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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:58 pm
by mnlosing
I started No S this past Monday, I have been doing well with the No S part. I haven't done so well it making myself No alcohol but I have stayed in the glass ceiling. I have tried many many diets and plans and ect out there. Most recent was Weight Watchers. Great program, but time consuming and money consuming, both of which are low in quantity lately. So I had bought the No S diet book along the way sometime and ran across it last Sunday. I thought this is free, good plan, and something I can do for life.

I have weighed myself every day almost, last being yesterday and I had lost 2 pounds since monday, however I know from experience that it could go up 2-5 pounds the next day also. So waiting until next monday to have my "official" weigh in.

Reasons for losing, to feel better, be more active, get into ALL the clothes I have that don't fit any more. Most of all to just feel better inside and out.

My goal is to lose 55 pounds. At one point in my life I weighed 296, got down to as low as 167 four years ago. Then we had some changes in our life (moving) and since then I am now back up to 205. My goal is to be 150 someday, somehow. I was SO close.. I would love to be there by summer as we have big family reunion and other summer activities planned. But whatever I lose by then I will take and keep working through summer to my goal.

I know my having a cocktail with husband and/or dad has caused some of the weight back on so am setting glass ceiling on that with only allowing certain days of that (my own restriction). I am going to start exercising, we have a Wii Fit and countless other dvd's so no excuse, I would love to walk outside but at -30 its a bit too cold for me. I know also that second helpings were a factor also in my weight gain. So the no seconds has been hard, and trying to keep my plate to a "normal" portion size. I have not been doing the low fat, no carb, low calories, just started making healthy choices and smart cooking.

So here is my first long post to start my tracking journey on No S my way to Success.

I can do this.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:23 pm
by Kevin
You can do this. Keep in touch.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:04 pm
by Eileen7316
Welcome Mnlosing!

I know alcohol is a problem for me, too. When I have a cocktail or two (or more :shock: ) I tend to overeat.

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:33 pm
by mnlosing
That can be sometimes, but most of the time if I eat I am done alcohol. So sometimes its just one more drink and not eat. But going to change that habit.. Its all about habits.

Thank you for the welcome. I am going to use this as my journey journal.. say that five times


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:25 pm
by mnlosing
Did good until last night, had one extra drink with my Dad and then we had lasagna. I had a normal piece and then took just a partial piece more. I know it wasn't a whole serving but still a failure none the less. Moving on..

Today is a birthday party for my neice, it is an S day, but yet I am going to keep in control. With this lifeplan I can be in control.

I can!!


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:17 pm
by r.jean
Welcome. Hopefully you will stick with this for life. Many of us are facing the same issues as you are so hang in there.

I have 3 habit cal calendars, 1 for No S Diet compliance, 1 for exercise, and 1 for alcohol. I also tend to eat more when I drink alcohol and of course, the alcohol calories add up too. I give myself 2 floating days a week to have alcohol, and I try to stay away from it the other days. I am recording my weight once a month.

Started: 12/20/11
One month loss: 7.8 lbs
2/11/11: 11 lbs total loss (It was not time yet for my monthly weigh in, but I had a doctor's appt. yesterday and they weighed me.)

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:38 pm
by mnlosing
RJRO, thanks for the post and I think I will follow suit and do those three trackers also. I am even toying with the idea of weighing just once a month. I weigh weekly, and sometimes even daily.

Well this past weekend was BAD, BAD, BAD - and as Forrest Gump said, "And that is all I am going to say about that".

I am moving on looking for SUCCESS all week and losing.

Off to work, will check in later.

One more suggestion

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:56 pm
by r.jean
It took awhile for me to give up on frequent weigh ins, so I started by only writing it down monthly even though I initially let in to the urge to step on the scale occasionally.

One thing that made me quit was reading that one of the biggest dangers of frequent weigh-ins is the tendency to relax and "celebrate" if you are doing well. I was guilty of that! Of course, I also got discouraged when the scale fluctuated up.....