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Tofu Queen's Check In

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:22 pm
by good enough
I started the No S diet today and thought it would be a good idea to also start this thread to keep myself on the straight & narrow.

I've tried just about every diet under the sun (haven't we all) but most recently been on weight watchers. I have lost 15 pounds, but sadly my sanity also. I'm just so tired of tracking and pointing and counting and weighing and measuring and I REFUSE to do that anymore! There I said it!! :shock:

Life is just too short. For a long time I've suspected there must be an alternative to diets in the traditional sense, and I'm hoping I've found it right here. Terrified and elated, here I go...

This is the start of my No S journey! :D

Day 1

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:33 pm
by good enough
Weigh in: 132.2

Exercise: SUCCESS

So far, so good. I weighed in at 132.2 this morning following a hedonistic weekend of pizza & beer to celebrate my release from the shackles of ww. This is a healthy weight for my 5'6" (albeit tiny frame) and almost the least I've ever weighed. I'm not looking to lose much more - though I wouldn't complain! - so this will be as much a maintenance plan for me as anything.

Anyhoo, today was a good first day. I exercised for 30mins before work (ex bike). I did have 2 regular coffees with (semi-skimmed) milk between meals, but I gather this is ok... Sitting here now after dinner with a herbal tea and no "pudding" (that's dessert to you chaps in the US!) which feels somewhat weird but hey-ho... I declare Day 1 a success! Now to go and investigate this Habit Cal thingummyjig... What larks! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:23 am
by Meikmeika
Great job!!! Weight Watchers got you to where you needed to be and NoS will keep you there, or help you lose more if need be.

Yeah, I'm over Weight Watchers as well...I love the concept of eating what you want but you just become so food obsessed b/c you're always tracking everything you put in your mouth.

Day 2

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:06 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

A good day again today! Sat through an hour long meeting at work in front of a table full of giant muffins and cookies. It was just before lunch so I was hungry, and everyone was digging in. BUT - I resisted. In fact, I wrapped a muffin up to take home and freeze for the weekend (they looked amazing!). But by the time I got home I had actually lost interest in it, so I offered it to my partner instead. What?! :shock: Pass me the halo polish... 8)

Meimeika - Thanks so much for checking in with me! It's amazing how much freer I feel already, and only been off ww a few days. Long may it continue!!


Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:43 pm
by tobiasmom
Sounds like you're doing awesome!

It's so hard for me to get out of the dieting mindset. I, too, have been on WW numerous times. It's actually very frustrating to think about how many times I've started and stopped...and the money I've wasted. But anyway I'm excited for this new adventure we're on! I just want to think about food like a normal person. I had hot dogs last night, and I couldn't help but stare at the nutrition facts thinking how many points I was eating! One day at a time.....

Keep it up.

Day 3

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:04 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

A good day again. 30 minutes on the bike before work. Portion sizes were pretty huge today, partly because I've been really tired. I also ate cheese with every meal (a huge novelty after ww since I never seemed to have the points for it!). But trying not to worry about that stuff for now. 3 meals - no snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Job done! :D

Tobiasmom - Thank you!! I'm trying hard to banish all thoughts of points, calories and such but it's hard, especially if that's what you've lived by for so long. Baby steps and all that! Here's to thinking about food like a "normal person"... :D

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:55 am
by Meikmeika
Sadly enough, the norm these days, in regards to thinking about food, is the diet mentality. I honestly think that's why so many are overweight, we're all obsessed with food and telling ourselves we will start dieting tomorrow.

No matter how much I try not to, I'm always counting points. I've done the program for so long it's second nature. I'm currently in a rebellious stage though, I'll see something I want, know it's a high point value and eat it anyway....hehe!

Day 4

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:08 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

On the face of it a good day, but was absolutely starving for much of it. Ate a sandwich for lunch (unusual for me) then an appointment after work so had to wait almost 8 hours for dinner. By which time my stomach had started digesting itself. But I held out, and just had a (fairly large) plate of dinner, eaten in a rather unattractive manner resembling a starving dog.

Still, I stuck to the rules (just). Think it will take a while to adjust to this.

Meimeika - I totally agree. Here's to more rebellious behaviour! 8)


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:12 pm
by tobiasmom
Ya, spacing the meals out more evenly and eating enough at each what I'm learning right now!

Re: Day 4

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:11 am
by Meikmeika
Tofu Queen wrote: But I held out, and just had a (fairly large) plate of dinner, eaten in a rather unattractive manner resembling a starving dog.
LOL!!! I've had evenings like this where my bf has stared at me in awe over how quickly I devoured my food...

As we allow the diet mentality to slip away the world becomes a grander place. Eating that cheese you've wanted to try or eating more than a 1/2 cp of rice at a sitting is wonderful.

Something I've noticed with myself is my snacks were always the bulk of my points so eating a meal that was more than 5pts was out of the question.... I LOVE NoS!

Keep It Up!!!! There's an S Day right around the corner!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:35 am
by ctopherrun
I'm feeling the starving between meals right now, too. It's a challenge to adjust the food on your plate to something that will last the next six hours once the space has all been filled up. I've found myself eating healthier, just to get my carbs.

It sounds like you're doing great, though! Have fun on your first s-day, too, don't stress one second about what you eat or how much of it. By the third weekend, the novelty starts to wear off!

Day 5

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:25 am
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

This is for Friday (Day 5). Doing a few days retrospectively since I didn't have a chance to sign in.

Tobiasmom - Yes it's a difficult balance and I think it will take me a while to get used to it. I don't want to increase my meal size too much during the week because I know I'm eating plenty, think it will just take my body a while to get used to it and stop its whining!

Meimeika - I was exactly the same! 5 points dinner maximum, and never could really save points for anything because although nice in theory I hardly got any to begin with!! This just feels so much more sane. I am feeling a lot calmer since I started this plan which is odd, but nice.

Ctpherrun - Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement! I did very much enjoy my first s day - see next post!!

Day 6

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:34 am
by good enough
Exercise: EXEMPT

Finally, an S Day! :) Most of the day was actually pretty N-like. Only S activity was that I shared a portion of chips before my actual dinner, and we ate out so dinner was a much larger plate (of pizza!) than I would have had at home. Also drank a fair amount of beer. Never had points for good beer on weight watchers. No more white wine spritzers for me! Cheers! :)

So the evening felt quite indulgent but I was pleased I didn't spend the day snacking on rubbish. Funnily enough I didn't even have anything sweet, because I didn't actually want it! :shock:

S Day

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:32 pm
by tobiasmom
Glad you enjoyed your day! I was gonna have some beer myself, but I was too full! ha. I might have me some beer today! Are we not supposed to have that on No-S days? I think wine was ok...but not sure about beer.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:36 pm
by good enough
Tobiasmom - Hello! Actually I have no idea about the beer question! Just assumed it was ok because it's not technically food. I also read on another thread that someone else was saving it for S days - now I'm worried! If I'm not allowed a beer or two during the week (especially on a Friday) that would make me a little sad. Might post a thread about it on the other board to see if anyone knows the answer! :(

Hope you have a good Sunday too!

Day 7

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:51 pm
by good enough
Exercise: EXEMPT

The end of my first first full week on this plan, and my second ever S day! Did I overeat? Yes, without question. We had friends over for brunch and made spinach and feta frittata and blueberry pancakes, and that was just the beginning of a day of delicious food. BUT did I binge? No. Not by a long shot. And that makes me happy :D

I'm fully expecting a gain on the scale tomorrow, but I know a lot of it will just be food weight from the weekend. I will do my usual weekly weigh-in in the morning but I'm beginning to think Monday morning weigh-ins are not the best idea on this plan!

At any rate I think my first week went well, and I can't quite believe this but I'm actually looking forward to being back to N Days tomorrow! :shock: :D :D


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:54 am
by tobiasmom
Great job on a wonderful week 1!!! Sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed your weekend. That's great.

Ya...Monday weigh-in is good and bad. It's good because maybe it will make you think a little more during S-days, but of course it's bad cuz of S-days! ha. I was gonna just weigh once a month so that I could get away from the scale obsession, but I don't think I'm gonna make it that long! I'm thinking I'll weigh on Fridays. I'm not sure yet.....

No more sweets tomorrow. I love this, though...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:15 pm
by ctopherrun
I hate the Monday weigh in....

Day 8

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:53 pm
by good enough
Weekly weigh-in: 131.6 (down 0.6!)

No S: NON SUCCESS! (no I don't like the f word haha)
Exercise: SUCCESS

So the good news yesterday was that the dreaded Monday weigh-in wasn't as bad as I thought. I even lost a bit of weight! :shock: :D Amazing.

The less good news was that I didn't quite stick to No S. Had to work late so didn't manage to go home to eat before pub quiz as planned, had some chips at the pub but they weren't substantial so I ended up eating again later. Too much food overall but hey, these things happen.

To be honest I'm almost relieved to have a "non success" this early on, just because it takes the pressure off. I'm such an all-or-nothing person, and I don't want to be thinking I have to do this perfectly or not at all. And today was a much better day :D

Day 9

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:55 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

Back on track today. Exercise was just a walk but that's fine. 3 good meals and a totally green day. I love this! :D


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:15 pm
by tobiasmom
I totally get it about the all-or-nothing personality. I'm REALLY like that. I haven't had a fail yet, but I almost think I should have one so that I can relax! ha. No, I just need to continue taking it one day at a time.

I will not quit. The scale does NOT define me. ha! I'm enjoying this a lot...even though I'm starving right now! I'm making some bread, though, so I have to wait a little bit longer!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:35 pm
by Meikmeika
Great job!!!!!

Don't even sweat the non-succes day, we all have them. I too am an all or nothing girl and was mentioning in my last post how if I were doing weight watchers or another diet I would have eaten til my hearts content until the next weigh-in. With NoS you already know you can have sweets and snacks on S days so it made it that much easier to end my craziness on the same day it began...

Keep It Up!!!!

Day 10

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:06 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

Got stuck late at work again today, almost 8 hours between lunch and dinner which left me too hungry for my liking. I can't really push back lunch as I eat around 1pm, by which time my stomach is growling. Think I might keep some juice at work to tide me over times when I need to stay late. Anyway today I pushed through, just wanted some comfort food when I got home so had cheesy baked beans on toast. Yum!

30 mins on the bike before work, all in all a good day :D

Tobiasmom Homemade bread, such a treat! One day at a time is right - you are doing SO well!!

Meimeika Thank you! All-or-nothing is hard to combat (as we all know!). I think the thing making the difference for me right now is that I don't have to claw back points or anything the next day for being bad, I just go right back to the moderate plan. So it feels less like punishment and I'm more likely to carry on! :D

Day 11

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:59 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

Had 2 plates at lunch today but I'm still counting it as a success. This is because lunch was provided as part of a training day at work but the plates we were given to serve ourselves with were really small. Would have been rude to pile one really high so I decided (before I started eating) that I would have 2 small plates. Most people were grazing and adding to their plates. I also resisted the cake and cookies that were put out as desserts (and at TWO coffee breaks during the day). Woo!

And only one more day to go till S-Days! :D

almost friday.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:46 am
by tobiasmom
Great job resisting the sweets! I bet they weren't even that good anyway. Definitely not as good as whatever you've got planned this weekend!!! Have a WONDERFUL Friday!!!

Day 12

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:17 am
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

This is for Friday (yesterday). I'm going to call it a success even though it could be argued that I had seconds for dinner. We ordered a pizza for 2 (and garlic bread!). I knew when I started I was going to eat half the pizza but I took a few slices first then went back and put the rest of my half on my plate. I suppose technically that is seconds, but I had decided in advance how much I would eat, so I could have put it onto one (rather full!) plate... In any case, I won't mark it as an 'f', but that was too close for comfort and I won't be doing it again!!

Today is an S day, finally. Tobiasmom - for starters I am going to Starbucks this morning to get a chai latte which I have been craving all week, then who knows? Funnily enough I'm not really in an overeating mood (yet!) - must be all that pizza last night! :oops:

Happy S Day all! :D

Day 13

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:19 am
by good enough
Exercise: EXEMPT

Didn't feel like eating much for most of yesterday (probably due to the previous night's pizza-fest!) but by the end of the night I had still managed to overeat pretty well. Had a rare night on my own at home with my SATC box set, so there was a LOT of snacking on the sofa... :oops:

Oh well. I'm reading the No S book at the moment and Reinhard says it's more important to focus on getting the N days really strong, and I certainly have a way to go before I've achieved that. So I won't worry about 'wild' S days till I have a couple of months of solid N days under my belt. And if I gain a few pounds in the process, so be it - I'm loving this, and I don't know how but I just know it will be worth it!

Oh, nearly forgot to say, I exercised yesterday even thought it was an S Day - just because I wanted to!!! Amazing! :shock:

Day 14

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:30 pm
by good enough
Exercise: EXEMPT

Another S Day. Ate too much again but didn't binge. Didn't even really permasnack, just too much food overall. But 2 good things happened:

1. I didn't finish all the food on my plate at dinner, despite the fact that it was really good (tofu!!). I wanted it but realised I was full, and realised I didn't want to become uncomfortably full. This is a truly MASSIVE breakthrough for me!

2. I exercised again on an S Day, just because I wanted to! I am realising that half an hour on my bike listening to my music makes me feel really really good. This can only be a positive thing! :D

So I am fully expecting the scale to show a gain tomorrow morning because I have without doubt been overeating for a few days, but I will try to bear these positives in mind and start the new week on a happy note. I'm making progress whether the scale says I am or not! 8):D

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:55 pm
by Sienna
2. I exercised again on an S Day, just because I wanted to! I am realising that half an hour on my bike listening to my music makes me feel really really good. This can only be a positive thing! Very Happy

This is fantastic! :-)


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:07 am
by tobiasmom
So since you seem to know all things tofu, tell me your favorite way to prepare this. Can you give me a bomb-diggity recipe?? I've had it a couple times in the past, but I haven't actually made it myself.

Here's to another great week!

Day 15

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:48 pm
by good enough
Weekly Weigh In: 131.8 (up 0.2)

Exercise: SUCCESS

Just about a perfect N Day today. It's almost a relief to be back to N after the weekend! Only gained 0.2 at my weigh in, which I'm really chuffed about because a) I ate LOADS this weekend and b) It's totm. Wow. This makes me think that once my S days settle down I might actually lose some more weight! In the meantime I've been maintaining successfully for 2 weeks, which after all is my real goal. WOo! :D

Sienna - Thank you! And thanks for looking in on me! I think this is the first time that both 'diet' and exercise have not felt like a chore in my life, but even actually a pleasure! :D

Tobiasmom - Hello! The bomb-diggity tofu recipe? Ha ha. It's funny you ask, actually, because I do 8) It's more of a method of preparation than a recipe but trust me it's magic, and the best tofu you'll make!

1) Take block of tofu out of the pack and drain off excess water. I use firm tofu where possible.

2) Put the block on a plate and stick in the freezer. Trust me.

3) Leave it there for as long as you can, preferably about 8 hours. This is when the magic happens. If you're planning to cook it in the evening I would do this in the morning.

4) Transfer frozen tofu to a bowl and defrost in the microwave until thoroughly defrosted.

5) Squeeze off excess water. You can wrap tofu in kitchen towel and squeeze down on it with a plate to do this, you'll need to repeat a couple of times to get rid of as much moisture as possible.

6) Heat some oil in a pan on a low / medium heat. Cut tofu into cubes and place in. Cook one side at a time, turning the cubes so they cook evenly. This bit takes patience.

7) Once golden on all sides, add any type of sauce you like to make (or buy!) and heat through.

Serve, and enjoy!

I know it seems like a lot of palaver but trust me, this method makes it seriously good and not in the least bit slimy or limp. The freezing is the magic step. You can of course do anything you like with the final product: serve with rice and veg, throw into a stew or soup, add to a curry... endless fun!!

Happy experimenting, let me know how you get on! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:41 am
by AnneK
Hi tofu!

Thanks for introducing yourself yesterday. I know this process will be easier if I'm in touch with others who are doing the same thing.

I was happy to read through your thread and see that you haven't gained weight since starting on No S. And it sounds like you're enjoying the process.

Its funny that just reading other people's posts after dinner the urge to snack went away.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:43 pm
by Sienna
Interesting tofu advice, Tofu Queen. I've always been hesitant to cook tofu myself, because I heard it was hard to make it not slimy - but that sound simple enough. I may have to try it. Thanks! :-)

Day 16

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:20 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

Another good N day. Have to be extra specially good for just one more day this week because I have a lot of S days coming up - my birthday on Thursday then flying off on hols from Friday to Monday. Yikes! I am taking these as extra S days (because they are days I wouldn't stick to any diet). But I will at least try to be moderate. For example, I'm going to a wedding on Saturday (while on holiday) but I will try to confine the 'S-ing' to the wedding meal itself, and not use it as an excuse to go crazy all day.

I think I really need to remember the word "sometimes". I can have snacks, sweets or seconds on S days sometimes. Just because it's an S day doesn't mean I have to have all (or any!) of these things. Hoping this will help me in the several S days to come, since I'm already getting a little nervous about so much freedom! :shock:

AnneK - Thanks, it's amazing to me too that I haven't gained any weight, especially as I've come off something as restrictive as WW. My S days are still pretty over the top, goodness know if they calm down I might actually even lose a bit more! This actually works!! :D And I totally agree that it helps to share the journey... thanks for checking in with me!

Sienna - You should try the recipe sometime! Believe me, as a veggie I know there's nothing less inspiring than slimy tofu, but this method works really well. Thanks for stopping by my thread! :D


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:38 pm
by tobiasmom
Isn't it an awesome feeling to go on vacation and not be a slave to some diet and not really truly enjoy yourself!!! I'm excited for you. Happy early Birthday...and have an awesome time! I'll be looking forward to the details when you get back!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:44 pm
by emd1212
I can so much relate to the "yea, I'm free!" feeling once leaving WW. Even though I usually cook and eat in a fairly health-conscious manner anyway (reduced-fat ingredients, etc.), it's so nice to welcome cheese, beer, etc. back into your diet without feeling like a renegade or a failure.

I too struggle with S-days. The binger in me hangs on to that mentality of eating it all, whatever it is, because it's the weekend and I can. My husband remarked on the fact that I ate a whole pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in one sitting Sunday night (which I had purposely gone out and bought in order to polish off), and I said, "Uh, it's Sunday." As if the whole universe is in compliance with my No-S rules :) Granted, that was my only S-event of the weekend, but nonetheless, I really only ate all that ice cream because I was "allowed". We'll both get better with that in time!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:55 am
by AnneK
Oy! I can see being nervous about the weekend. The way I understand it, the whole point of this plan is learning to TRUST that if you follow these few simple rules (that are actually enjoyable to follow) you'll be okay. It replaces so many of the old decisions ("what SHOULD I eat") with new decisons ("what do I WANT to eat?) that are a lot more fun.

But it'd be hard to trust the idea of four S days in a row being okay. I guess it's about getting over our short term thinking and trusting it will all be fine as long as we stick to the plan. I hope you can really enjoy your S days!

Day 17

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:05 pm
by good enough
Exercise: SUCCESS

An unequivocal 'F' today! :oops:

Got stuck at work till stupid o'clock and my emergency fruit smoothie just didn't cut it. Had to resort to the vending machine, which was certainly less than ideal. I know there was some stress eating involved too for sure, but there's no way I could have hung on... Almost 10pm here now and I'm only just home and waiting for my dinner to heat up. Sigh.

Tomorrow is my bday and I also have a huge deadline at work, which is also less than ideal. I would have liked to spend the day eating cake and being made a fuss of, but oh well. I will be going out to dinner with my better half in the evening so that's something to look forward to.

Tobiasmom, emd1212 and AnneK - thank you all so much for checking in with me and for your kind words, it really means a lot. I will do my best to be sensible over the coming days (but still enjoy it!) and whatever happens I will come back and 'fess up to you all! :D

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend and look forward to catching up next week!


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:40 am
by tobiasmom
Sorry work is so stressful! Yikes!

Hopefully you can meet your deadline and still have some cake and be fussed over too! Enjoy your meal out tomorrow night! And HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Remember that sometimes......


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:30 pm
by tobiasmom
Hoping you had a wonderful trip. How are ya?

Day 1 of 21

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:16 pm
by good enough

Back from hols & birthday celebrations, showing about 2 pounds heavier on the scale this morning (though not an official weigh-in day). Yikes! All the days since my last check-in were officially designated as 'S', and my goodness they certainly were. The few days away were actually relatively stressful (family overload!), so that didn't really help prevent over 's-ing' at all.

Today I was really relieved to be back to my usual routine, despite being extremely tired from a late flight home last night. I stuck to No S, to the letter. I was actually really tempted to rein things in a lot more after my excesses, caught myself making a menu plan and writing out calories... Argh - why does dieting come so naturally?! But then I came to my senses and realised that the only way to fight excess is with the moderation that No S brings - if I make too many severe restrictions I know I will rebel and end up right back where I started - overweight. So instead I am planning to stick to No S to the letter for the next 21 days and see where that gets me. No extra rules or mods for me just yet!

Also I will track No S only for the next 21 days as I feel I really need to give it my all and develop a strong habit.

Here goes, fingers crossed! :shock:

Re: Day 1 of 21

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:25 pm
by Sienna
Welcome back!
Tofu Queen wrote:SUCCESS
But then I came to my senses and realised that the only way to fight excess is with the moderation that No S brings - if I make too many severe restrictions I know I will rebel and end up right back where I started - overweight. So instead I am planning to stick to No S to the letter for the next 21 days and see where that gets me. No extra rules or mods for me just yet!
Good for you! I think this is so important. It's way too easy to fall into that yoyo trap. But you didn't, so yay! :)


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:07 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job! I considered starting over with my 21 days. But, hey, I made it 20 days before my one failure so I'm just gonna continue. So even though I'm on day 22, I'm actually on day 1 of 21 more days with you!! I plan to focus on my No-S days some more this next 21 days too. Getting those down seems to be the key....

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:51 am
by AnneK
Sounds great! You know I'm new at this, but I'm wondering if the compulsion to cut way back is as destructive in the long run as the compulsion to overeat? Is that something other folks have written about?

Welcome back!

Day 2 of 21 day challenge

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:09 pm
by good enough

Pretty much an impeccable N day today. Also 30 minutes on the bike before work. It was nice to exercise after a few days off, but I'm beginning to think I need to shake my routine up a bit. Maybe I'll do some pilates tomorrow morning.

It's good to be back! 8):D

Sienna - Thank you! Yes, I have been up and down the yoyo pretty much my whole life so I think it's really important to break that cycle. Hard work, but I have a feeling it's worth it!

Tobiasmom - Thanks for always being so encouraging, it really means a lot! I'm totally with you on tightening up the N days, much more important right now than worrying about S days I think. We can do this!!

AnneK - Hello and thanks for the welcome back! I think the compulsions to over-restrict and over-indulge are very closely linked, at least for me. Eating too much for a few days immediately makes me feel like I should put myself on a strict (=unsustainable) diet, the deprivation of which will not before long make me want to binge. And on goes the cycle (and the weight). I totally agree with Reinhard when he says moderation is the only way to combat this. But yes, I think both extremes can definitely be equally damaging. Here's to a new, moderate way of eating for us all! :D


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:48 pm
by tobiasmom
So I bought extra-firm tofu at the commissary today. I have it in the fridge. I probably won't make it til next week since I already had chicken thawed for enchiladas tonight. The enchiladas make A LOT of leftovers. So maybe next week. The tofu is good til mid-November. Who knew?? So should I only freeze it for the day or what about 24 hours?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:06 pm
by good enough
You can keep it in the fridge for now, and stick in the freezer next week. 24 hours ahead of time will be absolutely fine. Let me know how you get on!!

Day 3 of 21 day challenge

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:57 pm
by good enough

Solid on the food front. Did yoga instead of the bike this morning for a change, very chilled way to start the day! 8)


Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:49 pm
by tobiasmom
I think yoga is sooooo tough. You feel awesome afterwards, but that darn downward dog kills me!!!!

Day 4 of 21 day challenge

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:17 pm
by good enough

Got through yesterday by the skin of my teeth. Went out for belated birthday celebrations, got through evening drinks without snacking but it was very late by the time we got to dinner (about 9pm). I picked at a couple of olives and cubes of cheese while waiting for my dinner but didn't order a starter or pudding, and stuck to one plate. Considering that was over 8 hours between lunch and dinner I am calling the day a success!

Tobiasmom - yes the downward dog hits my quads pretty hard, even more than going on the bike I think!

Happy weekend everyone :D

Days 5&6 of 21 day challenge

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:36 pm
by good enough

Weighed in this morning at 133.2, exacly 1 pound heavier than when I started No S. I know this is purely down to overindulging last night. We had a bit of a Halloween popcorn-and-beer-fest while watching Beetlejuice, and far too much grazing yesterday overall...

To make things worse, I just saw some photos of myself from the wedding last weekend and I look decidedly podgy faced. I really could do with losing a bit more, at least to get down to 125 in the first place. So that coupled with yesterday's gain have prompted me to decide the following:

1. I will take Fridays and Saturdays as my weekly S days. This is because a) I do most of my socialising on these two nights and b) Sundays are generally a weak point for me (boredom? Sunday evening blues?) which lead to a lot of mindless overeating that I later regret. I need the structure of No S more on a Sunday more than I do on a Friday.

2. I will try weighing myself daily. The weekly weigh-in after S days has begun to be a bit demoralising because it's always my heaviest time and shows a somewhat 'artificial' high. I think weekly weigh-ins are too prone to random fluctuations so either daily or monthly might be best. If I find myself getting too hung up on daily figures I will try monthly.

Anyway, the important thing is that this is a learning process, and I am learning. Trying not to be too demoralised. Solid on my N day so far today and did 30mins on the bike. Onwards (and hopefully downwards!).


Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:10 pm
by tobiasmom
I do these two things now too. This weekend I had my S days on Friday and Saturday, and it worked out so much better. I can't explain why. And I now weigh myself daily. It really does help to see the fluctuations. It gives a better overall picture.

You've been doing awesome. Hang in there!

Day 7 of 21 day challenge

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:05 pm
by good enough


Finished the day strong with a big bowl of homemade lentils & rice. Good cold weather comfort food!

Day 8 of 21 day challenge

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:35 pm
by good enough


That's better. Actually felt lighter today too, with much of the bloat from the weekend having subsided. Did the usual 30mins on the bike before work.

Will be working from home tomorrow, which I know will be tough foodwise. I can hear those kitchen cupboards calling my name already. Must stay strong!!


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:38 pm
by tobiasmom
Have a good day! If the temptation gets too strong, maybe go out for a walk mid day??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:28 am
by AnneK
Tofu Queen I miss you!


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:53 pm
by tobiasmom
I miss you too.......