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Roxy is Back and Trying Again!!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:41 am
by NoSRocks
Hi Folks! Long time no here, but I've decided to re-start my No S Journey once again. A bit about me: I had been doing the No S Diet faithfully from mid December 2009 until November/Dec 2010. My weight at the start was 170 lbs and I managed to get to 160 lbs quite quickly once I got into the routine of the No S Diet. However, after a few months of No S I appeared to be stuck at 160 and nothing I could do would budge it. I also suffered from a lot of overeating/bingeing on my S Days. Both of which bugged the heck out of me. Fed up with myself and lack of control (as I thought), I started experimenting with other 'diets' and eating plans, none of which lasted for very long nor got me anywhere and to cut to the chase, I am now back where I started again... or to be precise, 168 lbs!! :(
What i wouldn't give now to be back at 160 lbs never mind my original goal of at least 150 lbs. So... I think it's time I got back onto vanilla No S again. Just like to extend a big HELLO to all my online buddies Sophiasapienta and Denise etc., etc. whom must have thought I had abandoned them and the diet after my absence of several months. I used to post on a regular basis and then it started to taper off a bit as I got more into the NO S style of eating. However, just wanted to let you guys know that even though I may not post as often as I should, i am still here and still trying. Just off now to update my reflect my weight gain and weight loss goals. TBH, I'll just be glad to get back into some form of structured eating instead of all over the place and nibbling/bingeing here and there...and as someone wrote on the boards, it is surely better to maintain for 5 years rather than to gain it back and then some! To whomever wrote that post, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Anyway, here goes... starting tomorrow! If I get a chance, I will keep you posted on my progress - not sure if I'll be here on a daily basis or not yet. Just playing it by ear and trying to take it one day at a time as they say. Thanks so much for listening!! Bye for now, ROXY xxxx

Good for you

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:19 am
by r.jean
Good for you and good luck!! I am on my fourth week for the first time doing no S and after reading your experience, I am resolved to make this my lifetime habit even if I slide at times. Some loss is better than no loss.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:56 am
by dmarie710
woo hoo. She's back. Welcome back Roxy. I don't really post much anymore, but do read the board everyday. I'm still doing NO S but not faithfully until end of Dec. I started to take it more seriously again.
I understand your frustration and why you may have tried different eating methods.
But, your back. I'm so happy to see you here on the board again. Shannon doesn't really post a whole lot anymore. I miss her:(

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:11 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks for your nice, supportive messages, guys! Sorry I haven't been posting much myself recently....yes, Denise, I know what you mean - I miss Shannon's posts too. :cry:

Just a quickie to let you know I'm still on the planet/checking out the No S Boards and basically trying my best to stick to the No S Plan. Finding it a bit harder second time around, I have to say. However, I plan on just taking it a day at a time, NOT weighing myself for at least a month or so as I know I'll get disappointed and discouraged if I see a bad result. My aim at the moment is to try to get into the routine again of the vanilla No S, not even worrying about what I'm eating on my N days... I have been eating a lot of PBJ sandwiches which I wouldn't normally eat, using up some delicious home made bread I had bought last week. Once its gone, its gone. Then I'll go back to my usual fare.

So far, so good I'm on my 4th day of re-starting No S and whilst I've been very tempted to give in a few times, I've managed to resist.
Fingers crossed I can keep going. May not post here as regularly as I would like, however i will keep you posted on my weight/progress as time goes on.

Thanks again folks for your nice compliments/posts. Here's to a great weekend. Lots of Love from Roxy xxx

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:53 am
by NoSRocks
Another factor that may hinder my weight loss is that due to the weather, unfortunately I haven't been able to take my walk around the neighborhood.
I really miss the exercise right now and feel sluggish..., and this is from some one who is not fond of working out or moving around much. :P

However, if I get not so good a result when I do weigh myself, I will have to tell myself to hang in there and not lose patience. More importantly, not to throw the towel in completely and have an all out binge. Whilst it's niggling me on the one hand, not weighing myself, its also one less thing to worry about for now.

Have a great weekend everyone !

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:29 pm
by dmarie710
Hey Roxy. I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but could you do a workout at home? For instance my cable has on demand and there is at least 50 workouts that I can turn on at any time. This week I've been doing yoga workout's at home cause I've been sick and they are really good.
Also jump ropes are really great as is the good old sledgehammer.
Hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:19 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Denise! Hope you're having a great weekend!! Nice to hear from you again and thanks very much for those great suggestions :) I do have those exercise at home stations and for a while, say a few years ago, I did them faithfully. Unfortunately, I seem to have lapsed on the exercise front... and to be honest, I hadn't thought about using these programs, preferring to blame the weather instead :oops:

Anyway - sounds like a great idea, so I may give it a try tomorrow morning.

This evening, being my first S Day after being good for the week, was a little strange. I didn't really feel like eating anything but eventually 'made' myself eat a bacon sandwich, followed by a huge bowl of apple cobbler I had made earlier (trying to use up left over apples)topped with ice cream and cream. I could only manage a few spoonfuls of the crumble...then I remembered some chocolates and cheesecake I had purchased as special s day treats... I ate two chocolates and 1 small piece of cheesecake then disgusted with myself, threw the rest in the trash! I have now decided (being in the frame of mind) that tomorrow i will have a skinny cow after dinner and hopefully from now on, this or similar low fat dessert can be my s day treat on Saturday and Sunday nights. I think I am fearful of bingeing on my s days or eating as much garbage as I can before an N day comes I had been doing when I previously did the No S Diet. Actually, that was the reason I quit doing the No S for a while and started trying other diets (none of which lasted by the way) because i couldn't seem to get a handle on the S Days. Having gotten into the routine again, I'm hoping maybe this time I can gain control on the S Days which will ultimately - fingers crossed - lead me to losing more weight. However, not going to be too hard on myself and impose too many rules too quickly as i know how my mind works... :roll:

Okay ramble over for this evening. Stay safe if you're out on those roads tonight, guys and have a good weekend. See you next time on the boards.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:57 am
by NoSRocks
So... I made two boo boos today. The first was to weigh myself. After promising not to weigh until a month in, I caved in and got on the scales. Bad idea!! :cry: - just depressed myself and started worrying and obsessing again. My weight read 170 lbs. 2 lbs up from when I started last week. However, I hadn't been especially frugal or watchful of what my 3 N Day meals were. Ate lots of bread (PBJ sandwiches) last week which is not the norm for me. Plus had had an S Day yesterday though not excessive, by my usual standards, definitely ate more and particularly sweets. So today after weighing I didn't exactly go crazy with my eating habits but I did indulge more than I had intended i.e. having a sweet dessert type of oatmeal bar for breakfast instead of granola bar. Had a dessert after dinner of another huge slice of cheesecake and cream. But that was it. I didn't graze and/or binge like I had been doing when I was previously on No S. But at that time, ironically I weighed TEN whole pounds lighter! :evil: I also had a silly notion of going back to a national slimming club - something i had weaned myself off of for over a year, thanks to No S, mainly because it just messed with my head and gave me added stress, not to mention cost more money. I've come to my senses now and realized it was foolhardy to consider going back to classes, at least at this stage where I'm only in the beginning phase of the No S Plan. I have decided to soldier on, give it some time and patience, and hopefully if I can keep my S Days reasonable, maybe the weight will start to come down again. That coupled with the increase in exercise, which I will attempt once the weather improves, should - fingers crossed - make some difference, surely? Maybe this is TMI however I am in menopause now and have been for some time, which definitely does not help when it comes to losing weight!
Okay - enough already. I will post again in a week or so once I've had another round of No S successfully under my belt. Then if I think I need to take further/drastic action, I may consider adding a mod or two.

Bye for now, folks and here's to a great week ahead :)

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:01 pm
by NoSRocks
Well...I said I wouldn't, but I did!! And now.... I'm already having second thoughts about it... what you may be asking? yes, I really did sign up for that weight loss clinic that I had talked about. I have had a habit of going back to this club every so often when the going gets rough; I only usually last a couple of days on their plan, quit and give up and its been a bit of a horrid cycle for the past 5 yrs or so. I thought i had finally cracked the habit once and for all when I didn't go near it for a whole year. But the depressing thing is, somehow I managed to gain an extra 11 lbs since then. When I first started on No S (Dec 09) I was amazed and very pleased to lose 10 lbs so quickly .... but then it stalled and I was unhappy at my lack of control on S Days yada yada yada - in other words, i got impatient with myself and I guess fell off the wagon (albeit gradually/subtely) since I'm not really aware of making a conscious decision not to follow No S nor eat between meals/sweets during the week etc. I guess lack of exercise is one very big factor in my recent gain too. The weather has hardly been conducive for walking outdoors therefore I have been doing what i can indoors but it probably - no evidently - isn't sufficient. So (sigh) for some reason my "diet head" has reared its ugly presence again and I caved in yesterday, thinking this diet clinic is the holy grail...and it might help me. I also shelled out quite a bit of cash yesterday (re joining fees etc. etc.) and already I'm thinking I made a big mistake since this place might be worthwhile (to some) short term, I really don't want to be a 'slave" to it forever. I do sound so confused, don't I? Yes, I have all this going on AND my weight climbing higher and higher at the same time. It's a bit out of control and I feel overwhelmed and almost panicky. Then I thought hold on: My idea was to use this club for help and guidance. I guess there's no reason I can't remain on the No S plan and still go to the clinic. I just don't want to be there on a regular/long term basis since - albeit a contradiction - I hate diets and thinking of food and what to eat. etc. Once you get into No S properly, you stop thinking about food and weight so least i did for about 8 or 9 blissful months.

Anyway, sorry about the rant, but I just felt I had to get this all off my chest. Now I am debating whether AGAIN to cancel my membership at this club and forget about them once and FOR ALL, and hope that i can find success with No S on my OWN.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:22 pm
by gettheweightoff
I'd say cancel your membership because your story sounds very familiar to mine and if it is the case you will most likely lose on this plan/club you will probably gain it back (sorry to sound so negative) because you'll be "falling off" because these plans are difficult, they restrict calories and you will rebel.

You lost 10lbs on no-s and it's not exactly difficult. We just have to get the hang of s-days.

Plus, these clubs/plans are expensive. Save the money and use it to buy yourself something nice when you lose weight on no-s.

Diet head will screw you up every time. I once went to an eating disorder meeting and the leader said "the moment you diet is the moment you binge" and I never forgot her words, the problem is I just kept on dieting and each time I'd gain it back, plus a few more pounds and be in the same dilemna over and over. Why not use your maintenance plan (no-s) and lose some weight, get your sanity back and then later make some modifications.

Just my two cents. Hope you're not offended. It's just that diet head has hurt me so badly and ruined a large part of my life and I can't bare anyone else going through it either, especially paying for more of the same!

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:58 pm
by NoSRocks
Going to keep a food log for a bit. See how it goes :)


cheese omlette and potato wedges
1 f/f greek yogurt w honey
1 grapefruit


Turkeyburger and roll
1 large banana


Spinach and feta pie
large serving brussel sprouts (ugh! veggies not my favorite food but i make myself eat them cos they're good for me )

DRINKS: Green tea, water, diet lemon and lime soda

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:42 pm
by NoSRocks
Gosh gettheweightoff! Thanks so much for your great message! So insightful and you know, just what I had been thinking myself in regard to the weight club. I think sometimes we (as in "dieters:) just get desperate and in turn do very impulsive things ... and I should have known better than to rejoin that club for as you quite rightly say, even if I were successful with their low calorie plan/foods, what happens next? That's always been my question/bugbear with that particular club. The gal I spoke to was really very nice and I feel a bit sorry for letting her down, but at the end of the day - it is my hard earned cash that is going down the drain! So again, a big THANK YOU honey for making me see the light. You see, I have a problem of a sluggish thyroid as well as the Change which - whilst not making excuses - as I'm learning, makes it harder to lose. The reason I got so panicky yesterday was I'm frightened by how high my weight is getting whilst I don't seem to be overeating! I'm scared that by this time NEXT year I'll have gained another 20 lbs. and so on and so forth. Anyway, enough said ! But I have to say, I feel MILES better after reading your post! And btw - I also enjoy reading your posts and can closely identify with the way you're feeling. It is great to know you're not alone, even though I don't like to think of others' struggling - if you know what I mean!! :oops:
I may not post here regularly but I can assure you I'll be here everyday as always reading everyone's insightful and interesting posts. Thanks again, gtwo!! :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:28 am
by NoSRocks

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:28 am
by gettheweightoff
FANTASTIC decision! You should feel very proud of yourself.

I just read what you logged for your food and I think it looks terrific, very balanced and healthy. You will lose weight eating like that for sure.

I am impressed too that you don't drink coffee as this has become quite the addiction for me as of late on top of everything else.

Anyways, I am so glad you took control of your own journey and your wallet!

Way to go!

And thank you ever so much for your kind reply to my post!


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:19 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Nicole! You're SO welcome! I tell you, even though it is ultimately up to myself at the end of the day, it was YOUR great response to my 'dilemma' regarding the slimming club which helped me make the decision. So many thanks once again!!! I feel so much better about doing so, like a great weight - no pun intended - has been lifted off of my shoulders. I figure if it hasn't helped me lose weight PERMANENTLY in the last 5 yrs, why go back to it????

Also with regards to my opinion on OA, it will be interesting to hear if you do decide to go how you get on with it. Another thing I meant to add was it was over 20 years ago since I attended the meeting and there could be lots of changes (perhaps for the better) in that time. Then again, the focus as you mentioned in your post, would again be on food, and ideally the focus shouldn't be on food - at least not 100%. Easier said than done, I know!!

Last night, I got myself into even more of a panic: I weighed myself at night, with my nightdress on. The scales read 175 lbs - a gain of 5lbs since the day before. I could not believe it!!! I even thought the scales may be broken or lying to me :twisted: However, I know from experience that they are very accurate scales. It was just counter-productive and very silly of me to have weighed at that time of night with my clothes on. I couldn't get to sleep and my heart was literally racing and I kept asking myself "What shall I do? What have I been doing differently since the last time?" Crazy stuff considering I haven't been on the second round of No S long enough to give it a chance. This morning when I awoke, I felt better/calmer. I did stupidly weigh myself and was quite relieved to see 170 lbs (on the scale before eating/getting dressed). Not great but definitely an indication that my weight might not be as out of control (Yet) as I originally thought. I don't think I will be able to settle/relax around the No S plan until I at least lose a lb or two of this weight. As I said before, if I even got to 160 - 165 lbs, and knew I were going to stay there for the REST OF MY LIFE, I guess I could take it. It's the constant worry of uncontrollable gaining that is my biggest issue right now.
Anyway hon - thanks again to you and anyone else reading this post for listening and for being here for me. Re : coffee. No, I don't drink it regularly but I do have one or two cups at the end of the week (at work). But I don't really see coffee as being much of a problem. Perhaps because I drink it black with no sugar. Otherwise, I drink mainly diet sodas (not good but will try to eliminate one thing at a time - lol!)

Have a good day and drive safe everyone.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:24 pm
by NoSRocks
TODAY'S EATING (haven't put in drinks cos I mainly stick to the same thing - diet soda and water on a daily basis)


1 granola bar
1 large banana


1 blueberry scone and 1 medium black coffee (Starbucks) *

* Read up on the nutritional value of the scone, and was surprised to read its quite high in cals/fat compared to other cakes. Thought I was making a good choice, too :oops: Never mind - I'll try to make a better choice tomorrow now that I have the nutritional info. Don't care for their egg sandwiches or else I would have had one of those instead.


Not had dinner yet but probably a frozen food entree with veg
(that's my usual dinner so I may just put in usual dinner in here to save time when I'm recording my N Days. Depends.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:43 pm
by amake616
Starbucks pastries are pretty amazingly delicious but definitely calorie dense. I love their lemon cake thing, I used to eat it with low fat vanilla yogurt on the side and it was actually pretty filling. Calorie dense but hey it's only one and it all fits on a plate ^ _ ^ Maybe you could try the next time you really want a scone?

Oh and kudos for being able to drink your coffee black! That saves a lot of calories over time and I wish I could do it.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:57 pm
by gettheweightoff

I think you will lose more weight than you even realize. I looked at your food yesterday and today and I have to say it's pretty low in calories. I feel like a piglet next to you. You're not hungry just eating a scone for lunch?

I have completely stopped weighing myself and I can't tell you how much better I feel. I know by my clothes whether I am down or not and it is going to take a few weeks to see a change.

I really believe you are going to do fantastic.

I am sooooooo happy to have helped you but you know what, you knew it wasn't right for you or else you would never have posted a message about that diet club so you should be very proud of yourself.

You're on the right track!


Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:12 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again guys! Thanks so much once again for all your great messages.

I know what you mean re. the lemon cake thing. I used to buy that quite a lot. Delicious!! Thanks for the great suggestion of adding yogurt on the side, it sounds great... I might have to try that sometime soon, the added bonus being that it fits on one plate !!!


Hi again Nicole - hope you're doing good this evening. I read your online food diary and your eating is going great. Congratulations! Meantime, re. your nice comment/observation re. my eating for today: normally, I wouldn't have just a scone for lunch however I am back at work today (I work part time) and unfortunately we don't get much time so I have to have something quick. It's just a small office so we tend to eat out at lunch. Given that I don't have much time for lunch and there aren't many eating places nearby, I find it quite difficult to eat something sensible and whilst the Starbucks scone isn't the best nor most filling choice, I think its better than grabbing a bag of chips - which would probably be my next viable option. Maybe that's part of my problem - not eating enough at meals and overcompensating elsewhere. My husband always laughs at me for my little TV dinners as he likes to call them. (I'm a fan of Frozen ready meals and he is not: I enjoy cooking meals i.e. meat and stuff for him - he hates veggies though - and tend to stick to the ready meals or snacky things and nibbles for myself. Not sure why!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:19 am
by NoSRocks
WHAT I ATE TODAY (continued from earlier)


Instead of my TV Dinner, I had some more of the feta and spinach pie. I think its called spankokipita or some such...! Whilst its fairly healthy: spinach, feta cheese and filo pastry, I sometimes wish i didn't like it so much since the pastry can be a little greasy, particularly when warmed in the microwave, that plus the lack of variety i.e. too much of a good thing, i don't think will help me very much on my quest to lose weight. But for now, I am trying not to sweat the small stuff too much and just keep to the No S guidelines. I didn't have any veggies this evening - the brussels sprouts more than made up for that last night since it was one of those huge Steamfresh bags.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:09 am
by NoSRocks
PS: Nicole, sorry I meant to add: I applaud your decision to not weigh yourself. I think you've made an excellent decision and I agree when you say it definitely takes the pressure off. A few years ago, I never even owned a scale and used to go by the fit of my clothes. I did okay then but that was before I was hit with the thyroid issue. However, I know i do feel miles better when I'm not worrying about the scales. I just wish I could keep it up for some amount of time and not have the nagging doubts and worries about my weight going sky-high. Anyway, on that pleasant note - NOT - signing off for this evening.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:00 pm
by NoSRocks
Have been doing some serious "NON diet head" thinking of sorts today.... and the first thing I did was remove my stats i.e. weight record on No S since I think it was doing more harm than good, particularly the gaining 10 lbs part. Just dwelling too much on the negative, I think.

Anyway - I'd like to try the non weighing for a bit and just carry on with Vanilla No S. Getting the habit(s) down first is the most important thing after all, as I intend - all going well of course - to follow No S for the rest of my life. I'm also thinking of stopping the food diary (although I have to admit I find keeping a record of my daily intake fairly helpful at the moment in that I have something to refer to for future use and perhaps keep me on the straight and narrow right now. But .... I want to get the focus off food and the dreaded "D" word as much as possible as for me they are simply counterproductive.

Having said all of the above, I can't stress again how much I enjoy coming on here and reading all of your valuable inputs and how much comfort and guidance I have gotten from it, especially since I am or should I say was?? :) having a lot of conflicting feelings about eating etc.

This evening, I had a big plate of mushrooms along with my dinner. They were absolutely delicious - microwaved for a few minutes with only a small amount of spray oil added and helped to fill me up.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:56 pm
by gettheweightoff
AWESOME work Roxy.

Sounds like you are moving closer away from "diet head".

I found that when I was tracking what I ate, it was still keeping me in diet head and I felt happier and better when I just ate intuitively before my meals asking myself what I felt like eating and just made sure to add some veggies etc.

I admit I have been thinking about calories as it's second nature but I keep telling myself to "think about it later" and it works every time to keep my mind off of it.

You are doing great and it was such a good idea to remove your stats. The irony is now that you're not dwelling on the gain, the loss will just "happen".

Best, Nicole

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:25 am
by NoSRocks
Aww, thanks Nicole! and by the way, I really enjoyed reading your latest posts about throwing away your diet books etc. Wish I could do the same! I guess I could donate them to charity....but like you said, you wouldn't want to inflict the same "misery" onto someone else :lol:

Sounds like you are doing good, eating wise too. That is fabulous! I hope I can keep up with you. :lol: :wink:

Today (Sunday) being an S Day, I have been buying a lot of silly things like cakes, chocolates etc. and nibbling here and there. I haven't really eaten anything sensible although I guess that is the beauty of an S Day. Still, I am trying to improve on my S Days as much as possible and don't seem to be off to a very good start. Then again, if I try to get too strict, especially at the beginning, it can be counter-productive so I figure I should just concentrate on my N Days for now. After all, not having S Days or restricting them, would take away half of the fun! Have a great week, hon. Sounds like you're off to an amazing start... and don't worry even if you're not sticking to vanilla no S to the letter, you have the rest of your life to get it right. Did that come over like I meant it to? :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:19 am
by gettheweightoff
Thanks Roxy, good luck with the rest of your week too. I'm sure we'll be talking/encouraging each other this week.

I had a nice diner and had room on my plate for something I had been craving so I decided to have it or else it wouldn't be good later if you know what I mean. It was yogurt with granola that you stir in. I ate it and stressed a bit about the calories but stopped myself and enjoyed it.

RE: the diet books. I thought I should donate them or sell them and feel a bit of guilt for throwing them out but it was just time and I feel like I made a statement to myself. There's about $80 or more in the trash but it is over and done and I don't have to spend money on another single book so whatever, it's done and I feel like the pain of all those dissappointing diets is over.

Honestly, it's a great feeling. When you are ready, it will feel good. Promise.

Anyways, you're doing well. S day and all. Hang in there.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:28 am
by NoSRocks
Think I'm going to post my 'S' Days for a while, yet. Sometimes its handy to have something to refer to/look back on, especially whilst I'm "new" to No S again (second time around)!: :lol:

So here's what I ate on Saturday and Sunday. Not the worst S Days I've ever had, but still lacking a bit in structure. I loved someone's (can't remember whose, sorry!) idea of having a really good dessert after dinner on the S Days, so I'm working towards that and having 3 regular meals throughout the day(s). Again, I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself. Had a rich dessert after dinner tonight (Sunday) and for a split second, felt defeated and guilty for having given in and eaten a "naughty" food! However, I realize a: that it isn't the end of the world and you have to be able to enjoy desserts etc. since abstaining entirely is not normal anyway (for most people) and unsustainable in the long run. and b: if I try to restrict myself, I may end up bingeing and/or regaining any lost weight.

ok - so here's my log for the S Days:



Toast and 2 sl bacon
FF Greek yogurt and honey
bowl grapefruit segments


McDonalds Angus Wrap w bacon and cheese
1 parfait
1 med. black coffee


Spinach and feta pie
Large bowl vanilla ice cream w choc swirl



1 medium slice cornbread w strawberry jam
1 FF Greek yogurt w honey
1 bowl orange segments in juice


1 lg blueberry scone w butter (starbucks)
1 lg black coffee


2 small chocolates
1 choc chip cookie
1 tsp peanut butter

Not happy about the above....


Didn't make a great choice here either!

2 x crackerfuls and bacon cheese dip
1 small packet doritos
1 large slice pumpkin cheesecake w cream and scoop icecream

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:46 am
by gettheweightoff
WOW, you must think I'm such a pig compared to what you eat!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:27 pm
by NoSRocks
Not at all, hon! To be honest, I haven't given it a second thought... and I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.

Overall, I don't think I overeat or eat a great deal at meal times but it doesn't seem to help me lose any weight. Perhaps I really am not eating enough food or at least of the nutrititous stuff in order to lose anything. I suspect though: I make up for this by unconscious nibbling and/or bingeing throughout the course of the week - even though I haven;'t had a full out binge in a few years. Also my dodgy thyroid and the fact I'm menopausal don't exactly help, and not to be making too many excuses but I definitely could update my exercise. I definitely think I was one of those 'unfortunate' people who has to work out a lot in order to get her metabolism moving (sorry about the self-pity LOL)!

Hope you're all having a great no s week so far, guys. I have been tempted to overeat/nibble some sweet stuff today but so far, managed to over ride my cravings!!! Trying to take it a day or even a meal at a time and thanks for another great suggestion Nicole for getting over this. I will have to give it a try.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:19 am
by gk

Thanks for stopping by my thread! Your input re-affirmed my decision of heading back to Vanilla style. Your comment on how you feel a weight has been lifted off your shoulders reminded me that I, too, said those exact words in the beginning, when I was sticking to vanilla. In fact, I remember saying that the weight loss ended up being a nice side effect compared to how stress-free and wonderful I felt!

Have a great week and good luck No S-ing! :)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:36 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks so much for your nice comments, gk! It's great and rather humbling at the same time to hear that my post had this effect on you. By the way, you are doing fantastically well with your weight loss goal... even though I did promise myself to take the emphasis off of my weight in an earlier post.

To recap, in one month on No S, I have remained the same weight. HOWEVER, I have not being doing regular exercise. At the beginning of the month, I was walking around the house (due to winter weather) and aiming to get 10 k steps in at least 5 days of the week. Lately, I haven't been taking my walks due to work commitments etc. Now that things are settling back down again, and hopefully once the weather picks up, I can start to get outside again for my morning walks around the neighborhood. I figure I take between 7 and 8 k steps in an hour of walking like this. (wear a pedometer). Might not seem very much but I believe I was definitely burning more calories when I was doing this even as infrequently as 3 days a week. As you can imagine, going a bit stir crazy in the house right now and can't wait to get started. It will be interesting to see if it has any affect on the weight....even though I was supposed to be stopping weighing myself. Perhaps weighing just one time (after walking regularly for a bit) to see what's going on???
Anyway, tomorrow's an S Day and I'm getting excited, in anticipation of what goodies I am going to enjoy. I might post here afterwards even though my goal is to get away from thinking about food. Hope everyone is having a great evening and all the best y'all for the coming weekend.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:21 am
by gettheweightoff

I hope you don't mind me saying this but I notice you are becoming more concerned about your weight lately.

In my own personal experience whenever I concentrate on the weight loss aspect I tend to get frustrated and that leads to more and more eating. I know you are on track and you are doing great and you are not like me thank god but just keep on doing what you're doing and the weight will come off.

Please don't worry so much about the weight part and just concentrate on the rules and the weight will come off as a by-product.

I know it's hard to do as I keep trying on my clothes and they are so darn tight but I know in time if I keep at it they will get looser and if not, the worst case is that they won't get tighter and I have some control back in my life.

Oh and thank you for telling me to do what feels right for me because it was almost like permission to do what is right for me which I appreciate because I don't want to be told to take s days if I don't think they are necissarily good for me.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:59 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again Nicole! Thanks again for another great post! I tell you, no BS - your advice is always spot on and it really helps me to put things into perspective since I tend to go off the rails/panic/fret a lot when it comes to my eating habits. Actually, I didn't realize that I had indeed been focussing on weight again. Thanks for pointing it out to me and making me think :) and I have to say that since weighing myself the other day, it seems to have taken some of the 'shine' off of my carefree mood. Yes, you're right - I have indeed been thinking about weight and body image again - aargh! Not only that, it has made me want to overeat too but I have been trying the best I can to curb it and stay the course on vanilla NoS.

Today was an S Day and I have been doing a lot of nibbling/eating inbetween meals which I haven't been doing as much of lately (whilst getting into the N Day habit). I feel a little bloated this evening but fortunately I am not feeling as guilty as I might before I went onto the No S plan and I know that I have plenty of time and practice ahead to get it right. i do worry that I might not get my S Days under some degree of control and in fact that was what made me throw in the towel on my first attempt at No S.

I really envy your decision to attempt to cut out S Days and if you'd like to give it a try, I say go ahead. The beauty of it is, you don't really have to eat treats on S days but if I were being honest, I think having a few S treats might still be a very good idea. 1. It may stop one from feeling scared/guilty/out of control around what they consider to be 'bad'/binge-type foods 2. It could stop one from looking at foods as 'good' or 'bad' and 3. Food is meant to be enjoyable and we should be able to enjoy a wide range of foods in a reasonable fashion/not deny ourselves anything - who wants to be on a strict diet for the rest of their life? Well, hon - I am a bit of a contradiction in terms here because if I could follow my own advice as listed here, I guess I wouldn't have a weight/body image/food problem in the first place - LOL!! Food and diets etc. is a very emotional thing - more mental than anything else and I guess you have find the best/least painless and ultimately most successful way to 'trick the mind' and the rest, hopefully, will follow.

Have a great weekend. Look forward to reading your next post(s).

Best wishes, Roxy x

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:01 pm
by gettheweightoff
I'm glad I could help Roxy. The reason I can see it is because I know from our chats were similar with the obsession part of dieting so I could see you getting more into diet mode.

Anyways it sounds like you're more on track than you think! Keep going.

The only reason I can't do the S days is because I know myself. I'm not saying I'm so different or special from anyone on this board -- but I'm not strong enough right now to dive into an S day without it going wild. I have already gained weight since being on No-s (I can tell from my clothes and naked body) so I can't afford to keep bingeing. 1 cookie for me leads to 10 plus ice cream, chips, cake, bread, candy, chocolate etc. etc. and then I'm up 2lbs and feeling like shit, hating myself and in a bad mood.

I know we are not supposed to be in diet mode and I'm trying very hard but at the end of the day this is still a diet and going crazy on the weekends is not going to help my weight loss. Yes, if I could handle 1 or 2 treats I would definitely have an S day but I don't trust myself at this point.

Have a good day.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:33 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again Nicole! Just a quickie to say thanks again for another enjoyable and genuine post from your good self. I'm also glad to hear that your S Day went so well today... in fact, I am rather envious :wink: :wink: just kidding! ?? that you had a nice controlled S Day since yesterday and today have just been a chaotic two days of eating for me. I wasn't even hungry today but made myself eat chocolate cake and nibble on chips just because it was an S Day. THIS is the part about No S I don't like!! :twisted: and I know I have put on weight since I can feel my legs rubbing together whereas they weren't before. I hope once the better weather comes in, I can get back to my walking regime and perhaps this will help somewhat. But as you rightly say, weighing myself is out and counterproductive and i'm not going to do it! Fingers crossed that I my S Days can get more organized in the weeks to come. Good evening everyone and here's to another fabulous no S week!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:34 pm
by amake616
I know it probably feels awful that you felt compelled to eat sweets and snack because it was an S day even though you didn't really want to but I would consider that a huge coup! I still want to eat my weight in cookies every weekend even though I *know* I'll have a stomachache after and from what I've seen on the boards getting to the point where you don't want to anymore is a big step in itself even if you're still doing it "just because" it's an S day. That'll eventually straighten itself out for you too and you're already part way there :)

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:59 pm
by gettheweightoff
For what it's worth what helped me is taking the pressure off of having to take an s-day and then I was able to do it without going insane.

I think we are so used to dieting that we rebel against it because it's not natural. The same is so being told to take an s day. We do it and then go nuts almost like a rebellion against doing it properly. I hope that makes sense.

So, try not thinking about it too much or trying to follow the rules perfectly. Only take the S day if you truly need it, not because you have to. Maybe you only need 1 S day a week. Only you can tell what you need but eating sweets because you are supposed to even if you don't really want it just seems silly doesn't it?

Just my two cents. Hope you don't mind


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:24 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks guys, for your kind messages of support! All the best for the coming week. Haven't done very well on this N Day either, a bit of nibbling instead of eating proper meals /no real structure. Still, I haven't gone too overboard and I am determined to stay the course. Another habit I will have to try and curb - and this is probably the root cause of my over indulging on S Days - buying all sorts of goodies/desserts etc. saying that I will put them aside for S Days. My freezer is literally stocked full of cake slices/pies plus I bought a big family size chocolate ganache cake from the store this weekend - enough for at least 10 people - cut myself a huge slice and then threw the remainder in the trash. One reason being I did not have enough space in the fridge to store it and the other, I didn't trust myself not to eat the whole lot. This is quite a common occurrence right now for me i.e. buying stuff for the sake of it and because my eyes are bigger than my tummy! Simply just a waste of money and not to mention food. I guess I should be ashamed of myself. Oh well... onwards and upwards I guess!!

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:24 pm
by gettheweightoff
I figured out that I can't keep anything tempting in the house. I can't buy multiple of things etc. I have this strange compulsion to finish it off and get it out of the house by eating it all. It is far better for me to go out on an S day and buy 1 special thing I want to eat because I can't be trusted.

Also, I learned through a book (can't remember the name) that when I buy something for "the kids" it's really for me and how true is that because I am the one who ends up eating it every time so I always think about this when I go to the grocery store.

I think it shows incredible strength if you can keep this stuff in your house but I also think it's hurtful to yourself to keep it around if it tempts you at all.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:28 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks again for your input, Nicole! I think a big part of my problem is the fact I work in a store and I am constantly surrounded and tempted by all the goodies, particularly if they're on sale :oops: Like you were saying, i also kid myself on that I'm buying stuff for the children or husband, when I really am buying it for me!!

I still have a few goodies left over in the freezer and will try to keep to one or two treats for my S Days. I am not going to put too many restrictions on myself right away however since this is only my second month of second time around on No S. But I don't feel I'm being as successful this time around. I guess the bad weather and feeling low because of that has a lot to do with it. Glad to hear you had another successful S Day btw - good for you, hon.

I haven't dared weigh myself this week as i feel i will be very disappointed if i do so I;m going to try to keep it up because its definitely less stressful. Perhaps at the end of this month or even after a few months of No S, i will take the plunge. Meantime, I'm happy just to keep going as I have been doing. The N Days are starting to become more and more automatic as the days go on, which is a great thing.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:46 pm
by gettheweightoff
You're doing great Roxy! Keep up the fantastic work. Think about how well you are doing and all those great testamonials.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:23 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks Nicole, you too!! I'm very excited to be on No S 'properly' again.

I am definitely NOT going to weigh myself either - at least not YET - since it is absolutely pointless not to mention fruitless - and may indeed set me back into 'diet despair' again. :lol:

BTW - that slimming club i stupidly signed up for keep calling me/asking me to return etc. But I haven't given in and definitely won't now that I'm back on No S. I don't know what i must have been thinking to even contemplate getting in touch with them again. I guess when you're in 'diet head' it makes you do some pretty desperate things!! :oops:

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:03 pm
by gettheweightoff
You already know you did the right thing for your sanity if nothing else. You ignore those calls. Until we get stronger there is always going to be a part of us looking for the quick fix but I know that this is the way to go because it is sane and we are reclaiming our lives and taking them back - not giving our power over to a diet club, a pill, a book (except no-s) etc.

Thank you for all your encouragement today and I'm going to try and figure out what movement I like and try it. The weather is horrible here so an outside walk is not in my cards.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:10 am
by NoSRocks
Back again! Thanks again Nicole for your sage words of wisdom! Agreed re. slimming club and I haven't heard back from them since so I take it they got the message.

BTW - I really enjoyed reading your food diary, I hope you don't mind me saying. I actually think we have similar tastes in food and tend to eat similar amounts/kind of stuff. Oh I hope that came across in the way I meant it, by the way. Sometimes things don't come across on the internet like they mean to, if you catch my drift - and your meal ideas sound fabulous!

Just checking in folks to let you know that I have managed to be green all this week on No S. Hurrah! Now, as I said on another post - I have been eating a little heavier at mealtimes this week for some reason, perhaps the weather. More bread etc. BUT I have not dwelt nor worried unneedlessly about this since I am now on No S and nothing is off limits - gosh I think I must sound like a broken record but i never tire of saying this! I was having a read at some of the posts regarding exercise...since I have been neglecting my exercise this side of the year. Normally, I'd attempt a DVD or the treadmill...but I have no drive or inclination it would seem... I certainly need some kind of kick in the butt! I enjoyed reading the suggestions of using the Leslie Sansone walking videos and another great suggestion from a poster (gosh I am sorry I am hopeless with names!) who said she was gradually adding 1 minute a week to her treadmill regime, starting at 5 mins and working her way up. I think she had gotten up to 45 mins or so a day. Wonderful!! I have a treadmill in my basement, lying redundant, so I have no excuses. 5 mins a day is certainly do-able. Well, at least until i can get outside again. No worries on that score: I am psyched up and ready and looking forward to my neighborhood walks again. This year i seem to be more impatient than ever for winter to go.... I think we got hit really badly (who hasn't?) by snow this year and it seems to be taking an AGE to go away!!!!

Hey getting excited since tomorrow and Sunday are S DAYS!!! Yipeeee@@@!!!! Hopefully I won't go TOO mad but I am definitely looking forward to some kind of treats this week. Not going to put pressure on myself either but next week (as in N Days), I'm going to try to be a little healthier than this week: now before any red flags go up, what I meant was: I had been a little naughty at breakfast and lunch: eating cornbread and scones and heavier stuff like that which for ME personally, are more like S Day treats. I'd like to get back to my granola bars for breakfast (I have plenty of them in the cupboard....i am a bit of a food hoarder I have to say!) and for dinner, more conventional meals rather than the two pieces of toast and whatever I've been having this past week - more like snacks. Again guys, trying not to make a big deal out of this and this is one of the many advantages of NoS - you can do/eat what you like for meals but if I want to make a bit of an "impression" health-wise, taking into consideration the lack of exercise, then I think I will (gradually) make these changes. No pressure though!! Isn't it great!!!

Hope you all have a great NO S weekend and look forward as ever to reading your great posts! Thanks everyone for making this a great forum!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:39 pm
by gettheweightoff
Wow we are similar. You know what's funny? After reading your meals I had a craving for a muffin so I went out and bought some and had a carrot whole wheat muffin for breakfast without guilt.

I feel that my meals too have been a bit larger this week but then again that is only compared to diet meals really if you think about it.

Excercise will come later. I think it's important to get the eating down first. Maybe we can't do everything at once. After a few weeks of getting no-s under our belts then we can think about adding in the excercise component.

You are doing great.

I too had a green week and am hoping to have successful s days this weekend.

Enjoy your S days this weekend! Looking forward to hearing how they go.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:08 am
by NoSRocks
Oops! Sorry Nicole, didn't realize I'd put you in the mood for a carrot muffin... just kidding! It's an S Day after all!!! :lol: Sounds delicious!!!

By the way thanks for posting your diary for the week: hope you don't mind me saying so, but it helps me keep on track too. (Well, hopefully....she says, after having a bit of a wild S Day today!!! :oops: :wink: ) Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


1 turtle brownie (a bit on the heavy, syrupy side but oh so delicious!!)
1 f/f greek yogurt with fruit sauce on the bottom (blueberry)
1 small tub mandarin segments


1 cheese and bacon toasted sandwich (restaurant)
1 black tea, I black coffee
A few nibbles throughout afternoon: some cheese, spoonfuls of nutella (straight from jar!) a couple of spoonfuls of whipped cream topping.


4 rashers grilled bacon and 2 sl toast w/ buttery spread
VERY large slice buttercream sponge cake


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:44 pm
by tobiasmom
Thanks so much for stopping by! It was VERY encouraging to me. I know in my heart this will work long-term. It's my mind that plays tricks on me.

I'll definitely be seeing ya around!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:04 pm
by NoSRocks
Aww, thanks tobiasmom!! :oops: Glad to hear that you are enjoying my posts and if I can indeed help or inspire someone with my posts/aka ramblings :p) then more the better!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their S Day today. Funny thing: both S Days - today and yesterday when I got up in the morning, I kinda groaned inwardly at the thought of having an S Day not to mention the sweet treats I had intended throughout the day. The thought of the turtle brownies for breakfast seemed a bit much.... until I 'forced' (oh yeah :roll: ) myself to have the first bite - LOL!! After that, I settled nicely into my S Day habits again. Being a little sarcastic here incase no one realized since my problem on No S has always been out of control S Days so to actually feel a little reluctance before having a treat (mainly as for some unknown reason, I was feeling full!) is a bit of a milestone for me. Not going to make much out of it nor dwell on it too much though. I'll happily take each No S Day as it comes, after years of endless fretting over food/diets/weight issues, it is just great and not to mention very liberating to be able to eat what i want without having any recriminations. I do admit to telling myself that next week i might do "A" or "B" differently, but once again, I won't sweat it. For me, that is a very big step in the right direction. I might not be losing pounds but i am making up for it in the way I feel. Soo relaxing and carefree!
Today is an S Day of course and here's what i have eaten so far:


1 Turtle brownie
1 fat free Greek yogurt with strawberry sauce (i.e. fruit on the bottom)
1 tub mandarins


2 X Ritz Crackerfuls with Dip
1 pkt fruit snacks
a handful of cashews
2 cans diet 7 up and 1 bottle water *normally don't list my drinks since this is pretty much what i drink on a daily basis anyway. Not so good at drinking water most days, though. Something else i'll work gradually on.

DINNER; Haven't decided yet. Probably have a large slice of that sponge cake left over from last night.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:13 am
by NoSRocks
Dinner (continued)

Had potato skins with cheese n bacon filling and ranch sauce
followed by a huge slice of homemade sponge cake with vanilla and buttercream frosting.....ohh deliciousness !!!

I feel a bit over full now since I did go fairly overboard on the cake!!

Never mind, tomorrow's Monday and the start of a - hopefully - perfect No S week!!


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:05 pm
by tobiasmom
Sounds like a yummy day! So here's to a start of another No-S week! I commit to you that I am going to give it my all this week.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:56 pm
by gettheweightoff
Best wishes for a successful week!

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:30 pm
by NoSRocks
:D Thanks again, guys! Your support means a lot!! Good luck to you all too!!

Yes, it was indeed a very yummy S Day yesterday and part of me (my old diet head self!) would say HOW do I expect to lose anything eating like that? But food is there to be enjoyed, isn't it?

Today being an N Day, not particularly happy with my choices so far. I think part of the 'problem' is I went a bit overboard with buying S Treats and they have been using up space in my freezer. I am trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible and try not to buy so much stuff ahead of time in future. Yes, another habit I will have to try and work on - buying sweet foods and desserts just for the sake of it. Half of it ends up in the garbage since it gets uneaten/spoiled. I think the idea of buying one really nice treat ie. slice of cake or pie or whatever you fancy to be enjoyed after dinner on an S Day is a great one. Again, something else i will have to work on GRADUALLY!! :wink:

Here's to another great week on No S! PS: Nicole - sorry to hear you weren't feeling so great on the No S plan today. Have sent you a reply on the general board. ((((hugs)))))))))


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:04 pm
by tobiasmom
Ya, I'm considering that book that was mentioned on the general forum about smaller desserts. This weekend I made hummingbird cake. It's like 20 servings or more. We ate some this weekend and now the rest is up on the fridge...going bad AND calling my name! It would be better to make a four-serving sized cake, huh?! Or just a half a dozen cookies.

I just think this NO-S thing is so much fun!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:30 pm
by NoSRocks
MMM!! Hummingbird cake!! Now that DOES indeed sound yummy! Oh well, the great thing about No S is you can always have some THIS weekend!

Oh and by the way - I was shopping this afternoon and what did I end up doing? Buying LOADS of treats again! All in anticipation for my S Days!

It's such a thrill for a food lover like myself - aka dessert/sweet lover might be nearer the mark :lol: - to be able to legitimately purchase sweet foods with a clear conscience ,.... but my goodness! That poor freezer of mine is going to be groaning at the sides soon, if I don't watch out!! :wink:

Hope everyone is having a great week! So far, so good I've been doing alright this week. Although I did have a blueberry scone for lunch at Starbucks today which is technically a fail but there wasn't much choice nor enough time to get something more nutritious...and blueberry is a fruit, right??? :wink: :wink:


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:54 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm coming to your house! A freezer full of treats....yum!

Enjoy your weekend.......

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:31 pm
by Kevin
Doesn't it take a lot of hummingbirds to make a cake? I personally think that slaughtering hummingbirds so that you can eat cake is an awful idea. shame on you.
NoSRocks wrote:MMM!! Hummingbird cake!! Now that DOES indeed sound yummy!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:44 pm
by NoSRocks
:lol: :lol: :lol: GREAT COMMENTS, Y'ALL!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kevin - thanks for making me LOL as ever!!! :wink:

I may not post to the No S Board very often but you'll always find me lurking here and enjoying all the posts!!

Have a great week everyone!! LOVE. LOVE, LOVE the NoS lifestyle!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:30 am
by NoSRocks

Turtle brownie
1 fruit and granola cup (from Target - HUGE!!)
Diet soda


1 large fruit scone
1 black coffee


1 Chicken Curry and Rice (Wholefoods frozen entree)
1 extra large slice chocolate ganache cheesecake, large scoop toffee and choc chip ice cream, lots of cream topping

Nibbles: 2 handfuls Nuts, 1/2 choc bar, 3 oz brie cheese

UGH!! Full and still nibbling for the sake of it! Never mind, its an S Day, right??? :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:36 am
by exdieter
Don't feel bad -- I just ate a Reese's heart for the sake of it. Because I could. Always pushing my limits... :)

YES, it is an S-day!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:54 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL!! exdieter - thanks for making me smile, as ever!
Anyway - incase you were wondering where I had got to: my pc was down for a few days - withdrawal symptoms - AARGH!!

Trying to think back to Sunday (my 2nd No S Day) and record what I ate here.


1 Fruit scone and butter
1 yogurt with cinnamon and honey
1 orange


2 x Ritz crackerfuls and cheese dip
1 banana; 1 yogurt w/honey


1 large slice spinach and feta pie
1 large slice apple pie with cream and ice cream/caramel sauce (YUMMY!)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:16 pm
by NoSRocks
Well, a funny thing happened this morning! I suddenly had this urge to weigh myself and I knew in my heart of hearts I was taking a chance/playing with fire since I have been doing well (mentally) with No S and starting to lose the 'diet head' mentality that has followed me around for the past 30 yrs or so. WHY mess with my head now that I am finally getting somewhere? If I see a bad result, it might throw me for 6 or influence my eating for the rest of the day.... usually not for the better.

Sooo.... I ignored all the warning signs and stood on the scales anyway! MY goodness!! Am I seeing right? It read 165 lbs ! A LOSS of 5 lbs! I'll take that, she says, suddenly brightening up..... I got off the scales and....
oh-oh... ! :roll: somehow or other, I was dismayed and shocked to notice the needle had somehow slipped UNDER the ZERO (start)!! That has NEVER happened before... a false reading!!! Deflated, I quickly adjusted the scale back to its proper starting point...and yeah, I stood on again!! Well, it wasn't all bad - the scale read 167 lbs this time. So it looks like I have lost 3 lbs. which ain't half bad. Perhaps the walking WITH NO S is starting to make an impression after all - even on my menopausal frame!! :lol:

So the point of writing this? As a reminder that weighing is not a good idea at this stage for me. It still seems to have too much influence/hold over my mood and that is what I am trying to shift away from - I would like - ultimately - to be indifferent to the numbers on the scale! Having said so, however, I think someone's post regarding weighing once a month might be a good idea if I find myself curious enough to want to know how the No S Diet will work for me this time around. It still won't affect my decision to remain on the No S Plan that is for sure! BUT it might affect my eating decisions and that is something I want to avoid as much as possible. I also think IF I do weigh once a month/decide to record it here or whatever, it would be best to weigh as far away from an S Day as possible ie. either Friday (end of N Week) or Tuesday/Wednesday - once the S Days for the week have long gone :lol: SEE? here I go again, making 'diet head' mods for myself rather than No S ones. Overall, though, I feel really good today and not just because I lost a few lbs. it's down to the sanity of No S - I just believe No S is the best eating plan known to man!!! Here's to a great weekend, guys!!!


Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:14 am
by r.jean
Any loss is fantastic! Congrats!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:00 am
by NoSRocks
I'm right with you, r.jean!! Every little bit helps and many thanks for the encouragement. Hope you're having a great No S Weekend.

Anyway - We'll see how it goes since I've had a bit of a heavy No S Day today.:oops:

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:42 pm
by NoSRocks
So here's what I ate/plan on eating my 2 S Days (apologies if I'm repeating myself. I think I might have posted my eating for yesterday...this is more of a record for myself/future reference anyway. )


B: 1 pc. cornbread, strawberry jam on top, heated in micro.
Tasted just like steamed sponge pudding - yum!! 1 vanilla yogurt w/choc chips sprinkled in (not as nice as it sounds...choc too bitter tasting);
1 tub mandarin oranges

L: 1 lg blueberry scone and butter, 1 lg black coffee

D: 1 pk chicken curry from wholefoods
1 sl. apple pie w/ice cream and cream


B: Turtle brownie, mandarin oranges, yogurt

L AND D - TBD (watch this space - :wink: :lol: )

And I wonder WHY I can't lose weight???? Half joking !!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:46 pm
by Kevin
Walking is magic. Okay, not really magic, but the best exercise for weight loss. And cheap therapy.

Congratulations. Keep it up!
NoSRocks wrote:
Perhaps the walking WITH NO S is starting to make an impression after all - even on my menopausal frame!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:05 am
by NoSRocks
THANKS Kevin!!! Your support is as always very much appreciated. Hope you're doing okay yourself this weekend.

By the way - thanks also for advice re. walking being the best exercise. For some reason, I used to think swimming was the best form of exercise --- however, for someone like me who is afraid of water, that was a bit of a bummer. Good to know that I am doing the best possible exercise for my body. Unfortunately, we got swept up in the snowstorm today so no walking outside for this gal for the next few days :( I've come to the conclusion that indoor walking isn't as beneficial for ME as outside walking. Even walking the same amount of time indoors, must be the smooth, level surface - doesn't burn as many calories. Sorry if I sound like I'm speaking the obvious here.... writing it down for my own confirmation & satisfaction more than anything else.

Had a bit of a heavy handed S Day again today btw - too much sweet and starchy stuff although I did enjoy it I confess. Had to "make do" with a mammoth sized cinnamon roll for lunch today since I was at work and snowed in. Severe lack of eating establishments !! :roll: Okay perhaps I could have had some soup. ... but its not really my thing and it is an S day after all. :wink:

Dinner: was grilled bacon on two huge slabs of toast with lots of butter followed by a huge hunk of iced sponge cake. I could hardly finish the cake...and I feel stuffed and overloaded on sugar now. Could do with something savory to counter act the sugar!! :lol:

Thank goodness tommorow's an N Day and back to sanity again. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:10 am
by NoelFigart
NoSRocks wrote: For some reason, I used to think swimming was the best form of exercise --- however, for someone like me who is afraid of water, that was a bit of a bummer.
Okay, I'm an incredibly enthusiastic swimmer and love it, but no, it's not the best exercise.

The BEST exercise? It's the exercise you DO. For me, definitely swimming (I love it. It doesn't HURT as most joint-pounding exercise does, and is a great way to zone out and THINK while working out).

But if you're afraid of water, then it's a LOUSY exercise. You won't DO it!


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:39 am
by r.jean
I agree that the best exercise is what is best for you; however, like Kevin I find walking or jogging is the best for me. If the weather premits, I prefer to walk/jog outside.

I have found Leslie Sansone's walking DVD to be a great substitute in the winter. I got a 2 disc set with the 1, 2 and 3 mile walks for a gift a couple years ago, and I use them regularly. Small hand weights are used during the walks which helps the flabby arms. I do the 2 mile most often because it is half an hour and is easy to fit in. I can take my mini DVD player with me when I travel and do this routine in a hotel room too. I hate hotel exercise rooms.

I have seen Leslie Sansone's dvd's pretty cheap on Amazon if you are interested.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:20 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again all and thanks very much for your helpful input and comments!!

Great to know for sure that walking is indeed the best exercise since I love it so much. Although i should have added, and as you have pointed out here guys - ANY form of exercise/movement is good for the body.

Today, I had to make do with indoor walking again since we got snowed in AGAIN!! Yes, I do have the Leslie Sansone walking tapes and DVDs - they are indeed very good and a great alternative when its not conducive to walking outside... I kind of go through phases where I do use them faithfully to times - like now - when I tend to take a break from them for a bit.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:11 am
by NoSRocks
Well, silly me! I weighed myself this morning - 170 lbs!! DRAT!! Looks like the 3 lbs I lost have come back on again. Still....a couple of reasons could be I haven't been walking much since there's so much snow lying around and the past couple of days i had more starchy food i.e. scone for breakfast, toast at dinner etc. than I normally do. Annoying!! At least I can find some reason for why I might have gained but it isn't much consolation. Again, I should aim just to weigh once a month then i should get a much better view of the whole picture. Hope this message makes sense...I'm a little tired right now.... )

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:50 am
by NoSRocks
Had a serious think this evening regarding exercise. I definitely think that has a lot to do with my gain/not losing. I know that might sound a bit 'obvious' but you know how the mind works... especially when dieting or should I rephrase that to say considering 'health matters' it was a bit of a revelation or a lightbulb moment for me :lol:

I do enjoy walking as an exercise and I believe it is one that I can sustain. Another little 'irk' of mine is that once you start exercising as in hardcore stuff/going to the gym every day etc. is that you gotta KEEP IT UP! and for someone who is a bit lazy like me, I know for a fact that I would be biting off more than i could chew...and any results would probably be short lived.

I will emphasise that I am NOT saying this to be defeatist and i would NEVER discourage or scorn anyone who wants to make an more of an effort exercise-wise/join a gym etc., I'm just talking about ME and being realistic about myself.

But back to the subject in hand: walking. Well I haven't been sustainably walking this side of the year since the weather has been so bad. HOWEVER I do have a treadmill lying redundant in the basement and I was thinking... emphasis on thinking... no pressure :wink: maybe trying out the treadmill again for a bit... particularly during this winter weather. I had been walking/marching indoors but I don't think its making much impression so I just want to*try* upping the ante a little bit until I can get back to my outdoor routine.

Thinking I might try it out for a week or two (then see if I lose anything as a result). OR Maybe I'll just end up being contented to carry on No S eating vanilla style with minimum exercise and staying the same. Keep you posted, folks!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:47 am
by NoSRocks
Hi all! Just been 'lurking' around earlier, reading all your encouraging posts... and well done in particular to Strawberry Roan, Starla and sorry I have forgotten your name :oops: the lady who lost 3 lbs this week!

Had 2 excessive S Days this weekend, I'm afraid. Today was worse than yesterday - didn't eat proper meals as such just nibbled/binged on sweet and starchy stuff. Had a big turtle brownie at lunchtime... not much of an excuse but unfortunately at work and you know how it goes for finding decent stuff to eat. Maybe I should bring in a packed lunch .... but I like to get outside and have a change of scene for a bit.

Well, at least i am geared up for my next round of N Days and the weather looks like it could be getting slowly better....snow starting to melt at last... maybe I'll get a proper start at walking outside now. I did attempt the treadmill the other day (I did say I would) but found it to be a bit boring and i couldn't enjoy listening to my music the same because of all the background noise from the machine :roll: What a procrastinator I am, huh???

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:12 am
by NoSRocks
Well this past week I have managed to get outside for my neighborhood walks! It has been awesome!! I also listen to my i-pod and it makes the time go in even quicker. Unfortunately, not much of an effect on the weight - YET!! Still holding on at 170 lbs. I know I said I wasn't going to weigh again so quickly but the temptation is always there. I think I'll have to work out a strategy for weighing myself as in as someone very cleverly suggested on a Saturday morning perhaps once or twice a month. Once a month should really be ample or else I'm just going to get confused/disheartened or both by not keeping a proper track on it. THAT is not to say I am going to give up on No S btw. Not a chance!! I am in this forever. IF and its a big IF, I have to make some kind of mods, I would like to see how the outside walking pans out first - then if I'm not seeing much of a result, I may have to consider Mods or tweaks. Very loathe to do it right not since I am in such a relaxed frame of mind over food/eating patterns.

All the best to all for the coming weekend. Have a good one!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:55 am
by NoSRocks
Today (S Day Saturday!) - not too bad but not exactly great either. The ironic thing is, when I weighed 160 lbs, my S Days seemed a LOT worse than this one did!

Turtle brownie
1 fat free fruit yogurt
1 tub mandarins

1 slice iced lemon poundcake (starbux)
1 large black coffee, a small handful of choc covered cherries/almonds


Trader Joes mac n cheese (very heavy but good!)
1 large slice rhubarb pie and ice cream/whipped topping

could hardly finish the pie; it was very sickly/heavy after having such a filling entree. Mind, I was able to help myself to a 4 oz. block of cheese before bed!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:55 am
by NoSRocks
Sunday (No S Day)
Gosh! I can't believe I forgot to record last week's eating! :oops:

Actually, I went for a birthday dinner with DH and the kids. Went a bit overboard.... starter, main course (lots of dips, chips etc.), two or three drinks and then when I got home, wasn't hungry but because it was an S Day, I overindulged in some birthday cake (well, it WAS my birthday after all :lol: !!)

Shot up to 174 lbs - was not a happy camper!! However, it was off in a matter of days I was pleased to notice. I even got to 167 lbs at one point during the week. YIPEE!! However, i am sure that will have gone up again since I had a bit of a binge this S Day (Saturday)... lots of nibbling just for the sake of it. I am going to seriously have to think about planning my S Days! I;m all over the place and feel like I totally undid all my good work during the week. Even though you can't fail on an S Day, this bingeing and scarfing down food for no reason other than I can is just plain frustrating. We'll see how I do tomorrow,.. mind you, I still have some of those huge turtle brownies left over. I am torn between using them up or throwing them out....hmmm? Ideally, I'd like my S Days to be just like the N Days with one or two really special planned treats. I'm sure I would feel much better once I got into the routine of it. We'll see how it goes. Keep you posted !!

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:14 am
by NoSRocks
S Day Sunday

Did better today than yesterday as in more structure, less nibbling. However, feeling very bloated this evening.
Turtle brownie (trying to finish these up; very very rich and generous in size. But only one left now and will save it for next weekend. Was tempted to throw it out but hate wasting food!)
1 activia dessert yogurt
1 tub mandarins

L: at McDs
1 bacon and cheese snack wrap
1 parfait
1 coffee (black)

Trader J mac n cheese (OMG portion is huge! But soooo delicious!!)
1 large slice strawberry cheesecake; 1 dream bar; scoop icecream and swirled w dairy cream

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:33 pm
by NoSRocks
Got weighed at the dr's office yesterday which is never a good idea at the best of times - :roll: one always tends to weigh about 10 lbs heavier on those scales... plus they weigh you wearing all your clothes, shoes, having eaten lunch etc. Long and short of it - I came out of it weighing 177 lbs.!! I was pretty miserable and annoyed at myself I can tell you. But what can one do other than soldier on and I did not let this de-rail me. In fact, I weighed myself this am, sans clothes, before breakfast and yes, I was indeed 167 lbs. Phew!! There is a kind of funny side to this story - after bemoaning to the dr (sorry doc!!) about my mysterious weight gain and getting all sorts of advice about cutting down/joining a health club/diet club/gym - come on doc, get with it, don't you know NO S is the way to go???? Turns out it was their scales that were wonky, all along! :wink:

Hate those weigh ins

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:48 pm
by r.jean
I confess to the doctor scale phobia as well. The last time I went for a physical, I made a morning appointment and did not eat or drink before I went. I dressed in lightweight clothing and slipped off my shoes. It paid off because I actually weighed less than I thought I would. Three days later I was back at the office sick with bronchitis, and they wanted to weigh me again. I just looked at them like they were crazy.

Now that I actually wrote that out, I feel a little silly. However, that is why I only weigh myself once a month. I find the scale to be a real downer if it goes up when I know I am doing well.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:48 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! r.jean - I shall have to try that the next time!!

I know what you mean about weighing: right now, I feel like i am getting a little obsessed with the scale again and i definitely think I should step away from them for a bit. Weighing every day or every couple of days - for ME personally - I feel i am not getting a proper view of the bigger picture so to speak. However, I do record my monthly weight stats on paper and it gives me a more accurate reading (without all the toing and froing inbetween that I tend to do here...sorry I feel like I swing between 3 lbs losses and gains and i want to tell all about it!)

Have a great No S weekend everyone!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:15 pm
by NoSRocks
Went to a St Paddy's buffet today. Lots of chips, dips, cakes and cookies with green icing EVERYWHERE... I looked but DIDN'T touch! I think people thought i was weird because i wasn't eating anything :lol: :lol: I had two diet sodas and nibbled a cracker just to be sociable - don't think I was 'fooling' anyone tho!

Left the buffet STARVING at 2 pm. The nearest eatery was Tim Hortons. Not much to chose from. I guess I could have had soup but I didn't care for it. I had a wholegrain blueberry muffin and a black coffee. Then when i got home, I had a piece of fruit. I had brought back a couple of cookies from the buffet (for the weekend) however, they got a bit smushed together so I broke a piece off, ate it and threw the remainder in the trash! FAILURE!!

I had a heavy dinner - mac n cheese bites from Trader Joes and some brocolli in cheese sauce. Man, I guess I should have had something from that buffet after all, I just ended up nibbling and over-eating anyway. :roll:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:21 pm
by NoSRocks
Just a quick test: updated my profile to show my weight...not sure if good or bad idea YET! But for now, keeping it in. Doesn't seem to be showing up on some of my messages. Might have to try this again!!

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:22 pm
by NoSRocks
YAY! Seems to be working !!!.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:52 am
by NoSRocks

B: 2 lg slices Pumpkin bread and butter (from Starbux)
1 yogurt and mandarin cup

L: Bacon and cheese angus wrap (McDs)
1 x parfait w.granola
1 x med. black coffee

Nibbles: 3 chocolates, handful chips

D: boneless chicken wings and potato skins w. tons of chunky blue cheese dressing

Nibbles: frosting from cake, sponge cake bites, 12 dove chocolates, handful of jelly beans, more blue cheese dressing with celery sticks.

Feeling bloated! Hopefully will do better tomorrow.

Right there with you.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:07 pm
by r.jean
I am right there with you. I need a day of healthy eating to cleanse my system after yesterday's indulgences. But boy did I have fun yesterday!!

So here's to a more moderate S day today for both of us! :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:19 pm
by NoSRocks
Well r.jean, I am ashamed to admit that today was no better than yesterday. :oops: Once again, I seemed to find lots of goodies lurking around in my freezer that needed tidying up (that's my excuse, anyway lol). here I am, sitting stuffed at my computer and feeling like a lost cause. I don't know if I will ever get a handle on the S Days and its a shame, since I love No S and the whole idea/principles behind it, its genius!! But why can't I control myself better? I have no hope of losing or even maintaining if I continue at this rate. Sorry to sound so negative, folks, just feel like venting and I am so annoyed with myself right now. As some of you have written and will testify to, the S days DO get easier and will settle down, so this keeps me soldiering on with the plan and I'm trying not to get too worried or bogged down with food anxiety. Telling myself I will go on another strict diet plan is just a waste of time and effort, so I won't even go there. I am here to stay. I know that after a few successful N days, I will start to feel much better again. Who would've thought at the beginning of No S that the S Days would be harder for me than the N Days!?? Have a great week everyone and thanks for listening. I know my S days will get better. Keep on keeping on!@!!

Hang in there

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:30 am
by r.jean
This is the right place to vent if you need to vent. I am betting most of the people on this site have been in your shoes. I know I have been there. I do better, then I do worse, then back again...

SO HANG IN THERE! :arrow: :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:06 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, r.jean! :D :D I know if I keep going and don't give up OR try to do another diet plan, I will be okay.

BTW - Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss!!! You are indeed an inspiration. Have a great week!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:33 am
by Sienna
Big hugs Roxy! I know how frustrating over indulgent S days can be. Between the feeling physically crappy from eating to much and feeling frustrated at myself for allowing myself to eat to much, its just not fun all around.

To be honest, I found (and find - I still have the occasional over the top day, but the funny thing is what I now consider over the top is more like what I used to think was a pretty reasonable day, its funny how you just get tougher on yourself as you get better at moderation) that the venting was helpful. I can't explain why, but letting out my feelings, either in my check in or by complaing to my husband (poor husband...) really helped me re-focus and buckle down.

Remember that controlling yourself is something you have to work at - it doesn't happen overnight. For some people, the control they gain on N days spills over to S day control, for others it takes additional work. But just like when you practice multiplication tables, you get better - when you practice control you get better.

You can do this!

More big hugs and good luck for the next week!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:12 am
by NoSRocks
AWWWW :oops: :oops: Thanks for your lovely message, Sienna! Not to mention, all those hugs. I really feel so much better now. I hope you're doing okay yourself this evening.

I've also had a successful N day with no cravings or over-eating I am pleased to report! I guess that is indeed progress for you. There would have been a time (before No S) when after a binge/overeating session, I'd cave in again the next day and carry on scarfing everything in sight!! Thank you No S for re-training my habits so that at least I can be sane during the week. At the moment, I'm kind of dreading the weekend, incase I mess up again. I know I'm putting too much emphasis on this right now, but like you said, Sienna, not everyone can have moderate/controlled S Days right away. Thanks for confirming that with me. Makes me feel less panicky and hopeful that with a bit of patience and perseverance, my S Days will become something to look forward to. I'm also with you on the feeling sick - last night, my stomach was starting to rebel after all the over-eating I did. Thankfully, it only lasted about a half hour or so and i was able to get to sleep. Today (Monday), I have had a nice, controlled and enjoyable N Day - hope it will spill over onto the weekend if not this time, sometime in the near future. Sending big ((((((hugs)))))))))))to you too. Have a great week!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:24 pm
by NoSRocks
HORRIBLE eating day today! First time since I restarted No S that I have given into sweet cravings. Sooo annoyed with myself. No real excuse other than I had a pretty stressful day and I think I turned to the sweet stuff to drown my sorrows. Serves me right for keeping it in the fridge in the first place! Trying not to beat myself up too much since I will confess, i did enjoy the "trash" I ate. But I am back on the saddle again tomorrow because I don't like the horrible full up sick feeling I have right now. Reminds me of when i used to binge every other day.... :x

As I said in another post - I am really dreading the S Days this week.... hoping I can curtail myself. This I believe has lead to my revolt today. Can't say why perhaps just over-stressing and overthinking.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:12 am
by Kevin
Stress, over-thinking, and maybe worrying about a whole week instead of the time between two meals? I try not to think about "five days." Rather, I think about now, getting to the next meal on tough days, and then try to think about *anything* else. :)
NoSRocks wrote:HORRIBLE eating day today! First time since I restarted No S that I have given into sweet cravings. Sooo annoyed with myself. No real excuse other than I had a pretty stressful day and I think I turned to the sweet stuff to drown my sorrows. Serves me right for keeping it in the fridge in the first place! Trying not to beat myself up too much since I will confess, i did enjoy the "trash" I ate. But I am back on the saddle again tomorrow because I don't like the horrible full up sick feeling I have right now. Reminds me of when i used to binge every other day.... :x

As I said in another post - I am really dreading the S Days this week.... hoping I can curtail myself. This I believe has lead to my revolt today. Can't say why perhaps just over-stressing and overthinking.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:10 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, Kevin! I really appreciate your advice, as ever. Normally, I don't fret over my N days and don't give them much of a second thought. That's the beauty of No S once you've been on it a while. But today, I guess the stress got to me - I suppose it happens once every so often. weighing myself and worrying about S days and some of the stress I had to deal with today, all seemed to add up and I assume, lead to the binge. If I can get a few green days under my belt again, i am sure I will be fine and won't dwell on it so much. Fingers crossed!!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:16 pm
by idontknow
Hi Roxie - thanks for posting on my thread. I'm sorry you had a bad day. I think Kevin's advice is excellent - just think about getting from one meal to the next and don't worry about the days ahead. I had a phase of eating my way through stressful days. It felt better while I was eating, but just added to my stress because I felt I was a failure. KCCC gave me some good advice (as she always does :) ) by suggesting I listen to myself and find out what I really want on those days. This really helped me and is definitely worth trying. Wosnes also has good advice - you are going to fail. We all do from time to time. It's how you deal with it that counts. Good luck - and don't beat yourself up too much. :)

Hope things are going better for you.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:31 am
by r.jean
Hope things are going better now. I enjoy your posts and hope you stick with us as we all plow through the ups and downs.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:15 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks guys for your nice messages! It means a lot and they certainly cheer me up when I'm feeling down/depressed/ready to chuck in the towel. Hope that doesn't sound too cheesy :oops:

Also glad to hear that you enjoy reading my posts, idk, same goes for you too. This board is soooo user friendly and not to mention entertaining as well as supportive and informative. As you can see guys, there aren't enough good words I can say about No S and this board in particular.

Glad to report that today was a success again. I am really hoping that I am back on track now if not stronger than ever! No, I am not going to be too strict on my S Days just yet. I don't think I've been on the No S plan long enough (even though its second time lucky) to attempt that. I might have said a lot of stuff/created mods for myself whilst annoyed about the binge and it was still fresh in my mind, but TBH right now, I really need the S Days right now, OTT or not. They are the 'catalyst' that keeps me going on my N Days. It's too soon to try to make changes/mods etc. As I've said on previous posts, I think my binge was triggered by a combination of stress/food anxiety/over-thinking as well as getting impatient with the scales. I'm also trying not to weigh myself as often. We'll see how it goes anyway. Thanks again folks, for your great messages. You ROCK!! Have a great Friday everyone and if I don't chat to you sooner, have a great No S Weekend too.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:43 am
by NoSRocks
S Day Log for this weekend:


B: Granola bar, fat free yogurt, mandarin orange

L: Large turtle brownie and small packet of fruit shapes (gummies)

D: Sausage gumbo (zatarains)
Large slice strawberry cheesecake with cream and ice cream


B: As Saturday
L: McDs snack wrap and parfait, black coffee
D: Rather disorganized - nibbled on lots of celery sticks with blue cheese dip, then had a piece of smoked salmon (pre cooked) with peppercorns
followed by a large slab of cornbread with jam and cream like a steamed pudding. Written down, this sounds a horrible combination however, the food I ate was pretty much spread out at intervals throughout the night. Didn't eat a proper sit down meal though and I feel a bit annoyed at myself. Otherwise, I'm fairly happy that my S Days weren't OTT this week so I figure I am showing some progress.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:31 am
by crewlee
Hi everyone,
Always liked Roxy Music... especially their album covers but where i all at one place... :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:36 pm
by NoSRocks

Needless to say, went fairly overboard both days! Glad to be back to N Days...although I've been overindulging at lunch with more sandwich type meals i.e. thickly sliced bread and butter/bagels type of thing. UGH! Scared to weigh myself....

Doing pretty good on the walking outside front, though. Not enough to counteract the heavy eating though I am sure!

The last of the bagels I bought this weekend are now finished so hopefully back to normal (lighter) lunches this week.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Hi crewlee!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:03 am
by NoSRocks
Well I guess those larger lunches did catch up with me! 173 lbs now!! This has to stop.... will I ever see 160 lbs again? Never mind my original goal of 145 - 150 lbs!! Sorry guys just getting a bit fed up that every time i weigh I seem to gain 10 lbs. :roll:

Hang in there

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:06 am
by r.jean
So sorry to hear that you are struggling. I hope you stick with it because giving up is just not an option. You are fun and encouraging for others and you deserve success. Hang in there!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:21 am
by NoSRocks
AWWW! Thanks r.jean! :oops: Very nice of you to say so!!

Just to let you know - I am indeed sticking with No S and thanks for your advice to stick with it, too. Thing is, I figure I can 'tailor' my N Days to suit if I want to be more sensible anyway. Again the beauty of No S is it is a lifestyle and I do so love this way of eating. In fact, whenever i feel like throwing in the towel and nibbling on some candy or whatever, i really feel guilty and automatically think its best left till my S Days. Guess that is progress, even though my weight isn't going down...yet!! I seem to have gone down a few lbs today to 170 lbs again. A few days without a bacon bagel seems to have helped. I'm back to my usual 2 crackerfuls and fruit at lunchtime which I really enjoy I may add but sometimes like a change. Now heading for 2 S days and I expect the lbs will go back on again. I may have to be a little stricter in time. But am I ready to curtail my S Days yet? hmm... dunno.... ???