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TexArk's Musings

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:06 am
by TexArk
After more than two years of editing my opening page, I feel the need to update at the top rather than the bottom. If you are interested in my history which I doubt, scroll below for the chronological story and updates

April 2013
Where am I now?

Weight: Well, I am about 3 lbs. above my highest suggested BMI which puts me at about 160.8. (66 yr. old at 5'7") I always thought that I needed to weigh much lower than least as low as 150. Now I am just accepting what my body does. I am not in control of what the weight number on the scale reports. I have lost a little of 10 lbs. since January and I am about where I was a year ago. I have lost down from 204 in October 2010. I still weigh in every day. I never have let the number dictate my behavior. But I have found over many years of experimenting that if I don't weigh and weigh daily I gradually gain weight. I cannot use my clothes or how I feel as a guide. I have learned to use the Hackers Diet spreadsheet so that I can see the trendline and that probably helps me not to worry about the ups and downs that are normal depending on how much solid and liquid are in my body.

Eating Plan:
This is very personal for me. I have found what works I think. I have tracked calories and carbs enough to know that I do not need very many calories to maintain. I no longer count every day since I eat pretty much the same each day. If I have shown a trendline gain for a week, then I will count for awhile just to keep myself honest.
I feel better if I leave off wheat most of the time. I think I have a slight intolerance and it causes bloating and discomfort. I limit sugar to an occasional 1/4 cup of rich ice cream. I bring home a small pint of gourmet gelato and repackage it into 1/4 cup containers for the freezer or I might enjoy a special event dessert. I may have this little bit (the gelato) daily instead of waiting for S Days when I would probably give myself permission to eat the whole thing.

I do make all my meals at home except for Sunday dinner (most of the time). I do not snack except for maybe an orange in the middle of the morning if I have had a very light early breakfast and I no longer worry about a little nibbling or tasting as I am cooking. My biggest struggle is stopping the meal. I use the NoS one plate plan and then I have to tell myself at the end that the hunger I feel is not real.....that I have had enough to get to the next scheduled meal. Using some of Gillian Riley's ideas about choice and addressing addictive desire, I talk to myself about the fact that yes, I do have the choice to have a second helping, but I am also choosing the consequences that go with that. I know that I am not really hungry; it is just my addictive desire tempting me. Each time I can walk away from that I get stronger patterns set and feel better about myself. I already have an easy time now choosing not to eat junk because I do think I am making a good choice for my well being and I have practiced that choice for a couple of years. Where I have difficulty is in overeating the healthy, good stuff!

I buy a half a beef each year from a local farmer and I shop weekly at the farmer's market. I am trying to consciously eat more veggies. I used to do that back as a filler upper in weight watcher days. I think I rebelled against that, but now I am enjoying having at least half of my plate (usually 2/3) as vegetables again. I use butter, olive oil, rendered lard, coconut oil, but I do not use other industrial seed oils. I buy farm eggs and eat several each day. I also try to get in several salmon and/or sardine meals each week.

NoS modified?
I would not tell someone I am following NoS. I don't tell anyone that I am following a diet of any sort. But I do eat 2 or 3 meals a day. I don't snack or plan to eat seconds. I don't really observe S Days except that is when I will eat out and maybe eat a little bit more. Every so often, maybe 2 times a week, I will have a very light eating day...maybe 500 calories or so. I just go by how I feel and don't make any rigid rules about it. I think I probably need to do that to keep my weekly calorie average in check. I really do not get much exercise right now. That might change or not, but I am learning to eat less food. I think Gillian Riley's book, Eating Less, Say Goodbye to Overeating, works well with the NoS philosophy. She refers to Times (which would be setting the time you are going to eat next) and Plans (at each meal plan before you start eating how much you are going to eat). This sounds a lot like NoS.

I have had some challenging life events over the past few years, but don't we all. What I like about my way of eating and "dieting" now is that it is something I can do all the time...even if I am away from home, recovering from injury, moving, job changes, etc.

Older Posts:

No need to go into my history except to say that I have tried most every approach except surgery and therapy. I have lost 50 lbs. over and over again and never maintained more than 5 years. I am an "expert" on diets, nutrition, exercise, and behavior management, but I just now feel as if I have a solid plan for eating and managing my weight for the rest of my life.

On normal eating: After years of losing on “diets†I thought I could surely become a normal eater. Wrong. I should have realized that fact years ago watching my sister in law leave half a piece of pie on her plate. Never would I do that automatically. :lol: After gaining many pounds really trying normal eating and intuitive eating plans for maintenance, I must admit I am not normal. I do not have a food addiction or food allergies, and I don’t think I have an emotional problem that needs to be “fixed.†I accept that I will always have to monitor my food in some way. Hopefully some habits have and will become automatic; nevertheless mindful monitoring will always be necessary.

On weighing: I need to weigh every morning upon rising, sans clothes, and after visiting toilet! I know that there will be fluctuations but when I do this daily I can see the trend and the truth. I have always gained when I put away the scales. Never have I lost or maintained by not weighing. ETA I now have a very good scale that is consistent and I log into Hackers Diet to record weight daily on the spreadsheet which tracks the trendline. This also shows me my calorie deficit.

On body measurements: I don’t need to measure my body. It is too time consuming and it is not possible to be consistently accurate. It is a given that when fat is lost, less space is taken up. ETA: as I am closer to goal I may start measuring waistline and continue that at maintenance

On food rules: I don’t have any rules about what foods I should or should not eat. As Reinhard says, "All food is preapproved." As soon as I make a rule, I want to break it! My only rule is to record every bite I eat. I don’t want to think about food all the time and how many calories or points I have left. I count though so that I am not fooling myself. Name a food rule and I have probably tried it. I have tried other’s rules, and I have made up a host of my own. Now I just weigh daily and record my food and exercise with no starting over. I guess I should say that the NoS rules of no seconds and no snacking are now habits and I do not consider them food rules since all foods are acceptable. ETA: I now do not eat grains (except white rice), seed oils, or sugar but I am convinced of the health reasons for this so do not consider these "diet" rules for weight loss.

On sweets: I do best if I limit my sweets to special times when I am (usually) not eating at home. This does not always fall neatly on an official S Day. Since one cookie does not satisfy me, why would I have three dozen more in the house to call my name. I can enjoy a slice of cheesecake, or a scoop of ice cream outside the house and not have to engage in a mind battle. I did not get fat eating a small dessert ever so often. I got fat bingeing on many servings of sweets and snacks. And if a sweet indulgence happens in the middle of the week that is just fine as long as I record the calories. S Days are not for sugar/chocolate orgies. ETA: the only sweet I have now is the occasional 85% and sometimes 100% dark chocolate and ice cream or coconut macaroon maybe as a treat on S Days.

On wheat/gluten: I do better if I avoid or eliminate most gluten products. These foods seem to cause cravings even more than sugar. I do not want to give them up completely, but these are best limited. ETA: I have given up all wheat and gluten foods. I will on occasion have a slice of sprouted sour dough bread.

On protein: I am better satisfied and have fewer cravings if I am getting enough good protein at each meal. I try to have at least 4 oz. protein at lunch and supper and often have one or two eggs for breakfast. ETA: Now I have upped my breakfast to a high protein no carb breakfast and many days I am not hungry for lunch.

On snacks: This was a real problem area for me. Traditional snack foods such as chips, nuts, crackers, etc. have always been difficult to limit. As a teenager I can remember getting great pleasure from a good book and a box of Wheat Thins. Now I measure these items out and put them on my plate at meal time following the No Snacks rule. I try to limit crackers and chips and focus more on nuts. However, I do not count as having broken a rule having a snack of fruit, yogurt and/or cheese between meals if I am hungry and I count it. ETA: now I have no snacks at all even on S Days. I think it gets my leptin, insulin, and ghrelin levels out of balance.

On seconds: NoS has made me more aware of second helpings. Generally, I try to fix a plate or bowl that I think will satisfy me at the meal. However, if I underestimated and am still hungry, I do not consider it a failure to have another bowl of soup since I am accountable for it and am recording everything I eat in my software program. I know exactly how many calories I am averaging per week. ETA: I have taken breaks from calorie counting and each time I do, I gain weight. Now I am experimenting with calorie averaging and have up days and down days but my average to lose and be satisfied has been about 900 calories. Obviously I don't require a lot of food.

On free days: There is no such thing as far as my body is concerned. I never learned to handle my S Days. I can run up more calories on a free day than I could possibly burn up in a week of careful eating. Because I am aware of my calorie intake and am monitoring my weight, I can enjoy days where I can go over my budget for a day. No day is a license to binge or practice gluttony. Instead I want to choose carefully and enjoy and savor choices I make on special occasions.

On accounting diets: I could always lose counting calories, points, grams, etc. but I never could maintain for long and the bingeing got worse and worse because of the restrictions I had self imposed. I think it was not the accounting as much as it was the restricting and the rules. Now I realize that accounting is just that—accountability. I think of CC as I do weighing on the scale. Therefore my diet rule or habit to establish is to log into Diet Power what I eat each day, my exercise, and my weight. Calorie counting is not the controlling, obsessive, restricting way of life I remember from the past. New technology makes it quick and easy and mind freeing. ETA: I can also look at my records and see any trends or patterns while monitoring my percentages of proteins, fats, carbs. Now I do this if I have started to gain and want to check my portions. I do keep a daily food log and enter my food and exercises...without calorie counts.

On starting over: As far as I am concerned there is no starting over. Life is just what it is. It is not a rehearsal for the real thing. Every day counts. As long as I just keep recording my food and exercise I can try all sorts of approaches, I will have failures; I may be ashamed; but I will be honest with myself. I will not live on the isle of denial to quote another poster. The scale will tell the tale.

On aerobic exercise: I tend to have an all or nothing approach I have to fight against. I have found I don’t do well with a gym membership or classes at this time in my life. If I consistently average burning 200 calories a day I seem to be able to lose or maintain my weight as needed. If I can comfortably do more than that, good for me. Outdoor walking and indoor flywheel cycling work best for me. A pedometer is also motivating. I have seen the studies that say that the formerly obese need to get 60-90 minutes of exercise a day to maintain. I have never been able to do this much exercise consistently. If this means that my goal weight will have to be higher and my maintenance calories lower, I can live with that. I do not want to exercise 90 minutes daily. ETA: My goal now is to cycle on the recumbent bike and use the elliptical machine at the gym about 30 min. 5 X a week since I cannot walk for exercise any more due to permanent injury. I also lift heavy weights 2 X a week.

On strength and flexibility: I had success with yoga, but after an arm and shoulder injury on the ice last winter I cannot do much yoga. I do want to work on adding some stretching later when other habits are in place. My goal is to do a light workout with weights for strength building 2 or 3 times a week. ETA: I am slowly adding chair yoga into my routine.

After trying NoS for nearly 2 years and gaining about 30 pounds I have had to make adjustments. I had many 21 day perfect stretches of N Days, but I needed a different mindset for my S Days. Therefore, my NoS plan is adjusted below:

I follow the NoS 3 plate rule and record what I eat in my software program. If I am still hungry I sometimes (not often) eat a second helping of foods and I record it. If I want a little something sweet, I eat a small piece of 85% dark chocolate. I don’t eat in between meals unless I am truly stomach hungry and then I might eat a piece of fruit and yogurt and/or coconut oil. Instead of having an S day on Saturday or Sunday, I have available calories that I can use for special or unexpected meals or treats. I work at averaging 300 calories burned each day. I try to make good choices getting enough protein and limiting some carbs. I also practice environmental control by keeping problem foods out of the house or out of sight. I agree with the principles of NoS but I have had to adapt them to fit me. I will continue to visit this website because I consider NoS my basic plan. I have found the board to be supportive, intelligent, and open to different opinions. I realize that many are attracted to NoS because they do not want to count calories and I appreciate individual differences.

February Update:
Have added my personal carbohydrate restrictions since January 1.
I am continuing to study Gary Taubes books and lectures, the Hyperlipid blog, Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint) and Kurt Harris (PaNu blog) and applying what I think is true for me. I am finding it easy to eliminate sugar and gluten grains, to limit fruits and starches, and my carb count is averaging around 60 and my calorie count is averaging around 1200, with many days at 1000 WITHOUT HUNGER. I am steadily losing and feel great. I do not feel like I am being deprived of any food so I feel no need for an S Day. I still don't think in terms of Food Rules, but some foods have been eliminated just because I find them unappealing now that I know how damaging they are and how much better I feel without them. If I thought that sugar was only harmful because it was going to slow down weight loss, that would not be enough for me to give it up. Now I feel so much better abstaining that I can find no good reason for adding it back to my diet. I have had to deal with more stress during this time which would usually be a deal breaker and a reason to comfort with carbs. Absolutely no temptation...I am not ready to quit keeping a calorie count, but I am open to it. Right now I want records to verify my experiment.

March 23, 2011 Update
My way of eating has evolved into following the principles learned from Reinhard, Taubes, Sisson, and Harris. I guess I do have food rules, but they are not imposed from on high. It is different when one believes that some foods are damaging and are agents of disease. This is more than about weight loss. Here are the basics of my plan primarily based on Kurt Harris's NuPaleo:

1. I do not eat sugar and flour.
2. I use animal fats or coconut fat.
3. I have eliminated gluten grains.
4. I do not use grain and seed derived cooking oils (PUFAS)
5. I take 2 tsps Carlsons fish oil to adjust Omega 6's and 3's since grass fed beef and fish are not accessible.
6. I eat fruit in moderation, emphasizing berries and seasonal.
7. I do not eat legumes.
8. I limit hard cheeses to 4 oz. daily.
9. I record food in software to track calories and carbs. (average 1200 calories, 50 carb grams)
10. I eat 2 or 3 meals a day...No grazing.
11. I emphasize leafy greens.
12. I aim for proper exercise emphasizing resistance training.

I am now 10 lbs. from my estimated goal weight and am very satisfied with my WOE. I have not worked in the resistance training as planned, but I am following the basic plan of no grains, no sugar, and no seed oils. My fat grams are about 100 a day and protein is about 80. My calories have been averaging a little over 1300. I am not trying to keep carbohydrates VL but it just happens with the grains and sugar eliminated. I have cut back on nuts and cheese and I have added in daily coconut oil..YUM. I am just now trying IF two days a week with a window from 2:00-8:00 p.m.

I have been staying on plan through many of life's ups and downs. My weight plateaued the last three months, but now that I can add some exercise back in, I think I can lose the last 10 pounds. I am not trying to IF any more, because I think I need a high protein breakfast. When I do that, I am not hungry until mid afternoon and a light salad will hold me until dinner.

Obviously, I am not going to make my yearly goal. Here is the data from the last year that I need to study as I plan my goals for the next year.

Oct 15, 2010 - March 31, 2011
calories averaged: 1318
pounds lost: 41

April 1, 2011-August 30, 2011
calories averaged: 1346
pounds lost: 0

June 19, 2011-Sept. 19, 2011
calories averaged: 1336
weight: 165 - 163 with dips down to 162 and up again

Sept. 13-October 12, 2011
calories averaged: 1300
weight: 162.5

I have to assume that I have been at maintenance since April 1 and that I will not lose weight at a calorie level above 1300. I have added exercise (heavy weights, HIIT, and low impact cardio) but haven't seen any difference in weight yet.

I have kept track of my nutrition for one year and have learned a maintenance calorie range is 1250-1350.
I have stayed the same weight for over 6 months maintaining a loss of 42 pounds.
I do not think I can lower calories and be well nourished so this is where I will stay unless increased exercise changes my metabolism.
I do not snack, eat seconds, or eat sweets. (or grains or seed oils)
I do not change this way of eating on S Days, but I do plan more high calorie or high cost foods as treats.
I no longer binge or crave foods. My hunger/satiety seems to finally have found balance.
I eat a large protein, no carb breakfast and a very light lunch and supper. I try to include yogurt or sauerkraut each day and bone broth a few times a week. I eat a pound of salmon a week and 1/2 a pound of beef liver. I use coconut oil for cooking and butter for flavor and EVOO for salad dressing.
I try to eat about 200 calories in berries, potatoes daily.

UPDATE: December 9, 2011
I have stayed with the basic paleo plan: no sugar, no gluten, no seed oils, watching omega 3/6 ratio and have upped my resistant exercise. It seems that I have gradually lost about 4 more pounds. I have been eating on average two meals a day. My large protein breakfast holds me until the evening meal. I still consider myself to be at maintenance and will accept whatever my body decides is my best weight. My original goal was 8 pounds lighter than my present weight, but my clothes are loose so maybe the number doesn't matter!

August, 2012
I have gained 2 or 3 lbs. and am focusing on the NoS principles and working the daily exercise plan. I have cut back to 30 minutes of planned activity daily and am trying to establish that habit. After several years of working this plan I have found that it is much much easier for me to avoid foods that I know are not good for me instead of reducing portions or limiting those foods. I am much more satisfied without gluten grains and man made fats. I will have an occasional sweet without grains on S Days but I do not keep those things in the house (ice cream, dark chocolate, coconut macaroons). Decisions of degree seem to work for some people, but I am no longer willing to work on that. It requires too much mental energy and is just not worth it.

December 2012
I maintained my weight loss with 2 meals a day. I have gradually picked up weight (about a pound a month) eating 3 meals a day. I am now about 12 lbs. above a normal BMI. I have learned that I need to keep my calorie count around 1000 calories a day to lose. So I am back to 2 meals a day. The exercise is not going well at all. I am forcing it, but I will never have the exercise habit. It is a matter of Just Do It. I still must weigh every morning to stay focused. And for now, I need to record my food in My Fitness Pal to keep check on my calories. I still omit seed oils, sugars, and most grains. I do not binge any more, but obviously I will have to always watch my calorie count. Sorry but 3 plates a day can add up to over 1200 calories very easily which means weight gain. I am 5'7" and all the charts say I should be able to eat more, but that is not true for me.

For the month of January I tried calorie averaging...sort of a modified up day/down day alternate day diet. I kept my calorie average under 900 calories and I lost close to 5 lbs. I will keep this going for February and see if I maintain or lose more. Any loss will be very slow from here on, but I think I have my groove back.

Beginning Weight: 204.5 October 15, 2010


Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:02 pm
by TexArk
Plan is still working great.

According to the scale this morning I am still losing; however this is not my scale from home and the weight is too low.

In a year and of half of trying vanilla NoS and then various tweaks I made my way up from 172 to 205. I LIKE MY NEW FOUND PLAN. I have been out of town for 9 days and it is still very easy to implement.

Even though I gained on NoS a few habits were established. I rarely eat between meals and that was a huge change for me.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:11 pm
by TexArk
OK I am back home after being out of town 10 days. Alas, the out of town scales are not accurate, but I still showed a loss. I weighed on the home scales this morning and I did lose 1 1/2 pounds while on the road. And....I suspect tomorrow will be lower because of the high salt content of my food over the weekend road travel back home.

So I am saying that my plan is still a roaring success since I made it through the travel and the elder care and other stressors and still lost. I also was able to go back and change the scale weight that I had entered in Diet Power to reflect my more accurate scale. Love that software!

So todays weight is 198.5 Under 200 and loving it!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:05 pm
by BrightAngel
Image TexArc
It looks to me like you have a good plan set for yourself,Image
and I look forward to watching your progress.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:23 pm
by TexArk
Scale showed a loss today...maybe I have releassed the excess salt from last weekend.

Down to 196.5

This is an 8 lb. loss since recording my food and exercise and weight into my software program.

Amazing...after trying all sorts of tweaks and mods and only slowly gaining, I am now steadily losing. I am enjoying good food as I was before and am very close to vanilla NoS. The accountability is the difference. I must have been getting extra calories from somewhere that I was not aware of or as I suspect my S Days were too calorie laden to be overcome.

I am eating an average of 1638 calories a day. This is about 400 calories more than I would have eaten on a calorie restricted diet and it is still below the budgeted amount calculated for my metabolism. Nice to see those extra calories in the bank though. I have also averaged 200 calories burned in exercise daily. I realize that the calorie budget will go down as the weight goes down, but I think I can adjust.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Jim Ryun


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:39 pm
by TexArk
Stayed within calorie budget and met exercise goal; however last night too much salt laden party food showed up on the scale this morning. I am aware that the increase on the scale is purely water retention and that is another positive reason to weigh daily.

The plan for the day:

increase water consumption
watch sodium content all day
fast until lunch

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:01 pm
by TexArk
After working to reduce excessive salt intake, I showed another pound loss this morning.

Weighed in at 195.5. I know the loss will slow down for awhile, but the first 3 weeks of my new plan (NoS plus recording calories) I have lost 9 lbs. I am thrilled with this after 2 years of failure!

My willpower and discipline are focused on burning 200 calories a day in exercise and faithful recording. Nothing stops a binge faster than stopping to record how many nuts, chips, candies etc. I am consuming. I have permission to eat as long as I record. This seems to be a self regulating approach.

Also the weight loss has not become the goal. Establishing my habits and recording them is fun to watch. Maybe this will take care of the "letdown" that comes at maintenance. The game isn't over if I am keeping score a different way.


Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:16 pm
by tobiasmom
You're doing awesome!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:33 am
by TexArk
It has been a good day. No cravings. Just good food and exercise. Wish all days could be like this.

I added a ticker and a signature. My next goal is to figure out the other codes!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:40 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:Nothing stops a binge faster than stopping to record how many nuts, chips, candies etc. I am consuming.
I have permission to eat as long as I record.
This seems to be a self regulating approach.
This is also my own Experience. Image

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:23 pm
by TexArk
Still showing an 9 lb. loss since beginning my new plan Oct. 15. See first post.

Yesterday was stressful as my daughter had to make a 10 hour road trip by herself. The urge to comfort with snack foods as I waited out her safe arrival was curbed by the knowledge that I would record everything I ate in my software program. I made it. I react well to accountability without restrictions. As soon as I put in any restrictions I have trouble. After all, I put in the rule so I can adjust it. And because I tend to have an all or nothing mentality, speaking metaphorically here, "If I get a scratch on the car, I will illogically total it!"

So far, I am following NoS principles, but if I have yogurt in the middle of the afternoon, I do not mark the day as a failure; I just record the food in Diet Power.

Scale Issues

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:03 pm
by TexArk
I have been concerned about the accuracy of my scale during this month of daily weighing. I was prepared for ups and downs, but something just didn't seem right. I have 2 Taylor scales and they always vary 2 to 3 lbs. from one another. I thought I could stick with one and as long as it was consistent it wouldn't matter the "exact" number. But I didn't like the fact that neither weighed #in increments less than .5 lb....So I bought a new scale yesterday. It is a Health O Meter without any bells and whistles and it weighs to .2 lb., is easy to read, and was not that expensive since all I want it to do is give an accurate weight.

The results: it weighs lower than the other 2. So this morning I weighed:

Scale #1: 197
Scale #2: 194.5
Scale #3: 192.8

Now I have no idea which is accurate, but I am going to put #1 and #2 away and stick with #3 not because it registers the lowest, but because I think it might be the most accurate day to day, and I like the .2 lb. increments.

As a data nut, this bothers me but I suppose I can pull out the old scale once a month and see how that compares to my beginning weight.

At any rate I get to report a whopping loss this morning!

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:04 pm
by TexArk
Still working the plan. Yesterday I made a list of all the diets I could remember that I had tried over the past 4 decades. It was amusing and instructive. Young folks could not identify, but it was like an archeological dig starting with Ayds candy and Debbie Drake LP workout records! When I think of all the books, magazines, and notebooks that I have bought and put together over the years it would fill a library!

The analogy of love affairs (not that this is my lifestyle or morality) comes to mind. I had several long term relationships, some short flings, some one night stands, and others never got to first base! Weight Watchers was the longest relationship off and on several times beginning with the original 5 fish meals, 1 liver, etc. Then there were various forms of low carb and low fat and meal replacement. I even tried very strict diets like Pritikin. I can see the appeal of intuitive eating for those of us who have spent years working all the other plans and are just tired of it and hope for normalcy. But as others have said it was a disaster and I tried several forms for 3 years as a maintenance plan. Result: more weight gain.

However, after a lifetime of working on this, I think I can say that I learned something from each approach. It may have damaged me in some way, but I choose to look at the positive. I have learned many types of foods and I would rather cook my own food than eat out. I know a lot about nutrition and exercise. I really have trained myself to prefer healthy, filling foods and many "bad" foods are just disgusting to me now.
And technology has finally come to my rescue. The ease of counting calories and all the nutrition labeling did not exist before as well as all the online support from groups such as this board. So I have no regrets.

It is a relief to know that I have settled on what I need to do from now on and the search is over. That doesn't mean that there is not more to learn, but the framework is there for me and I will not veer off course any more chasing the impossible.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:33 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:technology has finally come to my rescue.
The ease of counting calories and all the nutrition labeling did not exist before .
Great Post, TexArk, Image
I've copied it to my Thread.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:40 pm
by TexArk
Thirty days into my plan and very pleased with the progress. Now I have to get my mind prepared for the reality of a slow down in weight loss. I know that the initial loss of 12 lbs. in a month is not going to be the norm. My goal is just to keep working the plan and hopefully I will average at least 1 lb. loss per week for the year. Best of all I am prepared to face the Holiday Eat Fest which is on its way! And I love my new scale that can show small incremental losses.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:11 pm
by Kathleen
I would like to make one comment on your plan, which is that I lost to about 200 pounds when I followed No S and then got stuck. You gained to about 200 pounds and then got stuck. Reinhard lost to lower than that, but he is a young guy and we are both middle-aged women. I, too, have figured out that No S won't lead to an acceptable weight.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:52 am
by connorcream
I am enjoying reading your progress. Using my apps on my iTouch to record my food intake is marvelously simple. I weigh on my Tanita scale each morning. Quick, repeatable measurements. I will never stop doing these things. So easy, yet so powerful.

First Month Report

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:23 am
by TexArk
After adding calorie counting to NoS, here are the end of the month results.

Beginning Wt Oct 15 194.5

Ending Wt Nov 15 189.6

Weight Loss: 14.9 lbs. (or to adjust to new scale differential 10.9 lb. loss)

Average Calories Eaten: Oct. 15 – Nov. 10 1620
Average Calories Eaten: Nov. 11 – Nov. 15 1271

When things level out I will try to settle on a calorie budget. For now, I am not trying to restrict and the NoS principles seem to be holding the calorie count down. However, I am not having S days. I have eaten several Hershey Kisses, several small mini ice cream sandwiches and a couple of pieces of sugar free pumpkin pie over the month. None of that adds up to what my S days were like before.

Average Calories Burned Exercise Oct 15 – Nov 10 200
Average Calories Burned Exercise Nov 11 – Nov 15 178

Pants are baggy!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:09 am
by BrightAngel
Congratulations, Great Job !!! Image

Fit Day Records

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:58 pm
by TexArk
I found old Fit Day Records and decided to put a sampling on my thread so I can refer to them as I lose and maintain again.

Lost weight in 2002-2003 from 192 to 150 lbs. on diabetic exchange diet and from 150-142 lbs counting WW pts

Maintenance Began on October 2003 at 142:
12-16-03 138

1-24-04 138.5
2-26-04 137
3-27-04 140
4-28-04 148
12-08-04 146.5

2-24-05 150
3-10-05 145.5
6-18-05 147.5

1-27-06 148
7-21-06 153 (started intuitive eating) at the top of my maintenance range

2 years of intutive eating a major failure as a maintenance plan 10-15-08 170

(at end of 12-08 started NoS but did not weigh)

3-18-09 168.5
4-30-09 165.5 (Father had stroke; eldercare out of state for 4 months)
6-09 172
10-21-09 182.5 (still trying to make NoS work)

1-16-10 Fell on the ice, broke arm, long recovery, no exercise
still trying NoS and gaining

10-15-10 204.5 (started calorie counting with NoS principles)

My goal weight may have been too low. I am aiming for 150 for now. Also it is obvious that when I quit counting and quit weighing I started gaining. I maintained for nearly 4 years, but quit counting because of the allure of inuitive eating. And it is also clear when life dealt me a blow, I didn't have the boundaries in place to get me through.

Thanksgiving Plans

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:29 pm
by TexArk
This year Thanksgiving should be easy. Husband, Daughter, and I will be eating Thanksgiving dinner at the assisted living facility with my dad and stepmom. It will be the usual Thanksgiving meal I am sure, but nothing I am looking forward to. So I should be able to do a normal meal...don't like dressing, gravy, cranberries, sweet potatoes anyway so no problem!

Now to plan for the 2 weeks out of town away from my usual routine. I can take my laptop, walking shoes, pedometer, and Splenda (apology for those who disagree here) and just keep on keeping on.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:47 pm
by connorcream
If this helps, use it. If not, let it pass.

Bringing your lap top is a great help. I bring my iTouch, as I have my pda on it. Anytime I have a challenging set of eating days or events: travelling, charity events spanning days, visitors in town, DD having a new grandbaby, etc..., I plan out my meals in advance. This brings an incredible amount of peace to my life. It also helps with the rest of the planning for the family. During my WL portion of my plan, I really focused of finding foods I enjoy and that are good for ME. We eat out a lot: chains and local haunts. I really had to find a way to fit in without always ordering a salad with grilled chicken. Checking the menu ahead is a big help. I also discovered that not all calories effect me the same way. So, as soon as I realized this, I limited those and found better ones for me. Foods have to be both tasty and good for me long after I am done chewing. I expect more from my foods. I have yet to regret NOT eating something the next day. But I sure would regret not doing the many active wonderful things I do now. And go figure, I am at a great weight heading into the holidays.

I am also cognizant of the fact, that my body is not as imparied as others (DS comes to mind) so my WL/maintenance is turning out to be easier than for others. Antoher thing for which to be grateful. This time last year I had no idea where my body was going to end up.

So I applaud your wise planning and look forward to hearing of your success.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:15 pm
by TexArk
A wonderful list of suggestions for eating out from connorcream. Thanks so much.

For me, those foods I avoid, are starches & grains. I do better without them in many ways. I am not celiac, I have no wheat allergies per se. I just do better. Salt is last on my list when making decisions. It doesn't mean I like gobs of salt, far from it (I get organic canned beans no salt, and use sea salt when I want a salty addition) it is just that there are only so many variables that I can control when someone else is cooking. Especially a restaurant, and salt isn't what makes me fat. Perhaps bloated, but not fat.

Black Eyed Pea- Blacked Cajun Catfish, no rice, double veggies, no rolls, no honey, no cornbread, no sweet tea.

Cracker Barrel- Low carb chicken smothered in cheese, sides are green beans, turnip greens. No bread, no jelly, no honey.

Applebees- Asiago Peppered Steak, no potatoes, double veggies.

Chipotle- Carnitas, sour cream, sometimes guacamole, salad, no bowl, 1/2 corn relish. Green salsa. No cheese, no cheapo tortilla. See below, I have better choices. Love this place.

Mac Donalds- Southwestern salad, no dressing. Do eat the tortilla chips.

I haven't been to Chilis yet but I have wanted to try the shrimp you ordered. I would not have gotten the starchy side, subbed out for double veggies.

Wendy's- Large chili bowl, with cheese & sour cream. No potato, small salad with fresh squeezed lemon juice. I also always have prepackaged lemon juice for salad occasions. Salad dressings, if ordered, are always on the side. Some salads taste better with lemon juice, salt & pepper.

TexMex- I like enchiladas. In my fair city, tortillas whether flour or corn, are ASSUMED, to be made by hand- fresh. Often times, the ladies are out where one can watch them. This is a starch I indulge in at times. With enchiladas, I order 1 green (salsa verde) chicken, 1 cheese, no rice or beans, salad instead. Pico de gallo (or salsa used with the chips) is used as my salad dressing. Sometimes, I will eat 10 crispy corn chips. But as of late, for me, I enjoy so much a hot fresh flour tortilla with a butter pat and a sprinkling of salt, that I forgo the chips altogether. I have the calories for the chips, but I really do not like carb cravings and that is what I am monitoring closely these days. My weight is great. I am now fine tuning what foods I enjoy, and what are their effects.

If I am in hotel/suite with micro & refrigerator (I call ahead), that is awesome. Instead of following the herd to the nearest fast food joint with a wait and, I go to a marvelous deli or if driving would have brought something from home. Trader Joes was close to where I was staying 2 weeks ago in VA, I researched what would be good choices to eat, DH & I had a delicious salmon dinner, green beans, sparkling water. Hazlenut chocolates & hand crafted beer for dessert with friends in our living room. I had the 1-2 # bounce up, but after 48 hrs of lower carb, lower cal eating, the bounce comes off. I do not indulge in a treat, until this bounce has settled back down. I want to see that it is water retention ( I think more from carbs than salt), it leaves, then I can enjoy my treats.

If I am staying in a friend's home, I chalk it up to doing the best I can do, still recording all that I eat, and notice if anything causes a reaction. 2-3 meals is not what caused me to get fat. Let's be real and keep perspective. Also I use these infrequent opportunities, to learn more about my body. Cravings, flushing, lethargy, mind wandering to a particular food and thinking about it too often are the types of reactions I key to. For example, this happened when I had chips & sour cream dip a few months ago. I found this combination to have such a pull on my desires that I refuse to ever eat it again. I have never binged, nor did I do so on this occasion. It was the strong desire to eat more that I did not like. I found myself distracted by them, so that the pleasure of the taste was out weighed by the discomfort of the attraction. I have seen some mention of various food combinations having this effect of people. Food companies have spent vast sums of money to know what most people like to eat. I take this knowledge, and decide for me that it isn't worth it. Does this happen often, no. In fact, I have a very experienced handle on it so that when I notice these reactions, I really enjoy the self discovery. I write it down in my journal to further help me remember.

While losing, I did not want a self induced plateau, so I did not risk it with useless calories. But with maintanence, I am allowing so foods back in, with careful thought.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:34 pm
by TexArk
I have put much time and effort in on planning my meals for the next two weeks. Starting with connorcream's suggestions I searched the web and printed out my own notebook of nutrition data for restaurants and fast food. Then I made a few index cards to carry in my purse so that I wouldn't have to go into a restaurant with my notebook. Hey, they might think I am a reviewer or inspector and I would get great service!

The best websites I found are;; and These links to restaurant menus save time when searching. I don't have a smart phone so I am making sure I prepare ahead the old fashioned way!

Now with my notebook, laptop, and Dietpower's database I am all set. I sure do not want my 3 plates a day to equal 3000 calories so I have to make good choices. The local and homestyle restaurants are more difficult to manage, but I can come close.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:19 pm
by connorcream
but I can come close.

Surprisingly, this is good enough. The act of writing/typing/recording is in and of itself the most valuable aspect of the process. Honesty is the best policy.

Have Dressing Will Travel

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:47 pm
by TexArk
Vinaigrette dressing (67 cal per 2 T)

I really like this homemade vinaigrette and just realized I can take it with me to restaurants by carrying it in empty 1 oz. extract bottles. They don't leak, but I would carry them in a zip lock bag just to be sure. Now the dry garden salad can be perked up without using yucky fat free or heavy calorie laden dressings.

Makes 1 cup
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup oil (canola)
3 T orange juice
3 T Splenda (or brown sugar)
1 T Dijon mustard (opt)
1 garlic clove cut in half

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:11 pm
by TexArk
Whoopee! I can confidently say I have left the 190s and can't believe that just a little over a month ago I was over 200--never want to see that again.

I wouldn't say this on the general discussion board, but I am so relieved this Saturday morning that I am not in S Day mode. I also notice the comments from posters who are relieved when they are back to Monday and NoS is in place again. I used to be obsessed with eating my sweets because after all, I would have to go a whole week again before enjoying them. I would spend my N Days planning and saving for my S days. No wonder I never lost and actually gained. I really have no cravings right now. I don't have an absolute rule against sweets but I know that they trigger cravings for me, and I don't like that feeling. I also do not feel restricted because I have given myself permission to eat any food as long as I record it.

I still apply the no snacks no seconds and mostly no sweets principles daily.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:11 pm
by connorcream
TexArk wrote:Whoopee! I can confidently say I have left the 190s and can't believe that just a little over a month ago I was over 200--never want to see that again.

Awesome. Glad to see you have found the success I have. There is much to be grateful for. Enjoy your holidays.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:00 pm
by TexArk
Travel Day yesterday -- 12 hours sitting!

But I followed my 3 meals, no snacks or sweets + my CC mod

And I weighed this morning (yes I brought my scale since I am going to be gone for about 10 days) and still moving downward.

Now I will have a kitchen for awhile and Thanksgiving is just one meal not 10 days of unlimited eating!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:16 pm
by BrightAngel
Image Looks like you are on the road to Success.Image

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:03 pm
by TexArk
Very nice Thanksgiving. Enjoyed yummy pecan pie :D

Daughter has been impressed with my weight loss and how I can eat normal special foods and she has started up DP software also, but is not ready to tackle No Sweets yet. Amazing...yesterday she saved her Dr. Pepper until evening. This is a 4 can a day drinker, too. Revealing isn't it how facing those numbers can put the brakes on. And she wants to go to the grocery store with me today to get some favorite foods to cook so she can back off of all the fast food. This week may be a turn around for her. Keep mouth shut. Don't preach. :wink:


Every Bite Counts

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:47 pm
by TexArk
While thinking about how every bite counts, I came across this post from a blog that says it all. I want it on my thread so I can refer to it. I think the podcast on S Days Gone Wild is great, but I never overcame the S day mentality until I admitted that every bite counts. This blog refers to a thread on 3 Fat Chicks as well as the blogger's ideas.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Every Bite Counts
I had a huge light bulb moment last night as I was reading this thread on the "3 Fat Chicks" website (GREAT place for support, by the way!) It's a thread about "cheat days," which is what some people call it when you plan a day to go off your eating plan and eat whatever you want. The theory is that if you PLAN a day like that every so often, it makes it easier to stay on plan the rest of the time. Whenever you are craving something, you just tell yourself that you can have it on your cheat day, but you have to wait until then to have it. The problem is that for some people (like me), a cheat day turns into a cheat week or a cheat month and it's really hard to get back on track. Or if you have problems with bingeing, it isn't any hardship to ingest upwards of 4 or 5 thousand calories on a cheat day (yes I have done that), and it really messes up all your hard work you did eating right all week.

Anyway, reading through that thread, it hit me. Every bite counts. EVERY. Now, maybe this sounds obvious, but how many times have I gotten up, started a healthy eating day, and then at lunch "slipped up" and had pizza? Then I would tell myself, "oh well, I ruined my day, so I may as well have candy bars and burgers and fries for dinner and start over fresh tomorrow." Isn't that something a LOT of people are in the habit of doing? We look at our eating aka "diet" in terms of a UNIT. One good day (eating the right number of points or calories or whatever your plan is) is a Unit of Success, and a Bad Day (eating over your limit, not counting calories, eating junk) is a Unit of Failure. Sometimes we even try to string days together, as in "I will start on Monday" or the first of the month or after Christmas or whatever, which is an excuse to eat badly and not count anything until we "start again" on that special date.

WHO came up with this idea??? Why is a "DAY" the unit of success or failure?? Who decided that if you eat badly for lunch, you can just eat whatever you want for the rest of the day and start over in the morning? It's as if we think that "one bad day" is a single unit of failure, whether we ate 2000 or 5000 calories, it's the same because it is just ONE bad day. It makes no sense!! EVERY BITE COUNTS, people, whether you eat a Hershey bar on a "bad" day because you are bingeing or eat it on a "good" day and add it into your calorie count, it is STILL 210 calories going into your body. You HAVE to stop looking at it as good and bad days. It is your LIFE.

What I mean is this. Say you are aiming to eat 1500 calories per day to lose weight (substitute WW points or whatever other unit or plan you are using). Now, say your week looks like this:

Monday: 1500
Tuesday: 1470
Wednesday: 1460
Thursday: 1520
Friday: 1460
Saturday: 3200
Sunday: 2900

You slipped up on Saturday and told yourself you would start over on Monday. You had only 2 bad days. But now you have eaten 13,510 calories for the week which averages out to 1910 per day... way over your limit. And you wonder why you haven't lost weight. Because every bite counts, and the unit is not a day, or even a week. It is a lifetime. When you eat something you shouldn't have, it's over. Stop, and eat right from that very moment on. Have a healthy dinner. Keep going. A bad meal is way better than a whole bad weekend.

You want a cheat day? Every bite you take counts, because it still goes into your body, counted or not. Every bite either helps you get closer to your goal or slows you down from reaching it. So the question becomes, how badly do you want it? Do you want to lose weight more than you want that cookie? Then put it down. Every time you eat something unhealthy or go over your calorie limit, you are effectively putting a speed bump... or even a roadblock... in between you and your goal. Every bite you take determines whether you will reach your goal weight in 6 months, 12 months, 3 years, or never. What do you REALLY want?

Re: Every Bite Counts

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:33 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:While thinking about how every bite counts, I
came across this post from a blog that says it all.
I want it on my thread so I can refer to it.
I've read this post before too, and it states my own belief. Image
I'm glad you came across it,
and I've decided to add it to my Thread as well.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:27 pm
by nowornever83
I love your post Tex! Very eye-opening....hmmm... makes me think about my own plans and how much I want this. Great points. Thank you!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:43 pm
by TexArk
BA, This is such a good summary of how we combine NoS w/ CC to enjoy S Days by thinking of weekly calorie averages instead of a license for gluttony. Reinhard assumes that we are going to be sensible on S Days and this is our way of being sensible. Thank you.

BrightAngel wrote:
funfuture wrote: am wondering if the calorie counters also include S days - ie do you guys ease up on S days? or do you stick to the same restrictions all the time?

Am interested in the practicalities of managing calorie counting if I introduced it. I find that NoS - 3 meals a day - sticks pretty closely to the 1500 cals I'd be allowed anyway to lose weight - but I am wondering about weekends/S days...
I find that one of the most important things about Calorie Counting is ACCOUNTABILITY.
Knowledge of the caloric density of one's food often tends to ultimately result in different choices.
Adding the precision of calorie counting to the 1 plate rule increases the visibility of Excess.

Reinhard is not a calorie counter, and he tends to view success/failure
as totally single daily units.
This is very effective with regard to the No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds except SOMETIMES on S days.

I find the use of today's computer technology to be essential for calorie counting.
The HABIT part of calorie counting is the continual daily ENTRY of calories eaten
into the software food journal of choice.

Unless one chooses to ALWAYS eat exactly the same thing,
....which rarely happens...
The ADD-ON act of calorie counting involves making more conscious choices.
With a calorie modification to No S, one needs to have more of a "checkbook...budgeting viewpoint".
To follow No S, AND calorie count, instead of thinking of calorie units only in terms of days,
one needs to think of them averaging out to a larger unit.

Personally, I aim for a weekly calorie average, which means that
I consciously make my "N" days lower calorie to offset the normal higher calories "S" days.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:51 pm
by TexArk
Results since beginning calorie counting modification Oct. 15


I have been away from home for 6 days and the stress level is high. However the NoS + CC is in place and I am continuing to lose. The next few months will be chaotic so I am especially grateful to have decided and settled on this plan. I know WW refugees dread the point counting and are glad to be relieved of that "chatter" in their head as KCCC refers to it. I agree. But I do not think about food all day and how much I have left, etc like I did on WW. Maybe the NoS habits do make it easier. The best part about the CC add on is that the S Days are calm. I find it interesting that so many posters are relieved when the S Days are over and they are back to an N Day on Monday.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:33 pm
by Pernetty
Isn't that bizarre - I have found that same thing - counting points on WW drove me crazy and food obsessed but counting calories has calmed my food thoughts. And more importantly, I am way more in tune with my hunger and full signals and I know how to approach them.

I know there's not a big difference between points and calories but it's been pivotal to my success.

Generally, I wait until I'm hungry before I eat, which is normally around 10 am. I know if I have a small breakfast, I can wait until about 1-2 pm to have lunch. And then I'm good until 7 pm for dinner. The routine, the rituals and the toolkit of online counting has been a very rewarding combination.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:50 pm
by TexArk
Been away from home for 11 days now. All going well foodwise...getting exercise working on my Dad's a setback! Last night I sprained my ankle/foot while working on stripping wallpaper. I am using his wheelchair and waiting to see how things go today before going to doctor. I leave for home on long road trip Monday, but DD can drive. And it will be fast food for a few days since I can't shop and cook. I will make it work, but I didn't really need this right now! At least I got Dad transported to two doctor appointments yesterday.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:05 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:I will make it work.
Sorry about your injury. Image
Life Happens, and I've learned that there will ALWAYS be SOMETHING.
Keep up your good work !! Image

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:06 pm
by TexArk
I haven't been able to weigh for 3 days due to foot injury, but calorie count has been very low...spending many hours elevating foot, iced, etc. Tomorrow will be long road trip way to elevate foot so it will be a rough day. So glad I have NoS + CC in place or I would be snacking away to relieve the boredom/frustration and trying to find comfort in all the wrong places! When the caregiver is laid up, the next generation has to step up. I am thankful my daughter can drive me home tomorrow.

And I am glad that I preplanned possible good choices at various fast food restaurants because that is where I am for 2 more days.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:59 pm
by connorcream
I am so sorry to hear about your foot. I will pray that your recovery is quick.

Preplanning food is the very best way to handle problems. I find it brings me great peace and satisfaction. I put my food choices in my pda, look at my meals, and eat happily away. No stumbling in the midst of crisis, no emotional eating, and feeling truly nourished to handle to crisis. It is possible to stay on plan while losing or maintaining, but first one needs a plan.

A few other tools in the strategy arsenal, frozen food section of market if microwave is available; canned progresso soup with extra veggie (froz or fresh from grocery) stirred in & microwaved, deli. Often times, I have found these choices to be quicker than a drive through. If possible, prepacking meals in insulated totes is also something else I have done. Remember, no one forces food into our mouths. "No thank you, my tummy is a bit unsettled" is an excellent way to get out of pushy food people.

I am no fast food snob. I think they serve a place in the eating world. I just order different things from each of them. Rare is the hamburger and fries. Better chocies are avaliable to me. While I was losing, I did not want a self induced plateau. Sitting at home, or hospital, or motel room ( and I have planned my meals in ALL three locations) is much better than waiting for the question, what does everyone want to eat. My iTouch accesses wifi in hotspots and all of these areas are hotspots. Most of my cc are in my itouch, but this time last year, about to face a major hospital challenge with DS & Crohn's, I was a novice cc with few skills. This preplanning covered the novice behavior in critically important ways.

I hope some of this unsolicited adivce helps. If not, just put in the "she means well" category.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:00 am
by Pernetty
TexArk, my heart goes out to you. You're doing a terrific job, managing this crisis and your eating is a major accomplishment. Sounds like CC has some good advice for you.

It really sounds that a few days away from the scale won't hurt since you're so determined.

I enjoy your posts and look forward to sharing our successes!


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:03 am
by TexArk
Thanks for all the encouragement.

After a 9 1/2 hr. ride home today I got an Xray done on my foot and I have a broken heel. Tomorrow I go to specialist to see if I need surgery or cast. Fortunately there is no pain. I just can't put any weight on my foot. I am doing fine with the food and actually have had very light calorie days. I am just going by my hunger level and making sure I get enough protein. Food choices can be much healthier now that I am home.

I didn't want to hijack BA's check in page, but I thought that the following quote from another maintenance board was appropos for the discussion there:

"I try not to make my indulgences routine or expected. Instead of saying, "Every weekend, I...," I have the indulgence when the occasion calls for it. ..... If I tell myself that every weekend I can indulge, I start looking at food with an entitled point-of-view, which is dangerous....for me

This is the way I am handling sweets. I just don't think about them. I don't try to plan one each day or once a week. However, if an occasion arises in the middle of the week and it is really special, I will indulge, in moderation, and record. That has helped me not feel deprived, overrestricted, and most of all has stopped the thinking all week about what I am going to eat on Saturday. It doesn't work for me to start on Monday thinking about what special treat I am going to have the next weekend. That sets me up for gluttony on S Days. The NoS principle of moderation is in place, and I know it is working because I am steadily losing weight, feel great, having fun, with no binges or cravings so far. I am sure when I can weigh again I am going to see a nice loss because my pants are getting very loose and too long!

I am enjoying following the progress of Pernetty, and seeing steady maintenance with Bright Angel and connorcream. I follow your threads while also respecting other's approaches to NoS.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:53 pm
by BrightAngel
I'm pleased to see you doing so well.

No worries...I love seeing people make posts or quotes similiar to mine.
What I call "hijacking" a personal Thread...
is making long controversal posts on that Thread
which causes other members to respond in kind there,
with the result that one's PERSONAL Check-in thread loses it's PERSONAL element
and starts looking like just another GENERAL discussion Thread.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:24 pm
by TexArk
New Challenge:

My heel is broken and my left foot and leg are in a temporary "huge fluffy thingy" for a week. Then the swelling should be down enough to put a cast on. The cast will have to be on for 6 weeks. During all this time I have to use a wheelchair. Luckily I have a full handicap accessible bathroom downstairs, but all living quarters are upstairs. Lots of household upheaval. I am staying on NoS + cc with no problem. Of course I cannot weigh for nearly 2 months. I should show a whopping loss when that happens! I am so glad that I added cc, otherwise I would be very worried about weight gain. I am confident that I will continue to lose.

I will probably be online more often because of all the mobility restrictions. I hope to follow more of the members and their progress.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:17 pm
by connorcream
I will probably be online more often because of all the mobility restrictions.

I love this idea. There are plenty of youtube videos, lectures & articles worth reading. I have found this tactic of turning a potential setback (food wise) into a learning opportunity a valuable strategy in my maintenance. I have no doubt that when you weigh in 2 months, all will be fine.

Take it for what it is worth, I have come to find my food scale, more important than my weight scale.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:31 pm
by BrightAngel
connorcream wrote: I have come to find my food scale more important than my weight scale.
Image Excellent Point.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:58 pm
by TexArk
Again, I am thankful that the no snacking habit is in place. I am spending much of the day and night in hospital bed (at home) with my broken foot elevated. The old me would have had plenty of snacks bedside to keep me company. :lol:

My goal for today is to work on an upper body workout from wheelchair so I can get some exercise in.

And I am thankful that I have baggy pants now that I can get on over my bulky cast. New pants can wait until February and who knows what size that will be?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:02 pm
by TexArk
As I am in the bed and wheelchair so much of the time, I have adjusted my 3 plates to include more protein and very little carbs except fruit and vegetables. And I have found a really good workout for upper body using resistance bands, my 5 lb. Pilates ball, and 5 lb. dumbbells. The workout is also a good cardiac workout with lots of punching moves. I may have a very sculpted upper body by February!

And I can wheel around and fix my own meals and instruct my sous chef (dh) so I am not dependent on good souls who want to help with chocolate pies, fried chicken, homemade bread, etc.!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:50 pm
by connorcream
You are rocking and rolling! Your making excellent choices that fit your life style. I love how you are turning a difficult situation to the good. BAggy pants will be giving way to "pants on the ground".

Wise counsel I received, albeit a bit late in my journaling, was recording a variety of reactions to different food types. With convalescing, this might be easier now than in a few months when you are back to full swing.

As an example, I have soups without add starches & grains, and I have them surprisingly filling and tasty. This discovery was spurred on by my realization, that I was quite full and content when my starches & grains at meals were restricted and msotly eliminated. True, it helps keep the CC down. But more than that, I have found that the desire subsided while my satiety level remained high, plus a number of other excellent benefits too. Now that I am in maintenance, I do occasionally indulge, but NOT during my wls phase.

A long winded way to say, you might be able to establish a baseline for carbs & cal without too many other factors confusing your observations. :D :D

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:20 pm
by kccc
Just noticed your injury, and wanted to send best wishes.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:32 pm
by TexArk
connorcream wrote:
Wise counsel I received, albeit a bit late in my journaling, was recording a variety of reactions to different food types. With convalescing, this might be easier now than in a few months when you are back to full swing.

you might be able to establish a baseline for carbs & cal without too many other factors confusing your observations. :D :D
Thanks for the suggestion. This is a good time to monitor.
I have been on the quest for quite awhile--post menopause. I found that most of the low carb diets were too low in carbs for me to sustain (Atkins, Protein Power, Zone, Schwarzbein Principle), but I did find out how certain carbs and the timing of their eating affects me:

1. I do best if I have no grains, potatoes, rice or beans after lunch. (Pamela Peeke)
2. My water retention and my cravings are directly related to my carb level.
3. I seem most satisfied around 100-125 carb grams daily (looking back at my software data) with most coming from fruits and vegetables. I enjoy loading my plate especially at supper with veggies.
4. I need lots of protein. 1 or 2 eggs for breakfast, 4 oz. protein for lunch and 4 oz. for supper. My fats come from small amounts of EVOO, butter, natural peanut butter, and nuts.
5. For some reason not all carbs cause a problem. I do better eating from gluten free lists as opposed to following the glycemic index.
6. I can have steel cut oats, baked potatoes, corn, rice, beans and Ezekiel bread if I have them in small portions and not past my noon meal.
7. Fage Greek yogurt is gluten free and I try to get my dairy from this source. I use real cheese to add flavor and not as a main source of protein.
8. As much as I love bread, I do best to limit it as much as possible to nonwheat sprouted grain bread (Ezekiel, sprouted but not gluten free).
The jury is still out on how dairy affects me. When I use milk, I use 1% or 2% organic milk.

When I eat this way I am satisfied with my 3 meals and appropriately hungry for each one. If I have a sweet, I do best with a small piece of dark chocolate (50 cal or less) When I indulge I am most satisfied with cheesecake, ice cream, creme brulee...other no flour items.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:02 pm
by TexArk
Back from the doctor and thankful that the cast could now be put on. The foot is still swollen and I may need a new cast in another week, but at least no surgery required. I still need to spend much time with my foot above my nose (elevated I mean) so I am as close to sedentary as it gets.

I cannot weigh, of course, so my measure of success really is compliance to my NoS + cc plan (behavior). I am monitoring my calories so that I average 1200 daily. I am confident that I will continue to lose as I heal.

I posted on BA's page the following characteristics (from Judith Beck's book) of someone who will be in danger of sabotaging her weight loss and maintenance. I have had to work through nearly every one of these mental issues, and I believe that NoS takes care of most of them through the formation of the NoS habits. I needed to add cc to help take care of #4 and #8, but the 3 plate a day, no seconds, no snacks rules helped me get over decisions about "hunger" and "when to eat" and grownups just have to get over the "unfairness" issue, don't we?


1. You confuse hunger with the desire to eat.
2. You have a low tolerance for hunger and cravings.
3. You like the feeling of being full.
4. You fool yourself about how much you eat.
5. You comfort yourself with food.
6. You feel hopeless and helpless when you gain weight.
7. You focus on feelings of unfairness.
8. You stop dieting once you lose weight.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:35 pm
by connorcream
Great post by Beck. I remind the grown and nearly grown children and myself:-), that adults devise a plan and execute it, children do what feels good. The thing is, the more I do something good, the easier that thing becomes. I did not say easy but easier.

This morning, I wanted to loaf around in my robe, looking at jewlery choices for DH to consider as Christmas presents, drink coffeee from a mug he recently gave me, just revel in the seasonal joys. However, that would have precluded exercising. So my habit of equating exercising with brushing my teeth, making the bed (both activities I do every morning) kicked in, and after a few minutes I really was glad I was moving my body, exercising my joints, getting at least this right for the day. 2 miles in the book. It turns out, I had some time to do the other thing as well. This is easier than a year ago, and I will take that! When Leslie says, we are all battling a few pounds, I love responding, "Not me."

Pant O Meter Results

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:40 pm
by TexArk
I haven't been able to weigh for 2 weeks due to broken foot and cast, but I have been monitoring my behavior and know that I have been eating within a calorie range to lose. This morning I decided to try on a pair of pants that have been unacceptably tight for quite awhile and moved to the back of the closet. Whoopee! Down 2 sizes. They fit perfectly and I can even get them over my cast!

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:59 pm
by TexArk
There are many frustrations with being housebound and sedentary. However, looking at the positive side this should be the first Holiday Season where I will have lost considerable weight instead of adding on pounds to deal with after the first of the year. I can get around (wheelchair) to cook simple meals, but baking is out of the question. And I can't get out to go to parties. I have also asked all my friends and church care groups not to bring food in for us. There are so many that are needy at this time and I don't consider us to be in that category. My husband can help me cook and my 23 yr. old daughter is perfectly capable of cooking what I can't or picking up carryout.

Christmas Day itself is going to be odd...just the 3 of us. We decided we would have lasagna and favorite desserts. How weird is that? I am going to get set up to work on all the boxes and boxes of family pictures that have never been sorted or put in albums from past generations. That will give me something to do with my time that should be productive and fits in with the season.

Again, I am thankful for the NoS habits or I would be munching all day long due to boredom, self pity, etc.

I am assuming that I am losing at least 1 pound a week and am actually recording that loss. But I won't know until the middle of January.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:50 pm
by kccc
Hope your foot heals soon, and that you have an enjoyable Christmas!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:04 pm
by TexArk
Here is a portion of a great post by oolala that I want to save for those times when I feel weak!
It really is going to be somewhat a matter of deciding that this is important enough for you to go through some times of toughing things out. But sometimes, having the right motivation can help. Down deep, you want to do this, but in your moments of temptation, the present urges outweigh the long-term desire. This is actually natural. There is a perfectly good biological basis for it. This doesn't mean it should be an excuse, but knowing about it can give one the impetus to muster the effort to thwart it. I'll talk about that in a bit.

One idea that might help to know is that reports of successful losers on the National Weight Loss Registry (is that what it's called?), show that learning to stop a slide off one's plan right away was considered to be the turning point for many maintainers. It can be easy to get on a roll, but sooner or later, most losers hit a point at which it's not particularly easy to stick with their restrictions, whatever they are, and they eat too much. They say they just stop right as they realize it, and just wait until the next appropriate time to eat. Many were not successful at this many times before they got determined enough to stick with it. Even two or three times of doing this can reinforce a sense of control. As one of the other posters said, Yes, you can. Hard to hear, but actually, when you do it, it's exhilirating! And it starts creating new memories of new habits, which is what this is all about. Just knowing that this is what long-term maintainers said was so important has made a difference for me many times. I realized when I read it that I had only lasted in previous times as long as it was easy. But that's not dependable. And if I wait for it to be easy, it may never happen....

You'll notice that much of the time you want to eat, you are not actually empty-stomach hungry. The urges to eat when we are not hungry are very similar to the thoughts of obsessive compulsives in that there is a specific brain pattern that reinforces the strength of the urges, and there is a strong, false sense that something terrible will happen if the urges are not obeyed. When OC-ers acknowledge that the urge they experience to wash their hands or whatever is not actually an emergency and they then turn their attention over and over to another activity, it was found that their brain patterns changed and they experienced a great decrease in the intensity and frequency of the urging thoughts over a period of weeks. The same brain change happens with food impulses. Participating in the urg-ent behavior reinforces and strengthens the cycle, in fact more so the more they eat; resisting it greatly decreases it, but not usually before the urges get stronger! (That's when people usually give in; then the cycle gets reinforced again, and they think it is impossible to end.) And they reduce in cycles. It is not a linear change and certainly not a big drop off for most people. I'm sure that you see this matches your own experience, and dovetails with what Reinhard tells us about habit change, though he doesn't use all the chemical foundations. It FEELS as if you can't do anything because your brain is sending very powerful messages to other parts of your body and your mind. But they are false emergencies, and mostly represent habit. Plain old habit! Not immorality, slovenliness, emotional weakness, or the like, though the urges are often paired with certain emotions, and not always negative ones.

The bottom line is that if you don't do something to thwart these habits, they will likely continue. Only rarely do people find that life affords them the circumstances that turn around overeating.

It is worth the effort! it will become easier! The greater your adherence to moderation, the easier it will be sooner, but do expect it to take more than a few weeks to feel relatively solid, and possibly longer to feel that you might be able to leave it all behind.

I needed to exercise my stop muscle last night. For the first time in 2 months I began to snack in the evening. I did record what I ate each time and my total calorie count for the day was at 1600 calories. I am proud that I put on the brakes!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:21 pm
by connorcream ... ntPage=all

Thanks for reposting this article. I referenced it in my personal thread.

Two Year Anniversary

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:18 pm
by TexArk
I found NoS two years ago after losing my way in the Intuitive Eating jungle. I had tried to maintain a weight loss with a pipe dream, but NoS was a way I thought I could make Intuitive Eating work. I knew I couldn't handle the freedom of unconditional permission to eat all foods at any time. I soon realized that the philosophies really are only compatible in that all foods are OK--no foods off limits on NoS except at certain times. I struggled with S Days for a long time, but the habits of 3 meals, no seconds and no snacking took root. I tried to enjoy sweets on S Days but they became the focus instead of serving as a release from restrictions. After gaining all my weight back, I decided last October 15 to combine calorie counting with NoS. I don't think this would have worked without having the N Days in place. I am now losing weight while at the same time feeling satisfied and not deprived. I am not obsessed with food accounting. I am just conscious. I know I will live this way the rest of my life. I enjoy good food, but only at meals when I sit down suitably hungry and with appetite. I only eat foods I want to eat. I am learning to savor my meals. And I record what I eat. I am not trying to stay within a particular calorie budget in a conscious way. It just happens. And recording makes me think before I eat whether I am eating what I want and whether I am willing to pay the price....quality over quantity.

Thanks to all on this board for sharing so much. I have never seen an online discussion board so interactive and courteous. Thank you Reinhard for your ideas, your book, and your website. I have read many interesting posts and links to articles, and feel like I have come to know a few of you just because we share common struggles and attitudes.

This is the year I reach my appropriate weight and I hope to read the continuing progress of the rest of the group. I will stay here I think for a very long time. The statistics are not with us for maintaining weight loss longterm. I want to be one of that small percentage who does succeed and then let others know it can happen. That is why I appreciate the maintainers who stay with us...BrightAngel, Connorcream, KCCC, et. al.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:47 pm
by TexArk
good post from Kathleen's thread:

Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly.... Here is the first sentence I found on fasting: "As I have observed it, people want a diet hat will allow them to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, yet still allow them to look great, feel great, and lose that undesired weight. Basically what we are looking for is a miracle product that will remove the need for any discipline in our eating and exercise habits so that we can continue to indulge in the hedonistic ways that violate the-best-version-of-ourselves at every turn." (p. 251).

Later in the chapter on fasting, the author writes: "Our lives change when our habits change. Our habits change when we make resolutions, remind ourselves of those resolutions, hold ourselves accountable for them, and perform them. Sometimes we fail, but there is no success that isn't checkered with failure. Don't give up. Press on, little by little."

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:04 pm
by oolala53
2011 is the year for the right weight!

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:50 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote: I think Maintainers need online support as much as,
if not more so, than those who are on the way down.
Your above-statement is very true.Image

As you know, one of the ways that I support myself
is to treat Dieting as an enjoyable Hobby.
Part of that Hobby is communication with others.
Supporting others as they head toward their individual successes
also encourages me with my own Maintenance.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:24 pm
by TexArk

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:36 pm
by BrightAngel
Love it so much that I'm copying it to my Thread.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:28 pm
by TexArk
Several of us have been posting about low carb especially in light of Gary Taube's new book. Here is my plan for eating the next few months. I have been experimenting with this for a few weeks and think I see a difference. I can't weigh now because of a broken heel and I can't get much exercise. I do know that my watch is looser and my rings are very loose. I am also much more satisifed with fewer calories as I have upped my protein. I have been on low carb diets before and have found that for me it is true that the cravings for carbs are better controlled. I have felt very good eating this way even though I really love bread!

The original WW program of the early seventies was actually low carb/high protein even though we were not talking in those terms. The bread, pasta, starches were very limited and protein for women was 4 oz. at lunch and 6 oz. at supper! I lost very well on that diet; the main problem was it was too low in fat. I was very young then, but I think this plan fits my nearly 64 year old body.

I don't want to put up restrictions that will cause me to feel deprived so I am using the idea of S meals to allow for some of those carbs that I am eliminating the rest of the time.

I do not care to fast since I am sad enough when my meal ends and I know I have to fast until the next meal!

And overriding the entire plan is the committment to count calories. I cannot experiment any more with plans that will add pounds on. I just want to find the optimum diet for me.

MY VERSION OF NoS/Low Carb/Paleo/Calorie Counting
Eat three meals a day/one plate
No seconds.
No snacking. Planned 3:00 mini meal of fruit/yogurt/nuts
No Sweets (limited to Special events or Special desserts)
Special weekly meal with carbs.
Allow Splenda.
All calories count.

Low Carb
Eat gluten free 80% of the time.
Limit carbs to 100g daily on N Days.
No bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, crackers, chips, rice, tortillas, cornbread on N Days
Limit to 150 cal. daily: Ezekiel bread, oats, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, zero gluten foods

Eat protein: 8-10 oz. daily lean meats, chicken, fish + eggs
Limit dairy to Greek yogurt and small amount of cheese for flavor
Increase vegetables
1-2 oz. of tree nuts
Limit fruits to 1 or 2 daily—increase berries
No added salt
Allow coffee

Calorie Counting
Keep calorie count weekly average 1200-1400 daily. Monitor and adjust.
Record daily in Diet Power.
Work in exercise and strength training daily but do not count toward calories.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:20 pm
by connorcream
Limit carbs to 100g daily on N Days.
No bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, crackers, chips, rice, tortillas, cornbread on N Days
Limit to 150 cal. daily: Ezekiel bread, oats, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, zero gluten foods

Just for clarity, does this mean a total of 250 grams of carbs/day?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:47 pm
by TexArk
connorcream wrote:Limit carbs to 100g daily on N Days.
No bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, crackers, chips, rice, tortillas, cornbread on N Days
Limit to 150 cal. daily: Ezekiel bread, oats, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, zero gluten foods

Just for clarity, does this mean a total of 250 grams of carbs/day?
No...I plan on keeping my carb count under 100 grams on N Days. I can have up to 150 calories of certain carbs (Ezekiel bread, etc.)if it does not put my carb grams over the 100 mark. It is the gluten I am trying to avoid on N Days. But on Special Days I will allow myself to have some of the "forbidden" carbs and not worry about the 100 gram rule as long as my calorie count is under control. I just can't put a never on tortillas, pasta, and Texas skillet cornbread! They will be treated as treats, however. and not daily fare. Does this make sense? I may need a lower carb gram count, but I have been averaging under 100. I think the fruit and one of the "acceptable" carbs will probably be about there. I realize I am mixing calories and carbs.... but I know what I mean :D

Ezekiel bread 68 calories 15 carbs 1 slice
Beans/Lentils 113 calories 20 carbs 1/2 cup
Oats 72 calories 12 carbs 1/2 cup
Sweet Potato 140 calories 36 carbs 5 oz.

So I could have any combination of the carbs above each day as long as I stay under 150 calories and watch my total 100 carb grams.

2 fruits will put me to about 40 carb. grams and that leaves 60 carb grams to choose from the wheat free list. I am not concerned with the minimal carbs in vegetables.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:04 am
by BrightAngel
Image Your plan looks interesting.
I look forward to seeing how it works for you.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:15 pm
by connorcream
TexArk wrote: So I could have any combination of the carbs above each day as long as I stay under 150 calories and watch my total 100 carb grams.
I have it now:-)
You will be fine because you are aware of what you are doing. You are monitoring and observing all types of responses, and weight loss is NOT one of them. How cool is that! Then YOU can decide what to do about these results.

I have very few completely banned foods or food combinations. I eat most everything but not at the same time:-)

Keep us posted.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:03 pm
by TexArk
I am not qualified to get into the debate over the revival of the low carb argument prompted by Gary Taubes new book for various reasons. However, I read his original essay years ago on the Big Fat Lie and it really opened my eyes. My husband and I had really worked hard at the low fat lifestyle for two decades even working at Pritikin and Ornish. It was a relief to see that this Spartan diet was not necessary. I have also read enough in the past to see the truth in the insulin argument for some people. It is my opinion that those who have never been obese and have never had a bingeing disorder would not be interested in this argument and it probably doesn’t even apply to them.

My personal goal is decreased cravings, increased energy, and mental alertness while also losing weight. This time around I am starting with a higher carb allotment than the induction phases of other low carb diets and will work my way down to lower levels instead of the other way around.

For me carb cravings, weight plateau or weight gain will be a sign to back down to a lower level of carbohydrate, which should produce a way of eating that I can sustain longterm. I will have to see how carb sensitive I am.

So I am on an experiment to find the highest carb level where I will lose weight and not have cravings driving me to overeating (or white knuckleing it). Increased energy and mental alertness is also a goal, but it may be more difficult to measure.

A brief history with low carb diets and what I learned:

Atkins (original) starts out with such a restriction in carbs (about 20 grams) that it was hard to stay on without eating way too much meat. I also needed to be more aware of fat calories.

Protein Power starts at about 30 grams, but I cheated it up to more each day.

Schwarzbein Principle is at about 60 grams and I still think this is a good plan for "normal" people. It is based on dividing your plate into protein, veggies, and carb with a little fat for flavor. This works well for people who have never been obese. It allows 3 meals and 2 snacks and promotes balanced meals. I think I needed more protein to be satisfied.

Zone Diet seems to be in the 100 to 150 range (lower end for women). This was about the right amount of carbs for me, but the fat allotment was too low and the record keeping was too much. I also didn’t like it when Sears started selling meal replacement bars!

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:57 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote: I have also read enough in the past
to see the truth in the insulin argument for some people.
It is my opinion that those who have never been obese
and have never had a bingeing disorder would not be interested in this argument,
and it probably doesn’t even apply to them.
I think that this is a very good point. Image

Relying on Internal Cues vs External Cues

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:14 pm
by TexArk
I had tried intuitive eating and I know it does not work for me. I can't really try to talk someone out of trying it. I had really thought it would be an answer for maintenance. Now I just admit that my body is different and go from that assumption. It is nice to hear a longterm maintainer confirm my beliefs.

Here is an answer to a question about ever being able to follow our internal hunger cues. This is from a long term maintainer on another board whom I admire who started at 257 and has maintained at 135 since 2002!

…, if I followed my internal hunger cues, I'd be back at my starting weight. For whatever reason -- genetics, hormones, habit, who knows? -- my brain isn't wired to eat a normal portion of food and be satisfied. Like many of us here have said, I don't have an off switch. My internal hunger cues are faulty, so it wouldn't make sense to try to use them for weight management. So I have to rely on external cues to regulate my eating: calorie counting, weighing portions, knowledge of normal portion sizes, planning ahead etc. Because if someone ever says to me: eat until your satisfied, well, I'm fat again!

I'm not sure it's all psychological. In my case, I think it's at least partly physical. My body just seems to be wired to want more food than is needed to sustain a normal weight. Believe me, I've analyzed it often enough over the past ten years and it's a genuine hunger sensation.

I honestly don't expect it to change and realize this is something I will have to manage for the rest of my life. Obesity is a condition that isn't curable for most of us -- it's manageable but will always be part of us. Most of us aren't ever going to be able to live like never-obese or overweight people. We will always need to be mindful and aware of our food choices and portion sizes, in contrast to a never-overweight person who may be able to rely on internal cues for weight regulation.

Taubes Why We Get Fat

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:36 pm
by connorcream ... aubes/8971

I saw this on Bright Angels checkin and watched it yesterday afternoon, with WWGF read, a highlighter, pen and my notebook. Thank you both for reposting this link. Fantastic information, which I am finding very true in my life. The ease with which I am maintaining, the lessing of cravings, over all sense of well being and energy. I especially like knowing how estrogen affects weight. I have seen this effect in my data but did not know the physiological reason. One resolution for the new year, is to fine tune my carb/cal levels. I have a pretty good range but need to observe these numbers over time to se if they are accurate.

I have more reading to do but wanted to say thank you for posting.

TexArk, your incapacity is allowing you to be a blessing in many ways:-)

Report on Low Carb no S Experiment

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:52 pm
by TexArk
On Dec. 2, 2010 I broke my heel while out of town doing a little DIY at my dad's house. Finally, today, Jan. 11, 2011 I got the cast off and now have a boot. I am going to have to work hard to build strength to put weight on my foot, and it will be another month before I can do much. However, I can weigh in the morning and I am hoping for a nice surprise.

This has been an opportunity to read, think, and experiment. Since I am totally sedentary, exercise will not figure into my experiment. I read all of Gary Taubes Good Calories Bad Calories and yes, it is long and very specific. However, I disagree that it was written for medical doctors. Yes, he would like to target them, but this is not a science textbook. One would not have to have studied biochemistry to follow his writings. One would have to be very motivated. I am a good and thorough reader and had nothing else to do, so I worked at it. I managed to corner my husband and read bits and pieces to him. He does have a good college science background and I knew he would never go for the shortcut version. But he respected all the good research and today actually bought us a copy of Why We Get Fat since he now trusts the science.

I have been tracking calories and carbs and hunger/satiety the last 10 days. I have easily stayed low calorie and amazingly been extremely satisfied. I made brownies a few days ago for friends and they sat on the countertop (the brownies not my friends :D )and were not the least bit appealing! I planned to stay under 100 carbs but my average has been around 65 with very little effort. I will not try to lower the carbs unless I am not losing weight or see another reason. My husband started today leaving off flour and sugar just because of the insulin effect.

I will have to leave town again tomorrow to go back to my dad's, but I will take the scale with me and continue to work on my experiment of one.


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:43 pm
by TexArk
7 lb. loss from Dec. 2 to Jan. 12
with NO exercise - wheelchair
carbs averaged 60 g. from Jan. 1 - Jan 12

Beginning wt. Oct. 15 204.5 (added calorie counting to NoS)
Ending wt. Jan 12 176.8

Since limiting carbs: no hunger, no craving, and continued wt. loss. What could be better?

Staying at motel for a week or so, but have microwave and refrigerator. Not sure about weighing in.

Am transitioning from wheelchair to walker. Still very sedentary.


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:50 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:7 lb. loss from Dec. 2 to Jan. 12
with NO exercise - wheelchair
carbs averaged 60 g. from Jan. 1 - Jan 12

Beginning wt. Oct. 15 204.5 (added calorie counting to NoS)
Ending wt. Jan 12 176.8
Since limiting carbs: no hunger, no craving, and continued wt. loss.
What could be better?
Image TexArk, I am so pleased for you !!! Image


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:36 pm
by connorcream
TexArk wrote:7 lb. loss from Dec. 2 to Jan. 12
with NO exercise - wheelchair
carbs averaged 60 g. from Jan. 1 - Jan 12

Staying at motel for a week or so, but have microwave and refrigerator. Not sure about weighing in.
Way to go on weight loss!

Whenever I travel, I do not worry about weighing in. I use my daily weighing as an indicator of my trends. If I introduce another variable into my weighing, then I will not be able to know what my weight is doing. It doesn't really matter the exact number as much as the overall pattern.

The most important thing, to me when traveling, is having a plan and then simply following the plan. You are golden with a micro and frig. I have either continued to lose or to maintain while traveling hither and yon. Easy with a plan, hard without one.

And I do use the word easy, because I have found this way of eating enjoyable. I am still able to eat a very wide range of foods, just not at the same time. I have so appreciated this time of self discovery. :-)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:37 pm
by TexArk
Motel Life is going well. It is more difficult since I can't drive yet, but daughter is good at making trips to grocery. I have done very well with lower carbs and the relief of no cravings is soo worth it. I have off and on computer and internet access, but will try to report more later.

Good news from home

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:27 pm
by TexArk
Beginning weight: 204.5 on October 15 (added cc to NoS)

I visited with my husband last night and he was excited to report the results of his one week low carb experiment (no wheat or sugar) and he has stopped his ultra low fat obsession. His sinus and congestion problem is completely absent for now. He said he thinks he must have a mild wheat allergy. He also reported that he was very calm and not agitated craving his usual evening snacks. I never could get him to try NoS because he didn't want to give up snacking--lots of toast with fake butter spray and frozen individual pizzas! His family has a history of diabetes and he has put on tummy weight for the first time in his life. Taubes' book really got his attention. He is having to feed himself as I am away from home and he is figuring it all out for himself!

And..grad school daughter who has gained weight the last year...too many sodas and fast food and watched me and seems to have made a few adjustments.

I still have my 3 meals, no snacks or sweets, but I have not been using S Days for sweets because I just do not need them. So much more peaceful.

Re: Good news from home

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:07 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:I still have my 3 meals, no snacks or sweets,
but I have not been using S Days for sweets
because I just do not need them.
So much more peaceful. husband ...was excited to report the results
of his one week low carb experiment (no wheat or sugar)
and he has stopped his ultra low fat obsession.
His sinus and congestion problem is completely absent for now.
He said he thinks he must have a mild wheat allergy.
He also reported that he was very calm
and not agitated craving his usual evening snacks.

I never could get him to try NoS because he didn't want to give up snacking
--lots of toast with fake butter spray and frozen individual pizzas!
His family has a history of diabetes
and he has put on tummy weight for the first time in his life.
Taubes' book really got his attention.
Thank you for sharing your terrific news with us.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:25 pm
by connorcream
he is figuring it all out for himself!

This caught my eye. I think this is so critical for long term maintanence success. Finding the foods that are good for us, long after we have finished chewing, while still rally enjoying the.

These foods are specific for each one of us and I think a hard thing to do.

A benchmark weigh in

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:57 pm
by TexArk
Today I weighed in at 172 lbs. (edited here for typo) which is what I weighed at the end of my first month on NoS at the end of January 2009. I then lost about 4 lbs. averaging one pound a month. My lowest weight before gaining 30+ lbs. was 166 I think.

What a 2 years this has been! My life is still unscheduled and chaotic, but I have never felt better about my relationship with food and my diet.

NoS has helped me form some habits and I no longer snack. I gave up sweets during the week and I don't eat seconds. It was the sweets and free for all bread on S Days that did me in. I have found that I am one that just does better to leave it off completely.

I have lost 30 lbs. since adding CC to NoS and have counted carbs since January 1. Since limiting carbs I feel so much better and have no cravings. As I have said before, the counting is so easy with software programs and nutrition labels. I am able to live in a motel for a couple of weeks totally dependent on daughter to stock my frig and bring in salads, etc. Absolutely no exercise except wheeling around and I am still losing!

I visited an old family friend, a gentleman in his late 70s, this week. He was very trim and I found that 3 or 4 years ago he decided to quit sugar cold turkey and lost 50 lbs. in a year or so. He never ever eats sugar...even at a church ice cream supper (I was aware of this a couple of summers ago) or wedding receptions. I had thought he might be diabetic, but he is not. He reminds me of smokers who have done the same. I always thought that would be impossible, but after not eating flour or sugar for 20 days, I can see how it could be possible. Time will tell.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:18 pm
by connorcream
So glad you are enjoying this time of self discovery. It is priceless in ways you cannot even begin to fathom. At least, I had no idea, how important it was when I began.

Re: A benchmark weigh in

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:54 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:Today I weighed in at 170 lbs.

NoS has helped me form some habits and I no longer snack.
I gave up sweets during the week and I don't eat seconds.

I have lost 30 lbs. since adding Calorie Counting to NoS
and have counted carbs since January 1.

Since limiting carbs I feel so much better and have no cravings.
As I have said before, the counting is so easy
with software programs and nutrition labels.

Absolutely no exercise (wheelchair) and I am still losing!
Image Congratulations TexArk,
It is good to hear such great news from you.

Insulin Overload

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:43 pm
by TexArk
an interesting factoid

The amount of blood sugar in your bloodstream, if you have normal blood sugar, is a little less than one teaspoon. Three hundred grams of carbohydrates [The FDA's suggested daily intake] converts to a cup and a half of sugar.†~ Michael R. Eades, M.D., co-author “Protein Power†books.


Motel life

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:55 pm
by TexArk
Daughter and I have been living in motel for 2 weeks now waiting on her house to be finished. Eating out, carry out, and microwave are beginning to wear thin. But I am stll losing. Wboopee. I have lost over 30 lbs. since October 15. Yesterday I spent the day using walker instead of wheelchair. I guess that counts as exercise. However, today I will be propping my swollen foot up and live on the computer for awhile.

Good news from DH back home. He reports that when he gave blood yesterday his blood pressure and resting heart rate were the lowest he has ever reported. He tends to be on the high side. Needless to say he is a lower carb convert. This is a good thing with the diabetes and heart disease that runs in his family. He says that he has had no grains or sugar in three weeks.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:50 pm
by connorcream
Good news from DH back home. He reports that when he gave blood yesterday his blood pressure and resting heart rate were the lowest he has ever reported

This is indeed good news. So glad to hear your success. Keep your foot up:-) Yes, motel food does grow old. Can you tolerate fruits? I can eat fresh fruit in moderate quantities and keep some in the frig- By fruit I generally reach for berries- straw, rasp, black or blue. Then melons- honey dew or cantaloupe. Today, got some Ruby Red grapefruit from the valley for a seasonal treat.

Great News

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:53 pm
by BrightAngel
TexArk wrote:Daughter and I have been living in motel for 2 weeks now
waiting on her house to be finished.
Eating out, carry out, and microwave are beginning to wear thin.
But I am stll losing. Wboopee.
I have lost over 30 lbs. since October 15.
Yesterday I spent the day using walker instead of wheelchair.
I guess that counts as exercise.

Good news from DH back home.
He reports that when he gave blood yesterday
his blood pressure and resting heart rate were the lowest he has ever reported.
He tends to be on the high side.
Needless to say he is a lower carb convert.
This is a good thing with the diabetes and heart disease that runs in his family.
He says that he has had no grains or sugar in three weeks.
Image TexArk,
Thanks for sharing your great news.

Great Summary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:46 pm
by TexArk
I love this summary that BA posted on her thread:

Member of a Low-Carb forum wrote:

My understanding of why we lose weight comes from these Taubes conclusions...

Fattening and obesity are caused by an imbalance
—a disequilibrium—in the hormonal regulation of adipose tissue and fat metabolism.

Fat synthesis and storage exceed the mobilization of fat
from the adipose tissue and its subsequent oxidation.

We become leaner when the hormonal regulation of fat tissue
reverses this balance.

Eating in a way that allows our hormones to regulate properly
is the how the weight loss happens.


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:29 pm
by TexArk
Starting off a new month with a good weight loss. I am now snowed in and in a motel room. I am not sure when the thaw will come, but I may have my first fast depending on how long the supplies in the mini fridge last! Thankful for heat, electricity, running water, and the internet.

Blizzard of 2011

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:16 am
by TexArk
Daughter and I have been snowed/iced in for 3 days and have another 1 tomorrow. We are in a motel, but it has no restaurant. Luckily, there is a Subway in next parking lot if you can ice skate over. The whole city is shut down. All schools, universities, government offices, etc. At least we have a warm place to sleep with running water. The motel is full of frustrated truckers who are stuck for the week. I am still not mobile (recovering broken foot) so I don't dare venture out. It has been a food challenge to say the least! But I am doing it and am thankful for my NoS habits and really glad to be low carbing. If this keeps up, I will have to give fasting a try!

I do have internet service off and on and am thankful for the opportunity. Here are excerpts from connorcream's links I want to save to my thread.

insulin, at levels way too low to do anything related to glucose, stops the release of fatty acids from fat tissue. So anything which raises insulin levels blocks fat break down. Carbohydrate raises insulin levels. Insulin blocks fat breakdown. Carbohydrate blocks fat breakdown. (Hyperlipid)

Are you saying that any diet will help you slim down if it cuts down on all carbs and includes only low glycemic carbs?
G.T.: The question is what is the dose of intervention you need to solve the problem? The effective intervention is restricting carbs and lowering insulin levels. For some people, only a mild dose of intervention is required and a low-fat, low-calorie diet will work as long as you get rid of the sugars (sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup) and the other high glycemic impact carbs. If you can tolerate the hunger on a low-fat, low-calorie program, you don’t need the Atkins Diet, which is not to say that it wouldn’t work better. However, the heavier you are or the more predisposed to be obese, the greater the dose you need. The functional intervention is always the same: lowering the quantity and/or improving the quality of carbs. Only the level of intervention changes.


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:14 pm
by TexArk
Finally, we should thaw out enough today to get out of the motel room! Here's hoping that the car starts. We have to stay in motel another week, but at least I can get to the grocery store now.

The thaw is causing plumbing problems all over the city. The assisted living facility where my 94 yr old father and stepmother live had pipes break in the ceiling and several apartments were flooded. They were OK, but I feel so sorry for those who had to be moved out with a lot of their belongings ruined.

Hopefully, his house that we are remodeling will not have plumbing problems and daughter can move in soon.

All this, as well as dealing with stupid broken foot, have been real challenges. However, I have stayed on NoS with my mods. There is a Subway close to motel. Daughter has carefully worked her way across the ice for 4 days and they have been supplied with enough to keep us and all the stranded truckers fed.

One more storm should be in and out Wednesday and then hopefully this is over! I am ready to get back home and to my life! This will be one month in the motel and I probably will need to stay one more week at house before husband can come pick me up. So glad I have a food plan and am done with searching for an answer!


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:56 pm
by Kevin
I'm glad the weather's breaking. It's been pretty tough all over, but not as tough as it has been for you.
TexArk wrote:Finally, we should thaw out enough today to get out of the motel room! Here's hoping that the car starts. We have to stay in motel another week, but at least I can get to the grocery store now.

The thaw is causing plumbing problems all over the city. The assisted living facility where my 94 yr old father and stepmother live had pipes break in the ceiling and several apartments were flooded. They were OK, but I feel so sorry for those who had to be moved out with a lot of their belongings ruined.

Hopefully, his house that we are remodeling will not have plumbing problems and daughter can move in soon.

All this, as well as dealing with stupid broken foot, have been real challenges. However, I have stayed on NoS with my mods. There is a Subway close to motel. Daughter has carefully worked her way across the ice for 4 days and they have been supplied with enough to keep us and all the stranded truckers fed.

One more storm should be in and out Wednesday and then hopefully this is over! I am ready to get back home and to my life! This will be one month in the motel and I probably will need to stay one more week at house before husband can come pick me up. So glad I have a food plan and am done with searching for an answer!

Another chapter in the adventure

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:30 pm
by TexArk
Water pipes broke in motel. Plumbers spent hours trying to find the leak. So all water is off indefinitely. We moved to another motel (not all our stuff, of course) I guess we have two rooms for the price of one! One more week...unless....

Thawing out has its own set of problems.

We do have internet, a warm room, running water, and now the streets are clear and the stores are open. So far no one is sick and our property is OK.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:39 pm
by BrightAngel
Thank you for sharing your adventures with us.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:29 pm
by kerrycrow
I just read your thread...thanks for sharing so much of your journey...

I have bounced back and forth between WW and Intuitive Eating, and IE just does not work for me (gain!) and WW makes me crazy. I even worked as a WW leader for a couple of years and that made it even worse.

I discovered NoS last year but for some reason I quit...and I can't remember why. I think I did not have faith that it would work.

But in the last month or so I have combined NoS with counting calories and this seems to be the magic combination. NoS is the main "plan" and the calorie counting is simply accountability and allows me too see what foods and quanitites would best for me. I eat what I want but record the calories after the fact (it's easy using a computer program, so I don't feel crazy with it all, it take a few seconds). This allows me to eat somewhat intuitively, but have some controls in place as well. It has been so freeing....

Didn't mean to write so much, but I see some of that in your thread and your writing down your rules and process was very helpful as I think through my own.

I also can identify with your hotel experience. I was iced in a hotel for several days in the 90's when I was traveling between Houston and Dallas. Crazy internet back then so it was BORING.

Good luck!!! and thanks again.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:02 pm
by BrightAngel
kerrycrow wrote:II discovered NoS last year but for some reason I quit...
But in the last month or so I have combined NoS with counting calories
and this seems to be the magic combination.

NoS is the main "plan" and the calorie counting is simply accountability
and allows me too see what foods and quanitites would best for me.

I eat what I want but record the calories after the fact
(it's easy using a computer program,
so I don't feel crazy with it all,
it takes a few seconds
This allows me to eat somewhat intuitively,
but have some controls in place as well. It has been so freeing....
More and more No S members seem to be discovering this truth. Image

a new blog

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:51 pm
by TexArk
Here is a blog I just discovered. I find it fascinating because I am also experimenting with types of carbs and have an idea that gluten is the main problem for me as well as sugar. I have never been able to buy iinto the perfect paleo hunter gatherer idea and his paleonu ideas make much more sense to me.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:37 pm
by connorcream
kerrycrow wrote: I have bounced back and forth between WW and Intuitive Eating, and IE just does not work for me (gain!) and WW makes me crazy. I even worked as a WW leader for a couple of years and that made it even worse.

I eat what I want but record the calories after the fact (it's easy using a computer program, so I don't feel crazy with it all, it take a few seconds). This allows me to eat somewhat intuitively, but have some controls in place as well. It has been so freeing....
Welcome on board. I am a lifetime WW member, having achieved goal twice ( I have only tried WW twice). I set my first goal based on WW guidelines of 160. I would need to GAIN 35# to qualify now. I have set my own goals and determined my own plan. I went English Country Dancing last night, 2 hours, fantastic health and joy.

I agree with the use of computer software, too easy, and the rewards are incredible. I would suggest, if you are not doing so already, to record other symptoms as well- skin conditions, hormonal cycles, energy levels, stamina, hunger, etc...

Our family has made some interesting discoveries doing this. Best wishes on your journey.