Seth's daily check-in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Seth's daily check-in

Post by seth » Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:34 am

A new year, a new beginning.

A bit about me: I'm not new to the No-S diet thing, but I've been off the horse for a while and I wonder if posting here regularly will help. I'd say this is roughly my third or fourth attempt at it in about two years. Mostly, it's a matter of attention: if I pay attention, I do ok. I'm hoping this will be a place I can get into a routine, and build up the kind of attention I need to foster habit formation.

In particular, the rules I'm trying to follow are going to be slightly modified from the 'classic' no-S described on Reinhard's pages, but that's just because I've seen where I fall down on this on previous attempts, and I'd like to try and build a greater chance of short-term success into the system; then I can modify it later if/as necessary.

Modifications: In particular, I'm not worried about snacks that are just fruit and/or veg. They're my first line of defence against the munchies and are way better than falling off the wagon entirely and opening a bag of chips or what have you. Also, I do martial arts stuff three times a week after work, and that gets me home at 10pm or later, and going truly snack-free between lunch and late night dinner is really, really stinkin' hard. On non-aikido nights it's equally bad -- I end up home late for various other reasons (childcare, work etc.) and still end up eating really late. So instead of three meals a day only, I'm opting for a late afternoon snack of a piece of fruit or two and a glass of tea, to get me through till I get home. I can't see it doing me any harm, and setting it up like that at the outset gives me a clear law around which to, as it were, "build a fence". I might loosen up on what's ok in that time slot after day 21. We'll see. In the meantime, it gives me a way to keep my energy level above comatose in that long lunch-to-dinner stretch without succumbing to the lure of refined sugar.

SUCCESS: Today, I'm no-S.

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Post by seth » Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:56 am

A bit more about me and everyday systems: I find the regular 3x week martial arts thing functions well as my "shovelglove" equivalent, and I've done lots of urban-ranger-ing on previous attempts; I'd ramp that back up now too, but I've recently mangled an ankle (not at martial arts class, but simply by stepping into a pothole on the street). It makes the thought of diving back into 1/2-hour walking sessions a little too painful at the moment. I'm planning to resume them once the ankle heals; there are several easy ways to slot 20-to-30-minute walks into my daily commute, by getting off subways a stop or three early etc.

Also, a bit off topic, but Reinhard might be interested to know that I'm something of a weekend Luddite (he said he thought he was the only one). I started doing this on my own, for sanity's sake, about a year and a half ago. I first saw it on tonight and was very happy to see that I'm not the only one with this problem (and this solution); in my case, I'm Jewish, so it feels natural to adopt a no-computers policy between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday. It's been fantastic for me psychologically (and spousally!), not to mention the side benefits of allowing me to develop reasonable boundaries in my relationship with my employer.

Anyway, kudos to Reinhard and I'll see you all tomorrow night.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:35 am

Hi Seth!
Welcome back to NoS!

I agree that fruit and veg are our friends!
Use them whenever possible!!!

Especially compared to scarfing down a whole bag of fritos!

I just had some lovely pineapple for dessert...
Good stuff..
Keep us posted!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by seth » Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:44 am

Thanks for the warm welcome, gratefuldeb67.

I'm happy to report that today (day 2) was a SUCCESS: zero sweets, zero seconds, and the only snacks I had were herbal tea, a banana, a tangerine and two apples: no junk food!

I also remembered this, which was where I got the original idea of allowing myself as many fruits and vegetables a day as I want: Even under rules as liberal as that, it's pretty rare that I make it to 9 servings of fruits/veg in one day, and if do I consistently target 9, I'm actually too full to eat sweets/junk food/meal portions that are too large, etc. Plus they say I'm fighting all kinds of bad health issues by eating more produce (see the link), and that can't be a bad thing. As Reinhard suggests, I'm aiming to eliminate the 80% of the problem that results from eating too much junk -- by replacing the junk with something else. Once I've managed to do that smoothly for a long time (by no means easy to do, as evidenced by the fact that I'm posting here), I'll see if I even feel like I need to change my habits further by going in for a "stricter" (classic) no-S system that disallows fruit/veg snacks. After all, if I'm aiming to do this for the rest of my life, I may as well take it one step at a time so I actually do it and stick with it.

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Post by carolejo » Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:04 am

Hi Seth,

good for you! I also allow myself a snack of purely fruits or raw veg if and when I feel I need it. Mostly I don't though, but then again, I sit at a computer most of the day and I don't go to Aikido classes or anything.

Hope this attempt works out for you.

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Post by seth » Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:56 am

Days 3 and 4 have been SUCCESSful. I almost slipped at dinner tonight, and not even because I had a particular craving; I just happened to order a meal with which I usually order a soda. Happily, I caught myself and got juice instead.

gratefuldeb67: about the salmon pate -- I didn't actually make it, I just meant I was eating it for breakfast, which is totally new for me (I just liked the idea of it and it made for an alternative to yogurt and granola). In fact, my recipe is: go to grocery store, buy prefab salmon pate, bring home, spread on toast. ;) And no, I don't practise yoga these days -- I find my needs are met quite well by aikido and Urban Ranger (about which more in a minute) -- but I did used to practise.

Oh, and re. Urban Ranger -- after consultation with a physiotherapist about my ankle, I've taken up walking again. So in addition to today's no-S success, I'm happy to report that I also did 40 minutes of walking. Yay, me!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:32 am

Hey Seth :)
Deb's just fine for me!
Just that I'm a rabid Deadhead... LOL..

Aikido eh???

I just demonstrated "The Unbendable Arm" on a guy who is probably about 6'7" and 350lbs of pure muscle...

He couldn't bend my arm!

Aikido rocks!

Have a nice night and don't sprain your wrist opening up those tight salmon pate containers!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

The "monkey mind" comment tipped me off about the prior Yogic training..

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Post by seth » Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:41 am

Ha, thanks Deb. Actually I first encountered 'monkey mind' in a book about improvisation and life, which I highly recommend. It's called 'Free Play', and it's by Stephen Nachmanovitch.

Peace out cub scout,


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Post by seth » Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:07 am

Continued SUCCESS through day 5 (Friday); plus I "succeeded" at my S-days this weekend. ;) In particular, I thought I'd list my litany of S's:

* one small bowl crinkle cut potato chips Friday night
* 5 "The Decadent" chocoloate chip cookies Friday and Sat. nights
* maple syrup on my waffles Saturday morning (Reinhard says this kind of thing isn't an S, but it sure feels like an indulgence to me, and keeping it to no more than once a week is probably not a bad idea, so I count it as an S)
* 1 can Cott cherry soda Sat. lunch
* an extra helping of very very greasy Sat. lunch
* a third drink at a friend's birthday party Sat. night
* uncounted misc. snacks at same party -- 2 TVP piggies-in-a-blanket, plus about a cereal bowl full of chips, salsa, dip etc.

Note: in keeping with my "weekend luddite" practise of no computers Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, I count my S days Friday sundown to Sunday sundown -- that way Sunday night I'm already "into" the no-S week, which helps me get a running start (SUCCESS so far tonight, for what it's worth...).

So, you're probably wondering why I'm listing these, when everyone else appears to list the foods they eat on their non-S days (ok, I'm overgeneralizing when I say "everyone", but it's a popular thing to do, it seems). Basically, having watched myself fall down on this on previous attempts, I'm not bad at eating lots of veggies and non-S foods during the week, but I do tend to go ballistic on S days, which seems to render the general practise less effective. I'm aiming to watch my S's in particular, so that I can make intelligent decisions about how/whether I'm going to limit them further as time goes on.

Meanwhile, I'm ever grateful for the presence of a place to just write this stuff all down. As I said in my first post, it's mostly just about paying attention for me, and having a more-or-less daily ritual "check-in" will, I think, really help me stick to this.

See you next time!

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Post by seth » Wed Jan 11, 2006 3:30 am

SUCCESS days 8 and 9. Today (day 9), in particular, was very interesting as it was Asara b'Tevet. Being a Jewish minor fast day, this means a really messed up eating schedule -- no food or water between dawn and dusk. Usually I pig out when I break the fast at sundown, but today I managed to keep it to the same kind of dinner I'd normally eat on a no-S day. Yay me! Just goes to show, I think, that what I've been saying about attention is true -- if I literally "watch what I eat", I tend to do ok.

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Post by seth » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:01 am

Day 10: SUCCESS.

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Post by seth » Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:20 am

Still totally SUCCESSful through today, day 16. Have also started walking partway to work (25-50 minutes, depending on the day's schedule). Hoping I can keep that up; it'll partially depend on the weather. Today (day 2 of keeping official track, though I've been doing it off and on for a while), I walked for ~45 minutes; same with yesterday.
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Post by seth » Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:11 am

SUCCESS today (day 17). Managed to eat a single plate at a coworker's farewell lunch buffet.

So far I'm not finding this "hard", per se, at least not from a willpower perspective. I am starting to get bored with fruit/veg. I really need to stick to that though, I think. Maybe a little more indulgence on S days will help. Also I'm looking into trying to find new non-S (as in sweet) things to eat.

Also I'm a bit concerned that I don't appear to be losing any actual weight. Or is it too early to be looking for those kinds of results? Who knows. I don't have a scale at my house, and I'm trying to keep myself from measuring my waist obsessively. At New Year's it was 43.75" and I'm making myself wait till at least the 21-day mark before I measure again.

Oh, and today I walked ~30 min.

We'll see how it goes.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:59 pm

Hi Seth!
It usually takes between losing five and ten pounds for me to lose an inch... (depending on if I'm exercising and gaining muscle too..)

You might want to pay a visit to your regular doctor and take a "before" weigh in, without clothing and see if he or she will let you come back once a month...
I bet they will say "sure"..
Don't be discouraged yet... If you lose one or two pounds, it may be hard to tell from your clothing or a measurement at this point..
You'll be able to track gross changes like that...

In retrospect, after 15 months on NoS, I kind of wish that I had a reliable measurement of my weight from pre NoS.. I didn't have a good scale at home and then I changed to a gym scale at work a year later and all the numbers didn't match...
So I have to guess at how much I actually lost..
Maybe I'll call the doctors office and see if I had any well visits within a few months of when I started here...

There are so many types of veggies and fruits... See if you can find one you never had before!
A pulot perhaps??? LOL... I don't think you should "over indulge" on S days to make them more interesting, just go for quality not quantity!
Good luck~

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by seth » Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:59 pm

Thanks for the encouragment, Deb. Actually I feel like yesterday and today I've turned some kind of corner -- I actually had salad for lunch (duh, there's some vegetables I hadn't been eating -- letuce, radishes, celery), with some leftover chili and fruit for dessert -- and didn't feel hungry all afternoon! Usually I'd be worried about not having had any bread, but it worked out well.

Also yesterday I walked ~50 min.

So this is my last non-S day of 21. SUCCESS all the way. Not bad! Now I have to see if I can keep it up.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:08 pm

That is fantastic!!!!!!

Congratulations on doing the three weeks!!!!

It really does get easier, overall... This is probably the hardest thing you'll ever do on NOS.. the 21 days...

Of course, there's always challenges and we aren't always the same, every day, but I'm pretty sure you'll find yourself having an easier go of this as you continue to use those good habits you are forming...

Enjoy your S days!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

I'm going out to see some music tonight.. a guy named,,,,
But I know it's not you, since you are thousands of miles away.. LOL..

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Post by seth » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:39 pm

Well, it's been a crazy week. Various crises, work-related, familial and political, have thrown me off my game in the sleep and food departments.

In particular, today is the only day this week that I'd be able to say has been an unmitigated SUCCESS. That's right, Monday thru Thursday were FAILURES. The key thing is to get back up on the horse and start again.

In other good news, I have been to aikido 3 times this week, and walked between 30 minutes and an hour every day. It's just been a very weird week schedule-wise, and some snack temptations have gotten the better of me.

So, once more with feeling: today (Friday) is DAY 1, and I'll continue counting after the weekend.


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Post by seth » Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:44 pm

Ugh. More FAILUREs. Today is DAY 1 once again.

In better news, I am making sure I get in a daily walk (30min today and yesterday).

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:53 pm

Hey Seth!!! Don't get discouraged...

At the risk of being very redundant, the word on the street is that it takes up to 12 concerted attempts at any diet to really make it work... Your "failures" are your practice and you are still better off than if you weren't trying anything...

It took me a whole year of attempting to do the "twenty one days on habit" before I could do it perfectly... And honestly, I had the additional inspiration of having completed a full year of NoS... I wanted to end the year with a big bang..
Prior to that, I'd have weeks where I only had three or four good days and sometimes even less.. Especially during the Winter months!

But I assume that your days aren't complete failures.. Just parts of them?
Focus on the good effort you are making and don't get caught up on every time you "fail"... If you are eating fifty percent better than you did in the past, you will still make progress and your good days will eventually outweigh your bad ones..

Keep on trucking!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by seth » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:06 pm

Would you believe I'm back?

Major life upheavals since my last post: new kid (2nd), new job, new house.

Whatever, gotta get back on the horse. What I said at the beginning is still true: when I pay attention, I do well.

Today is DAY 1.

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Further thoughts on practice

Post by seth » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:42 pm

- Count days from sundown the night before, harking back to the whole Jewish thing: has the added bonus of focussing my attention at dinner time because it's the *beginning* and not the end of the day (most of my slipups come at dinner or later); then I mark that "day" as yay or nay when I leave work the following day before sundown.

- PAY ATTENTION WHILE EATING. No more eating while reading, eating while using my computer, etc. Just eat. Notice the sensation of eating, enjoy it, pay attention, meditate, whatever we want to call it: just eat. Ritualize eating - wash hands, start with a full glass of water, etc. I feel like this has the potential to help a lot.

- On coming back to this after 2 years+ absence: hey, I kept picking up and dropping aikido on and off for 5 years before I really settled into it, and now I'm a black belt (something else that's happened in the last 2 years, haha). So anything's possible if you stick with it -- especially if you stick with sticking with it, no matter what.

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Post by seth » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:45 pm

Here's a no-s habitcal for me: ... &t=nosdiet

I've already marked today as red, because last night I snacked after dinner and I'm counting "today" from sundown last night. "Tomorrow" (starting at sundown tonight) will be better.

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:13 pm

Major life upheavals since my last post: new kid (2nd), new job, new house.

that is LOT and lot of CONGRATULATIONS!

welcome back, always lgood to here from you folks who have been around awhile,

Blueskgihs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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A few days in...

Post by seth » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:32 pm

Well, this is about as hard as I expected it would be, but I've had a run of "green" days (see habitcal), so that's a good thing. I'll have to remember to ask Reinhard to add a link from habitcal back to the forums, I think that'd ease navigation.

In other news, I just had my annual physical -- and it turns out my cholesterol is a bit high. :shock: Guess it's a good thing I'd been thinking of eating more sensibly and trying to get back into balance lately... maybe my body/intuition trying to tell me something... Oh well. I guess I'm playing for keeps now. It's a bit overwhelming to have got up all this gumption to achieve the goal of "lose some weight around the middle" and suddenly have this whole other cholesterol layer slapped on top. On the plus side, it's an excuse to get educated--I've never had this issue before so I don't know much about it. My hope is I can mostly follow no-S principles and achieve both goals (weight and cholesterol down) -- I certainly eat way too much fried/greasy stuff right now, and I have no trouble counting that stuff as "S", etc.

We'll see how it goes.

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Post by seth » Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:57 am

Yesterday (tue):

B: 3 tbsp lowfat yogurt, coupla strawberries, muesli, banana, 4 oz OJ

L: 2 chicken thighs, whole avocado, slice of lemon, carrot, tomato, apple

D: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of toast with jam, carrot, tomato, OJ, coupla blackberries, yogurt, tbsp almonds

Today (wed):

B: slice of lox, 3 tbsp lowfat pressed cheese, slice of pumpernickel, teaspoon of marmalade, coupla blackberries/strawberries, banana, half a cup of OJ

L: sugarsnap peas (1 serving), carrot, cucumber, tomato, romaine lettuce, 2 slices of turkey on a whole wheat bagel, apple

D: can of tuna, 2 cobs corn, carrot, tomato, cucumber, orange

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