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glimmergrrl's daily check in

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:26 am
by glimmergrrl
day one for me. drank A LOT of hot tea with a splash of milk and splenda. LOVE Trader Joe's blueberry green fave. Also drank my 8 glasses + of water. Did 20 minutes on my Malibu Pilates ....these are not new habits, have been exercising and drinking my water consistently for a while. Simply need to drop some weight due to weight gain from some meds I have just had to double up on, plus being unemployed and spending A LOT of time in the house makes it hard....PLUS I am a hobbyist cake decorator and did a TON of cakes over the holidays...a lick here and a nibble there add up :(

Anyway saw this site and it is very appealing to me....NOT a fan of the accounting diets....triggers my OCD/anxiety disorder. anywhoo, no sweets, no seconds, and no snacking today, yay me!

my intake as is follows:

breakfast, at approx 8am( up at 6): 1 blueberry bran muffin, healthily made with applesauce and no oil, and half a mango smoothie made with soy milk and ff vanilly yogurt.

lunch, at approx 2pm: about 4 c lettuce salad with small chpd broiled chix breast, abt 4 T crumbled feta chz, sun seeds, few croutons, and ff 1000 island drsng

dinner, abt 6:30: cheese toast and bowl of my homemade chicken noodle soup

am very suprised that the urge to snack was not more intense, as I have been grazing pretty heavily, to fill my days and give me somthing to I just need to make it a few more hours before bedtime and the first day will be a victory!

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:21 pm
by glimmergrrl
ok so it looks like a lot of ppl r using this to journal, and a few r using it to log food and cal intake, etc. I'm wondering if that is a good idea for me.....I know that in the past logging can trigger binging if I slip up.....def will be using the Habitcal....whatta great idea....if u slip up just mark it red and move belaboring the point of your failure, etc. I def am not going to count calories/fat grams, etc, and at this point it may be wise for me to not log my food intake either. I'm a big girl and know what is healthy/unhealthy, and if I'm eating past a 5 or 6 (thank you Geneen Roth!) I love Geneen's POV when it comes to eating, and it seems that her philosophy fits very nicely with the nosdiet concept.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:24 pm
by glimmergrrl
did my "urban rangering" today :)
walked up to Safeway and back to get my groceries.....about a mile and a half, round trip. beautiful day, cold and foggy :D
i remember when I visited my friends in Germany they would walk to the market every other day or so to get the freshest ingredients possible. AND they were all thin as rails! No hopping in the car for them.

Experimenting with putting a t. of ACV in 16 oz of water before meals to cut hunger....apparantly it is also good for inflammation in the joints. i am going to try it and see if it helps my hands....prefer to drink the ACV than have steroids shot into the knuckles....OUCH :shock:

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:27 am
by gk
Welcome glimmergrrl!

Yeah, my personal experience has been the more complicated you make the diet (logging, etc.) the harder it is to stick to it. It's the whole "less is more" concept, I guess.

I've found the daily check-ins to be very helpful, too. It keeps you accountable, and everyone is very helpful and encouraging.

Good luck on your No S journey!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:29 am
by glimmergrrl
Hi Greta :D
Thank u for the warm welcome!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:05 pm
by glimmergrrl
Well today is my 3rd day of nos.....I actually woke up hungry!*shock*...I guess thats becuz Im not stuffing myself before I go to bed anymore :D
But I had my tall glass of ACV with a bit of agave in it, and the hunger is gone! So is my normal for me, wake up crappy headache. Heres hoping that it helps the OA as the Braggs site claims.

Ok, so I have 2 green days under my belt, and it was amazingly ez! One more day to S day :D BUT I am finding myself having a bit of I dare eat a sweet after being "good"? Do I trust myself to make wise choices? I think that I am going to revisit some of Geneen Roth's very wise tenants regarding eating, such .as LISTENING TO THE WISDOM OF YOUR BODY...during full on ED mode, I would oftentimes eatmyself sick with sugar....cramming it down until I was so nauseated that I would puke my toenails up (sorry)....that was a while back, and thanks to Geneen and therapy, those days are pretty much history. Now I find that if I eat too many sweets, I will stop before the nausea, shame, degradation, humiliation kicks way am I going back to that. So, I guess Im just sayin that I look forward to tomorrow, but am def going to check in with my body before eating.

If anyone is reading this, sorry it is kinda long disorganized and rambling....I am treating these posts as my journal, as I have no clue how to set up a blog, etc.

**OH** Speaking of listening to my body, like I said above, I woke up hungry this morning.....I asked my body what it wanted, and it said a ham and cheese omelette!! This is soooooo bizarre, as I usually HATE eggs (I have personal issues with it)...and cannot recall the last time I ate eggs that were not incorporated into somthing.....hmmmm

want to talk about clothes, body image, size etc, as this has been "weighing" :D on my mind but that will be for later

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:00 pm
by BrightAngel
ImageI responded to your post on my Thread,
and I hope that you have read or are reading the
Why We Get Fat summaries and comments
on the Discussion thread here at check-in.

I find it really interesting that in the 1960s the medical authorities decided
to call the body's problems with food an eating disorder
and let phychologists deal with it.

After you've read all the Summaries, I hope you'll comment there.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:17 pm
by glimmergrrl
Hi Bright Angel :)

I haven't gotten to that post yet, but i'll give it top priority....there is such a wealth of information on this site, I have spent the last few days pouring over the contents of this site....just started listening to the podcasts as well...Reinhard is brilliant and so well as all of you folks :D

Please LMK when your site is up and running, K?

edited to correct the spelling of Reinhard's name (sorry :oops: :oops: )

Re: glimmergrrl's daily check in

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:24 am
by Kevin
Try the Pomegranate white tea if they have it at your local TJ.
glimmergrrl wrote:day one for me. drank A LOT of hot tea with a splash of milk and splenda. LOVE Trader Joe's blueberry green tea...


Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:36 pm
by glimmergrrl
Hi Kevin, thanks for stopping by....yes, I think I have seen that at my TJ's but haven't tried it yet....will pick some up next time I'm there....I'm not much of a coffee drinker (even though I live in Seattle) and I love my tea. Another favorite of mine is TJ's Irish breakfast tea, and also Yogi tea Tahitian vanilla, which is very similar to chai w/o all the cream and sugar.

Well, I had my first red eating day yesterday :cry:

Not very pleased with myself at this moment, but, am marking it on the habitcal and moving on.....just recording "what is" without judgement, and moving on. I baked bread last night and ate a big slice, with butter, so what?? I could have eaten the whole loaf :oops: :oops: but did not. I was fully aware of what I was doing, staying in the present, but rationalized to myself that since it was 9pm, it was ok to begin my S day if I stopped essing on 9pm on sun , or at least skipped an s dinner on Sunday (this is not gonna happen though, as my husband usually makes Chinese food for Sunday dinner and he is a very good cook)

I am actually totally ok with the fact that I had a little slip last night as I feel that I am getting a very important habit grounded, one that normal ppl take for granted....I did not succumb to the "black or white, all or nothing" mentality that is so very destructive to me. I ate a piece of bread, enjoyed it without judgement, marked my red day, and moved on.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:16 pm
by glimmergrrl
Had a pretty good experience with first s days....ate what I wanted but didn't graze nor did I overeat. My treats were homemade and delicious (french toast, blondies, Chinese food). Kept up my water and supplement intake.

This morning got right back on track no-essing. Did my mile walk with Leslie Sansone and feel very good. Ordered her DVD from Amazon on Fri and it is due to arrive on Thurs. She is very upbeat and the 15 min went by very quickly, but got my heartrate up. May do another "walk" later. She has some sample walks on her site, which I feel is very generous of her....try before you buy. I like having a variety of exercises from which to choose, my fave being walking outdoors, when weather permits. At home I can choose from Malibu Pilates, Brenda Dygraffs air climber, and now Leslie's walking vids.

Last week I had mentioned somthing about body size, clothes shopping, and how you feel about yourself.

Over the past 8 months or so my size has increased from an 11-12 to a 14-16. I never weigh myself as this is a trigger for me. Ideally, I want to get back into my size 12's....I am 5'9" so this is very comfortable for me. I decided this weekend to temporarily "retire" my smaller clothes and gave myself permission to buy some cute new things in my current size. So I packed up my 12's and took them up to the spare bedroom so I didn't have to see them everyday. It was not motivating to leave them in my closet, it just made me feel bad about myself. I went shopping and bought 2 pair of super cute jeans, 1 pair of gray "jeggings" about 6 tops and a red jacket! I had been pretty much been living in my sweats, as that was all that fit. Thats really undignified and degrading for me, as I have always taken a great deal of pride in my appearance, no matter what weight I am (and I have ranged from 100-just under 300 lbs). Sooooo I gave myself permission to go shopping this weekend....since I am unemployed, I didn't go hog wild, plus I had some things up in the "store" I had stashed in the upstairs bedroom. By giving myself permission to do this, I have put myself in a better frame of mind, and removed another trigger from my life (tight or way-too-small) clothes = self-loathing = binge trigger. OK so this is rambling again, but like I said, I am treating this as my journal, later


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:37 pm
by amake616
I completely agree about self loathing being a trigger for binges and healthy eating. It definitely is easier to focus on developing better eating habits when you're not feeling ugly or poorly about yourself. You can take your time and relax and focus on treating yourself and your body with respect when you feel like an attractive and worthy person...and have nice clothing in sizes that fit.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:11 am
by glimmergrrl
Hi Amake, thanks for dropping by :D

Thanks for your concurrence regarding my shopping I just have to convince my DH, hahaha! :)

Just wanted to add that I did a half hour of Pilates in addition to my mile walk today....also was happy to find a great yoga dvd on Netflix....its specifically for chronic pain sufferers. Hope it'll help.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:38 pm
by glimmergrrl
Today did the yoga vid I found on Netflix and LOVED it.....was in quite a bit of pain this morning and it truly helped alleviate it. Very gentle, no "pretzel" moves. It may not be for everyone (very hippy-skippy, new age-y, including sitar music!) but that is my cuppa! It is streaming on Netflix, in case anyone is interested, and is called "Yoga for Aches and Pains". It is only abt 30 min long, so is totally doable. Will prolly also do some Urban Rangering later, after Dr's appt, as it is a gorgeous day here....cold and SUNNY :D

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:43 am
by glimmergrrl
Did my urban rangering after the doc, about a mile and a half. Had green day all around.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:28 pm
by glimmergrrl
haven't posted in a few days, but kept to all green/yellow days. feeling a bit under the weather.