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idon'tknow's second year of No S

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:52 am
by idontknow
At the end of April it will be a year since I committed to No S. Since Christmas it has been really hard for me to keep to the rules, and I'm reaching the point where I just can't face checking in another failure :roll:

So I'm bringing forward the start of year 2 by a couple of weeks. I am recommitting to the habits with a new check in thread to track successes and to learn from failures. I could go on and on about what I've learnt, what works, how I feel..... but in the end I need to put my head down and get on with it. So here goes... one is successful so far but it's not lunchtime yet :)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:50 pm
by idontknow
Success today.
B - mango/yogurt Toast
L - soup, sandwich, fruit, yogurt (too full after this)
D - fish in filo pastry with sauce, potato, cabbage

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:27 am
by NoSRocks
CONGRATS on your 2nd year! All the very best too!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:54 am
by idontknow
Thanks Roxy :)

Friday - 135.8lbs
Day at my dad's. Originally this was going to be an S day, but I limited it to an S event. We only see each other about once a month at most, so when I do go he has bought/made sweet things for me and the girls- his way of showing care. He goes to some trouble and thought over this and a refusal to eat would appear to be rejection of his effort. So I had one piece of cake - no more. Big success - because normally I would make this an excuse for a blow out. Brought my niece back with me for a few days.

B - fruit/yogurt/toast
L - Macdonalds (a treat for my dad. He likes them, but only goes when we are there!)
D - pasta and sauce
S - small slice of chocolate cheesecake

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:26 pm
by idontknow
Refocussing today - success.
136.8lbs - that's a lot of weight I've regained. Back to work tomorrow. The aim is to be strict on my routines.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:39 pm
by Who Me?
Did you see the "Michael Pollan is funny thread?"

Don't be too much if a Puritan, if you can help it. "Strict" is a harsh word. Do try to enjoy what you're doing!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:40 pm
by idontknow
Hi, Who Me? I'm not a puritan at all. The podcast on strictness is one of my favourities and I find it very useful when I'm working on routines and habits. If I'm not strict, I fail. And as the podcast says 'strictness builds habit faster'.

Success today.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:07 pm
by NoelFigart
Who Me? Do listen to the postcast idon'tknow suggested. It's REALLY good.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:26 am
by idontknow
Weight has gone down this week, which is good and shows the strictness has paid off. Sticking to No S has been remarkably easy because of this. Wednesday included a meal out (one plate), and yesterday included a 6oth birthday party. Part of this was an S event of one slice of birthday cake. I could have refused, but as it was a small party it would have caused offence, and that isn't the point of No S. It was very good cake, too - I enjoyed my piece very much.
Bank holiday today because of the wedding. No street party here, though so I'll stick to the three meals :D

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:57 pm
by idontknow
Success today - in No S terms, but a wasted day in every other way. Frustrated and fed-up - but haven't turned to food as a strategy to deal with it - which is a bonus.
Braces tightened, mouth sore - always leads to successful S days :D

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:05 pm
by idontknow
Moderate S day - and it's not often I post that phrase!
B - fruit and croissant
L - out with girls. Loaded potato skins and salad
Snack - 2 biscuits (ie cookies)

Will have a light dinner as I am still fairly full from lunch. Didn't need the biscuits really, but was tired from shopping and enjoyed coffee with sweet snack. Will have Easter egg chocolate later.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:57 am
by idontknow

Sunday was less moderate than Saturday, with far too much chocolate in the evening. Bank holiday today, but no S events for me. Definitely an N day.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:28 pm
by Who Me?
Sounds like you're doing well.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:14 pm
by idontknow
Success today. After dinner was a bit of a ropey time - we had a roast dinner. We usually have this on Sundays followed by dessert, so it felt a bit strange having to stop eating.

B - fruit/toast
L - gnocchi, cheese/fruit/yogurt
D - roast (chicken, potatoes, broccoli, leeks/cheese, gravy)

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:37 pm
by Grammy G
just sending along :D :D :D ! I am so proud of you for hanging in there through "thick and thin"..and your getting thinner in the process!!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:16 pm
by idontknow
Thanks Grammy and Who Me? I am quite pleased with my willpower at the moment, as I'm refusing to give in at weak moments. In my wardrobe there are several dresses which I bought around Christmas time when I was a few pounds lighter. I'd love to wear them so I need to shed the weight I've gained since then. It's good motivation to keep me on the straight and narrow....

B - mango/toast
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - chicken pasta heaven - this was heavenly, but with 100g of butter and 500g of Mascarpone cheese I think it was quite heavy on the calories!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:02 pm
by idontknow

Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail. Too many sweets from lunchtime onwards. No reason - I just knew where they were and ate them. Now I feel sick.

Mark it and move on.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 6:35 am
by idontknow
Last week was another bad week with 3 fails. The week starts well and I am motivated to complete a week of green days. However, this motivation disappears by Tuesday or Wednesday and the week becomes more red than green. This has been a pattern since the end of February.
The problem time is late afternoon - I'm starting to get weary, but there are still a lot of things to do in the day. I'm often at a meeting with food and dinner can still be 4 hours away... However, I'm not eating because I'm hungry.

I need to ask myself: Do I really want to succeed at No S? What a stupid question! :roll: Of course I want to succeed. When I follow No S properly I feel good about my health, my weight goes down, but more importantly I feel in control and my confidence rises.

So how do I turn that desire to succeed into actual success?

I need something that will make No S matter to me again. At the moment it obviously doesn't matter. I fill in red days, I chart my increasing weight - and although I say I care, my behaviour doesn't change.

I'm stuck.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:04 pm
by idontknow


B - fruit/muesli
L - sandwich/fruit/greek yogurt
D - roast pork/chips/peas

One green day. Tomorrow will be another green day.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:10 pm
by Grammy G
Y-E-S IT WILL :!: :!: :!:

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:05 pm
by idontknow
Thanks Grammy!

Success today.

B - fruit/muesli
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - pasta/tomato and pepper sauce

Green day today as planned.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:47 pm
by idontknow
134.8lbs (tom)

Success today. Planned mini-meal at 6.30pm because I was meeting a friend and knew dinner would be late. Smaller dinner as a result.

B - fruit/muesli
L - sandwich/yogurt/fruit
MM - half a toastie
D - sloppy joe bake - not very nice. Didn't eat it all.

Tired and busy. The next 2 months are going to be hectic: we are due a school inspection, I've promised the big girl that I will make her prom dress, and now it looks like we might be moving house!!!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:02 pm
by idontknow

Success. Lots of temptations today - cheese scones, chocolate, biscuits etc etc. I just keep reminding myself that I only need to keep to the rules today - I don't need to think about tomorrow. One green day at a time....

B - fruit/toast
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - pan fried fish in lemon sauce, potatoes, peas, broccoli.

A good day today. The assignment for my course is finished and posted, I managed to get a really good deal on some laptops from a supplier, and we are definitely buying the house we have been chasing. Very satisfied.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:15 pm
by milliem
Awesome 4 green days in a row! Well done :)

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:40 pm
by Grammy G
How exciting for you! Moving and sewing a prom dress sound like projects that will be work..but also bring you much joy. How long do you have to put the dress together? Get ready to move? You will be busy, busy busy, Remember to keep us posted! Your "goin' green" for four days is a great accomplishment too! Keep smiling through it all and stay positive! :D

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:56 pm
by idontknow
Thanks for your encouragement Grammy and Milliem. Unfortunately, Friday was not so successful :( The day at work was manic - and that makes everyone around me reach for food - cake, biscuits, sweets - and I just joined in! I caught the 'life is so stressful I need to eat' bug :roll:

And then the big girl and I went out for dinner. We had a lovely time - chatting and eating at an 'all you can eat' chinese buffet. I didn't eat too much, but it was definitely more than one plate. And there was definitely dessert..... But this week was an improvement on last week with 4 green days. The focus on just one green day at a time really seemed to help.

The house move will probably take place at the end of June - things seem to be moving quickly already, but we don't want to move sooner as the big girl has exams between now and then. We're not moving far - just a few streets away to a bigger house, but I really don't want to disturb her revision at such an important time. The prom is about the same time - end of June. The dress looks fairly easy to make - I've set aside 3 days at the end of May to get most of it done. I'm looking forward to it - I haven't made anything as fancy as this for a long time. If it looks good, I'll post a photo when it's done :D

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 4:31 pm
by idontknow
Oops :oops:

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 4:00 pm
by Grammy G
Prom was Friday in our town. My neighbor's twin granddaughters had their friends gather at her house for pictures because she has a beautiful display of blooming spring bushes at the side of her house. I was the official "kabitzer".
I have never seen such beautiful gowns! The styles were so varied but appropriate for high school girls. So many colors too! The girls all had beautiful hair styles with tendrils and curls.... just a good year to be a girl goin' to prom, I think! Have fun with it all!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:44 pm
by idontknow
Thanks, Grammy - I will :D

Success today. Keeping to the mantra of one green day at a time and trusting that the weight loss will follow. I am motivated by Grammy's reward plans so one green week will equal a reward - maybe some jewellery. I love earrings and bracelets.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:01 pm
by idontknow
Success today - against all the odds, so even more reason for celebrating :D
It was the last day of my course today and there were chocolates on the table and cakes at break. Plus it was very very dull, which made me want to reach for food - but I resisted. 'Just for today I will stick to the rules' is my new mantra.

B - porridge/fruit
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - pasta with spicy sausage and cream

Very full now - the pasta was delicious :D

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:32 pm
by idontknow


B - smoothie/porridge
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - Greek lamb tray bake - delicious.

Really need to sort out my paperwork. Spent ages searching for a document today and finally found it in the recycling! As always, I'm searching for a system that works for me....

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:36 pm
by idontknow

B - porridge/fruit
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - fish pie fillets/mash/veg

We've had some lovely meals this week. Tonight's was delicious yet again.

I haven't felt properly well this week - headache/sore throat/aches and pains.... and a stiff neck every morning when I wake up.

All green days, though - and I'm determined to make sure tomorrow is a success. If I do this will be my first green week in 2 months. I have promised myself some jewellery if I succeed tomorrow. It will be tough as it's year 11's last day and there will be doughnuts.... I'm also meeting friends for coffee after work and I will be encouraged to eat cake. But I will say to myself - just for today, I will follow the rules - and hopefully I won't be tempted. Keep your fingers crossed for me :D

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 7:55 pm
by idontknow

My first green week since March - I am sooo pleased with myself :D
I avoided the doughnuts and cakes through the day, declined a chocolate mini roll in my meeting, only had a drink at the cafe - steamed milk with a touch of vanilla syrup. Should I count this as an S? I didn't drink it because I wanted sweet things - it was to provide a change from tea and coffee. I rarely choose this, so it's not a problem area for me. Nice to catch up with friends, too.

B - smoothie/toast
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - Tortilla wedges/oven chips/salad

My daughter was looking over my shoulder as I was typing this evening. She said 'No S diet? That must be really hard - there is lots of food that starts with S!' :D

Pleased that my weight is coming down. I'm hoping that this will encourage me to be moderate over the weekend....

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:11 pm
by idontknow
Oops :oops:

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 4:14 am
by idontknow

Monday morning and I feel sick. It's my own fault - far too much food this weekend. Saturdays always start off moderately, but by mid-afternoon I am grazing. Sunday mornings I go to a ridiculously difficult step class and then eat all day. Yesterday we went to a chinese buffet in the evening - too many different flavours are now all competing in my stomach. I have a headache and I feel sick.


I am determined that this will be the last Monday morning that I feel ill from overeating. People on this board have given me good advice about weekends and I have ignored it. Well, I am ignoring it no longer - weekends are going to be controlled from now on.

On a slightly different note - this week is the end of an era. My big girl finishes compulsory school. She has exams but after Wednesday she no longer needs to go to school every day. She will go back in September to do further courses, but she no longer has to go. Time passes soooo quickly - it makes me sad. :(

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:48 pm
by idontknow
Success so far today and there's no reason why I should fail now - the danger time has passed.
B - toast
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - fishcakes/chips/peas

Came home from work early as I still wasn't feeling well. I wish this cold that has been threatening for ages would just come out and have done with it. It was nice to have a couple of hours at home this afternoon and I've booked a weekend away for July - the first weekend of the summer hols. That will give me a focus through the insanity of the weeks to come between now and then.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:14 pm
by idontknow
Failure today. Hungry all day - just wanted to eat. So I did. Tomorrow I will follow the rules.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:26 pm
by KareBear
What is "compulsory school". What age does it go up to? Sounds so interesting. I love looking at how other countries educate. I am not so sure we are doing such a good job over here. Okay, I should clarify: Things are not going well in Eugene Oregon. Schools are closing, teachers are being laid off, school year is shorter then most states PLUS, all the difficulties I have personally had having an "out of the box thinker" for a child.

Don't mean nosy, just interested. Hope you have a GREAT SUCCESSFUL day today!


Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:21 pm
by idontknow
Hi Karen - thanks for posting. Compulsory school here is up until 16. The actual leaving date is the last Friday in June. Our school system has very universal rules - students have to attend school for so many hours each year, so terms tend to be universal unless you are a private school, or one of the new Academies. And don't even get me started on those.....
I think it's hard to get it right with education - it seems to change at the whim of whoever is in power. I am more pessimistic about UK education at the moment than I have been for years. But I'm on my soapbox.... so I'll climb down and breathe deeply :)
My job is trying to make a space for students who don't quite fit the mould. As a school we are really committed to helping students get it right and making sure they get the support they need, but it's tough. There is so much pressure on teachers to get exam results that sometimes our more 'needy' students get forgotten. Back on my soapbox..... Bet you weren't expecting such a rant! I'd better get back to the No S news - I tend to be more rational :D

Failure again. Everything was fine until 3.30pm, then I was hungry and tired and reached for the biscuits. And then I wrecked the car :oops:

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:49 pm
by milliem
Oof I hear you about education but I'll try not to rant about how it was 'in my day' (and I'm only 29 :P)

I hope the car wrecking wasn't directly linked to reaching for the biscuits?! Are you ok??

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:25 pm
by idontknow
Oooh - please don't worry. It's one of KCCC's analogies - meaning that if you have a small bump in your car, you don't think 'bugger it' and go and wreck the whole car. 1 small sweet leads to non-stop eating for me - ie wrecking the car :D

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:49 am
by KareBear
Oh my gosh, I loved the saying "Then I wrecked the car". Made me smile for a while just thinking of the phrase. Although, I am sorry that you had a rough day. Your weight seems to be at a pretty healthy place though, so that's good.

Regarding the school; maybe it's a universal thing. It just seems like to me, there have been so many changes generations wise, but the education systems and the way we teach and what we teach is the same since World War II. Especially for my son, who has been learning the SAME exact things in Language Arts and Social Studies, he is bored silly.

I know he will be so much happier next year with the Charter School, but I cannot wait until he is actually diagnosed so I can really start to understand exactly what he needs to be successful. Okay sorry, there I go again on my rant....thanks for listening. Hope you stay on the road with the car tomorrow :)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:35 pm
by kccc
IDK, I see where your very sweet comment on my thread came from now! (That is, around the "wrecking the car" analogy.)

Hang in there. We all get a few dents (and even go through a few cars!!) while we're learning to stay on the path we've chosen. :)

I'll add my other mantra: Be gentle with yourself.

Most over-eating is a misguided attempt at needed self-nurture, so look for other ways to nurture yourself.

(And I tell myself this over and over and over... and it does help.)

Best wishes!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:45 pm
by idontknow
The problem is that at the moment I have no other means of nurturing. On arrival at work this morning I realised that I am so firmly on the work treadmill that I haven't spoken to my 2 closest friends for weeks - I haven't even sent them a text or an email! That is shocking, and is down to being a hamster on a wheel - to mix my metaphors :)
On consultation with my inner child, I found that she was sitting on the floor with her head down, waiting for me to finish working. She's not even sulking or shouting. Just waiting.
So, KCCC, I know you are right that I need to find other ways to self-nurture but it just doesn't feel possible at the moment. Things will be easier next week - it's the holidays which gives time to regroup and reflect.

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:29 pm
by milliem
Oh phew! Glad you aren't driving your car into walls or anything at times of hunger.... My literal mind takes some time to get hang of analogies :)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm
by kccc
idon'tknow wrote:The problem is that at the moment I have no other means of nurturing.
I remember when I was working on my dissertation (and working full time) and felt I didn't have time to breathe. A friend left me some scented body wash and a nice note, and it cheered me enormously. (After all, I HAD to take a shower, right? So it took no extra time, but gave me a boost.) Then I decided that I deserved flowers (cheap ones from the grocery store, but pretty)... again, looking at them took no time, but brought me pleasure.

If nothing else, take 5 deep breaths whenever you think of it. Research shows that practice is genuinely calming.

You inner child needs a hug. (((IDK)))

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:46 pm
by Grammy G
Good that you recognize what is going on! Hope you let that child out to play this week end :wink: I think she wants to ride her bike...and have a picnic!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 am
by idontknow
Thanks for the support everyone. Dinner out at my favourite pub/restaurant last night, a good night's sleep and a week away from work have made me much calmer. Tonight is dinner out with my wonderful in-laws, who I haven't seen for a while. This week will be busy, but there is time for fun, too.

The problem with work is that there are no 'quiet times'. There is no planned break during the day and because I'm in charge of an area, people call by, the phone is always ringing...etc. My admin assistant, who shares the office with me, goes home for lunch - and I can see why - half an hour's peace and quiet. So I've found a little room tucked away which I know will be silent during lunch hour. I'm going to try and make a habit of ten mins in there at lunchtime to drink a cup of tea and breathe, ready for the rest of the day. It's not much, but I think it will help. And the place won't fall apart if I'm away for ten minutes!!! :D

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 pm
by Grammy G
Everyone needs a time for reflective thinking..others may call it day dreaming but I think it is a necessary part of every day! When I was teaching and then rushing home to begin my family life, this "reflecting" time is what I missed. I could really be in a bad place if I couldn't carve out some time just for me during the school day. (I tried the hiding in the storage room w/ cup of tea too!) Here is my hubby's novel solution: he had an office to himself (college prof) and he hung a piece of black poster board over the window of his door. I didn't know this and I went to his office to get him for a lunch date. I thought he had forgotten (his office appeared dark) and was about to leave when the secretary told me he was there. I said , "Sitting in the dark??" (very unlike him!!) and she told me he had hung the poster board because he was getting nothing done because of all the visitors.(students and profs not really stopping for and academic reason..just saw him sitting in his office and decided to visit) He took the board down during office hours or when he was free to chat. He did tell people why he did it and, once they heard the story, they understood not to "stop to chat" if the room appeared dark. He was available when the visits were work related..he had the luxury of a sec. to let him know when he needed to be available. I thought it was a pretty good plan but just didn''t have the set up he did to put it into practice. Maybe you do! Rmember, "A'int nobody happy if Momma a'int happy" and take good care of yourself!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:39 am
by idontknow
That's a great idea, Grammy - thank you. It's hard when you're a teacher to get any time for yourself during the day, isn't it? It is just full on from the minute you arrive. I have a 30 minute drive to and from work and I often sit in silence on the way home, just to wind down before I get home and think through the issues of the day.
My office is on the way to to the staff toilets - so you can imagine how many people stop for a chat or to 'give me a monkey' (ie pass on their problem). I will give it some thought, but I think I do need to physically remove myself from the area for ten mins. I've been thinking about all the things I could do in ten mins - cup of tea, reapply make-up, forward bends, text my friend.....
Also - reading KCCC's post about the flowers has made me realise my office is horrible - cramped and cluttered. We will definitely sort that out next term.

Food wise - weight is 135.2lbs. Went to yoga yesterday and heard there is a new class starting on a Friday evening, which will be a good end to the week. Out for dinner with my lovely in-laws. I had a fantastic Indian meal yesterday - tiger fish in a medium hot sauce. It was absolutely beautiful.
Today is a usual Sunday - ridiculously difficult step class this morning, which I love - and a roast dinner this afternoon. :D

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:43 am
by idontknow

Bank holiday today, but an N day for me. This week is half term, and I will need to plan in a couple of S events, as I'm visiting my dad one day, and he always buys treats for us. We don't see him very often and he makes an effort to give us things we might like - so I'm not going to refuse. I'm also meeting an old friend I haven't seen for over a year. We are going for a long lunch to celebrate her birthday and to catch up - there will be wine and dessert :D
So the regular N days have to be solid - and today is one of them.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:00 am
by idontknow

Success yesterday. I like the feeling of going back to the rules on a Monday and enjoy the feeling I get from it. For some reason, Tuesday and Wednesdays are not so easy.
However, on Grammy's thread I've just reminded myself that 'Just for today I will follow the No S rules'. This was working well for me at one stage and helped me to focus on babysteps of one day at a time. I need to keep this in my head to help me through 'Temptation Tuesday...' :evil:

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:07 pm
by idontknow
Well, Temptation Tuesday is nearly over and it has been a success!

B - fruit/yogurt
L - mackerel/toast/fruit
D - chicken pasta heaven

Just got to navigate Weak-willed Wednesday now....

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:25 pm
by Grammy G
Love your names for Tues. and Wed.! I think my problem days are Wed. and Fri. I could think of something to call Friday but I won't write it here :twisted:
Let's remind each other of baby steps and focus on today when we see the other starting to crumble. I think you are doing a great job!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:04 am
by idontknow
Good idea, Grammy - babysteps and focus on today. And you had best keep your thoughts to yourself about Friday unless you can come up with something printable :D

134lbs - Weak-willed Wednesday with the added complication of a day with my dad. His eating tends to be a bit random and unplanned so we have to go with the flow a little bit. But I have a plan. If we go out to eat - I will stay with No S. If he has bought something for me to eat as a treat, which he sometimes does, I will have a small taste - a No S event.

Just for today I will follow the No S rules, with a small exception if kindness and love is involved.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:50 pm
by sophiasapientia
Just for today I will follow the No S rules, with a small exception if kindness and love is involved.
Sounds like a very wise plan! .... I think that is one of the best things about No S. We can plan for such special times and enjoy them, guilt-free, without it being an "isssue." I hope that you had a very enjoyable visit with your Dad! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:17 pm
by Grammy G
I agree, you need to be open to your Dad's way of showing affection with food (Isn't that the case w/so many of us!?!) It would be diffent if he were bombarding you with sweets every day but, his visits are something special and I'm sure he wants to make them as special as he can. How nice! Enjoy your time with him!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:33 am
by idontknow
Thanks Grammy and Sophia - and it is very good to have you back, Sophiasapientia. I have missed reading your posts over the last few months.

Well, after all that planning there were no treats at all! We had a McDonald's for lunch, which always makes me feel like I've eaten a rock and always raises my weight the next day :( Dinner was a jacket potato with cheese and salad (my choice). Dad had bought treats for the girls but not for me. He did offer to buy me a cake with my coffee during the afternoon but I declined because of the McDonald's effect - and that was fine.

So - weak-willed Wednesday was a success :D . I didn't use being out for the day as an excuse to overeat, or to eat treats. We all had a lovely day seeing my niece and nephew, a bit of shopping, chatting - very relaxed and

Today - 134.4lbs (slightly up - the McD effect!)
Going to London today to meet an old friend for lunch. I haven't seen her for over a year, although we are in daily contact through email and text. Lunch will be a long drawn out affair, with lots of chat, wine and dessert, as this is her birthday treat from me.

However, I am not going to use this as an excuse to eat what I like for the rest of the day. This will be an S event, which is contained, valued and enjoyed.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:33 pm
by kccc
idon'tknow wrote:This will be an S event, which is contained, valued and enjoyed.
What a great quote - and a lovely way to approach S-events!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:19 am
by Grammy G
I love the term "the McD effect"..perfect!! You know, not that long ago, I finally realized that, if I was really hungry for a Big Mac, I didn't have order fries with it and coke to wash it all down! :shock: I could actually order just what I was hungry for and skip the more "meal #1, please" for me! Here is an advantage to getting old :arrow: McD's has a "senior" coffee that (depending on the location) is between 39 and 69 cents...and it is good coffee!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:29 am
by idontknow
Grammy - do you know something? I don't like McDonald's - I don't enjoy the 'ambience', the taste of it, or the after effects. I would never go in if it wasn't someone else's suggestion. My dad likes them, but only goes when we visit, so I put up with it once in while....

Today's weight 134.4lbs.
Yesterday was lovely but frustrating. My friend was 2 hours late arriving in London because of traffic problems. It gave me time to shop (new sandals!) but meant we only had a couple of hours to chat and eat, which was a shame as we meet very rarely. It was lovely to see her - and made me realise I need to give more attention to my friendships. The couple of hours of forced inactivity on my own was also good for me - lots of reflection time.

Lunch was good - tapas, with fresh churros and chocolate sauce as dessert. By the time we had finished it was late afternoon and I was very full, so I skipped dinner in the evening.

Big achievement of the day - I contained the S event. I had planned it, I enjoyed it, but didn't feel the need to eat constantly all day. I was hungry waiting for my friend to arrive, but knew that I would enjoy my food more if I waited to eat. And guess what? I coped with the hunger :D It would be good to try and transfer this approach to weekends - S events that are contained, valued and enjoyed.

This week has been good in food terms. I have planned food each day and have stuck to the rules. When I go back to work next week I need to maintain the same level of control over my food and not let the overwhelming nature of work take over and make me reach for 'comfort food'.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:40 am
by idontknow
Too much food yesterday - I was bloated by the end of it. Solution: 3 meals today with no permasnacking - just a treat after dinner this evening. I think I need to be more accountable at weekends by posting what I eat, instead of sinking into 'it doesn't matter - it's an S day' mentality.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:30 pm
by oolala53
I just finished a school year, but I still feel the effects of the year before. I had been asking for years to teach advanced students--well, I got three classes of them the first year. I was in way over my head in terms of grading so many papers; these students actually did their work! And in so many ways. I was a mess, but amazingly I got through a lot of all green N weeks. However, my S days were wild! And stayed that way until just a few weeks ago. I'm sure a lot of people would have given up on No S by then, but I knew I had no other place to go--yet. Finally, the urges to gorge on chocolate and pasta have decreased enough that I can sit with them and swat at them a bit. I think another month or two and it won't be much effort, just like N days aren't.

What's funny is that at many times in the past, I felt that I had no other comfort and certainly none as surefire and quick and convenient as food. Now it isn't as if I've replaced it with anything else. I found that if I just did without it, I was okay even without replacing it. Not great, but okay. Maybe I'm older and wiser, maybe I'm at a better place in my soul, I don't know. (That's not addressing you; it's just the truth!)

I know exactly how you feel about the pressure to be available, but I want to suggest that SOME of it is self-imposed. I'll leave it at that for now.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:07 pm
by idontknow
Hi Oolala - thanks for the input. You are definitely right - a lot of the pressure to be available is self-imposed. The team I work with most of the time are paid half the salary I earn, and I feel I should be there to support them and to deal with the difficulties. However, I also know that if I did disappear for ten minutes the world would not end :). I've been adapting to changes this year - it's been hard, but I'm determined that I will find a decent work-life balance before much longer.

Weight up because of an out-of-control weekend. Success today:

B - fruit/porridge
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - (planned) roast pork/chips/veg/half slice bread

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:13 pm
by kccc
Big achievement of the day - I contained the S event. I had planned it, I enjoyed it, but didn't feel the need to eat constantly all day. I was hungry waiting for my friend to arrive, but knew that I would enjoy my food more if I waited to eat. And guess what? I coped with the hunger It would be good to try and transfer this approach to weekends - S events that are contained, valued and enjoyed.
I really like this description... "S-events that are contained, valued, and enjoyed."

You should put it on the "sticky" for quotes.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:15 pm
by kccc
Big achievement of the day - I contained the S event. I had planned it, I enjoyed it, but didn't feel the need to eat constantly all day. I was hungry waiting for my friend to arrive, but knew that I would enjoy my food more if I waited to eat. And guess what? I coped with the hunger It would be good to try and transfer this approach to weekends - S events that are contained, valued and enjoyed.
I really like this description... "S-events that are contained, valued, and enjoyed."

You should put it on the "sticky" for quotes.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:37 pm
by idontknow
Thanks, KCCC - I will do that.
Success every day this week, despite a very stressful school inspection. I have been working long hours, but haven't been tempted to reach for food.
Weight is 134.2lbs - inching down slowly.
I am aiming for 21 green days - so far so good :D

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:32 pm
by idontknow
My weight is starting to drift back down as I stick to the rules. I've also been eating less bread as I find it always makes my weight rise when I eat more than one serving a day. I have also tried to balance my mealtimes by eating less at dinner and more at lunch to see me through the afternoon.

This week has been mad :shock: . I have worked so hard and I am so tired. It's been a good week, though - very satisfying in work terms, which means I haven't had time to think about food. Mmmm... think there is a lesson there.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:24 pm
by Pangelsue2
I also like contained S events. Sounds like fun but not lost weekend fun. Thanks for the idea.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:37 pm
by idontknow
Hi Sue,
Thanks for your message. I've tried to keep my S day events contained today. I've done better than usual, but not as well as I'd have liked. Early afternoon was a bit 'picky', but I did manage to rein myself in after a while :roll:
Bought 2 things today: chocolates for after dinner - as this is one of my favourite S events - and some earrings as a reward for a tough week and keeping to the rules. I love jewellery but often don't buy it for myself.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:27 pm
by idontknow

Success today. I was offered chocolate several times, but didn't consider accepting it. Now why can't I do that at weekends? :roll:

The weekend was an improvement on previous weekends. I did start grazing a couple of times, but stopped myself before it turned into permasnacking.

B - fruit/porridge
L - sandwich/fruit/yogurt
D - jacket potato/chicken with mushrooms/broccoli

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:26 pm
by idontknow

Temptation Tuesday. It's hard :(

Chocolate at work again today - I really wanted some, but didn't have any.
Cakes for a colleague's birthday. She had made a special effort to buy cakes for me to eat and I really wanted some, but I didn't have any. I brought them home for the teenagers so that it looked like I'd eaten them. So now they are in the fridge, calling my name.... :twisted:

Dinner was lovely, but I am craving food - especially something sweet. Need to find something else to do....

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:01 pm
by idontknow

Weak-willed Wednesday nearly got me.... I've been at a hotel all day with numerous snacks and drinks, a 3 course lunch etc etc. I skipped the starter, had a small plateful of fish and pasta, and then a bowl of fruit salad. More than I normally have for lunch, but within the rules virtually I think.

2 hot chocolates today - I know some people count this as against the rules, but I'm not enjoying tea and coffee as much at the moment, and it was basic hot chocolate - no cream or marshmallows. It also helped me to feel I was enjoying the luxuries of the hotel without actually breaking the rules.

Dinner - Greek lamb tray bake - the big girl made it as I was late home. Waiting for it to finish cooking and really looking forward to it.... :D

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:24 pm
by idontknow
Weak-willed Wednesday got me. And Thursday has been a car crash.


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:57 pm
by idontknow
Success today - picked myself up and got back on the wagon, so to speak.
Had mini-meal about 6.30pm because of an evening yoga class. Small dinner - braces tightened today so I need soft food.... :(

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:47 am
by idontknow
Just looked at my habitcal and it is shocking! I have not managed more than 8 green days in a row (not counting S days) since March. I completed 4 green weeks at the end of January/beginning of Feb and since then the months look like I'm trying to recreate a rainbow :shock:

My latest attempt has been the most successful - 8 days in a row.
What is going on here? I am so cross with myself :x . It's time to prove that 21 days is not impossible.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:51 pm
by idontknow
Whew! I've been away for a while. Things have been very hectic since the middle of June with the end of term and moving house. We moved 2 weeks ago and have only had the internet reconnected today. The new house is lovely - we have so much space and a beautiful garden with a resident hedgehog! I think we will be very happy here.

As for No has gone by the wayside in the last month, and I now weigh the same as a year ago :( . But, as always, it is important to recognise the lessons learnt during the last month. The main thing I have learnt is that when my life is disordered, my eating is disordered. Work spiralled out of control at the end of term, and as the paper on my desk piled higher and higher, my eating habits also got out of control. I know that some people find No S gives the routine they need during times of stress. For me, it seems that the reverse is true - I cannot stick to No S without my other routines in place. When I am under pressure there is a feeling of panic which comes over me and I begin to use food as comfort. I know that I have had lots of good advice on this board about other sources of comfort - but none of them seem to hit the mark. While I have the leisure time of the summer holidays I need to search myself for what will work for me.

What this also makes me realise is that the habits are not strongly in place. I can manage 2-3 days, but no more.

The depressing part of this post is that I have written the same things in so many posts and nothing changes. And of course, nothing changes because my bad habits are solidly ingrained and I am not working hard enough to turn them into good habits.

I hate to keep coming back to the board and whining that 'I just can't do this'. For that reason I did consider giving up No S, but I know it is a simple, common sense system which has worked for me before. So I'm trying again - with daily posts and weight tracking. Wish me luck :)

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:01 am
by idontknow

1 August - fresh start with a more positive attitude. A couple of things have resonated with me while reading this weekend. One was the No S diet explanation page, where Reinhard talks about taking responsibility for one's actions. The other was a Delia Smith cookbook - the pudding section (it was Sunday!!) - where she is talking about balancing food choices by making sure that once a week she has a delicious dessert.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:51 am
by Grammy G
oh my goodness! I posted and then read your last two posts.. I saw me in your words. Here we go again! IDK, we have both learned a lot but, apparently we have a lot more to go. Baby steps.. and we can do it!!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:11 am
by idontknow
Babysteps, babysteps....

Yesterday was a success - 3 meals - nothing else. Lots of leftovers from the party at the weekend. The success also included a step class and some gardening.

It was easy to keep to the rules yesterday - I am determined that today will be simple too. Decorating the youngest girl's bedroom today. I have been offered lots of teenage help - which is lovely. I think it will be a nice day where I feel we are moving forwards.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:31 pm
by NoSnacker
Stopping by to say hi! Glad you had a great day yesterday..always feels great when we get another green one under our belt.

Have a great Wednesday!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:57 am
by idontknow
Thank you debrabuf!

Tuesday - success.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:55 am
by NoSnacker
:mrgreen: good for you...tuesday has seen green!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:19 am
by idontknow
And Wednesday, too - thanks debrabuf.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:30 am
by NoSnacker
Isn't lovely to be :mrgreen:!!!

Thanks for stopping by my post and for the comment about my DH trying No S, that had me laughing...

Funny but he has lost 37lbs in the past few months due to a pending surgery and post op. By cutting down his portion size..cutting his pop with water...he still has 30 more to go, but it seemed quite effortless for him..but then again, he is not one that diets regularly,,,,but he'll see, it might take me awhile, but at least I'll lose the diet head that causes more issues than anything in my life.

This is a truly awesome plan, now I have to hope for saner S days...

I'm on spark as well, but find I'm on here more often now, most of them are obsessed with counting etc. There is a No S team that I check in with.

Anyhow, have a super Thursday and here's to another green day.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:17 pm
by idontknow
5 green days. 2 and 1/2 pounds lost :D

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:46 pm
by NoSnacker
Good for you!! I surely love the green smilie!

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:11 pm
by herbsgirl
Great job on the 2 1/2 pounds!