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Heidi's Check-In

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:50 pm
by hootski
Hi all. I just discovered Reinhard's No-S-Diet yesterday....freakin' brilliant!!!

Today's my first official day. I don't need to lose weight necessarily, though I wouldn't mind losing about 5lbs because my jeans have gotten tighter lately. I generally eat very healthy (3 meals a day and don't eat after 8pm...when I'm being good) and try to stick to a plant-based diet because it has an affect on my whole life: I seem to need less sleep, find it easier to get out of bed in the morning, don't have allergies, and I have more energy.

I have had the occasional binge-fests lately (hence the tight fitting jeans). I'm an all or nothing girl and when I'm bad, I can out do even my husband. That's why I need to find balance.

I gave up alcohol back in May 2010. Was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

A few facts about me:

I'm a make-it-from-scratch health-conscious veganesque type who rarely if ever eats processed vegan foods.

I'd happily consume fish, but mercury contamination inhibits me.

Meat and dairy products no longer appeal to me at all (though they used to be a constant in my "diet"), so it's not a matter of denying myself these foods.

I don't eat soy products (soybeans, tofu, soymilk, etc. etc.) because unfermented soy robs your body of iron and can make you anemic. I suspect that is actually why vegans can become anemic.

I eat a LOT of beans because they're good for you.

I regularly eat nuts and avocados for some good healthy fat and satiety. I occasionally enjoy greasy kettle chips too!

I love to bake. That's why I need the No-S-Diet!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:42 pm
by osoniye
Hi Hootski- Welcome, (or welcome back)!
You look vibrant and healthy in your avatar. Wish you the best with NoS.
Do you bake vegan? Any favorite recipe you wish to share? :D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:55 pm
by hootski
Thanks osoniye! :D

I do bake vegan, and occasionally non-vegan. I don't have a huge repertoire of vegan baking recipes yet because I was trying to avoid them because of the sugar, but now that I'm going to allow for them on s-days, I'll be hunting them down! I find most of my recipes online. I'll post any winners as we test them out. :)

I do like this recipe for vegan donuts, but you need a donut pan for it:

In the meantime, I'll share our favourite no-guilt ice-cream'ish dessert (adapted recipe from Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" book):

Chocolate Banana Fluff

1 large frozen sliced peeled banana
1/4 cup milk (dairy or non)
1 Tbsp cocoa powder (I heap mine a little)
splash of vanilla extract.

Throw all of this into a food processor and process until smooth and creamy.

My hubby has come to like this better than ice cream. He eats fairly healthy, but he's no health nut!! :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:09 am
by hootski

Last night for supper I had a seitan sausage (I used this recipe: ... sages.html), in a homemade whole wheat bun. I topped it off with sauted onions and mustard. The other occupants of my plate were oven roasted sweet potatoes and steamed brussel sprouts.

I swear all that wheat made me crave more carbs a couple of hours after supper. I wasn't exactly hungry, I just wanted to SNACK!!! I resisted though. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:11 pm
by sarah.grace
Welcome! Looks like you're off to a good start :)
I'm a baker also, though not vegan. It will be fun to hear your recipes. My 'to do list for life' (my version of a bucket list) includes learning to cook vegan meals. Someday...
I've never tried the frozen banana ice cream. The ways I've heard to make it usually include mashing up the banana, then freezing it. Have you ever tried that way? Does it work? :)
Have you ever tried frozen grapes? They have a wonderfully creamy consistency. I've used them in smoothies, but I think they're best plain, for a treat.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:23 pm
by hootski
sarah.grace wrote:I've never tried the frozen banana ice cream. The ways I've heard to make it usually include mashing up the banana, then freezing it. Have you ever tried that way? Does it work? :)
Have you ever tried frozen grapes? They have a wonderfully creamy consistency. I've used them in smoothies, but I think they're best plain, for a treat.
Hi, and thanks! :)

Mashing the banana up first does make sense, though in the end whether you slice or mash, I think you get the same end results. What I do is slice them quickly into about 1/4" slices, put them in a ziploc bag with the least amount of air possible, then I spread them all out so I don't end up with a big clump of frozen banana. When it's a "sheet" of frozen banana, it's easy to break it up so it purees faster.

Gosh I can't believe I'd forgotten about frozen grapes!! :shock: Thanks for the reminder!