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chentegt's quest for his fittest year!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:18 am
by chentegt
Hey everyone!

Starting january I'll be posting here my eating and exercise updates, as a motivator to me and other people who want to check and share.

I've followed no s eating guidelines for more than 3 years with good results and (most important) peace of mind. This year, however, I broke too many times (mostly at night) the no seconds habit as a result of changing to a more demanding physical regime. Add to that the recent holiday binges and well... I've put some weight, not many pounds, but enough to motivate me to retake control of my habits and make 2011 my fittest year so far! I know it can be done!

I've worked very well with limiting sweets and snacks to weekends, and even seconds. I just started breaking the no seconds rule after one of my brothers opened a kettlebell gym in my city, in february. Going from 14 minutes of shovelglove (and some walking and pushups) to doing 40 or more minutes nonstop of the hardest and most intense (but rewarding!) exercises in my life, also had a huge impact on my hunger. To make the story short: it took me many months to realize that the need of more food because of the excercise (expressed via one or two more servings) wasn't really working as I expected.

That's why I'm here now, conscious of the stuff I have to make, but also with new and positive ideas and inspirations to use what I've learned to become a better nos-er!




- No S eating, with emphasis on retaking control of the no seconds habit!!

- I'll try to stick to normal meals (no junk/fast food) whenever possible.

- Glass Ceiling

- The exercise: My brother's gym is great, I have free membership there and it's only 2 blocks from my house, so I'll keep training there, trying to go workout monday through friday.

In the gym we train everything (cardio, strength training, flexibility, etc.) in 50 or less minutes. The workouts are usually nonstop, and consist mainly of kettlebell lifts, combined with ropes, sandbags, bodyweight exercises, barbells, dumbells and all kind of vintage stuff.... It's insane but so energizing!! (I love it!). The workouts vary, depending on the day, between circuits and days of heavy lifting or crossfit kind of moves. All parts of the body are worked every day! Actually, they will start to include a sledgehammer in some workouts on 2011.

Now, I know that the physical activity there will be very demanding and so, I've found something that works great to avoid breaking the no seconds rule: whole milk whenever I'm hungry. Hunger was not a problem during shovelglove era but it's more present now as a result of very hard workouts.

So, I'll soon start to post whatever I come with. My goal is to look and feel better than all my past years! I will take measurements and pictures to keep record of my progress and share them with you. I'll soon post my initial stats and pics.



Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:02 am
by chentegt
DAY 1 (01.03)

Well today I started this new journey! I took the starting measurements and photo, that I will keep updating every 12 weeks to share my progress.

First, here are the initial stats (I'm 5'7, male, 28 yrs old):

Weight > 160 pounds.
Bodyfat > 23.6% (wow I thought It was lower but well... that's some motivation to do things better too!)

And here's the initial (before) pic, as taken this morning:


Food eaten today:

As post workout I had a protein shake (I got some cheap whey in the gym that will help me with the soreness and hunger)

Breakfast> scrambled eggs with ham

Lunch> breaded chicken breast with rice

I then had another protein shake. this is the time im most hungry and the shake helped me a lot to avoid seconds during dinner.

Dinner> beef tamale with pita bread and beans


Exercise done today:

30 minutes of kettlebell drills, divided in three 10-mins sets of many pull exercises.

I'll keep updating!! Cheers!


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:21 am
by chentegt
DAY 2 (01.04.11)

Food eaten:

- post workout protein shake
- Breakfast> scrambled eggs with cheese
- Lunch> cuban "ropa vieja" (shredded meat) with mashed potatoes and green peppers
- Dinner> 2 slices of thin pizza fit in one normal plate (I was in my fiancee's house and it was her brother in law's birthday; they ordered).
- before bed protein shake (taken a few minutes ago)


24 minutes of BOOM (that's the name of my brother's kettlebell gym), done this morning. It was a circuit of 12 stages (1 minute each one), with kettlebell and bodyweight exercises. The circuit was done for 2 rounds.



Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:46 am
by chentegt
DAY 3 (01.05.11)

Food eaten:

post workout protein shake

breakfast> scrambled eggs and a banana

lunch> meat patties and russian salad

dinner> spaghetti, beans and "chilaquilas" (a guatemalan dish of tortilla, cheese, eggs, onion, garlic and tomato)

protein shake before bed (taken a few minutes ago)



30 mins of intense kettlebell drills.



Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:45 am
by chentegt
DAY 4 (01.06.11)

Food eaten:

- post workout protein shake

- breakfast> scrambled eggs and a banana

- lunch> steak roquefort and french fries

- afternoon protein shake

- dinner> broiled chicken breasts with rice and vegetables



24 mins of kettlebell and bodyweight circuits



Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:15 am
by chentegt
DAY 5 (01.07.11)

Food eaten:

- protein shake (took before workout)

- Breakfast> scrambled eggs

- Lunch> breaded steak with lentils, rice, carrots and dijonn mustard

- protein shake in the afternoon

- Dinner> a plate of small chicken fingers and two beers (we ate out because we had a surprise celebration for my brother in law in a restaurant)

* and a glass of milk a few mins ago



In 32 minutes, we (at the gym) had to do the most number of rounds of the following sequences, nonstop: 5 pushups, 10 pullups, 15 jump squats, and 20 kettlebell swings. I managed to do 16 rounds in the 32 minutes.... exhausting!!!



Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:51 am
by chentegt
DAY 6 (01.08.11)

//// S DAY /////

Food eaten:

- breakfast> scrambled eggs and refried beans

- lunch> macaroni with cheese and ham

- dinner> two taco bell "dobladillas"

*I had a lemonade with soda in the afternoon (too sweet, so I considered it an S)

*I failed at glass ceiling (I had 4 drinks with friends and father in law)


Rest day!


Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:54 am
by chentegt
DAY 7 (01.09.11)

//// S DAY /////

Food eaten:

- at 1am I had a slice of ham (my first S of the day)

- breakfast> a sandwich of spanish "jamon serrano" (the same as prosciuto) and salami

- mid morning protein shake and a glass of milk

- lunch> We had sunday happy time at my fiancee's home. First, we were served a cream of asparagus soup. Then, we ate pork meat with parsley and onion (a typical dish here called "carnitas de cerdo"), and green peppers. (Definitely an S here because it was more than one plate).

* I had 2 pina coladas (another S because of the sweetness of the cocktail).

- dinner> two slices of pizza


Rest day!


Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:25 am
by chentegt
DAY 8 (01.10.11)

Food eaten:

- post workout protein shake
- breakfast> scrambled eggs with refried beans
- lunch> breaded chicken with rice and green peppers
- protein sake in the afternoon
- dinner> pork, rice and "pepian" (a delicious local meal of chicken and vegetables)


30 mins of kbells.



Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:20 am
by chentegt
DAY 9 (01.11.11)

Food eaten:

- breakfast> scrambled eggs
- lunch> shredded meat with mashed potatoes
- afternoon meal (FAILURE*)> ceviche (latin american dish consisting of raw seafood with tomato, onion and lemon). And a beer
- dinner> fish with veggies and cheese

* I failed today at nos because I ate between meals. It was funny: I had already eaten for lunch at home but then I visited my fiancee. My father in law was there and he had prepared "ceviche" (local seafood dish) and offered me a cup. I gently declined because I had already eaten and he understood. But then I went to the bathroom, and when I came back the table was set with my fiancee and my parents in law sitting there and... guess what else!... a cup of ceviche in my table! As it would have been too rude to decline at that point in front of them all (and my fiancee would have given me the evil eye), I accepted the food. Actually it was delicious and very healthy! but, for rules sake, I took it as an S, because it was taken right after lunch and I was not able to consider it a dinner (it happened around 3pm and we had dinner 5 hours later).

* I also had two protein shakes: one in the morning post workout and one a few minutes ago



24 minutes of kettlebell and bodyweight circuits

DAY 10

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:03 am
by chentegt
DAY 10

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> scrambled eggs, a banana and half a glass of milk
-lunch> chicken breast with pasta, ground beef and a glass of whiskey with water
-dinner> crunchy burrito with a few fries at taco bell


Exercise> 30 mins of kbells and bodyweight exercises


DAY 11

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:30 am
by chentegt
DAY 11

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> scrambled eggs and a banana
-lunch> "picadillo a la habanera" (cuban dish of ground beef with tomato paste), with beans and rice
-dinner> ground beef with beans and vegetables

* I had two beers in the afternoon


24 minutes of kbell and bw circuits


DAY 12

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:00 am
by chentegt
DAY 12

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> spanish "chorizo" (hard pork sausage) sandwich
-lunch> ground beef and rice (leftovers from yesterday)
-dinner> pork lo mein (pasta, vegetables and pork), and a chinese taco


40 minutes of kbell and bw exercises (three big rounds of drills with 100 swings at the end of each one, for a total of 300 swings and many other exercises!!)


DAY 13

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:38 am
by chentegt
DAY 13

//// S DAY /////

Food eaten:

breakfast> scrambled eggs with cheese and beans
lunch> olives, breaded chicken and mushrooms (My first S of the day, because it was a little more than one plate)
dinner> three slices of pizza (my second S, because it was more than one plate sizewise)

*I failed at Glass Ceiling. I had 2 and a half drinks more than the limit, because it was the opening party of my brother's new kettlebell gym. It was a celebration day, I'm very happy for my brothers who have now 2 kettlebell gyms in the city (and the first ones in the whole Central America).

Exercise: rest day

DAY 14

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:06 am
by chentegt
DAY 14

//// S DAY /////

Food eaten:

breakfast> hard pork sausage sandwich
lunch> salad, beans, pork sausage, steak, and one beer with tomato juice (it was the celebration of my father's birthday in a popular steak house. Definitely more than one plate, but so worth it! My first S of the day)
afteroon* (*my second S of the day)> a strawberry milkshake
dinner> "chiles rellenos" (meat-stuffed chili peppers)

Exercise: rest day

DAY 15

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:43 am
by chentegt
DAY 15

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> scrambled eggs and beans
-lunch> Wendy's quarter pounder and milk
-afternoon protein shake
-dinner> two slices of pizza

Exercise: 29 mins of kbell and bw exercises


DAY 16

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:31 am
by chentegt
DAY 16

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat) and a banana
-lunch> cheese-and-pepper stuffed chicken with rice
-dinner> meat patty with cheese, and macaroni with cheese and ham

Exercise: 40 mins of kbells


DAY 17

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:52 am
by chentegt
DAY 17

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat) and a banana
-lunch> steak and potatoes
-dinner> rice with beans, cream and cheese

* I had one and a half beers in the afternoon


41 mins of kbell and bw exercises


DAY 18

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:45 am
by chentegt
DAY 18

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> ham and cottage cheese sandwich (whole wheat) and a banana (take a look at how it looked in a plate here: ... 200906.jpg)
-lunch> shredded meat, green peppers and pasta with mushrooms
-dinner> gnocchi with cream, bacon and cheese (a delicious meal that my fiancee made for me. A pic of the plate here: ... 201947.jpg)

Exercise: 28 mins of kbell and bw circuits (two 14 mins circuits)


DAY 19

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:53 am
by chentegt
DAY 19

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> scrambled eggs and beans
-lunch> chicken breast, rice, peppers and gnocchi leftovers from last night
-dinner> burger king burger with fries

* I just had one and a half beers

Exercise: 35 mins of kbell and bw exercises


DAY 20

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:26 am
by chentegt
DAY 20

//// S DAY /////

Food eaten:

-breakfast> peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat) and a banana
-lunch> grilled skirt steak with salad, hard sausage, mushroom cream, beans and peppers. I also ate doritos before the meal. (Definitely and S here because it was more than one plate. So delicious and so worth it! My fiancee is a great chef!).
-dinner> a taco bell dobladilla and a burrito

*I had a glass of rum with coke (another S here, because of the soda) and a beer. I also had two or three sips from other people's drinks, so technically it was a glass ceiling failure).

Exercise: rest day.

DAY 21

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:49 am
by chentegt
DAY 21

//// S DAY /////

Food eaten:

-breakfast> a glass of milk and a banana
-lunch> doritos, grilled steak with onions and sauce, hard pork sausage, peppers, bread and cheese. Some coke also. (It was grill day with my parents in law. Of course it was an S because it was more than one plate. Delicious!!).
-dinner> 2 glasses of milk

* I had 2 beers at lunch.

Exercise: rest day.

DAY 22

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:43 am
by chentegt
DAY 22

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> two peanut butter sandwiches (whole wheat)
-lunch> ground beef with carusso sauce (cream, mushrooms, onions and soy) with beans
-dinner> steak, pork sausage and chicken with rice, beans, cream, cheese and a potato (all in one normal plate, of course)

Exercise: 40 mins of kbell and bw exercises


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:06 am
by Over43
Two glasses of milk for dinner. That is some dedication from the dinner hour to breakfast!

Good job.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:18 pm
by chentegt
Over43 wrote:Two glasses of milk for dinner. That is some dedication from the dinner hour to breakfast!

Good job.
On days I eat good steak, I feel full up for the rest of the afteroon or up to the next day... meat is very filling!!. Thank you!!!

DAY 23

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:23 pm
by chentegt
DAY 23 (01.25.11)

Food eaten:

-post workout protein shake
-breakfast> peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat) and a banana
-lunch> breaded chicken breasts and rice
-dinner> two ham and cheese sandwiches, and two glasses of beer

Exercise: 24 mins of kbell and bw circuits


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:16 pm
by chentegt
I already passed the 21 days mark!
I'll stop posting the daily details here, but I´ll keep updating on my habitcal, of course.

When I get to my first 3 months of this years plan, I'll update here with the "during" pics. And I will keep updating with pics and stats here every 3 months. Keep the good work going!!

First 3 months update!

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:24 pm
by chentegt
Hey everyone!

It's time for my first 3 months update!!

Okay, here it is how it went these first 3 months. In short: SUCCESS SO FAR!! Very nice established habits on no s and exercise. Only a couple of failures and the rest green and yellow.

I still go to my brother's kettlebell gym every morning from monday to friday and the workouts are always very intense but energizing. They only take me like 20 to 40 mins daily and are making me very strong. In the afternoons I walk for like 20 to 50 minutes on a treadmill (this is really extra and I do it while my fiancee exercises besides me on a normal gym, its more for support but it relaxes me).

Habitwise, glass ceiling has been my weakness. I had many reds on the weekends and it's something i''m working for in the next 3 months, just sticking to 2 max drinks a night. If I had more greens I'm sure I would have gotten still better results, but I cant complain.Its little by litte.


So here are my stats for 04.02.11

weight: 151 lbs
bodyfat: 18.7 %

So that means > 9 pounds lost in the first 3 months. 5 % bodyfat gone. I guess all the pounds were purely from fat!

Pic >

See you in the next 3 months update!!

6 months results!!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:33 pm
by chentegt
Hi, I'm back! It's time for my 6 months update (these are my measurements as for july).

Weight: 146 lbs.
Bodyfat: 17.9%

Pic: ... 00833.jpg/

Since january, I've lost 14 pounds and 5.7% bodyfat.


I've been very very consistent in eating and exercise. My problem has been the glass ceiling, as I've had around 4 to 8 red dots each month. I've reduced the drinking A LOT. The red dots mean that I had more than 2 alcoholic drinks in 24 hours. I've not been drinking heavy, just usually 3 to 4 drinks, but still, it's a failure. My new goal is to reduce the red days in glassceiling habit.

I dropped the whey shakes a few days ago as I think they're not really necessary. My no-s eating is sooo automatic now. That, and the fact that I've almost never missed a workout is a great success so far. I kept working out all these months in my brother's kettlebell gym, with 20 to 50 minute workouts daily.


I'll keep going with this for life, it's so easy, natural and makes me feel great. From now on, I will update yearly, as Reinhard does, with pics and stats.

See you around!!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:51 am
by NoSRocks
Hi! Just popping in to say thanks very much for your interesting posts and many congratulations on your ongoing and outstanding success on the No S Plan! Your progress pictures are great! Very well done.

Had a quick look at your brothers' studio - looks amazing! Wish there was a Boom Studio in our town - perhaps some day!

Again, very well done and thanks for continuing to keep us updated. Very inspiring, indeed!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:22 pm
by chentegt
NoSRocks wrote:Hi! Just popping in to say thanks very much for your interesting posts and many congratulations on your ongoing and outstanding success on the No S Plan! Your progress pictures are great! Very well done.

Had a quick look at your brothers' studio - looks amazing! Wish there was a Boom Studio in our town - perhaps some day!

Again, very well done and thanks for continuing to keep us updated. Very inspiring, indeed!
Thank you!!

They have just recorded a promotional video for the gym. I'll show you when it's ready. They are having great success with the gym!

9 months update!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:34 pm
by chentegt
It's time for the 9 months update!

Last time I checked in, I decided to update every 6 months, but I find it much more fun and motivating doing it every 12 weeks.

So here's the sep 11 during stats (and pic):

Weight: 147 lbs
Bodyfat: 15%

Compared to 3 months ago, I lost bodyfa!! and gained 1 pound. If I suck in just a little bit my stomach (its cheatin though, for updating purpouses), I can see 'something' I used to call abs developing lol! (example: )

During the last 2 months, I got back into shovelglove (+ at least 30 mins of walking) mixed with some traditional weight lifting. I guess I gained muscle but dropped fat. From now on, I'm just doing SG + walking in the mornings, and I feel much better. I dropped the gym workouts because I was getting too exhausted and the SG was calling me back lol. The kettlebel gym workouts are great btw, but I'm thining in real sustainable factor here, and I always loved SG. In te future I will include kettlebells in my 14 minutes of shovelglove.

I should add the I managed to reduce the alcohol drinking alot! My last glass ceilins have been 95% green. Food wise, I'm maing the effort to have at last an apple or other fruit daily into one of my 3 meals.

See you around!