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Exdieter's Daily Check-in

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:44 pm
by exdieter
36 yrs old

1/2/2011: 157.2
1/9/2011: 155.4
1/16/2011: 155.8
1/23/2011: 155
1/30/11: 155.2
2/6/11: 155
2/13/11: 154.4
2/20/11: 152.8
2/27/11: 151.8
3/6/11: 154
3/23/11: 152.6
4/4/11: 153.6

Day 1 was an S day. Weighed in at 157.2

Day 2: success. Also played xbox kinetic dance game and cooked dinner from Mark Bittman how to cook everything vegetarian cookbook (with my first homemade soup stock ever!)

Day 3: First day back at work after holiday, so far so good. I'm in the middle of my most dangerous hours (between lunch and dinner). There are two boxes of candies on the desk next to me, which I have successfully ignored, so far. Had a filling breakfast and lunch to avoid temptation. Also took a yoga class on my lunch break, and finally did my first wheel pose, ever! Woot!

If I can make it through the next 5 hours (usually get dinner about 8pm), I'll be good to go. This is the hardest time for me. To make it a little easier to begin the program, and to keep any obsessions down to a minimum, I am doing a mod during first 21 days with a 5pm snack of fruit or veggie, if needed. Even if I do this, it'll still be a major improvement over my usual 5pm snack of starbucks cake, cookie, leftover catered meeting food, or candy. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:55 am
by exdieter
I made it!! Day 3 = success. :)

I didn't have any fruit at 5.... and I was REALLY hungry by dinner time. Cleaned my whole plate in record time, and then realized I couldn't go get seconds. I think this is going to be a life-changer....


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:50 pm
by exdieter
Day 4 = success, also took a weights class. Ate out for dinner, but only two slices of pizza, rather than my usual 4. :)

Day 5 = so far, so good. Surprised by how I keep automatically almost snacking... I was so used to it. Yet, I'm really not hungry. Doing just fine on my mushroom quesadilla and salad lunch today, for example. I sure hope this works!

[Edited to update for dinner] I made it till dinner! Had an apple at 5pm, since I knew I wouldn't be eating till 8ish. All good! This is amazing! I had no idea I could do this!!

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:40 pm
by exdieter
Day 6: I'm bored and stressed out, and I want to snack. Blah.

Doing well, and promising myself a relaxing and nourishing dinner, that is not in front of my computer.

One thing I have learned this week is how tied my snacking is to my stress. I never realized that I was an emotional eater, because I don't eat when depressed or angry. But when I'm stressed, which is most of the time at work, it's second nature. Hmmmm...

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:46 am
by exdieter
Day 7: S-day! That was fun. I didn't really go nuts. Had some kahlua and cream in my coffee for breakfast, and a single, reasonable serving of non-parels (sp?), which tasted damn good after 5 days without chocolate!

Then had a home-cooked meal. I did have seconds, but only of parsnips. :)

Not so bad!! I really didn't feel the urge to go crazy whatsoever. Fingers crossed for tmrw's weigh-in.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:08 am
by exdieter
Week 2 - Day 1: S Day! Whee! I didn't go too crazy. Enjoyed a mini-loaf of coffee cake, half of which I ate with breakfast and the other half I enjoyed in place of lunch. Then, had the rest of a leftover biscuit after dinner. One thing I noticed is how much hungrier I get after snacking. Hmmm.... Also, spent about 2.5 hours walking around the zoo... this urban ranger stuff is pretty fun!

Day 2: Success! But just barely. I am stressed at work and really just want to pick at food and fill myself up to soothe my anxiety levels. Also, took a kickboxing class after work, which is probably contributing to my hunger. On the brighter side, I really kicked butt in class! Noticeably easier than the last time I took it.

I think the other contributor to my hunger is that I had a pretty crap lunch -- veggie soup and a tuna sandwich... not a bad lunch in theory, it just wasn't very satisfying in practice. So. I'm hungry, but I think more in an "eating to fill the anxiety" way, so I'm gonna sleep on it instead of acting on it. I'll give myself a nice, big breakfast tomorrow, and choose a lunch that really tastes good to me. Goodnight, folks.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:11 am
by exdieter
Week 2:

Day 3: Wasn't sure whether to call this a success or not. At dinner time, started eating a hummus appetizer without thinking about it. I cut way down on my entree when it arrived, but could really only eyeball it, not be sure that I ate only one plate of food. Also missed my workout.

Day 4: Missed another workout, except 30 minutes using dance game on xBox Kinect. However, made a wonderful home-cooked meal for dinner -- two pieces of good bacon, scrambled eggs w creamcheese and chives, and homemade breakfast potatos, plus a quarter of my biscuit leftover from Sunday's splurge. Delicious and satisfying. I had a veggie wrap for lunch, so didn't feel too bad about missing hte veggies (though I would've put them in my scramble had I had 'em). Hoping to get more exercise in tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:55 am
by exdieter
Day 5: another success, had a huge glass of wine with dinner

Day 6: success: had beer with dinner which makes me bloated, also a tired workout of zumba.

S day. More beer, belgian waffle for breakfast and panna cotta for dessert. :)

Day 7: S day! mini-pack of m&ms, and a pretzel for mid-day snack (instead of lunch).

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:05 am
by exdieter
WEEK 3 (up .4 from week 2, down 1.4 from start of program):

Day 1: S day. Woke up discouraged because of my weigh-in, but I have had a drink or two (beer or wine) with dinner almost every night this week, and suspect I am kinda bloated. Work has been extremely stressful, am attempting to decompress via working out and/or socializing with friends rather than snacking. It's pretty much working, and I'm certainly not drinking to excess. It's just that I normally don't have a glass of wine or beer with dinner EVERY night.

Midway through the day, checked into my "period tracker," (sorry boys), and realized that I am due in the next day or two! I always gain weight the week before my period and lose it the week after. So actually, right in line with my normal ebb and flow. I suppose this is why I should only weigh in monthly, but until I've been doing this a couple of months, I want to keep closer track.

Anyhow, I can absolutely feel my eating habits starting to change. I seem to be paying much more attention to how it feels to be feel than I was in week one. I think it's because I've realized I'm not going to starve between meals without my snacks. Have almost perfectly stayed on the plan, with one slip-up of hummus appetizer when I was out to eat (which I made up for by eating smaller dinner). This has really changed my lifestyle, and after two weeks, it still feels totally sustainable.

I know I have a tough week ahead of me. We're losing the account I work on at my job, so I have a lot of transition ahead of me. Also, the general mood of everybody at work is anxious, upset and pissed off, which makes it very hard to relax. Just doing my best to stay positive, and deal with stress by spending time with loved ones, taking my vitamin B, and getting regular exercise. I can't tell you all how wonderful it feels to be turning toward something other than snacks and sweets to take care of myself!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:20 pm
by exdieter
WEEK 3: Days 3 & 4 (tues-wed) -- Had two red days! :( It's interesting, though... I thought for sure my red days would happen with snacks, but instead it was overeating while going out to dinner, something I'd never really even noticed I did. So, in a positive light, as my snacking habits have improved, I have exposed other, insidious habits! :?

I hate seeing those red days screw up my habit cal, but before no-s, all day, every day would've been red, so I am going to honor the changes I have made, and remind myself that this is a process, and not to beat myself over the head for not being perfect.

Today will be better!

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:56 am
by exdieter
Day 5: Success. Phew!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:59 am
by exdieter
Day 6: Success
Day 7: S Day! I ate a snack today (piece of think veggie pizza). Interestingly, and something we've been discussing on the main forum, I think the coffee I drank at breakfast made me hungry. Also, I had french toast, a sweet, rather than something a little more filling. Big win at dinner, though -- cooked a delicious home meal (shrimp, grits and collard greens). Am beginning to notice that I am eating less food.... At least, when I'm not getting my period. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:02 am
by exdieter
Is it really week 4? Holy crap. This has been a HORRIBLE work week (layoffs on the way). But I have stayed on no-s. Weirdly, not showing a weight loss yet. But I'm committing to this anyhow. I feel so much better not putting energy into thinking about losing weight every day.

Today really, really wanted to cope with stress by eating a plateful of brownies leftover from a meeting. But I didn't. That's solid, right? I just reminded myself that I could eat as many brownies as I wanted on Saturday.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:28 pm
by Eileen7316
Resisting brownies is SOLID!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:50 pm
by exdieter
Thanks for the kudos, Eileen! Feeling a lot better this morning. Now I'm craving a Belgian waffle. However, I am going to have a delicious mediteranean chicken salad for lunch instead. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:19 pm
by Kevin
It sounds like you are doing very well. Good work!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:06 am
by exdieter
Woohoo! 4 weeks down. I didn't lose any weight this week, but I did eat Korean food the night before my weigh-in. So I reserve the right to retain water. heh.

Didn't have the proudest s-weekend ever, but I'll keep following my rules and not beat myself up over it. I made a delicious butternut squash soup for dinner. And then attempted a homemade soda bread, which was terrible and is going straight to the wastebasket soon as it cools down.

I didn't have a great week with exercise (only 2x), although I did get some walking in and lots of cleaning/cooking today.

So. Hanging in there! Still down overall! Still feeling not too bad! :)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:36 am
by exdieter
Week 4: I had a red "event" last night -- got to go to a very expensive and delicious restaurant on my husband's work's expense account (his reward for working 60 hrs over the weekend! ugh!) Anyhow, I overdid it. Not a binge, but not exactly sensible either. On the other hand, this is a very very rare event. We've never gotten to go out on the expense account. Also took a kickboxing class, so maybe that helped with a little of the damage. :)

Snow day today, which was nice. I made another meal from Cooks Illustrated cooking for two, which turns out is an awesome cookbook. We even had some leftovers, despite cooking only two servings! No exercise, unless you count 10 minutes of snow shoveling. ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:49 am
by exdieter
The city got dumped on by the blizzard of the decade, which is making it hard to get my workout in... I also have a cold. Sticking to No-S, however, despite my Monday-night event.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:08 am
by exdieter
Well, ate a lot this weekend... but not nearly as much as old me would've eaten. And something really strange happened today: I ran out of time to make/eat the peanut butter cookies I'd planned on all day. I hope that I will be able to be successful next week despite having had no sugar on Sunday! This has NEVER happened to me (that I would've gotten too busy, and later, too full on dinner, to eat sugar).

I feel strange. Also, next weekend can't come soon enough. LOL.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:40 am
by exdieter
I had a red day yesterday (I hate to call them failures... because even when I screw up I learn something... I prefer to think of them as "red alerts.") :)

Anyhow, I had seconds at dinner (ordered pizza, and didn't put enough on my plate). Coincidentally, I am reading the chapter in Reinhard's book about plating, and realized that while I have done a great job focusing and making a habit of the no-sweets and no-snacks portion of the diet, I have had my head in the sand regarding the one-plate rule at dinner. This is never a problem at breakfast or lunch, but sometimes we will order a pizza, go out to eat, etc., and I have been eyeballing it. No more, my friends! I feel like I am ready to move into my personal No-S Phase 2: the one-plate at dinner rule.

Today, on the other hand, was a triple green day! My habit cal has three portions: no-s, exercise, and home-cooked meal. It is incredibly rare that I succeed at both exercise and home-cooked meal on the same day, because I often exercise through dinner preparation time or vice versa. Last night, while we waited for the pizza we ordered to come, I whipped up a pot of chili that we ate tonight. Hooray for advance planning!

That's about all today. Have a very stressful week, and have not been sleeping well: had a job interview yesterday (went well), have another tomorrow, and am going into my typically worst week of the month: PMS.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:54 am
by Kevin
You sound like you are doing great. Congratulations.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:06 am
by exdieter
Ha - thanks, Kevin! It is nice to know that somebody out there is listening... It's as if my diary is talking back to me. LOL.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:57 am
by NoSRocks
Hi! Just popping in to say I too am enjoying reading your diary!! Sounds like you're doing great indeed!! Look forward to your next post(s).

Take care, Love Roxy xxx

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:14 am
by exdieter
Hi, Roxy! Nice to meet you!

Well, this week was not awesome: PMS, full workload, three job interviews and I've only exercised once. Just had a huge dinner, and even though it is an s-day, feel like I overate. It's not a comfortable feeling. Sigh. I guess, in a week like this one, I will be content to just maintain. We'll see... I think I'm going to be showing a gain, unfortunately.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:27 am
by exdieter
Whee! Lost .6lb this week. It's a miracle! Or maybe it's No-S.

Finally warmed up here, so I got out and did a little Urban Ranger with my doggie today. Tmrw, will hopefully actually make it to the gym, for a change, this month.

Planning tomorrow's dinner now, so I don't get too busy and go out after work.

I love No-S. Being able to eat without guilt is saving my life.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:11 pm
by exdieter
I think I am beginning to understand the power of habit. Had an s-day yesterday, and without thinking about it, limited myself to one plate of food at dinner.

Also, had my first planned s-event on Friday night. It was a dinner party celebrating my friend's new job with homemade baked goods for dessert. It didn't go too badly. (Basically, just had a dinner that was like ALL of my meals used to be. LOL).

I have still been under the gun with stress. Didn't make it to the gym at all this week and had to rely on urban ranger. Hoping this week will bring better times. For now, I am gonna crawl under the covers and go back to sleep.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:55 pm
by exdieter
This has been rather a weekly check-in as of late, worked a string of 12+ hour days, and have been focused on simply hanging in there. I think that these are the weeks where no-s is really tested, and where the eating habits I am forming really begin to help me maintain a sense of control.

Really missing my daily exercise, and glad that life has slowed down a bit finally. Planning on an urban ranger with the dog today, followed by yoga this evening.

What's surprising through all of this is that I am continuing to see a loss. Hit my first 5lb. mark this week, although, without exercise, I can't really trust it. But it's still nice to see that needle moving and my new habits forming.

I had another s-event Friday night (second friday birthday in a row). I did have a small slice of cake and a cookie, but stayed out of trouble otherwise. Everybody at the party was drinking and I could've gone down a slippery path, but instead, I brought a 1/2 gallon of milk! LOL. It worked!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:20 pm
by Kevin
Good work ED.

I hit 179 this week, then immediately bumped back up to 181 when I started SG again. That's okay. I didn't gain fat. It's okay for you too, probably.

exdieter wrote:This has been rather a weekly check-in as of late, worked a string of 12+ hour days, and have been focused on simply hanging in there. I think that these are the weeks where no-s is really tested, and where the eating habits I am forming really begin to help me maintain a sense of control.

Really missing my daily exercise, and glad that life has slowed down a bit finally. Planning on an urban ranger with the dog today, followed by yoga this evening.

What's surprising through all of this is that I am continuing to see a loss. Hit my first 5lb. mark this week, although, without exercise, I can't really trust it. But it's still nice to see that needle moving and my new habits forming.

I had another s-event Friday night (second friday birthday in a row). I did have a small slice of cake and a cookie, but stayed out of trouble otherwise. Everybody at the party was drinking and I could've gone down a slippery path, but instead, I brought a 1/2 gallon of milk! LOL. It worked!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:55 pm
by exdieter
Ha. As predicted, I bumped back up to 154 this week, after adding exercise back into my routine. Also part of the gain equation were meals out every night last week (had social events that included dinner Thurs-Sun nights), something I hope to avoid this week.

It's interesting: I have been 100% successful (literally) in terms of no snacking and no sweets. It's seconds and portion control that are my challenge, which is the opposite of what I expected.

Cooking at home makes a tremendous difference, but has been difficult to fit in. Lots of late-night band practices last week, and now that I am tracking exercise, band practice and home-cooked meal on habit-cal, I can see that I almost never have a weekday where all three are successful. It definitely gives me something to think about.

Still highly stressed out (and actually, covered in hives as I write this! Ew!). My mom is in surgery today, I'm still waiting for a job offer and my wedding ring slipped off sometime yesterday! The goal today is to make a home-cooked meal and do a little yoga, stay on No-S. That's it.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:24 pm
by exdieter
Still barely hanging in there. Am at my parents' house taking care of my mom post-surgery, and they are major snackers with a large case of diethead. I can't seem to get a satisfying meal, which leaves me continually hungry.

Had a red day yesterday. I snacked on some dried apricots and an orange that were hanging around my parents' house. I also had an extra handful of chips with dinner. It's VERY hard to follow No-S in my parent's house. They live in a cycle of binging and dieting. Here's a small success: my dad bought me pastries from a bakery, and I had him freeze them, so I could eat over the weekend. I actually don't want them at all. It feels like sabotage, because he knows I am doing no-s, and even though I know my folks love me, and he isn't purposely trying to hurt me.

Compounding the stress: still waiting on a written job offer, taking care of my mom, attempting to work from my parent's house, ran out of my anti-depressants two days ago and am not picking up till tonight, PMS....

I'm grateful for this board. I am sneaking in and lurking just to get a little motivation. Did a yoga video last night, which was great, and am going to workout tonight again, then have dinner with a friend who lives in my parents' town. Just one more day till the weekend. Ack!

I'm going to go take my dog for a walk. :) Urban rangers, we are!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:31 pm
by kccc
It's extra-hard at one's parents, isn't it? I sympathize. Maybe you can talk your parents into letting you cook dinner to help out, and you can make something satisfying??

Hang in there. Find something nice to do for yourself (caregivers need care too!).

Good luck.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:28 pm
by exdieter
Thanks for the kind words, KCCC. :)

Yesterday, I would say I had a binge, even though it was an s-day: half a sleeve of girl scout cookies, a serving of frozen custard and a peppermint patty. I think all that saint patrick's day minty green food advertising was getting to me. I feel pretty sated now, though. I know it wasn't the best for me, but maybe I had to get it out of my system? I've also got my period coming this week!

Still no let-up on the pressure in terms of my home- and work-life stress. Still waiting for a job offer. Mom still recovering. Still have a bunch of shows to play next week, and having troubles writing songs and lyrics. Still worried about money. I think I could use a week away, somewhere quiet with no phones, no practice space and no pressure.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:59 am
by exdieter
Hi honeys! I'm home! Was down in Austin playing SXSW. Good times, and I did pretty decent. Gave myself just one additional S-day (although I ate nothing but BBQ and junk food the whole week).

Definitely hard coming back -- I've been stopping myself from snacking all day long. La! Feeling so much better, will post about it on the forum. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:59 am
by NoSRocks
Welcome back!! and WELL DONE on your weight loss success!

Sorry to hear about your mom, hope she will soon be on the mend!!

Roxy xxxxxx

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:27 am
by exdieter
Busy, busy! I have quietly been keeping up with No-S. Am on week 2 of my new job, and am really enjoying it. However, having some issues fitting working out into my new routine. I go in earlier and leave a bit later, and no longer have an on-site gym.

I know I'll figure out a schedule, and things will loosen up after the first couple of months, but hard to know if I have any wiggle room to leave for my classes at the gym before official "quitting time."

Meanwhile, I continue to gain and lose the same 1.5lb. Argh. Annoying.

A good solution would be for me to do some non-class workouts, but I have to admit I am very intimidated by all of the hardcore people at my gym! Anybody have any sources for independent workouts? I heard there is a Nike app for new iphones, but I have an old iphone on the old OS.

Anyhow, trying not to be too hard on myself and instead working on settling into new routine, and of course, avoiding the SSS of doom! :)