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Caroline V's Daily Check In

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:09 am
by cbvargas
I'm so excited to be beginning the No S "way" tomorrow, October 18. My immediate goal is to do No S for 21 days and at that point I'm going to weigh myself. I've been familiar with this idea for several years and at one point owned the book but was never really interested in putting it into action. It seems I was always too worried about quick results to follow something this moderate.

Well, I'm ready now and can't wait to jump in! My ultimate goal is to bring my BMI down from 24.5 (where it is now) to 21.5, as that is a comfortable weight for me. Be checking in tomorrow with my results...

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:30 pm
by cbvargas
OK, had my first day. I was successful in not snacking or eating sweets, which for me is great. However, not having seconds proved to be more of challenge than I thought. Ate embarrassingly large plates of food and technically did have seconds with dinner.

Ideally, I will eat 3 normal-sized, calm meals, instead of shoveling down food because I'm afraid I'll be starving by the next meal time.

I'm sure that will just take some practice. I wish I could say today was perfect but it was just the first day.


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:34 pm
by tobiasmom
You're doing fine! You'll learn a little bit more about yourself each day. I'm a newbie myself (just finished the second week). It's still a work in progress daily.....

Here's to a great Tuesday!