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Bolliknickers Daily Check IN

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:01 pm
by Bolliknickers
Day One today:

For those of you who may have read my intro, my first habit to make is to eat one plate of food three times a day with nothing in between.

For 21 days I don't care if the food I eat is sweet- but it has to be one piece and no seconds

The nutritional content will be as balanced as I can but it's currently not the issue!

I can have a piece of fruit afterwards as long as it is part of the meal, it isn't later on (in other words, a snack)

I resolve to pick right back up on the exercise. I intend to run the London Marathon next April for charity so I HAVE to start working on this now (I was a keen runner but I have lapsed...)

So here we are:

My first meal was a panini and a coffee at a meeting - around about 11am. I'm a little scared about getting hungry and snacking and I am rarely in the mood to eat first thing- if I do eat first thing it often leads to bingeing so I didnt.

My second meal was also a sandwich with breast of chicken and ham with a side salad and a few (it was a few, honest!) potato chips. No butter or mayo on the bread

I went to the gym and did 30 mins run, 20 mins stepper and a 30 min spin class. I was in the mood for a workout as I had had a VERY stressful day at work......

Dinner was home cooked- skinless chicken thighs in a marinade with a few baby potatoes, herbs, carrots swede and spinach.

That's it. Trying to drink more water. Day one is always the easiest though, eh? Truth is that I do feel satisfied and don't want anything else :D

So Day one is definitely GREEN

Have a good day everyone

Bolli K

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:06 am
by AnneK
Sounds like a great first day...congratulations!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:41 pm
by emd1212
Awesome work! I also am usually not hungry first thing in the morning, and am tryigmn to make sure I only have a meal when I am hungry.

Day 2!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:51 pm
by Bolliknickers
Evening All (well it is the evening here in the UK)

I found myself bored in the kitchen today and despite not being hungry I made myself breakfast under the guise of saving money (I spend FAR too much in cafes as I am on the road with work, so I figured it was cheaper......but by 11am I was wanting more food very badly. However I stuck it out and had coffee and lunch was actually at 3pm because I overran in a meeting. I ate at a hotel tonight and although I THINK I chose well, with monkfish wrapped in parma ham with new potatoes, steamed veggies and a SMALL glass of wine, I am now feeling very hungry at 10pm. I have just started to get back in to an exrecise programme and wonder if that might be why. Good thing is that I am not able to physically go and get some food - and I flushed the cookies in my room down the toilet to stop me being tempted lol.

So I complied again- a GREEN day- and got in about three or so miles on the treadmill at quite a decent speed but I think I need to try and have breakfast later unless I'm exercising first thing.

Have a good day everyone!

Best, Bollli K


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:11 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job on another green day! You have me cracking about picturing you flush cookies down the toilet! That is a great option!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:28 pm
by good enough
Just wanted to say hi and welcome! I'm pretty new too - sounds like you have a great plan in place for implementing the programme.

Best of luck on your journey! :D

Day 3

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:49 pm
by Bolliknickers
Ha yes- the only way to stop myself from eating those darned cookies is to get rid of them- glad I did as I woke up hungry today and that would have been IT... also woke up with a sore throat and itchy eyes, so wasnt up to exercising. Lots of crap going on at home as well and I was over 200 miles away at a meeting and didnt get in until 8. Found myself mindlessly picking while cooking dinner but stopped myself and it was only salad which was part of my meal so I'm OK about that- but it reminds me that it is the mindless, unconscious eating which has been an issue for me.
So, no exercise but no sweets or seconds despite feeling mega stressed and would normally have binged in frustration in the car, so I make that a green day again.

Thanks to everyone for the messages and useful advice and I look forward to getting to know you all in this "virtual" world we are all in here :D
Bolli K

Day four and hungry.....

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:40 pm
by Bolliknickers
Hmmm. Today was a struggle, too much of a struggle to do any real exercise and a lot of time in the car.....and a lot of time spent eyeing up the cakes (I dont actually have a sweet tooth so what's THAT about?) in the motorway service stations!! I did have to have fruit to finish off my lunch and dinner today was just that bit too early for me- 7 30- which left a lot of evening thinking about food :x I'm a night owl so early nights aren't for me unfortunately.
Need to keep myself occupied and on other things rather than food tomorrow.
But, despite it all, no nibbling or snacking so a day four success :D

Have a good day everyone!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:01 am
by AnneK
Congrats on four days in a row!

I'm only on day 13, but I found the no snacking thing absolutely gets easier. I totally stopped craving snacks this week--even after dinner, which is the hardest time for me as well.

Day 5 and counting....

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:10 pm
by Bolliknickers
Hello all. I saw that Zippa Dee has said that she wasnt going to post a food journal as it made her focus more on food and this is about behaviour change...I really relate to that, so I am going to do the same.
Found it very hard today not to overeat as I actually felt very very hungry.... so I had larger plates of food. I feel a bit overfull right now but I stuck to my simple resolve which is not to think about WHAT but WHEN.....
and it's nearly the weekend :D