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Suzanne's Daily Check In

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:26 pm
by Lilzui
Hey All!

New to this, discovered No S whilst looking up low fat potatoes on Google! (btw they're called Vivaldi!!!). Actually started the weekend just gone so was pretty lucky, however, today is my first official N'day! So far so good. :D

Not sure how to go about this, but I'll begin by describing a little about myself (without boring you I hope)....

Live in the UK, female, 18 still @ College. Have always been slightly chubby, although looking back @ photos I was pretty average! Was also quite active in school, loved tennis, great way to shape up and get a tan @ the same time! However, since leaving school my weight has slowly but surely crept up. This was due to basically eating whatever I wanted. I'm not generally unhealthy but my biggest vices are sweets and choccies! :twisted:

Although I have never been on one of those 'fad diets', I have nevertheless tried various ways to lose excess pounds. I joined the gym, cut back majorly on food and lost a bit of weight. Sucess! But I was young and wanted a life so got bored and 'gave up'. :oops:

I enjoyed people complementing me on my appearance, but a part of me was annoyed that people placed such high values on physical appearance.
So in a way I was cutting of my nose to spite my face by not bothering to continue with my goal.

To be honest with you, I am quite happy with my appearance and I like to think I dress to flatter my curvy figure. Yet I would love to feel free and comfortable in my skin and not worry that my flab is on show. Also want to tone up and get fit!

Will be running for a few charities this year so this is a better time than ever to pick up where I left off. Started going gym again early this year but realised I was exercising to make up for my sloppy eating habits. Cannot be bogged down by those 'fad diets' and the whole idea of Weight Watches drives me crazy. My sister is currently on it and spends loads each week on 'healthy' foods (i.e. Quorn, she's not even vegetarian!) and she pays to get weighed! :roll:

Therefore, No S could not have come at a better time for me! It's so simple and basically common sense. I did not want to follow a 'diet' but needed a little structure and discipline. Having barely started it is already having an impact on me. I am learning to listen to my body and eat only when I'm hungry and not out of sheer boredom. Knowing I can look forward to a meal at a certain time is amazing. :lol:

Sorry about the long story, but I guess I needed to share it with likeminded people! I understand that this way will be a slower process than others; however, I believe this is the only way to continue for the rest of your life!

Not sure it is conveniant to check in every day but will post once a week to comment on progress.

Wish me luck.....!!! :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:05 am
by carolejo
Wow! If you think that's a long story, you should see me or Deb when we get going! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice to meet you, Lilzui. Good luck and welcome to NoS.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:44 pm
by Lilzui

So been kinda busy last few days so quite a delay on updating my post!

Mon: SUCCESS 2hrs @ Gym
Tues: FAILURE (relative made me some bread & butter pudding, couldn't resist, would've been rude!) 2hrs @ Gym
Thurs: SUCCESS 2hrs @ Gym
Fri: SUCCESS 2 hrs @ Gym
Sat: Normal'ish day, one treat (Lindt Lindor chocolate, yum! Urgh, but went out so bit of alchohol!) 20 min fast past walk 2 work!
Sun: Big binge, didn't get up till late, so went out for an all day brekkie @ 3pm and then a McDonalds McFlurry! But didn't eat much for rest of the day!)
Mon: SUCCESS 1 1/2 hrs @ Gym
Tues: SUCCESS so far, but today is Shrove Tuesday or Pancake day so will prob have a couple with dinner later on, noooooo......!) 2 1/2 hrs @ Gym!

So all in all not such a bad week, but will try to manage a full 21 days of No S! Think I've manage to loose altogether about 8 lbs since beginning of Feb! YAY!