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Michelle's Daily Check in.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:04 pm
by July2010
Today is going to be day 3 on the plan for me. Just found this site last night. I will try to log in everyday. I am a mom to a special needs child with Autism and so some days it might be impossible, but I will I'm keeping a notebook on the side to do a food journel and keep track of what I'm eating, my weight etc.. Just something I can go back to for myself. And I'll catch up on anything I missed here.

Day 1 (beginning weight 192)

10:00 am Frosted Mini Wheats
2:00 pm 1 large bowl of soup
5:30 pm Plate of spaghetti at inlaws

**I then had a popscicle which I had to have. But, not bad for my first day.



Day 2 Weight 191.4

10:00 1 Ensure for breakfast
1:30 1 Meat pie, a few pieces of fried okra, small bowl of soup.
6:00 Frosted mini wheats

**Really struggled with hunger today. Headache&tired! Hope it gets easier. Overall I'm doing well following, but still learning and still reading the book.



Day 3 Weight 189.4

10:00 Small serving of spaghetti and meat pie (yes for breakfast)
2:00 Plate of spaghetti (I just am craving this today)
7:00 Small bowl of spaghetti and light salad on the side. + popscicle

**Some reason I'm not as hungry tonight as I have been the past 2 days.



Day 4 (didn't weigh myself)

9:00 Bowl of spaghetti
1:00 Small bowl of spaghetti and 2 halfs of deviled egg
5:00 Huge Bowl of Spaghetti and 2 cool pops

**I really could live on spaghetti. But, I won't be making it again right away once I finish it off. I was not really a breakfast person and so I usually eat whatever in place of it. And since sometimes I'm up early and it's like 4-5 hours before I eat Breakfast, it's kinda like lunch for me. I did struggle with hunger a bit today, but I didn't feel hungry when I went to bed at 10 which was 5 hours since I had dinner. So, I'm happy about that.



Day 5 (didn't weigh myself)

10:00 Frosted Mini wheats
3:00 Spaghetti (less than usual)
7:00 Salad with lite dressing and 1 apple

Day 6 (S day) I feel guilty for eatting snacks today, even though I know that's part of the plan. Just don't want to undo any progress I did this week. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow yet. Think I over did it a bit today. Gonna try not to eat as much tomorrow.

Day 7 (S day)


Day 8 (weight 189.0)

10:00 Spaghetti and a piece of gum
2:00 Spaghetti and an apple
7:00 Salad and a small amount of ham and potatoes with a little butter.


Day 9 (weight 189.4)

10:00 Frosted Mini Wheats
2:00 Salad w/bacon bits, ff cheese, lite dressing. 1 Lean pocket, Gum
6:00 Spaghetti + apple

SUCCESS (other then the cool pops, I did well. Still consider it to be green. )

Day 10 (weight 188.2)

10:00 Spaghetti and boiled potatoes with a little butter and bacon bits

**Workout for the first time! Bought one of The Biggest Losers dvd's and some 2 pd weights. Whew that tough, but I did my best!

2:30 Salad with bacon bits and fat free cheese & lite dressing. Plus 1 apple & gum

4:40 2 cool pops I felt I really needed to get me to the next meal. Tired with a bad headache, probably from the exercise I'm not used to.

7:00 Small bowl of frosted mini wheats.

(woke up with sore muscles from working out yesterday)


Day 11 (weight 187.6)

10:00 Salad and bean borrito
**Exercise day 2 (The Biggest Losers dvd)
2:30 Spaghetti & apple
6:00 Lean Pizza Pocket and some dry cheerios

Beginning to get sick of spaghetti. Looking for more recipes to cook. Enjoying going through my recipe books. Now just need to go shopping.



Day 12 (no weight today) Scale gave me 3 different weights this morning in about 10 min. I didn't drink or eat anything, so I don't know what's going on with it. So, not gonna count any of it today. Scale has been fine until today. Might need a new one? Reinhard helped me put things in perspective, so not gonna let it get to me. I'm still losing weight regardless and having lots of success days.

10:00 Peanut butter toast, few pieces ham, cool pop
**12:00 Exercise (1 mile on Walk away the Pounds)
** 2:30 Exercise (1 mile on Walk away the Pounds)
2:45 Spaghetti and 1 apple
7:00 Johhny M Casserole and 2 cool pops (see recipe below)---->
**9:15 Exercise (2 miles on Walk Away the Pounds) feeling stressed, so chose to exercise.

1 lb. ground chuck
1 (1 1/2 oz.) pkg. sloppy joe seasoning mix
1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste
1 1/4 c. water
2 c. elbow macaroni
1 sm. can peas, drained
1 sm. can corn, drained
2 c. grated sharp cheddar cheese

Cook beef until it loses red color. Stir in seasoning mix, tomato paste and water. Bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cook macaroni in boiling salty water until tender. Drain. Stir in meat mixture, corn, peas and 1 cup grated cheese. Turn into 2 quart buttered casserole dish. Sprinkle with one cup cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

(I cut the amount of cheese in half, but the cheese is what holds it together in a square. But, it's still good loose. Also, some people leave out the peas, but I added them for the fiber and to hold me up longer )


Day 13 weigh in 187.6 (S DAY)

Didn't do too bad for my S day today. In the late morning had my Johnny M casserole and then later I went to a birthday party and ate a sandwich, just a few crackers with chicken salad and 2 small snowcones and a sliver of cake just to taste. Didn't do my exercise videos, but had to climb this waterslide with my son for a couple hours. Went to Walmart and walked a bit and got some items so I can cook some different stuff this coming week. And tonight only a handfull of fried Okra for dinner.

BUT today kinda confirmed why I want to lose weight. I just felt uncomforatable at the party around most others who went all pretty with their hair fixed and make up on and who happen to be alot smaller than myself and you can tell they know they look good and feel good about themself. And here I am overweight, in my bathing suit with a towel around me and my hair a mess because I just went with my son on a waterslide for a couple hours. Just made me not feel good about how I looked. But, at the same time I'm proud of myself for not letting that stop me from having fun with my son who enjoyed spending time with mommy. I don't want to be a super model, I just want to feel good in my own skin and not feel like I'm less than others as far as my weight.


Day 14 (weight 187.2) (S DAY)

Didn't overdo it today. Ate my 3 meals and had 2 pieces of my eclair dessert. I posted it in the recipes thread. I could of had soda, but I didn't. I did pretty good today. Just wish I could of gotten some exercise, but instead caught up on some rest.



Day 15 (weight 188.0)

9:45 Johnny M casserole

**I am feeling tired today and don't want to exercise, but I know I need to. Trying to stay focused. Going to try to make some more changes in how I'm eatting soon. Waiting on a book in the mail about Leptin and it's role in weightloss. It's called "Mastering Leptin" which from the reviews follows what I'm doing already with the No S diet (3 meals a day, no snacks), but explains about this leptin and why it's so important.

2:30 Green bean casserole. (Made it the easy way. Just mix together a couple big cans of green beans, 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup, and French's french fried onion in a can and cook at 350 for 30-45 min. I only sprinkled a little of the fried onion in the mixture and a little on top. Used less than half a big can to limit the fat, but still have taste.)

** Still didn't exercise. Not feeling too well today and so gonna wait and see how I feel later today.

7:00 small salad and bowl of life cereal with milk


Day 16 (weight 188.0)

Would like to see my weight go down sometime soon. Feeling a bit discouraged.

8:00 Small glass of soymilk. I've been up since 5 am with my son and feeling like I'm starving. Normal breakfast time is 10, so I needed something to hold me up until then.

10:00 Johnny M Casserole

** Walked 4 miles (Walk away the pounds) That got tough about half way through, but I did it!
** A little later I attempted some Tae-bo. I think I sweated more during Tae-bo than the walk away the pounds and it didn't last as long.

1:00 Apple, Green bean casserole

Then I got sooo stressed out from having a rough day from the start with my son with Autism that I went on a little binge! Chips, popscicle, nutty buddy and coolwhip. Took two enzymes hoping it will help my body break down all the junk. I think all the exercise may of covered my little binge, but I still have to mark today as failed as far as the diet goes. This is the first since I began this diet that this has happened. Took a long nap and I'm feeling better about it now. My stress level was at a 10 and I just couldn't deal with it anymore at the time. The lack of sleep didn't help any. But, I will learn from this a move on and get back on track.

6:30 Salad and some cereal n milk.


Day 17 (weight 188.0)

10:00 Johnny M casserole
3:30 Tuna sandwich
7:00 Jillian Michaels shake


Day 18 (weight 186.0) Finally starting to go back down!

9:00 Tuna Sandwich
**3mile walk on walk away the pounds
2:00 Green bean casserole and rice dressing
8:30 Chicken Gumbo and dry cherrios


Day 19 (weight 184.4) got my new scale. My old scale said 186 for today. But, gonna start with the new scale which is supposed to be more accuarate.

9:00 Peanut butter toast and soy milk
** 2 mile walk
2:00 Large salad with lite dressing, ff cheese and bacon bits + apple
** 1 mile walk
** little taebo
8:00 Jillian Michaels Whey Shake
This is an S DAY

Day 20 (weight 183.4)

** 2 mile walk/jog
8:00 Johnny M casserole
11:00 snack
3:45 Bologna sandwich and apple
4:30 snack
** 2 miles on moms treadmill 3 miles per hour

This is an S DAY

Day 21 (weight 184)

9:00 Salad lite dressing, ff cheese, bacon bits
**1 mile walk on treadmill
11:00 Omelet and 1 pancake
2:00 Johnny M casserol and gum
**2 mile walk on treadmill
8:00 White beans and rice with ham in it.


Day 22 (weight 184.5) My weightloss seems to stall on the weekends and even go up just a bit, but I know it'll start coming back down this week. Bought some ALLI weightloss pills last night to help me lose more. For every 5 pds you lose, ALLI is supposed to take off 2-3 more. I've tried it in the past and so I know it works and I DON'T have to worry about it making my heart race like those other fat burners out there. This makes it so that 25% of the fat you eat doesn't get stored and you lose it in the bathroom.

**2 miles on treadmill
9:00 Lean pizza pocket + apple + ALLI
1:00 Johnny M Casserole + 2 coolpops + ALLI
**1 mile on treadmill
6:00 Jillian Michaels shake with a banana, Spaghetti + ALLI
**1 mile on treadmill
Day 23 (weight 185)

9:00 Spaghetti + apple + ALLI
**Almost a mile on treadmill
2:00 White Beans and rice + 3 tiny boxes raisins + ALLI
7:00 Pizza + ALLI
Day 24 (weight 185)
My second failure in almost a month. Did good all day until the evening. I'm starting to notice when I've had a really stressful day I need to be more careful because I become a bit weak. Ended up having seconds at dinner and then a bowl of cereal. At least it was healthy food, but still.
Day 25 (weight 185) FAILURE

Didn't follow the plan today. I think I need to rededicate myself to the plan. I've been under alot of stress with planning to homeschool my autistic son and other things. Going to reread the book to help motivate myself again and try to begin to get this weight back down. I am still exercising and I think that's why I haven't gained much. I'm pretty much maintaining at the moment. Time to get back on this and don't give up.
Day 26 (weight 184.4)

Didn't write down what I ate, but stayed on the plan.
As of today *1 month in* (August 12th) I am at 181.0

I've decided to take a break from writing everything down here and focusing on this and focus on the plan more. Today makes 1 month for me and I've lost 11 pounds all together! So, doing really well. Life for me is a bit busier now that I'm homeschooling and have less time to be online.
As of today August 17th I am at 179.2 So the weight still dropping :) I plan to keep updating, but I'm not keeping a food log anymore. I am homeschooling my son and busy with other things and just focus on eatting 3 times a day and taking my Alli. Not exericing right now and still losing, so this is good! I haven't seen the 170's in a LONG time!
As of today August 18th I am at 178.2 I am learning that one trick to get the weight down is not to count calories, but to eat lower fat/calorie meals 3 times a day. I tend to go with salads, lean cusine and those types of meals when in a hurry and if I cook at home watch the oils and such when cooking. That with the Alli seems to be helping me.
As of August 23rd (My Birthday) I am at 177.2 Wondering why it's always .2 Kinda funny. Weight still coming off. I had a small slip up and had a craving for pizza and allowing myself some and that delayed my weightloss a bit, but I am back on track.
August 25th I am at 179.4 (fasting today) I went to the movies last night and had popcorn to celebrate my b-day. We couldn't go on my b-day because we had a bad storm come through. So, I'm sure some of it is from the salt. I stayed on my diet all day and had the popcorn in place of my 3rd meal, but ate alot of it. I figured I only have 1 b-day a year, so I enjoyed it.

I decided that for the first time in my life today I want to try a liquid fast. :shock: It should help clear out my body a bit. I am only drinking liquids. Water, Coffee with non fat milk, a little juice. No soda though. This is my first time and I'm doing well. Half the day almost done and technically at 10:00 tonight would be 24 hours without food since I didn't eat after that last night, but going to try to last till tomorrow morning if my body allows.
August 26th As of today I am at 175.2!!! That really helped me! Shocked!
August 27th As of today I am at 175.2, so even after a normal day eatting I maintained my loss after the fast.
August 28th 24 hr fasting today
August 29th. As of today I am at 174.8. Didn't lose a whole lot as the first time, but still happy. I am trying to do /1-2/ 24 hr liquid fasts per week. (water, coffee, limited juice) Just completed my second fast and it's helped me drop some more weight. The rest of the week I am following 3 meals a day.
Oct 3rd. As of today 170.0 Weight still going down, but so slow it seems. Basicly In a few days over a month, 4 pds loss.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:28 pm
by idontknow
Hi Michelle. Well done on starting No S. It does get easier - I remember gnawing hunger a couple of months ago and now I rarely think about it. When I do, I can manage it easily. Make sure you are drinking enough - that makes a big difference to hunger and headaches.

Good luck! :D

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:38 pm
by July2010
Thanks, I do hope it gets easier. One thing I can say is I've learned what true hunger feels like. Yesterday I reached a 10 on the scale of 1-10 and I can say I enjoyed my lunch! lol Today it's not so bad. I think I didn't eat enough for breakfast with just the 1 ensure drink. But, I had an appt. in the morning and didn't have time for breakfast. By lunchtime I was starving. Having a good breakfast really does make a difference. Lesson learned.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:42 pm
by July2010
Updated at the top

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:59 pm
by July2010
Updated. Will Update each day and keep all my info in the first post.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:49 pm
by July2010

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:29 am
by DielleNicole
Welcome Michelle. Thanks for commenting on my post. :D

It seems like you're doing really well so far. And eating a LOT of spaghetti :shock: lol. I'm a pasta girl myself so I can appreciate that. I almost never get tired of pizza or spaghetti.

Anyway I just wanted to say "Good luck to you!" And I don't know how much help I can be to you, being a newbie myself, but what help I can give I'll give gladly.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:49 am
by July2010
I know. I'm almost embarrassed that I've been eatting Spaghetti so much but I make it healthy and it holds me up. I bought some whole grain noodles to try because they have more fiber in them.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:52 pm
by July2010
Updated at the top. I woke up with sore muscles this morning from working out yesterday! I guess that's a good thing.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:42 pm
by jaimehamp
Great job working out! Sounds like you are doing really well.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:35 am
by July2010
Yes, I'm more determined than ever to get this weight off and now that I've found this plan, I am feeling more hopeful than ever! This plan is do-able!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:34 am
by July2010
Updated, also with a recipe.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:37 am
by DielleNicole
I love that you're sharing recipes! And congrats on another great week! I need to start adding in workouts myself pretty soon. I've just been taking it one step at a time. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:34 am
by July2010
Thats the best way to do it is do one thing at a time. The first week I knew I wasn't ready yet, but for me I knew I needed to not wait too long. The exercise I do isn't anything big. Just gets me moving and sometimes I use some 2 pd weights.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:47 pm
by July2010
Today is the end of my first 2 weeks on the plan. Lost 2 pds each week which is pretty good!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:14 pm
by idontknow
Well done! A great start to the plan - keep up the good work! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:55 am
by July2010
Thanks, I am for some reason really excited about this week coming. I am planning to up the exercise a bit and try to improve on other things. I notice I have alot more energy and it feels great! Things are finally looking up!

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:10 pm
by July2010

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:54 pm
by dmarie710
I don't think I've welcomed you yet to the group, but, welcome. I've been meaning to tell you it's really nice to see your posts and excitment about finding NoS. Sounds like your doing so well. I look forward to seeing more of your progress.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:26 pm
by July2010
Thanks so much Dmarie! I really appreciate it! How long have you been following the plan?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:43 pm
by dmarie710
Hey there. I found No S in Sept. of 08. It's been an on again off again relationship, though. When I first found it I hit my goal weight and even under. Holiday's happened, we bought a 2nd house to use for rental income, and just plain busyness. I lost my way. I recomitted in April of this year and have for the most part stuck with it. A bit frusterated that the weight loss has been so slow to nonexistant, but I'm so darn close to my goal that I'm sure that's part of the reason. I'll keep tweaking till I get the weight coming down.
Hope your have a great day.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:07 pm
by July2010
I hope I can stay on it even after my goal weight which is a good distance away right now. Trying to take it a day at a time. I wanted to exercise today, but just didn't have it in me. But, I stayed on the plan meal-wise. I hope one day I am close to my goal weight as you are. Seems I'm losing 2 pds a week right now.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:11 pm
by July2010
Just walked 4 miles on Walk Away the Pounds tape. That got tough about half way through and didn't know if I could continue but I stuck with it and glad it's over! Just feeling so depressed today and most likely it's because I didn't get my rest last night and feeling like my weight is stuck at the moment and I feel I'm doing all I know to do. But, I'm not giving up. I can't give up! The only way is going forward and taking each day as it comes.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:30 pm
by DielleNicole
Hey Michelle,

Maybe you should stop weighing every day. That just raises your awareness of the weight. Maybe weigh once a week, or once every 2 weeks. Keep your eye on the downward trend. Women's weight fluctuates a LOT and weighing everyday can just be completely discouraging. Focus instead on what your clothes feel like and on building these healthy habits. Trust me, if you make it all about the pounds you're setting yourself up for disappointment because we always want to see more results than we have.

You're doing GREAT!!! Keep doing it! :D


Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:47 pm
by July2010
Thanks! I know I shouldn't weigh in everyday, but that's where I tend to be a bit weak. I try not to let the number bother me, but in the back of my mind it does. This is something I'll have to work on changing.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:04 am
by July2010
Today had my first failure. Didn't see that coming.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:33 pm
by idontknow
Don't worry - we all have failures and you've done brilliantly so far. You just need to 'mark it and move on' - it's the best way of dealing with it!
Good luck tomorrow :D

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:07 pm
by July2010
Thanks, I'm doing alot better today!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:12 pm
by July2010
Glad I didn't give up and sticking to it. My weight finally going back down! Also reading the book "Mastering Leptin" and learning so much from it!!!! It follows the same plan here with eatting just 3 times a day, but it recommends spaceing the meals 5 hours apart. And eatting a high protein breakfast. No snacks, no eatting past 6:00 or 3 hours before bed. Gonna try to go 5 hours today between meals and see how it goes.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:27 pm
by July2010
Awesome weigh in today!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:13 am
by July2010
Getting alot easier to go 5-6 hours between meals. The hunger doesn't bother me so much anymore and it goes away. Exercising at the right time I notice helps alot!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:29 pm
by July2010
Updated at the top

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:34 pm
by July2010
Began taking ALLI today

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:49 pm
by dmarie710
Hi Michelle
What made you decide to start taking Alli? I've always been curious whether it worked.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:30 pm
by July2010
dmarie, I just started it yesterday. I did try it in the past and it worked for me, but in the past I was just on other diets that I wasn't able to stick to long term. This time I feel is different because I am on a plan I can live on and I am losing without it 2 pds a week which is fine. But, I've been exercising like crazy. Walking 2-4 miles a day and I'm not seeing any additional weightloss. So, thought I'd add Alli and see if it helps me or not.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:40 pm
by July2010

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:08 am
by July2010
Really struggling this week.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:41 pm
by July2010
Gonna get back on track today and get my weight going back down. Can't give up!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:10 am
by DielleNicole
Hey Michelle!

How are you doing? I haven't been on the board much the last 2 weeks. I keep forgetting to update. But my days have been good! :)

I hope things are going well for you!

Let me know if you need anything.


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:24 pm
by July2010
Same here. I stopped updating my days on here. Life kinda got in the way with me starting to homeschool my son. But, I am still on the plan and still losing weight. Day actually makes 1 month for me and I've lost 11 pds! So, doing really well!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:16 pm
by July2010
I've updated at the top. Still losing!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:14 pm
by July2010
Doing a liquid fast for the first time ever today. So far it's going well. Updated at the top.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:28 pm
by July2010
Updated at the top.