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ellgee's Daily Check In

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:01 am
by ellgee
Day 1 is in the bag!!!!


In theory, no S would sound easy. But it was much tougher than I anticipated. I usually fill my feed bag with two or three snacks for the workday. I'd lament that my bag was too small. Today tumbleweeds were blowing through the bag!

Breakfast--eggs over easy cooked in olive oil, turkey sausage links, toast
Lunch--salad, small square of lasagna
Dinner--panko breaded shrimp, mashed potatoes, California blend veggies

Starting weight: 203.2

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:14 am
by Sienna
Welcome, ellgee! I really do think the first days are the toughest. That's when you are most fighting all of your old habits. But stay tough and it will get easier!

On to Day 2! :-)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:23 am
by ellgee
Thanks Sienna! You have done so well and reading your posts was a huge motivator in getting me to start this plan.

Glad to hear it gets easier. Habits die hard!

On to a green day 2!



Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:37 pm
by tobiasmom
Hey there. Just wanted to say welcome. Although I've been around the boards for a while, I'm on my third SUCCESSFUL week of No-S. It's just awesome. I'm in Texas also. Just moved here about six months ago........

See ya around.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:20 pm
by MysteryLover
Welcome. Great job! Yesterday was my first day (back) too. Sometimes I think it's hard to not snack because it's really an activity that "fills the voids" during the day. Not sure how it is for you, but I caught myself eating throughout the day almost as an excuse to just take a break. I'm looking forward to using those times to read, crochet or catch up with friends (maybe even take a small nap). Best of luck to you. PS- laughing at the tumble weed reference!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:05 pm
by ellgee
tobiasmom - Third successful week! How proud you must be!! Way to go! Where did you move from? Texas can be a shock to many people! Welcome to our great state! :)

Mystery - OMG! You sound so much like me!! Snacking all day long was what made the day pass. I just posted on the general discussion board that I was sorting some yarn last night to start a project. I can actually think of knitting again because my hands won't have food in them all night! Hey, it was some serious tumbleweed! :)


Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:17 am
by ellgee
Day 2 is a SUCCESS!!!

I ate more at lunch and dinner today and had very little issues with getting too hungry today.

Breakfast--egg salad, turkey sausage, pita
Lunch--angus hamburger patty, cheese, cucumber, mashed potatoes, Dorothy Lynch dressing
Dinner--panko breaded shrimp, Yukon gold potatoes, mixed veggies (almost identical to last night!).

Working on cleaning out the overfull pantry and freezer.

One of the docs I work for made a candy run today and I was able to smile and say no. Free candy! Oh well. My friend at work is returning to Weight Watchers on Saturday and invited me to go. We do everything together including diet and we dropped out of WW a few months back. I wavered for a minute but decided I'd sit this one out. I know in a few weeks I'd go crazy and start a binge. I'm gonna keep on keeping on.


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:05 am
by Sienna
Hope you had a great Day 3! You are doing awesome, keep it up!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:25 am
by ellgee
Great day 3!!!! SUCCESS!!!!

Breakfast - grilled cheese sandwich
Lunch - chicken, rice, squash casserole, green beans, salad, roll, butter (DANG!) But it was all on one plate!
Dinner - Angus burger, salad, a few baked Tostitos


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:39 pm
by tobiasmom
Yay...three days of success! Awesome.

Texas has been quite a change. Well, the heat hasn't even hit not too big of a change yet. We are from Los Angeles! ha. We are just used to normal weather EVERY DAY. But Texas is growing on us.....

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:51 am
by ellgee
Tobiasmom-- my sister lives in LA and is a Texas girl, born and bred. She loves LA much better though! And the heat will come. Get ready! :)

Day 4 was another success. Had dinner with hubby at Macaroni Grill and brought half my meal home for lunch tomorrow. Had two glasses of wine too. Probably ate more than I should have (warm bread with olive oil) but still played by the rules.

One more day til S day! Woo hoo!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:49 pm
by ellgee
Day 5 - SUCCESS! both with No S and exercise.

April is my month to get this old body moving again. I used to work out every single day but it was part of my crazed diet/exercise routine which ultimately was not sustainable.

Happy the weekend is here!

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:39 pm
by ellgee
Decided to use Saturdays as my official weigh in day even though I weigh each morning. I use an app on my iPhone that trends my weight so I just log it in and try to walk away (most days!).

So, my first official weight was taken on 3/28/11. It followed a weekend Laurapalooza so I'm pretty sure it was a lot of water retention. Each Saturday from now on should be more accurate as far as weight loss goes.

03/28/11 - 203.2
04/02/11 - 199.2

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:44 pm
by ellgee
So my first S day was not what I'd envisioned but it was not an all out bingefest either. I ate some crap that was just that. Crap. Tasted like crap. But I didn't stop eating it. I made a mental note that I was eating crap and carried on. Surely I will make progress on that front soon. I hate to keep posting the word crap.

Today when I hopped on the scale, I was up a little over a pound. Note made. Wanted to move on but I freaked for a little while and decided I was going to have to count calories but I'm just barely starting this journey and don't want to muck it up. Last week was a gift to myself. It was truly wonderful. Why would I want to change that? Well, fear. Fear of losing control every weekend. Fear of weight gain. Those are valid to me. But I have given myself another week without worrying about calories. I am going to try to stick to healthier fare but I don't plan on counting.

On that healthier note, I started exercising. Friday I walked on my treadmill and today I did my run/walk intervals and it felt good. Tiring but good. I forgot that I like to sweat. I also took my dog on a walk Friday and Saturday. They were short walks. He's a French Bulldog and not cut out for anything more strenuous than a nap. But he loves being outside and I love that after we get home, he doesn't bug me to throw the ball, or the toy, or the sock. :) He just snores. Loudly.

Looking forward to my second No S week.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:51 pm
by NoelFigart
ellgee wrote:Today when I hopped on the scale, I was up a little over a pound.
Over what time period?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:30 pm
by ellgee
After my first S day, I had gained that pound. Will probably be up again tomorrow, too.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:33 pm
by NoelFigart
FWIW, a one day jump in weight is definitely a statistical anomaly.

Nothing over a period of more than a month is really too useful. If you wanna check out my check in thread you'll see chart where there are weekly weigh-ins that illustrate the point.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:00 pm
by ellgee
I love that chart!! It does show that even with ups and downs there IS a downward projection.

Did you use Excel? I'm a Mac but I would love to be able to graph my losses like that.


Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:04 pm
by r.jean
Welcome and I wish you a lot of success!

As you know, weighing in daily can be discouraging, but if that is your thing then I suggest only writing down your lowest weight of the week. If you are losing weight the lowest weight of the week should gradually get lower.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:26 pm
by ellgee
Thanks r.jean. I have always weighed daily but may have to hide the scale and weigh once a week. I do like the idea of lowest weekly weight. I have also heard people average their three last weights and trend that number. Sounds like a lot of ciphering to me!


Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:42 am
by tobiasmom
I am definitely a scale obsesser myself. So I'm weighing "officially" only once a month....but I check my progress every Friday just to get an idea of what's going make sure I'm going in the right direction.

I totally get it about trying to eat healthier. I, too, have been trying to think before I pile chips on my plate if I would feel better with a little fruit instead or a salad. If I really want the chips, I have them. It's not about deprivation. But I know my body needs all foods....not just junk! ha.

I have struggled with dieting and my weight my entire life....well, at least 20 years! This is the first time EVER I see a light at the end of the tunnel. We can do this, Girl!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:15 am
by ellgee
Tobiasmom--good plan for weigh-ins. And we can do this! I love that I'm not eating a plate of diet food and completely wanting something else!

Felt good to get back to No S! Feels like a No BS day to me! :D

And exercised today, too!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:18 am
by ellgee
Tuesday and Wednesday were successes on both No S and exercise.

Fighting a cold so i am just trying to keep it together til the weekend.

Off to relax.


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:04 pm
by tobiasmom
Hope you feel better!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:29 am
by ellgee
Sooooo glad the weekend is here. Ready to relax and enjoy my S days. Still sick but have held fast to my No S rules and exercise. I now get two exempt days from exercise which is good because I am dragging my butt!

I've been loosely counting calories in my head from time to time and really don't want to fall off into "diet mode.". It's just a hard habit to break. I haven't been deprived and even enjoyed a small serving of French fries today. Hopefully I can let the counting behavior go soon.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:56 am
by Who Me?
Howdy! Your writing is really inspiring to me.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:18 pm
by ellgee
Thanks Who! I'm very new to this so I'm flattered that my writing inspires you.

Weight stats:

03/28/11: 203.2
04/02/11: 199.2 (-4.0)
04/09/11: 198.2 (-5.0)

Woke up with a congested chest and cough. No fever so hopefully it's a cold I can fight over the next few days. Hope it doesn't mess with my beloved S days.

Totally excited that I am only 9 days out from being in the 21 day club!


Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:12 pm
by tobiasmom
Great job!! Keep up the good work!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:36 pm
by ellgee
So glad to be back to No S after a rather off the rails weekend. Why oh why did I buy that bag of Lindt Truffles at Costco? I'm like a moth to the flame with those babies.

I really truly hope these S days get to where they aren't such free for alls for me. I have seen it takes a little while before that happens. I start off fine and things go all to hell by Saturday evening.


Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:30 pm
by ellgee
Have had a nice uneventul several days this week. Successful with No S and exercise.

Excited to be closing in on my 21 days this weekend!! Never thought I'd make it through without a failure. I know they will come. No doubt about it but having this 21 day goal has been very helpful.

If I could just rein in my S days, I'd be golden.


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:56 pm
by tobiasmom
Congrats on 21 days! How was your weekend? Keep it up!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:16 pm
by Who Me?
Great to hear that you're doing well.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:04 pm
by ellgee
Okay back on the good foot again!

Yesterday was a successful No S day and was I a happy camper having pizza for supper?


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:18 pm
by milliem
Welcome back! Having an N day where you love the food you eat is just brilliant :)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:56 am
by ellgee
Today was another success! My coworker actually commented today that I hadn't eaten much. I pointed out what I'd had for breakfast and lunch and she said that I hadn't been eating my usual snacks. I told her in B-R-O-A-D terms what I was doing since I wasn't sure she would get it. Interesting that she had made note of it, though. She's very much a snacker.

B: Old Wessex Scottish Style Porridge Oats with Splenda Brown Sugar and slivered almonds (really starting to LOVE this stuff)
L: Chicken tacos, avocado and salsa
D: Half a Steak and White Cheddar sandwich and chips from Panera


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:58 pm
by tobiasmom
Sounds like a super yummy day! I'm gonna have to try some of those oats. Do you get them at the regular grocery store? I sure wish I had some avocado with my tacos last night. Heaven!

Here's to another SUCCESSFUL No-S day!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:26 pm
by ellgee
tobiasmom - I got them at Sprouts which is like a Whole Foods - a health food grocery store. I haven't found them in a regular grocery store. I remember you saying you were in Texas so you may have one of those near you. I saw that Amazon has them and may order from there because I think it is cheaper.

And the avocado - YUM!!! :D

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:38 pm
by ellgee
So several days of free for all and I am back. Which, to me, is a victory. I did gain while I was having my "crazy" time which would normally have had me RUNNING to the nearest diet for comfort and rapid weight loss. BUT, today I have returned to my No S-ing ways and am working on building the HABIT. That's a nice feeling.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:00 pm
by NoSRocks
Well done, ellgee! Welcome back - not that you've been away, of course. The great thing, I find about No S is that it is super-addictive and not a (insert no of days) wonder like most other "diets". Even though I've struggled with my mind over matter and had my ups and downs along the way and no doubt will continue to.

I know how you feel about coming back to No S again, it is indeed a very peaceful feeling.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:25 pm
by ellgee

I may veer off track but am certainly not doing any "counting" diets at all. Just got home from vacation this weekend and while the scale was an extremely rude awakening - I am back to No S.

I am not quitting.

That is all. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:09 am
by Who Me?
Just wondering how you're doing?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:24 pm
by ellgee
Who Me? Thanks for checking in!

I am STILL not quitting! Have equal amounts of red and green on my Habitcal but have decided this is my plan and will be my plan no matter how many days I fail. I will restart again and again if necessary.

My S days are kind of wild right now but I'm taking it all in stride.

I am happy. Chunky but happy. Would love to lose fast but I have learned what happens when I do that.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:49 pm
by Who Me?
Happy!!!!!! That's wonderful.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:03 pm
by ellgee
Wow had such hope for the new month - was really wanting a sea of green but started off with my favorite color - RED!

Back on track today and WILL get some green going!

B - Fage 2% yogurt with blueberries
L - Pork chop, Spring mix salad, Caesar dressing, Babybel cheese
D - ??

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:15 pm
by ellgee
Ah sixth time is the charm! FINALLY got a green day in and am hoping that success builds on success for today (Friday) as I head into my weekend.

Last few weekends have been complete and utter free for alls and I hope to be able to not be so crazy this coming one.


Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:50 pm
by ellgee
I honestly don't know how many times I am going to start No S. I'm telling myself it doesn't really matter how many times I fall but that I get up again and again. But that sounds sooooo lame.

I've gained a significant amount of weight since the summer. Had to buy some new clothes because I'd thrown out all my "fat" clothes thinking - Never Again! Well, crappity doo. Here I am again.

I know I can do this. Well after seeing that typed, I have some niggling doubt. Can I do this? If so, why have I failed so many times before? Why is what seems easy so darn hard? Deep thoughts to ponder. But nevertheless, I am heading out to the grocery store and buying foods I like to eat for my week. Actually plan on getting shredded wheat. I have steered clear because of the carbs! But I really enjoy it! And my Scottish Oats? Missed that too! I mean, geez, it isn't like those food are gallons of ice cream??? Yet I have restricted myself and been unhappy in the process.

So, changes, they are a-coming! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:09 pm
by ellgee
What a whacked out trip to the grocery store. I have done a real number on myself apparently over the last several months.

Would grab something and put it back because it was too processed or not organic enough or didn't have enough Omega 3 or whatever. As I return to No S I need to remember that, for now, to just stick to the 3 rules. Food changes can be incorporated later. It was quite an eye opening experience today.

I did buy my shredded wheat which I plan to have with frozen blueberries and milk for breakfast tomorrow. Can't wait!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:31 am
by ellgee
So yesterday was a SUCCESS!!

Breakfast - shredded wheat, whole milk, frozen blueberries
Lunch - ground beef with cabbage, avocado
Dinner - two slices of pizza

I kind of had to fight the eat right after getting home urges. But luckily I got busy doing some things around the house and the time took care of itself until it was dinner time.

Today is going to be claimed as a SUCCESS too!

Breakfast - 2 over easy eggs made in coconut oil; 2 slices bacon
Lunch - ground beef with cabbage, avocado
Dinner - TBD

I am getting ready to head out to Zumba. Haven't been in months and hope I don't drop dead in the middle of class! :shock: I'm thinking for dinner I might get a couple of tacos to crunch up on salad. Depends on what I'm feeling after class.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:28 pm
by milliem
It's so freeing to be able to eat what you like not follow some strict plan with a hundred banned items isn't it??

Congratulations on your successes :)

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:40 am
by grantmeserenity
ellgee wrote:So yesterday was a SUCCESS!!

Breakfast - shredded wheat, whole milk, frozen blueberries
Lunch - ground beef with cabbage, avocado
Dinner - two slices of pizza

I kind of had to fight the eat right after getting home urges. But luckily I got busy doing some things around the house and the time took care of itself until it was dinner time.

Today is going to be claimed as a SUCCESS too!

Breakfast - 2 over easy eggs made in coconut oil; 2 slices bacon
Lunch - ground beef with cabbage, avocado
Dinner - TBD

I am getting ready to head out to Zumba. Haven't been in months and hope I don't drop dead in the middle of class! :shock: I'm thinking for dinner I might get a couple of tacos to crunch up on salad. Depends on what I'm feeling after class.
Congrats with the success! Is Zumba fun? I've always been curious to try it.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:22 pm
by ellgee
millie - yes it is freeing to eat what I want. So so freeing!

grantmeserenity - Zumba is fun but it is a tough cardio work out! It's like dancing. I used to do it all the time but have cut back now.

My successful days continue and I am excited to go into the weekend and hope to exercise a bit of control and not go bananas.

My husband works out of town and comes home every other weekend so this is our weekend together. That usually means he wants to eat out so I will do my best.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:26 pm
by ellgee
Well yesterday turned into a ding, dong, darn epic fail. The day went nicely until the afternoon when I left work to support a friend who was going through some divorce drama and before I knew it I had eaten a Skinny Cow chocolate wafer bar. Somehow that clicked into my head that I'd messed up and the Fritos started popping into my mouth. Then my husband came home and out we went to dinner. There WAS a strawberry margarita with my name on it.

So, I recognize it was stress eating. That is all I can say good about that. And I felt gross and full and yucky all night.

I plan to enjoy my S days and recover my N days come Monday.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:56 pm
by ellgee
Have been puttering along this week having successes thus far. Yay me. Doesn't mean I haven't considered bailing on my three meals but the plans haven't been put into motion.

After the weekend and resulting weight gain from a rather disordered overeating style, I was hearing those voices come back - "You have to diet." "You will never lose this weight." But my logical mind knows that all the diets I have ever followed and succeeded with came crashing down around me once the rebellion at restriction began. So I listened to my logical mind and went right back to my No S rules on Monday.

Have to figure out how to hush those voices......

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:05 pm
by ellgee
Well. Thursday and Friday were RED.

Had a horrible gallbladder attack on Wednesday night and was seconds from hearing to the emergency room when it subsided. I made an appointment with a surgeon for 3/14. This gallbladder has got to go. That was some seriously agonizing pain. Not really sure what triggered it - had a glass of milk and some orzo with shrimp for dinner. At any rate, I haven't had an attack in quite a while but it certainly is not something I want to relive again.

Thursday was red because I used the excuse of my gallbladder to eat small snacks throughout the day. I didn't have to do that but my mind decided I should. Friday was a friend's birthday and I had deliberately decided NOT to make it an S day. Figured I could handle lunch out and resist the cupcakes. I was wrong.

Reinhard's What the Hell podcast was very timely for me. In the next week, I will use my check in to negatively qualify my reds. I'm hoping that causes me to think before a red day becomes a RED day and total anarchy rules.

Back Like a Bad Penny

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:49 pm
by ellgee
Okay restarted No S again and saw how long it had been since I was here. Lots of weight up and some weight down. Intervening surgeries. But now working on plates. Tired of all things I was tired of before.

Began No S yesterday (again) and had a successful day.

B: Coffee, Quest Birthday Cake protein bar
L: Half a cheeseburger, sweet potato fries
D: Thin crust pizza, small amount of spaghetti with meat sauce

One day at a time, Laura. One day at a time.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:56 am
by ladybird30
Welcome back Laura and good luck with the restart.