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Not Going to Give Up

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:57 am
by Ruthie71
I started Nos for the umpteenth time yesterday and failed today. I have 2 young children and I eat when stressed and tired. I had a small piece of slice
after dinner. I will start again now but start counting my 21 days tomorrow. I want to weigh 54 kilos (8 stone 7) but now weigh 62 (137 pounds). I want to be fit and healthy for my family.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:21 am
by harpista
Speaking as someone who has repeatedly failed (I have never made the 21 Club YET), I can tell you, though, that just trying your very best can also give you a very modest result and is worth doing.

I'm not saying stop trying to have successful n-days AT ALL, because of course that would be best! Just that, if you're anything like me, a "failure with real effort on No S" day is way better than a regular pre-No S day.

This year I am trying to adopt the attitude that noncompliance is not an option, but- I honestly think that trying, over and over, has built up my willpower to a higher level, so that I can try being a hard case!