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Moms of Young Children Check-in......anyone welcome :)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:31 pm
by alisoncooks
Maybe this can be a designated spot where we can get No S support from --and give support to-- other moms with young children who are trying to get a handle on eating habits.

Moms *typically* hold the reins on family menus/mealtimes -- it's often our job to teach our little ones healthy eating habits! Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in the everyday busy-ness/stresses/frustrations of being a mom/caregiver/cook/maid/nurse/etc :D.... and our own eating habits suffer!

WELCOME ANYONE! Please introduce yourself. Feel free to share tips, suggestions, meal ideas/menu plans...

my introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:36 pm
by alisoncooks
I'm Alison. I'm a 30 yr. old SAHM to 2 girls (ages 4 and 2). My daughters are GREAT eaters (lovers of veggies and fruit) so I'm very thankful for that! DH and I --on the other hand-- have found that we eat much worse now, as parents, than we did before we had kids!

I found No S through another forum that I frequent. I was looking for ways to combat my boredom/emotional eating issues. I am also hoping good habits established here will rub off on DH (who has quite a bit of weight to lose, probably 80-100#).

My goal: to lose 20 pounds or 3 pants sizes (which will bring me back to my "ideal"...what I weighed when I got married 10 years ago and is a healthy weight for my body). I've already lost 25 pounds thru exercise alone.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:38 pm
by magrat
I'm Sarah, 31, and SAHM to DD - 3 years and DS - 7 months. I spend so much time thinking about menu plans, grocery shopping, and preparing food for my family, no wonder I'm eating all the time, food is always on my mind! I'm using 150 as my starting weight as that was what it was a few days ago when I weighed myself. I would love to get to 125, but realistically I'm aiming for 130. But even if don't lose I want to stick to this diet to feel more in control and to encourage good eating habits in my children. My biggest excuses to myself for eating are tiredness and nursing. I use food for energy in lieu of sleep after a bad night. And I'm breastfeeding and pumping for donation, so part of me thinks I should allow myself the occasional snack (breastfeeding really increases my hunger), but if I'm honest I've used pregnancy and nursing as an excuse for indulging far too often. I really don't think my milk supply is going to suffer, it's not like I'm starving myself. I want to take advantage of this time to let the nursing boost my weightloss. Even though right now I have very little time to pump and baby nurses so often I never feel full (so I don't get much when I do) I figure even 4 ounces extra in the evening is another 80 calories burned, like exercise without actually having to get off my butt :) I'm trying to go for walks more often too, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

Today was hard because I got a bit less than 5 hours sleep last night and my kids' naps didn't overlap so I didn't get a nap. Dinner is ready and waiting for me, but I'm trying to put it off as long as possible because I end up lying awake for hours in the evening feeling hungry. I want to make sure that doesn't happen tonight because I don't want a FAIL in the first week! I feel like I should go ahead and mark this week all green in habitcal because no way am I going to fail! I'll wait though :)


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:36 am
by tobiasmom
I'm Amy. I'm a 33-year-old Air Force wife and SAHM to an almost 3-year-old little boy. He's crazy active so you'd think I'd be fit...ha! I've struggled with my weight since I was young (10). I'm working on creating better eating habits for my son. I feel it starts with me. He sees what I eat. I can't tell him to eat veggies and fruits and lean protein and whole grains when I'm eating cookies and drinking soda!

The biggest issue I have is definitely sweets. I actually had no idea how much of them I ate (cookie here, soda there) until this week! Wow. I have to remind myself not to do it! The other issue is snacking. My son snacks A LOT. He snacks at least twice a day...sometimes three times. It is so hard for me not to have something when he does. I am so used to just grabbing a hand full of whatever he's having....BUT I'm a big girl. I have to just act like it.

This way of eating is actually the best! I eat whatever I feel like (except the sweets) three meals a day. Then on the weekend I can have some treats. Of course I don't know if I'm losing weight or not cuz I haven't weighed myself (we just moved and the scale is in one of the many boxes). But I'm gonna trust that it works. I know I'm eating less food without all the snacks. I'm not gonna worry about it....

I'm glad to see some other moms on the board. It's quite challenging to do all the cooking and stay home and not eat everything in the kitchen!

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:32 pm
by alisoncooks
Hi ladies :) Very nice to see other mommies of young ones here!

Sarah~ Your goals sound a lot like mine. My high weight was closing in on 170 (about a year ago and 1.5 yrs. postpartum). I now weigh 145ish, with 125 being my "ideal" (but will be happy to be around 130). I can't imagine trying to lose weight while breastfeeding (but maybe that's b/c I was just such a gluttonous piggie when preggers/nursing, LOL).

Hi Amy! I totally related to so many of the things you said:
Yep to this:
I can't tell him to eat veggies and fruits and lean protein and whole grains when I'm eating cookies and drinking soda!
And this:
I am so used to just grabbing a hand full of whatever he's having....BUT I'm a big girl. I have to just act like it.

I'm having a hard time NOT mentally tallying calories. Anyone else? I have a Fitbit (LOVE IT!) so I log my daily food intake online. This is easy to do now that I only eat 3 times a day....but it's hard to ignore the numbers...(especially when it compares calorie intake to calorie burn). Maybe I need to just stop logging the food for a while and focus on No S.

BTW, yesterday was a FAIL for me. Ate a handful of fruitsnacks before I even thought about it. Then I had a choc. chip cookie at lunch.
(HOWEVER....DH brought home a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts last night and --as much as I wanted 1 or 2 for breakfast-- I did not. I will have one (or 2) on SATURDAY! I can wait 2 more days...I keep telling myself, "It's not like I haven't tried them before!"

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:38 pm
by alisoncooks
Just a quick drop by to say:

Darn you, Krispy Kreme! Daaarrrrrnnnnnn youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:40 pm
by magrat
I can't imagine trying to lose weight while breastfeeding (but maybe that's b/c I was just such a gluttonous piggie when preggers/nursing, LOL).
Oh, you don't need to tell me, gluttonous pigginess is exactly why I need to diet! And I want Reinhardt to come rushing in here to tell me that nursing moms need snacks (or cake), but like Amy said, I'm a big girl. I'm not cutting back (yet) at meal times, you should have seen the plate of stir fry I had last night! It was homemade and mostly broccoli, but it was a broccoli mountain. It was too much and I felt overfull, but I wasn't hungry last night either. I need to find just the right amount.

Tonight is going to be a challenge. It's my daughter's preschool family night, so we're eating there. The menu is hot dogs, chips, carrots, and cookies. I don't want to eat before I go and have my diet interfere with my life, but I also am not sure how that (minus the cookie) is going to get me through until morning. I have a little carton of fruit salad I may virtually include with my dinner and eat when I get home...but that sounds like cheating. I guess I'll see how it goes.

I also wanted to talk kid snacks. I think kids eat way too many snacks these days, especially once they turn three. I don't see why they need a snack between every meal and after dinner. So I'm taking advantage of my own self-discipline to impose a bit on my daughter. She has always been picky (though she does like veggies and whole grains) and she has no incentive to eat meals with us and what we're eating because she can always just wait a bit and have something else. She doesn't eat breakfast very well, so I've decided no snacks after dinner. And she doesn't go long between breakfast and lunch, so no snacks then either (except when she's at preschool since I have no say). We'll see how it goes. It helps that I'm cranky because I'm not having snacks and sweets, so I have a lot less sympathy for her :lol: I think an afternoon snack is reasonable and a way to get her to last until dinner time. When I was a kid we always ate at 4:30, but if we eat then I'll starve all night on No S, so she can have an afternoon snack, but only right after her nap, not right before dinner. Crossing my fingers I can get her eating a bit more real people food at meal times.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:43 pm
by magrat
LOL Alison! We cross posted and I just wanted to say the only thing that gets me through this part of the day is a nice cup of tea with whole milk and sugar. Otherwise I'd be on the donuts for sure. I had a little nap and when I woke up (was woken by baby) I was seeing red and thinking screw the diet, it's not important. But it is, and I will not fail, so I made some nice cookie flavored tea :) Just wish I had more to look forward to than a hot dog :p

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:52 am
by alisoncooks
magrat wrote:
I also wanted to talk kid snacks. I think kids eat way too many snacks these days, especially once they turn three. I don't see why they need a snack between every meal and after dinner.
My girls have 1 *scheduled* snack a day, after my 2 yr. old wakes up from her nap (around 4:15....we eat dinner 5:30 or 6ish). My 4 year old also gets a snack 2 mornings a week at preschool and she occasionally gets a glass of milk or chocolate milk when the little one naps....but that's pretty much it. Oh, there are some mornings where my 2 yr old doesn't want breakfast, just I do fix her a bowl of Cheerios (dry) and she just eats on them when she gets hungry...

You said your kiddo was 3? She's probably big enough to cut back on snacks (though she may not like it! heck, I don't like it either! :))

Hope preschool night went well (as noted in my previous post, I had another day in the red :(.....but I'm plowing ahead, determined to find the groove of this!)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:54 am
by magrat
Yes, my daughter is 3, so I definitely think she can make it without too many snacks. She doesn't usually snack that much, but I just want to make it a policy so she can't get away with not eating her meal if it's something she doesn't like!

The preschool family night was fun, but my meal was pretty sad. A small hotdog in a little white bun, 5-6 potato chips, 2 carrot sticks. I definitely should have just had my dinner at home before we left. I decided against having the fruit when I got home because it was already 7:30 and would definitely have been a snack and I don't want to cheat. I did have a chai this evening (from a mix) which is almost a snack considering it is probably more calories than the fruit, but it's a drink so it doesn't count. I'm really hungry. I hope it isn't going to keep me awake tonight because I really really need my sleep. But I will not cheat! I will just take it as a lesson learned that I have to plan better. I walked a couple miles today too, so even though I don't have any specific exercise goals, I can be proud of that.

You can have a green day tomorrow Alison, it's only one more N day until the weekend!


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:02 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey, girls! Speaking of kids and snacking, I have a friend who has seven kids and they eat three meals a day with NO snacks EVER. She's done this since all of them have been born. They don't even ask for a snack. They don't know what it means. She said her kids eat what's on their plates and they are not picky eaters. I think snacking is the root of why my son does not touch much of his meals. I have always called him a picky eater, but I think it's cuz he's not hungry..... So I'm not gonna go from three snacks to zero so quickly, but I'm gonna drop it to an afternoon snack for now.

Any big plans this weekend, gals? Daddy is coming for the weekend! He's in the Air Force and is stationed 3.5 hours away from us til January. So he gets to come home on weekends. I hate to say it, but I NEED the break!!!! ha.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:51 pm
by alisoncooks
Tobiasmom~ How exciting for your little one, to see Daddy! (and a much needed break for you, I'm sure!) I can't imagine being home alone w/ kiddos all week long! (I would be so prone to snacking if this were the case!)

Our weekend plans.... well, my MIL is coming for a visit weekend & bringing our niece with her (plus a friend) to stay til Sunday. Oh boy, two 13-year old cheerleaders for three days...should be entertaining! :shock: :roll:

OK, let's talk drinks. Are you guys sticking to water only? Sarah, I see you drink chai? What type/brand do you like? I am MOSTLY sticking with water (I had sweet tea with lunch, which probably should be a sweet, right, since it's not milk or juice???)....but in the afternoons I like a mug of coffee. (However, I like my coffee sweet and creamy, therefore full of calories, so I should probably find an alternative :().

But I'd like *something* for that mid-afternoon slump...

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:04 am
by magrat
Amy I don't know how you manage with your DH away so much! My husband works from home and I still feel overwhelmed most of the time!

This weekend...tomorrow we're going to the Mall of America - I need to make a couple returns and exchanges and a few little errands like that. Not sure about Sunday - the weather is absolutely beautiful here so we have to take advantage of it somehow!

drinks The chai I've had a couple times this week is Big Train brand. Definitely more of a sweet than a drink, but I'm not counting it as an S. I don't drink pop or juice, and I'm not going to have it all the time, but it's something I don't want to save for weekends. Most of the time I just drink black tea, either PG Tips or loose leaf flavored tea from With milk and sugar. It's very comforting to me and I don't want to give it up. It helps me get through to the next meal and I think if I didn't allow myself to have it I wouldn't be able to stick to the diet. I occasionally go to kid friendly coffee shops for playdates and I intend to keep drinking frou frou coffee drinks there. I don't drink regular coffee, and I don't like tea made by coffee shops, so that's what I have.

I am soooo excited about tomorrow! There's half a pistachio muffin on the counter with my name on it :)


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:55 am
by tobiasmom
Hey, gals! Well, I had a horrible night last night. The boy is sick and he kept me up most of the night. Glad hubby is on his way as I'm typing this!

magrat: I'm not used to being without my husband during the week either. This is just because he's in training for three months. Normally he's with me! So this has been quite a challenge. I guess it's preparing me for the day he actually gets deployed....
But it is definitely testing my snacking control! So do you live in Minnesota then? We were stationed in North Dakota for five years before moving here to Texas last month. Mall of America was the big getaway for North Dakotans!!!

alison: I have a HUGE soda addiction. That's my biggest love of my life! ha. So for me I stick with water during the week for now. I did have some sweet tea at dinner today, but that was only cuz our water was turned off for the entire day on base here, and I had nothing to drink! I can't stand diet soda. I do like those seltzer/fuzzy water thingies...if you know what I mean. I drink coffee, but I LOVE it black. The website says sugar in your coffee is ok, but I'm assuming only at meals. I don't know. I guess I'd say stick with water and have the good drinks on S days. I dunno....

Have a great weekend! I'm going to. And our water JUST got turned back on! Yay!

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:27 pm
by magrat
S day, yay! And I weighed into and am down to 146.4! So I'm definitely losing weight!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:26 pm
by alisoncooks
magrat wrote:S day, yay! And I weighed into and am down to 146.4! So I'm definitely losing weight!
Nice job! If that's not motivating, I don't know what is!

I'm down a pound or 2, but I don't know that I can attribute it to No S. I've been struggling with avoiding the 3 S's (particularly sweets and snacks!) But I have been walking a LOT lately and trying to up my movement during the day (I just got a Fitbit and it's SO motivating!) So I think any weight loss is due to the extra movement. :oops:

I'm not giving it up, by no means. I think it's a great plan. It's just taking me longer to get started/on-the-wagon than I thought it would.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:33 pm
by magrat
The weekend was a bit more indulgent than I intended, but I feel I learned something. I didn't really enjoy my sweets all that much. When you're hungry between meals on N days, you appreciate your actual dinner so much you don't need sweets. I wasn't big on dessert as a kid, and this is more how I ate back then, so I think it goes hand in hand. When you're never hungry, dessert is all that can tempt you to eat between meals so that's why you eat it. I feel I enjoy N days more than S days, but the nice thing about S days is being able to do what you want and not having to deny yourself. It's not that I enjoyed the actual food more. I was up like two pounds on Monday but this morning I was 145 and a bit, so I am still going down! Very happy about that. I always knew that just a small change in my eating habits would make a big difference in my weight, I just never had the willpower to do it! No S really provides me the structure I need. I just wish DS would start sleeping better, it's hard to feel energetic when you're getting up all night.

alison That fitbit looks really cool, I would love to just try it for a week to see how much activity I am doing, because it feels like a lot! The sleep part would be very interesting too.


Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:00 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey, gals! Great to see you're still hanging in there! I'm here too. Just working it one day at a time.

My little boy has a cold that he's had for over a week now. It's not helping our nights either. Oh, the life of a mom!!!

Have a good week!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:46 am
by magrat
Another green day, though I did have a chai in the evening which isn't quite kosher, and I ate a walnut off my daughter's plate while I was having lunch before I thought, but I don't think that deserves a red. I didn't get any exercise though - I was busy enough giving both kids baths, going grocery shopping and making dinner. They're still taking opposite naps too, grrr...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:06 am
by kccc
Just popping in to say Hi... My little guy is turning 10 soon, so I no longer qualify a mom of "young" children (and there is SUCH a difference in pre-school and school-age anyway).

But I remember... :) And believe it or not, I actually miss those times. (Though "these times" are good too.)

Sending extra patience and sleep (well, if I had any of either to spare) and lots of encouragement!

(I originally came to No-S because weight management became a real issue for me after having this child late in life... details are on my testamonial page.)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:09 pm
by magrat
KCCC I know I'm going to miss these times someday, but that doesn't make it any easier! :) When my daughter asks me to lay next to her for a little while every night when she goes to bed I grind my teeth and remind myself it won't be long before she doesn't even want me in her room!

I was down to 145.2 today, woo! And just a couple more days to S!

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:42 am
by alisoncooks
How's everyone doing with the No S-ing?

This month has been full of pretty bad eating....but I'm getting back on the wagon this week. I have a fully stocked biggest weakness comes in the form of eating out (junk/fast food...which is terrible and expensive and it's a habit I need to kick!)


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:05 pm
by tobiasmom
Still going strong here. I'm on day 20. I did just have an S weekend gone wild, though. So gotta rein in those weekends a bit.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:20 pm
by magrat
I just finished my 21 days and this weekend was kind of wild. All weekend I was feeling so sad about Monday coming again and tried to make up for it by eating tons of sweets. I think it actually worked - today I'm not feeling any desire for sweets or snacks. I feel like weekends are so busy I don't have time to bake so I end up eating whatever is around rather than something really special like I want it to be. And during the week if I want to bake with my daughter I can't. It's a predicament, and I may need to do a mod at some point. I'm also concerned my weight loss is stalled. Like on most diets I lost some right away, but I'm worried now I'm going to just stop losing because I can't cut back much more. I'm sticking with it though, just kind of a down week.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:31 pm
by kccc
magrat wrote:KCCC I know I'm going to miss these times someday, but that doesn't make it any easier! :) When my daughter asks me to lay next to her for a little while every night when she goes to bed I grind my teeth and remind myself it won't be long before she doesn't even want me in her room!

I was down to 145.2 today, woo! And just a couple more days to S!
Oh, yeah. There was this imaginary routine that my son insisted I play out with him over and over when he was 3-4 that drove me nuts. Now I remember how cute it was, and so wish I'd videoed it.

If you hate it, hold on, this too will pass.
If you love it, cherish it... this too will pass.

Somehow, the second part of that hits me harder than the first.

(The "stay with me until I fall asleep" thing drove me nuts too. I finally worked it out, partly by hustling a bit more ahead of time so I wasn't fretting about what still needed to be done as much. Then, I put a chair in my son's room and told him I'd sit there. And I did, reading with a LightWedge or listening to an audiobook... so it became MY downtime. The only problem then was that I sometimes stayed long after he was asleep!!)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:50 pm
by alisoncooks
All this talk about kiddos growing up (sniff sniff). We had a portrait session with our girls last week and my 4 yr old looked so long and tall and BIG. Such a big difference b/t this and last yrs pictures! She looked so thin (no baby roundness at all!)

Anyway, so far so good today!
I ate a decent breakfast.
Okay lunch.
Got out a bag of candy corn to give the girls 2-3 after lunch...and put the bag AWAY without eating any!!! (BIG TRIUMPH!)
Had my mid-afternoon coffee break (found a creamer that I like that tastes good enough that I don't require sugar--woot!)
And I'm on my way to dinner time! This will be my FIRST successful day, LOL, if I can make it thru! I'm so close! :D

Congrats, ladies, for making it so many days in No S (I just ordered the book off amazon, can't wait to read it...I know the info is available here...but I still like books!)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:22 am
by magrat
Glad to see you're still around, I was starting to worry about your lack of check ins! Just remember the creamer does have a ton of sugar in it. If you look at the nutritional info, it's 5 grams to a teaspoon. I totally understand needing sweetener in your coffee, but it can actually be better to add your own. I haven't bought the book yet, though I probably should!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:58 pm
by alisoncooks
Thanks Sarah. I've been peeking in every now and then but haven't felt like checking in b/c I was eating so poorly.

So far so good! This morning I weight in a 141.8! (just to give perspective, last weekend I was in the 144-145 range!) I am so close to the 130s that I can smell it!!!

Now if I can just stay strong til the weekend (boy, what a S-weekend...Halloween!)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:28 pm
by alisoncooks
Doing *okay* today. Not great and I guess not technically in the green.

Breakfast: running late to take DD to preschool so I just had a protein bar + milk...but then was SO hungry later so I had 1/2 of another one.

Moved my afternoon coffee to midmorning b/c I was up way late last night w/ a thunderstorm and upset kiddo and I was exhausted.

Lunch: tomato soup w/ a few crackers and cheese cubes

Mid-afternoon: really really hungry again, so I ate the other 1/2 of the protein bar & 3 candy corn

And now we are approaching dinner...All in all, FOR ME, not a bad day! Calorie-wise (if I were counting those things ;)) I'm sure I'd be okay. I'm alright with it... Had a pretty good week and this was a minor-derailing (and not the major binges I'm used to!)

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:57 pm
by alisoncooks
Today was my first "official" S day (meaning, the first S day that followed a week where I was--for the most part--in the green).

Did ok. Did have donuts for breakfast and a White Mocha for a midmorning snack. 2 slices of pizza w/ diet soda for lunch (working meeting). Baked chicken w/ sweet potatoes and green beans for dinner (another diet soda). Few pieces of candy corn and fruit gummies during the day...

And some Ben & Jerrys.

Maybe this sounds like "s" gone wild but it's not far from what a normal day used to be for me! :shock: So I know if this is a "free-pass" day, how much better my week was!

Oh, and I got the NO-S book in the mail today, can't wait to sit down and read some!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:55 pm
by magrat
Ha, my S days are way worse than that. As were my normal days before No S....

Did everyone get through Halloween okay? I ate a lot of candy and desserts, but am grateful it's Monday and N again. Don't feel too strong of an urge to cheat because I indulged so much over the weekend. Glad to have No S to rein me in or I'd certainly be eating tons of candy.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:33 pm
by alisoncooks
I didn't do so bad on Halloween. But I have snacked on candy the past 2 days. And you know what? It's not as good as I remember it being!

My main weakness continues to be sweet tea. I've had it the past 2 days (and I'm trying to count it as a sweet and only have it on S days.) I've realized that if I have a sweet tea, it's usually accompanied by take-out or snacking.

Our house has been fighting colds (especially in the kids) so that means we're all sleep deprived and cranky. I thought people slept more when they are kids seem to do the exact opposite!