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Eating like a kid again

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:28 pm
by magrat
About me: I'm Sarah, 31, and have a 3 year old daughter and a 7 month old son. I was always super skinny as a kid, and was around 125 once I reached high school. Stayed that way until I got married and was making all my own food choices and indulging myself more and dessert became a twice daily necessity. I was closer to 135 when I got pregnant the first time. Gained a healthy 30 lbs with the pregnancy, but about a week after she was born I was about 145 and I just stayed that way. I wasn't too worried as I figured I was just one of the women who keep weight on while breastfeeding, and it was still technically a healthy weight. When I got pregnant with my son I started the pregnancy with a horrible case of food poisoning and lost a bunch of weight and the lack of eating shrunk my stomach and I was able to keep portions small until about halfway through. I gained less in total, and was about the same weight at the end of my pregnancy with my son that I was with my daughter. I was more motivated to lose the weight this time, but I am incapable of dieting. I have self-control, but only within very clear boundaries and only if it makes sense to me. Usually I would last to the next meal, and the longest was about 24 hours on the South Beach diet when I realized I couldn't even have slightly sweetened yogurt for dessert. Uh, no thanks. And I don't do artificial sweeteners. My hopes that being a bit more sensible about my food choices and breastfeeding would do the trick turned out not to work as I can always talk myself into eating something. I've read a lot of Michael Pollen and similar authors and one of the things that struck me the most was his thoughts on snacking, though with all his other advice I was just flailing around not really dieting or making many changes, but always having good intentions. I can't even remember where I read about No S, even though it was just a few weeks ago! I had recently seen 150 on the scale, and was feeling pathetic. All my friends seem to be on some diet or other, mostly WW, and I was wondering if I should try it. I saw the term "no S diet", wondered what it was and googled it. It was a head slapping moment. I immediately knew that this was the way I wanted to live. It was pretty much the way I ate as a kid *when I was skinny*, it is the way people eat in other countries, and it's totally doable. I knew that if I couldn't follow these simple rules, I would have no self-respect. After all, I certainly don't want to learn that I'm a piggy who can't stop stuffing her face for a few hours at a time. I have no "issues" regarding food or self-esteem, and I think thin is my natural state, so I know this can work. Just not eating cake and huge plates of seconds every day should do it. I know my body will probably be happy not to have to find some way to deal with all the excess calories I was flooding it with.

One of the things I like best about No S (and I love every part of it) is how family-centric it is. We have always sat down and ate as a family and this diet makes that even more important. The whole family can eat the same meal and set a good example for the kids. No longer will I sneak around to eat desserts when my daughter isn't looking so she doesn't want one too. I can exert the gentle social pressure on her to not be a glutton that I experienced growing up (one or maybe two cookies is fine, but three would elicit shocked looks from my parents. If I took seconds that was fine but they would say "Wow, you must be really hungry!" Just having someone notice how much you're eating is what has kept people from overeating for centuries. But today people snack so much no one knows how much you've eaten during the day, even yourself! And eating everything at one time you eventually get bored eating. I remember that as a kid I wouldn't be able to finish my meal most of the time out of boredom, I just wouldn't want to chew anymore. I don't remember feeling full. I had the occasional snack, but I always had to ask and I would usually be offered something like a piece of bread and if I didn't want it then I must not be hungry.

I have two weeks of No Sing under my belt, and no red days. The first week I ate really big meals, though I didn't always finish them. I was so afraid of being hungry between meals. I was especially worried at dinner time because I'm nursing and have a very good appetite, and I am getting up a couple times a night with my son to nurse and the last thing I need is to lie awake because I'm hungry when I do get a chance to sleep. That happened once the first week, but the rest of the time I was either full from a big meal, or just not full but not hungry. The first weekend I indulged too much and didn't enjoy it all that much. I find I enjoy my meals on N days more than desserts on S days because as they say, hunger is the best seasoning. This past week went by so fast, I barely thought about No S, it's just becoming habit. I got over the enormous meals (though I still take plenty, I'm not about to restrict myself too much) and stopped worrying about being hungry. We eat dinner at 5:30 and I really want to move it earlier for the sake of my kids, so if I am really hungry in the evenings (especially in this learning period) I allow myself a chai, which I suppose isn't kosher as it's from a powder and full of sugar and calories, but I don't like milk without something to go with it and I don't want to eat anything. I don't drink pop and I only have the chai if I really need it, so I'm allowing it. I also drink black tea with milk and sugar, and if I go out to a coffee shop on occasion I will have a small decaf frou frou coffee drink, though I'm going to try and start asking for skim milk and avoid mochas.

I've already written too much, but I am just loving this! I'm learning that a while after eating I feel hungry, but after a bit it goes away! I used to eat at the first sign of hunger (or even before to avoid that dreadful feeling :roll: ) and now I see I had nothing to be afraid of. I'm no longer hindering my husband on his weight loss journey by eating naughty things in front of him (if I have a lot to say about my history regarding food that's nothing compared to his, but I'll save that for another time).

DAY 13: S Day. Starting weight 150 and a couple days ago 145.2. First time I've ever lost weight apart from pushing out a baby or having food poisoning. This is a much better way to do it!

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:47 pm
by Pernetty
Welcome! And congratulations on your success! I loved your long story with plenty of details. We've all been there in one way or another and it's wonderful that you've found something that 'clicks' for you.

All the best,

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:26 pm
by magrat
Day 15: SUCCESS! Okay, so it's only halfway through the day so far, but no way am I cheating. Weekend was fun - DD was at grandma's, my husband didn't work as much as usual, and I made some yummy desserts. I made iced pumpkin cookies and a pear custard tart with Michigan pears from the co-op. Half of that is still in the fridge so I think I'll see if our neighbor (a good friend) wants it. I weighed in at 144.8 today! That's actually down a tiny bit from before the weekend, so I guess I didn't eat as badly as I thought!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:47 pm
by magrat
Day 16: Success! I have two sick kids at home and a husband with some other unknown illness. I had my parents come and help out - I'm so lucky they're retired and always "on call" for me. I haven't exercised, but did a ton of cleaning including wiping up the kitchen and bathroom floors, so that must count for something. Last night we ended up getting take out and I ate quite a bit, but with a sick baby that needed constant attention I just couldn't make the healthy dinner I had planned. So we're eating that today.

Breakfast: plain malt-o-meal
Lunch: turkey sandwich, handful of potato chips, small pear and some strawberries
Dinner: will be pumpkin dal, roasted cauliflower, store bought indian bread (unhealthy kind) and possibly a store bought chicken samosa if I feel like it. Maybe some strawberries too.

I've been reading Marion Nestle's What to Eat and have found it way more interesting than I thought it would be, and very inspiring. I am going to keep trying to get more fruit and veggies and whole grains into my diet. Not snacking is a bit hard on my fruit consumption so I need to remember to add it to my plate at meals. Who am I kidding, I've never been good about fruit, before No S snacks meant cake :oops: Now that I'm putting together plates for myself like I do for my 3 year old daughter it is easy to make sure I'm including all food groups. No S wins again!


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:40 pm
by tobiasmom
Isn't it amazing how much healthier we make the plates for the kids? ha. I think if I'd just put the fruits and veggies and whole grains that I put on Tobias's plate onto my plate, I'd be doing just fine!

Sorry to hear your family is sick. That is NO fun! Sick kids and ESPECIALLY a sick hubby is miserable. Glad you have family to help out.

Your dinner sounds delish. I have not had dal yet but would like to try it.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:04 pm
by magrat
Day 17: Success! Today I deserve extra pats on the back since I resisted fierce temptation. We had lunch at a Scandinavian cafe that sells my favorite pumpkin cookies that are only available this time of the year. My aunt bought a big variety of cookies and we all went back to her place where everyone but me chowed down on the tasty treats.

Dal is really easy and super healthy. I've made it a lot of ways, but lately I've been using the crock pot. Lentils cook up in about 30 minutes though, so it is quick to do on the stove too. Just lentils, water, garlic, ginger and onion and a dried chili if you want in the pot, cook to the consistency you want. Melt some ghee or butter or oil in a pan (a decent amount) and fry up some whole cumin seed. Pour it on top of each bowl with a blob of greek yogurt.

Day 18: Success! How can it be anything but? Only a few more days until my 21 days of habit. Not sure if it's a habit or not yet. I do know I have bad dreams about accidentally eating cookies, lol. I'm starting to come down with a cold myself now, no surprise there. I did a big shop today and got a ton of fruit as I've been eating a lot more now. Tonight I'm making smittenkitchen's 40 cloves of garlic and roast delicata squash and a green salad.

I put on a pair of jeans I haven't worn for a while this morning and they were falling down so much I changed into some others. Besides the scale telling me I've lost 5 lbs so far, that's the first concrete evidence of it. Pretty cool.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:44 pm
by Strawberry Roan
I loved reading your journal thus far, keep it up.

Your enthusiasm is contagious.

You are doing great :D


Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:36 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm learning all kinds of stuff about cooking on here! Tofu Queen taught me about making tofu, and now I'm gonna learn how to make Dal. Fun!!!

Great job resisting the cookies. Did you buy one to have this weekend?

Yay for the jeans! I'm gonna have to start trying on some clothes each week instead of staring at the scale all the time!!!

Here's to 21 more days!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:57 pm
by magrat
Day 19: We'll see, it's not over yet... today has been the most challenging since the first week. I am pretty tired today and I am used to eating sweets to make up for lack of sleep. Plus we went out as a family to the apple orchard and I sat and watched my husband and daughter eat an apple sundae and didn't get any apple pie or turnovers... :( We did get some apple donuts and I'll have one tomorrow. Possibly at 1am :lol: If it weren't for me still being in the first 21 days I would have had something.

Day 20: S Day! I made it through yesterday! Mmmmm....sweet sweet donut....nom nom.


Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:29 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job!!! Yummy donuts!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:25 am
by magrat
Day 23: Success! Back to the grind. Had a banana and chocolate malt o meal for breakfast (chocolate only because I wanted my daughter to eat some too and she refuses the plain kind completely), a jamaican meat patty, salad, yogurt, and a pear for lunch, and mango chicken stir fry with white rice for dinner.

Day 24: Success! Weighed myself this morning fearing the worst after the weekend, but I was down to 143.6! I seem to be going down a pound a week now, which is just fine by me. Breakfast was a bagel and cream cheese and a banana, lunch was leftover stir fry, a pear and a very naughty yogurt, and dinner was very very naughty - pancakes with hazelnut butter and extremely buttery scrambled eggs.

Day 25: Weighed myself again today to see if it stuck and I was down even more! 142.8! DH got a package in the mail yesterday. He was trying to keep it secret, but even though I didn't nag him about telling me he gave in after a few hours and said he bought wii-fit. He has been losing weight too, and is getting close to being light enough to use the wii fit. So he's using it as a motivator - once he gets enough below 330 to be able to use it while wearing clothes, then he can play with it! :) And me too, so extra motivation for me to cook him healthy dinners :)

Day 25 cont: Fail! My first fail. I don't feel bad about it. DH, my parents, the kids and I went to the history center museum and after had lunch at the cafe there which is really good. DD is totally spoiled and got a beautiful piece of strawberry cream cake. I considered failing and getting something myself, and maybe not doing S on Saturday, but I decided it wasn't worth it. But I had one forkful of her cake to try. It was very good. On the one hand, I just wanted to be normal and take that opportunity to taste it. On the other hand, I still want to call it a fail because if I take a taste every time someone has a dessert, them I'm not really doing No S! For dinner I was too tired to cook so we went to a fast food place that does bottomless bowls of soup. Instead of ordering one kind in a large bowl and taking all the breadsticks I wanted up front, I did the bottomless thing and ate too much, but it was good and it was already a fail. I did not eat any other desserts or snacks today though, and seconds was always the least of my problems. Anyway, back to it tomorrow despite the halloween celebration at my daughter's preschool. Anyone else feel really ticked that Halloween is falling on a weekend this year? :) I think that's another reason I went ahead and cheated today.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:50 pm
by magrat
Success! I'm going to stop counting the days. No point now that I'm over 21. Breakfast was cereal, lunch was a microwave indian meal and couscous and a few blueberries, and dinner was homemade kung pao chicken. It has been pretty hard not sampling any halloween candy, and now DH has made kettle korn for a snack this evening. Just one more day...

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:26 am
by magrat
Today was kind of a fail and kind of not. I've decided to allow myself to start S Friday after dinner and I'll end S after lunch on Sunday. My husband made a beautiful dessert this evening and while I could have waited until tomorrow, I don't want to binge on sweets first thing in the morning and we're often so busy on weekends...well, for a lot of reasons I think this will work better for me. Because weekends always seem to start Friday night and certainly feel over before Sunday evening. So that will be my mod, as much as I want to stick pretty close to vanilla No S. I think I have been very good, no more than a teeny fail once before this, and I think I've proven my willpower.

Yesterday a friend came and picked up 100 ounces of breastmilk I had pumped for her daughter (she can't keep up because of a breast reduction she had in college) so I feel pretty good about that. I told her it's part of my weight loss plan - that extra 100 ounces is about 1800-2000 calories I burned while barely lifting a finger :) Wish I could get more, I'm only getting about 5 ounces a day in my evening pumping session, but that's all I have time for and evening is the only time my son hasn't already nursed me pretty empty.


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:58 pm
by tobiasmom
I've changed up my S days also. I have something with church every Friday night. So I've decided to make my S days Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday will be a No-S day.

This plan is awesome!!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:59 pm
by magrat
Success: So glad I'm doing No S so I don't have to rely on good judgement to keep me from eating candy and instead have a hard and fast rule not to. I'd be eating tons of candy today otherwise! I indulged lots over the weekend and am excited to get back to moderation. I think I'm going to need to step it up a bit to lose weight too. Good thing I'm used to being a tad hungry between meals now and have a much much better idea of how much I need to eat at each meal.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:28 pm
by magrat
Yesterday was a small (for me) dinner and I was pretty hungry in the evening. I didn't even have a cup of tea though! The baby was up a lot in the night and I was hungry, but not enough to keep me awake when I got the chance to sleep. I did have a dream where I ate a snack without thinking and then remembered it was an N day and was so disappointed that I screwed up! Thank goodness we're not penalized for dreaming about eating! :)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:41 pm
by magrat
I'm trying to hold it together today and not cheat, but the election results are not helping. I feel sick to my stomach, which definitely helps my appetite. My parents have DD this morning and will watch both later for a bit. So I get to run to the library by myself and try and enjoy it before the Republicans close it.

hey there!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:57 pm
by sarahkay
I'm just starting out on No S, and I was reading through some daily check-in's, and yours was really fun to read! plus, you're a bit more advanced than I am, but not terribly! You can still relate!

I'm glad you're doing so well! It makes me feel like I can do it too!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:23 pm
by magrat
Thanks! No S helps me feel so in control of at least one part of my life. Even if I don't always keep my meals as small as they should be, at least I'm not eating desserts all day.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:43 pm
by magrat
Yesterday I read connorcream's check in and she inspired me to cut back a bit more on my calories. I'm not going to make a habit of counting them because the food I eat is not easily countable, but I did put in today and it looks like I'm on track for about 1800 calories. According to my age, height and gender I should easily get 2000 calories a day to maintain, then add in nursing and pumping for donation and that's easily 500 more. So I'm okay with 1800, but I would like to go a little lower just to make sure. I only post new lows in terms of weight and after going up a bit after my last low (which admittedly had been a big dip) I'm now nearing it again and ready to go down some more. Only way that will happen is to cut back more. It really should not be a problem. I was very very hungry yesterday evening and last night though, so I think I need to keep breakfast and lunch lower so I can eat plenty at dinner.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:56 pm
by magrat
142.6! Okay, that's only down .2 from 10/27, but it's progress. I ended up yesterday with calories around 2100 which is just so much, but I was hoping the fact I was hungry a lot yesterday and am starving this morning indicated I burned more than I ate. And I think it did!


Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:16 pm
by tobiasmom
Good job. Hey, you're down in weight even if it's just a little. And you're learning so much right now and enjoying your food!!!! Win, win, win!

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:46 am
by magrat
I didn't have a great No-S weekend. I intended to start S Friday after dinner, but I started a bit earlier than that and after an indulgent Saturday as well intended to do N on Sunday. I failed, pretty much from the beginning. DD was at my parents' house for the weekend (two nights!) and I spent the whole weekend cleaning and organizing and I just didn't have it in me to stick to a diet or healthy eating too. But I'm back to it today, and very excited because DH is now doing it with me! I'm so glad, not just because hopefully it will help him lose weight, but also because he won't be eating snacks and sweets in front of me anymore. And we're both even less likely to cheat with the other one on the diet.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:20 am
by magrat
So far so good this week. It's so nice having DH doing No S too. Tomorrow is an S evening - we're going out for my mom's birthday.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:07 pm
by magrat
This past weekend was the first time I didn't feel like overdoing it. Not to say I didn't anyway, but the urge is getting less strong. Then I went and had a fail on Monday :roll: That's two fails this month already, so I definitely can't do it again for a while. I've lost my cooking mojo a bit. It snowed and the baby is sick again and I just feel like sitting around. I'm also missing fall baking. I have been eating pumpkin bagels for breakfast because I want pumpkin so bad, I need to think of some meals that incorporate it with fall spices so I can get my fix that way instead. I'm making beef burgundy in the crockpot today, and since that'll be the third day in a row of "comfort food" hopefully I'll be able to get back into the stir fries and curries like I have planned.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:12 pm
by magrat
Still here, still sticking to it. I haven't been losing, but today I weighed in still at my lowest weight. Maybe if I'm super good today and tomorrow I can go down a little more before T-Day. I think maybe I'll do N on Saturday to make up for Thursday.