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OlderandWiser's Two Cents

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:50 am
by BeingGreen
So Thursday will be my official 2 year anniversary with NoS. However, in truth, I've only been doing it for one year. I had great success for the first six months (9/08 to 4/09), fell way off the wagon, became disillusioned, and quit for a year. I "rejoined" on April 6th of this year, had great success for the last six months, and suddenly I am experiencing an almost identical imploding and falling off the wagon. This pattern can not be random.

I'm not sure how often I want to post at this point. In my first successful six months I posted often. During my 2nd six months on NoS, I hardly posted at all; I just recorded on my HabitCal. However, I am on the site reading your posts essentially every day! You are all great source of support for me. I'd like to stay with NoS forever. I truly love it and believe in it.

I don't know what's causing me to revert to some of my crazy binge behavior in the last couple of weeks. I have a tendency to be extreme and rigid in following eating rules. I am a runner and I run marathons (which is also considered by some to be extreme). And I am a vegetarian. I admit that I am underweight and so my body/brain is probably trying to balance things out.

The challenge for me is to be a little less rigid going forward so that I can put food in the background of my daily life and maintain the pleasant rhythm of NoS.

Thanks for listening. Best wishes to all!