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**Shamrockmommy's Sane and Logical**

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 1:24 am
by FarmerHal
Back again. I've tried atkins, general low carb, just saying f'it LOL, counting calories, counting carbs... :roll: It's enough to make me insane!
Still emphasizing on gluten free and low carb for most of my meals.

NO SECONDS< NO SNACKING! And of course limited sweets on S and special days.

Need to also jog 3x a week in addition to my daily walks with Echo the dog.

B: Skillet with cheese, coffee/cream
L: bunless whopper, small fries, tea
D: chili, cornbread square, butter, coconut milk.

It's sunday but I don't have muc in the way of stuff for S's so maybe so me maple syrup on the cornbread.

Glad to be back, wouldn't it be great with stick with it?? LOL

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:07 am
by KareBear
I know how you feel, this is like my 20th attempt. I am just completing my 2nd week and I really do feel so much better, just about me in general.

Hang in there Tiffani, you can do this. Keep it simple cuz if you are anything like me, after a little while on No S, you start to think things are moving too slowly and I end up MOD'ing myself to death and then I'm off habit. Just focus on the habit and be nice to yourself!!! Celebrate EVERY VICTORY (just not with Have a GREAT WEEK and welcome BACK. :D


Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 12:42 pm
by kccc
Welcome back! :)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:54 am
by FarmerHal
Thanks guys!!

Yesterday was a flop. Did well till mid afternoon. The kids were just compoletely wild yesterday, who knows why and I didn't cope well and had a bowl of popcorn.

Today went well. Steak/coffe for breakfast
Tuna salad sandwich with celery, red pepper strips, carrots, grapes and strawberries and a handful of almonds. (holy fiber! I was full!)

Supper GF fried chicken, rice and carrots.

Having a decaf coffee with coconut cream and cinnamon.

Super full, will probably be able to get portions under control when I (once again!) feel like I won't starve somehow between meals!