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sjane's Daily Check In

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:55 pm
by sjane2me
I am starting my daily check in thread!

I did No-S for aprox. one month perfectly, no cheating..and then I didn't lose even ONE pound. I thought to myself, why? I have been cutting SO many calories by not snacking, no seconds and no sweets during the week, so why didn't I lose even ONE lousy pound!!?? I was so proud of myself for doing NoS for so long, but I had no results, so I was frustrated. So, anyway, then I went off the wagon, big time. Last night I weighed myself for the first time in about a month(how long I have been off the wagon) and I have gained 7 lbs!! OMG So here I am...back with my head down, but still back. Now I am further behind in my weight loss than I was before..sigh.

My weight - 172
So far so good on NoSing today, but I still have the evening to danger zone.

Re: sjane's Daily Check In

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:30 pm
by Kevin
Welcome back. I'm sure you will be more successful in the future.
sjane2me wrote:I am starting my daily check in thread!

I did No-S for aprox. one month perfectly, no cheating..and then I didn't lose even ONE pound. I thought to myself, why? I have been cutting SO many calories by not snacking, no seconds and no sweets during the week, so why didn't I lose even ONE lousy pound!!?? I was so proud of myself for doing NoS for so long, but I had no results, so I was frustrated. So, anyway, then I went off the wagon, big time. Last night I weighed myself for the first time in about a month(how long I have been off the wagon) and I have gained 7 lbs!! OMG So here I am...back with my head down, but still back. Now I am further behind in my weight loss than I was before..sigh.

My weight - 172
So far so good on NoSing today, but I still have the evening to danger zone.


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:31 pm
by r.jean
Glad you are back.

"Maintenance is progress; the status quo was gaining weight."
(From the No S Diet Book)

March 16th - March 17th

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:26 pm
by sjane2me
Thanks for the encouragement! :-)

I am writing two days because I normally check in at lunch time at work. So it's kind of the second half of yesterday and the first half of today.

Yesterday was Success and today is an S Day for St. Patricks Day. I kind of feel like that is a copout though, because I think I just saw those green cookies in the lunchroom and ate one and thought well, it IS a holiday...:-( But maybe I will trade today in for a weekend day to make up for my guilty feelings?

As far as exercising, I failed yesterday..but I hope to do my exercise bike tonight. This is my plan anyway.

P.S. the cookie was GROSS and So not worth it. I need to remember this feeling.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:40 pm
by NoSRocks
sjane - your story sounds SO like mine!! I started No S back in December 2009 and lost 10 lbs... BUT! after a few months, the lbs started creeping up again. Not sure why - insufficient exercise/thyroid problems might have had a hand in it - I tried a meal replacement diet for a bit, lost the 10 lbs again... if only for a few weeks.... went off the no S diet (by now this was Thanksgiving/Christmas 2010 - how time flies!!); tried a few 'different diets' at beginning of Jan 2011 which didn't do anything other than cost me my hard earned cash - then I saw the LIGHT again and re-started on No S, heavier than ever. 170 lbs to be precise. I can't say whether I've lost anything yet since I have a habit of jumping on and off the scales at different times, some days it looks like I've lost 3 lbs, other days I gain it back and sometimes a little more. HOWEVER, I feel so much more at peace around food and with my eating habits. I no longer worry (unless I stupidly over-weigh myself) about food and other diets. I think if we carry on with No S and see it through properly this time - in my case, for life I hope - we will start to see results. Even maintaining albeit at a higher weight for at least a year is better than gaining or losing and gaining/ losing gaining. The excellent thing about No S is it is more of an eating plan - a lifestyle change - and one can tweak/add mods as and when they feel like it and at their own pace. Aim to get your N Days down pat first and then if you feel it necessary, you could try trimming down your S Days or making them more organized. At present, my S Days are quite chaotic at times and i don't really eat proper meals - tending to nibble/graze on sweet, starchy foods. Again, No S has helped me to recognize where and when I am going 'wrong' - I'll rephrase that - overindulging - since on an S Day, one can never fail. I am sure you will have heard this phrase being mentioned a lot on this board. It is so helpful since it stops me from beating myself up over what I ate on an S Day; ultimately I think this also helps one recover from binge eating; which I used to do whenever i went "off" a diet.

Sorry this is so long! Good luck and have a great no S weekend!!!

check in

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:24 pm
by sjane2me
I identify with what you are saying NoSRocks! I am so glad we are both back at it! You are IS a lifestyle not a diet..and I do love the way I feel when I am NoSing. After a while, the cravings go away and I just am living..not denying myself anything. I feel more sane when I am noSing because I am not overeating and then feeling bad about it the next minute after I do it. I need to remember these good feelings when ever a craving starts.

As for my check in..I had success over the weekend! I am also very proud that I exercised on Sunday and just now, on Monday! I feel SO GOOD!!! It is true that exercising gives you energy!! :-)

check in

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:17 pm
by sjane2me
I have Success to report! I just got back from walking AND last night and this morning have been Successes on NoSing. :-) Yay me!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:19 am
by NoSRocks
GREAT stuff, sjane! You rock!! All the best for the rest of the week.

As you might have read on another post, I am having a bit of a No S crisis this evening. Not that I wish to derail/pass on the bad news to my no S friends just for the sake of it. By writing this down, I hope to be able to help myself by addressing where I went wrong and perhaps it may be of help and advice to anyone else who reads it and whom may be struggling with similar issues. I guess we ALL have them from time to time, we are only human after all, right??

My goal for this week is to remain on Vanilla No S as strictly as I can for the rest of this week. I only have a few more N Days to go till my S Days. This week, I'd like to plan my S Days a little better. Stick more or less to the same meal pattern and add in one special treat after dinner. I hate to impose restrictions and/or make sweeping statements about what I'm going to do, but I think I have to make some effort this week. I will feel better with myself once i have accomplished it. If I can get one week of sane S Days under my belt, then I can do it again, and again etc. i've overindulged this evening and my last S Days were heavy too. I feel bloated and quite sick, not a great feeling. Sorry to end on such a low note. So I will be positive and say I CAN DO IT!! WE ALL CAN!!!

Check in

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:23 pm
by sjane2me
Yes, NoSRocks, I know the boated feeling well! Why is it we forget that feeling so easily?? I hope that since you wrote, you have been feeling better.

I have been doing ok...I am not doing so well at checking in often, but I guess it isn't necessary to make it an everyday thing..just whenever I feel the need.

I just got back from walking on my lunch break, yay! I haven't been doing so well on the walking unfortunately. That seems to be the hardest habit to form!! But I am not giving up! With Spring, brings new hope that I CAN get outside and walk.

The No Sing is going well. I have been sticking to the rules..even with chocolate staring me in the face at work. I have NOT had a piece. I did have to hide my scale..because it seems to discourage me...not losing any weight. But I will get it out, maybe once a month??

check in/question about gaining weight on the weekends?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:46 pm
by sjane2me
Doing well! Last weekend my legs were hurting from all the walking I've done during last week!!!!!! I am so proud of myself and I am going to do the same thing this week. :-) I just got back from walking on my lunch break today and I have success to report on the NoS as well.

I was reading someone elses post and they mentioned that they gain weight on the this something that other people find as well? Is there really no point to losing and regaining the same two lbs over and over???? This is concerning...

I do NOT go crazy on the weekends, but I do have a bowl of ice cream and maybe have a couple of snacks too...

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:52 pm
by milliem
I'm pretty sure I gain over the weekend (although I don't weigh myself religiously).

I noticed I was hovering just above 80kg midway through last week, and yesterday I was over 81kg! I'm pretty sure I'm losing more through the week than I'm putting on over the wekend though (I was at 82kg when I started 2 weeks ago), so as long as I don't have a lot of unhealthy foods during the week, failures, or massive crazy S days it should balance out to losses overall!

I hope...

Scale fluctuations

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:36 am
by r.jean
There are a lot of things that people indulge on during the weekend that may negatively affect the scale that are not necessarily a true gain (like salty foods or alcohol). Many times it is just a little bit of water retention. This can happen during the week too. That is why I weigh once a month.

However, I always recommend that people who weigh daily only write the lowest weight of the week. It is a more encouraging number to write down, and if someone is truly losing weight that number will go down gradually.

It sounds like you are doing well. Keep it up!

weekend weight gain?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:16 pm
by sjane2me
I really agree with the idea of weighing myself once a cuts down on obsessing and getting's just hard to do! I had put the scale in the den and shut the door..but the next day, it was calling me!! So, I brought it back out. :?

But I'm sure weighing myself a lot is just another habit I will have to break..and we all know that breaking bad habits IS possible!! :-D

Thanks for the support!

Just got back from walking!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:22 pm
by sjane2me
I love it! I was actually looking forward to my after lunch walk this morning! (WOW) and I am loving the freedom from guilt of NO S. That rivals weight loss as the most important benefit from this way of eating.

Sucess today! But not yesterday...

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:27 pm
by sjane2me
I had failure in both my Urban Ranger and my No S yesterday...I didn't walk and I had three big scoops of M&M's. :-(

But today I am back on track and my walk felt GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone else who has slipped, make the next day a new day, a fresh start! You can do it!!!!