Elspeth's Daily Check In

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Elspeth's Daily Check In

Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:43 pm

I've been faithfully keeping my Habitcal, but I decided it might be helpful to keep a more detailed record here. I thought I'd start off with a little bit about me.

Today is Day 18 of my first 21 days. So far I feel that the habit-building has been going well. I've had all green days thus far. I should mention that I am combining No S with Eat Stop Eat. Last year I spent many months doing alternate day fasting (ADF)--about 30-36 hours of fasting every other day--and I lost more than 20 pounds. I began doing ADF both for weight loss but also for the health benefits. While I got used to doing without food for a day at a time, I found ADF hard to maintain because of the disruption to my lifestyle. I'd have to avoid making breakfast or lunch plans with friends on a fasting day. I also really missed having a normal dinner with my family every other day. So I gave it up and of course gained the weight back and then some.

I'd been looking around for a diet or way of eating that would help me lose weight but also would not interfere with everyday life. I had come to like the way I felt when I fasted, so I didn't want to give it up entirely. I read Brad Pilon's research about the benefits of somewhat shorter fasts (24 hours, twice a week) so I started doing Eat Stop Eat. I like it because I'm still getting the benefits of fasting but I have more flexibility in scheduling my two fasting days per week and I can have dinner with my family every night.

However, I still felt out of control around food when I wasn't fasting. So it was truly a lucky day for me when I came across No S. I really appreciated the easy mnemonic and the common sense approach to food. Having this community to turn to for help and reassurance was an added bonus. (I was going to say it was the "icing on the cake." Guess I just can't stop thinking about sweets!)

Having gotten used to going without food for longer periods of time, I found the no snacking part pretty easy, except for things that were entrenched habits like having a muffin or Danish with my mid-morning coffee or popcorn while watching TV in the evenings. It was just a matter of retraining myself not to associate certain activities with food. What I have found hardest is giving up sweets. I would always have cookies after lunch and some kind of dessert--homemade cake, a brownie, or ice cream, for example--in the evening. I LOVE dark chocolate and would always have a bag of Lindor balls or Dove Promises in my desk drawer, which I would raid several times a day. Because the pieces were small it was easy to fool myself into believing that I wasn't eating a lot, but of course my scale told a different story.

So for me the weekends are all about the sweets. I still stay on habit with no seconds and little to no snacking, but I enjoy having some of my dark chocolate again or making some very special homemade treat. Last week it was a delicious chocolate torte; this weekend I'm making pecan pie. I find I do enjoy my desserts so much more when they are limited to weekends.

Thanks, Reinhard, for developing this idea and for sharing it with us. In gratitude I've bought two copies of your book--one for me to keep and one to give away to the first person who notices I've lost weight and asks how I did it. :)
Last edited by Elspeth on Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:44 pm

Wednesday, 2/3/10

Fasted until dinner. Drank unsweetened white tea and water all day.

Homemade French onion soup
Slice of homemade whole wheat bread with Irish butter (mmmm, Kerrygold butter!)
Hot cocoa
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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:39 pm

Thursday, 2/4/10

Steel cut oats with 1 tb peanut butter, 1 banana, and a drizzle of honey

Homemade French onion soup
Slice of homemade whole wheat bread with Irish butter

Cheese tortellini w/Irish butter and a sprinkling of grated parmesan
Salad w/ranch dressing
Glass of wine

Can you tell I love my Irish butter?

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:31 am

Friday, 2/5/10

Steel cut oats with 1 tb almond butter, 1 banana, and a drizzle of maple syrup

1 slice homemade pizza
salad w/ranch dressing

homemade shells and cheese
salad w/ranch dressing

We're expecting heavy snow throughout the night and most of tomorrow, with a predicted accumulation of 12-18 inches. Something about being snowed in makes me want to bake, so a few days ago I restocked my supply of flour, sugar, and butter. Tonight I mixed up a double batch of chocolate chip cookie dough, but I refrigerated it so I can bake tomorrow. I knew I would have great difficulty resisting freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Looking forward to tomorrow's S-day treat!

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Post by Elspeth » Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:32 am

Saturday, 2/6/10

Ugh. This was the first S-Day I've had since beginning almost three weeks ago where I felt out of control. Usually I stick pretty close to No S during my S days with the exception of one or two sweet treats. Yesterday I snacked all day long and as a result feel bloated and yucky.

I've resolved not to be an idiot today. :)

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:44 am

Sunday, 2/7/10

Well, I was not quite an idiot today, but I still feel uncomfortably stuffed after a big chicken dinner with all the trimmings and a slice of pecan pie for dessert. Tomorrow is a fast day, which means a 24 hour fast from today at 7:30 p.m. (when I finished eating) to tomorrow at the same time. I'm looking forward to a day without food and then a few No-S days.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:43 am

Monday, 2/8/10: Success

Fasted until dinner. Drank water and unsweetened white tea all day.

Half a cheese steak sandwich with onions, peppers, and mushrooms
A few french fries
1 slice pizza
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Post by nlb » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:07 pm

Elspeth - Interesting background. Do you weigh yourself? If so, how are you doing? I'm in process of tweaking, eventually I'm sure I'll go to at least one day/week of fasting like you do - dinner one day to dinner the next day. That might not be until March.

Will be following you and wishing you SUCCESS


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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:39 pm

Thanks, nlb!

I have been weighing myself once a week, but I'm considering switching to daily and keeping a spreadsheet to determine a moving average over a period of several days. In the 22 days since I began my combination of No S and Eat Stop Eat I have lost 5 pounds.

For me, the combination approach is working very well. Before No S, I had a tendency to overindulge in sweets on my non-fasting days as a kind of reward. Having the No S guidelines have helped me keep control of those non-fasting days, while still allowing me to enjoy a few treats on weekends.

I actually really like the way I feel on fasting days--very alert and energetic. I hope you have a similar experience should you decide to start fasting regularly.

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:44 am

Tuesday, 2/10/10: Success

Steel cut oats with 2 tb peanut butter, 1 banana, and a drizzle of honey

The other half of the steak sandwich from last night

Spaghetti w/meatballs
Salad with ranch dressing
2 small slices homemade bread w/Irish butter
Hot cocoa
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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:47 am

Hi Elspeth,

I combine alternate day fasting with No S too. They're such a good fit together.

Good luck!
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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:41 am

Thanks, Lori. When I first started thinking about combining No S and ESE, I found your posts, which influenced my decision. You're right, they are a good fit. :)
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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:57 am

Wednesday, 2/10/10: Success

2 fried eggs
Homemade biscuit (American, not British!)

Julia's Potage Parmentier (potato and leek soup)
2 small slices homemade bread w/Irish butter

Chicken w/gravy on a biscuit
Small baked potato w/Irish butter
Hot cocoa

It is still snowing heavily here at 8 p.m. We are expecting to get about two feet of snow in total...on top of the foot we got on Saturday. School is already canceled for tomorrow. My husband and three teenage sons will be busy all day shoveling us and a few elderly neighbors out, and I will be busy making hot chocolate and baking chocolate chip cookies to feed the hungry workers.

Since I doubt my ability to bake cookies without sampling either the dough or the finished product, I am planning to take a non-weekend S day tomorrow. Friday will be my second fast day of the week.
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Post by Elspeth » Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:28 pm

Thursday, 2/11/10 (Non-weekend S Day)

I'm glad I decided to make yesterday an S-day because it would have been a failure for sure! I ended up baking not only chocolate chip cookies but shortbread hearts and a pound cake. I was not a complete idiot, but I did over indulge a bit on the sweets. Fasting on Friday until dinner.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:18 pm

Friday, 2/12/10: Success

Fasted until dinner. Drank unsweetened white tea and water all day.

Dinner: Irish oatmeal w/nut butters, banana, and drizzle of honey; hot cocoa
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Post by Elspeth » Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:24 pm

Saturday, 2/13/10, and Sunday, 2/14/10

S days. Although I was not as much of an idiot as last weekend, I still feel unhappy about the overindulgence, especially in snacking. My goal for next weekend is to try to stick to the 3-meal a day plan, while still allowing myself a little latitude by having a nice, homemade dessert.

I'm actually quite happy to be back on N days. My planned fasting days for this week will be Wednesday and Friday. During Lent I will also be abstaining from meat on Wednesdays and Fridays.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:34 pm

Hi Elspeth,

Just wanted to tell you that the corn cakes are rather flat tasting by themselves, but they are a great vehicle for the chili beans, or chile con carne or whatever you like. The recipe was originally developed for people on the McDougall Program, who don't use oil, eggs, or milk, which is why the recipe seems rather bare bones. I like it that way, though, and continue to use it. Hope you enjoy it!
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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:17 am

Thanks, Jan. I was thinking of doing something like that with them. Of course, when I went to prepare lunch today I discovered one of my teenagers had already eaten the leftover chili from last night. Boys that age are like bottomless pits. :)

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:30 am

Yes, I remember those days! :D
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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:33 am

Monday, 2/15/10: Success

B: Irish oatmeal w/peanut butter, banana, and drizzle of honey
L: Trader Joe's roasted red pepper and tomato soup; homemade whole wheat bread w/Irish butter; pear
D: Scrambled egg w/sauteed onion and cheese on a tortilla; salad w/ranch dressing; glass of red wine; pear

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:56 pm

Tuesday, 2/16/10: Success

B: Irish oatmeal w/peanut butter, banana, and drizzle of honey; coffee
L: Frozen pizza for one, deluxe; grapes; coffee
D: Shrove Tuesday pancakes w/butter apricot syrup; 4 smalls sausage links; banana; hot cocoa

As tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, I am planning to fast. Since I usually do one or two 24-hour fasts a week, I feel I want to do something a little more for Ash Wednesday and so will attempt a 36 hour fast from 7 p.m. tonight until 7 a.m. Thursday. I used to do 34-36 hour fasts routinely when I was doing alternate day fasting, but I haven't done one in a long time, so it will be kind of a challenge.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:01 pm

Wednesday, 2/17/10: Success

I ended up doing a 24 hour fast instead of 36 hours. I was very hungry by late afternoon, but I probably could have gone on; however, we had an opportunity for a family dinner for the first time in a few days, and I didn't want to sit there with an empty plate. With three teenagers heavily involved in swim team and school and community theater, we are usually all running in different directions, so I enjoyed being able to sit and catch up with my husband and kids. So 36 hour fasting was a bust yesterday, but No S was a success.

D: Cheese tortellini; salad w/ranch dressing; homemade bread w/butter; hot cocoa

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:38 am

Thursday, 2/18/10: Success

B: Irish oatmeal w/craisins and sunflower seeds; grapes; coffee
L: 2 slices homemade veggie pizza; grapes
D: spaghetti w/meatballs; salad s/ranch dressing; 2 slices homemade bread w/ butter

Fasting tomorrow.

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Post by LoriLifts » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:06 am

Hi Elspeth,

It's so strange, I'm fine with my 24 hour fasts but I can never go longer than that! I guess it's because I'm conditioned to eat after my 24 hours are up.

I like reading your blog,
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Post by Elspeth » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:41 pm

Hi, Lori. I enjoy checking in on your page as well. Your fitness goals are inspirational. Once I'm feeling comfortable w/ my No-S/Eat Stop Eat way of life, I want to start adding exercise goals.

I agree with you about the 24 hour vs. longer fasts. I really enjoy eating dinner with my family, so there's that social aspect too. In my ADF days, I used to sit with my family with my empty plate and glass of water, but it was hard on all of us, I think. I really do prefer the 24 hour version.

It's funny, since starting No-S I've actually found myself feeling hungrier between meals on N-days than I do on fasting days. Did you ever notice that?


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Post by Elspeth » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:51 am

Friday, 2/19/10: Success

Fasted until dinner. Drank water and white tea.

D: Homemade shells and cheese; salad w/ranch dressing; hot chocolate

Looking forward to a few S days. I'm planning to make one of my favorite desserts: a rich, almost flour-less chocolate pecan torte. My goal for my S days is to enjoy some dark chocolate and one special dessert each day, but to otherwise stick pretty close to no-S with no snacking.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:59 pm

Saturday, 2/20/10

So far a good S-day even though I spent most of the day in the kitchen. I really enjoy making breakfasts on weekends. I don't even mind making different things for each member of my family, unlike weekday dinners when I do not take special requests. ("I am not a short order cook!")

This morning, I sautéed onions, garlic, and red bell peppers for omelets. I made plenty so I would have enough for tomorrow morning too. For myself I made a 2-egg omelet w/2 slices of crumbled bacon, an ounce of grated Swiss cheese, and the onion, garlic, and pepper mixture.

Then I made my planned S-day special treat: chocolate pecan torte. It's currently chilling in the refrigerator, awaiting the chocolate glaze.

Next, I prepared a whole chicken for the crock pot. I mixed up some spices and seasoned the chicken by rubbing the spice mixture under the skin. I sliced up another onion and put it in the bottom of the crock pot, put the chicken on top of the onions, and turned the crock pot on low. It will be done in about 6 hours. It's so simple, and the chicken comes out incredibly moist and delicious. When the chicken is done I take it out to cool a bit before carving, while I strain the drippings to make gravy. The chicken and gravy along with mashed potatoes and a couple of vegetables will be dinner tonight.

I had mushrooms that I needed to use up, so I made a delicious cream of mushroom soup for lunch for me and my husband (my sons hate mushrooms). Then I browned some ground beef with onions. It's for a lasagna I plan to make next weekend. Once the browned ground meat is cool, I'm going to freeze it until next Friday to simplify the lasagna-making process.

One of my sons has given up chocolate for Lent and another one doesn't like nuts, so neither of them will be able to enjoy the torte I made. I felt a little guilty about that, so I made shortbread hearts for them in a cast iron mold I have.

I had a few small pieces of dark chocolate after breakfast and lunch and one shortbread heart, but I don't feel as though I've gone crazy today, which pleases me.

Looking forward to a good chicken dinner tonight and my special dessert afterward!

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:26 pm

Sunday, 2/22/10

Pretty good S-day. I had a late breakfast (the same 2-egg omelet as Saturday) plus 2 small sausage links, so I ended up skipping lunch as I didn't feel hungry. Enjoyed my special homemade chocolate pecan torte for dessert after dinner, but didn't have seconds and didn't really snack (other than tasting while I was making dinner). I think I feel better about my weekends when I keep my S indulgences to a bare minimum and restrict sweets to something I really enjoy like a homemade dessert.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:14 am

Monday, 2/22/10: Success

Another fast day. Drank unsweetened tea and water. One thing I notice on 24-hour fasts is that I get cold much easier. Nice in the summer but not so fun now in the winter.

Dinner was a slice of homemade pizza, a banana w/some peanut butter on it, and hot chocolate.

Someone here (unfortunately I can't remember who) gave a link to a recipe for baked "pumpkin pie" oatmeal. It sounded really good so I am going to try that tomorrow. I have my steel-cut (Irish) oatmeal soaking over night as per the directions. Looking forward to what I hope will be a tasty breakfast.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:15 am

Monday, 2/22/10: Success

Another fast day. Drank unsweetened white tea and water. One thing I notice on 24-hour fasts is that I get cold much easier. Nice in the summer but not so fun now in the winter.

Dinner was a slice of homemade pizza, a banana w/some peanut butter on it, and hot chocolate.

Someone here (unfortunately I can't remember who) gave a link to a recipe for baked "pumpkin pie" oatmeal. It sounded really good so I am going to try that tomorrow. I have my steel-cut (Irish) oatmeal soaking over night as per the directions. Looking forward to what I hope will be a tasty breakfast.

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:55 am

Tuesday, 2/23/10: Failure

Ugh. My first failure in more than a month on No-S. Breakfast and lunch were fine. But about 6 p.m. I started snacking. I finished off a half-empty can of butter toffee nuts, gobbled down four Dove dark chocolate "Promises," and sliced about an ounce of cheddar cheese. And the ridiculous thing was that it was just about dinner time, so my hunger would have been satisfied had I just sat down to a plate full of dinner food. I think it might have been because my husband and three sons were all out tonight and I would have been eating alone. All my bad eating habits that I'd hoped were vanquished suddenly reared their ugly heads.

When I came to my senses, I felt upset but tried not to dwell too much upon the failure lest I'd feel compelled to eat more. I've brushed my teeth because that usually prevents me from wanting to eat anything afterward.

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:20 pm

Wednesday, 2/24/10: Failure

And Wednesday was another failed day, as it turns out.

I was proud of myself earlier in the day because I'd found a way to cope with the siren song of free food in the office. That's a real weakness of mine: I would never buy donuts or store-made cookies, but when they are displayed on a counter in the office kitchen in all their glistening, high fat, caloric glory, with a sign saying "Help Yourself," I cannot resist. Since starting No-S, I've tried to avoid the office kitchen except to dash in for a cup of coffee or hot water for my white tea on my fasting days. Yesterday morning, however, I discovered a lovely, huge cheese platter: Brie, Gouda, Havarti w/dill, good cheddar, even blue cheese, with water crackers, strawberries, and grapes. As it turns out, I had forgotten to bring my lunch yesterday and was planning to go out to eat, but when I saw the cheese plate, I had another idea. I had zip lock bags in my desk, so I took about a lunch plate worth of cheese, crackers, and fruit, sealed them up in bags, and put them in the refrigerator for my lunch. I was proud of myself for turning what could have been a snacking disaster into an acceptable No-S meal.

Would that I had maintained that mindset. For some reason, I just broke down when I got home from work and began snacking on everything in sight. It didn't help that my family was gone again for dinner (my sons were all at rehearsal for their high school play, and my husband was there taking photographs), so there was no true dinner planned.

Two failures in a row after a perfect five weeks on No S. Sigh. I must admit I was sorely tempted NOT to check in here at Everyday Systems today, but I believe in the power of accountability. This has often happened to me in the past: I'd start out strong, then break down. Once I start down that slippery slope, I give up entirely. But not this time. I truly believe that the habits I formed over the past 5 weeks will give me the strength to get back up and and turn myself around.

There are two more N days in the month of February. They will both be on green on my Habitcal.

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Post by sophiasapientia » Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:33 pm

Kuddos to you Elspeth for checking in today! I imagine all of us have been on that slippery slope at multiple points ... Looking forward to reading your check-ins for the rest of February and seeing those N Day Greens. You can do this! :)
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:02 pm

Awww...thanks, Shannon! I really appreciate your encouraging words. :)

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:46 pm

I had some computer problems that kept me from updating since last week. Fortunately, I'm back on track and hoping to get another successful 21 days in a row on No S. I'm currently on Day 8 of my second 21 days.

Catching up:

Thursday, 2/25/10, and Friday, 2/26/10: Success
Saturday, 2/27/10 and Sunday, 2/28/10: S-Days
Monday, 3/1/10, through Wednesday, 3/3/10: Success

I had thought about doing a 24-hour Eat Stop Eat fast this week but decided I wanted to have at least one week of No S compliance before I add ESE back in. So far so good. On Monday I even made a trip to the local Lindt store because I had a coupon that was about to expire. I bought two bags of chocolate goodies and managed to resist opening them. They are currently squirreled away in my pantry awaiting the weekend.

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:47 pm

Thursday, 3/4/10: Success

Completed Day 8 of my second 21 days successfully.

I had my favorite breakfast: Irish (steel-cut) oats, with a banana cut up into it, a little peanut butter mixed in, and a bit of honey drizzled on top. I never liked oatmeal because of the mushy texture until I discovered steel-cut oats. Irish oatmeal is chewy and nutty with a subtly sweet taste. It is time-consuming to cook, so what I usually do is cook a huge batch in the evening: one cup of oats in four cups of liquid (I generally use skim milk for more protein). This makes four portions, so all I have to do is heat it in the microwave for two minutes, along with whatever mix-ins I want. In addition to the pb & banana combo, I've also enjoyed walnuts & dried cranberries, pecans & diced-up apple, and almond butter & pomegranate seeds (sounds weird but it's really good!). I generally eat breakfast a bit before 7, and the oatmeal satisfies me completely until I eat lunch around 1.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:54 am

Friday, 3/5/10: Success

Success on Day 9 of my second 21 days...but just barely.

I especially enjoyed my lunch today, the centerpiece of which was a happy surprise. I had been trying to organize my freezer this morning. If I ever come into an unexpected windfall I would love to get a standalone freezer because the little freezer we have on top of the fridge is like Fibber McGee's closet. Any who, I was rearranging various items and I uncovered a Tupperware bowl with some delicious chicken, tomato, and barley soup I'd made a few months ago. Bonus! So I had that along with a slice of homemade whole wheat bread w/ Irish butter. Yum.

I was eating dinner alone tonight, but managed to sit down to a meal on a plate unlike my snacking disaster last week. After dinner, I felt really tempted to have a sweet. I came thisclose, even picking up a piece of shortbread that I'd made for my sons and husband last night, but managed to put it down and walk away.

Looking forward to a little chocolate tomorrow.

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Post by Elspeth » Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:39 pm

Saturday, 3/6/10: S Day

A good S Day, although we were eating our meals at strange times due to family commitments and the high school play my sons were in last night. I really enjoyed having some of the Lindt chocolate treats I had bought earlier in the week and saved for this weekend. Somehow the waiting for them made them all the sweeter.

Today is my husband's birthday. I'm cooking his favorite meal--turkey, mashed potatoes, and assorted veggies--and making a birthday cake. I'm glad his birthday fell on an S Day this year. :)

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Post by Elspeth » Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:43 pm

I'm glad his birthday fell on an S Day this year.
I just looked ahead on the calendar and apparently my birthday and my oldest son's birthday are also S Days this year. Seems like a happy omen!

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:32 am

Sunday, 3/7/10: S Day

Somewhat indulgent S Day due to my husband's birthday. Even on S Days I don't usually eat a big dessert right before dinner, but last night we ended up not having my husband's birthday cake and ice cream until after 9:00 p.m. I went to bed feeling bloated and uncomfortable. It's funny to think that up until fairly recently I was used to eating some kind of dessert or snack that late at night. Now it just feels unnatural.

Looking forward to getting back into the routine of N days. I'm going to make today an ESE fast day.
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Post by Elspeth » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:26 am

Monday, 3/8/10: Success

This was the first fasting day I've taken in more than a week. After my No S failure a few weeks ago, I wanted to have a full week of plain vanilla No S before adding weekly 24-hour ESE fasts back in. I don't usually have a problem with short fasts, and this one was even easier, probably because I was kind of an idiot yesterday. I feel better when I give my body a periodic rest from digestion.

Regular No S day today. I've planned my meals, and I'm looking forward to a good day!
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Post by Elspeth » Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:49 pm

Tuesday, 3/9/10: Success

Great day today. For some reason, it was very easy to stick to No S. I didn't crave sweets at all. I was especially looking forward to dinner, which was my own knockoff recipe of "Pasta Milano," a favorite of ours from the restaurant Macaroni Grill. I sauté chicken in olive oil, then I remove the chicken and cook sliced mushrooms, garlic, and sun-dried tomatoes in the olive oil. Once they are cooked, I add flour and chicken broth and cook until the liquid is reduced by half. In another pot, I heat up light cream or half and half and then stir in shredded fresh parmesan cheese. Finally I mix in a pound of cooked bow tie pasta with the cream sauce, mushroom-tomato mixture, and the chicken. It's scrumptious. We had that with homemade French bread and salad. So satisfying.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:42 am

Wednesday, 3/10/10: Success

I am fortunate to have a job in which I can work at home one or two days a week. Today was one of my work at home days, which allowed me a little extra time to play in the kitchen. I put it to good use by making challah. I've finally learned how to braid a 6-strand challah (thanks to Youtube!). It came out beautifully. I timed the bread preparation so that it would be done around lunch time because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist eating some warm with Irish butter. My boys loved it too when they got home from school. By the time they were done, more than half of the (very large) loaf was gone. That's life with three teenage boys in the house. Fortunately, I'd doubled the recipe and put the other loaf in the freezer to enjoy over the weekend.

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:56 am

Thursday, 3/11/10: Success

ESE fasting day. Drank water and unsweetened white tea until dinner. Tonight was "Clean out the Fridge Night," time to get rid of some leftovers. I enjoyed some homemade cream of mushroom soup, a couple slices of challah bread from yesterday, and some of the pasta Milano from Tuesday.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:02 am

Friday, 3/12/10: Success

No problems with No S today. On Tuesday of this week I began drinking a cinnamon/raw honey "tea" twice a day, as an experiment. It's one of those internet things that's been floating around that's touted as being good for weight loss. I don't think the mixture has any magical fat-burning properties, but I have noticed a significant decrease in my overall hunger and craving for sweets ever since I've started taking it. A couple of days this week I had to remind myself to eat lunch. So I think there is something to it, and I'm going to continue to drink it since it's tasty and has other health benefits.

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Post by Elspeth » Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:49 pm

Saturday, 3/13/10: S Day

I managed not to be too much of an idiot on Saturday, at least as far as food goes. I ended up only eating two meals because I had a late breakfast and then was busy all afternoon with activities. I did enjoy having some of my Lindt chocolates.

As far as non-food goes...well, let's just say I probably had one glass too many of Irish Mist (in early celebration of Saint Patrick's Day). I never get hangovers, but today I'm regretting the empty calories. Ah well.

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:08 pm

Sunday, 3/14/10: S Day

I limited myself to one glass of wine with dinner and felt much better about that after my over indulgence on Saturday night. One of the S's I especially enjoyed on this S day was popcorn, which I made for the family and myself to eat while we watched Amazing Race.

As much as I liked being able to snack on popcorn and savor my Lindt chocolate, I find myself really looking forward to getting back into the routine of N days.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:14 pm

Monday, 3/15/10: Success

I remember when I started No S, Mondays would be a major let-down. "No chocolate for another 5 days! Wahhhhh!" But now Monday comes as a relief after the indulgences of S days. It's funny how it's become natural not to eat between meals and not to have sweets. I hope that one day my S days can look more like my N days with just one or two exceptions. But for now I'm not pushing the issue. As long as I stay green and yellow and keep up with one or two ESE fasts during the week, I'm happy.

Made the broth for four servings of French onion soup today. I'm the only one in my family who eats it, so I'll be enjoying it for the next few days for my lunch.

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:49 pm

Tuesday, 3/16/10: Failure

Aargh! I failed on Day 20 of my second 21 days.

I was doing fine until evening. As I wrote in the "Danger Zone" thread on the general discussion board, free food is my weakness. I'd eaten a satisfying dinner, but then my husband brought home all kinds of leftovers from a conference they had at work, which included two small bowls of potstickers. I ate one potsticker, then another, then another, and then finished off one bowl. Then I came to my senses, and put everything else away in the fridge for the next day or two.

One (small) triumph: in the past when I've blown it, I've gone ahead and gorged myself since the day was already shot. This time, even though I was tempted to cap off the evening by eating sweets, I refused to turn one failure turn into an excuse for multiple failures.

I'm taking tomorrow as a non-weekend S day because of a special meal and dessert we always have on St. Patrick's Day, but I'm limiting my S indulgences to that meal only. In other words, no snacking throughout the day.

Marking it and moving on.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:43 pm

Wednesday, 3/17/10: Non-weekend S Day

More like a non-weekend S event, actually. I stuck pretty much to No S rules with reasonable, one-plate meals for breakfast and lunch and no sweets until our special dessert after dinner. I also enjoyed a glass of Irish Mist after dinner. I feel pretty good about being able to keep to the habits I've been building, especially after Tuesday night's screw up.

My plan for the next few days is to have a vanilla No S day on Thursday and an ESE day on Friday.

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:01 pm

Thursday, 3/18/10: Success

Back on track today and feeling good about that. There was one piece of carrot cake left (part of the goodies my husband brought home on Tuesday), but even though I was tempted, I was able to walk away from it. I knew caving into the temptation would only make me miserable.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:33 pm

Friday, 3/19/10: Success

ESE fast day until dinner. Drank unsweetened green tea and water until then.

One of the best things about fasting for me is that I don't feel very hungry once I break my fast. A smaller than usual dinner generally satisfies me. As I've mentioned earlier in this thread, I prefer the Eat Stop Eat style of 24-hour fast so that I can eat with my family. Family dinners are very important to me. Because of my sons' activities, there are usually a couple of days a week when we can't eat together, but otherwise, we all sit down to a family dinner. The boys are very amusing dinner companions; they always have stories about funny things that have happened in school that day. We have a junior and two freshmen (twins) in high school. I know these next few years will fly by, and all too soon they will all be off at college. So I'm enjoying these family dinners while we still can all be together.

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Post by Elspeth » Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:03 pm

Saturday, 3/20/10: S Day

Baked a bit today. I made braided challah again. Now that I now how to braid it with six strands, it looks beautiful, almost too good to eat. That didn't stop my boys from finishing off one loaf before dinner...with a little help from me, I must admit. I also made a pecan pie for my special weekend treat.

Here in the U.S. the first day of spring is a special day for those who like Italian water ice because of the annual free giveaway at Rita's. We have about five Rita's within a 5-mile radius, so I could have stopped at several and gorged, but I limited myself to one freebie. It's nice that Free Water Ice Day fell on an S day. Next year it will be an S day too!

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:48 pm

Sunday 3/21/10: S Day

Another S day. I enjoyed a few more slices of my challah and one more slice of the pecan pie I made yesterday. I opted to have my pecan pie after lunch since I am trying not to eat anything after dinner, even on S days.

I ended up feeling rather uncomfortably full by the end of the day. Once again, I am looking forward to the routine of N days. I've been following No S for over two months now with only three red days, but I still end up overdoing on S days. I realize some slacking off is a necessary safety valve, but I think I need to exercise more control even on weekends.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:51 am

Monday, 3/22/10: Success

My meals were weirdly mixed up today. I had leftover homemade pizza for breakfast, Irish oatmeal with a sliced banana and two tablespoons of peanut butter for lunch, and two scrambled eggs w/veggies and cheese for dinner. No temptations to snack, but I did have an extra cup of coffee this morning. Since I take a little sugar and half & half in my coffee, I try to limit myself to just one cup a day, but I really needed that extra cup this morning!

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:25 pm

Tuesday, 3/23/10: Success

ESE fasting day until dinner. Drank unsweetened green tea and water until then.

I've been reading a bit about leptin, one of the hunger hormones. Byron Richards, who wrote Mastering Leptin has five rules for his "Leptin Diet," and Rule #1 is "Never eat after dinner," which fits perfectly into No S. (His second two rules are No S policy, too: "Eat three meals a day" and "Do not eat large meals.") I always used to have a snack or a dessert (or both) several hours after dinner, say around 9 p.m. while watching TV. I put a stop to that with No S, and I really think it has helped me sleep better and feel better in the morning.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:31 pm

Wednesday, 3/24/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Sucesss

Well, after more than two months of mostly successful No S (only three slip-ups) it's time to add another habit. I need to build a consistent habit of regular exercise. I've decided to start with walking at least five times a week, so I will be tracking that habit here in my check-in thread. I also plan to add in resistance training of some kind (possibly shovel glove) eventually. I'm terribly out of shape, so for now, I'm defining "success" as just a 30 minute walk per day. I'm not tracking distances or steps at this point, though that may come later.

It's certainly a lovely time of year to begin walking regularly. I work in a mid-Atlantic college town, and there are many flowering shrubs and trees to admire. Forsythia are blazing in golden glory; magnolia and cherry trees are about to burst into bloom. I love Spring!

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Post by sophiasapientia » Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:04 am

Congratulations on completing 2 successful No S months and for taking on a new habit!! :D Adding in the walking sounds like a great plan. I'm envious of the goregous flowers ... Lovely spring weather has been flirting with us here a bit but we are still getting threats of possible snow. :?

Weight training/shovelglove are on the future horizon for me as well. 8)
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:55 am

Thanks, Shannon! I lived in Maine for nine years, so I know what you mean about late spring. After the uncharacteristically snowy and cold winter we had here, I'm especially enjoying the return of lovely weather.

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:13 pm

Thursday, 3/25/10

ESE and No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Success

ESE fasting until dinner at 5:30. Drank unsweetened white tea and water until then.

About a year and a half ago I was walking pretty regularly, doing about 3 to 5 miles a day. Unfortunately, I developed tendonitis in my Achilles tendon. My doctor recommended rest, which I did. Then winter came, and I never really got back into walking regularly. Sixteen months later and I am woefully out of shape. I have an "all or nothing" tendency, which I am trying to moderate with habit-building. During Thursday's walk, I pushed myself a bit more than I should for my second day of regular walking and as a result, I started to feel some twinges in the Achilles tendon of my left leg again.

I still intend to walk on Friday, but I'm going to be sure to do some stretching exercises beforehand and to walk at a slower pace so as not to aggravate the problem. I think I may have to see a specialist as well. I don't want another long period of inactivity.

ESE and No S were no problem. I wasn't craving food at all during the day, and I enjoyed breaking my fast at dinner with my family. During most of a fasting day I am very alert and manage to get a lot done at work. Then at about 20 hours into a fast, I get a very relaxed, tranquil feeling, similar to the feeling I used to get from the pain meds I had after major surgery. I don't know how to describe it, but for me it's one of the things I like about fasting.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:31 pm

Friday, 3/26/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: S(ick) Day

Blargh. I started feeling sick on Thursday night with a sore throat from post nasal drip. I felt worse today--head aches, body aches, and a completely stuffed up nose. I declared it an "S" as in "sick" day for my urban ranging.

No S was fine. I made homemade granola using Nigella Lawson's recipe from Feast, which was absolutely delicious. Fortunately, I timed it so it was ready around lunchtime so I could "plate" some along with the rest of my lunch and still stay on habit.
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Post by Elspeth » Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:34 pm

Saturday, 3/27/10

No S: S day
Urban Ranger: Sday

Still feeling under the weather, so I didn't go out for a walk.

One of the things I enjoy having on S days is some good dark chocolate. In the past, I've indulged on S days whenever the mood struck; however, I am trying to limit my portions and only have the chocolate after a meal. I've really come to like going five to six hours between meals without eating at all, and I hate to throw that out the window on weekends. I end up feeling bloated and disgusted at myself for grazing all day just because I can.

Made onion soup today. I like to keep it heating in the crock pot on low for a pretty long time so it wasn't ready for lunch, and for dinner we had pizza, so I'll probably have some tomorrow and for a few other lunches after that.

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Post by sophiasapientia » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:30 am

I hope that you feel better soon & have had a relaxing Sunday! ... The onion soup sounds delicious. :)
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Post by LoriLifts » Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:08 am

Feel better soon!
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Post by Elspeth » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:43 pm

Awww, thanks Shannon and Lori! I am feeling better. Now my poor husband has it. Spring colds are the worst!

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:55 pm

Sunday, 3/28/10

No S: S day
Urban Ranger: Success

Well, my cold has improved, which I attribute to upping my usual dose of Vitamin C. Even though it was drizzling, two of my sons and I took a walk today. They are swimmers, but swim season is over, so the only exercise they get these days is walking. They usually walk home from school (about a mile and a half), and I encourage them to take walks around the neighborhood when they are feeling stressed. I used to walk a lot with them when they were little, and today we followed our old route and reminisced about the various pets we used to stop and visit along the way (three dogs, a cat, and a rabbit). Of course, in those days, they were small. Now they are taller than me, and I have to hustle to keep up with their long strides!

Despite planning not to snack on weekends, I ended up snacking today. Partly that was because I had a late breakfast (about 10:30) so I didn't really feel like lunch. Then, of course, in the late afternoon I got hungry so I had some crackers and hummus and some of my homemade granola. It wasn't excessive, but I'm still not happy I caved. I was about to declare that next weekend would be better, but then I remembered that next Sunday is Easter, which for us involves visiting both my family and my husband's family and food galore. So my plan for next weekend is to make Saturday a snack-free day, but not to worry about Sunday.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:36 pm

Monday, 3/29/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Success

I took it easier on my walk today because my Achilles tendon was bothering me a bit. Stretching a little before my walk seems to help. I'm also considering trying a heel cup, which I've read can make a difference.

No problems on No S. I guess the habit of not eating between meals has become engrained for me...at least on weekdays. Now if only I could transfer that same habit to weekends!

I've been reading some of the stuff Byron Richards has written about leptin and the benefits of going 5 to 6 hours between eating. He recommends not eating or drinking anything caloric between meals. I usually have a cup or two of slightly sweetened coffee with half and half at work between breakfast and lunch, but I have decided to eliminate it. I'll drink my coffee at home with breakfast, and also allow myself one cup at lunch if I want it. Between meals I'll stick to unsweetened tea and water as I do when I fast.

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:51 am

Tuesday, 3/30/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Failure

ESE fasting day. Drank water and black tea with stevia until dinner. No problems.

I was very busy at work today with a project that is due on Thursday. The foul weather--pouring rain, strong winds, and huge puddles outside--was another reason I didn't want to go out for a walk. Fortunately, the weather is supposed to improve, so I'm planning to walk Wednesday even though I'll still be busy at work.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:54 pm

Quite a run, Elspeth. Remember, we're just getting going.

I actually took a look at your thread because I searched Mastering Leptin, and your thread came up, but I didn't find it. People talked about it back in 2005, but mostly poopoohed it because it cost money to buy the book and he recommends supplements. But I like knowing chemical reasons why we feel better and can resist food so much more often on No S.

BTW, I've had some stumbling with Easter candy, but I had declared S days, so I haven't registered them as failures. I've taken only two non-weekend S days since I started Jan. 1. I've decided it's good to keep them down to important occasions, such as your St. Patrick day event.

Keep up the good work.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by Elspeth » Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:43 pm

Hi Oolala (love the nick). I mentioned Mastering Leptin on 3/23, which is why you found it in a search. I actually haven't read the book yet, but I'd been researching leptin on the internet and of course found Byron Richards's web site. I was struck by the fact that the first three of his "five rules" fit right into No S. And as for other two rules, they seem pretty sensible as well. I want to read the book because, like you, I want to know the science behind the theories.

Even though I haven't read the book yet, I've started to incorporate the rules into my daily eating. For instance, I've given up drinking sweetened coffee between meals so as not to have any intake of calories at all during that stretch.

How about you? Are you incorporating the leptin diet with No S? I'd be interested to hear what you think.

I'll post this in your thread too. Thanks for writing!

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:50 pm

Wednesday, 3/31/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Success

Thank heavens the rains are over! It was chilly out but still a nice day for a walk. Tomorrow should be even better.

I bought Easter candy for my kids' baskets today. In years past, I probably would have "sampled" some ahead of time, but I was able to pack it all away for now. I did buy extra Reese's peanut butter eggs for my own S day treat because I absolutely love them.

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:06 pm

Thursday, 4/1/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Failure

I was stuck at work for ten hours finishing up a project and didn't go out for a walk hence the failure. I knew I'd be tied up all day and didn't want to have to worry about meals, so on Wednesday night I decided to make Thursday an ESE fast day instead of Friday as I'd planned. No problem with not eating all day and having a modest dinner at night.

Thinking ahead to the weekend: I'm toying with the idea of designating Saturday an N day. I have not been happy with my two-day indulgences on most weekends. I feel like I do need the release of at least one day a week, but two in a row may be too much. This Sunday in particular is going to be crazy with Easter festivities at my husband's and my family's houses plus my son's birthday celebration. An extra N day in preparation for an extra-crazy S day sounds like a good trade-off to me.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:00 pm

Sounds like a plan. Do you snack or eat sweets or seconds, or all three on S days? Maybe just allow one of those? Reinhard says he meant to have the word "sometimes" included before "except on days that begin with S," but it just didn't flow as well. Didn't mean that S days should be a free for all. He says he absolutely does not worry about what he eats on weekends or S days, but I get the impression he doesn't really eat much more than normal anymore. Most days are 3 plated meals. But he has been at it since 2001.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:02 pm

I eat sweets in moderation on S days. What I mean by that is I allow myself 2 or 3 small Lindt pieces after lunch and dinner or I have a special dessert that I've made or purchased specifically for the S day. Snacking is more of the issue. I find myself snacking "just because I can," and then I end up feeling too full and uncomfortable. The funny thing is, I don't really miss snacking on the weekdays. So I really think it is a mental thing for me.

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:13 pm

Friday, 4/2/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Failure

Aargh! Another busy day, but honestly I could have found a half hour for a walk. I just didn't try very hard.

I think I really am a creature of habit. Creating a new habit is hard work, but once I've truly adopted a new habit, it's easy for me. Case in point: No S. Lately, I have had no trouble at all. On N days at least, it doesn't feel like a diet or any kind of deprivation; it's just what I do. I need to get to the point where walking daily is just what I do, as well.

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:14 pm

Saturday, 4/3/10, and Sunday, 4/4/10

No S and Urban Ranger

I did manage to have a much more reasonable S day on Saturday. Good thing, too, as yesterday was a day of total indulgence. Easter celebration at my husband's family's house followed by another one at my family's house included lots of stuff I love--kielbasa, eggs, challah, mimosas--plus two birthday cakes for my oldest son. Actually I turned down the second birthday cake, even though I had made it and I knew how good it was. I was just too full and knew I'd regret it. Maybe I'll freeze a slice for next weekend.

Looking forward to getting back to N days!

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:45 pm

Monday, 4/5/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: (Partial) Success

No problems with No S. In fact I was relieved to be back to the regularity of three meals after the weekend's festivities. I actually had to remind myself to eat lunch because it was nearly 1:30. We usually have dinner around 6:30, and I wanted to have at least five hours between the two meals.

I'm calling my Urban Ranging a limited success since I only walked for about 20 minutes instead of my usual half hour. Just getting out at all when I was tempted to skip altogether qualifies as a success right now. :)

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:53 pm

Tuesday, 4/6/10

ESE and No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Success

Fasted until dinner. No issues at all. It helped that I was really busy at work. One of the benefits of fasting is extra time!

I took a nice leisurely walk and enjoyed being out in the beautiful weather. Some folks around here were complaining that 80 plus degrees was too hot for April, but I for one am loving it, especially after the wretched winter we had!

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:23 am

I am usually so hungry for lunch even after I've had breakfast that I can't imagine its being easy to go from dinner to dinner. Which came first for you, No S or ESE?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:10 am

ESE came before No S. Actually I used to do a more intense form of intermittent fasting called alternate day fasting, which meant going about 34-36 hours every other day. I started it for both health reasons and weight loss. I felt great and lost a bunch of weight pretty easily, over 20 pounds. The problem was that the social disruption since I couldn't eat dinner with my family. So then I discovered Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat, which solved the dinner problem. But I still felt out of control around food on my non-ESE days. No S has helped greatly in that regard.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:01 pm

Wednesday, 4/7/10

No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Failure

Again, No S was fine. I had to resort to virtual plating for breakfast, however. I started out eating Irish oatmeal, something, I usually enjoy, but it wasn't hitting the spot. Perhaps the warmer weather had something to do with it. Anyway, after a few bites, I switched out for some of my homemade granola with strawberries and milk. In the past I probably would have continued to eat the oatmeal (I hate to waste food), and then would have felt unsatisfied and likely to binge later. When you are only eating three meals a day and nothing between, you should enjoy every single bite!

Failed at walking today. I was once again busy with another rush project, which kept me working through my lunch hour, and I spent the evening driving my kids around. Still, I could have squeezed in a half hour walk somewhere in the day. I resolve to succeed in UR on Thursday.

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:50 pm

Wow, time flies. How's it going?
I've been re-reading a few of your posts. Now I want some Irish Mist. And I rarely drink!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:57 pm

Friday, 4/9/10 through Sunday 4/18/10

No S and Urban Ranger: Mixed Success and Failure

We had some problems with our broadband provider at home for a few days, then I left to go on a business trip, so I was unable to update. In that stretch of time I had two red days, but for the most part I stuck as much as possible to No S. I've been less successful with Urban Ranger, but I'm glad to be home and ready to get back into a routine of walking at lunchtime. The gorgeous weather certainly helps!

Missed you all madly! I can't wait to get caught up on the general discussion threads.
Last edited by Elspeth on Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:17 pm

Monday, 4/19/10

No S and Urban Ranger: Success

I'm still pondering why I go crazy on weekends but manage to handle N days without much trouble come Monday. I've been reading Oolala's thread about this same issue, and I see I'm not alone. I know have to come to terms with weekends so that I don't consistently undo all the progress I've made during the week.

Anyway, no problem with No S. I'm generally sticking to my plan of no calories at all between meals, but I was pretty bleary-eyed in the morning so I had a cup of coffee as soon as I got into the office. Try as I might, I cannot drink coffee black and unsweetened, but I limit the sugar to one cube (10 calories).

I only had a short walk but I at least I was able to drag myself out of the office to enjoy the nice weather. Sometimes I get so caught up in a work project I have trouble tearing myself away. I want to take a longer walk tomorrow.
Last edited by Elspeth on Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:24 pm

Tuesday, 4/20/10

ESE: Failure
No S: Success
Urban Ranger: Success

Something very strange happened to me that has caused me to rethink my use of stevia. This past month or so I've been experimenting with stevia instead of sugar in my tea and coffee. I can't drink coffee unsweetened, and although I often drink unsweetened tea on my fasting days, I prefer a little sweetness. I found a few drops of stevia worked pretty well for this.

Last week, one of my failures was due to insatiable cravings in the evening after finishing an ESE fast. Usually I am only reasonably hungry, not starving, after a 24-hour fast, but that day I couldn't stop eating after dinner. Today I couldn't even get past 18 hours in my fast. I felt like I was starving and could not stop thinking about food. I decided to break my fast, have lunch and dinner, and turn the day into a regular N day versus waiting until dinner and then blowing the day altogether.

It was all very mystifying and troubling to me as I usually have no problem fasting. Then I suddenly realized that I had used stevia in my morning tea on both of these days. Next ESE fast I'm going back to water and unsweetened tea only.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:12 pm

For your sake, I hope it works, but for mine, I hope it doesn't! Just not sure what I'd do without stevia.

I've been using it most days since I started No s this time. N days, no problem.

Maybe it's different when there's no other food? Or maybe it's the taste of sweet? or maybe it's just a coincidence and it was something else more hidden.

anyway, it'll be interesting to hear the results of the next ESE day. oh, just realized that the S means Stop. A new meaning that also works for No S. Stop Snacks, Sweets, and Seconds.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:04 pm

Yeah, I really don't know if stevia was the culprit. It could be, as you said, some other underlying issue. The thing is, I really like being able to have slightly sweet tea when I'm not eating on ESE days or between meals on N days.

I'm going to try another ESE fast tomorrow without stevia and see how it goes. Then maybe experiment with stevia at another time.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:00 pm

Wednesday, 4/21/10

No S: Failure
Urban Ranger: Failure

Maybe stevia isn't to blame. I didn't have any today but for some reason I had an insatiable craving for something to eat around 4 o'clock. I ended up eating a slice of homemade bread with peanut butter. Then after dinner, the last of some leftover Easter candy called my name and I ate about five or six small chocolate eggs. Deciding that Thursday would be an ESE day helped me put the brakes on my lapse because my fasting began at 6:30 p.m.

I'm not sure what caused it. It could be that time of the month, but I can't say for sure because I had my uterus removed a year and a half ago. I still have my ovaries, so I still ovulate and have monthly cycles, but I just don't know the timing except for other signals like mood and cravings.

The disappointing thing is that this means I now have three red days in April, the most of any calendar month since I started. Well, I'm not going to dwell on it. Marking it and moving on as the wise folks here say.

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Post by sophiasapientia » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:13 pm

Well, I'm not going to dwell on it. Marking it and moving on as the wise folks here say.
Great attitude Elspeth! Have a fantastic day! :D
Restarted No S (3rd times a charm!) January 2010 at 145 lbs

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Post by oolala53 » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:36 pm

I had a long post, but then realized it was mostly about me, me, me. I feel for ya re: red days. I am still a little scared because since I started having them, I feel a bit shakier. But there's no way to go but forward through the Fire Swamp. Everyone here is on your side through thick and thin, pardon the pun.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:21 pm

Thanks Shannon and Oolala! I appreciate the support. LOL at the Fire Swamp. Will there be Rodents of Unusual Size?

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:30 pm

Thursday 4/22/10

ESE: Success
No S: Success

Urban Ranger: Failure

Well, no stevia in my white tea today, and guess what? No insatiable cravings. Again, it could be coincidental or a factor of hormones. I need a few more data points to be sure. But regardless, I was happy to have had a successful eating day. I even baked a pound cake tonight without nibbling at the batter or eating a slice afterward. And let me tell you, I make a sinfully delicious pound cake with oodles of butter, eggs, and sour cream. To die for. Instead. I put a few slices away for myself in the freezer to enjoy this weekend.

Urban Ranger was yet another failure, due in part to work issues. I'd fully intended to take a walk at lunch but once again got caught up in a self-imposed deadline and ended up working through the lunch hour. I know I need to make exercise a priority. I'm quite sure it's part of the reason why my weight loss has stalled after an initially strong start. Well that, and some S days gone wild, which I also need to get under control.

Stating for the record: I will walk on Friday.
Last edited by Elspeth on Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:01 pm

I'm so impressed. Baking on an N day! Not a tightrope I'm willing to walk yet. Someday!

I can't believe I can't even get 14 minutes of ANY activity in yet. I actually do have the time, as I spend more than that watching TV or even posting. Inertia! I like to think I'm gearing up.

Keep up the good work!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by Elspeth » Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:54 pm

Friday, 4/23/10

ESE: Success
Urban Ranger: Success

A good day all around today. I really enjoyed my meals though they weren't anything particularly special. I've been working at having more protein at breakfast (one of the five rules of the leptin diet), and it certainly seems to keep me satisfied longer. I am also continuing not to ingest any calories at all between meals, which I also seems to help with cravings. I think it was NoelFigart who suggested Celestial Seasonings' Wild Berry Zinger herbal tea back in the general thread. I tried some last night while I was watching a DVD with two of my boys, and it was excellent!

Took a walk at lunch time and again after dinner with my boys, so I'm on track with my (admittedly minimal) UR goal.

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:41 pm

Saturday, 4/24/10

No S: S Day
Urban Ranger: Success

A better S day than I've had in the past. I had a late breakfast and we were planning to go out to dinner so I decided not to eat lunch. I baked my special S day treat--a chocolate pecan torte--and enjoyed having a small slice for dessert.

I went walking with my twin sons today. I get quite a workout with them because they are now taller than me and walk much faster. :)

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Post by Elspeth » Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:50 pm

Sunday, 4/25/10

No S and Urban Ranger: S Day

We went out to a play on Saturday night. It was a local community theater production of Annie. My oldest son was running the lights, my husband was the follow spot light operator, and a bunch of our theater friends were in the show. We got back late, and about midnight before I went to bed, I gave in to temptation and had a small slice of the torte I'd made. Technically this is not a failure since it was an S day; nevertheless, I've been trying not to eat after dinner at all. I ended up paying for it, however, as I awoke at 6 a.m. feeling nauseated. I thought I might throw up, but managed not to. I'm glad I had this experience because it reinforces my decision not to eat after dinner, especially not late at night, even on S days.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Once again, I had a late breakfast, so I did not have lunch, although I did eat a small snack around 4 to tide me over until dinner at 7:30.

All in all, despite the mistake of eating late at night on Saturday, I would say this was the best weekend I've had. I had a plan for when I'd eat and, except for the late night dessert, I stuck with it.

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Post by Elspeth » Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:08 pm

Monday, 4/26/10

No S and Urban Ranger: Success

No problems with No S. I continue to eat a fair amount of protein at breakfast which I think help keeps me satisfied not just till lunch but really all day. For instance, for breakfast today I had a two egg omelet with about a half ounce of chopped ham, red pepper, and a small amount of grated Swiss cheese melted on top. It was delicious! I've also started consistently drinking a glass of skim milk with my lunch and dinner to up my protein intake and get calcium as well (although I also take a supplement).

My walk today was cut short due to the unpleasant weather. I brought an umbrella which kept me fairly dry, but then I managed to step in a puddle. Walking on soaking wet, cold feet is no fun at all! I'm glad the rain will be gone by Tuesday morning.

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Post by Elspeth » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:14 pm

Tuesday, 4/27/10

No S, ESE, and Urban Ranger: Success!

A good day all around. I forced myself to go out at lunch even though I was caught up in a project that I wanted to finish. It's funny: I have trouble getting myself outside but once out walking I don't want to stop! I guess I hyperfocus on whatever it is I'm doing at the time. Anyway, it was a gorgeous day for a walk. I work in a scenic university town, which is particularly lovely this time of year, and I take a different route almost every day. Today I walked through campus to the small Farmer's Market that is held every Tuesday. I roamed about but managed to resist the yummy looking baked goods. I did buy several small wedges of raw milk cheese from a local organic farm to take home and try later in the week.

I fasted until dinner, drinking water and unsweetened white and herbal tea. No problems.

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Post by Elspeth » Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:09 pm

Wednesday, 4/28/10

No S and Urban Ranger: Success

Absolutely no problems with No S. I feel as though my appetite is adjusting to less food, and I find myself cutting back on portions voluntarily. For instance I looked at my breakfast and decided I would not be able to eat a whole banana so I cut in half and saved the other part for lunch. Another little victory was that my husband brought home from work some chocolate toffee candy that a coworker had made. He said they taste like Heath bars, one of my all-time favorites. Free and unexpected treats have always been a weakness of mine, but this time I triumphed. I put my share away to enjoy this weekend.

A short walk today. I was working at home and our neighborhood is not as pedestrian-friendly as the college town in which I work. Still, as someone who has been woefully inactive in recent years, I count it as a success if I can just get myself out the door and get moving.

I'm glad May is approaching. I have more red than I would like to see on my HabitCal (three No S failures and numerous Urban Ranger failures) so I'm looking forward to a clean slate and most, if not all, green!

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Post by Elspeth » Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:49 pm

Thursday, 4/29/10

ESE and Urban Ranger: Failure
No S: Success

I started off the day planning on doing an ESE fast, but I failed when I got to lunch, thanks to my nemesis: free food. Some of the bigwigs at work were entertaining British colleagues from our London office, and the luncheon buffet featured Indian food. Afterward, the stuff not eaten was put out for anyone, and I succumbed to temptation. I love Indian food, but rarely have it because my husband is not a fan. I put it on my usual lunch plate, so it counted as a No S meal, but it was definitely an ESE failure. Looking back on it, I wish I'd done what I've done in the past: plate it and then put it in a zip lock bag in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. Well, in my scheme of things an ESE failure is OK as long as it's not a No S failure as well.

Urban Ranger was a failure too because once again I got caught up in work. I realize I'm using work as an excuse, and all those reds on my HabitCal for UR are really starting to bug me. I resolve to walk tomorrow, no matter what.

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