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gk's daily check in

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:06 am
by gk
Checking in on my Day ONE.

WOW, was this day harder than I had anticipated!! But, I'm proud to say I limped through (barely) and can report a SUCCESS on my calendar!!!

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a little easier. Breakfast and lunch plates were good....supper was a little "hearty" but the fact that I didn't munch on any snacks or sweets (MAJOR choco-holic here) is nothing short of a miracle!!! :D

I was instantly drawn to this the simple, straight-forward, no-nonsense approach and the humor in his writing is quite entertaining :) I haven't felt this optomistic about a diet in literally YEARS.

Actually, stretched tonight for the first time in AGES (bad hip - gave up exercising forever ago out of frustration - even walking aggravates it). Will start with stretching and then progress to pilates when ready - NO RUSHING this time!

Starting weight - 155 lbs. (last time I was this weight I was in my second trimester - YIKES)

Goal weight - 140 lbs. - Hoping this will happen by July 2011 - 40th b-day!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:02 am
by AnneK
Hi and welcome GK,

I had the same reaction reading about this diet--and it's been borne out so far.

We also have the same weight loss goals. I like how you set your time line to reflect a nice, slooooow process. Maybe I'll borrow your July "finish" date.

Looking forward to seeing how things go for you....

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:48 am
by gk

Thanks for the welcome! Nice to see a friendly note when I check in. Never have done daily check-ins before....think it's gonna help me!

OK, Day 2 was MUCH better for me. Decided to have a banana with my cereal for breakfast so the echo in my stomach wouldn't be as bad mid-morning - worked.

Kind of a crazy evening.....couldn't eat my supper at usual time due to schedule, so had to wait till pretty late to eat. I actually went that long with NO snacking! Yay!! - major accomplishment for me - two days and no snacking - will wonders never cease.

Also got through a couple of stressful moments tonight and survived without chocolate. I must really be ready to diet again to actually stick with this without bending the rules. But then again, I really do think it's just because this diet lets you eat like a real person and not a rabbit.

I'd give myself a big ole' SUCCESS in green in this note, but for some reason I can't figure out how to change the color, bold, etc. I've blocked it and tried placing the font before and after the words, but no luck. :?:

Oh stretching today but after supper at 9 p.m. and just now getting done with everything else, I decided to consider really late days "exempt" from exercise, will allow only a couple of them a week though.

Starting weight: 155 lbs.
Goal weight: 140 lbs.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:29 am
by ZippaDee
Welcome gk! Sounds like you are off to an awesome start. This was really hard for me at first because I was a grazer. It has gotten easier with time though. I'm sure it will for you. You're doing great! To change the color or font size highlight what you want to change and then go up to the top and click on the this :D Happy No Sing today!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:35 pm
by moderatemeals
Great job GK! We started the exact same day so I'm happy I can follow your success too.

Hope you are having a good day today. I woke up feeling great this morning. It's amazing how 2 days without sweets and snacking can make such a difference in how I feel. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for today. For some reason, I always struggle on day 3 or 4. I seem to manage 3-4 good days per week but can't seem to get all 5. I feel extra motivated for some reason though and hoping that carries me through until Sat!

Enjoy your day!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:46 am
by gk
Checking in on Day THREE: SUCCESS

It was easier for me to avoid snacking early this morning due to the fact that my stomach for some reason was a little upset. But even as it went back to normal this afternoon, I was able to avoid snacking with just a little struggling an hour or so before dinner.

GET THIS - Filled my dinner plate a little hearty-like because by then I was ready to EAT. I ate about half of it and then was FULL. I actually gave the rest of my plate to my husband to finish!! Giving away food on a diet? Now THAT'S a new one! Is it possible for my stomach to be shrinking already? I wouldn't think so within this short of time. Anyway, I wasn't about to continue eating when I wasn't hungry. I mean I'm trying to fix that habit, right?

I'm wondering if a sudden cut-off of chocolate and high-sugar treats can give you a headache? I've had a killer headache for two days now. Wondering if it's because my body is in SHOCK and is wondering what the HECK I am doing to it!! :shock: I don't think I've ever gone a day without some form of chocolate - even on other diets I would allow myself those "diet" chocolate treats. (hmmm.....maybe that is why they never worked, eh?)

Oh, I received my NO S Diet book in the mail today. I just had to buy it. I'm one of those that has to have it in paper in front of me. Plus, his humor cracks me up. Never thought I'd be laughing while reading a diet book!!!

Ljk: Hope you had a struggle-free Day Three!

ZippaDee: Thanks for the welcome! And thanks for the help with changing my colors (turns out I had my BBcode off.)

Off to do my stretching.

Love this diet!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:55 pm
by moderatemeals
GK -- Congrats on a successful day 3!! I'm so happy for you because it sounds like you are starting to experience some of the real benefits of this diet/lifestyle. You will love it more each day, I promise! Wishing you a great day today :)
PS I definitely think your headache could have been caused from sugar withdrawal. I've had that happen before too.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:42 am
by gk

Another good day! I've seemed to have gotten over being hungry in the morning. Now only get hungry about an hour before supper but nothing major. I'm used to nibbling when I fix supper, so that is something to get used to, but it's getting better.

I filled my plate for dinner and only ended up eating half of it again! I haven't even craved sweets all week, which BLOWS MY MIND. I just can't get over how my cravings just instantly stopped! Last week I was snacking on chocolate every other hour of the day! I'm sure that explains why I STILL am fighting this headache. What's weird is that I only have the headache late afternoon through evening. You'd think I'd have it all the time...

I'm sure it just can't be this EASY. Probably 2 a.m. I'll wake up and suddenly be overcome with chocolate withdrawal and my husband will find me facedown in a bowl of chocolate ice cream. :lol: Let's hope it doesn't come to that. It's just that I've always struggled SO much with dieting that I feel like the other shoe hasn't dropped. It's gonna hit me eventually. I'm almost afraid to give myself a treat this weekend. All it takes is one little taste......

All I know is that it's only Day Four for me, and I just feel so HAPPY. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My emotional eating and weight gain were really starting to get to me. Thought I'd never figure a way to deal with it, but I think those days are over. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:04 pm
by moderatemeals
GK - I'm so happy you had a great day! It's fun checking your posts and seeing your success :) I think you will love this plan more each day and it will become easier to follow. I have always struggled with emotional eating too and I remember how happy I felt last year when I was successfully following No S. I remember thinking, "After all these years of struggling, how can the answer be so simple?!" Plus, added bonus, I was the thinnest I'd been in years and I did not feel like I was dieting AT ALL. I even gave up the scale (which I plan to do again.) I felt so healthy!!

Good luck today and enjoy your desserts this weekend. You earned them after all! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:28 am
by gk

As I make it through each day it becomes progressively clear to me why I LOVE this diet so much and why I think I've found something I can finally stick to......

On most every other diet I've tried (and trust me, there have been MANY), it's always had the same principle of eating many micro-meals throughout the day, whatever they may have been. You'd think I'd love that considering that I'm such a snacker. But it quickly became SO frustrating because I'm someone who likes a nice FULL plate. So, I'd feel hungry all the time because I never got a meal that filled me up - the meals and snacks were usually about the same size, or if the meals were larger they'd consist of mostly "fluff" that wouldn't fill me up. I'd always be obsessed with "The next time to eat" so I could somehow get rid of that hungry feeling.

Well, on this diet I have been hungry occasionally (today moreso than the past few days), but once I get to meal time I feel FULL and content and can last through till the next time. Maybe a few hunger pangs close to supper, but nothing that will turn me into an unhappy grouch like the other diets did!!

As for my emotional eating.....I think what is keeping that at bay is the fact that I have a nice GREEN calendar right now and I refuse to add any red! I've come too far!!! (Sadly, Day 5 in my other diets would have me starting to cheat and desperately struggling not to throw in the towel already - pathetic, I know.)

Stretching 15 minutes a day doesn't sound like much but with my bad hip it's the only route to take right now. Oddly, I'm content with that and not frustrated like I usually am. I just try to keep moving throughout the day to compensate until my body is ready to take on more.

Tomorrow will be my FIRST S Day! I've decided to skip snacks and seconds on my S days.....I don't want to get out of the habit of having three normal meals a day and have to start over every week. However, the Sweets are GONNA happen. A little leery about my ability to have ONE, NORMAL-SIZED treat per day, but I know I can't be on a diet that has me giving up sweets forever (that's just crazy talk!!), so I need to learn a little SELF-CONTROL.

Here I go.....


Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:30 pm
by gk
I just HAD to check-in this morning again, BECAUSE...............

I was going to weigh-in on Monday (actually I was going to weigh-in monthly, but couldn't wait, then decided weekly, and here I am two days early weighing-in cuz I couldn't wait - really good with patience, aren't I?)

Anyway, I woke up feeling just....thinner, ya know?, so I decided to weigh myself earlier, out of dying curiosity. Knowing that it's only been five days I would have been absolutely THRILLED with a 1 lb. loss.....

As I stepped on the scale (for once without fear because I knew it wouldn't be HIGHER), I was suddenly on CLOUD NINE..............

I LOST 3 LBS. already!!!!!! WAHOOOOO!!!!! Don't know if it will suddenly take me a month to lose another 2 lbs. but this sudden jump start was WONDERFUL for me!! Boosted my willpower about a gazillion knotches for this weekend.

I think I will make a habit of weighing in on Fridays now, so it will do just that.....keep me in check for the weekend. However, it's not solely about the goal number for me (140 is ballbark)'s whatever number it takes for me to be comfortable in my clothes and feeling good. Weighing-in for me is to make sure I'm going in the right direction.

And for once today.........I AM!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Current Weight: 152 lbs.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:28 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -- I'm so excited for you!!! :) What a great first week and boasting a 3lb weight loss as well. That is fabulous!! Enjoy your weekend. I liked your idea of skipping snacks and seconds and only having sweets. I think I will try that this weekend. Skipping snacks helps me to eat a better meal and I really like the routine of 3 plated meals a day. I think that is so helpful for me since I struggle so much with emotional eating.

Great job on 5 green days in a row!! It's no easy feat...but I do think you will find it just gets easier.

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:24 am
by gk
Well, it's the end of my first S Day and it gave me surprising results. I know we're supposed to consider these days "Exempt", but I will still grade them to keep some kind of structure.....either SUCCESS (had some control with my allotted treat) or FAILURE (ate like a pig and lost all control). Soo, that being said I had a SUCCESSFUL S day!!!

I stuck to my three meals today. All was normal until supper. My daughter is having a birthday/slumber party, so the snacks and treats are EVERYWHERE. I was strong...didn't do my usual nibbling during times like this.

Saved my treat for supper....ate a normal plate, but instead of the fruit or veggie I usually have, I had half a small piece of pizza so I'd be part of the party, and then I gave myself the long-awaited GIFT of sweets. I had probably a little over a cup of ice cream (sadly, that is microscopic compared to what I used to eat a day.) First bite was HEAVENLY. But after that, all I could think about was my 3 lbs. that I lost and how I was probably ruining that. I ate all of it, but didn't enjoy it!! What is up with that! And after that meal, I felt gross and unexpectedly bummed. So much for enjoying my treat! I guess I should consider that a good thing though. I'll definately do better on my diet if I have no urge to cheat with sweets!

This is SO foreign to me.....I'm not craving sweets and enjoying fruit. WEIRD.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:26 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job on another successful day! Isn't it amazing how much less you enjoy sweets once they are out of your system?

I did not have a great day yesterday. I made a homemade treat and ate too much of it and then didn't have dinner. I very rarely skip meals so in that respect, I was disappointed with myself. But I recall that last year, I had several S days 'gone wild' and then it all seemed to taper off. I'm going to have to make some modifications down the road....and I really like your idea of eating 3 meals with no snacks or seconds on the weekend. Might keep me in better control!

Have a great day!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:49 am
by gk
Day 7: Wellll, I'm not sure how to rate myself today.

I stuck to three meals and no snacks. But I finally cracked (knew it would happen eventually). The craziness of the weekend finally calmed down and that is usually when I give myself a "reward". I suddenly did NOT want another healthy sandwich with fruit and veggies for lunch, so I instantly became rebellious and filled my plate with everything that sounded good at the moment (in other words - mostly crappy food). I had a PBJ sandwich, a small slice of pizza, a handful of cheetos, granola layered with chocolate, and for dessert?? 2 oreos!!! WOW - now that's QUITE the combination and OH, SOO healthy, isn't it?? :D Funny, how I had such overwhelming guilt just last night and today? Ate that meal with PURE guilt involved!! :lol: But my plate wasn't overfull, just not healthy, so technically, I guess, I didn't do too bad portion-wise.

I'm actually GLAD I did that, because now a healthy meal sounds good again and I'm ready to tackle five more days of No S-ing!!! (He really DOES know what he's talking about, doesn't he?)

So, I think that's my plan for the weekends now three meals and no snacks each day, but I will allow one meal to be "not healthy" in addition to my little sweet indulgence once a day. I think I need more than just a taste of sweets to make me feel like I'm not depriving myself of the good stuff, so I'll stay on track. :)

Onward and upward...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:41 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Sounds like you are starting to see this plan working! I am excited it's a Monday and I'm back to some structure. I think the more we have some successful No S weeks under our belt, the more we will enjoy our weekends.

Good luck today!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:42 am
by gk

Due to my schedule today I had to eat lunch early and wait a LONG time until dinner, so that was tough, but I did it and feel good about that.

That's the only downfall I think there is about the three-meal day. Sometimes you're out and about and can't eat a meal when you need to, and since no snacks are allowed you're stuck. However, if that's the only downfall, I'll take it. Whether I lose weight or not, this is WAY better than going through the whole emotional eating thing all the time!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:51 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Too funny because I had the same sort of day yesterday! I ate lunch at noon and then we didn't eat dinner until 7pm last night because I was running the kids around to their activities afterschool. I was so happy I resisted the temptation to snack because dinner tasted so much better on an empty stomach! The best news of the day for me though was that for the first time in a really long time, I didn't even think about snacking last all!!

Good luck today! I won't be posting tomorrow -- I have to fast all day for a medical test I'm having tomorrow. I have been dreading this all day fast for the past month....I can't remember the last time I didn't eat during the day :( Actually, I don't even know if I've ever in my life gone all day without eating!! I'm trying to keep really busy today needless to say!


Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:38 am
by gk

I really didn't think I'd be typing success tonight. I came SO close to falling off the wagon today. Looks like I'm following my usual routine....first week of a diet I'm all excited and ready to lose some weight (I was pretty much annoyingly perky last week) and by the second week I've had enough and want to stop (again).

But all I could think about was having to put a red, failure square on my calendar tonight, and it kept me strong. I didn't want to break my winning streak. I've found that the red/green/yellow calendar has helped me more than once - good tool to have.

My meals have had fruits and veggies but have been on the heavy side (compared to my first week with very light diet-like meals). But, I'd rather have that than cheating, I guess. After reading his book, I see how I was falling into the trap of setting up alot of restrictions and then cracking later on. Will stick to the basics, like he mentioned, and get particulars down later.

I still think I'll be able to stick to this diet like I've never been able to do before. The fact that I didn't cheat today, the way I was feeling, is proof in that!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:55 am
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job yesterday! I hope you had success today too. Boy, I am so happy to be eating again!! Fasting all day was really hard. But I had my test today and I'm healthy, so that's all that matters!

I had a relatively successful day today too. I wasn't as strict today because I hadn't eaten a thing yesterday. Once my test was over and I was in recovery they gave me animal crackers which is technically a sweet, but I was so out of it that I don't even remember it! But, I didn't snack between meals today after the test and I'm not eating the ice cream sandwich that is in my freezer tonight (and calling my name!), so I'm considering this relatively successful. I'll start back up tomorrow counting my days and logging my meals. I believe that logging in has made me so much more successful this time around! And hopefully, we'll have almost 21 days under our belts when Thanksgiving and Christmas arrive.

Good luck~

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:57 am
by gk
DAY 10: SUCCESS (got off track last time on my dates...)

I had another day where my meals were spread far apart, but I'm starting to get used to it. It's like my body knows that there is no chance of there being a snack in between meals, so I might as well not even think about it. (Cool.) I can just feel the habits forming.... :D

My supper was kind of heavy again. However, reflecting on his book is keeping me a little more relaxed about everything now....."if the meals are a bit big in the first few weeks, it's okay. It's all about building the habit now. The rest will come."

I'm sticking to the diet through situations (stress) like I know I NEVER would have done before. There have been so many times in the past couple of days that I would have caved before and now I'm staying strong. This diet is about SO much more than losing weight. It's nice to finally start learning how to not use food as a comfort and live my life without the constant rollercoaster of emotional eating!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:31 am
by Over43
"Heavy" dinners work. I ate heavy tonight, breakfast was just right, but lunch turned out light (tuna sandwich, yogurt an apple), so by 5:30 I was a bit hungry.

Good luck on your journey.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:46 am
by AnneK
Greta, I agree. This diet has really helped me feel good about my eating habits for maybe the first time in my life. For some reason, eating because its "meal time" and for no other reason makes me feel great. I'm making the decisions instead of letting my emotions and justifications take over.

So glad to hear you're feeling good too.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:46 am
by gk

Had an off-schedule day again. I didn't have time to eat lunch until 4:00! But as it turned out, that was probably best. I ate at a restaurant for the first time while on this diet tonight. Due to my extremely late lunch, I was better able to control my portions. It was still a heavy meal, but I didn't eat everything on my plate and left the table feeling pretty comfortable. Even turned down the dessert tray!

I weigh-in tomorrow morning. I definitely don't feel thin this time around. I think I ate way too much bread and high-sodium foods this week, so I'm sure the scale will reflect that. I can handle gaining the 3 lbs. back (I'm sure that weight loss was mostly water anyway), but hopefully it won't be more than that!

Anne: Thanks for checking in again! Yeah, this is definitely the best approach I've ever taken to dieting! Nice to hear you're doing so well!

Over43: Thanks for your post! That seems to be my pattern now, too....breakfast just right, light lunch and heavy dinner. Whatever works to get us through No S-ing, right?! Good luck to you, too!

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:51 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job on a another successful day! I love checking your posts and seeing so many green days for you. I promise the weight does come off in the end :)

Keep it up!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:28 am
by gk

Interesting day for me....

I weighed myself and found another 2-lb. loss! Very skeptical on that. I mean, this is supposed to be a slow weight loss and I've lost 5 lbs. in 11 days?? That can't be right - I wonder if my scale is wrong. :?: However, I decided to choose to believe it's right to keep my spirits up and my willpower in check. :D

For some reason, as my day progressed I became VERY tired and felt kinda sluggish and "gross", like I usually do when I've been eating badly (maybe due to my meal at the restaurant last night??). And HOW do I normally handle that? I like to EAT. So today was kind of hard not to snack, but I didn't, so that's a small miracle.

I was very hungry while cooking supper, so I downed a couple of glasses of water to keep from eating. I made a very heavy plate for supper (half of it was pretty healthy, so I felt okay to make it that heavy). Anyway, after eating only a 1/4 of it, I was suddenly full! But I had been wanting to eat so much all day that I forced myself to eat it all (just because I could). Now, I am SO overfull, but I'm actually glad I did that. I am remembering all to well how I used to eat too much and then feel bad afterwards. I DO NOT want to return to those habits. Technically, I didn't cheat because I ate just a plate, but I ate for the wrong reasons and this diet has shown me how much more I can enjoy my food when I eat for the right reasons! I am definitely heading into my S Day with a good attitude and feel confident that overeating will not be a part of my weekend. :D

Oh - I've decided to add another HabitCal to my list (I currently have a diet one and an exercise one). I am not a water drinker, but I'd like to add that to the list of new healthy habits I'm aquiring. I'll start glass in the morning, one in the afternoon and one while I'm cooking supper. (I'm sure that's why I was so full during supper - GOOD habit for me to start, I think, to tone down my heavy suppers.) For some reason, the Habit Cals are SO effective for me!! I DO NOT want to break my nice green streak. Funny, how a little calendar that no one sees but me, can have so much influence on my willpower!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:07 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I am so happy for your 2lb weight loss! I was keeping my fingers crossed for you when I logged on :) Isn't it amazing how simple the formula for weight loss and healthy eating can be?

Keep up your good work. You will hit your weight goal before you know it. And drinking water is such a great habit to start. One strategy that works for me is to drink two big bottles of water (around 33 ounces) within about an hour of waking up. Sounds like a lot, but I find it easiest to drink in the morning before I start running around all day with school, activities, etc.

Have a great weekend! Hope you have some special treats lined up. Do you bake a lot? I made the most amazing S'Mores bars last weekend that I found off my favorite cooking blog: She's posts really fun recipes if you enjoy baking.


Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:04 am
by gk

Today I was out and about for my daughter's "Mommy and Me Day" for her birthday. She wanted to go to a buffet for lunch. I ended up eating one normal plate and a small treat for dessert. Now upon entering a buffet in the past, I would usually go wild with all the food choices, but I actually showed some restraint - imagine that. :!: In doing so, I enjoyed my food more and felt better (and not guilty) afterwards.

I did allow myself a snack in the afternoon - half a pretzel from the mall - because I figure we only do this once a year, so I'd go all out with her. :)

When I got home later, I was kind of angry about something that had happened. Again, the way I usually deal with that is to find the nearest cookie container and inhale. I restrained myself and ate a small supper with a small treat for dessert. Anyone reading this will think I've gone off the deep end, but this was my dessert.........a cup of chocolate ice cream mixed with milk and potato chips. Disgusting as that may sound, when you combine it all, it is SO delicious. Something about the salt and the chocolate together. My dad made that up when I was a kid and I've loved it ever since. Let's just say, that tonight it was a wonderful S moment for me and it hit the spot. :)

It's nice to be able to enjoy these treats and not feel guilty. Man, I love this diet. :D

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:31 am
by Over43
Very good on buffet control. Last buffet I ate at was The Palms in Las Vegas. Even then hey weren't worth the price for as much as my wife and I eat.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:01 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
So glad to hear you are having a great S weekend. I am so impressed with how well you are adjusting to No S and on your first try! Keep it up!! You will be at your goal in no time. I love the fact that I can eat out, go on vacation, etc and not think about gaining weight, feeling guilty about food choices, thinking about calories or fat grams, etc.

One thing I realized last year is how much more time No S'ing seemed to give me. I'm not sure if you've noticed that yet, but not thinking about food all the time and spending a lot less time at the pantry really freed up my mind and seemed to give me more time.

Enjoy your day!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:39 am
by gk

Another good day to post. I ate normal-sized meals all day with a dessert after supper. I'm learning to listen to my body and actually stop eating when my stomach is full. My supper plate had alot of empty spots on it, but because we were eating lasagna, it filled me up anyway. (By the way - being able to eat lasagna on a diet? Awesome.) Probably a week ago, I would've filled up my plate anyway, but now I'm starting to pay attention more to how I'm feeling vs. being focused on what I'm allowed.

Lisa - it's funny you mentioned that your husband noticed how much thinner you're looking, because my husband said the same thing today, too! I noticed when I put my jeans on this morning that they felt looser, and apparently it was noticeable enough that he saw it, too. :D

I've never in my life started dieting during the holiday season. To me that always was asking to fail. I mean, how can anyone expect to diet with all the holiday parties and treats constantly in front of you? However, I'm feeling optimisitic about the holidays. With our allotted S days, we should get through it okay. Honestly, what I'm nervous about the most is when I have to get ready for the parties. I'm always designated to bring the cookies. I've always enjoyed baking them.......I bake some, then eat some, bake some, eat some more. (You have to taste test them to make sure they turned out good, ya know. :wink: ) So, this Wednesday, will be a test for me. But, the way I'm feeling right now? Bring it on. 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:47 am
by gk

Boy, after all my confidence last night, I don't know what the heck happened today. I was hanging by a thread practically all day, and the only thing that kept me from cheating was the HabitCal! I don't know what it is about that thing, but I've come so far I just can't bring myself to mark a red on it.

So, I drank alot of water, chewed gum like crazy and kept as busy as possible. My breakfast and supper were normal, but my lunch was my first official "vertical plate". I figured that was the only way that I was going to keep from going over the edge - and it worked.

I even thought about blowing off my exercise/stretching tonight, but AGAIN with the calendar, I can't bring myself to do that.

I'm sure there will come a time when the calendar doesn't give me willpower, but I think I want to at least go 21 days straight before I let up.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a little easier!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:00 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job sticking with the plan especially when you didn't want to! I am so happy for your success :) Don't you feel as though this is sort of life-changing? I know that sounds ridiculous, but for me, it feels that way. I spent years on and off a diet or counting calories or feeling guilty about overeating. I never really knew how I was supposed to eat -- if that makes sense!!

Good luck today!! You are almost at your 21 days...what an accomplishment!
I've been trying to get to 21 days for the past several months and you've done it on your first try :)

Have a great day!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:39 am
by gk

Today was better until about 3:00 and then I really got the munchies. Stuck to water and gum again, and tried not to watch the clock. My mind started wandering to snacking on carrots or something (gasp!), before I got a grip and stuck to the plan. I don't know why I'm doing worse now than I was a week ago. Maybe because of the weather (dreary and cold) or maybe just because Thanksgiving is a few days away and my mouth is already starting to water at the thought of all the delicious foods I plan on tasting - I'm allowing myself sweets and seconds that day. :)

Tomorrow is cookie baking day. I think I'll bake right after breakfast or lunch, so I'll be full and hopefully have more willpower. I CANNOT slip up when I'm this close!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:12 am
by Over43
Way to stick to it.

Keep it up.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:22 am
by moderatemeals
GK -
Great job the past two days on avoiding the temptations :) Keep it up and just think how close you are to your 21 day goal....not to mention the lbs seem to be melting off for you!! And just one more day and you can enjoy some Thanksgiving treats. Really, that is the best thing about this never have to restrict or say 'no' to might have to wait a day or two, but in the end, you can always have your cookie and eat it too!!

Good luck tomorrow!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:44 am
by gk

Whew! I made it! And I was even baking cookies that were all gooey chocolate with nuts and chocolate chips in them. YUM.

I was back to normal today.....fine all day, but a little hungry before supper. I even was able to avoid a heavy meal today!

I weighed myself this morning.....curiousity got the best of me....and I've lost another 2 lbs.! The scale will probably go back up again after Thanksgiving, but I'm enjoying this while it lasts. :D

I just can't get over how in the past I tried diet after diet that consisted of small meals that never filled me up and I never lost weight, and here I've been eating BIG meals and the weight is finally coming off!! Yes!!!

I've never been able to stick to a diet this long before without cheating, and am SO surprised I haven't caved yet. I think I've just reached a point that I don't want to go back to the way things were - feeling gross all the time because of the way I ate and my lack of control with food. Plus, I've told some people that I'm on this diet and this was their reaction.... :roll: This time I actually AM going to stick to it!!!

Lisa & Over43:
Thanks for your support. I appreciate it!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:22 am
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I knew you would lose more this week! I am so excited for you :D
I think you will be at your goal before the end of the year. Isn't it amazing how simple this plan is to follow?! I think about all the people struggling with their diets and I want to tell them to try this because not only does it work, but it is so liberating not to obsess over calories, fat grams, carbs, etc. It is such a healthy way to live!

Keep up the great work!! You've motived me quite a bit to stay on track, so thank you :P

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:41 am
by gk

I guess you could call this my first "S Day Gone Wild", but it was planned....I knew I was going to splurge and have fun; it wasn't because I lost control. (What a new concept for me!!) :D

I ate normally for breakfast. My family came over to our house for our Thanksgiving Dinner, and I splurged and I must say, rather ENJOYED, having fun on my "diet day off", feeling absolutely no guilt whatsoever. I had seconds at lunch and then we had desserts around 4:30, and I sampled more than one - it was SO good!

My reaction later was quite interesting though.....about an hour after all my sweets I almost felt like I had a buzz from drinking! My body is so used to not having that much sugar at once that I could really tell the difference!

I don't feel out of control, like I won't be able to go back to dieting tomorrow. Whereas before, if I had a binge day on my diet, it was pretty much the end of the diet.

Every day I am amazed at how this diet has helped me in more ways than one!

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:01 am
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and enjoyed your splurge! Isn't it wonderful being able to enjoy the holidays without feeling as though you can't/shouldn't be eating something?! I am really enjoying all my food so much more and yet obsessing and thinking about it less than before.

Thanks for your nice post on my thread. I look forward to your daily check-ins too and I've been so happy to see your success!

Happy Thanksgiving! Looking forward to a No S day tomorrow :)

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:54 am
by gk

I felt like snacking and eating sweets again today, but resisted the urge. I thought I got it out of my system yesterday, but apparently it just reminded me how fun it was to graze all day long. But then, I remember how gross I feel when I do that and I stick to the program.

I've learned that I can't snack on days off. Falling off the wagon one time is all it takes for me to struggle with it again. I do NOT want to start from day one again!

Funny, how today I struggled with hunger but at the same time actually liked the feeling of being hungry, because I wasn't filled with guilt from overeating, and later I enjoyed my food more when mealtime came around.

Oh yeah...I weighed in today, since I officially am supposed to do it on Fridays.....I actually gained two pounds in two days. Heck, the way I ate the night before, I'm not surprised. That's okay - pretty much expected that.

Live and learn. Tomorrow's another day!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:22 am
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I completely agree with what you wrote about sticking to not snacking. I think that is what sets me off too. I think when I don't portion out what I'm eating, I feel as though I'm not really eating it....sounds weird, but when I snack, I tend to be sneaking it, and I think while I'm sneaking, I'm almost lying to myself that I'm not really eating that much. Boy, I've got a lot of issues in the eating/food department! I really am happy to be following this plan because I think it is the first time that I've ever really addressed my food issues in a positive and constructive manner. I can honestly say that when I follow this plan, I feel as though I finally know what it is like to eat like a normal person!! And it helps to have a cyber pal who understands some of the struggles, so thank you for your support and advice :)

I hope you had a good day today! I know it might have been a bummer to weigh in a little bit higher than before, but I think it's great that you haven't gotten too down about it and also that you're not giving up 'the diet.' Great job sticking to the plan yesterday and I hope you had a good S day today!!


Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:40 am
by gk

Had a good S Day. Three meals and no snacks - just added a sweet with my meal. Planning my dessert way ahead of time really helped me today. Once I ate my sweet, I was content and not always "browsing" the kitchen wondering how much I was going to cheat for the day. I've decided to start splitting my dessert up into two meals now, too....same amount of food, but that way I feel like I'm getting two treats instead of one.

I think that has helped me in setting up my meals, too. I've noticed that I feel fuller if I have tiny servings of alot of things on my plate versus say, three full servings of something on my plate. I'm eating the same amount of food, but I feel like I'm getting more because I have more of a variety of food at each setting. Somehow makes me feel more content.

I had ONE Oreo for dessert at supper. I didn't think that was humanly possible!! :shock: I've never in my life been able to have just ONE Oreo....and it was the double chocolate kind, too. Yay me! :D

I've also become accostomed to having a tall glass of water before every meal and one in the afternoon now. Before having that much water in one day would make me feel like I'm floating. Now, it's just become a normal part of my meal and also helps me to feel fuller. Cool. 8) Will add one more glass at mid-morning next week.

We sat down and watched a movie as a family tonight. Everyone was munching on popcorn. I was totally content without it and didn't feel the need to be munching on anything while watching t.v. Love it. :)

I continue to feel habits forming, and I am astounded every day that the answer was so simple. I truly feel like I'm in rehab or something. To finally not be obssessed with food and just enjoy it for what it is - finally!!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:09 am
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I laughed when I read your bit about being in rehab :) I feel exactly the same way. And I totally agree with being amazed that the answer is so simple. I think it's probably the case with most things in life -- but I tend to overcomplicate and overanalyze everything!

I'm envious that you at getting to the point where you can have just one Oreo. I'm definitely not at that point yet!! I fear that I never will be...I take one bite of anything sugary and it really sets me off on a binge. A long time ago, I gave up sweets completely for a bit and I found that easier that having just one bite of something. But, in the end, it was realistic and it wasn't the way I wanted to live especially now that I have kids and want to enjoy some treats with them!

Love your strategy for drinking water right before every meal. I have been trying to do the same and I find it really helps -- especially on those days that I'm starving before dinner!

Hope you had a good day today!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:29 am
by gk
DAY 21!!!! SUCCESS!!!!!!

WAHOO!!! I made it!! I cannot believe that I made it to 21 days on the first try! I have been such a failure when it comes to dieting my entire life, so I never dreamed I would even come close! This diet just clicks with me for some reason. I love it that no matter where I am or what situation I am in, I can still easily stick to this diet. No special food. No counting calories. No foods restricted (and if they are you will get them eventually). Plus, I don't feel resentful about being on a diet when I'm following this plan, because I can basically have anything I want. How cool is that?!

Today was another good S Day. Snuck in one more glass of water in the morning. We hosted another family party tonight, but I did good with one piece of pizza and the rest healthy food. Desserts really DO taste better on this diet, don't they? There's no guilt, and your taste buds just explode because you haven't already eaten half the package the night before and are numb to the flavor. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:45 am
by gk

I felt so good today! I ate my usual three meals, had no hunger throughout the day, and even squeezed in SIX tall glasses of water with ease (no way I could've choked down that much a month ago). I've also been able to make lunch and supper normal size - haven't needed to make them heavy for a few days now.

I started my exercise tonight (been only stretching since beginning of program due to bad hip). I thought I'd take it slow and do a very basic 10-minute pilates routine and 5 minutes of stretching. Felt like doing alot more, but didn't want to overdo. Sure enough, after I was done exercising I felt the usual pain in my hip and knee, but I'm sticking to this. Hopefully, I'll be able to work through this somehow.

Each day is getting easier. The food I eat is a COMPLETE opposite from what I had regularly before, and I actually enjoy it! And to think all of this started by me feeling frustrated and googling "eat in moderation". That one little step has done SO much for me already!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:12 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job on finishing your 21 days..esp on your first try!!

I'm happy our habits are relatively in place with all the holidays coming up. I don't know about you, but I am already stressed out. I haven't even started shopping yet, have 200 Christmas cards to get out and am hosting Christmas Eve dinner. I think I'm most overwhelmed with all the presents I need to buy....not even sure when I'm going to do that with 4 small kids & all their activities. Yikes!! Normally, I would snack and overeat to 'help' with the stress but this year I'm going to try and find other constructive things to do to help me relax...I like your idea of stretching....maybe I'll try that each night.

Have a good day! We're back home from our vacation and brrr it's cold here!


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:35 am
by gk
DAY 23 & 24: SUCCESS

I had a touch of the flu on DAY 23, so needless to say eating wasn't much of an issue for me then.

Day 24 went well, too. My plates are consistently smaller portions now, so I feel better about that.

As I was grocery shopping, I suddenly realized how much better I've gotten over the past month. My cart used to have a large section of ice cream, cookies, chips, etc. that I would have for my snacking. Now, I have lots of fruits and veggies, and the treats I do have for the kids are not a temptation (and only enjoyed on S Days).

Loving all the new habits and really want to make it through December with a green calendar!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:54 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I hope you are feeling better today! The flu is no fun especially when you have little ones to take care of too.

Great job this week. I bet your weigh-in will go well tomorrow!

Enjoy your day!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:58 pm
by sidney202

Sorry to hear that you are ill. Hope you are back to normal soon!

I read through your 24 days of success and all I can say is KUDOS to you! Despiste some near misses, you have managed to pull through. It is really encouraging to be able to see your day by day mental changes, not to mention your lightening fast weight loss. Love the story of how you actually get full on less food. What a great side effect of this program.

Regarding your comment that you want to have an all GREEN calendar for may want to track your goal on oohlala53's "Just for December" thread, if you think it will help you.

Keep up the good work! I will check back often to cheer you on!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:26 am
by gk

My meals have been off schedule (very late lunches), but still sticking to the diet. I've found that even though I'm eating the same amount of food (one normal plate), I'm starting to feel overfull at the end of the meal. Decided to start making a "margin" around the outside of my plate....decrease the food a bit, and see how I feel. Half of my plate is fruits, veggies and healthy food, but maybe a slight decrease in food would be good.

This will be my first time EVER to diet the month of December. Crossing my fingers.....

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:12 am
by sidney202
Great job again today!

Isn't that weird about the drop in appetite? I kind of have that too and it seems a little suspect to me! When you started NO S, did you also start eating a little more healthfully? If so, do you think it could be an increase in fiber (from added veggies and fruits) that make you full? I am trying to figure out why I seemingly am not hungry and this is my current hypothesis.

Like seeing your green streak. Keep it going!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:39 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Good luck with the weigh in today! I bet you've lost've been doing such a great job (still can't believe it's your first time around!!)

PS One benefit I'm finding of not snacking at night is I am getting so much more done around the house in the evenings :)

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:32 am
by gk

MAN, was today close!! After being content for so long, I finally cracked. I think alot of it had to do with the fact that it was our first real snowfall today. For some reason, whenever we're getting alot of snow, all I want to do is EAT.

I actually seriously considered caving in and just taking my first red failure today. But, I told myself, I'd rather have a wild S Day tomorrow than a red failure 12 hours early.

I did skip my exercising tonight, so that calendar does have a red failure on it for the first time. But for some reason, I don't care. :? All my willpower is starting to wilt. YIKES.

On a brighter note, I weighed in this morning and I was 3 lbs. lighter. However, there are other factors besides diet that affected that number this week, so I'm not sure that's gonna stick. We'll see.

Right now I feel like diving for the fridge at 12:01 a.m., but I'm going to try to have some control this weekend. Will try to stick to my usual plan of three meals (I'm sure they'll be heavy) and split my dessert between lunch and supper.

I don't like feeling this way again!! UGH. :(

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:37 am
by Over43
We're already skiing here in Eastern Idaho/Western Wyoming.

This afternoon was a bit trying, I got home at 4:00 and there were newly baked cookies on the sink, and holiday food in the fridge. I survived.

Hope your weekend is relaxing.

Take Care

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:02 am
by sidney202
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Today was a success, and that is what counts! You did it!

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:06 am
by gk
Callie302 wrote:Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Today was a success, and that is what counts! You did it!
LOL! I guess that's one way to look at it! Thanks for the laugh. :D

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:31 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job not caving in!! Don't you wonder why some days are so much harder than others? Some days it is so easy for me to stick to the plan and others I feel like I'm back at square one!! I have found overall it is getting easier though so maybe one day we won't even have to think about it and there will be very few tough days. I find I'm having about one hard day per week right now whereas before my 21 days it was 2 days per week.

Keep up the good work :) And I am so happy for you to see your 3lb weight loss! Enjoy your S day!

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:16 am
by gk

Today was MUCH better. I guess I got it out of my system when I thoroughly enjoyed my double chocolate Oreos. :D

Feel more in control again. (whew!)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:57 am
by sidney202
Yes, control is a beautiful thing. I don't know how you feel about it, but even if I never lose another pound, I would be happy if I at least never binge again.

Good luck in the week coming up! Remember your goal of a Green December!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:25 am
by gk
S DAY....or I guess I should say S DAY GONE WILD

I guess my double chocolate Oreos didn't get it out of my system. I did very good until about 6 pm., and then I lost it. And it was ugly, let me tell ya. I didn't fall of the wagon - I hurled myself off the wagon. And now I practically feel my stomach stretching. Nice.

Back to normal eating tomorrow. Can't let the holiday schedule derail me for long. I'm actually looking forward to feeling hungry tomorrow!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:07 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Don't worry about falling off the wagon!! We all do it and the great thing is that a No S day can't be more than 48 hours away!! I weighed myself this morning and was 2 lbs higher...always amazes me how long it takes to come off and then within two days I can gain it so quickly!! But, I am confident that it will not be permanent and I really enjoyed myself this weekend without worrying that my eating would spiral out of control because I knew a No S day was close by... so in the end it's all worth it!

I definitely find logging my food helps a lot. It keeps me accountable and it also made me realize I don't necessarily eat as healthy as I think I do on No S days. Lots more pizza and chips and a lot less fruits & veggies than I thought I was eating....kind of opened my eyes up to try and include more of the latter at each meal. I also think logging on a S day helps too because it takes my 'sneaky' habits because I know I have to log it (I actually skipped logging my S day Sat though because our internet was down yesterday and now I can't remember everything!!)

Good luck today!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:25 pm
by BrightAngel
ljk2009 wrote:I definitely find logging my food helps a lot.
It keeps me accountable
and it also made me realize I don't necessarily eat as healthy as I think I do on No S days.

I also think logging on a S day helps too because it takes my 'sneaky' habits
because I know I have to log it.
Excellent Points, Lisa !!! Image

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:01 am
by gk

Today was very easy for several reasons....

This morning I wasn't hungry due to first nervousness and then excitement (my daughter won the school spelling bee! :D ). Then I was running around so much trying to get some x-mas shopping in, that I didn't get to lunch until 4:30! I went ahead and ate a meal, so I wouldn't pig out at dinner. But, I also went that long and wasn't doubt due to the MOUNDS of food I ate the day before. :)

Okay, here I go with my first ever food journal/log-in:

Breakfast: Cheerios

Lunch: Turkey wrap, almonds and grapes

Dinner: Spaghetti, breadstick and banana

I found already that I'm more carefully watching how I fill my plate, because I know I have to mark down every piece of food. I think this will be a good change for me.

Onward and upward.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:42 am
by sidney202
Congratulations on the Green Day, but more important, congratulations on your daughter winning the spelling bee! What was the winning word?

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:09 pm
by BrightAngel
gk wrote: I found already that I'm more carefully watching how I fill my plate,
because I know I have to mark down every piece of food.
I think this will be a good change for me.
Image Congratulations on your "first ever food journal/log-in".

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:51 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Congrats to your daughter!! How exciting!

And I think you will find journaling your meals helpful. It is a pain to do it, but it makes you eat more consciously.

Have a great day!
Lisa :D

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:03 am
by gk
Callie302 wrote:Congratulations on the Green Day, but more important, congratulations on your daughter winning the spelling bee! What was the winning word?
Thanks! She had to spell two words to win....thespian and whisperer. She was so happy she was tearing up. It was a really sweet moment. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:14 am
by gk
Dec. 7th: SUCCESS

It was another busy day of errands, so it was easy to keep distracted from any hunger today.

I think this food journaling will be even more helpful than my habit calendar. It's really changing my plates - much smaller.

Breakfast: Cheerios

Lunch: Turkey wrap, almonds, banana

Dinner: Barbecued smokies, mac & cheese, peas, handful of mini rice cakes

Enjoying my No S days. Feels good to be back on track. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:43 pm
by moderatemeals
Great job Greta! So happy you are enjoying journaling :D

You are inspiring me to have a green day today!


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:45 am
by gk
Dec. 8th: SUCCESS

Awesome day. I should've started this food journaling a long time ago. It's just really clicking with me. That's good, because the habit cal had pretty much run it's course for me.

Breakfast: Grapenut Flakes, banana

Lunch: Turkey wrap, almonds, 3 baby carrots, apple

Dinner: Enchilada, corn muffin, grapes

I can really tell the difference now when I'm out and about and can't get my water in. I actually miss it. I do believe it is a habit for me now. :)

I just feel so much better this week. My food intake has actually decreased, but I'm not feeling hungry.

Every week I fill up a very large relish tray with cherry tomatoes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and cucumbers, so it is easy for me to just grab a variety of veggies. I put it on the table every night during dinner, and now my kids are eating more veggies as well!!

Man, I love this diet. (I keep on saying that, don't I.....) :D

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:01 pm
by moderatemeals
Great job journaling Greta! :D Your meals look so healthy!!! I love your idea of filling up a tray with veggies so you can just add them easily to your lunch. I actually love fruits and veggies but have realized over the course of journaling this past month that I don't eat nearly as many as I thought I did! I think that it's the extra step of washing and cutting/peeling that stops me. So, I think if I prepared them in advance I'd probably eat them more. Plus I love the idea of adding them to the dinner table so the kids can eat them. Thanks for the inspiration!

I'm so happy you are loving this diet as much as I do! I wish I would have known this was the way to eat during my teens and college years. I was about 15 lbs heavier back then and yet I spent more time working out and eating diet food or depriving myself. It's amazing to me that the answer is this simple as 3 square meals a day!! I have one daughter and I hope I can pass on these eating habits to her so she never ever feels the need to diet. It's so sad to me how much time and energy I have wasted over the years trying to figure out how to stay slim and now I realize the answer is so simple!! My husband, who is naturally thin, pretty much has always ate the No S way. I always used to think he just had a fast metabolism because I could never understand how he could eat whatever he wanted at meals and stay trim. But he never snacks and doesn't eat much in the way of desserts....very similar to the No S approach. Now I get it!!

Have a good day!

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:58 am
by gk
Dec. 9th: SUCCESS

Today was successful eating-wise, but unfortunately that was due to me having another flu bug - stomach this time. Geez Louise, what is up with that? I never get sick and now I've had the flu twice within a month!

My stomach was in knots all day just enough to make eating seem like something I wouldn't want to do (now I KNOW I'm sick :lol: ).

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Two pieces of toast with a little peanut butter and a banana

Dinner: Cornflakes (I still wasn't hungry, but this sounded soothing to my stomach)

I weigh in tomorrow morning - curious about how the scale will read. You know I'm WAY into dieting right now when this thought pops into my head once I realize I have the flu.....the famous line from that movie "The Devil Wears Prada"........"I'm only one stomach flu away from my perfect weight." :lol: We'll see what it did for me. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:36 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
I laughed at the last line in your post because I thought that movie was hysterical and I, too, always think of that line when I get sick!! I hope you are feeling better today. My husband had the exact same thing while we were on vacation...he never actually got sick but had no appetite all day and ran a temp for about 12 hours and then he was fine the next day. I hope the same holds true for you.

I can't wait to hear about your weigh in! I know you will have lost again!! What a great Christmas present you are giving to will have to go out and shop the post-Christmas sales for some new clothes since I'm sure you will be down at least a size or two by then :D

Thanks for your nice words on my thread. I'm trying not to beat myself up over my failures. Funny enough, I weighed myself this morning and I didn't gain anything, so in some ways, that inspires me to get back on track today. Technically, today is an S day for me but I'm not sure what to do about it...don't want to punish myself for my failure yesterday by not taking it as an S day (reminds me too much of the binge/diet cycle I'm trying to break) but also don't feel I need any sweets or snacks either!!

Okay, kids will be up any minute and I'm not even close to ready for the day. Thanks for your support...never really had a cyber pal before but it's nice and I really appreciate your support!

Have a great day!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:02 am
by gk
Dec 10th: SUCCESS

I weighed-in this morning. I lost another 2 lbs. and am officially at the 10-lb. mark and lovin it! :D Only 5 more pounds to go! I'm starting to wear shirts that I haven't worn in a while because they didn't fit. That's a mood lifter, let me tell ya. :D

You can see by my food log-in below that my appetite gradually returned today. By tonight it was quite large, but I'm trying to keep some control. Tonight, I took my boys to Chuckee Cheese. It was only 5:00 when the pizza arrived, so I chose to not eat and wait to get something at home. (I'm never too thrilled over their pizza anyway - would've been a total waste of calories.) But by the time we got home I was ravenous, so my dinner menu looks a little odd. I was trying to get in every craving I could think of to avoid a visit to the kitchen later tonight. But it wasn't vertical and mostly light food items.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey wrap, handful veggies, orange and 5 almonds

Dinner: Turkey sandwich, handful veggies, grapes, few baked BBQ potato chips, rice cake, small cornbread muffin

I knew I'd have a big challenge this weekend, and I'm already feeling the old habits trying to resurface....

My husband is away for the weekend, and for some reason whenever he leaves it's like a total pig-fest for me. After the kids go to bed, the house is MINE to be as free with food as I want. (You can see how the whole "closet eater" comes in to play here.) This is the first time on this diet that he's been out of town, so we'll see how it goes.

The night is this point I'm weakly optimistic. Here goes...

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:09 pm
by moderatemeals
Gk -
OMG that is fantastic!!! 10 lb loss in just about a month!! I think that is a huge number for only doing this for a few weeks. Congratulations!! I was so happy to read your post as I wondered yesterday what your number would be and I am thrilled for you that it is 10 lbs!! You should post on the testimonial page :D

Good luck to you this weekend. I know all too well the sneaky habit and I do think I am doing that much less now than when I started so I am happy about that. My goal is to break the habit all together.

You need to treat yourself to something for your accomplishment I think!

Okay, gotta fun to have a cyber pal -- I agree that is helping me quite a bit too. You have definitely motivated me with your last post...and your meals are looking very healthy too which makes me want to eat healthier too :D

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:41 am
by gk
Dec. 11th: S DAY

I had such an awesome S Day! Actually, my luck started last night when I was watching t.v. and easily resisted munching. Then all day today, I was content with my meals and not constantly thinking about the fact that it was an S Day and I could if I wanted to. In fact, I wasn't even craving a sweet at dinner :shock:, but I decided to go ahead and have something so I didn't crack later.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey wrap, handful veggies, grapes, 5 almonds

Dinner: Sloppy joe sandwich, couple bites curly fries, banana

Sweet (with supper): one serving! :shock: (1/2 cup) chocolate ice cream

I never in my LIFE have had one serving of ice cream (which by the way - a 1/2 cup? Isn't that kind of ridiculous? I mean WHO eats only a 1/2 cup of ice cream???) But tonight....I did!! And I was totally content when I stopped, and it didn't send my thoughts toward another treat. Such a HUGE step for me, as chocolate ice cream has always been my downfall and whenever I have it, I've always had to have a huge serving.

It was so daughters heard me say "I'm not even hungry for a sweet now", and they went up and felt my head as if I had a fever. Then later when I dished up a 1/2 cup of ice cream for my treat, my youngest said...."Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" Ha!!! :lol:

It is so nice to feel in control after my last S Day Gone Wild. Love it! :D

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 8:33 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
What a success for you! I have a major weakness for ice cream and am SO impressed that you managed to have only 1/2 a cup. I'm definitely not there yet!! (But, it is so inspiring to see someone who is...I know I will get there one day!!) I think it's also amazing you had such a great day with your hubby out of town...that is normally my cue to eat extra sweets and snack more

You are doing AWESOME!! Just will not have to make any New Year's Resolutions that include diet or exercise this year because you already have these great habits in place.

I thought of you yesterday when I made sure to have some extra veggies on my plate at lunch and dinner. I'm also going to chop up a bunch of extra veggies tonight so I have them on hand all week for lunch and dinner. Your meals are looking so healthy!

Hope you are having a good S day today!

Lisa :D

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:27 am
by gk
Dec. 12: S DAY

I've been trying something new lately.....At the beginning, I was very caught up in filling my plate to the max (whether I was that hungry or not), so I wouldn't be hungry before the next meal. Even though a majority of my plate filler has been healthy foods, I think I've been on the diet long enough that I'm ready to start decreasing my food intake.

So, the past two days I've pretty noticeably decreased the amount of food at each meal. Before, each serving of food would be big enough that the entire plate was full, whereas now I take a little bit of each thing and there is alot of empty plate showing. I've started eating slower, so I don't feel like my meal is over too soon. This has helped me to notice that I don't need as much food to feel full now. And if I feel full before all my food is gone, I don't eat it, whereas before I'd shove it in anyway.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey wrap, a few veggies, a few grapes and 5 almonds (I really do need to get out of this rut and eat different things, but it just tastes SO good.)

Dinner: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn (Usually when I eat this meal I'm quite the piglet, but my servings were about half what they usually are and I was okay with it! :D )

Sweet (with supper): 2 small chocolate chip cookies

Feeling very content and so happy with my new normal eating habits. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:53 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
What a great accomplishment to go the weekend without a crazy S day...esp with hubby out of town! You have mastered the art of a normal eating day, I think. Your daily logs look great and I am so impressed with your one dessert with your meal. I can never seem to do that and it is a big goal of mine to feel content with 2 cookies or a 1/2 cup of ice cream. What great habits you are displaying to your kids!

I had another red day yesterday. Nothing out of control, but it started with a 4th meal...bowl of cereal....and then I added a few graham crackers. Once I ate the graham crackers, I decided that was really more of a treat so I've already ruined my green day and then proceeded to have some M&Ms. Funny how it's a slippery slope! I stopped myself from going overboard, so that is good. And I really analyzed why I decided I 'needed' a 4th meal at 9pm when I wasn't starving and why I felt justified in eating the graham crackers and m&ms after the bowl of cereal. I think because I woke up and weighed my 'goal weight' of 118, I felt as though I am 'thin enough' to eat some treats because I'm not trying to lose weight. So, I've decided to put away my scale and just weigh myself once a week like you so. Sorry to bore you with all my analysis, but it just goes to show that you really need to be strict with No S until the habit forms or you start to go downhill like me!

So, once again, you are my role model :wink: Got my veggies ready to go and I'm drinking water before my meals and now I'm going to weigh myself on Fridays. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Great job and congrats on all your successes this month!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:05 am
by sidney202

Congrats on the 2lb weight loss!
Wow, I am really impressed that you are just cruising along and doing great! I am doubly impressed at your very tame S days. (I can't say the same for this past weekend!). Isn't food sanity a good thing? Keep up the great work.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:15 am
by gk
Dec. 13th - SUCCESS

I was a bit hungrier today, but was able to control it with water and gum. My plates weren't full, so I feel good about that, but I was disappointed with myself at dinner. I had sliced up an apple at the beginning of my meal, but by the time I got to it I would have been fine without it. I knew it would go bad if I put it in the fridge, so I ate it anyway. Then after my glass of water, I could practically feel my stomach stretching and I felt SO gross. Even though it was just an apple, it's the priniciple of the thing - don't. eat. if. you. are. full. Not that difficult.

It's funny.....a couple of months ago if I felt overfull like that, I'd just pat my belly and think, "man, I ate too much" and just wait for my stomach to settle before I'd more than likely do it again the next meal. But now when it happens I just feel awful, physically and emotionally, to the point that it upsets me. I guess it's good that I felt so gross afterwards, so I'll avoid the same mistake next time.

Breakfast: Raisin Bran (I always feel like an old fuddy duddy when I type that, but the Fiber One Raisin Bran Crunch has become my addiction. Gone are the days of Cocoa Puffs.)

Lunch: Turkey wrap, a few veggies, a few grapes, 5 almonds (don't know why 5 is the magical number for me, but it works)

Dinner: Small taco, couple veggies, rice cake, apple

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:58 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job! You have definitely improved your habits if you are disappointed after eating an apple!! :wink: But I know exactly what you mean about only eating until you are satisfied. It sounds like you have really learned to listen to your body...and I think that sets you up for a lifetime of success!

Have a great day!! Can't wait to see your weight loss again this week...are friends and family starting to comment/notice?? That must feel great!!


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:35 am
by gk
Dec. 14th: SUCCESS

Wonderful Day!! I had no problems today with hunger, because once again I was nervous about my daughter's spelling bee (she was in the district spelling bee tonight). I also ended up going 9 hours between lunch and dinner, but with all the excitement I was okay.

Breakfast: Cheerios

Lunch: Turkey sandwich, a few veggies, banana, rice cake, 5 almonds (Ate more because I knew I'd have a long wait - but still room left on plate)

Dinner: PBJ, veggies, grapes

Early on in the diet, I tried on a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in a LONG time. They were very tight and I could barely button them. WELLLLL.......tonight I tried them on and guess what???? They FIT!!! And not only did they fit comfortably, but I needed to wear a BELT! WAHOO!!!!! I think I was floating off of the ground at that instant. And then, I matched it with a shirt that I haven't worn in a long time, and it fit, too!!! :D

And the night got even daughter ended up being one of the finalists to go to the regional spelling bee in March! What a great day!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:08 am
by sidney202

I posted this in the "December Only" thread, but this success deserves another response: Congratulations!

More than seeing numbers on a scale, fitting smaller sizes is really an indication of truly getting smaller! It must have been so gratifying to be able to see your 3D!

Keep up the good work. At this pace, you are going to need new goals. No way will it take you until July to reach your goal! Well Done.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:04 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
What a great post!! I am so happy for your success!! You are going to be at your goal in NO time at all!!

Congrats too on your daughter making it to the regional spelling bee. Sounds like there is a lot to celebrate in your house!! I'm so happy for you all!


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:04 am
by gk
Dec. 15th: SUCCESS

Breakfast: Cheerios

Lunch: Turkey wrap, veggies, rice cake, 1/2 orange

Dinner: Lasagna, french bread, veggies, 1/2 orange (all small servings, still room on plate :) )

It's funny....I was in the grocery store today. Went down an aisle to get frozen hashbrowns....on the opposite side was the chocolate w/chocolate brownie chunks ice cream that I used to buy all the time. The kind that I bought one 1/2 gallon for the freezer upstairs and stashed another 1/2 gallon in the freezer in the basement, so no one would know about it. That way I would have some extra if the other ran out before I went back to the store the next week. I had a huge serving with lunch and supper every day and was in withdrawl if I didn't. (So, so very sad. Talk about food issues.)

I looked over at it and felt like someone who had just been released from rehab or something. But you know what? The temptation was right there in front of me, but I easily walked on by and looked back at it, like "I am SO DONE with you."

Life is good. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:58 am
by sidney202

Love your last post and I relate completely. Like you, I am amazed and felieved to have some simple, very doable rules that short circuit a lot of the crazy out of control eating I used to do.

I am so glad you are having such success on the program.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:53 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job resisting yesterday! I laughed when I read the part about feeling like someone out of rehab. I know exactly what you mean!

I'm actually checking your posts now before I even post my own. I am so happy for all your success. People must be noticing your weight loss and I thought it was so cute that your daughter noticed your new eating habits too. I really think you should post on the testimonial page!!

Good luck today! Will be excited to see your weight loss this are doing awesome and might be at your goal in just a few weeks. Now that is AMAZING!!

PS Thank you too for your kind post on my thread. Funny enough, I thought about stopping posting for a little while after my failure on Tuesday, but have so appreciated and enjoyed the support from you that I decided I'm going to keep on going. Plus, your transformation is so exciting to see and I want to see you get to your goal!!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:17 am
by gk
Dec. 16th: SUCCESS

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey wrap, grapes, veggies, 5 almonds

Dinner: Lasagna, rice cake, veggies, apple

Today I was home all day. Couple that with me feeling a little bummed about something and guess what you get? Let's just say "old habits die hard". Days like this "pre- No S" I would easily find my comfort in food, and lots of it. Now, I wish I could find something that would comfort me as much as that used to. (However, I remember how awful I felt afterwards, so I guess the comfort was short-lived.)

I did okay during the day....lots of water and gum. But once night hit, I was feeling like I used to when I would usually decide dieting was for the birds and dive into everything that sounded good at the moment (chocolate would usually be at the top of that list).

BUT, I repeatedly reminded myself all day that those days are GONE and that I just have to get through it. So, when dinner came I added an extra item (apple) and ate it slowly, and I did feel much better afterwards. It is amazing how much more you notice the taste of food on this diet. I have never enjoyed lasagna so much in my life! :)

The thought of chocolate is still swarming around in my head, but I'm ignoring it and will get through the night. I have weigh-in tomorrow as an extra incentive.

Tomorrow, will be another deal. I have to bake for our Christmas party coming up on Saturday. My brother loves peanut butter blossom cookies (the ones with the hershey's kiss on top), so I make them for him every year. They also happen to be MY favorite cookie. SO....let's hope I have some willpower then, too. I'll probably go through an entire jar of gum at this rate! Maybe I should just bake in the smaller jeans that now fit. :lol:

Here goes nothin....

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:57 pm
by moderatemeals
Gk -
Just checking in to see how much you lost this week...I have a good feeling you are getting very close to that goal of yours!!

I'm going to start reposting on my thread on Sunday. We have a crazy weekend and I need a few days off from logging. I had a good day today -- added lots of different foods for variety -- eggs for breakfast, red peppers and hummus as a side on my lunch plate so I'm feeling good about that...though we are out tonight and I'm definitely having a glass or two of champagne. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep my willpower up after I've had a few drinks. I seem to possess amazing willpower around alcohol itself, but can't seem to manage the same willpower with the sweet table!

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:43 am
by gk
Dec. 17th: SUCCESS

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Lasagna, grapes, veggies, bread/butter (this was pretty heavy for my lunch, but I was so ready to cave on the diet that I thought that justified a heavier meal)

Dinner: Tortilla casserole, chips, bread/butter, grapes

I was hanging by a thread all day. I came SO close to just calling it a FAILURE day and have some cookies and candy. But when it came time to put it in my mouth, I just couldn't do it. I've had some wild S days since I've started, but as of yet, I've managed to somehow avoid failure days. Plus, I knew I could just cave and have a wild one tomorrow since it's our christmas party for my side of the family. (In fact, I've pretty much declared that every holiday is a free pass for a wild day.) It seems that about once a month I just have to crack and become the little piglet I once was to keep sane. I'm so caught up in seeing all the christmas cookies, etc. that veggies are quickly losing their appeal. I think after I have my care-free fun tomorrow, I will feel better.

On a brighter note, I lost another pound this week. Four more to go..... I think I might further my goal beyond that point. Five more pounds would be nice (now I'm just getting greedy) :)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:44 pm
by gk
Dec. 18th - S DAY

Biggest S Day Gone Wild as of yet.

Enjoyed it immensely.

Don't regret it one bit.

Feel much better now and ready to resume normal dieting.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:38 pm
by gk
Dec. 19th: S Day

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Everything in the kitchen - Ooops :oops:

Dinner: Small portion ham casserole

Well, evidently I wasn't over my little pig session as much as I thought. Hopefully, I can resume my willpower on Monday. At the moment, veggies and fruit haven't regained their appeal. What a slippery slope...

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:17 am
by gk
Dec. 20th: FAILURE

Well.....there it is. I've been on this diet since November 8th and this is my first failure.

There's some stuff going on in my personal life that has taken the enthusiasm out of my diet, and I just don't care like I did a week ago.

I'm so disgusted with myself. I'm four pounds away from my goal weight and I start eating like a pig at a trough?!?! You'd think that would be motivation enough, but apparently it's not.

I've tossed around the idea of taking a break and starting back up again after the holidays, but that's just a cop out. I need to try again tomorrow, and I will.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:29 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
You have done an amazing job over the past month and a half, so don't think too much about this failure. It's amazing how much our 'journey' has paralleled one another because what you posted today is very similar to how I felt when I started having failures. I just felt completely unmotivated!! I find the holidays stressful for many reasons and I think I was even a little depressed for a week or two -- same thing with a few stressful issues I am dealing with in personal life. I decided to start running to lift my spirits a bit and it definitely has helped with my mood as well as relieving some stress. I got up yesterday and today at 6am and ran almost 4 miles and it has made a world of difference for my enthusiasm and mood both days. Maybe you could try something like that esp if you are going through a trying time? I normally turn to food for comfort but in the end that makes me feel worse, so I am going to try another route...exercise!

I will keep u in my thoughts and I hope you have a less stressful day today and week going forward.

Good luck today. You've done such a great job of motivating and inspiring me! Just mark it as a red day and move is a new day!


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:55 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Been thinking about you this morning and realized I forgot to mention my mini 'revelation' that I had this weekend as to whyI might have been feeling unmotivated. While some of it was definitely stress-related, I also think I was in a heavy food rut. I spent some time last week trying to figure out why my cravings seemed almost unmanageable...I definitely didn't feel satisfied after many of my meals when I had my little streak of failures. I looked over my logs and realized I was eating PBJ sandwiches almost every day for lunch and I was trying very hard to get in more fruits and veggies on top of that. I think I was putting too many restrictions on myself, eating the same ol' boring lunch every day, and I think that led me to cave in later in the day or at night. For me at least, the beauty of NO S is that I can and should be able to eat whatever I want...whether it be a fat-laden meal or a healthy one! That is what I love about this way of life...I think the second I started to try and eat even healthier, it was too much. That's not to say I don't want to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet -- I do. But, I need to add a lot of variety in my diet so I don't feel deprived because the second it feels like a 'diet' to me, I just crumble.

So, the past few days, I have been eating different meals (no repeats allowed!) and not worrying about anything but no seconds, no snack and no sweets and it has been much easier. For example, I just finished a bowl of chicken chili, corn muffin and a few pita chips and I feel so satisfied. Whereas last week, I recall finishing my sandwich and wishing I could eat more.

Just wanted to share with you in case it might be helpful!

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:17 am
by gk
Dec. 21st: SUCCESS

Better day today--- finally ready to get back to my "No-S Self" again. :)

I've decided to quit focusing so much on the scale and focus on my eating habits again. Just be content with three meals and not try to skimp so much to get to my goal - take some of the stress out of it. (Thank you, thank you, Lisa).

Breakfast: Cheerios

Lunch: Turkey wrap, veggies, grapes, 5 almonds

Dinner: Chicken n' Chips casserole, bread/butter, apple, veggies (full plate but it left me satisfied and not thinking about snacking later)

Our computer is acting up on us (I'm currently on-line through my husband's phone), and Mediacom said their earliest available service appt is Jan. 4th (YIKES!) So if I have an unusually long absence, that's the cause. Hopefully, that won't be the case because I've found daily check-ins to be quite helpful.

You know, a couple times now I've had lapses of binge eating, and I've found one similarity with every episode......when I return to No-Sing, I'm even more convinced that I DO NOT want to return to my old habits and that this diet is worth every ounce of effort. I am committed to this and plan to make this work, no matter how many times I fall off the wagon.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:13 pm
by moderatemeals
Greta -
Great job yesterday! I was so happy to see you had a good No S day. I know when my eating is in control, it makes everything else seem a little brighter! I hope you are having a good day today too.

I ran again this morning and I can't recommend exercise enough! Normally all I do is play tennis twice a week and walk whenever I can as my exercise, but running the past 3 days has made me wonder if I should try and add that to my resolutions this year. I love pilates like you do, but I find it very difficult to get to a class because they are right in the middle of preschool drop off and pick up. I think in many ways pilates is better for you too -- much less impact on my aging joints!!

I hope you get your internet issues fixed before the 4th :)

Good luck to you and know that I am sending positive thoughts your way!!! I'll keep checking in and feel free to email me too if that is easier!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:28 am
by gk
Dec. 22nd: SUCCESS

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey wrap, almonds, veggies, grapes, rice cake

Dinner: Ground beef casserole, bread/butter, veggies, sun chips, orange

Focusing on eating habits (three meals/day) versus losing another pound is working much better for me now. My plates are fuller, but not vertical or dangerously close to the edge (even though it sounds like it).

My kids got out of school today for winter break and my reflex was to start grazing (for some reason it has that effect on me). But since I had been eating denser/larger meals, I was able to resist. :)