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Meikmeika's Daily/Weekly Check In

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:08 am
by Meikmeika
Hello Everyone,

In a nutshell, I've been dieting for the majority of my life. I've tried Atkins, South Beach, Fat Smash, The Cabbage Diet, Intuitive Eating, Weight Watchers, etc. All of the above made me grumpy, depressed, exhausted and obsessed.

Here's the deal, I want the simplest of simplest diets. No counting calories or points, no taking out food groups, no obsessing over food. That's where NoS comes in.

I have to accept that I won't lose weight as fast as I did on most diets I've tried in the past but I won't be depriving myself. I'm pretty positive NoS will help me with emotional eating as well.

So here goes....I've already got a week under my belt and I did pretty well considering my co-worker had a bake sale of blondies, fudge brownies, german chocolate cake, and cookies. I happily purchased some goodies and ate them on Sat and Sun.

I'll start weighing in this upcoming Fri.

My challenges for this week:
-Eat a serving of vegetables with atleast 2 meals.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:50 am
by Meikmeika

I did pretty well today and met my goal of eating 2 servings of veggies.

*Brkfst = Breakfast Scramble (Egg, Potato, Turkey Sausage, Green Pepper, & Onion), 1 Slice Toast
*Lunch = Turkey Meatloaf, Yellow Rice, Green Beans, Banana
*Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
*Activity: 35Mins on Treadmill

It feels really good to be eating meals that I actually want to eat without worrying about points or calories or carbs or fat. I actually feel at peace, I know that tomorrow if I want pizza, I can have pizza or if I want a taco, I can have a taco.

My only issue at the moment is the amount of coffee I drink. I will not give it up but I do need to decrease my daily intake. Looks like I have my challenge for next week.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:15 pm
by good enough
Congrats on such a good day!! :D
I actually feel at peace
I know EXACTLY what you mean!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:44 pm
by Meikmeika
Thanks Tofu Queen!!!!

Another SUCCESS!!

Just when I thought I was getting the hang of NoSing I have an extremely stressful day. Not to mention it seemed the day just dragged on and on. My usual snacking times are when I'm highly stressed or bored.

*Brkfst = Breakfast Scramble (Egg, Potato, Turkey Sausage, Green Pepper, & Onion), 1 Slice Toast, Banana
*Lunch = Turkey Meatloaf, Yellow Rice, Green Beans, 1/2 Sliced Apple
*Dinner = Pizza (Wheat Flat Bread, Green Peppers, Onion, LF Cheese, Mini Turkey Pepperoni)
*Activity = 40Mins on Treadmill

Now that I'm allowing myself to eat whatever I want I don't know what I want... :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:02 am
by Meikmeika
By definition today would be a SUCCESS but I'm still slightly disappointed in myself. I had cheez-its with my lunch and dinner, they weren't neccesary.

*Brkfst = Breakfast Scramble (Egg, Potato, Turkey Sausage, Green Pepper, & Onion), 2 Slices Toast
*Lunch = Buffalo Chicken Whole Wheat Wrap with Cheez-Its
*Dinner = Mushroom Chicken, Fried Rice, Mixed Veggies, Cheez-Its
*Activity = 45Mins on Treadmill

Another extremely stressful day. Having to sit with my emotions without my usual salve is draining....sigh.... But it's something I must do. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:14 pm
by good enough
Hey - you're doing great! Really great! :D

I know exactly what you mean about having to 'sit with your emotions', I have a lot of work to do in this area as well, because I use (used?!) food to self-medicate so much of the time. Weight watchers didn't really solve this problem, it just meant I was doing it with carrot sticks instead of chocolate. With this plan it's all too obvious what's going on. Hopefully the more we practise living with our feelings the easier it will get.

Keep up the super work!! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:51 pm
by Meikmeika
Thanks Tofu Queen!


This week has just been extremely stressful...sigh... My co-worker baked brownies & blondies again so I had to purchase some (since it's for her son...cough cough....). I'm saving two for this weekend and giving my bf the rest.

I didn't meet my two vegetable servings goal so that kind of bites but 3 weeks ago I would have consumed baked goods for the entire day.

*Brkfst = Blueberry Bagel, Tbsp Peanut Butter
*Lunch = Tuna Sandwich, Cheez-Its
*Dinner = Grilled Chicken Breast, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans
*Activity = 40Mins on Treadmill

All in all I'm doing fine.... I'm slightly scared of what the scale may say when I weigh in on Fri or Sat. I would hate to have gained weight when I've finally found a plan that doesn't bite...hehe! There's still alot of adjusting my body & mind need to do.


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:27 am
by tobiasmom
You mean we're supposed to feel emotions?? They suck! ha. I am learning that quickly. My hubby isn't here right now, and when the little boy's asleep in the evening and I'm sitting downstairs alone, I want to eat. I'm not hungry. I'm lonely. Kinda sucks to feel it. But it's amazing that I have soothed it this long with food!

Your meals this week look great. I need to start getting some veggies in, but I think I'm just going crazy eating all kinds of cheez-its and hot dogs cuz I don't have to count points! ha. One step at a time....

You did so well with those blondies. They are gonna be a great treat this weekend. I sure hope they taste good! I am all about eating stuff that tastes good now! I only get three meals a day. They're gonna count!!!

Have a good weekend!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:39 pm
by ctopherrun
"I'm slightly scared of what the scale may say when I weigh in on Fri or Sat. I would hate to have gained weight when I've finally found a plan that doesn't bite...hehe!"

I was a pound heavier after one week on no s. Then a week later I was four pounds lighter. Then I was two pounds heavier than that!

No s is definitely not a 'weight loss system'. Dramatic losses in one week are rare-ish, I think. If you gain, shrug and move on. Or don't weigh yourself at all for the first two weeks!

You're doing great, stay with it!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:12 pm
by Meikmeika
tobiasmom> I 100% understand the eating meals that actually taste good. On WW you live off veggie soups, smartones, lean cuisines, and sugar free products. I'm not knocking anyone who really likes the foods I listed but real food that tastes good is key.

ctopherrun> I'm contemplating weighing myself after 30 days or just going by how my clothing fits.... I've been dieting for most of my life & the diet mentality is still there..sigh...

Thanks guys for dropping by!!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:15 pm
by Meikmeika
SUCCESS OR FAILURE??? That is the question....

I was in my local grocery store ordering some bbq chicken, green beans, and corn. The deli rep handed me a chicken tender to sample and I so happily took a bite out of it, after the third (which was also the last) bite I realized I hadn't officially started my lunch. I officially ate my lunch 10 mins later. So my question is was it actually a snack???

*Brkfst = 1/3 Breakfast Burrito (Wrap, Eggs, Hashbrowns, Veggies)
*Lunch = BBQ Drumstick, Corn, Green Beans, Small Roll (chicken tender...hmhm)
*Dinner = 2 Slices Pizza Hut Cheese Pizza (YUM!)
*Activity = 40Mins on Treadmill

My co-worker and those dern blondies. She actually brought one with chocolate syrup, caramel & whip cream on it and told me to eat it. Yeah Right!!! I handed it to my garbage disposal co-worker..YAY ME!!!!

So happy tomorrow is an S Day!!!!!


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:59 am
by tobiasmom
I would call it a success. It was your lunchtime, and it was chicken. You had chicken for lunch. It's part of your chicken lunch. That's the story. Let's stick with it!!!

You're doing awesome.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:44 am
by good enough
I'm with tobiasmom, definitely a success 8)

Sounds like you've had a fantastic week, hope you're enjoying some well-earned S Days! (well, I know you don't earn them, but still...)

Keep up the great work!! :D

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:50 pm
by Meikmeika
Thanks Guys!!!!!!

FAILURE.....dum dum dum dum duuuuummmmm.....

Just when I thought I had it all under control. It all started with some stress and candy corns...sigh... I wish I could say I didn't enjoy them. What I didn't enjoy was the bloated feeling I had for most of the day. Tomorrow is a new day and it will be great!!!!

I went buckwild this weekend!!! I'm really hoping this dessert frenzy I keep going on every weekend will cease. Maybe I should choose one sweet for each S day to start with....

On to the way, did I mention that I didn't workout either? So not good...


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:14 am
by tobiasmom
That's ok. Dust yourself off. Tomorrow's a new day!!! A few candy corn do NOT define you. Hopefully they're out of the house.....or they'll have to wait til S day!!! You can do this!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:15 pm
by good enough

That's funny, I had a 'fail' yesterday too! (well not that funny!). As Tobiasmom said, I think the important thing is that we pick ourselves up and get back on track. We are not perfect - we're human beings!! Shocker I know.

Hope you had a better day today - you can do this!! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:52 pm
by Meikmeika
Tobiasmom> I only wished I stopped at candy corns...hehe! But it's definitely behind me now. Thanks!

Tofu Queen> We can definitely do this!!!!


If I were doing any other "diet" I would have chosen to start over on Monday or weigh-in day and eat myself out of house & home until then.... Another SUCCESS!

*Brkfst: Chick-Fil-A Breakfast Burrito
*Lunch: Jerk Chicken, Black Beans & Rice, on a bed of Spinach
*Dinner: Breakfast Sramble, 2 Slices Toast
*Activity: 40 Mins on Treadmill


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:11 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job! You got right back on track the next day! This is not a sprint. Unfortunately it's a marathon! Occasional slip-ups are the norm. It's what we do over the long hall that matters!


Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:10 pm
by good enough
Yay! Here's to being back on the wagon!! 8) :D :D

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:42 pm
by Meikmeika
I was too tired these past couple days to post but here goes:

Fri: FAILURE...... :?

I think I'm going to just start checking in every week or maybe even every other week. I know that my weight loss will not occur overnight so I'm just gonna do NoS.

Here are some things I'm realizing:
-It's absolutely magnificent to order whatever I want on a menu (excluding the obvious on N Days). I'm also noticing my fullness more, doesn't mean I'm not cleaning my plate but it's something I'm paying more attention to. This should lead to me stopping when I'm satisfied.

-Just because I want something doesn't mean it will be good. My beau and I went to the movies and I was dying for some popcorn (haven't had it in a while). I took a couple bites of it and realized it wasn't as good as I thought it was and kept on munching. So another goal is to only eat things that I feel are worth eating. If it's not good put it down.

-Water Water Water....I don't know if others have this issue but I drink atleast 5 cups of coffee a day and neglect my water intake. These past couple days I've been focusing on drinking water and I feel a lot less bloated.

I will no longer be posting what I eat.....just feels too much like food journaling which I'm not wanting to do at the moment. It's so easy to fall back into my old ways.... I find myself adding up the points of the foods I've eaten in the day, which needs to stop...

All in all I'm still happy with NoS and slowly but surely gaining my sanity back...LOL!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:34 pm
by good enough
I totally agree about writing down food. I have done so much food journalling, tracking, pointing etc in the past that it's really good to live without these (self imposed) restrictions... I can see how it can be a really useful tool for some but I need a clean break, at least for now.

Keep it up - you're doing really well!! :D


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:09 am
by tobiasmom
I LOVE to see the progress you're making. We're doing day at a time.

I'm still writing my food down. Surprisingly I haven't counted points this week or even thought about calories. BUT I think I will have to get to a point where I'm not focusing so much on what I'm eating. For now it's my best way to SEE I'm on track with No-S. One thing at a time; right?

Have a good week!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:51 am
by AnneK
Thanks for saying hi yesterday MM. Its nice to be welcomed.

It's interesting what you said about writing down what you eat. That's not something I'd normally do and I'm not sure I want to start. I want think about food less, not more.

On the other hand I think its good to be aware of what you're doing and whether its working for you.

Curious to see how it goes for you...


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:29 pm
by tobiasmom
Just checking in. How ya doing?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:31 pm
by good enough
Stopping by to say hello... Hope you're still ticking along nicely!