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Stackdiesel's Check-In

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:24 pm
by Stackdiesel
Hello All,

I introduced myself at the beginning of the year and haven't had much to say, but I'm keeping up with my program of using No-S as a fat loss plan (as opposed to a post-low carb diet maintenance plan) by doing a better job of complying with the spirit of the "no seconds" rule (no snacks and no sweets are pretty much effortless for me).

I'm in pretty good shape with a healthy metabolism, have been athletic my entire life, and train hard, so I do require a fair amount of food. Thus, I don't necessarily follow the one plate rule to the letter, but I have a good sense of what does and doesn't constitute overating for me.

So far I'm down 5.5 lbs. for the year, from 199.5 on 01/01/2011 (I gave myself a 200-lb ceiling for the holiday caloriefest) to 194 on 01/31/2011.
