Nonskanse's Daily Check in

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Nonskanse's Daily Check in

Post by nonskanse » Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:33 pm

Day 1, Feb 13th - doin ok.
Day 2, today (14th). So far so good. I will be posting something separate at night when I can, since between 7-11pm is my big pig time, and I need to avoid that.
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:38 pm

Day 2 was just great,
Breakfast - orange, 1 egg, 4 turkey bacon
Lunch - pre-planned small prepped tvdinner thing + couscous (I know its not all on one Plate, but there were no seconds, and it would have fit had I wanted to dump it out)
Dinner - also planned hours ahead of time 1 bag popcorn (greasy salty, and deliciously unhealthy) + 1 banana.
Other - stared at candy for 20 minutes but didn't eat any.

Drinks - water and diet coke at various times. This is -my- diet, I can have diet coke if I want.

Day 3 - woke up VERY hungry today.

Breakfast - in addition to 4 turkey bacon + 1 egg + 1 apple, I had a tablespoon or a tablespoon and a half of hummus as fiber to reduce the between-mealtimes cravings for food.

Planning lunch - pita with peanut butter, a banana and an orange, probably soymilk.

Planning dinner - giant salad with a lot of cheese and a scoop of hummus.
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:04 pm

Ok this is more than daily, but that's ok!
Lunch - pita and banana with peanut butter, and an orange as planned.

22 oz of water and a diet coke.

I think I put a bit more peanut butter on than usual....
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Post by nonskanse » Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:36 pm

Days 3 and 4 went pretty well. I had big big dinners both days, though.

Day 5 breakfast - pita+hummus. orange, apple. Drinks-water+dietcoke.

Planning another cheese and salad for lunch. Dinner is away from home, so its a surprise from the boyfriend. I'll have to explain that appetizers are like seconds, or maybe they make dinner like seconds.
At least Saturday and Sunday are soon!
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Post by reinhard » Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:11 pm

Congratulations on a solid start, nonskanse.

Don't worry about portions yet. Worry about habit first, then portions (if necessary). You'll be amazed at how powerful a signal an empty plate sends to appetite once you've conditioned it to understand that means "all done." For now, you're doing the right thing in making sure you're full enough to hold out till the next meal.


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Post by nonskanse » Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:38 pm

Thanks reinhard!

I definitely will try to worry about the portions less. But I will still make note of it, because I think after I form the habit portions may be the next thing.

I actually felt a little icky after medium chili and big salad last night, which I usually don't feel at all icky except holidays, so maybe my stomach is unelasticizing a little.
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Post by nonskanse » Sat Feb 18, 2006 2:56 pm

Day 5 was a success, except i licked some chocolate off of my fingers making some chocolate covered fruit for my S-day.

More fruit, less chocolate and you have a mostly healthy snack.

Lunch was mostly as planned, and dinner was a prepackaged chicken pot pie (delish) and a lotta green beans on 1 big plate.

As far as calorie tracking, I wasn't even hungry in a "I feel i must eat now" way except for an hour since i had late dinner, and I had less calories than most of the other days.

I am definitely getting full on less really fast now, because of this not snacking all the time. I didn't even try to restrict.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:02 pm

Okay Nonskanse!!
That's it!!!

Off with your finger!!! :twisted:
Really.. how *could* you???
LOL... :P

That is a nice idea for an S day treat... Chocolate and banana must be good! I think it would be fun to make your own coconut chocolate patties too...
Have a nice day!
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:15 pm

Hey that chocolate finger felt guilty enough after I scolded myself. I can't be letting S-days extend outward from the weekend and sneak up on me. Then Friday would turn special, then Thursday..

But -
Saturday was disgusting! But it was still day6.

I couldn't eat a full plate at a restaurant. That is an accomplishment, since most of the time nobody should eat all of what they give you at once!

Sunday I did 4 small meals because I was nearly dead after my pig-out Saturday. I felt not so good. The chocolate fruit was awesome though, it was when I got carried away thinking "I only have the weekend..."

I think I lost an official pound or 2 (analog scale), I've weighed in the same 2 times in a row. Since weight isn't the biggest thing for me, I think my pants might be slightly looser, or I think they are which is just as good for motivation!

Back to my 3 meals for the week.
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:06 pm

That was 3/day, for the week.
Not 3 for the week.
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Post by carolejo » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:10 am

Wow! 3 meals in a week!! That really would be tough, and *definately* unhealthy! :lol:


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Post by nonskanse » Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:54 pm

Most definitely unhealthy

I did great until today, when i went to burger king, got take out. (diet coke though, since on my diet i'm allowed my favorite non-cal beverage, but i'm going to have to drink an equal amount of water.)
Thank goodness I despise mayonaise, that's all I can say.

Checked the burger king website for calories since I love my statistics.. Once again, thank goodness I don't eat mayo, that would have thrown me over a cliff!

But it all fit on one plate!!!!!! I came home and put the BK stuff on one plate, and it was DELICIOUS. I feel a little ...overly full... now but not at all guilty because I know it's ok, it was a 1 plate meal. I hadn't had fast food in a month, and Third to popcorn (my unhealthy dinner occasionally when I'm craving it) and sour patch kids (haven't had any since the day before I started this diet) fries are my favorite food.

I was definitely feeling hungry for large portions of the day Tuesday and Monday, so my BK trip was going to remedy that. Overboard, just a little.

Next time I have a fast food craving, I'm only getting the fries, the burger wasn't even fun to eat.

Success regardless for today. And a lesson learned - my stomach is feeling fuller by the minute, I may explode! O_O
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Post by doulachic » Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:20 am

Hey, i had BK today too! But i ordered a kid's meal! Seriously! You should have seen the look on the girl's face when i ordered two kid's meals (one for my 5 yr old) and it was just me and my daughter! :lol: but the small hamburger and small fries were just the right size...definately satisfied the fast food monster, though i did have a banana when we got home, just to round it out. :D

Long live BK!! :lol:

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Post by carolejo » Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:56 am

Yeah... I eat more BK than I probably should (as much as once a week), but like Tricia, I either order the kids meal with OJ to drink, or I'll eat just the whopper with no fries or soda. It's one of the few places in Schiphol airport that serves edible food that is affordable and fast enough for you still to catch your plane! :lol: In Germany, BK do really nice maincourse salads with unfattening and tasty dressings, but no such luck here or in the UK, sadly.

The whole idea of a double triple mega whopper thingy now just fills me with revulsion. Why would ANYONE ever need to eat a single sandwich that contains more than 1000 calories...? :shock:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:29 am

You think BK Whopper is a lot.. You should visit New Orleans (well don't know about now though) and see the po boy fried oyster or shrimp sandwiches..
Those had to be an entire days worth of grease! LOL..

But I love to have a Whopper at least once a month, but sometimes less than that... Then it takes me a month to digest, so I'm good.. LOL

I always have double pickles onions and tomatoes... But not cheese..
Yes mayo, yes ketchup... It has to be eaten hot or it is worth CJ's feelings of revulsion!
I don't have soda and I usually don't even have the fries, or if I do, I steal a few from Richard...

USA Land of the Free and Home of the Whopper!!!
(I think George Bush said that! LOL....)

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Post by nonskanse » Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:36 am

Always ask for a "special" whopper and it will always be hot (ie one day no pickles... for me its cheese no mayo and has never failed).

Anyway today!
Lunch was pizza but only 2 slices of a medium sized one, so the damage wasn't bad, and they fit easily on a plate. I usually eat 4 slices which is way overboard, so hooray for that.

Dinner was my unhealthy popcorn dinner again, with 1 orange. I think I need to hurry up and put that romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, etc. into one big bowl before I go crazy. But popcorn is on the favorite foods list, and it was a single bag, no seconds. I even put the orange in it and looked it over for a minute first, and said "yeah, that's fine." (Ate the orange separate did not cover popcorn in orange.)

So far, that was no funny stuff. BUT THERE WAS funny stuff...
I ate 1 orange sour patch kid. My mom has them out on the counter in a ziplock that is in a spot I walk past about 10 times a day.
??Good?? news is I feel crappy for having it. Bad news is that is my favorite candy, I am starting to suspect she does this on purpose. She's skinny with iron will darn it!!!! I would do better with no candy in the house, but until I get a job out west, I'm stuck here.

Overall: 98% success. I feel bad about that SP kid.

Tomorrow I will try to be on perfect behavior, because I don't want to feel the guilt on my S-days. If I start thinking 1 sour patch kid is ok, I will start thinking 2 is ok, and it will die from there. This is the hardest point in all my diets! When I get a little frustrated that its not insta-weight loss, and start to cave. Luckily I can cave a lot on the weekend. And I also consciously know that insta-loss NEVER happens and stays.

Wish me luck on my "behaving and making it healthy" day tomorrow.
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Post by nonskanse » Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:41 pm


Mom said today is an S day for me because she graduated from college with her BS (it just arrived in the mail) and dad got home from a vacation toAfrica yesterday. I had some cake for her sake, and it was far too rich and sweet. I could eat less than half the piece, and now I just want my already planned salad dinner when I can eat again..
( If you caught that, yes yes I am 23 living at home for now, I am working on it).

That's not exactly funny stuff since the S day was at mom's coercion, but its pretty damned close. I was doing really well too. Ugh I am not even looking forward to sour patch kids at this point. :/


So much for the healthy day. At least everything else was good so far today.
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Post by nonskanse » Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:21 pm

banana in the morning

lunch = hot dog (from sam's club believe it or not, its really cheap and filling!) lunch+ = free samples at sam's. delish 2 bite size alfredo chicken bread.

snack = 1/2 big cookie, 2 sour patch kids i will eat more tonight i'm sure

gotta eat a big salad even though its an s day...
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:28 am

i Heart S-Days

Back to being 3-a-day tomorrow. I feel a little too full but I think i managed to not go overboard this time!
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:49 am

Great on breakfast
awesome on lunch
HUGE dinner at outback.

Ah well. Coulda been worse. When will I learn to stop eating more than my stomach can hold? Now I feel a little bleh.
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:20 pm

Caught a cold, and haven't had all my calories for the day yet at dinner. I am going to have tea and very brothy (pronounced broffy in my current state) chicken soup later tonight.

I know it's the 3rd week, and I'm that close to having maintained my habit but I need some feel good.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:25 am

Good going so far Nonskanse!
Feel better!
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Post by carolejo » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:40 am

Just a quick reminder that Sick days begin with S, so do all you can to feel better.

Generally, this is looking pretty damn good. You've far more days on habit than not and I reckon most of your 'funny stuff' is pretty borderline anyway.

Great going, and get well soon!

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Post by nonskanse » Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:33 pm

Thanks for well wishing :)

It doesn't feel like the funny stuff is borderline, but sick days do start with S so I feel better about the soup, I had more than just one bowl but its steamy and makes me feel better.
Progress, success, etc.
I'm weighing daily with understanding that my weight will bounce around a lot in the week, but so far progress is pretty steady, and it looks like by this weekend I'll be at 3 pounds no problem! My main goal, (better pants size) is seeming to become realized as well, and right now I don't care if it's only my imagination ^_^

Exercise: I've been pulling off about 30-40 knee board pushups (you are still flat like a board but only from the knee, not the feet.) each day, and when I remember either 20 crunches or 20 full situps with my feet under something. I'm working on making it habit (so far 3-4 days of the last 7) but not too hard, and not so much now that I'm sick. Summer will be so nice!!!

I did skip yoga last night but hanging around upside-down and doing breathing exercises is no good (previous experience) when you're sick, you just end up dizzy and feeling worse.
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:06 pm

Bfast Pita with hummos. Apple + banana

Leftover outback rice + a bit over half of a full chicken breast with some green peppers for fresher flavor.

I am terribly tempted to eat some sour patch kids, but I will try not to think about it, drink tea, and maybe some hot broth with a tiny bit of the soup I made yesterday tonight as my "Sick day snack".

Also trying not to think about chocolate, which always makes me feel better regardless of situation.... :)
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:54 am

Dinner popcorn + 1/2 orange (other half to dad).

Still haven't mastered my popcorn craving, but it is an allowable dinner for me, and right now the main habit is 3-a-day. I keep becoming tempted to do 4, but that would be eating 4 medium meals not small ones, which would be too much food.

Irrelevant? Maybe. but this is what i'm up against..
My Favorite foods:
ketchup (can eat it on anything).
popcorn (can't eat ketchup on it but thats ok).
sour patch kids (can't eat it on Ndays but weekends are delicious!)
ice cream (had some last weekend)
Fries. Not those baked ones. You know what i mean (ketchup again!)
Cheese... if on potatoes, then with ketchup :)
green beans. ... yes... sometimes...with...ketchup... often not though.
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Post by nonskanse » Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:53 am

Pretty good job today, ate kinda big lunch, a whole sub loaded with feta.

dinner was healthy choice+some soup.

breakfast was pretty normal, pita with pb and a soy milk

not bad.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:12 am

I love to smother my fries with ketchup and black pepper!
Your nickname should be Ketchupgirl!

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Post by nonskanse » Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:33 am

Nonskanse is an old name I made up because it sounded cool, and now because no one else has it :)

Fries are great with vinegar too, so long as there's some ketchup!!

Today was pretty good, had a big dinner at Friendly's (but not the whole thing) with a little salad beforehand.

I did have a sour patch kid (1 again). I need to quit that!!! It'll become 2 quickly, i know.
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March 6

Post by nonskanse » Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:31 pm

In like a lion? It's supposed to be 70 here this weekend. We'll see (WEATHERMEN LIE!!)

Pretty good today
The weekend was pretty darn bad though. I think I gained back the 3rd pound I was thinking I'd lost. Too soon to tell, maybe if I weight in only monthly or something I'll get a better curve.
Unfortunately I'm too bent on stats for that.

Ah well
Dinner might involve something greasy.
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:53 am

I think I'm doing ok. I had a cadbury egg yesterday. That was no good.

Other than that, pretty angelic.
Popcorn dinners, but very good breakfast and lunch, so not too bad.

I'm hungering for a plate of refried beans on some chips though, so that might end up as a dinner tomorrow.

I was down 3 pounds most of the past few days.
The weight bounces around, but I think it might stick at 3 this week.
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:55 am

Note: I don't know that trying to stop with the nails was a good idea at the same time as the food when I'm still looking for a permanent job....

Take on the world at once!!! I'm all or nothing... either using self control to the max or sitting around eating chocolate I guess.
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Post by ceu » Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:20 am

I too adore popcorn and sourpatch kids. :D

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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:28 pm

Popcorn can be a nice unhealthy dinner once in a while when you're feeling down :)
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Post by carolejo » Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:17 pm

If you make your popcorn fresh without any oil or anything (by putting it in a covered bowl in the microwave) and only add a little salt or so, it's not even unhealthy!!


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Post by ceu » Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:42 pm

I like tossing some garlic or chilli powder on it too.

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Post by nonskanse » Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:57 am

and is as good as or... :)
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Post by ceu » Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:26 am

thanks for all your supportive comments. :)

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Post by nonskanse » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:38 pm


S-days rock. Except I ate a bit too much yesterday. I need to remember that I can't eat so much at once anymore....
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:58 pm

I agree!

Funny how quick we get less used to stuffing our faces and bellies to the point of bursting...

Have a nice day Nonskanse..
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Post by ceu » Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:21 pm

Have a great week, ms. nonskanse! :)

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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:34 pm

Monday ok, I snuck a chocolate, which isn't really sneaking because I'm writing it here. I stayed home "sick" from work (I stayed home "i'm going frickin insane" ...) and managed not to eat all day in a house full of candy.

Tuesday was pretty much ok. I can't think of any funny stuff, and nachos for dinner (with lots of healthy avocado and non-fat refried beans..... and some cheese and sour cream. hehe) I'd call it success.

Wednesday not good, there was definitely some funny stuff going on with those chocolates. Had 2 or 3 (the little ball ones with the meltier chocolate in the middle...). The good news is they're gone now (because I finished them off..) but I feel really bad for doing it. Other than those the day was great. I need to cut it out though! GR!

Today is starting off ok. Along with the nail biting quitting and the dieting, I've decided I need to start reducing caffeine, my goal is 0 diet cokes (I'm having fresca instead, they have black cherry now, 0 cal very tasty) by next week sometime, but I can go slow on this one. I think I may be chewing a lot of gum again soon. I'd like to be to water water water by June or so, but the fizz really helps me not eat, and non-flavored soda water is ...bleh. But I realize my dependence on aspartame drinks is a little high, since I love the fizz that much.
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Post by ceu » Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:15 pm

I say your sig other will understand the diet, and in exchange for the understanding, you can have unreasonable dinner with dessert on one of your N days, making it a kind of halfway S day.

Have fun!
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He's been so supportive. He's been really working on changing his eating habits too. We're almost identical heights, weights and ages, so we have similar starting points. I am probably going to cave in and have one really spectacularly evil S treat at some point during these 5 days, but I want to make it a really good one if I do. :)

as to your soda change, black cherry actually sounds quite tasty. Good luck with the caffeine reduction. you can do it! :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:58 pm

Hi Nonskanse :)
You can try out non sweetened seltzers with natural flavoring... I know that Vintage seltzer comes in Mandarin, lemon and raspberry... maybe they have black cherry...
You could get some black cherry juice and add that into the seltzer for a real healthy drink with lot's of fizz and zero aspartame...

Good luck!
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Post by nonskanse » Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:53 pm

One step at a time for me, Deb O_o I'm not superhuman like you folks that have been doing this longer (yet?)... although I've had those seltzers before and I don't _like_ them but I don't really _dislike_ them either. Hopefully moving slowly towards them.

Yesterday was the S to kick all S butts, but as of Friday I was at 5 pounds. No pants sizes yet, I think I need a little more for that.

Today I will behave a little better, but Sour Patch kids will be consumed.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:07 pm

Heh heh... Sorry Nonskanse.. I didn't mean to pressure you, but you mentioned it, so I took that as an opportunity to respond... :)

Do stuff in your own way and in your own time.. nobody would expect anything but that here, and, by the way, no one, not even Reinhard, is superhuman here! :wink:

As for my own tale of getting off aspartame... I used to consume it every day for several years... Not sodas, but I did use it in coffee and other stuff like yogurt or cereal...

Probably took about four packs of it on average, a day... and I was using it for about four years...
And yes, it is addictive stuff, in that, it completely alters your need for sweetness and perception of it, so that you never really feel like anything is sweet enough... I'm very against the stuff, so this is a minor soapbox issue for me, but since I'm also a health care provider, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that it has serious health issues... It attacks the very dna of our central nervous system.. I discontinued it, because I felt I had enough nervous system issues and was getting sick with colds and all kinds of peripheral problems which, I am certain, were the result of a overstimulated, toxic nervous system..
As soon as I cut out aspartame, I started to notice that my colds and chronic allergies diminished to almost nothing, and I felt much less on edge in general...

I had gotten so used to the taste of aspartame, that when I switched back to sugar I found myself needing FOUR teaspoons to match the sweetness I had gotten used to from the two packs of Equal... Over the first year that I was in NoS, I used a LOT of sugar in my coffee, definitely borderline S, considering I had two cups a day... but over that time, I weaned myself down to two teaspoons, and some chocolate soymilk, and now I have one teaspoon with some powdered cocoa mix or alternatively a little chocolate soymilk...

I promise not to continue to push you in any direction in the future.. I just thought it would be good for you to understand that I also, had issues with that unhealthy substance and I was able to find a better alternative!

Congratulations on your great loss so far!!!
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:27 pm

Don't worry I wasn't taking it as pressure!

I definitely dont use any sweetener in my coffee or tea unless its waaaay too strong, and then i use 1 sugar, no matter the size of the coffee so hopefully I'm ok there.

Today and yesterday - mostly success, a little funny stuff with a reese's mini pb cup yesterday, trying to avoid that today

Healthy breakfasts and lunchs, but popcorn dinners... ah well its still improving.

Plateau at 4-5pounds lost this week and last, this is the weight I can never get below so this time I'd better!!!
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Post by ceu » Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:16 pm

popcorn's acceptable if it fits on a plate, right?

you can do it! :)

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Post by nonskanse » Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:15 am

Friday was fine.

Saturday (today) has been pretty awful. Bad me. I know I can have my S's but it's like I allow myself all the bad stuff at once. I feel bloated and icky...

Side note: Bob Evan's Roast Beef Hash for breakfast is delicious but you feel like a pool of cholesterol afterwards. It was my last meal with my dad for 2 weeks, he is off to Nihon for work again.

I thought it would get better after that and it did for a while... I had a "salad" at friendly's (buffalo chicken on top of some green stuff). But then sour patch kids and ice cream cake (mom had a coupon, she can eat the rest I never want to see it again!).

Tomorrow I need to find an air popper for the house, then I can just eat air popped all day, and it's almost nothing. I don't think I can look at butter for a while anyway. And the thing is, so much sugary crap... I want to eat some real food with fiber in it to make me feel less icky. I'm actually totally craving refried beans (Eden's Organic, fat free, just the beans and spiciness...and some Frank's on top of that).

It'll either make me feel better or completely make me sick, and then better. Right now I'll take either... beans where are you....
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Post by ceu » Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:34 pm

I love beans. I'm off to buy some black beans tonight actually. They're good protein, iron and fibre. They keep you feeling full and they taste great. Yay for beans! :D

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Post by nonskanse » Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:25 pm

The sour patch kids my mom has lying around have been bad for me yesterday, Monday and today. I keep eating like 5-10 a day, because I'm so hungry for something sugary and I have no self control.

Other than that no funny stuff... yet...

I did post before that it will just get worse and worse - but perhaps I can stop it.
I think next Monday I will "start all over" and call my current loss 0 (I think I might have gotten past the 4-5 plateu I was on!!!) and pretend I've never done this before and have the iron will of the first 2 weeks again.

Other than that, I've been going to the Y a bit more. Tomorrow and Friday are both S days because I have an i**e*v**w that I'm getting FLOWN out for, and I'm not going to add to that stress. Maybe I will no-S on Sunday since I get back at 8-something AM so I'll probably be sleeping a lot anyway. If they have coffee on the plane I'll drink it all. ( Why 8am? Time change and 3 hour costal difference, I'm leaving from west coast at 9:30PM... lousy time changing Daylight Savings grumble grumble)

Hopefully this doesn't mess with my Monday plan too much!
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:46 pm

ate a bigger lunch than usual by 1 banana. i'll probably have dinner pretty late (like 8, usually eat 6-7).

But that means less time for late snacks before bed!
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Post by ceu » Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:10 pm

good luck with the interview sweetie.

thanks for all the exercise ideas. :) I'd love to see a baby capybara.

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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:34 am

If I make the pictures smaller jpg compressing, the little capys get eaten by the big pixels. (And would I cut to a smaller picture? Nah then you can't have the fun of spotting them!... And I'm lazy) Anyway they are really hard to spot in mud!!! There are 2 right near the middle of the 2nd picture, and 1 by the adult in the first. There is also muddy capybara butt in the first picture behind some branches.


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Post by ceu » Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:20 am


That made my day. Thank you so much! :D

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Post by nonskanse » Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:24 pm

Hey, I was lucky I knew what they were :)

Today- at the tiny airport by home
Already doing badly, i hate eating before a morning flight so im having coffee and i had a diet coke. Im going to be wide awake.

But I'm sure i'll make up for this badness by eating too much later.

Ah well. today will be a 27 hour day with the time change.
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:43 pm

Thurs I didn't eat enough at all, and a lot was snacks because I was too tired to drive and there was a vending machine...

Friday was not too bad, had breakfast which was a waffle with fruit (yay hotel breakfast) and some cottage cheese with fruit too, and a coffee.

Lunch was on MSoft campus and was pretty controlled.

Dinner was giant teriyaki (seattle teriyaki...mmmm)

Saturday-Sunday was one big horrible day of Super_S, at one point I had to eat not to fall asleep before my next flight in an airport, because drinking diet coke wasn't working, and coffee would just make me too hyper.

Monday was not bad. It was my "restart" day and as such I didn't do great but I managed to be fine until about 8pm.

Today so far is very good. On track, methinks.

Hovering at 4-5 pounds lost still. Ah well. Maybe I've just got a bunch of junk in my system from the disgusting weekend :)
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:45 pm

Err but I think I'm eating popcorn for dinner. I have yoga tonight and I'll be tired and hungry.

BTW Interview went ok, not sure how I did... maybe good maybe bad :)

And this job I'm in now will drive me completely insane. I had a mini-breakdown today... I might end up buying some after-eights and crying myself to a nap with them after popcorn... ugh. I will try very hard not to, since I am starting over. Hopefully the salty popcorn will be enough for my happiness today.

Never work at IT help. Ever. Underpaid, overstressed, bleh!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:41 pm

Hi Nonskanse!

Sorry you had such a rough day!!!
Don't cry!
Your little sour patch kids don't like to see you crying okay?
I hope things improve for you! I'm sure they will!

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Post by nonskanse » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:26 pm

Never work in IT!!

Happy note: having KFC for dinner :) :) :)
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:37 pm

Today not bad yet... just a pita for breakfast since I weighed in almost 5.5 pounds of progress (progress makes me eat LESS because i feel better).

Still waiting to hear back on my interview... if they say no I am going to pig out I'm sure. Ah well. At least I can try and pig out on salad first.

Yesterday was great until 9pm.... at which point i ate something naughty. Bad me :/ ... it makes me sad but today i'll do great until I find out about the job.
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Post by nonskanse » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:42 am

OMFG I made it.
That is all for now....

at the Dr's i weighed in at -6 lbs. at 4pm with heavy shoes!!!!!! That means im beyond my 5 pound deadly limit! (probably at 7 or 8 without shoes!)


Life is good!
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:39 am

Weekend was pretty naughty. Hooray for garbage plates! I have no idea why I still have stomach capacity for them, but not much sugar. They are all meat and potatoes and mac salad, so i guess that's a different stomach than the sugar stomach, which has shrunk beyond recognition ^_^

Today is off to a good start. Still hovering around 6 lost, but that averages to like 2/month. Even at 1/month I'd be all right, although I am going to work harder now that I'm going to SEATTLE! Healthiest city in the US. I've got a nice health club membership deal with work that I can get into as well, and its a walking city, all the suburbs have nice sidewalks and landscaping and everything...

Hooray everything!
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:42 pm

This Friday will be 2 months!!!

Since February was short... thats like... uhm (checks calendar) 8.5... weeks?

I guess 6 pounds isn't too bad then! I keep thinking it's been longer. Especially Thursday nights (fridays are great I just daydream about the weekend, but Thursdays kill me!).

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Post by ceu » Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:18 pm

For me, I find it coming slowly off, but more importantly, it's not piling on.

Good job on the 6 pounds. :)

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Post by nonskanse » Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:54 pm

Thanks ceu, and bad me for not posting.

Easter weekend was horrible, and I was sick yesterday so I let it all go to shiznit. Sick days are s days too but I don't feel better about it because of that.

Last week before easter wasn't great either. Well, today will be great, it is almost over with the eating, and I went for about a 50 minute walk out in our woods... and the neighbors' woods...

I will keep trying. I'd better succeed this week, those pounds could come back O_o
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:28 am

bad me again for not posting.

I do "mostly ok" on weekdays, probably 90-95% success.

Now to work on my weekend binge-fests, I won't get past 6 pounds with those going full swing!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:59 pm

Hi Nonskanse..
Even though you may feel the weekends are bingefests, and they are impeding your progress, I highly suggest leaving them rule free...
Of course if you are eating to the point of bursting I'm not trying to encourage you disrespect your belly that much...
The think is, your "bingefests" are contained... they aren't 7 days a week...
Rather than trying to change your behavior on S days so much, why not try, as I plan on doing, to just increase your aerobic activity with walking or something like that during the week and limiting really fattening foods during N days, like chips?
You are relatively new here... It might take some patience, but I believe after a period of time, your "bingefests" will tame themselves...
Let them have full reign with no rules, and little by little, you will start to make better choices because you want to, not simply because you feel you need to in order to succeed in losing weight... Then it will be a change for life which you don't ultimately "rebel" against somewhere down the line.. If you add 20 to 30 minutes a day during N days, of aerobic activity, you will speed up your weight loss, and not mess with the S days much..... Good luck!
Also, Reinhard would recommend to you that you think about a few nice treats for your S days, and just plan on those, and then really enjoy them unashamedly! That's a good strategy to keep from bingeing..

I had worried about portions for the first year of NoS, but after about 9 months, the portions changed all on their own..

Hope you have a great week!
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:19 pm

Yeah planning on the treats was something good I've tried...

Of course sometimes it's a pound of my favorite candy that is a treat. I tend to rebel against rules anyway, and weekend rules on this diet are a no-no... Sometimes I end up with complete junk food weekends because I amm so frustrated with thinking about what I'm eating.

I think that not thinking about food is the key here but its hard not to!

I already do some yoga or walking or elliptical trainer 3-4 days a week, which is pretty good for me, so I'm not going to push my luck there (too much exercise discourages me after a little bit... this is about the right amount for me).

I hope to take walks once I'm out in Redmond too...
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Post by ceu » Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:15 pm

Hey there Ms. How goes it? I was up in Portland at Easter so a lot closer than I am normally to where you live. I loved it, gorgeous, gorgeous city.

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Post by nonskanse » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:12 pm

Not in Seattle yet..... sooooon
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Post by nonskanse » Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:09 pm

Hooray for end of old job, make way for new! I have all of the next 2 weeks "off" when the movers are coming and I'm flying to Redmond, etc.

My No S went to Heck from wednesday (going away party) onward (Thursday congratulations dinner with parents at a china buffet place.... ooops. Friday didn't have work but did run around doing stuff all day and so didn't have great success...)

Next week will be a challenge since I'll be in the house a lot, but since I like walking, I will walk 30 minutes or do some other activity for 30 minutes (trimming hedges on paths, washing dogs) for every "extra thing" other than my 3 meals, as a sort of nice punishment, because its going to be a difficult enough week without worrying about my see-food problem.

I think once I'm on my own again things will get a lot easier, there won't be mountains of candy everywhere.

I am trying to be little-s this weekend instead of full blown craziness too. Moving is hard work...!
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OMG! Redmond, wa!

Post by nonskanse » Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:13 am

I am in Redmond WA
I am a Microsoftee (any other female Microsoft programmers/used to be microsoft progrmmers now are managers/anything of that sort out there???)

These past couple of months have been far too hectic. I got to Washington, the fake nails came off, and immediately I started biting again (mid may).

Weekdays are usually 3 meals with little trouble, but I've started snacking at night after dinner again, and haven't lost anything after the first 5 pounds from back in NY State.

I'll try to post more often, since it keeps me behaving.

in short
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Day 1 Aug 9th

Post by nonskanse » Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:04 pm

Breakfast - turkey bacon (4) and OJ. I don't much like eating breakfast, this is the most i can manage w/o being sick... and i love turkey bacon.
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Day 2

Post by nonskanse » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:09 pm

Yesterday lunch - calzone at work
Dinner - salad (giant) and canteloupe and blueberries

Today breakfast - turkey bacon and oj.

Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical, medium easy difficulty
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Day 2 continued

Post by nonskanse » Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:58 am

Today lunch - cheese burger and tots. Can't stand crappy spongy american-style bread, skipped on most of the top bun.

Today Dinner - burrito from chipotle's. probably 1100 calories. ah well :) tasted good.

Too much heavy stuff today, but i was really hungry for lunch and dinner (never hungry before 10am waking up at 7-730).


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Post by nonskanse » Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:16 pm

Parents in town from thursday night till monday noonish.

Haven't seen them since May.

Friday succeeded as as big meal N day even with them here though.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:33 pm

I wanna have a burrito!!!!!! :wink:

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Gotta watch these S days

Post by nonskanse » Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:26 am

too much restaurant eating.

The 'rents are going back tomorrow though so i probably won't be in the mood for lots of eats for a while.
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too much rstaurant eating

Post by gettnbusy » Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:01 am

It'll kill ya..especially the portion sizes & all the salt. UGH!
It's hard to resist it...
I liked reading your daily posts - very honest. Thats good to see. Thanks!
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:31 am

Glad that you like the honesty... that's what we're all here for :)

I'm a slacker, but that big move out to WA threw me off more than a little :)

Monday - not great. Lunch ok, dinner in 2 phases...

Tuesday - no breakfast, lunch was fine (i eat at the company cafe, so its almost always 1 plate, or something small + a yogurty parfait). Dinner involved a lot of beer.

Today - not great. No breakfast, lunch was big (fajitas in the cafeteria, woo!) There were some leftover sour patch kids and i ate them. Still haven't had dinner.

I really feel icky in the mornings and don't want to eat breakfast lately. I might switch to lunch, dinner, and small meal before bed.

The scale isn't favoring me. No movent down, but I've been not good.
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Post by gettnbusy » Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:20 pm

You know, I never did favor that no eating after 730 thing. I dont eat breakfast, its not my thing, but I like to eat late. My stomach doesnt usually feel good in the morning when I eat; and forget trying to drink milk - it is revolting first thing in the morning. But at nite... look out!
That is my crutch right now to get off of.

I mean, 3 meals is 3 meals is 3 meals. I think some people just dont like breakfast and maybe it will take me 3 extra months to lose this weight than others becuase I want to eat late but that is fine with me.

I'd rather not change too many things at once. And changing a lifetime of eating at 1030pm is not a choice I want to make right now. I'm a night owl, bottom line - I've NEVER been a morning person. I wake up as close to when I have to be at work as possible. So maybe I'll just skip the breakfast thing and eat an earlier lunch. There. I've said it. I HATE BREAKFAST! ok, now it's settled. How about you? LMAO HE HEH HE
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:33 am

its all good. A lot of the time i just can't eat breakfast.

Anyway - end of last week not great.
Saturday was just like an N day and I didn't even notice because I played CIV IV all day.
Sunday was a 2 meal day plus some snacking...

Today not great- sour patch kids with dinner (but not after, so hey:) ) and a big glass of half chocolate half skim milk sometime around 3pm. Managed to eat breakfast but a headache and stomach weirdness got me eating a little extra 10 mins later. ah well.
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Post by gettnbusy » Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:04 am

If SPK are your main weakness then get them out of the house. I had to do that with the crackers & chips. They are my biggest no no's and I was indulging in them because they were there. Not like I used to, but I'd have 5 of them when I should have ha none. Now that they aren't here I can't just go & grab some for a quick snack fix. As I'm learning this program with the rest of you I think keeping the rules tight is probably the best solution. Especially since it is such an easy plan and you actually get to eat some of your indulgence foods once in a while as compared to other stricter plans. Just my 2 cents. I'm dying just like the rest of ya.
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:49 pm

Yeah I have to work on the cheating. But on N days I'm allowed the SPK.

Today breakfast - apple + turkey bacon (because I woke up later than usual so didn't have to feel icky for eating :) )

Lunch will be something from the MS cafeteria, I'm somewhat Jonesing for a burger with tots but we'll see.

I think dinner will be giant salad with cheese.

Trying to avoid snack milk by drinking more water today, but it will probably end up being more diet coke.

Also going to try to go to the gym tonight.
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:33 pm

Well i had pizza and yogurt parfait instead of a burger and tots :)

Other than that, pretty good. A bite of something at a sample table at a store (naughty).

No workout though.

This morning breakfast is really iffy.. more than iffy... but quite petite :)

Lunch - who knows?

Dinner - pesto pasta probably. :)

We'll see!
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:45 am

Success for today!
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:49 pm

No breakfast today (weird morning eating issues, always), I'll have lunch as breakfast, dinner as lunch, and then something small later at night for my 3...

I'm not hungry yet, which may or may not be good, but is pleasanter than being hungry for hours waiting for lunch.

Free health screening early September at work, I get to see how I measure up against the Average American. I think everyone that's been here any time at all, even those of us who have *cough* fallen off the wagon for a couple months and gotten back on... *cough cough* ... are already doing better than Average American..
With or without numbers to prove it!
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:26 pm

Today - no breakfast (Bad me, but after the weekend I wasn't hungry)
Lunch - 2 slices veggie pizza. Washington pizza really sucks but it *might* be lower sodium than a burger and fries.

Friday was fine, but I ate out for a friend's birthday at the Dahlia Lounge and had a little dessert. This was probably ok :) since its a little bit of an S day. That place was really nice, and the food was pretty tiny. The "sampler" dessert I split with my guy was a 4 oz orange julius, 3 small (a bit smaller than godiva) super gourmet chocolates, and 1 boysenberry (I think?) creamsicle that was about the size of my thumb. Artfully arranged.

A friend from NYS is visiting this week so dinners might get a bit out of control.


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Post by nonskanse » Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:32 pm

Tonight will involve beer since my friend is in town, that will be a challenge.

Last night was sushi (yay!) and I managed not to have a Kirin.

Still not really eating breakfast. I never did from middle through high school either though. *sigh* I just feel sick looking at food in my first hour of being awake!
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:01 pm

Eventually ate breakfast yesterday. 6 slices turkey bacon. Not exciting but hey.

Not today though :(

Last night - ate waaaaay too much. And had 2 beers with an extra 2oz. on each pint (part of a Tuesday deal). So i was REALLY REALLY full. And slightly tipsy. That was fine until the last bite of chicken that I took. I felt pretty bad for a while.

Lessons: don't eat too much food. Beer is food too in a way. Especially microbrewery beer with an extra % on the top.

I looked at food this morning and decided I still feel like I overate in a yucky way, so no way am I eating till lunch. I know its physically impossible, but it feels like some of last night's food is STILL in my stomach.


Yesterday was mostly successful even with the beer... but BLEH!
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Post by nonskanse » Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:25 pm

Thursday, Friday...
*cough cough*

Failures. There was free company provided ice cream.

I have to not become a fat Microsoftie!

My 1 pound i mentioned earlier appears to be permanent though.

<a href="">Bumbershoot</a> is this weekend though! Hooray! And its a 3 day weekend so i might be able to DO something Sunday. Like hike. I really want to!
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:16 pm

Saturday was a normal weekend day.
Sunday went to "The Mountain" (Rainier) and hiked on really pre-made trails (just say no to Meadow Stompers) from 5400 to 6800 feet. Wanted to go down the other side of the trail for a loop, but there was dangerous ice (no ice on the side I went up though)...

Anyway sunday I ate mostly like an N day, so I was "resonable"

Today is labor day, a holiday here, and at 10:16 AM I'm still in pajamas. I think I'll just try not to mess up like last week starting tomorrow.
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Post by nonskanse » Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:27 am

Today was good so far. dinner will be after 7. ate a couple of my guy's fries at lunch with my salad. Meh :)

Still sore from the mountain (5400 to 6800 feet !!) but doing all right. No gym today.

Yesterday was...well... could have been somewhat worse :)
"It's the perfect time of year
Somewhere far away from here"

Posts: 130
Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:16 am

Post by nonskanse » Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:43 am

Could have been worse. Today the lines for food were long at work and I hadn't had breakfast, so i ate a not great lunch.

I need to do the breakfast thing more. Yesterday I was so good.

Dinner was a little more than 1 plate since my planned meal (rice+veggies) was a little bigger than I thought...
"It's the perfect time of year
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Post by nonskanse » Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:21 pm

Eating breakfast today... we'll see how it goes...
"It's the perfect time of year
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Posts: 130
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Post by nonskanse » Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:53 am

Uhm.. .party today... free everything...

*sigh* But I played some soccer and badminton, as well as doing some jetskiing. Hopefully that will make up for it a little....
"It's the perfect time of year
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Post by nonskanse » Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:39 am

Ok no parties this weekend, unlike the week... Friday went ok.

Mostly my S days were N days. I had popcorn that wasn't a meal Saturday. I wanted to go hiking but it rained :(

Today (Sunday) I had giant breakfast at a pancake place... really the hash and eggs would have done it, but there were pancakes too....

Lunch was a big salad, no cheese, no oil, just salt,pepper, and balsamic on top.

Dinner was leftover pizza from Saturday, 2 slices of a 13" pizza, "gourmet" (goat cheese, sundried tomatoes... some other veggies.)

Still at the 1 pound from earlier, but it isn't back, so that's good.

Looking to keep eating salad though. Since today is an S day, I might have another big bowl. Important for the Calcium, since I dispise milk (but love cheese!)
"It's the perfect time of year
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Posts: 130
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Post by nonskanse » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:14 am

Breakfast - nothing :/ + diet coke because I felt too yucky to eat. Mornings are hard.
(I am cutting down on diet coke, see SSSoda in the general No-S discussion)

Lunch - salmon salad at the Microsoft cafeteria - no diet coke
Went for a walk for 25 minutes around Microsoft campus - don't have a clue where to find puzzle hunt stuff (there's a 10 day one going on)

Midday - fizzy diet drink that had no caffeine. Can't do it all at once!

Dinner -1/2 bag frozen stir fry (cooked of course)+lotsa rice + banana

Tomorrow i might try a pb banana in the morning...
"It's the perfect time of year
Somewhere far away from here"

Posts: 130
Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:16 am

Post by nonskanse » Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:48 pm

Yesterday (Tuesday) Pretty good. had turkey bacon (4) + banana for breakfast. Feettucini alfredo & a couple pieces of small bread for lunch.

Burger and fries for dinner, 2 big sips of my boyfriend's peanut butter malt....

A big high cal over all and that malt was a no-no...

Mostly Success
"It's the perfect time of year
Somewhere far away from here"

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