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

D: baked bbq chicken
Steamed carrots w butter
Black beans w salsa & shredded cheddar
Corn on the cob
Buttered slice of bread

12,019 steps

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:23 am
by Katie

B: cheerios w 2% milk
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey and cheese sandwich

D: baked bbq chicken
Corn on the cob
Black beans w salsa, shredded cheddar
Steamed carrots

12,767 steps

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:22 am
by Katie

B: waffle sandwich (2 nutrigrain ww eggos w tbsp of almond butter and 1/2 banana sandwiched between them)
2 eggs scrambed
Coffee w h&f

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

D: 2 slices Kashi roasted veggie pizza
Steamed broccoli and carrots

12,002 steps

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:10 am
by Katie

B: steel cut oats w 1/2 banana, splash of milk and a sliver of butter
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

D: kashi roasted veggie pizza
Black beans w shredded cheddar
Steamed broccoli and carrots

12,131 steps

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:20 am
by Katie

B: cheerios w 2% milk
Coffee w h&h

L: waffle sandwich w almond butter and 1/2 banana
Carrot sticks

D: turkey and cheese sandwich
Peach with walnuts and cinnamon

12,132 steps

Rough week at work. Very tiring!! Still managed to get my steps in though, and refrain from snacking (even through babysitting!!). I think this week showed me that I can do this, even when life is difficult.

This is a huge lesson, and something I think I will look back to continually.

I hope everyone enjoys their S-days this weekend!!

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:10 am
by Katie

B: quaker oatmeal squares cereal w 2% milk
2 poppyseed muffins
Coffee w h&h

L: medium chocolate xtreme blizzard
2 poppyseed muffins

About 1/2-2/3 of another blizzard

2 more muffins

Rest of the blizzard

Quaker oatmeal squares cereal w 2% milk

12,017 steps

Somehow this turned into a permasnacking day. I think the key is to plan 3 normal meals, not necessarily sweet ones. Yet, if something comes up, be flexible.

Cake/cookie/muffin mixes from a box have almost no flavor. When will I learn??

Today was almost laughable.

Upside.. Worked up a sweat lifting patients at work this morning and then vacuming and mopping at home. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:21 am
by Katie

Coffee w h&h

B: 2 egg w cheddar "omelette"
2 poppyseed muffins
1/2 banana

I use the term omelette loosely. I have yet to perfect this. I also spread the very ripe banana on the muffins, in lieu of butter. Very yummy!

3 poppyseed muffins

Quaker oatmeal squares cereal w 2% milk

12,977 steps

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:26 am
by Katie

B: bagel w 1/2 smashed banana
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

D: white chicken chili (canned. Not so wonderful) with some veggies thrown in and shredded cheddar on top
Grilled cheese

12,015 steps

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:55 pm
by Katie

B: Coffee w h&h
(Woke up LATE!! eek!!)

L: chicken fingers w honey mustard
Pinto beans

D: waffle sandwich w almond butter and 1/2 banana
Cheerios w 2% milk

12,051 steps

Lunch was from the cafeteria at work. Gag. A little heavy for me.

Something interested that I noticed this morning after skipping breakfast. The week before TOM is due, when PMS really hits me, I don't feel fullness like I usually do. I have known this. What I never thought about before, was that I don't get truly hungry either. I guess all of the water retention, bloating, etc. blocks all of that. I have cysts and I feel these symptoms very severely. Anyhow, just interesting to me. So glad I have three one-plate meals to guide me :)

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:19 am
by Katie

B: egg and cheese on bagel
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey, cheese, & pickle sandwich

D: steel cut oats w 1/2 banana and large tbsp of almond butter
2 biscuits

12,978 steps

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:42 am
by Katie

B: cheerios w 2% milk
Bagel w almond butter
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey, cheese, & pickle sandwich

D: hoppin john & mix of tomatoes, corn, & okra over couscous
2 biscuits
Handful of walnut pieces (on plate!)

12,004 steps

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:27 am
by Katie

B: 1/2 bagel w butter
Coffee w h&h

L: couscous w hoppin john
2 tortillas (1 w a tiny bit of butter & the other w a bit of cream cheese)

D: couscous w okra, corn, and tomatoes with some walnuts thrown in
2 buttered tortillas

13,215 steps

Last night I almost binged. I really wanted to. I wanted to stay on habit more. :) Ended up talking to my Mom on the phone and going for a short walk. It worked. I felt so much better about my decision this morning.

Today was really difficult, especially getting my steps in. I had the day off from work and I was not used to being home on an n-day. I had to keep leaving the house just so that I wasn't tempted. Basically went for a 30 min walk and then a 90 min walk. I have an extremely active job and it usually takes care of about 8,000 to 10,500 steps, easily.

At the end of the day, habit won!!! Woot woot!!

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:34 am
by Katie

B: 2 pancakes topped w banana, berries, cinnamon & a bit of agave
Coffee w h&h

(The berries and bananas were frozen, and when I defrosted them, they made their own "syrup" :) Also, I had planned to eat yogurt with this, but ended up not eating it b/c I was too full. Too full??!! Isn't this an S-day??? The drizzle of agave was the only thing that made this even a little sweet. AND... I am PMS'ing!!!!! Sorry for the TMI, but who is this girl???)

L: Small bowl of raw choc chip cookie dough. Lol.

Had another. Should have stuck with just one... Wasn't nearly as satisfying.

D: poppyseed chicken over rice
1/2 corn on the cob

Another cookie dough bowl. Just because.. (When I say bowl, it is like 2 large tablespoons.)

12,095 steps

Not weighing for the next 2 days because I will be staying at my friend's house watching their 2 babies. Weigh-in's will resume Tuesday a.m. Going to try to take them for walks since fall is finally (!!) here. Also, they have an elliptical that I can use during naptime. I usually end up permasnacking when I am there, so I am going to try to keep it to a couple things that I really want instead.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:32 am
by Katie

B: 2 blueberry eggos w butter & syrup
Scrambled eggs
1.5 cups coffee w ff hazelnut creamer
(Couldn't finish the second cup. Lol. Habit much??)

Diet coke

L: poppyseed chicken and rice
Little debbie fudge round
(Ate this very very fast.. Look what follows..)

Handful of candy corn

2 blueberry eggos w nutella & 1/2 banana between them

Raw cookie dough

Shells n' cheddar

Apple cereal bar
Sunny D

Gummy vitamins

Candy corn (small handful)

Mixed berry juicebox
Mixed berry cereal bar

Garden burger on toaster biscuit w ketchup

A little bit more cookie dough

10,136 steps

Babysitting= permasnacking for me. Especially when they both are sick!! :( I am still coping with stress by eating. At least I am committed to habit. It's an s-day. Trying to look for the silver lining here.


B: half cinnamon spice and half regular oatmeal
Coffee w splash of whole milk

L: orzo salad
Rotisserie chicken salad w pecans & grapes
A couple thin hard breadsticks
Dill cucumbers
Slice of carrot cake (rather large.. So worth it!!)

Small slice of choc/white marble cake w icing

2 tortillas
Cheerios w almond milk

Dried mango pieces

Tortilla w almond butter & bit of agave
Dark choc covered raisins


3 small squares of dark chocolate

2 ww eggos w agave

More dried mango

10,293 steps

NWS? Red?? Definitely not green!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:25 am
by Katie

B: coffee w h&h
Ww eggo sandwich w almond butter and banana

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

Ice cream
Cookie dough


Cookie dough

Lasagna x 2

11,035 steps

At least I got my 2 red and/or nws days out of the way. Now, I focus...

Btw, I don't actually enjoy making posts like this, but I think they keep me accountable. Last night, I really wanted a DQ blizzard. Had I known that avoiding that would lead to a 2 day "binge", I would have given into the craving. Remember this, Katie!! :P

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:13 am
by Katie

B: cheerios w almond milk & 1/2 banana
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

Cookie dough

2 slices texas toast

Sick day :(

Okay, so went to a minute clinic and had all of my vitals taken. I am "overweight", my bp is way up. 133/84. I used to be 80/60.. I know this is due to my weight gain. I need to take this seriously. I am not some teen going through a phase anymore. I am an adult and this is affecting my health. I am a healthcare professional and I know what is healthy and what is not. I need to make the right choice. I am going to break it down from now on and just try and make it from breakfast to lunch, and then lunch to dinner, and so on. I have to make a change. I need to start "feeling" my feelings, my anxiety, my stress, etc. It is exhausting to think about, but so is this!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:17 am
by Katie

B: cheerios w almond milk & banana
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey sandwich

D: lasagna
Steamed broccoli
2 slices texas toast
Almond milk

12,019 steps

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:17 am
by Katie

B: everything bagel w 2 eggs and cheese sandwich
Coffee w h&h

2 throat lozenges

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

5 or 6 lozenges

D: lasagna
Steamed broccoli
2 slices texas toast
Almond milk

Ice cream


12,004 steps

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:34 pm
by Katie

B: banana berry pancakes w agave
Coffee w h&h

L: 2 slices raisin toast w almond butter
Scrambled egg w sprinkle of shredded cheddar


D: beef roast
Baked potato
Corn on the cob
Pork n' beans


12,476 steps

MADE myself eat dinner when all I really wanted was to permasnack on doughnuts and ice-cream. Small victories.

I notice that I always eat my veggies first, even if they are not cooked very healthfully. I love fruits and veggies. Always have :) Tonight, I only ate half of my meat because I filled up on veggies. Didn't do that on purpose either.

Thoroughly enjoyed my dish of ice cream after a nice dinner. Thought about eating it out of the carton (pint) but decided it would taste better out of a dish. It did! Thought about having another dish, but I was so pleasantly satisfied that I chose not to. Easy decision, too!

Had a nice long walk with my best friend. It was a great (and gorgeous!) day. :)

EDIT: okay, so I did have more ice cream. Undecided on how I feel about it. Lol

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:42 pm
by Katie

B: 2 doughnuts
Coffee w h&h


L: turkey & ranch rolled up in tortilla


Ice cream (quite a bit)

Pork n' beans

2 doughnuts

12,643 steps

So, walking suppresses my appetite better than anything else. I enjoy my long walks (which are great for calling Mom!) But I want to concentrate on spacing them out more. I was very thin just a few years ago when I did many 20 minute walks when I found time throughout the day. Even if it was walking around a parking lot at school! It kept my energy up and suppressed my appetite!! :)

Also, I am going to add 2 new things. A vitamin (against my will.. Lol) and some yoga or fitTV time in the mornings. I am going to keep my vitamins in my lunchbox (which I bring everyday) and take them then, so I don't see that being a problem. The morning workout... Well, let's just say I am going to try to focus on how well it will make me feel the rest of the day. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 1:00 am
by Katie

B: cheerios w almond milk
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey & cheese sandwich

D: leftover beef roast sandwich w mayo & bbq sauce

12,700 steps

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:18 am
by Katie

B: toasted bagel w butter
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey, shredded cheddar & ranch rolled up in tortilla

D: chicken w "dumpling" soup
2 biscuits

12,022 steps

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:41 am
by Katie

B: 2 biscuits
Coffee w h&h

L: beef roast on top of baked potato

D: ww pasta w meat sauce
Salad w italian dressing
Dinner roll
Pinot grigio
(Small amounts)

12,798 steps

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:45 am
by Katie
??? Slept @ friend's house

B: coffee w 2% milk

L: homemade carrot cake
Veggie burger

Cream cheese popover

D: very small porkchop
Mashed red potatoes
Salad w italian
Small homemade brownie
Pinot grigio

11,296 steps

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:47 am
by Katie

B: 2 biscuits
Coffee w h&h

L: turkey & cheese sandwich
Apple walnut tea loaf

D: pizza

Pinot grigio
Homemade brownie

??? Steps. Over 10,000 but then I took it off to go out.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:19 am
by Katie

??? @ friend's house

B: 2 cups of coffee w ff hazelnut creamer
Pancake (no syrup)

L: hamburger

D: fish taco
Carnitas taco
Orange blossom mojito
Pinot grigio



B: 2 toasted poptarts
Coffee w h&h

L: apple pecan tea loaf

Jelly beans

Apple pecan tea loaf

D: turkey & cheese w ranch in tortilla
Thai noodle soup

Ice cream

Tortilla w cheese & ranch



B: coffee w h&h

L: cheese & ranch in tortila
Vegetable soup

D: chips w salsa, queso, guac
2 beef tacos
Mini york pepp patty

12,548 steps

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:55 am
by Katie

B: 2/3 toasted poptart
Coffee w h&h

L: split pea soup

D: grilled cheese
Pinot grigio

12,039 steps

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:39 am
by Katie

B: 1 1/3 toasted poptarts
Coffee w h&h

L: split pea soup

D: toasted everything bagel w butter & slice of swiss cheese
Dried mango

Jelly bellies
Pinot grigio

Ice cream
Tortilla w ranch dressing

Lots more ice cream

12,000 steps

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:20 pm
by Katie
I am back, and six months pregnant with a little baby girl :) I am needing a bit of accountability, so I decided to start posting again. I do allow myself 2 snacks a day. I went from about 143 to 119 last winter/spring then became pregnant and am up 27 pounds already at 24 weeks!!!! It really is going to my breasts and belly but I am getting nervous about the gains. I think I will post red/green/yellow and my activity for the day, rather than menus.

Saturday is YELLOW

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:24 pm
by Katie
Sunday is YELLOW

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:20 pm
by Katie
Monday is RED.

I stuck with 2 snacks, but one of them was a sweet. Also, I had a chocolate from a patient at lunch without even thinking about it.

Note to anyone working with a pregnant woman. Don't mention ice cream with hot fudge and bananas like it's nothing. I immediately had to have it. And it was heavenly :)

I also have to admit that I am not entirely sure that I am ready to give up my sweets during this phase of my life.. I will try to limit them though. I keep a food diary at home and my eating is MUCH more controlled when I do that.