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Day 3 & Loving this

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:40 pm
by gettheweightoff
So this is my third day and I'm really liking this way of eating. Here's what I've noticed...

I find it funny when my habits call on me telling me to snack on this or that. I didn't realize just how much I thought about food.

I find I'm hungry less before lunch. It seems I need a bigger lunch to get me through to dinner but I can eat less for breakfast and be fine.

I find when I get hungry in the evening some herbal tea helps and the hunger feeling always passes.

There is a total freedom in not eating all the time and being a slave to it.

It is empowering not to eat off of the kids plates or nibble on this or that or say no when my husband tells me I can have the rest of his Chinese leftovers.

My meals are more substantial now. I was always making small portions and snacking all day and getting hungrier and hungrier until I would binge eat out of sheer hunger.

I'm eating clean now which makes me feel proud of myself. I am looking forward to my sugar free chocolate covered almonds this weekend. I am going to plan my treats not just dive in because I know me and it will lead to a binge.

After years of binge eating and being in what felt like a prison I can see a way out now. Although I have about 18lbs to lose I am not thinking so much about that now... and am focussing on doing the plan instead and I'll see where I'm at in about 6 months as I am expecting this to be a slow loss and I refuse to weigh myself because I know it will be discouraging if the loss is slow.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I look forward to many positive posts.