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Stressed Out Mum Needs Encouragement

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:47 am
by Ruthie71
I had just about given up on NoS. I get so bloody hungry at around 11.00 a.m. I am a stay at home mum dealing with a lot of issues. Food is my soother. This, plus the fact I am so hungry has meant EPIC FAIL every time I have tried Day 1. I am also breastfeeding which is lovely but exhausting.
I had decided to try Old Weight Watchers so that I could eat an apple or carrot around 11.00 a.m but to go it alone for a number of reasons. Yesterday I had my last day before I started and of course I ate loads of chocolate etc. All night I kept waking up as I felt anxious about starting to try to count points, deal with weekends counting points and going on holidays counting points. With my first struggle of the day, getting my daughter to co-operate getting dressed I realised that counting points is stressful and I am under enough stress as it is.
I have decided to give NoS another try. I am also going to try to eat 2 fruit and 5 veg a day. wish me luck. Bye for now. R

There is no day one any more

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:47 am
by r.jean
For years, I resolved almost every day to eat better..... starting the next day. Often I went ahead and pigged out knowing I was going to start that better eating the next day.

Since starting No S, I see it as a permanent eating plan. No matter how much I fail, I do not "start over." I mark a red day on my calendar, and I move on. It is a new way of thinking and a new way of doing...

I wish you the best of luck. I hope you find No S to be as rewarding as many of us have..

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:18 am
by Starla
I had the same problem when I started No S. I became too hungry at about 11:00 - hungry to the point where I had headaches and could think of nothing but eating.

What worked for me was adding some fat and protein to my breakfast in the form of peanut butter (on a bagel). You may just need to eat a more substantial breakfast - especially since you're breastfeeding!

Another thing to remember is that you can have a glass of milk if you're hungry. Maybe that could help tide you over until lunch.

Good luck, and keep trying until you find something that works for you.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:34 am
by Ruthie71
Awesome encouragement. Thank you so much. A latte mid morning worked wonders. I did my back in at the library - lol! Lifting babies, strollers etc. So the exercise will have to suffer a setback of a few days but that is not an excuse to embark upon the "all or nothing" approach. Have a good one. R

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:00 am
by Ruthie71
Well I blew it on Day 1 and the same old pattern continues

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:11 pm
by coffee
Sorry you're finding No-S tough so far. I'm new too, and I'm not a mother, so my ability to give you any advice is limited, but I just wanted to pop in and offer up some cheerleading/encouragement. It really doesn't matter how many times you fail, because you still have days in front of you to succeed. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:49 pm
by kccc
Hang in there.

Some thoughts/ideas:

Can you "dial it back" for a bit, to a level where you CAN succeed? Maybe plan in a "mini-meal" at 11:00 for a bit? I did that when I first started, because I was SO used to grazing all the time, and one snack (for me, it was 4:00) was very hard to drop. But I limited the menu ("if you're not hungry for fruit/yogurt, you're not hungry") and only got it if I needed it. Consider: If you drop "random eating," you're still making progress.

(I think that's wise ESPECIALLY if you're bf'ing, which does take energy.)

Also, don't let one slip-up be an excuse to blow the rest of the day and "start again tomorrow." Start THEN. Immediately. That moment. The faster you get back on track, the faster your habits will build.

Finally, food is a source of comfort to all of us. Can you identify OTHER sources of comfort you can substitute? Nice music, flowers in the house, a long bath (hard with kids, I know), whatever helps you feel less stressed out.

Good luck!