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gk check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:31 am
by gk
Gonna try this again (yes, again), and stick around this time even when the reds outweigh the greens. (I guess I have a bit of the perfectionism in me as well).

I start tomorrow with a slow approach. Hoping to reach vanilla status by week 4.

Week 1 will be three meals (2 with a taste of chocolate) and one snack. Week 2 - only 1 taste of chocolate and a snack. Week three - just the snack. (Read about slow approach in No S book, thought I'd give it a try.)

Minimum of three glasses of water per day this month.

Exercise will start later.

I've been sick for the past week, so will take my starting weight next week. At the moment it tells me that I've lost 6 lbs., which would be wonderful if it were true. I'm sure it's mostly all water, so I'm sure that will read differently next week!

I. can. do. this.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:28 pm
by Who Me?
You can do this!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:29 am
by gk
Thanks Who me - so nice to see words of encouragement when I check in!


Breakfast: Raisin bran, banana

Lunch: Half cheese/turkey/sunflower seed wrap, orange, and a side salad (well, technically it was on a plate so I guess it wasn't a side salad :lol: ) and one small chocolate cookie

Snack: Rice cake, animal crackers

Dinner: goulash, bread/butter, veggies, small chocolate cookie

I'm either really serious this time or it's just my stomach has shrunk so much from being sick!....probably a little of both, I think. I think I'm going to tweak my rules a bit....

Took others' advice and ate slower....put my fork down between each bite....forced myself to take 30 minutes to finish the meal. Got full on much less food and was more satisfied to boot! I didn't even feel like I needed the cookie at lunch, but ate it because I had set up that mod. I think I'll be okay to have just one taste of chocolate per day. Right now I feel like I could just leave it for S days right away, but don't want to get too cocky....that's what got me into trouble before.

Almost felt overful after each meal, even though my plates weren't big. (They were actually smaller than in the past.) Will really try to pay attention to my hunger and not push it. If I leave some food on my plate, that's okay!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:53 am
by milliem
Good luck gk!

Sounds like a sensible approach to take it slowly, and to pay attention to when you are actually full :)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:27 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
great job yesterday!! did you notice you slept any better last night? i'm always amazed at how much better i sleep when i haven't eaten half the pantry before bedtime. i wake up happier too :)

i saw your comment on my thread about eating slowly and i'll have to check it out. we must be on the same wavelength because eating slowly is something i never do. i'm always the first to finish and i tend to rush my meals. i've done that since i was a kid and it's a habit i've always wanted to change.

yes, i definitely feel more motivated this time around too. i just want to get that feeling back that i had last year. i felt so good and i was really enjoying my meals. i'm so sick of food issues too that i just want to feel like a normal person with regard to eating and the closest i've ever felt that was was when i was doing no s. ultimately i'd like to add my optional snack or sweet but for right now i'm sticking to vanilla because i can't seem to control the snack or sweet!! i'm also not allowing virtual plating or eating standing up because i think those are two of the habits that get me in trouble.
hope today goes well too! it's so nice to have a support buddy!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:42 am
by r.jean
gk--It is good to see you back and committed to sticking to it.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:03 pm
by NoSRocks
WAY TO GO, gk! I remember you from last year, too. Glad to have you back again and all the very best to you. Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Sounds like you've had a good couple of No S Days! I like your strategy of taking it slowly and adding in a few controlled snacks on your N Days too. I might have to try it myself since I've been struggling a bit this week.

All the very best and take care, Roxy

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:59 am
by gk
Thanks everyone! Seeing all this support behind me really helps out! :)

My appetite returned with a vengence today.....but so did my willpower. Happy to report a big ole' green SUCCESS today. :D


Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Egg sandwich, veggies, few chips, orange

Snack: Animal crackers, almonds

Dinner: Western omelet casserole (can you tell I'm hungry for eggs??), english muffin, apple, small chocolate cookie

Eating slowly is KEY for me. Started supper ravenous tonight, but this new method had me totally content with a normal size plate. (Months ago on the diet, if I started that hungry I would have piled my plate high and still felt like I wanted more at the end.) And drinking my water slowly with my meal is helping as well.

Ahhhh.....feels so good to get a handle on this again. Yes! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:48 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
I checked in this morning just because I was hoping you had another green day. And you did! Congrats! I'm so happy it is starting to click for you too. I'm not sure why I am so determined this time, but it is Thursday and I'm still feeling strong. I also feel so much better already. Clear-headed from less sugar, I'm sure.

Have a great day!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:34 am
by gk

Still goin strong. I admit my portions were a little bigger today, but totally legal and bare plate was still showing. Drinking water and chewing gum to help with hunger in between meals (actually not hunger...just habit).

Holy cow-----I'm actually doing it!! :shock: :D

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:10 am
by moderatemeals
Great job gk!!

I almost had a complete meltdown today! While I can't say today was a complete success, I am happy that I didn't binge. I broke down for a few bites of baked oatmeal around 8pm. I wasn't even starving. I think it was just out of habit and lack of discipline (and that I love baked oatmeal!) I decided that it was too much of a temptation so threw the remainder out. I wanted to continue eating after that but I didn't which is a minor victory for me. I realized that one I start it almost triggers me on autopilot. I was glad I stopped before any damage was done ;) I hate throwing away any food but I am so committed to doing it this time that I don't even want temptations around the house until I am going several weeks strong.

I'm so happy you did well today. Just one more day and we've got a week down! Keep up the great work!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:09 pm
by moderatemeals
gk- thanks for your encouragement on my thread! I feel great this morning and I'm still feeling motivated!!

Hope you are feeling the same this morning! Keep up the good work!


Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:13 pm
by moderatemeals
gk -
I hope you had a SUCCESS today. You'll have to read my post. I did not. Nothing horrible but not the day I was hoping to have in terms of eating. But, I am still sticking with it!! I felt so good on those 3 green days and I am not giving up this time until I have a month of green and no reds. That is my goal! And this week was so much better than the previous weeks, so that is a big benefit for me. I think I most appreciate how clear-headed I feel when my eating is in control.

I am not going to post Sat and Sun. I think I got burned out last time from posting so much so I'm going to skip it altogether over the weekend. I'll check in to see how you are doing. I really am rooting for you :) I know if we keep it up we will get there in the end.

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:11 am
by gk

Another good day. I start my S days at 5:00 Friday night (and end my weekend at 5:00 Sunday), so I must admit I was watching the clock from about 1:00 on.

Had my usual snack at 4:00, but was at soccer practice at the time that I could've had my treat (at 5:00). Didn't end up having my sweet until after supper (when I would've anyway). I had an extra sweet and then was content. Usually by the end of the week, I instantly binge because I'm so ready for sweets. Since I've had one sweet every day, the feeling of wanting to binge wasn't there. for thought (ha!). Maybe a small sweet a day is all I need to to keep it under control on the weekends. We'll see how it goes.

My plan for S weekends this time around is to avoid rules at the moment (some long-time No Ser's have advised in the past that when starting out, don't try to get too rigid with rules). But I won't view it as a free-for-all with sweets and snacking either. I will go about my usual ways, and if I feel the need to have a snack or sweet, I will first wait a bit. And if I still want one after awhile, I will have it and eat it s.l.o.w.l.y.

Here I go....

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:45 am
by gk

Yikes. Started out great.....ended pretty ugly. Need some modification here. The ups and downs of weekend freedom seems to be a bit much for me to handle. Hopefully, I get some advice from my help request on the main bulletin board.

We'll see what this week brings......I'm thinking another week of GREEN would be nice. 8)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:20 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
yes, i overindulged as well! I feel pretty gross this morning though I did just go for a quick run on the treadmill and I feel better! I am still going to stick with plain vanilla for now and not beat myself up over the weekend's lack of control. Everyone says the S days will settle down and at this point, I'm just going to trust in that!

I feel very motivated today and so I think today will be pretty easy. It's normally Wed or later that the sugar cravings start so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for at least 4, hopefully 5, green days this week.

Last night I spent 5 minutes writing in my journal about how I felt after a weekend of S days and I am hoping that by writing out some of my feelings throughout the week I will improve my emotional eating habit.

Good luck today!! You are doing full week of greens is fabulous!! Keep it up this week!! (I need you to keep it up because you are inspiring me!!)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:26 pm
by Who Me?
Sounds like you're doing well!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:17 am
by gk

Debated chucking S days altogether, but decided to stick with slowly working toward the vanilla route. Like Lisa said......will trust others advice that the wildness of my S days will decrease slowly over time. Need to be patient.

As of today, I'm taking the sweets completely out of my week and just having the optional snack at 4:00. I will have my snack only if I feel I REALLY need it......trying to get to the point of officially going without it within the next couple of weeks.

Today was busy and out of my normal schedule, so I didn't get my supper until 9:00. By that time, I was pretty tired and just wanted my "pacifier" of chocolate. BUT, after about 5 minutes of consideration, I just finished my meal, downed a glass of water and went straight to the No S bulletin to report a success before taking that first guilty bite. Now, an hour later, I feel GREAT that I dodged my first craving and feel even better about starting another green day tomorrow.

Yay me. :D

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:53 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
SO happy to hear you dodged the craving last night!! I bet you woke up this morning and feel great! I'm so happy for you!!

Thanks for your encouraging words. I do feel a different kind of motivation this time around. I just want to find peace with food and mealtimes. And I guess really the only time I've ever had that is when I've done vanilla No-S. I do love the concept of having one sweet treat a day and at first it seems to work, but before you know it, I'm sneaking extra bites, etc. I think No S works because it's 'all or nothing' mentality and that works with me personality, I guess. And I think having less sugar in my diet Mon-Fri helps with sleeping and moods for me too. We'll see how it goes. I'm trying as much as I can not to think about it and just get on with the day and enjoying my next meal.

The support system is great on the bulletin board! Next time I have a bad craving, I'm going to try what you did and pop on the boards for motivation and inspiration. Aiming for 5 greens this week!

Great job yesterday...keep it up! I know we can do this!
PS No stomach flu fortunately....just a bad head cold!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:02 pm
by milliem
Nice work on your green day yesterday :)

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:32 am
by gk
Thanks milliem and Lisa, but it looks like that was short-lived....


Finally cracked and had some ice cream at 8:30. Don't know what got into me the day progressed I felt grumpy, got a headache and was over-tired. Suddenly it was worth the red just to have that treat.

Oh well.....mark it and move on, right? Tomorrow will be better.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:21 pm
by gk
Woke up to sunny skies and felt well-rested after a good night's sleep. Today will definately be better...... :D

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:57 pm
by moderatemeals
gk -
Definitely mark it and move on!! I think the only way to be successful long-term in changing our habits is to accept that we are not perfect. We will always have a red day here and there and if we can accept that fact, it really makes it seem a lot easier (or at least it does to me). I definitely struggle with wanting perfection and wanting all my weeks to be perfect but I know there are going to be weeks when that just doesn't happen. For me the struggle comes more in the days to follow....if I have one setback I tend to look at the week as 'ruined' instead of just marking it and starting the next day fresh. I'm really trying to work hard this time on changing that mentality (which is why I'm not focusing a trying for a perfect 21 days -- just trying to do my best!)

You are doing great and I know we can do this! Good luck today!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:41 am
by Over43
Keep going!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:43 am
by gk

Today was better. I had no problems until my supper (which was late again). But, instead of caving for the chocolate again, I just made my plate a little on the heavy side. It worked. :D

I do think that getting more sleep helps me alot. I need to work on that.

Onward and upward.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:41 pm
by gk
Hangin by a thread here. Not lookin good....

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:45 am
by gk

Well, aren't I festive. My habitcal is quite

I finally caved. But came to some interesting conclusions in doing so.....(yes, it's me analyzing the crap out of everything again. I can't help's a disease....)

I was going to just have some chocolate and stop, but then decided what the heck and this time started to do my old routine of "who cares, just go for it". Funny thing, though.....after I had a granola bar with chocolate in it, a handful of bite-size chocolate Reese's cups, and a couple cookies (yes, that's just me warming up), I started to notice something....I was getting that buzzing feeling I got a long time at Thanksgiving when I had a binge after such a long time of being good and suddenly felt like I was "buzzing" from the sugar. Hard to believe I would get that effect after only 1 1/2 days with no chocolate this time around.

SOOO....I thought two things....I was thinking about going back to my small treat every day, since I obviously can't stick to the diet without that. But then I thought....NO....I want to continue to work toward the goal of not having or needing sweets every day. If I have that reaction after only 1 1/2 days of no chocolate than the body really does start to adjust without it right away. If I just stick to this I can start to go without it longer and longer to the point that I am doing vanilla no s without problems.

Keeping that in mind, I have a feeling I will have alot more reds on my calendar. To keep myself from getting discouraged or frustrated, I've decided to just turn it into an experiement of sorts...each time I start out, I'll see how long I can go without having a sweet. This week it seems to be a solid 1 1/2 days and then I crack. let's see if next time I can go a full two days. Next time maybe a little longer. That way I'm working toward my goal but at the same time I'm not backtracking due to frustration and discouragement. (Oh the mind games I play.) this, I seem to really have a problem, don't I? Maybe they have a rehab somewhere for people like me who have such problems with chocolate. Wait a minute......this IS the rehab, isn't it??

Try, try again. :)

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:48 am
by moderatemeals
Hi Greta -
Hang in there! You are doing great. Trust me that no treat tastes as good as waking up the next morning sugar-free ;)

Thanks for your nice words on my thread. Yes, I'm not going to beat myself up this week. Good news is I haven't had a major binge. Bad news is that I think i am going to have sinus surgery soon. Have been putting it off for years but dr thinks I really should do it.

I do feel so much better this time around for some reason. Next week I really want to make a better effort at more green days. Dr said I should be feeling much better in 48 hrs so I won't have any excuses after that!

Good luck tonight. I want to see green tomorrow!! (And we know it won't be on my thread ;)


Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:59 am
by gk
Thanks, Lisa. :)

Wow....amazing the difference of waking up sugar-free vs. the after-math of a binge. BLECK. Feel so sluggish and gross. This is definately not the way to go. Will have to refer to this post whenever I'm thinking of bingeing again.

Might as well have today be my first attempt at making my S days on Saturday and Sunday, like normal, instead of starting at 5:00 on Fridays. I used to think the different timeframe would work better for my cravings, but in the long-run maybe just leaving it the way it's supposed to be will be better. Reinhard obviously knew what he was doing when he set this diet up. Might as well not try to fix something that's not broken, right? :wink:

This was supposed to be a quick post and I'm getting wordy again. I think somehow this bulletin has turned into my journal. Helps to get it all out, ya know?

Good luck to all reading. Let's make this a sugar-FREE day, shall we?? :)


Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:15 pm
by r.jean
You hit the nail on the head when you said that this sounds like rehab. I totally agree that this is a rehab process that we have going on here.
This forum provides a great opportunity to give and receive feedback.

I was a daily chocolate eater when I started No S and I hardly touch the stuff now. I knew I had become a chocoholic so I classified it as a red light food for me at the beginning. I knew it was one of those foods that would set me on a binge. the beginning, I did not have it....even on the weekends. I allowed myself sweets on the weekends but not chocolate.

After I developed better habits, I eased up and have chocolate occasionally. I was given a box of Fannie Mae chocolates on Easter and I ate more than I should have. However, I survived it.

You can win the sweets battle! Stick with it. I read your posts regularly and I am rooting for you!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 3:48 pm
by milliem
Keep going, you're doing brilliantly :)

Maybe try tracking sweets/seconds/snacks separately so you can see your progress made in all three of the changes to your habits? Might be more motivational if you think you'll struggle particularly with the sweets aspect!

I have been contemplating starting my S days at 5pm Friday (and oh look it's 5.05pm right now...) but I just know that it would mean a whole extra evening of over-eating on bad foods and I just don't need that! I don't eat that much on a Sunday evening anyway so I wouldn't really be replacing an S evening, just adding one.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:06 am
by gk
Jean: Wow, I am very impressed. You were a chocoholic and now you hardly touch the stuff??? Even more impressive is the fact that you totally gave it up in the beginning of your diet, when you crave it the most, and you stuck with it. I think I'd stroke out. :shock: Didn't think it was possible. You give me hope! :) Thanks for your support! It is much appreciated!!

Milliem: That's an excellent idea---tracking sweets, seconds, and snacks seperately. Will start doing that! Yeah, I thought I was doing myself a favor by having my S Day start at 5:00 on Friday and end 5:00 on Sunday. Even though I do eat sweets, etc. on Sunday night and wouldn't be "adding another S Day" by doing that, I ended up increasing my binge temptation with that timeframe. I would literally start a binge at like 4:45 because I knew my time was almost up. I think it's just better to look at it as days instead of a certain time. Thanks so much for your support!!


Always love to type that color. 8)

No problems today. I even served the family chocolate pie (uh...YUM) for dessert tonight. Afterwards, I quickly put the pie away and instead grabbed an orange for my "sweet" dessert, to complete my one plate (gasp!). And frankly, it was delicious. :!: I admit I felt a tug for that gooey, rich chocolate but I just kept telling myself that I will have a piece of it tomorrow and I can wait. And I did!! Now true, this would be one heck of an accomplishment if I just hadn't had my little binge last night, but hey...I'll take what I can get. :D

Hope everyone has a wonderful S weekend! Enjoy!!

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:13 am
by moderatemeals
Great job!! I'm so happy one of us had success today :)

I still have a massive headache and so 'rewarded' myself with some chocolate for surviving the pain. Nothing that bad but I just don't have the energy to resist. The steroids are supposed to start working by tomorrow so I'll aim for a better week next week. Good news is I haven't eaten as much all week so while I've had some sweets, the jeans did not feel any tighter today!

Enjoy your S weekend!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:22 pm
by gk
S Days

Coulda been better.....coulda been worse. I'll be ready to start anew by tomorrow for sure.

Thank goodness Mother's Day is an S Day. My daughters (ages 9 and 10) set up this surprise homemade "spa" in our bathroom this morning, complete with dim lighting, flowers, water trickling sounds, and soft piano music. After they gave me a back massage for a half hour, they gave me a pedicure and manicure. They gave me a wine glass with ice water and a silly straw (cute!) and a small plate of chocolates for me to snack on during my "appointment". Woulda hated to turn down those chocolates during my spa visit!

Hope all had a wonderful Mother's Day! Here's to a full green week! :)

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:16 am
by Over43
Happy Mother's Day, I should have thought of the home-made spa for my wife.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:53 am
by Who Me?
The spa sounds adorable!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:20 am
by gk
Thanks Over43. :)

Who me: Yes, it was one of the sweetest things they've ever done for me. And even though my painted toes are less than perfect, that was the best pedicure I've ever gotten.


Drat! The day started out wonderfully. Did very well until about 8:00 pm. It's like the kids squeezed out all of their sweetness yesterday and were left with nothing but whining, complaining and fighting. After so many hours of that, my patience flew out the window and my willpower went sailing with it.

And the chocolate DID help, dang it. Sometimes a walk outside just doesn't cut it, ya know??

Unfortunately, that's not a very good way to start the week, but I said I'd dig my heels in and do this no matter how many reds, so I'm once again marking it and moving on. Hopefully, this will be my last red of the week!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:43 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
one thing that has helped me with the 'mental' aspect of this No S thing this time around is looking at each week more like a score of a test -- instead of just a perfect week or a failure week (which is always how i've looked at it in the past). so, if you do well this week aside from yesterday, you'd still be at 80% which is really good!! i think so many times i set myself up for failure because if i mess up one day, i just give up and feel like the week isn't perfect so why not just give up and wait until the following week when i can have a perfect week (and then of course that week comes and it isn't perfect either!) i've come to realize that it is impossible to ALWAYS be at 100%. i think i used to look at No S like a pass/fail and now I'm just aiming for a high percentage because i think that will help me the most in the long run!!

have a great day!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 9:42 pm
by milliem
ljk has a great point - if I added up all the times I would have unthinkingly reached for a snack, a chocolate bar or a second portion before NoS I probably would have been red on all three counts pretty much every single day. Even on failure days I rarely fail on all three 'S's'. That's a massive improvement in habit! And it seems like you are making great progress on the habits too.

NoS isn't about being perfect (fortunately for me haha!!)

Your daughters sound wonderful by the way, that spa idea was really cute!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:41 am
by gk
Lisa and milliem: Thanks for your input. That's a very good way to look at it. All things are not black and white, and even though No S is supposed to be focusing on the simplicity of it, maybe sometimes it's best to not look at it that way. It doesn't have to be an "all or nothing" kinda thing (at least to start out anyway). Marking down my different successes on my habitcal has helped me see that (thanks milliem), but maybe I'll start doing that in my posts as well, so I can feel SOME sort of accomplishment when I'm checking in. That being said....

Seconds fine all day, but my sweets made my supper more than a plate
Water (I've increased my water goal to 4 glasses per day)

Don't know what's gotten into me this week. I do great all day. I'm even getting past 4:00 without cheating, but for some reason I'm cracking at around 7:00.

Hoping the greens will outweigh the reds tomorrow. Cross your fingers.....

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:28 pm
by gk
OK, scrap everything I just said.....I'm doing straight vanilla (no more optional snack) and judging each day as strictly pass or fail......

It's finally hot enough to wear shorts. Boy, breaking out those puppies will scare you straight every time (EEEK!!! :shock: ). I suddenly have alot of motivation. :)


(Thank God it's not swimsuit weather yet.) {shudder}

Good luck to all reading!! :D

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:06 pm
by Who Me?
Sounds like you're doing really well, and finding your way.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:57 am
by gk
Thursday - Success!

Did fine with no snack at 4:00 and even had a really late supper.

Arranging my plates differently...1/4 veggies, 1/4 fruit, 1/4 "main meal" (casserole, sandwich, etc.), and 1/4 what I call "junk" food, so I don't feel like I'm eating rabbit food (chips, etc.). Makes me not resent my fruit and veggies as much. :)

Feelin' good!! :D Outta my slump and back on track. In fact, I think I'm gonna go out on a limb and start my 21-day countdown again, with a "prize" at the end. That makes today Day 2.....

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:11 am
by thtrchic
Congrats! Sounds like you're doing great!


Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:21 am
by gk
Thanks Julie!

Day 3 - Success

I must be in the zone or somethin cuz it was actually easy today!! I can't remember the last time I had three greens in a row - finally!

I even had a trigger today (SO MAD :x ), for which I usually turn to chocolate (it is the magical cure for ANY emotion, ya know :wink: ), and I didn't!!

I seem to be really clicking with my new plate system (dividing it in quarters). I feel full and satisified even though half my plate is nothing but veggies and fruit. That one quarter that's "bad" (today it was baked cheetos), seems to counteract it all. I also have a glass of water with each meal and a glass of water at 4:00, when I used to have my snack. I come to my S weekend again. Part of me doesn't want to restrict myself (upon the advice of some old-timer, successful No Ser's), and part of me doesn't want to break my streak. I bought chocolate for each day, thinking that would be my only "cheat"......a Butterfinger candybar for Saturday and a package of two Reeses peanut butter cups (extra p.butter) for Sunday. I really want to just stick to that, so I don't revert back to bad ways. Hoping for this newfound willpower to continue...

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:22 am
by gk
May 14th and 15th - S Days

Well, surprise, surprise....I didn't stick to just the one S each day, BUT.....I did have a better weekend. I stuck to three meals a day with a snack here and there, instead of mindless munching all weekend (there's a difference there, right?). I also only ate when I was hungry instead of stuffing it in "just because I could".

SO, I guess I'll keep up with the advice of "get your N Days down pat first and then worry about the S weekends", but I'll try to keep it in check, like the past two days.

Overall, pretty good considering the binge fests I've been known to have. :D

Pretty crazy-busy week coming up (end of the school year always seems to be twice as busy as the holidays). I tend to go off-track with my dieting when my schedule is so outta whack. I'm really gonna try to stick to this! I felt so good when I was doing good last week, so I will have to keep that in mind when I start to waver.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:36 am
by gk
Day 4 - Success!

Whirlwind of a day. THOUGHT about cheating......but I DIDN'T. :D

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:57 am
by gk
Day 5 - FAIL

Pretty much figured I'd have one of those this week. Because of my schedule today, my lunch and supper would have been so far apart I purposely ate around 4:00 just so I wouldn't feel whoozy or get a headache. Woulda been fine if I left it at that, but then I got into the "already cheated might as well have fun" mode and had some chocolate. Then I ate late at night when I got home. It could have been MUCH worse, but definately not a clean day. SOO...tomorrow back to Day 1. But, I feel okay about it. In fact, with being so busy and tired lately I had expected to feel like cheating all the time (the way I usually do in those circumstances), but I've been okay, so that's an improvement.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:56 am
by moderatemeals
Gk -
I didn't have a clean day either. Felt like something sweet at night so made 1 cup of cereal and made sure I ate it from the bowl and not the box. I wanted to continue eating after that point but stopped so I guess in some ways, it was a success.

I am really going to focus on sitting down and eating from a plate or bowl even when I add an extra snack or sweet. I feel so much more in control that way and it's really hard to let anything get out of hand this way.

Definitely wishing I could have all perfect days but so far have been able to keep major binges at bay which is really my top goal!

Good luck!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:04 am
by gk
Thanks Lisa!

Wednesday - Fail!

Being overtired and super busy is starting to reak havoc on my willpower. Lousy mood....lousy dieting. I'm not gonna was ugly.

Waking up today (Thursday), I'm not feelin much different. My diet forecast looks a little cloudy for the next week or so, I'm afraid.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 5:00 am
by gk
Thursday - Fail!

Another day full of all the forbidden S's. Tsk. Tsk. Boy, it doesn't take much for me to throw all rules out the window. It goes to show I'm a creature of habit.....I want my breakfast, lunch and supper to be around the same time every day or I don't feel like following the plan. Need to be a little more flexible.

And after two days of too many treats and snacks, I can already tell the difference. I'm sure some of my fatigue is not from the craziness in my schedule lately, but from all the sugar surging through my system.

Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things tomorrow!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:21 am
by milliem
Sorry to hear you're having a tough week gk!

Is there anything you can do to adapt your eating plan while you are so busy, to try and keep you at least eating to plan even if your plan isn't quite perfect?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:43 pm
by gk
milliem wrote:Is there anything you can do to adapt your eating plan while you are so busy, to try and keep you at least eating to plan even if your plan isn't quite perfect?
Yeah, there's always something one can do to adjust. But, I guess I'm just choosing not to this week. You know how it get tired and in a funk and "just don't care" and then you hop back on the wagon once the phase passes. I think what started it for me is that I've been really busy and out and about around lunchtime, so I just skip it and then I'm starving later and I just splurge. A couple days of that and then you're in the groove of bad eating habits again. I've already had some chocolate ice cream today, so today's a FAILURE. However, I'm not snacking today. Just the one treat so far (it's 4:00). I figure this week's a "wash" and I'll just start again next week. Usually when I hit a time like this, I just vanish from the No S board for awhile and then come creeping back. This time I'll just report my repetitive Failures and continue until I can get my act together again. :roll:

Boy, reading over my past posts, I am SO minute I'm raving about how wonderful it is, yada, yada, yada, and then the next minute I'm tired of it and couldn't care less. Talk about a rollercoaster ride. But then again, I've always been that way about dieting. I feel so full of hope and have strong willpower one minute and then it comes crashing down. It's this vicious cycle that I've been in since my 20's. However, I've never tried to stick to a sane and realistic way of eating like No S before. If any diet will get my diet-ways straightened out it will be this one. I just have to hang in there until I do. Onward and upward....

Have a great weekend everyone!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:32 pm
by moderatemeals
Hi gk -
I can totally relate to your post. Keep up the posting though and I know over the long-term it will benefit us! Even if you have a bad week, just remember that No S is the model we are striving for. For me, for so many years I tried a variety of eating plans -- low fat, low carb, the Zone, etc etc in an effort to find the best way to eat and stay slim. But I would go up and down in weight. Since starting No S two years ago, even though I have not always been perfect in following it, I have found sanity and a more stable weight.

I think it takes time but stick with it. You are doing great!!
Have a good weekend!

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:59 pm
by Who Me?
Don't let one little slip turn into self destruction. Acknowledge the stop, but don't let it overpower your day.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 5:17 pm
by milliem
Oh i so know where you are coming from, being tired and stressed out is NOT good for the motivation :)

Maybe you could make something quick and portable to have around at lunchtimes so you can easily reach for it while you are doing other stuff? Maybe a wrap with some nice filling (hummus and roasted vegetables, or some nice marinaded chicken?) - if you wrap it up nicely in clingfilm or something you can practically eat it with one hand while you do something else. Might not be a massive lunch but could stave off the hunger at least!

Good on you for sticking with it anyway even in the face of a bad week, hopefully you'll be able to figure something out so that next week can start afresh :)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:13 am
by gk
Thanks everybody for your supportive posts! Those really do help so much!

Well, this week has pretty much been a whirlwind, as expected. Due to that, I had decided on Sunday that I would just kinda coast this week. I'm not gonna stress myself out trying to stick to No S this week, with everything going on. Ironically, I have been eating less and doing better all around than I would have if I was trying to stick to vanilla and then bingeing later! I've been having snacks here and there and sweets now and then, but my meals have actually been smaller, I've had more control with sweets, and I think I've been burning off the calories moreso, too!

I'll definately hop on to Vanilla No S come Tuesday, but for now I'll keep coasting as I think it's better for my sanity and evidently for my food intake as well. :)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:37 am
by moderatemeals
Sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:11 pm
by gk
Well, I'm back from my "time off". Things are settling down, so it's time to start up vanilla No S again. Actually miss looking forward to my next just don't have that feeling when you start to graze all day. Takes away alot of the pleasure you can get from the taste of food.

It's after lunch on my first day and I'm starting to waver already! Goes to show that it doesn't take long to get back into bad habits and make it feel like you're starting at square one again.

Will try to go outside whenever I feel the need to cheat, as that seems to help more than anything anymore.

I can do this!!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:01 am
by gk

Apparently, I can't do this.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:33 am
by r.jean
Oh but yes you can.... :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:54 am
by moderatemeals
gk -
You HAVE done this and you CAN do this. Keep trying....don't give up!!! We all struggle and you are not alone. Just keep at it!


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:01 am
by gk
Thanks for the encouragement. I seem to be in the midst of my usual diet great....lose interest....lose will power....have diet "temper tantrum", saying I'm sick of going through this and want to quit dieting for good...wake up and realize that the scale is not giving me that option...think about starting again...struggle in only first day....blah, blah, BLAH. I feel like I've been doing this for years. Oh, that's right....I HAVE been doing this for years!

Like I said....this is usually the part everyone doesn't see.....when I just quit posting.....but I'll continue and I WILL get back on the wagon. I think with the kids out of school and us in "vacation-fun" mode, I just don't feel like abiding by the rules. That's no fun!

I weighed myself this morning. Weighing monthly now. Actually stuck to it....usually I cave and weigh myself every week. I've gained one pound since last month.....actually that's pretty good, considering the way I've been diving headfirst off the wagon lately!

I go to the grocery store tomorrow. Maybe some fresh produce and new meals will get me back on track.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:36 pm
by gk
Had to throw another pair of shorts into the "Too Small" pile this morning. YEESH. How's that for motivation. My 10-15 lbs. overweight will turn into 20 very easily if I don't get a handle on this!

At this point, I'm just hoping to make it through ONE Day with a green success......

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:06 pm
by KareBear
I love reading your posts gk. They are so honest and I bet you dont realize that there are so many people who feel EXACTLY like you do! I have diet temper tantrums all the time. But I, like you are committed to stay the course because this feels a lot better than anything else!

Hang in there. Tomorrow is the weekend!!!! :)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:38 am
by gk
Stubby1234: Thanks for your post! I really enjoy using the No S bulletin. Everyone here is so awesome.....very supportive. Just when you feel like throwing in the towel, you'll hop on to your check-in and see an encouraging note. And it's so nice to know that we're not in this alone! Gotta love this place! :D

Well, onto the less cheery subject of another FAIL. I guess the silver lining is that I didn't go as overboard as I have been. This week's another wash. Next week HAS to be better!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:48 am
by Pangelsue2
Maybe take some time to write a pro/con list about dieting versus eating whatever you want. Make the lists as long as possible. I think we all just assume our heads understand that excess weight is bad and control is good when in actuality, I think most of our heads live in the world of instant gratification and also taking the easiest route to any pleasurable goal. Gratification is good and easy is appealing especially when we are busy and life is hard and let's face it, life is hard. Some days if just feels like something as pleasurable as eating shouldn't be so hard. We don't want another hard thing we don't want to do. But easy gratification isn't always what's best. Many things we want are worth working for and striving for. Maybe forget about food for a couple of days and work on where your head is at in relationship to food. I have been dieting so long, I am no longer sure how I feel about food. Sometimes I just want it because I shouldn't have it. As Americans (are you?) I think we have too many shoulds and have tos in our lives and are drained of pleasure too much of the time. Maybe if we control food and cut ourselves some slack in other areas, it might be easier. Just some thoughts. Take or leave as you like.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:41 pm
by gk
Pangelsue2: Thanks for your post! Will have to make that list. Also, I think controlling food more and "cutting myself some slack" in other areas might be a good approach!

Well, it's the end of the weekend and I'm ready to jump in (again) tomorrow. I feel like I'm ready to stick with it vs. giving a half-hearted attempt on Monday (which has been my mind-set for the past two weeks). Will try things that have worked in the past.....bombard myself with success stories for inspiration, try to keep up with lots of water intake, and keep myself extra busy.

I think I will go back to my one optional snack (usually at 4:00) to help me through the first phases again....especially with it being summer and our suppers being alot later now.

I was reading a Self Magazine today and noticed their slim-down plan of three meals and one snack per day, with "fun calories" allotted throughout the week. It's basically the No S Diet, except for the one snack and counting calories (what a pain!). No S is such a breath of fresh's so easy and you don't have to live on rabbit food to succeed. Once again, it proves that No S is the easiest and sanest diet out there. Why would anyone try anything else???

Try, try, (and try) again! Here I go!! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:57 pm
by gk
Feeling good this morning - I think this is gonna stick this time!

Will pop in and record my food intake throughout the day....hopefully, this will keep me in line a little more and encourage more variety.....

Breakfast: Raisin Bran, banana

Lunch: Turkey salad with all the fixins, bread/butter

Snack: Orange, almonds

Dinner: Lasagna, french bread, veggies, grapes

Well, waddya was a SUCCESS!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:46 pm
by gk
Tuesday - SUCCESS

Breakfast: Raisin Bran, banana

Lunch: Turkey salad, bread/butter

Snack: Late lunch, so no snack!

Dinner: Lasagna, french bread, veggies, apple/peanut butter

I did my usual "second-day-in wavering" bit today. How's this for some warped logic........I just keep thinking, "if I just wait till Saturday I can pig out as much as I want and there will be no guilt because I'm allowed". Yeah, I know that's a pretty bad way of thinking, considering I'm trying to AVOID binges, but for some reason if I know I have a binge in my near future, I'm okay....but if I know I'm only going to get a couple of treats, I cave. Hopefully, when the time comes I won't need to do any big bingeing and then after awhile, I'll be content with the 2-3 treats.

Oh yeah....I tried on another pair of shorts today.....couldn't even button them!!! :oops: That did quite a bit for the willpower as well!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:54 am
by Over43

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:46 am
by NoSRocks
Oh my gosh, gk! I could have written your latest post, word for word! I, too, have been having a few false starts (being euphemistic here, lol) - I too had been feeling resentful and HUNGRY after dinner on Monday night and had a bit of a free for all. I have to say, and this isn't bs, but I didn't really enjoy it. Not even the binge and especially how I felt (mentally) afterwards!

I too, had been trying on some clothes (deciding what to give to the thrift store) and felt disheartened as I threw yet another pair of shorts/pants into the pile! I never realized I had size 8's and 10's in there! Sad to say, even the 12's were too small. Not sure why or how I hung onto them for so long...
BUT not all doom and gloom! Once I had gotten rid of all the excess baggage (so to speak), I did feel strangely relieved and a feeling of release too. Perhaps I am ready to start afresh, I thought.

Well, I've had two sucessful N Days since and i am starting to feel better. I do agree that sometimes it feels like starting from scratch - as far as cravings are concerned - after having overindulged. But I feel determined - as is your good self - that i will pick up and move on. No looking back. No S all the way!!! All the best, gk.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:57 pm
by Pangelsue2
We all struggle. Sometimes more and sometimes less. The enemy is not the food, it is what we think about the food. We give the food such power. Power it doesn't possess. It is what we think about the food and what personal power we hand over to it that causes the problem. All effort has to go, in my opinion, to controlling what we tell ourselves about the food we face everyday. We have to figure out why the food is more important to us than our health, our opinions of ourselves and our quality of life. If we can figure that out, what food we actually eat won't matter. We know what makes us feel better, makes us look better and we know how great we feel when we see a weight loss. We need to figure out why we throw that all out for a 10 second taste of something. If you are like me, I have many times dreamed of ice cream or chips all day long. Then I have some and the satisfaction lasts about 5 minutes. Then I feel awful because I caved, beat myself up, make a new resolve until the next time. Obviously, if you read a lot of threads here, this is an often repeated story. We will have won when the way we feel about ourselves and our overall health and well being are more important than a momentary gratification. I have been trying to lose weight for about 25 years now and I have never made myself more important than what I put in my mouth. When I write it down like that, it makes me feel really weak but I know I am not weak in many other areas. I think I have OCD about food. I need to deescalate my feelings about food and it's importance. I think I am dissatisfied with my life in many areas and food is a temporary happy pill. An addicting happy pill. One that makes me sick but it makes me feel like everything is OK and for a short time, I feel happier. I am starting to work toward finding my happy other places. That is why I am here and you all help tremendously. Thanks

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:36 pm
by gk
Pangelsue2 wrote:I think I am dissatisfied with my life in many areas and food is a temporary happy pill. An addicting happy pill. One that makes me sick but it makes me feel like everything is OK and for a short time, I feel happier. I am starting to work toward finding my happy other places. That is why I am here and you all help tremendously.
Wow - you pretty much summed me up right there. I can remember the first time I had a binge in high school. I know exactly why I did it and I remember in detail how for the time that I was eating all those delicious goodies I didn't think about what was making me feel horrible. I was exactly like an need that high to numb out everything else that you can't deal with. And so it life full of binges and overeating and dealing with all my problems through food. I lucked out up until now. My body somehow magically didn't pile on the pounds. But as I near 40 (next month!), I can't have my little addictive habit without the consequences....I should lose 10-15 lbs. now and the scale seems to gradually go up every time I weigh in.

So, I've had this habit of hiding in food for over 20 years now and suddenly I think I can stop? Like any other addiction, this will take some time. Just frustrating sometimes, I guess. I've trained my body to expect that piece of heavenly chocolate or to dive into non-stop eating late at night whenever something comes my way that I just don't want to think about for so long, that if I don't give myself that I practically feel like someone who is giving up drugs! Unfortunately, I've reached a point in my life where I have made some decisions that are irreversible that I'm not happy with, so I constantly want to go into my food obilivion to help with it. Will have to figure out some other way to make it liveable.

Thanks so much for your posts! They are always so thoughtful and very helpful! I agree-----this place is awesome and I am very appreciative of the support here! I am ready to move on and deal with this situation once and for all!

Good luck to you in your No S journey! I'm rooting for you!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:25 pm
by gk
Wednesday - SUCCESS

Breakfast: Raisin bran (as boring as it sounds, I somehow crave it every morning)

Lunch: Egg/Cheese bagel (thin sliced) sandwich, mini rice cakes, veggies, grapes, sunflower seeds

Snack: animal crackers, almonds

Dinner: Lasagna (it was a big pan of lasagna the other night, still eating leftovers), one meatball (the others were having them and they looked good), orange, peas

Watched a movie with the family after supper. Everybody had popcorn and I contently watched without munching. Big success for me, considering I happened to also be mad about something at that time and, of course, food always fixes that for me. Many other times I would have said "screw it" and had the popcorn among other things. YES - I do believe this is working this time.

Also, I was thinking later tonight about my snack.....I've always had animal crackers as part of a meal when I feel like something with a crunch and want something different than that allowed, I wonder? Is it considered a cookie moreso than a cracker? They certainly just seem like a cracker-type munchie to me (I mean, it's in the name even)....hopefully, I'm not breaking any rules?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:22 pm
by gk
Thursday - SUCCESS

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon (thought I'd be wild and crazy and have something else for once.......actually, we're just out of raisin bran :P )

Lunch: Turkey/cheese/sunflower seed tortilla wrap (I've had this like a gazillion times but I never get sick of it), veggies, sun chips and an apple w/peanut butter

Snack: Cheese/crackers, almonds

Dinner: Bacon cheeseburger, french fries

I ate dinner at Red Robin's Restaurant.....they served the meal in this teeny tiny basket, so of course, knowing this was my one plate, I started to get nervous. Surprisingly, I was full before I finished the meal.......but I managed to stuff down the remainder of it. :)

Feeling so FAT tonight. To make matters worse, I'm gaining my weight only in my waist. Before you know it, I'll blossom into a spider figure.....skinny arms and legs with a big attractive. :( I hate it when I feel like this. Usually this will send me into a binge (kinda explains my current figure, doesn't it), but I'm actually holding on this time. I hope this ICK feeling goes away soon. Will just have to avoid the mirrors for awhile....... :(

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:45 pm
by milliem
Fantastic job on all your recent successes! Next time you have a wobbly moment remember to look back at this week and see that you can do it :)

Also congratulations on avoiding the popcorn :)
I just keep thinking, "if I just wait till Saturday I can pig out as much as I want and there will be no guilt because I'm allowed".
This is normal thinking isn't it?! At least it's how I often get through the week.... try not to beat yourself up about it, if you do eat more than you'd have liked to on the weekends at least you can take solace that it's for 2 days rather than all 7 if you weren't following NoS. I'm hoping that eventually I'll be satisfied with a couple of sweet treats per weekend as I get used to having less during the week. Fingers crossed anyway.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:04 pm
by gk
Friday - SUCCESS

Well, here goes my first Friday (on this attempt anyway). This is the day that usually gets me into trouble. After 5:00, I can never seem to stay on track because it's SO close to the weekend. I weighed myself this morning (back to weekly, cuz I think it'll help me a little with binging throughout the weekend). I lost 3 lbs. this week, but I'm not overly excited just because I know it's pretty much all water loss. However, I guess I should be excited that I didn't GAIN 3 lbs., right? :)

Breakfast: Corn Chex cereal (yep, I'm a cereal kinda gal in the morning)

Lunch: Turkey wrap, veggies, apple w/peanut butter, sun chips

Snack: Small bowl cereal

Dinner: Chicken, baked beans, sun chips, orange

Woo hoo!! I did it!! I cannot remember the last time I got through an entire week with all successes! I almost caved around 9 pm., but then REFUSED to put down a fail with only 3 hours to go. I was staying up late, so didn't go to bed until midnight. I usually would have considered that "officially" the start of the S Day and started my treat fest right then and there, but I decided I should make myself wait until morning instead of raiding the kitchen in the middle of the night. BIG success for me! :D

Enjoy your S Days everyone! I'm off to find myself a DELICIOUS piece of CHOCOLATE (with no guilt!!)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:22 pm
by moderatemeals
Gk -
Funny because I haven't checked the board in over a week but decided to stop in and check how things were going. CONGRATS!! A full week under your belt-- that is awesome and inspiring me!!

I've managed to keep things under control and haven't had a binge but have been eating some sweets and snacks. The past week was chaotic and stressful with the ending of school for the kids so I just tried to be good and not overanalyze. It works and I feel okay though I'd still like to get back on track on Monday with summer schedule starting up.

Not sure what I will do in terms of posting....will decide that on Monday but wanted to stop in and say CONGRATS on a JOB WELL DONE!


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:54 am
by milliem
Well done gk! Friday evenings are so tough.... Hope you're enjoying your S days :)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:13 pm
by gk
Thanks Lisa and milliem! :)

The weekend started off in a weird way.......I finally was able to have whatever I wanted and suddenly I couldn't reach for that piece of chocolate. I actully waited until mid-morning before starting the treats (usually it's the first thing I eat that day!). So, I guess my method for S Days will be to wait as long as I can each time, and eventually I will get to the point where that 2 or 3 tastes will be enough. The rest of my weekend? Typical binge fest. But that's okay....figured it would be and I'm ready to tackle another green week!


Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: Turkey salad, bread/butter

YIKES.....Being attacked by "triggers" today.....watched daughter deal with social stress today (meeting new kids in a different environment - and might I add, unfortunately some of those girls are shall we say, a bit CATTY?!?!?). Found myself wanting to snack on CHOCOLATE (it literally hurts to watch my kids go through stuff like that, but I know it's just part of growing up....) and then remembered that's exactly how I dealt with that stress when I was her age!!! Now it's getting cloudy and for some reason I want to eat whenever it rains (weird). The only thing that's keeping me in line is that the jeans I'm currently wearing used to need a belt and now they barely fit :oops: . Will.......not.........cave........!!!!

Snack: Rice cake, almonds

Dinner: Tostada, watermelon

The only thing that kept me from splurging was that I came home with an awful headache, so all I wanted was a little something to eat and to go to bed.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:00 pm
by Pangelsue2
Congrats on the wonderful full week. Baby steps. It sounds like you are getting the weeks down and then will start slowly working on the weekends. Sounds so rational and do-able. Good on you!!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:00 pm
by gk
Thanks pangelsue2!!! One step at a time! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:35 pm
by gk

I woke up with absolutely no drive to do the whole dieting thing. (The words "consistent willpower" have never existed in my vocabulary.) Read a health magazine with breakfast for inspiration, and will try to keep extra busy today.....

Breakfast: I'll give you one guess......

Lunch: Egg/cheese bagel, 1/2 orange, small handful chips and sunflower seeds

Snack: Cheese/crackers, almonds

Dinner: Ate out with the kids at Chick-Fil-A......Chicken sandwich and french fries.

WOO HOO! I did it! I really didn't think I'd make it today with my "I don't give a ***" attitude, but I did! I've found lately that every time I'm considering taking that cheating bite, I just stop and think ahead about how I will feel in about 10 minutes after I've downed that chocolate, and it's just enough to make me stop.

I feel SO good!!!! :D :D :D Thanks again for your support today, Milliem and pangelsue2. I read your posts at a time when I was really wavering and it gave me that little extra nudge that I needed to stay on track! Now I know why everyone says having a support system is so important. It really does make a difference! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:45 pm
by Pangelsue2
Hang in there, gk. Hanging in there on the tough days teaches you more than hanging in there on the easy days. Tough days are the time to question motives for eating. KCCC just wrote on her thread: "If hunger is not the problem, eating is not the answer." This could be a break through day for you if you don't want to diet but you do it anyway. Could be very powerful. You are on the right track with the plan to keep busy. Good luck.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:39 pm
by milliem
Oh oh *jumps up and down* I know I know! Was it cereal?!!

We all have bad motivation days gk, doesn't mean they have to turn into a bad eating day! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:23 pm
by gk
milliem wrote:Oh oh *jumps up and down* I know I know! Was it cereal?!!

We all have bad motivation days gk, doesn't mean they have to turn into a bad eating day! :)
LOL!! :lol: Yes, you are right - raisin bran, it is. :D

My bad motivation day is teetering on the edge of becoming a bad eating day. UGH! You know, how some days you just. don't. care.????? Well, that would be ME today. The last piece of chocolate pie from my S day is wickedly laughing at me from across the house. An orange helped my sweet tooth for lunch.....I don't know about tonight!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:24 pm
by gk
Pangelsue2 wrote:Hang in there, gk. Hanging in there on the tough days teaches you more than hanging in there on the easy days. Tough days are the time to question motives for eating. KCCC just wrote on her thread: "If hunger is not the problem, eating is not the answer." This could be a break through day for you if you don't want to diet but you do it anyway. Could be very powerful. You are on the right track with the plan to keep busy. Good luck.
Very motivational - thank you! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:06 pm
by moderatemeals
Hi gk -
Thanks for the note! Yes, schedule is still crazy with kids off of school. I definitely am not doing vanilla No S successfully but I seem to be doing okay with 3 meals and then some form of a snack after dinner. I'd love to get to vanilla No S but I don't know if that is realistic for me. I keep going back and forth because when it clicks, it feels great but it is a bit of a struggle for me to only have 3 meals per day. I think I'd actually prefer to have 3 meals and one snack per day and then have that be my goal for the week -- and I'll have my treats on the weekends only.

How's it going for you with the planned snack?
Have a great day!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:49 pm
by gk

I'd have ALOT of red days right now if I didn't have the planned snack. I think right now that is what will work for me, for two reasons.....

1) It's gonna take a while for my body to get used to having food only three times a day....for some reason that little snack around 4:00 helps me every time.


2) It's summertime, so our days are longer. Dinner's so much later and I'm up alot later every night...just makes for a long day when you have only three meals (at least for me right now).

It sounds like you're doing exactly what I'm doing right now....3 meals/day and one snack, with treats on weekend. I think that's a good compromise for the summer, don't you? We'll have 3 months of that (a good base) and then tackle a little stricter plan come fall. Keep up the great work!! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:52 pm
by gk
Wednesday -

I always feel better when I reach Wednesday. I feel like if I've reached mid-week, surely I can do just a few more.....

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch: YIKES

Snack: YIKES

Dinner: YIKES

Well, I must have a very short memory. I felt so good resisting yesterday and today I dove off the wagon without a second thought. A couple things happened that turned me sour and I just didn't care. Oh well. Tomorrow's another day.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:04 pm
by milliem
Hooray, well done for staying NoS yesterday gk! I hope you allowed yourself a giant smug grin :D

NoS doesn't actually specify how many meals you should eat, I suppose it's just important to be aware that the more meals you eat the more chance there is that you'll eat 'too much' throughout the day.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:49 am
by Over43
Where has GK been?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:25 am
by gk
Over43 wrote:Where has GK been?
Well, let's see....I had another one of my diet tantrums again.. :x :x :x ...quite a doozy, I might add. It started before our vacation to Wisconsin Dells and carried on through the entire trip. Just got back tonight.

I refrained from posting, as I didn't want to provoke anyone's gag reflex from my whole "I don't want to diet anymore....waa...waa...waa....whining bit". Heck, I coulda just cut and pasted from previous posts....I've sure typed it enough. :roll:

I weighed myself.....surprise, surprise....I'm back to my starting weight. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I haven't stopped chewing since my last post????

I guess it's time for me to push away from the trough and get a grip. But maybe I'll just have ONE more piece of chocolate before I do...... :wink: :lol:

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be back with y'all come Monday.... :)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:04 am
by r.jean
I always come back to my old mantra that maintenance is progress. I was a little overweight now and again in my 20s, but serious weight gain started in the mid 30s. If I had maintained the slightly overweight, I would not be where I am today.

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:53 pm
by gk
Thanks r.jean! That's about where I am right now.....a little overweight, but if I don't watch it, it will turn into something more!

My last day before diving in again tomorrow. I've been debating starting slowly, as suggested in his book (or rather, if I remember correctly, he states some people have tried this approach with success)....start each habit individually. I'd probably start with 21 days of no seconds....then add no snacks...then no sweets. I feel like that's an incredibly slow approach, but whenever I start with vanilla no S, I always seem to crack after a week or so. I've read on the bulletin how people strongly urge going vanilla with no mods to start it's important......Hmmmm.....decisions, decisions...

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:26 pm
by milliem
Welcome back gk! I haven't exactly been 'off' NoS but have been on holiday so just had... 9 S days in a row, eek! I'm wondering how easy it will be to get back into N days tomorrow...

Vanilla NoS can include a slow work-up to it though... maybe try a week of adding each 'S' rather than 21 days and see how it goes? It is quite important to aim for Vanilla but motivation is important, and if you feel down or discouraged by regular failures then maybe a slightly slower or adapted approach is better for you :) Good luck tomorrow!

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:03 am
by gk
Thanks Milliem!

After your input in addition to the advice given on the main discussion board (thank you DaveMc), I think I'm gonna do this the slow, but best, way for me and really focus on forming SOLID habits.....

I'll add an S every three weeks. I'll start with Seconds, then Snacks, then Sweets. My habits are so awful when it comes to food (and have been for half my life!) that it's evidently gonna take some real solid groundwork to make this a long-term success for me.

However, I must remember that even though I am allowed the occasional snack and sweet to begin with, that does not give me the green light to have snacks and sweets on and off all day since they are technically allowed at first (yep, my head will go there). SO, I will still log my food intake each day to help avoid excess. And, I think my guidelines to follow will be an optional small snack in the a.m. and p.m. and a small sweet with lunch and dinner. Anything else will bring me a red day.

I'm also dusting off my No S book and re-reading it.....I think it'll do me some good.

I feel good about this decision and am looking forward to starting it with this new approach!

Good luck to all reading! Have a great week! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:34 am
by gk
Day 1 - Monday - Success

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Snack: Triscuits/cheese, sunflower seeds

Lunch: PBJ sandwich, sun chips, grapes, carrots, one serving Hershey chocolate

Snack: Animal crackers, almonds

Supper: Lasagna, bread/butter, 1/2 small orange, sun chips, one serving Hershey chocolate

Seems like alot of food, but none of my plates were mounding....just full to the edge. The snacks definately helped me with hunger and the chocolate kept my sweeth tooth in check. Having the other two S's, made my one-plate-only rule a cinch.

I feel like I'm eating way too much for being on a diet, but I need to remember that I'm establishing the habit of sitting down to a meal and being satisified with ONE plate. However, I also need to remember not to eat when I'm not hungry, just cuz I can. (I ate a big supper even though I wasn't that hungry, because I was afraid I might get hungry later.)

Throughout the next 21 days I will just slowly minimize the amount of food at each meal. I'll also probably omit the second snack after my second week, so when the time comes, no snacks will be an easy transition.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:25 pm
by milliem
Well done! Sounds like you have a sensible plan for ramping up to Vanilla :)